‘You kill Balochi, you kill Hazara’: UK’s Free Palestine protestor clashes with Pakistani protestors. Watch

Screengrab of the viral video

On Saturday (May 22), thousands of demonstrators hit the streets in London to express their solidarity with Palestine, amidst the ongoing conflict with Israel. During the protests, a fight broke out between a pro-Palestine Pakistani supporter and another UK-based pro-Palestine supporter.

Popular vlogger Paul Brown shared the video of the confrontation on his Twitter account. In the video, a Palestine supporter could be heard holding a Pakistani man accountable for the killing of Hazaras and Balochis in his own country. While shredding his duplicity on human rights issues, the Palestine supporter argued, “You are killing Balochis. You are murderers. Hazaras, you kill them. F*ck you. Terrorist Pakistan.”

The enraged Palestine supporter then pointed fingers at the Pakistani man, who was seen waving his country’s flag. “No, it is not a Muslim issue. F*ck you,” he said. The Pakistani man then replied in kind. The Palestine supporter said, “Why do we have a terrorist flag here? You are killing Balochis. F*ck you. Terrorist Pakistan. F*ck you Paki.”


The Pakistani man, who was clearly caught off guard, then resorted to sloganeering to avoid responding to the allegations of atrocities committed against the people of Balochistan. “Pakistan Zindabad,” the man yelled. According to Paul Brown, the police did not intervene to pacify the situation.

It must be mentioned that during the pro-Palestine protests, thousands of demonstrators marched from Victoria Embankment to Hyde Park. Labour party leader Jeremy Corbyn also took part in the march.

The Israel-Palestine conflict

The hostilities between the Jewish nation and its nemesis Hamas are at an all-time high, especially after the intense aerial exchanges that started on the evening of May 11 and continued well past midnight. On May 11, Palestinian terrorist organisation Hamas unleashed massive airstrikes against Israel, firing hundreds of rockets inside the country. The country’s air defence system known as the Iron Dome, intercepted the continuous barrage of rockets targeting Tel Aviv and central Israel.

The death toll in the Gaza strip has risen to 230 by May 21 while 12 casualties were reported on the Israeli side. At the same time, 20 high-profile terrorists associated with Hamas and Palestine Islamic Jihad have been neutralised. On May 21, the State of Israel and terrorist outfit Hamas mutually agreed upon a ceasefire along the Gaza strip after 11 days of continuous fighting. As per reports, the ceasefire agreement was mediated by Egypt.

OpIndia Staff: Staff reporter at OpIndia