Delhi anti-CAA riots: Amidst chants of ‘Allah Hu Akbar’ and ‘Nara e Taqbeer’, Hindu man killed by a Muslim mob in Brahmapuri

Muslim mobs have once again gone on a rampage in Delhi, images via Twitter

The National Capital of the country was in the throes of unprecedented violence and rioting as the Muslim anti-CAA rioters went on a rampage in Delhi against the Citizenship Law, seeking to draw international attention amidst the high-profile visit of US President Donald Trump.

Incidents of violence, arson, stone-pelting were reported from several parts of the city, especially northeast Delhi as anti-CAA protesters went on pelting stones, vandalising and attacking shops and markets.

The videos of the clashes made it to the Internet. Social media is abuzz with disconcerting videos from Delhi in which anti-CAA protesters are seen brazenly indulging in acts of violence and arson. In one such video that is going viral on the Internet, the body of a Hindu activist was seen being dragged to the far end of a street in Brahmapuri even as the violent Muslim mob passionately shouts slogans of “Nara e Taqbeer, Allahu Akbar”. A bike parked nearby is also seen being torched by the anti-CAA rioters.
In another video of the same incident, the person who appears to have recorded the clip says that Muslims in Brahmapuri neighbourhood of Delhi have sent a body of a Hindu activist with a message that such bodies will be delivered to them throughout the night. “Muslims have a sent a body of our Hindu brother in the lane number 1 of Brahmapuri with a message that we are going to send such bodies all night long,” the man says. As per social media reports, the murdered man is a local Hindu activist named Vinod.
In the video, one can also see a man trying to wake the murdered man up, hoping that he is breathing and can be revived. However, he does not respond, appearing to have succumbed to his injuries. It has now been confirmed that a Hindu activist named Vinod had died in the clashes that broke out in Delhi’s Brahmapuri area.

Body of murdered hindu man Vinod in Delhi’s Brahmapuri area, image via Twitter

Earlier yesterday, several Muslim anti-CAA rioters went on a rampage clashing with Pro-CAA groups in Maujpur near Jaffrabad. Soon, Muslim mobs had taken to the streets in several areas of Delhi, pelting stones, setting shops, vehicles to fire and even firing bullets on policemen. Heavy stone-pelting and vandalism of public property has been reported in several areas. The man who opened fire at the police officials was later identified as one Shahrukh.

Read: Anti-CAA riots in Delhi: Tyre market gutted, section 144 in several places, home minister holds urgent meeting

A Delhi police constable named Ratan Lal lost his life in the riots that ensued in Delhi in wake of the protests against the Citizenship Amendment Act. DCP Shahdara Amit Sharma was seriously injured during stone-pelting by the Muslim mob in Delhi’s Gokulpuri.

The violence escalated and spread to other regions of Delhi where anti-CAA protesters ran riot, engaging in violent skirmishes with pro-CAA supporters and law enforcement personnel.

OpIndia Staff: Staff reporter at OpIndia