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Kiran Bedi: Master-stroke or Misstep?


BJP is a party known for its strong cadre, its ideology which allows ordinary workers to rise through the ranks and reach the summit, its natural tendency to produce state leaders. Narendra Modi, Devendra Fadnavis, Manohar Parrikar, Manohar Lal Khattar, are all graduates who have gone through the BJP school of leadership, working their way up, by winning the support of their cadre via sheer hard work and performance.

Kiran Bedi’s induction into BJP has negated all the above. By parachuting near the finish line, she has outrun many senior BJP leaders in Delhi, who were running in the race for quite some time.  Naturally, supporters of these leaders will be miffed. Granted she has given a more credible and visible face to the Delhi BJP unit as compared to the current crop , but it has come at a cost. One wonders whether Bedi could have been taken in much in advance, giving the other leaders some time to resign to their fate, especially since rumours are that Bedi was in the reckoning ever since Kejriwal resigned after his 49 day stint.

And it is also not that Kiran Bedi has been a long time BJP sympathiser, who has just been formally taken into the BJP.  As we had shown in our earlier post, Bedi was in fact a vocal critic of BJP and Narendra Modi while she was in the Lokpal movement. This can be demotivating to dedicated BJP members who have strived to uphold the party line through tough times. Bedi at best, has joined BJP at its peak, while the rest have weathered a 10 year long storm. It also plays on the mindset of the average supporter, who may have been anti-Bedi to protect the party, but now has to change his view in line with this “U-Turn”.

This move also gives off the impression that Delhi BJP unit did not have a single leader who the high command felt was worthy of being put up as their face for the elections. This “importing” of leaders is not something which BJP, a “producer” is used to. Yes, BJP did induct many rebel Congress leaders in the run up to the Lok Sabha elections, but not many were drafted into important positions, undermining the importance of stalwarts.

Also, whatever Kiran Bedi’s charisma might be, she is no Harshvardhan. Harshvardhan was seen as a clean face, a respected figure, who even the opposition didn’t go after much. Bedi also has a clean image, but there some unanswered questions, some of which Karan Thapar raised. Her loyalty to the party is certainly in question since she has been only a recent supporter, and that too from the time BJP was well into its ascension. This comes off as opportunism and one wonders whether she will stick to BJP through tougher times.

But Bedi does bring with her immense general goodwill. Her feat of being the first IPS woman officer, her image as a no-nonsense, tough task master, her clean image all add to her positives. She played a major role in the Lokpal movement, and has been involved in social work for a long time. Some people say that her never becoming the Police Commissioner, or not winning certain awards, shows that her service record wasn’t satisfactory, but it can also be argued that she didn’t get these posts, which are often politically motivated, because she steadfastly refused to play ball with her Political overlords. This is broadly in sync with the “tough” image Modi enjoyed during the Lok Sabha elections, and may work in her favour.

BJPs’ electoral success depends more on Bedi’s acceptability in her own party than her acceptability among the public. It is understood in political circles that the main reason for BJP not forming a state Government in Delhi for 15 long years is infighting. One fears that with Bedi’s parachute entry, BJP may lose yet another chance, probably its best, to stake claim for the post of Delhi CM.

-With valuable inputs from @IndianTweeter

Disgrace, Duality and Dirt behind the Kashmiri Pandits’ cleansing


25 years back, on a cold gloomy 19th January night, crowds gathered in mosques across the valley, threatened Kashmiri Hindus of rape, murder and torture, and disgracefully forced them to become refugee in their own country.

Events followed by that night had nothing to bring respite or respect:

In next few days, lakhs for Kashmiri Pandits were forced to leave their home

In next few months, hundreds of Kashmiri Pandits were brutally killed

In next few years, the count of exodus raised to 350,000.

In next few years, thousands of refugees strugging in camps died in silence

In next two decades, Kashmir witnessed ‘CLEANSING’ of this ancient ethno-religious community

Duality intrigues – whether it a social duality, a philosophical duality, a mathematical duality, a scientific duality, or any other kind of duality. It tosses some very complex questions to the observers, forces them to swing around conflicting answers, and shrewdly traps the observer as an object of new observations.


