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Young women speak up against ‘hate sex’ and the conspiracy of silence against sexual targeting of ‘Sanghi’ women

"What is this ugliness? Why is it being allowed to breed? Can the civil society please step up to not legitimise this plan to trap and rape women?" They ask.

A phenomenon has been observed in recent times. Sexual perversion is highlighted and condemned based on the political ideology of the perverts in question. A few days ago, a Clubhouse discussion had gone viral where liberal participants were heard expressing their desire to have ‘hate sex’ with Sanghis.

The discussion was condemned by multiple individuals across the board but most prominent ‘feminist’ activists refused to voice their condemnation of the same because the offenders here belonged to the same ideological camp. Some event attempted to justify the ‘hate sex’ conversation saying that the man who spoke in an extremely derogatory manner was gay.

Young women have now come forward to condemn such hypocrisy.

“I am given the hope that we as a society are breaking barriers, curbing social evils, busting taboos. I am given the hope that times are changing, I am given the reassurance that women have begun to stand with each other, fight for each other. I am told that there is a movement which considers all women as equals,” the women in the video say.

They add, “But then I realise, this movement is not all women. It chooses women based on ideology. It is not for women who stand for their country. It is not for women who practice their faith with sincerity. And it is not for women who take pride in their culture.”

The young women state further, “We are called Bhakts, cow piss drinkers, jingoists. Hate against us is mainstreamed and normalised to the extent that violence against us is justified by the very feminists of the left. What can be sadder than the fact that those who shout from the rooftops against sexual abuse laughed at the obnoxious call to rape women of a certain ideology whom they brand as a Sanghi?”

“Woke and self-proclaimed feminist males have further added despicable details for hate-sex against the ‘Sanghi’ women. This is a warped world where influencers become enablers of rape and hate,” they add.

“What is this ugliness? Why is it being allowed to breed? Can the civil society please step up to not legitimise this plan to trap and rape women?” They ask.

Women speak up against ‘hate sex’ discussion

Kamya, one of the women who feature in the video, says, “As a British Indian, I’ve grown up having a deep reverence for my Hindu roots and ancient culture. The idea of only standing for women when they belong to the left is a gross injustice in society, and just the tip of the iceberg in terms of ignored and denied hate crimes against the indigenous, which is rooted in a mentality of 1000 years of colonial atrocities.”

“This is not just about a joke, this is about a deep rooted hatred towards Hindus, who are labelled as ‘Sanghis’ for standing up for their culture, a modern form of shaming that is rooted in the persecution of all indigenous cultures, the burning of the witches and the Divine Feminine principle. I hope that we can build a society where all women of all backgrounds are heard and seen, with honesty and compassion,” she added.

Shruti Gera, another women who featured in the video, says, “Through the OpIndia article, I found out about this shameful incident and felt vulnerable as a right-wing woman. In the current scenario when we know how women were raped and assaulted for simply being BJP supporters in West Bengal and some like Nikita Tomar murdered in broad daylight for not converting; this audio clip was very concerning especially since it had known influencers as a part of this criminal conversation and most so called liberal leftists just laughed it off. Why would it not outrage me?”

Filmmaker Vivek Agnihotri said in the context of the ‘hate sex’ conversation that a lot of the times, he comes across individuals who subscribe to the liberal and Woke ideology and spread hatred against those who do not subscribe to their ideology. He said that the words spoken in the Clubhouse discussion under question were communal and bigoted.

“What happens is that these Clubhouse rooms attract 10 thousand, 8 thousand, 15 thousand people and a lot of young people sit there. Very very young people, impressionable age and these people get influenced and they think this is the right way to talk publicly. If this is what all these social media influencers and celebrities are going to talk like this, then we are definitely cultivating and nurturing violence and hate against women, men and people who do not agree with you. In my view, this is a crime against equality, crime against humanity,” he said.

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