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HomeNews ReportsGermany: Woman sentenced to prison for 'offending' convicted child rapist, who got away with...

Germany: Woman sentenced to prison for ‘offending’ convicted child rapist, who got away with probation

The 20-year-old woman had called the convicted child rapist a 'dishonourable rapist pig' and 'disgusting miscarriage.'

On Tuesday (18th June), a woman was convicted by a court in Germany for ‘offending’ a migrant, who was involved in the gang rape of a minor girl.

The Background of the Controversy

The case dates back to 19th September 2020 when a 15-year-old girl was gang raped in Hamburg city park in Northern Germany. The victim was heavily intoxicated at that time.

Four sexual predators took her to a nearby bush and took turns to rape her. The minor girl was then preyed upon by two other men who took advantage of her vulnerable state.

The rapists then called in other men to rape the victim in the Hamburg city park. The 15-year-old was subsequently raped for the third time by one man and then by 3 others for the fourth time in one night.

She later managed to escape the crime scene and seek assistance from people, who then called the police. The victim now suffers from PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder).

Justice delayed and denied

A total of 11 people were charged for the gang rape of the 15-year-old. However, two of them got away due to a lack of DNA evidence. The police were able to extract DNA evidence in the case of the remaining 9 accused.

However, the court handed 8 of them ‘probation’ ranging from 1-2 years. Only one of the accused was sentenced to a youth prison for two years and nine months without parole.

Interestingly, none of the rapists were of German origin. The ethnicity of the convicts included Polish, Egyptian, Libyan, Kuwaiti, Iranian, Armenian, Afghan, Syrian, and Montenegrin.

Woman sentenced for offending rapist

Following outrage over the brutal rape of a 15-year-old and the lenient nature of the sentencing by the court, the phone number and identity of one of the rapists were leaked on the social media platform Snapchat.

On learning about the matter, an angry 20-year-old woman dropped a message on the rapist’s number and labelled him a ‘dishonourable rapist pig’ and a ‘disgusting miscarriage.’

“Aren’t you ashamed when you look in the mirror?” she had texted the criminal. However, in a turn of events, the rape convict filed a complaint with the police who then booked the 20-year-old woman for making ‘harmful comments.’

On Tuesday (18th June), a court found the woman guilty and sentenced her to a weekend in prison for offending the convicted rapist, who got away with probation.

The police are now investigating 140 other people who made insulting remarks towards the criminal.

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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