Like many other social dualities, events related to the exodus of Kashmiri Pandit have also placed many ideologies, especially of the left-liberalism, on intricate positions of ideological seesaws. Unlike right-wing supporters, left-liberals have always advocated and boasted that they consider welfare of people above welfare of state, that they see nationalism, religion and racism as an instrument used by the ruling class to rule the working class, that they want victims in Kashmir to get their rights. Irony is – their definition of human above state, equality above religion and liberty above nation slides from one side of the seesaw to other when condition of Kashmiri Muslims are replaced by conditions of Kashmiri Pandits.

For years, left-liberals have empathized with the demands of Kashmiris, who want a separate nation for them, for them to cherish the concept of homeland; they have stood for demilitarization of Kashmir on the grounds of liberty and freedom; they have emphasized plight of human life due to social inequalities. Sadly, every time their spectrums of human values change whenever Kashmiri Pandits are discussed. Suddenly the political instrument – Instrument of Accession – becomes more important than the misery of human life.

Ruins left after Kashmiri Pandit exodus
Ruins left after Kashmiri Pandits exodus

Political parties have left no stone unturned to exploit opportunities in the valley. Nationalists, humanists, rhetorics, demagogue, sympathizers, activists, etc. have created controversies to remain in the limelight. Religious fanatics of both sides have put arguments and propaganda to prove that how the other side is responsible for it. Apologists have created multiple theories and arguments to moderate the real impact of the tragedy, primarily because they find highlighting Hindu Extremists in Godhara is fine, but highlighting Muslims in Kashmiri Pandit exodus is communalism.

Why should Kashmir belong to only some people who were born there, but it mustn’t belong to others? Why is the killing of Kashmiri Pandits less painful than killings of other Kashmiris? Why should the thrown-out Kashmiri Pandits not even claim their homes, but the remaining others should get a separate land? There are many questions, discussions and concerns, but sadly, between light is a wave or light is a particle, light is losing itself in the darkness of society.

With leaders like Ashutosh, who needs Opposition


Ashutosh, ex-journalist in Reliance owned CNN-IBN, and now a prominent leader of AAP is someone who is very active on Social Media. He has over 7000 tweets (after reducing the tweets he has deleted) and over 2.5lac followers. But are these followers his fans for his tweets? or people who just find his tweets “enjoyable” on a different level altogether. Here are some of his tweets, which might have put AAP on the back foot:

1. For Ashutosh, “Freedom of Press” is more important than the lives of policemen and success of Anti-Terror Operations


Today morning, Ashutosh tweeted the above 2 tweets. They are in response to Arun Jaitley’s statement that Government may consider framing norms for Media reports on anti-terror operations. It may be remembered that this is primarily in response to the 26/11 Terror attacks, where Media was giving virtual running commentary, which could have eventually helped the Terrorists in knowing the location of Indian anti-terror forces. To any normal person, national security is paramount, but for Ashutosh, media should be allowed to report whatever they want, even if people may lose lives thanks to it.

2. “Thoda Communal hona padega”


On 17th January, just 1 day after ex AAP leader, Shazia Ilmi, joined BJP, Ashutosh tweeted the above tweet. It was soon deleted for unknown reasons, but by then alert social media users had saved screenshots. While the target of the above “sly” tweet is not known, it was definitely politically incorrect. Was he referring to Shazia Ilmi who had just joined BJP, and implying that she wasn’t true to her faith? We will never know the answer to this question

3. Wide Angle


This tweet was from when Ashutosh hadn’t joined AAP. Considering that he was working in the media, one would imagine he understood camera angles better. This wasn’t the best angle for the picture is all we can say.

4. Merry Christmas?


No comments needed, Ashutosh got a good reply from this Twitter user.

5. On 17th January 2015, Ashutosh flaunted his “Sources” in BJP/RSS. Just after 2 days, when he was basking under the information given by his sources, BJP gave him a hard blow. Even his sources in BJP/RSS are giving him a good lesson.


