‘Won’t be able to escape for long’: Delhi BJP leader says after Atishi Marlena fails to appear in Court in defamation case

Image via The Times of India/ABP News

Aam Aadmi Party leader and Delhi minister Atishi Marlena has been summoned by a court in the national capital in relation to a defamation complaint submitted by Delhi BJP media chief Praveen Shankar Kapoor.

Atishi had been ordered to present herself in the court on 29th June but she joined the hearing through video conferencing.

The accusations made by Atishi, that BJP is trying to buy AAP MLAs, according to the BJP leader, hurt his and his party’s repute. The court named Atishi as an accused and mandated her appearance on 29th June after taking cognisance of the issue.

Praveen Shankar Kapoor stated, “Summons were sent by us and the court. Today one advocate of Atishi was physically present and the other was present in the hearing through video conferencing. The next date of hearing is 23rd July and I am hopeful that Atishi will not run away from justice and will be physically present in the court on that day. We and the court sent the summons to the same address. We later got to know that the court summons was not served but ours was. However, since her advocates appeared, it means that Atishi is very well aware of the case and the summons.”

He further added, “Our advocate has provided them with all the relevant documents. So, it is fixed that she will attend the court on 23rd July. The court advised our lawyer to present the court with the proper address. Atishi is a minister in the Delhi government and as per the record, her Mathura road address should be officially valid. It is mandatory in a defamation suit for the accused to be present in person in the court. She’ll have to come and won’t be able to escape the trial court for long.” The court observed that the summons was not served because the address was discovered to be inaccurate. The matter has been listed for hearing on 23rd July by Delhi’s Rouse Avenue court

OpIndia Staff: Staff reporter at OpIndia