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Dear Rahul Gandhi, stop exploiting the deaths of our countrymen for your petty political games

Dear Rahul Gandhi,

Stop exploiting deaths.

On a day when the nation grieved for the 39 Indians whose lives were lost, we all had to witness shameful insensitivity in the Lok Sabha so that your party could fulfil its quota of political opportunism. Our external affairs minister, Sushma Swaraj had finally received authentic confirmation on the 39 Indians who went missing four years ago, had been killed by the ISIS. When the devastating matter was being nationally declared, your party members could not maintain some dignity? Was it too difficult to quit your cheap methods of disruption, by sloganeering and shouting when the house was mourning a tragedy?

Is a bit of decency and decorum, too much to ask for?

On 20th March, Sushma Swaraj was able to convey the traumatic series of events to the Rajya Sabha, and the house had maintained sensitivity, which allowed the people of this nation a chance to hear the government’s views on the loss. Perhaps that justified your attempt to block a national issue from being heard once again in the Lok Sabha?

As a result, your party members found one more golden opportunity to display their duplicity on the loss of lives, when they had disallowed a tragic series of events to be disclosed through chaos; all of which were charged by your ‘young face’, Jyotiradita Scindia.

Source: Republic TV 

You didn’t apologise for such repulsive behaviour when dealing with a distressing incident like the gruesome murder of your fellow Indians. Even the Honourable Speaker kept saying, “Don’t be so insensitive. Don’t indulge in such politics” to the sloganeering led by your members of parliament.

And it was upsetting to see how insincere, the justification for your actions were. Randeep Singh Surjewala from your party had said:

“Modi government is playing politics. They made family members wait for 4 years. They told an old mother, an old father and little children, that their loved ones are alive. Can there be a greater crime?”

Firstly, you and your party cannot claim to worry about the “family members”. Because if you did have the slightest regard for them, you would not anchor perverse actions that disrespect their loved ones’ death. Think about what message you sent across to their family. You and your party came across as disingenuous hypocrites, trying to play on the emotions of people. So, do not hide the cover of “worried about families”, because your actions speak volumes about your respect towards the lost lives, and thus the regard for their families.

Secondly, the government had sound reasons to keep the family members waiting. I do understand that it can be traumatising to live in the doubt of whether or not a loved one is alive. I also realise how agony-filled the family members would be to live through the negative thoughts sometimes overriding the slight hope that they have. Yet, the duty of a responsible government is to do its best to realise the situation its citizens are in, both in and out of India. And I ask you, which responsible government declares its citizens dead based on unconfirmed sources? Therefore, yes there can be a “greater crime”. And that greater crime is to declare a person dead without having enough to show for it. Imagine a situation where a person the government declared someone dead without enough confirmation. Wouldn’t your party be first to call the government irresponsible for not double checking? Or did you expect this government to take that path because your government had done it earlier? 

You used the citizen’s death all over again when YOU were caught in a political scandal over data theft. You wanted their blood to wash your political sins, Mr Gandhi. What is this if not playing the politics of blood?

On March 13th, our CRPF jawans lost their lives in a deadly Maoist attack in Sukma. The nation mourned. We mourned. We mourned and cursed the terrorists. You jumped to play petty politics while their bodies were still warm. You blamed “policies”, not the Maoists.

On the very same day, you proceeded to smile and make merry. While our soldiers lay martyred. Of course, this ‘fabulous dinner hosted by Sonia Gandhi’ must have been planned before tragedy struck. But why didn’t you cancel the event? Isn’t that the least you could do? Or are the Jawans important only when you can use their dead body’s to play petty politics? You not only proceeded to have a party, but you even had the temerity to upload pictures!

But that is who you are, aren’t you? You did something similar right after 26/11, didn’t you? This IndiaToday report states :

“Even before the tears of Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan’s mother could dry up, Congress general secretary and heir apparent Rahul Gandhi went partying with his pals at a farmhouse on Delhi’s outskirts”.

And, you did it again, this time, after blaming ‘policies’ in the face of a Maoist attack.

This was not the first time you resorted to such abhorrent means of trying to appeal to people over the death of this country’s citizens. It isn’t hard to forget the way you brought up the death of a young Hyderabadi researcher, Rohith Vemula’s suicide to fit into your political gains. Despite a proper judicial probe being ordered to understand the death, you rushed to Hyderabad and indulged in attempts to anger youngsters through caste politics and a form of vengeance on university campuses. You and your party dealt with the utmost insensitivity of a matter as serious as this: a factor that is becoming a normality for your party.

Besides, if your intentions were so genuine, why would you refrain from making one statement about the suicide of three Dalit students in Tamil Nadu? Simply because you saw no political opportunity there? They reportedly committed suicide because of not being able to bear the alleged harassment by the college management, which has uncanny similarities with Vemula’s suicide. No genuine response from your party.

Let us also not forget that your politics extended to our brave-hearts. You once again, showed no hesitation while talking about “Khoon ki dalali”. Here it means, ‘trading in the blood of our soldiers’. You made this remark, accusing the Prime Minister of selling the blood of soldiers (as though it is some commodity that could be traded in). You evidently hold absolutely no regard for the sacrifices our soldiers make, day in and day out, so that you can make asinine remarks insulting that very sacrifice, by objectifying their bravery into a commodity used by people in power.

Doesn’t that remark also mean that our brave-hearts volunteer to offer their lives, not to this nation, but to a party in power? Wasn’t it members of your parties and your allies who asked for proof of surgical strike? I ask again, Mr Gandhi, who plays politics on the blood of our countrymen?

I am ashamed to see the lows you have your party have stooped to, just to find ways to gain votes. You have politicised deaths of every sort, by either attributing it to religion, caste, political parties and other such meaningless associations. Not once has your party maintained solidarity on tragic events that demand concurrence. Perhaps you aim to win votes by evoking a false sense of anger amongst certain people. But what you fail to realise is that people can see very easily through it. More importantly, your politicising of death contradicts the interest of the nation and can thus, only be detrimental to its people.

When will you, Mr Rahul Gandhi and your party stop this petty politicking? When will this Country’s blood mean more to you than a means to win votes?

With the faint hope for change in the opposition,

An appalled youngster

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