Get well soon Sir! We really feel sorry for you.

Mega Opinion Polls Combo- Delhi Assembly Polls 2015

ChannelPartnerDateSample SizeVote Share AAP %Vote Share BJP %Vote Share INC %Vote Share Others %Seats AAPSeats BJPSeats INCSeats Others
ABP NewsAC Nielsen10/11/201465282638NANA184651
News XC Voter12/11/20142447394411NA283741
ABP NewsAC Nielsen15/12/2014640927382411174571
India TodayCicero18/12/20144273363916NA283741
Economic TimesTNS22/12/201471134046NANA234520
India TVC Voter12/01/20154238404211NA293551
India TodayCicero12/01/201544593640168283741
ABP NewsAC Nielsen15/01/2015641431352410283480
News Nation19/01/2015319539
Zee NewsTaleem19/01/2015NA3544147293740
The WeekIMRB29/01/2015405537391112293641
Hindustan TimesC-Fore29/01/201571473838149333340
India TVC Voter28/01/201580644045105283750
ABP NewsAC Nielsen02/02/2015NA353318NA352960
Hindustan TimesC-Fore03/02/201535784037158372940
Economic TimesTNS03/02/2015326049435NA383020
India TodayCicero03/02/2015397243.535.513NA412252

*Only those opinion polls have been included which have declared projected seats.

Merchants of Doom


Modi ji always said that he will promote industrial growth and especially manufacturing, under his Make in India campaign. True to form. there is a new small-scale industry in town. The industry of outrage. The industry of fear-mongering. The industry of spreading so many lies that it all starts appearing to be true. Because he who shouts loudest is the one who is right, in this modern world.

I picked up the newspaper today morning and went to the editorial page, hoping for another exciting Chetan Bhagat piece on what young Indian men or women want. Unfortunately that wasn’t to be. Instead, i read three other columns, all by famous writers or opinion makers.


First was by Shobha De. This one had her comparing the horrible attack on the French satire publication that resulted in a dozen dead people with the protest against writer Perumal Murugan, whose book has offended some Hindu people. Whether that outrage is justifiable or not is debatable as always, but i would think his mentioning a real temple and a real community and implying that childless woman from said community engage in a religious ritual where they can mate with strangers might actually be grounds for defamation, unless it is fact. Anyway, Shobha ji is not happy that our Prime Minister has not spoken against this attack on democracy and is wondering why he is silent when such grave offences are being committed.

“In Perumal’s case, the attackers had the temerity to enter his home. How different was this attack from the one in Paris? Both involved perceived offences to religious beliefs. And the victims in both instances wielded nothing more ‘dangerous’ than pens and pencils”

How was Perumal’s case different from the Paris attack? How about, he wasn’t shot dead point-blank, for one?

She signs off with “Be afraid. Be very afraid” — is that the unambiguous message being sent out?” For yes, a book gaining notoriety and instantly climbing on top of the bestseller charts on Amazon is making me wet my pants in fear.

The next one I read was by Aakar Patel, another distinguished gentleman whose articles seem to have a viral nature, for he has a distinctive writing style intended to be strongly offensive, if also insightful. This one was a call to the Congress to revive itself before the evil right-wingers destroy this country.

“This is being washed away by the mainstreaming of a nasty and angry ideology that is replacing the receding Congress. It is represented in Parliament by assorted sadhus and sadhvis whose venom is explained away by the Prime Minister as their rustic innocence.”

His column almost implied that the BJP didn’t win the elections, or is going on winning state after state, but that it is all the fault of a passive Congress that is letting them win. Yes, way to discredit the intelligence of the Indian voter.

I was in for more. The next one I read was from a man I greatly respect, Swaminathan S Aiyar, whose column Swaminomics is among the few places where one can find sanity. This week he wrote about the 25 year ‘anniversary’ of the Kashmiri Pandits being viciously chased away from their homes in Kashmir. Incidentally, I recently read Rahul Pandita’s excellent book ‘Our Moon Has Blood Clots’ which was a first-person account of what all transpired during that time, and beyond. Excellent read, if a bit gut-wrenching.

