‘The jump from anti-Brahmin to anti-Hinduism is not much and it often ends at the doors of church or mosque’: J Sai Deepak exposes hatred towards Brahmins

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Eminent Supreme Court lawyer and author J Sai Deepak recently called out the anti-Brahmin sentiment that has been in circulation among some elements in the Hindutva fold during the book launch of “Rearming Hinduism: Nature, Hinduphobia, and the Return of Indian Intelligence” by Vamsee Juluri, the video of which was posted on the Sangam Talks YouTube channel on June 27. He highlighted that, as evidenced by current events in states like Punjab, Tamil Nadu and Kerala, the demonization of Brahmins frequently breeds animosity toward Hinduism and, ultimately, leads people into the fold of Abrahamic religions. He also warned that it is only going to make Hindus more susceptible to attack from adversaries.

In the event, which was also graced by scientist and author Anand Ranganathan among others, the erudite Supreme Court lawyer said, “I say this bluntly today and I am not going to hold my punches back. You want a textbook example of what happens when you start making the Brahmins the hate figure and from there, they jump to the churches. Not too far, take a look at Punjab. They first decided to vilify the Brahmins in the name of newly minted versions of Khalistanism under the British period. From there they gradually moved towards anti-Hinduism because the jump from there was not much. After that how far do you think is the jump from there to the church or Islam? Throw in drugs and it is over.”

“You are losing a crucial battleground border state. So, I am very clean, keep attacking the Vedic core of the Hindu philosophy in whatever name under rubric under whatever umbrella, you are paving the way for anti-Hinduism at some point or the other. Two more examples are Tamil Nadu and parts of coastal Andhra, Kerala. The jump is not far. Stop vilifying people,” J Sai Deepak further added.

J Sai Deepak highlighted that rather than recognizing those who seek to undermine the Hindu faith, certain Hindutva proponents have been persistently trying to instil hatred within Hindus to foster a semblance of unity in the community and are making allowances for others while abandoning their own. “You can’t say that I am going to unify Hinduism by making one group the punching bag of your positions constantly in the hope that you unify people by creating a hate figure within. You don’t have the guts to create a hate figure outside therefore you are constantly creating a hate figure within. If you had the guts to create a hate figure outside, you would identify the true culprit outside. You don’t want to do that because today you are willing to co-opt the jihadi but alienate the Brahmin. That is a conscious choice that some people have made within the Hindutva fold. That is the conscious choice they have made that we will isolate these groups because we need to accommodate everybody else.”

He further asked, “What vision is this? So, what is the message that you are sending to people who subscribe to the rules of the Veda? Answer the question first because the Vedic Sanatan Dharma happens to be the core of Hindu Dharma for all practical purposes. The epicentre of this entire portion that is being created. So what are you telling those institutions? Are you asking us to leave this country? If it is, then how different are you from the Naxalites, Maoists or Jihadis? This question needs to be answered.”

He cautioned that the people on the ground bear the brunt of anti-Brahmin prejudices. Additionally, he denounced the detractors of Brahmins for denigrating the centuries-old “Varna-ashram Dharma” which is founded on the Vedas, by using the pretext of untouchability. He even dubbed such individuals as “moles” who want to damage Hinduism. The counsel conveyed, “This is the most raging internal debate that needs to be addressed because this virus has infected our ideology and the discussion is not happening in the places where it has to happen as people are taking pot-shots while sitting in their ivory towers when the price is being paid by the people on the ground. You are inciting people against each other on the ground. In parts of Uttar Pradesh, the biggest threat to Hinduism, especially in the state is going to come from Chandrashekhar Azad.”

He added, “You take it from me. It is going to come from that gentleman and people sitting here will co-opt even him in the name of Hindu unity and alienate everybody else. Wait for this to happen. This is the direction in which we are hurtling at this point. In the process, you don’t have what it takes to create knowledge. You have not preserved anything. You will destroy, spew and spit on everything that has been created for millennia. So, my answer is very clear, my positions on this subject are not at loggerheads with Hindu dignity and Hindu unity, they are not. If you constantly want to use untouchability as the touchstone for every position on Varna-ashram Dharma, I am sorry to say you must be treated as an insider-outsider or a mole or a trojan which is even worse than the outsider.”

OpIndia Staff: Staff reporter at OpIndia