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HomeOpinionsWhy Left media and their hitjobs against India are part of a global conspiracy

Why Left media and their hitjobs against India are part of a global conspiracy

Democracy is a prisoner to the media, and no, neutrality is a myth that has been created to merely absolve the motivated, paid, compromised “4th pillar” that works for invisible puppeteers that afford them their farm houses, their 2 BHKs, their million dollar scams, their expensive wines and chartered planes.

There are people who love to claim that the media is the fourth pillar of democracy. The sense of self-grandeur is generally the bane of any man, but in the profession of journalism, being self-laudatory becomes almost an essential ingredient to being successful. Journalists love to believe that the weight of maintaining democracy in the country rests on their fragile shoulders. That the people, if not explicitly brainwashed into voting for the people they think deserve to be voted for, are falling prey to fascism, tyranny and any other word that can define the abject chaos that they wish to show the country in.

Democracy is a prisoner to the media, and no, neutrality is a myth that has been created to merely absolve the motivated, paid, compromised “4th pillar” that works for invisible puppeteers that afford them their farm houses, their 2 BHKs, their million dollar scams, their expensive wines and chartered planes.

No neutral media exists. There exists one section, a rather large section of media, that is paid by vested interest like George Soros, which hopes to affect regime change, that fancies itself as the harbingers of virtue simply because the white man told him he was (and gave him a lot of money to prove it).

Trusting the media is like trusting your dog to not eat the snow sugar covered donut that you have dangled in front of him. And these statements are not made in vacuum.

The influence of George Soros

Through his network of NGOs, George Soros has cultivated a class of intellectuals who work resolutely towards opposing the Indian state, especially the nationalist government led by PM Narendra Modi. It all started in 1995 when George Soros contributed the initial seed fund to set up the Media Development Investment Fund. 

The objective of the Soros-funded not-for-profit investment fund was to invest in ‘independent media’ in challenging countries with a history of media oppression. Currently, the Indian beneficiaries listed on the MDIF site are the far-left website Scroll and another website named Graam Vaani

Besides, the Open Society Foundation also funds the International Committee of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), an international organisation with journalist affiliates worldwide, including India. 

Some of the Indian journalists that are members of the ICIJ are Ritu Sarin, Shyamlal Yadav and P Vaidyanathan Iyer of the Indian Express, Rakesh Kalshian – a former IANS editor who now works for German Channel Deutsche Welle (DW), Murali Krishnan and Yusuf Jameel of the Asian Age. ICIJ also has Syed Nazakat in its ranks, the founder and editor-in-chief of DataLEADS.

Besides funding media, the Open Society Foundation has also been a benefactor to left-leaning intellectuals who have constantly put out fake narratives against the current government. There are also some prominent names with extensive links to George Soros, but it is extremely unlikely that these connections will surprise anyone. Some of the most prominent among them are Harsh Mander, Pratap Bhanu Mehta, Indira Jaising and Amartya Sen.

Author and journalist Basharat Peer, known for peddling pro-Pakistan narrative in Kashmir, has served as an Open Society Fellow from 2009 and 2010, which is considered a very influential post in the intellectual circles.

The antics of NewsClick

We can, of course, go on and on. We recall how even “journals of international repute”, like New York Times, is paid by China.

Only today, we realized that online portal NewsClick, in which Abhisar Sharma worked, got money from China. The Enforcement Directorate said that the investigation into the money laundering case against media portal ‘Newsclick’ has revealed that the promoters of the media outlet received nearly Rs 38 crores from entities which may be associated with the Communist Party of China

In February 2021, the Enforcement Directorate had raided premises and the residences of several officials and journalists associated with NewsClick, a news media portal is most famously known for peddling fake stories. The officials had also raided NewsClick founder and Editor-in-Chief Prabir Purkayastha in connection with a money laundering case pertaining to foreign funding. 

Earlier, OpIndia had published a detailed report on foreign funding received by NewsClick and its links with Gautam Navlakha. It was revealed that both Purkayastha and Navlakha were directors of a company called Startacus Software Private Limited. The ED had alleged that funds Purkayastha received for opening a company with Navlakha. Gautam Navlakha was an ‘Independent Partner” of PPK Newsclick Studio LLP.

And these are the people we are expected to believe.

The Global forces behind Indian media is a cause of concern

The founding-editor of The Wire, a leftist propaganda outlet, is an American, Siddharth Varadarajan. Moreover, Varadarajan is also a member of the core group of South Asia Media Defenders Network (SAMDEN), which is a part of the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative.

CHRI had received Rs. 2,29,500 on the 20th of September, 2019 from the United States’ Department of State for the purpose of “Advocacy and Outreach Programme for Detainees in the North Eastern States of India”. The CHRI has also received huge amounts of money from the Oak Foundation, a shady globalist organization, among others.

Kashmir Police has recently served The Wire with a show-cause notice for peddling fake news and engaging in rumour mongering. The Kashmir Police also accused the leftist portal of indulging in “misrepresentation of facts, sensationalism, concocted mixing of facts with opinion of some unknown experts”. The portal was also accused of engaging in a media trial.

The Wire, in the past, has labeled Kashmir as ‘Indian occupied Kashmir’. It rectified its conduct after outrage. Journalists with The Wire have also been booked for spreading fake news and communal hate. They have also attempted to invent hate crimes out of thin air over random crimes.

It is a cause of concern for a variety of reasons, but mostly because western backed media outlets serve as the propaganda wing of western countries. For instance, their role in spreading the Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) lie regarding Saddam Hussein, in order to justify USA’s illegal war against Iraq cannot be ignored.

And their claims of supporting ‘independent media’ cannot be bought in good faith either. Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks, has been languishing in prison and being persecuted for the sole reason that he exposed war crimes committed by the USA.

Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson was being spied on by the NSA because he has become the most influential journalist criticising US President Joe Biden. Of course, there has been an official denial of the same but the fact has been confirmed by other media outlets as well.

The regime change operation against India

Given the links of Indian media to the American Globalist regime, it is worth noting how the US Government has conducted itself with regards to India in recent times. The Biden administration blocked raw materials for Indian vaccine manufacturers, thus delaying vaccine production in India, which would directly impact Narendra Modi’s reelection chances in 2024.

Efforts were made to paint Narendra Modi singularly as the ‘big bad guy’ of the Covid-19 pandemic despite the fact that India has fared better than most western countries, including the USA, despite the disastrous second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Then there is Twitter which has been openly defying Indian laws, censoring political opinion that do not align with the Left and locking the accounts of Union Ministers. All of this points towards only one thing, that there are greater forces at play that want to oust Narendra Modi from the PM’s chair.

In this context, the alignment of Indian media, especially digital media, with western counterparts appears to be in concert with the general trend that has been observed. That western media is in the pockets of the American political establishment is no secret, the whole Russian Collusion Hoax was invented and propagated so as to undermine President Trump’s authority because he was an outsider.

Consistently, it appears that the media is being weaponised by the US establishment to force the Indian Government to compromise on matters that are considered essential for the Americans. Thus, between now and 2024, it is only to be expected that a lot of hitjobs will follow in order to secure the interests of the American ruling class.

It also means one thing, that Prime Minister Modi is not only dealing with a hostile media in India but also the hostility of the western press. It is not just The Wire and Scroll but also the New York Times and the Washington Post and the BBC and all the assorted consortium of sociopathic warmongers. And that is what the Prime Minister has to deal with here.

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