Sir had a different take this year. That even though Kashmiri Pandits were chased away and killed in hundreds (or thousands), THAT wasn’t the real tragedy. The bigger tragedy  was that Muslims were chased away from Jammu.

I nearly slammed my head into the table as I read this.

“The ethnic cleansing of Pandits from the valley was more one-sided than that of Jammu Muslims in 1947. Yet in sheer numbers and horrors, the Jammu episode was much worse. We have forgotten what happened then because it is politically and morally inconvenient.”

Why now are we comparing 1947 with 1990? In 1947, millions died on both sides as they fled their homes from India to Pakistan and vice-versa. Why bring it up to try to lessen the impact of what was done to Kashmiri Pandits in the 90s, with countless people butchered like animals, their women raped, their children orphaned, the ones who got away left to struggle in pathetic ‘refugee’ settlements setup for them. Refugees in their own country, after having lost their life’s possessions.

My fingers shake as I write this. Not sure if it is because of the cold or the deep sense of dismay I feel.

What has become of modern India? Why is everybody suddenly a troll? Why must one side’s misery be downplayed by saying that the ‘other’ side suffered more? Why must any good work being done by this clearly popular government (landslide victory and all that) be tried to silenced in meaningless controversies and lame attempts at creating outrage?

What hope does progress have if the so-called opinion makers are so hell-bent on keeping us ill-informed and perennially outraged?

– by Amreekan Desi (First published in Amreekan Desi Blog)
[Image courtesy: CNN]

Meet Censor board members Ira Bhaskar & Anjum Rajabali


Leela Samson stole the show by resigning from the Censor Board after the film “MSG” was passed by the Appellate Tribunal. We have already discussed about her here. The next person to follow suit was CBFC member Ira Bhaskar, who resigned from the Censor board as soon as Samson left. Bhaskar said her resignation has nothing to do with Samson’s departure.

But who is Ira Bhaskar? Was she qualified to be on the Censor board? Bhaskar is a a Professor in Cinema Studies at the JNU. She has a PHD in Cinema Studies too. All this is mentioned in her profile on the JNU website. But there’s one more “qualification” which isnt mentioned: She is the mother of Film actress Swara Bhaskar.

But who is Swara Bhaskar you ask? She has acted in movies like Raanjhana and Tanu Weds Manu. Whether the mother of an actress, being on the Censor board can lead to Conflict of Interest issues is a question, but we mention Swara for another reason. Swara Bhaskar is a vocal Modi and BJP critic. See some of her tweets April and May 2014:

1 2 3


If the mother is anything like her daughter, we now know one of the reasons why she was appointed on the Censor Board by Madam Sonia.


Another member of the Censor Board is Anjum Rajabali. He is a professional screenwriter, having worked on movies like Ghulam and Rajneeti. Prima Facie, he seems to be a genuinely worthy Censor Board member. Another virtue he possesses is a whole lot of “Secularism”.

In April 2014, almost the same time as Swara Bhaskar’s twitter outburst, Anjum Rajabali started a unique movement: A campaign to get Bollywood to vote for “Secularism”  . Although the campaign was ambiguous, Rajabali wasn’t, “It’s absolutely clear that we are referring to any party that does not have a secular approach, which means the right wing BJP and its allies.”

Mind you, Anjum Rajabali was not a mere signatory to a campaign or a supporter, he was the one who spearheaded it, it was his initiative. Now whether it was his brain child, or was there a woman, a very powerful woman behind him, is not known. But we certainly cant rule that out now can we? Hence it is not a surprise that he too has resigned today.

10 Things you should know about Leela Samson


Some facts about Leela Samson which will not reach the Mainstream Media:

1. Leela Samson, former chairperson of the Central Board of Film Certification, resigned on 16/01/2015, because the Film Certification Appellate Tribunal granted permission to release the film, “MSG – Messenger of God”, which she had previously blocked from release. She termed it a “mockery of CBFC”.

