Days after justifying Paris beheading, Imran Khan writes to Facebook seeking ban on ‘Islamophobic content’, whines against India

Imran Khan wrote to Mark Zuckerberg asking for a ban on Islamophobic content on Facebook (Image: Indian Express | Facebook)

The Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan, has written a letter to Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook and urged him to ban Islamophobic content on the social media platform. In his letter, he attacked India by mentioning CAA, NRC and Jammu, and Kashmir, alleging that India is denying rights to Muslims. He alleged that growing Islamophobia encourages hate, extremism, and violence, especially through social media platforms, including Facebook.

He said, “In India, anti-Muslim laws and measures such and CAA and NRC, as well as targeted killings of Muslims and blaming Muslims for coronavirus, are reflective of the abominable phenomenon of Islamophobia.” He further mentioned France and said, “In France, Islam has been associated with terrorism and publication of blasphemous cartoons targeting Islam and holy Prophet has been allowed.” Khan had also tried to justify the beheading of the teacher in France recently in a statement at UNGA.

Khan appreciated the ban Facebook has imposed on a post criticizing or questioning the Holocaust and demanded a similar ban on the posts that are alleged Islamophobic. He said, “I would ask you to place a similar ban on Islamophobia and hate against Islam for Facebook that you have put in place for the Holocaust.” In a recent update, Facebook has updated its hate speech policy and imposed a ban on any content that denied or distorted the Holocaust.

Imran Khan’s letter to Mark Zuckerberg urging him to ban Islamophobic content on Facebook

He said that one could not send a message that while hate messages against one segment of the society are unacceptable while against others is acceptable. “Nor should the world have to wait for a pogrom against Muslims, which is ongoing in countries like India and in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir, to be completed before Islamophobia is banned.” He further added that such prejudice and bias would encourage further radicalization.

In the letter, like all the international communications and addresses since the day he assumed power, Imran Khan kept whining against India.

Pakistan’s continuous attempt to interfere in India’s internal matters

On several International platforms, Pakistan has attempted to poke its nose in India’s internal matters such as Jammu and Kashmir and now constitutionally passed Citizen Amendment Act. In reality, CAA has nothing to do with Muslims and it does not deny citizenship to anyone. The law was passed only to provide immediate support to refugees that have faced religious prosecution in three neighbouring countries named Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh.

Foreign Ministry officials on the international platform have rubbished Pakistan’s anti-India propaganda on several occasions. In recent times, India used exercised its Right to Reply’ at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) to counterattack the misleading narrative put forth by Pakistan and called it out on sectarian violence, forced conversion of minorities including Hindus, and illegal occupation of PoK.

OpIndia Staff: Staff reporter at OpIndia