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HomeNews ReportsCan’t beat the anti-India campaigns backed by billions? Join them and tap their funds

Can’t beat the anti-India campaigns backed by billions? Join them and tap their funds

RW hacks should set up NGOs in stealth mode, preferably staffed with patriotic and nationalist minorities, backwards and Dalits, to draw funds from Soros, Omidyar, Ford foundation, BBC and all other such “investors”

There is a very popular saying in the western world – if you can’t beat them, join them! Maybe India should do that with George Soros & co! Am I talking nonsense? What am I saying?

Let me explain!

Before that, let me highlight a small story from the famed Asterix comics series. To me the Blackadder series, Asterix, Yes Minister, Two Ronnies etc hold valuable lessons and anecdotes, not to speak of jokes, that apply forever across cultures.

In one of the Asterix comics, titled “Mansion of the Gods”. Julius Caesar tries to defeat the village of Asterix, the last holdout against the mighty Roman empire, by building a huge city in the forest next to their village. After initially trying to defeat the plan by attacking the builders, and failing, Asterix & co think up a better plan. They join them! By sending a few villagers to live in the new city. One of them is the horribly out of tune village bard, Cacofonix. I will not spoil the plot anymore by continuing, you can buy the book!

That is exactly what I am suggesting. Instead of the current whack-a-mole strategy of taking on the anti-India forces one by one and finding new ones pop up a few feet away, why not just join them?

Before I elaborate further on the plan, let me discuss why it is so hard to defeat the anti-India lobby with any other plan.

It is demand and supply stupid!

There is a huge amount of anti-Hindu and anti-India dollars and euros out there looking for avenues to “invest”. Just as VC capital looks for startups to fund. In boom years, these funds even get invested in useless deals that everyone suspects will bomb from day 1. But because funds have been raised and targets to be met by the manager. If not, he doesn’t get his next quarter bonus. It’s like Poojary’s loan mela.

Right now, it is boom time – or “Amrti Kaal” as Modi puts it. No, I am not talking about Indian economy and cultural renaissance. It is Amrit Kaal for anti-India forces since Modi is ruling. Never has so much been set aside for regime change. It is a blank cheque – the sky is the limit – just get him out. Or as Mani Shankar Aiyar will put it, “Inko hataayiye, hamein laayiye!”.

These funds that want Modi out has a variety of sources – regime change warriors like George Soros, Evangelist and Church lobbies, do-gooders filled with white man’s guilt, Billionaires that just have too much cash and too little to do, Crypto billionaires that made too much in too short a time, weirdos that think Maoist ideologies that their own countries rejected are ideal for dark Indians, Middle Eastern Islamist lobbies, arms makers pissed off that their deals are off, competitor nations trying to put a spoke in the wheel, list goes on.

The “exit plan” is simple – India that is poor, in anarchy and chaos, fulfilling Malthusian prophecies and “told you so” predictions, proudly showcasing slums and snake charmers to visiting dignitaries, dependent on their aid dollars, ashamed of their faith and history, ready to embrace the “true Lord”.  And of course, ruled by the same fascist families that kept it there.

Now, who will they “invest” these funds with?

They can of course fund a few Audrey Truschkes – but this comes with inherent risks. A white lady telling us how to do things will only go so far. The game will be up once it moves away from JNU campuses and reaches the heartlands.

The best is if they can find brown coolies that can carry the message. They offer plausible deniability. They can exploit internal fault lines better. If they happen to be rootless and faithless commies that loath their own skins, even better. On the surface, it may appear weird that hardcore capitalists like Ford, Bezos or Soros are funding Maoist or Stalinist ideologues. But remember, their home economies, balance sheets and Corporates are insulated from the fringe left ideologies they sponsor. They are safe. The poison and the sewage are for us to drink. It is the ideological equivalent of toxic ships, garbage and other junk that get exported to the third world for processing.

Once the word is out that there is a fund with a few hundred million dollars looking for “suitable” candidates, the rest is easy. There is a stampede. Just think of the number of history, social “science”, political “science” graduates JNU etc churn out, unfit for any productive job. We are in a country where a job listing for a few peons by Indian Railways attracts millions of applications. Even PhDs and postgraduates will apply, amply testifying the value of their degrees in social “science” or history.

Whack a mole doesn’t work

India’s reaction so far has been, well, reactive. We wait for someone to say or do something, then desperately try to lash out. Or present dossiers. Try point facts. Play victim. It just doesn’t work because the target is too far away, too secure, and moreover, too many. The left relishes this attention because it furthers their own reach, visibility and goals. On top of that, we don’t control the Western or even Indian media and its narratives.

We have been whacking moles that pop up relentlessly and growing tired.

Ignoring is one good strategy but is not effective if as I pointed out, we don’t control the narrative. The stench they manage to spread becomes self-fulfilling prophecies and regime change usually follows.

Hence the new plan! Why not join them?

Exploit the demand-supply gap!

My suggestion is simple. Just flood the market. Exactly as Asterix and his villagers did. In fact, in another comic from the same series, they create an oversupply of menhirs to flood the market and defeat Caesar’s plan of corrupting them. Create so much supply, demand is sucked dry!

RW hacks should set up NGOs in stealth mode, preferably staffed with patriotic and nationalist minorities, backwards and Dalits, to write articles that an Arundhati, Dhanya, Varadarajan or Ranaa write. In fact, they can use ChatGPT to write it. It is so easy.

Send them to Soros, Omidyar, Ford foundation, BBC and all other such “investors” and try secure funding and sponsorship. Once funds arrive rinse and repeat. Train more to do the same, pro-bono. Every week the investors must be flooded with hundreds, if not thousands of typical bleeding heart, anti-Hindu/Modi/India material saying essentially the same thing in slightly different ways. Some can be in regional languages so that you may get funded even without someone reading it! Online portals that can easily replicate the “successful” leftist ones can be set up too to act as funding magnets.

I say employ Dalits, backwards and minorities because Soros types will be faced with a choice – do they continue to fund the Chianti bottles and business class tickets of upper caste/class coolies at high cost or use the cheaper alternative from the real deprived classes? If they don’t accept, the victim card can be played. To get more bang for their buck, they may very well choose the alternative. It also brings competition to the market and reduces earnings of the “genuine” fringe frauds – something quite desirable as they may give up and pick other hopefully useful ways to earn their keep. Or join the Congress like Kanhaiya did.

I can tell you, why one billion, even a hundred billion dollars set aside to topple Modi will get sucked in like a cup of water in the Thar desert once we get going. It will boost jobs, consumption, and growth.

You may point out a risk – that this may indeed work too well and all that propaganda, both real and fake will end up causing regime change. Well, that is a risk but quite a low one. Because as Jairam Ramesh, the intellectual genius pointed out, our Nehruvian heritage will protect us from being influenced. How many read Dhanya Rajendran and decide who to vote for? Most likely their mind is already made up.

I suspect Soros, Ford & co will simply get too tired processing the millions of applications and material that floods their inbox and move on to more convenient targets. Just as Julius Caesar did.

True Amrit Kaal indeed!

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Ganesh R
Ganesh R
Ganesh is a software consultant who has spent the last few decades overseas for work. But he is very much an Indian citizen and deeply connected to India. He likes to share his perspectives and opinions which are based on personal experiences, extensive travel and interaction with various cultures.

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