2. Previously during her tenure, in February 2014, the Censor Board had objected to the content in a film called “Ya Rab” which  condemned Islamic fundamentalism. The film eventually was passed by the Film Certification Appellate Tribunal. Leela Samson did not feel it necessary to resign then, nor did she feel it was a “mockery”

3. Leela Samson was previously a dance teacher to Priyanka Gandhi

4. Till April 2012 she served as director of the Kalakshetra Foundation. She was forced to resign from the post after a former Kalakshetra teacher filed a writ petition against her for continuing to serve as director, beyond the age limit for Government institutions i.e 60 years.

5. A CAG report from her tenure at Kalakshetra accused the organization of financial irregularities.

6. The CBFC, under her, has blocked the release of Malayalam film Pithavinum Puthranum, “allegedly for hurting the sentiments of the Christian community” since 2012. But for the release of Aamir Khan starrer PK, she had to say this: “Every film may hurt religious sentiments of somebody or the other. We can’t remove scenes unnecessarily because there is something called creative endeavour where people present things in their own way

7. The Principal Accountant-General (PAG), Tamil Nadu and Puducherry has reported irregular appointments made during her term, “16 appointments made during Leela Samson’s tenure were not as per the rules/norms prescribed for the same and hence irregular

8. Her anti-hindu stance is clear from the fact that during her tenure at Kalakshetra, she removed a dancing Ganesha from the logo of the institution and ordered removal of all Ganesha Idols in the premises.

9. Just last month, the Censor board cut 4 minutes of a Kannada movie “Shivam”. The director claims portions where he showed “why and what led to the demolition of some of our temples“were chopped.

10. In 2012, the Censor board felt it necessary to show the film “Kamaal Dhamaal Malamaal” to a Catholic review member and chop of objectionable scenes due to protests by The Catholic Secular Forum (CSF), Association of Concerned Catholics (AOCC), Maharashtra Christian Youth Forum (MCYF), Catholic Residents Organization for Social Services (CROSS) & Catholics for Preservation of Faith (CPF)

Qualifications needed to be a member of Indian Censor Board


As on 16 Jan 2015, there are 23 members in the Central Board of Film Certification (popularly referred to as the Censor Board). If you covet this position, it is necessary to know the qualifications that take you there. For starters, let us know the qualifications of current board members.

Anees Jung: She was a journalist with Times of India’s Youth Times. She has written many books, but not one related to movies. Being an author can take you to CBFC. I am wondering, if a blogger is qualified too?!

Rajeev Masand: He is a film critic on CNN-IBN and his barometer is always Hollywood movies. He has the luxury of seeing all Indian movies beforehand and has an unfair advantage over his competitors. Well, I almost forgot that competition in a socialist set-up don’t go hand-in-hand.

Shubhra Gupta: Like Rajeev, Shubhra is also a movie critic. She is with The Indian Express.

Mamang Dai: From Arunachal Pradesh, Mamang is also a journalist and author. Well, Congress government did know how to keep journalists and people in media happy!

Pankaj Vohra: If you had not guessed his profession by now, stop reading. He is the Hindustan Times Political Editor. They say that all politicians are actors. So, I see merit in why he is inducted into the Board.J

K C SekharBabu: Ok, ok! He is a Telugu film producer. Based on my research, he produced 8 films, out of which the only film which made waves was “Muthamestri”. Guess who the lead actor in the film was! You may have guessed it – it’s the ex-Congress minister and Telugu star Chiranjeevi.

Santokh Singh Choudhary: His eminent qualification was that he was a Congress MP from Jalandhar. Shame on other Congress MPs!

Raghu Menon: We had so many names and I was beginning to wonder if the influence of “babus” was low in the UPA regime. I was wrong. Menon, an IAS from 1974 batch, was from the I&B ministry.

Nandini Sardesai: Well, being a mother of on your sycophants does help. Yes, she is Rajdeep Sardesai’s mother and Sagarika Ghose’s mom-in-law. After this, I am sure Sagarika is an incompetent journalist. Husband got a Padmashri, mom-in-law got Censor Board membership and she didn’t get anything for her loyalty. Life is not fair!

