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HomeNews ReportsPune: Salman, Sultan, and Aslam among 9 booked for brutally attacking a Dalit Hindu...

Pune: Salman, Sultan, and Aslam among 9 booked for brutally attacking a Dalit Hindu activist over his association with BJP. Read FIR details

The sections imposed by the Police on the accused persons are 307, 324, 323, 143, 147, 148 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860, sections 4 and 25 of the Arms Act, 1959; sections 37(1), 135 of the Maharashtra Police Act, 1951 and sections 3(1)(2) and 3(1)(10) of the SC/ST Act, 1989. The FIR copy of the said incident has been obtained by OpIndia.

On Monday, 24th June, Khadak Police Station in the Pune district of Maharashtra booked 9 Islamists identified as Atul Khan, Salman Sheikh, Sultan Sheikh, Aslam Patel, Asif Sheikh, and 4 others for a deadly attack on a Hindu Dalit activist. The accused mobilised ruffians and attacked Akshay, breaking his thumb and leaving him severely injured. The accused persons are said to have attacked Dhavre given his claimed association with the BJP. The victim also works as a Hindu-Dalit activist and is known for raising his voice against Islamists in the region.

The sections imposed by the Police on the accused persons are 307, 324, 323, 143, 147, 148 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860, sections 4 and 25 of the Arms Act, 1959; sections 37(1), 135 of the Maharashtra Police Act, 1951 and sections 3(1)(2) and 3(1)(10) of the SC/ST Act, 1989. The FIR copy of the said incident has been obtained by OpIndia.

As per the complaint, the incident is said to have happened on 23rd June, Sunday when the victim and his friends were having tea on the Shankarsheth Road. The accused persons, from nowhere arrived on the spot on bikes and began issuing threats to Akshay. “Today we’ll do with him. He is God for many Dalits in Lohiyanagar. Earlier two attempts to kill him were foiled. Not this time,” the accused persons were heard saying as mentioned in the FIR.

The accused persons also demeaned Dalits and said that lower caste people were equivalent to their shoes. The accused persons used iron rods and sharp weapons to launch an attack on the victim. Accuse Atul Khan attacked Akshay’s head while he foiled the attack by defending himself with his right hand. During this, he lost his thumb as it broke apart his palm.

Later, Salman Sheikh and Asif Sheikh attacked the victim from behind resulting in severe injuries on his head and back. Also, the other accused persons assaulted the victim and his friends after which the latter ran to save their lives. Meanwhile, the accused persons followed the victim and his friends and said, “Hum yaha ke baap hai. Hamare khilaf agar koi bolega to hum use jinda nhi chodenge (We rule over this locality. We won’t spare anyone who would talk against us).”

The complaint has been lodged by Nagesh Dhavre, brother of the victim. He said that the accused persons also tried to attack him but he somehow saved his life. “We were all running towards seven Love Chowk in Pune to save our lives. The accused also ran behind us. They attacked us. Later when we yelled for help, they all fled from the spot,” Nagesh said.

The victim lay in pain near the hotel where he was having tea. He was immediately taken to the Sassoon Hospital where he is undergoing treatment.

Brother Nagesh confirms 3 arrests, demands strict action

Team OpIndia talked to the complainant Nagesh who confirmed that the accused persons attacked Akshay only because he stood by Hindu Dalit victims and raised his voice against the Islamist goons. “Akshay is a Hindu activist and he engages in social work. He has to date been the voice of several Hindu Dalit activists who have faced problems at the hands of Muslims. He also is associated with the BJP,” Nagesh said while exclusively talking to OpIndia.

He further added that the Islamists have tried to attack and kill Akshay several times in the past but fortunately, their attempts were foiled. “This time they had planned this and they came out of nowhere while we were having tea. They threatened Akshay and also me and his friends for helping the Hindu Dalit persons in Pune and around the area. They broke his finger. He is in severe pain. Doctors are treating him,” he added.

On asking about the police action, he said that several complaints had been made to the police against Islamists after they threatened Akshay, and tried to attack him, but no action was ever taken. “The police have booked 9 persons of which 3 are believed to have been arrested. We demand strict action against all those involved,” he said.

As informed to OpIndia by Nagesh, 3 persons are said to have been arrested by the police in the case, but the same could not be confirmed by the police. OpIndia contacted Khadak Police Station to get updates on the case, but no authoritative information could be obtained. The subordinates restricted themselves from sharing information or even confirming the arrests. The case is being investigated. Further updates will soon be revealed.

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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