‘Take 4-5 bouncers with you to instil fear among the govt authorities’: Maharashtra Congress chief Balasaheb Thorat advises Congress workers

Balasaheb Thorat(Source: Free press journal)

At a review meeting of the coronavirus crisis in Solapur, Maharashtra Congress President Balasaheb Thorat asked his party workers to be tough with the government officers by taking 4-5 bullies with them. He suggested the district party workers to take the help of toughies in order to get their work done.

“The Government authorities should fear us. We should have some grip over the administration. Take 4-5 guys along with you to instil this fear,” Thorat said while addressing the local Congress cadres in Solapur.


Before Thorat, Congress MLA Yashomati Thakur, who was also present in the meeting, echoed similar sentiments, asking Congress workers to be overly aggressive while dealing with the authorities.

“If your work is not getting done, create a ruckus. Nobody understands the language of request. You have got the right to snatch it. Every leader has to take care of his taluka. There should be no complain from your side. We will support you,” Thakur said.

The meeting was attended by the Minister for Women and Child Development, Adv. Yashomati Thakur, Minister Dattatraya Bharane, Collector Milind Shambharkar, Commissioner of Police Ankush Shinde, Municipal Commissioner P. Shivshankar, District Superintendent of Police Manoj Patil, Zilla Parishad Chief Executive Officer Prakash Vaichal.

Thorat also added that the state is going through a raging pandemic and the infection is rapidly spreading because of the foreign nationals. He asserted that though the spread of coronavirus in Mumbai is on the mend, it is on the rise in other regions of the state.

OpIndia Staff: Staff reporter at OpIndia