“By calling Hindus violent, you are defaming and insulting the entire society”: Swami Avdheshanand Giri condemns Rahul Gandhi’s remarks on Hindus

Swami Avdheshanand Giri condemns Rahul Gandhi’s remarks on Hindus in Parliament, says he should apologise (Image Source - OpIndia Archive and ANI)

On Monday, July 1, Swami Avdheshanand Giri condemned Rahul Gandhi’s remarks on Hindus and slammed the Congress leader for defaming and insulting the entire society. He stressed that by calling Hindus violent and accusing them of spreading hatred, the leader of the opposition, Rahul Gandhi, defamed and insulted the Hindu community. Swami Giri asserted that Rahul Gandhi’s remarks have hurt the sentiments of the entire community as well as angered the saint community. The prominent Hindu seer also demanded that the Gandhi scion should apologise for his remarks and take back his words. 

Swami Avdheshanand Giri also stressed that Hindus are non-violent, accommodative, and those who also pray for the welfare of others. 

Slamming Rahul Gandhi’s remarks, the renowned Hindu seer said, “It is not right to call Hindus violent or to say that they spread hatred. By saying such things, you are defaming and insulting the entire society.”

He added, “Rahul Gandhi repeatedly says that Hindus are violent and that Hindus create hatred… I condemn his remarks. He should take back these words. The whole society is hurt and there is anger in the saint community… He should apologize for this.”

He reminded the Congress leader that contrary to his remarks, Hindus are non-violent, liberal, and all-inclusive people who respect everyone. 

Swami Giri noted, “Hindus see God in everyone, Hindus are non-violent, accommodative, and generous. Hindus say that the whole world is their family and they should always pray for everyone’s welfare, happiness, and respect. Hindu society is very liberal and it is such a society which is all-inclusive and respects everyone.” 

Notably, earlier in the day, on 1st July, Rahul Gandhi during his parliamentary speech made controversial remarks on Hindus saying, “Those who call themselves Hindus only talk about violence.” 

During his speech, Rahul Gandhi, said, “All our great men have spoken about non-violence and eliminating fear… But those who call themselves Hindu only talk about violence, hatred, untruth…”

PM Modi raised serious objection to Rahul Gandhi’s comments saying, “Calling the entire Hindu community violent is a very serious matter.”

Following a heated exchange between the Opposition and the ruling NDA’s MPs, Union Minister Amit Shah demanded an apology from Rahul Gandhi.

He stated, “The Leader of the Opposition has clearly stated that those who identify as Hindu speak of and commit violence. He is unaware that millions proudly call themselves Hindu. Associating violence with any religion is wrong. He should apologize.” 

Meanwhile, Rahul Gandhi’s remarks sparked massive outrage and were widely criticised by people from all walks of life including Hindu seers and politicians

OpIndia Staff: Staff reporter at OpIndia