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Fact Check: The Wire peddles lies, claims ‘Pune school Principal thrashed for conducting ‘Dear Lord’ prayers, no CCTV in girls’ washroom’, here is what police say

Police have confirmed that DY Patil High School's principal Alexander Ried was trashed by people and suspended by management for installing CCTV cameras inside girls' washroom

A day after OpIndia exclusively reported about the incident of CCTV cameras being installed in the girls’ washroom area of a private convent school named DY Patil High School from Ambi, Pune, leftist media channels like the Wire and other Islamist social media accounts are peddling false news saying that ‘no cameras were installed in the washroom and that the school principal was assaulted as he conducted Christian prayers’.

“The parents decided to make an issue out of a non-issue, involve local vigilante groups and attack the principal. This, the parents and the Hindutva activist twisted into something perverse. They claimed cameras have been set up inside the toilet. Which is untrue,” the Wire reported ‘misquoting’ PI Ranjit Sawant of the Talegaon MIDC area.

“Later, the group also raised issues over the prayer mentioned in the school calendar. This prayer, according to the Talegaon MIDC police, has no mention of any specific religion. It only mentions the words, ‘Dear Lord’,” the Wire added in the name of PI Sawant.

Screenshot of article posted by the Wire

Police say CCTVs installed in washroom area, parents concerned

However, PI Sawant confirmed to OpIndia that the Principal was not beaten for being a Christian or conducting Christian prayers and that the main issue is that of the CCTV cameras that have been installed in the washroom premises. “The CCTV cameras have been installed inside the washroom area and not exactly in the toilets. The school is saying that the cameras are dummy but nothing of that has been proved yet. The parents of the students are more concerned about the CCTVs installed in the washroom area above the basin primarily and then about the other things,” PI said. It is important to mention that the toilets inside the washroom are open from above.

He also said to OpIndia that the Principal was beaten by the local persons not because he is a Christian or he conducted Christian prayers, but because the CCTVs were installed in the girls’ washroom without notice to the parents or the management.

WIRE lies, says the Principal was targeted because of his Christian identity, which is untrue

Further, when asked about the police statements given to other media channels that are continuing to peddle that the Principal was beaten because of his religion or for conducting Christian prayers, the police said, “That is not true. We don’t know what has been published by the media houses. We don’t own those statements. The truth is that the Principal was assaulted by local people and the parents due to the CCTV issue. We have sent a letter to the management inquiring about the case. FIR will be registered in the case once the investigations officially begin.”

The WIRE has blatantly mentioned in the report that the PI said that Principal Alexander Ried was targeted because of his Christian identity, which is untrue.

The report by The Wire

Congress, Islamists justifying school act?

Earlier, several other Islamist, left-liberals like Hindutva Watch, Mohammad Sher Ali also Congress’ Shashi Tharoor on Twitter peddled that the Principal was ‘thrashed’ by the ‘extremists’ for being a Christian. The left-liberal cabal also indicated that the minority communities in India were being deliberately targeted by Hindu organizations. However, the lies peddling people very diligently forgot to mention the CCTV episode and the one where the parents complained that their daughters were mistreated at the school.

Tweet posted by Congress’ Shashi Tharoor

Management suspends the Principal, three teachers

As reported earlier, the school management has said that they had no slightest idea about the CCTV cameras that were installed inside the girl’s washroom area. The management has said that strict action will be taken against the Principal and the teachers. “Whatever has happened is really unfortunate and unacceptable. We have suspended the Principal and the teachers for now and they will soon be removed from their positions,” the management could be heard saying in the video that has been obtained by OpIndia.

Principal Alexander installs CCTV cameras in girls’ washroom, imposes Christian prayers and insults Hindu traditions

On July 6, it was reported that the Principal of the DY Patil High School in the Ambi region of Pune identified as Alexander Coates Reid, and a couple of Christian teachers, were removed from their position after being accused of molestation, religious conversion and causing insult to Hindu religion. The Principal was also manhandled by the local Hindu organizations after they found out that he had installed CCTV cameras in the girls’ washroom without any notice to the management or the parents.

The video of the incident was wrongly shared on social media where the Islamists and leftists claimed that Hindus were causing deliberate hurt to the minority community in India. The Islamists also claimed that the Christians are next on the so-called target list of the Hindus and pressed that the Principal was thrashed just for conducting Christian prayers at the school, which is a partial truth.

The school authorities notably happened to force the students to read prayers only from the Bible, called Hindu traditions ‘stupid’ and also called Hindu prayers ‘nonsense’. One of the teachers named Samina Patel had also influenced the students saying that ‘Muslims were pure and that were deliberately targeted by the Hindus. The enraged parents also complained that the students at the school were tortured, mistreated and inappropriately touched.

The parents have filed a police complaint in the case and have demanded strict action against the school principal and the teachers. The Talegaon Police has, however, confirmed that the CCTVs were installed inside the washroom area above the basin. PI Sawant confirmed that investigations in the case are underway and that the FIR will soon be registered.

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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