BJP MLA’s daughter’s husband ‘roughed up’, another couple ‘kidnapped’ from premises of the Allahabad High Court

BJP MLA Rajesh Mishra's daughter Sakshi and her husband Ajitesh

Ajitesh, BJP MLA Rajesh Mishra’s daughter Sakshi’s husband was allegedly roughed up at the premises of Allahabad High Court today. The couple had reached the High Court to seek protection.
The couple’s lawyer while speaking to the media said that now it’s evident that the couple is facing a threat to their lives. He said that men who had roughed up Ajitesh were not known.
Meanwhile, another ‘kidnapping’ case that was reported this morning from Allahabad High Court premises as well. Prayagraj Police had confirmed the kidnapping and said that they have caught the vehicle.
According to an eyewitness, a couple was abducted at 8:30 am in a black SUV at gunpoint. It has now been reported that the abductors have been nabbed by the police in Fatehpur. The couple have been rescued safely.
Today several reports suggested that BJP MLA Rajesh Mishra’s daughter, Sakshi Mishra, and her husband were kidnapped at gunpoint outside Allahabad court this morning. However, it was later known that these were two separate incidents.

Sakshi Mishra had married a Dalit man named Ajitesh Kumar alias Abhi. Videos posted by Sakshi had gone viral a few days ago. She claimed that the couple were facing threat to their lives from her father and his men. She had demanded security for herself and her husband. She had even filed a petition in the Allahabad High Court seeking the same.

Rajesh Mishra has however denied allegations of threatening her. He did have objections to her marriage but said that she has the right to make her decisions. Meanwhile, the priest of the temple where Sakshi was supposedly married said that no such marriage had taken place.

OpIndia Staff: Staff reporter at OpIndia