Nikhil Alva: He is a TV producer and anchor. However, there is another important reason why he is on CBFC. He is the son of ex-Congress minister and Rajasthan Governor Margaret Alva. If you aren’t offspring of a Congress member, tough luck!

Ira Bhasker: She is a professor of Cinema studies at… guessed it…JNU, Delhi. But, my guess is that clincher was that she authored “Islamicate Cultures of Bombay Cinema”.

Chander Mukhi Sharma: Manish Tiwari being the I&B minister and him not awarding his cronies is beyond belief. Here is a trusted lieutenant, who was a councillor, was a President of the Chandigarh Basketball Association and was a Youth Congress Chief.

Amal Allana: If you are like me, you would have mistaken her for Amal Alamuddin (Clooney). Jokes apart, she is an eminent Theatre personality. But her name does give a hint!

Dipesh Mehta: He is apparently an author. He is such a mystery that even there is no information about him on Wikipedia.

All is not lost. There were some well noted theatre and film personalities on the board. Though I must admit that I am not aware of any of their involvement with the Congress party or its partners. They are: Pankaj Sharma, Arundhati Nag, M K Raina, Shaji Karun, Anjum Rajabali, Haranath Chakraborty, T G Thyagarajan. Surprisingly, absolutely no info was publicly available on the remaining members: Lora K Prabhu and Aseem Kayastha.

Thanks to Prasanna Vishwanathan for planting the idea for this piece.

Sources: Available public information requiring a few Google searches.

The current list of CBFC members is available here.

Any Neutral Satire site in India? YES!


BJP or Narendra Modi, have no stake, officially or unofficially in any Satire website in India. But if you read some comments on Twitter, you might be fooled into thinking otherwise. Two of India’s most popular satire sites, FakingNews and TheUnrealTimes, are often accused of being soft on BJP, or pro-BJP.

It’s a different issue that these accusations are often from “liberals” who have publicly shown their leaning to other political parties, hence their criticisms are generally a case of severe butthurt. What makes this even more evident is that such voices have increased after BJP secured a massive victory in the Lok Sabha elections. But let’s play along and see if these accusations are actually true?


I checked the front page of FakingNews at 1pm on 15/01/2015. I found:

1. 5 stories related to AAP, out of which 3 were old stories which were shown as related to a recent AAP story. So net recent AAP stories were 2
2. 6 stories related to BJP. One of them was the lead story. 3 such stories were in what I assume is the “featured” section. 1 was in the recently popular section, and another far below. Importantly all were recent stories, no old related posts.

So on a random check, FakingNews seems to have passed the neutrality test. I also checked their archives for the month of January 2015 and it supported the above result where I could find 6 stories directly mocking BJP, and 2 stories on AAP.

At the same time, I checked the homepage of TheUnrealTimes. I found:

1. 1 story on AAP. Another story which can be related to AAP is on Shazia Ilmi joining BJP, Although I feel it mocks BJP more. But for argument’s sake lets say 2 stories about AAP.
2. 7 stories related to BJP or the Central Government (including right-wing groups like VHP and Hindu Mahasabha, because “Liberals” believe all these are the same). The most recent story was the Shazia Ilmi joining BJP piece, where Kejriwal is seen trolling her. Another post on the blocking of websites by the Government was in the featured section.

So again, a similar random check of TheUnrealTimes also shows that they too pass the neutrality test with flying colours.

I have uploaded screenshots of both these sites at around 1pm here. Keep in mind here, both sites host content created by multiple authors, so in-order to substantiate a claim that a site is biased, a majority of authors on that site will have to be biased.

But I also want to touch on a larger point. Why do they have to be neutral? Can we not have a satire website which has a clear slant towards a political party, and is open about it? At least it will be better than MSM members who claim to be neutral but are rarely so. Also, how do they remain “neutral”? Are the writers not affected by the political scenario in the country? When a huge majority of the people in India have shown that they are “biased” towards a party (via Lok Sabha elections), can writers on satire websites be insulated from such “waves”?

