Friday, June 28, 2024
HomeNews ReportsDeceased Aurangzeb looted jewelry and cash at gunpoint, tried to rape women: Aligarh's victim...

Deceased Aurangzeb looted jewelry and cash at gunpoint, tried to rape women: Aligarh’s victim narrates ordeal as propagandists spin it as religious mob lynching

According to the victim, when they cried for help, people from the locality and surrounding areas gathered. Seeing themselves surrounded, all the suspects started to flee.

A tense situation has been prevailing, for some time, in the Aligarh district of Uttar Pradesh following the suspicious death of a person named Aurangzeb, alias Mohammad Farid, on Tuesday (18th June 2024). Based on a complaint filed by Aurangzeb’s brother after his death, the police registered an FIR against 10 suspects. Six of the accused have been sent to jail. While the complainant described his brother Aurangzeb as a cook, the family of the accused said he was a thief.

The wife of an accused who was sent to jail has submitted a written complaint to the police against Aurangzeb. In the complaint, she made serious allegations against Aurangzeb and his three accomplices, including barging into their house, stealing, molesting the women of the house, and taking the family members hostage. While speaking with OpIndia, the victim reiterated her allegations. The complaint letter is addressed to the SHO of Gandhi Park police station in Aligarh.

In her written complaint, the woman stated that around 10 PM on Tuesday (18th June), her husband noticed a noise coming from the roof. At the same time, 4-5 armed men barged into their house through the stairs. The armed intruders took the victim and her family hostage in a room, threatening to shoot and kill everyone if they called for help. When the intruders demanded cash and jewelry, the terrified victim took them out of the safe and handed them over.

It is said that the robbers looted Rs 2,50,000 to 3,00,000 from their house. They handed this money to some of their accomplices who were on the roof. One of these accomplices is identified as Jameel, also known as Alfa Tailor. After giving the looted money and jewelry to Jameel, two suspects re-entered the victim’s house. They then grabbed the victim and another woman in the house with malicious intentions. Both the accused tore the clothes of the victims and attempted to rape them.

According to the victim, when they cried for help, people from the locality and surrounding areas gathered. Seeing themselves surrounded, all the suspects started to flee. One of them even fired at the neighbours, creating a chaotic situation. During this commotion, one of the fleeing robbers fell on the stairs and got injured, while his accomplices managed to escape. The injured person turned out to be Aurangzeb, alias Mohammad Farid. The neighbours caught hold of him and started questioning him.

According to the victim, when the neighbours questioned him, the accused Aurangzeb revealed the names of his accomplices as Salman, Tufail, Asif, and Jameel alias Alfa Tailor. Aurangzeb further said that he and his gang conduct reconnaissance in Hindu-populated areas to identify wealthy families. They had done a recce of the victim’s house for four days. When the police were informed about the matter, they reached the spot and took Aurangzeb with them.

The victim has demanded strict action against Farid alias Aurangzeb and his accomplices. Along with the victim, members of several Hindu organisations in Aligarh have also demanded that an FIR be registered and action be taken against the named accused. A copy of the victim’s complaint is available with OpIndia. In this regard, the OpIndia team has also spoken to the victim to understand the reality of the incident.

The victim told OpIndia that the robbers had also taken her 8-year-old child hostage. Fearing for her child’s life, they handed over all their savings to the thieves. During the conversation, the victim reiterated the allegations made in her written complaint. Speaking to the media, Aligarh’s SP City Mrigank Shekhar stated that a case has not yet been registered based on the complaint provided by the accused’s wife.

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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