And satire sites, need not be biased only because their writers or owners have a particular bent. They can choose to be biased for purely commercial reasons. Both the satire sites I talked about are fully for-profit ventures, so its natural they will promote stories which generate more eyeballs.

The fact is, as on date, jokes on Modi do not generate much positive traffic. There can some negative traffic if “Bhakts” choose to target you, but that’s only if the piece is offensive. As a fellow satirist, I have had this discussion very often that we are still not ready for jokes on Modi because the country is still enjoying the Modi honeymoon period. In fact, TheUnrealTimes, felt this upcoming drought of jokes way back in July 2014 and sportingly put up this satire piece. In a conversation with Ajayendar, a regular contributor at TheUnrealTimes, he mentions “Even if you force fit satire on the likes of Modi, Jaitley etc, the pieces tend to tank big time. At the end of the day, we are neither an NGO nor MSM to makes millions even with poor readership/TRPs”

I might have convinced some, but there will still be some folks who will continue having grudges against these sites, for them, I have the same reply most Right-Wingers get when they question the leanings of MSM: GO START YOUR OWN SITE!

Pope’s new Commandment: Thou shalt not kill, but “Punching in face” is okay


Pope Francis, who was the favorite of many progressive minded people in the world, for his positions on homosexuality and science, yesterday made a statement, which shocked most of his fans. In his first response to the Charlie Hebdo Terrorist attack, the Pope, said nothing justifies the murders, BUT “One cannot provoke, one cannot insult other people’s faith, one cannot make fun of faith”. Oddly, his statements seemed to be in the same vein as some of our “liberal” voices, as we had shown earlier.

Pope’s punch

He used an analogy to further his point, where he said that, if a dear friend were to utter a “a swear word against my mother, he’s going to get a punch in the nose. That’s normal“.

He continued by saying: “There are so many people who speak badly about religions, who make fun of them … they are provocateurs. And what happens to them is what would happen to [my dear friend] if he says a word against my mother.”

In the same breath, he condemned the killings by saying, “One cannot offend, make war, kill in the name of one’s own religion,” the pope said. “To kill in the name of God is an aberration.”

This came as a big shock to most supporters of Freedom of Expression, as the statements of the Pope indicated that he felt that attacking people who criticise religions is ok! He did say murder  was not justified, so does the Pope think that any other form of violence other than Murder is fine? Will this statement will be a source of support to all religious extremists all over the world? especially the terrorist killers of Charlie Hebdo journalists?

Going by this logic, Hindutva elements are left with no choice but to “punch in the faces” of Christian missionaries and evangelists, who are routinely accused of showing Hindu Gods and Goddesses as less powerful and fake.

This statement will make life hard for the followers of the Pope, since he is certainly not any “fringe” element, but the worldwide head of their religion. The Vatican immediately went into damage control by issuing a statement that the Pope’s words were “in no way intended to be interpreted as justification for the violence and terror that took place in Paris last week.” Again, this clarification only says the Pope doesn’t justify killing, but his “punch for my mother” analogy suggests that he supports other forms of physical violence, as a counter to verbal abuse.

Not surprisingly, some Catholic organizations came out and said that they fully subscribe to the Pope’s view. One such organization called the “Catholic League”, posted these views of their President, Bill Donohue, on their site:


Bill has already been criticised heavily for his views which sided with Charlie Hebdo terrorists and blamed the cartoonists for their own death. If more such extremist views arise after this, the Pope will certainly have to answer some more tough questions.

This also shows that the representatives of two major religions of the world, Christianity and Islam, are somehow still struggling to come to terms with the modern ideas of Free Speech. Not only that, they are even willing to legitimize “limited use of force”, which is certainly a cause for concern.

It is pertinent to note that the Pope too has been the target of Charlie Hebdo satire in the past.  And now with his latest controversial remark, it is very likely, he will soon grace the cover of this French Magazine again!