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Muslim family that converted to Hinduism stops puja after getting threats

A Muslim family of 17 members, which converted to Hinduism last week, has stopped following Hindu rituals after they received threats from anti-social elements.

This incident of a Muslim family converting to Hinduism is different from the much talked about Agra Gharwapasi event, which stalled parliament for days and led to various TV news debates earlier.

The latest incident involving family of one Rahmat, took place on December 25 in Davli village under Malpura police station as reported by Amar Ujala.

Another Gharwapasi in Agra
The family briefly followed Hindu rituals before they started receiving threats (photo courtesy)

Rahmat’s family had started doing puja-paath (worship as per Hindu rituals) and had installed statues of Hindu gods at their residence on the same day.

However, they soon started getting threats, following which police was deployed in the village. Local authorities too visited the families, and ever since then, the family is not speaking to anyone.

It should be noted that on December 26, an Urdu newspaper named Roznama Urdu Times, had published an article that argued that any Muslim who leaves the religion of Islam and accepts another religion could be killed.

The article argued that killing of such a person was sanctioned in Quran and was approved by Prophet Mohammad too. The article can be read here.

It can’t be coincidence that the Rahmat family started getting threats after this article was published. And now they are too scared to speak up about the whole incident.

But instead of tracking and punishing those who issued threats to the family, the Uttar Pradesh police and authorities appear busy tutoring Rahmat and his family members to disown the conversion.

Currently the family members are not speaking to anyone, but we will not be surprised if they suddenly start saying that they were “forced” to change their religion. After all who would like to take risk when an article in newspaper says the family is fit to be killed?

And as always, the mainstream media, especially the leading English TV news channels of India, are not reporting either this incident of threat to the family or the hateful article published in the Urdu newspaper.

Terrorist caught wearing skullcap, What should Indian media do now?


News channel Headlines Today reported today that two suspected terrorist, believed to have been involved in Burdwan blasts, were caught in Noida on 19th December. They claim one of the accused is a Bangladeshi national, while the other is from Uttar Pradesh. They were apprehended in a joint effort Uttar Pradesh Anti-terrorist squad, West Bengal Anti Terrorist squad, and IB. Screen grabs of the terrorists are as below:


As you can see these suspected Terrorists are wearing skullcaps. We have already discussed the fact that sadly, Muslims identity is being linked to skullcaps. So will it be in the interest of “Secularism” to broadcast pictures of these suspected terrorists with their skull caps on? Should Media do something about this?

We at have a suggestion: Why not photoshop these images so as to remove the skull cap and replace it with some other secular headgear. In fact, we have done their job for them, have a look:

1. Suspected Terrorists wearing caps worn by RSS Sickular Sanghis

2. Suspected Terrorists wearing caps worn by Anarchist AAPtards

3. Suspected Terrorists wearing caps worn by Corrupt CSK players

We are sure, the above pics will end the Communal Stereotyping of Muslims in this world dominated by Right Wing Hindutva lunatics who are spreading their false propaganda

Top 10 lies spread by the Indian media in 2014

2014 saw some of the biggest lies being spread by our Mainstream media. Reporting standards crashed to all time lows, not that they were very high anytime. But now, since Social media had become so active, there was nothing to hide behind. We bring you the top 10 Hitjobs/Brainfades/Goof-Ups/Supari-Journalism of our Mainstream Media in 2014:

1. All Media Houses: BJP will bring back black money within 100 days.

I don’t need to post any link to the story here, everybody knows this oft-repeated tale. Apparently, Rajnath Singh, at some rally, promised to bring back Black money in 100 days. Well it took a Twitter user @KartikeyaTanna to bring out the truth here.

He pulled out the video of the rally, in which Rajnath Singh clearly said “100 din ke andar karyavahee prarambh kar denge” i.e. an enquiry will be started into the Black Money case within 100 days of coming to power. Not sure what sort of Journalistic degree is required to twist “will start and enquiry” to “will bring back money”.

2. Navbharat Times: 3 lakh bogus voters found in Modi’s Varanasi

Navbharat times reported in November, 6 months after the Lok Sabha elections, that the Election Commission had detected 3,11,057 bogus voters and it was estimated that the total bogus voters number could reach 6,47,085. I donot know how they arrived at this exact estimate though. Even Paragon of Truth Arvind Kejriwal tweeted this report out:


The “Truth” was out when RK Pandey, additional Chief Electoral Officer of State Election Commission of Uttar Pradesh gave out a clarification that “they are just repeated names, not repeated voters”. Was this just a case of poor comprehension skills of a reporter?

3. The Business Standard: Modi mantra: Lean Cabinet, not so lean PMO

This news article tried to make a point that although PM Modi talks about “lean cabinet” etc, his PMO employs more staff than even his predecessor. This report was based on an RTI reply from the Government apparently. But it “wrongly interpreted” the figures in the RTI reply and put out an erroneous report.

The fact was, the current PMO’s staff strength had actually come down to 385, from 411 employed by the earlier PMO. The PMO itself came out with a clarification stating this, seeing the misreporting and resultant outrage. One wonders whether the Business Standard could have just bothered to ask the PMO whether their “interpretation” was correct, before posting this piece.

4. Times of India/Doordarshan: ‘Narendra Modi said Priyanka was like his daughter, DD censored it’

This is the earliest report of this I can find. Times of India claimed that in his interview to Doordarshan, Modi had said “Priyanka Gandhi Vadra was like his daughter” and that DD later on edited this part out. This report was probably based on the rather oddly edited interview, which was telecast by Doordarshan. This led to a war of words between Priyanka and Modi.

Once again, Modi had to step in and clear this by releasing the full video of the interview. As it turns out, no such statement was ever made. A case of making up statements from half-cooked info, where Doordarshan for once, maybe more at fault than Times of India.

5. Times of India: Govt wants schools to observe ‘good governance day’ on Christmas

This is a fairly recent controversy and should be fresh in everybody’s mind. You can read about it here. In this case too, due to a false report, the HRD ministry had to come out with a clarification, and there too it mentioned that “No Clarification was sought by the reporter for the Secretary, School Education before going to press”. Is it so hard to ask the subject before posting any news about it?

6. Times of India: IIT Delhi director quits over demand for Sachin’s academy, Swamy’s dues

IIT-D’s Director resigned 2 years prior to his term getting over. Times of India, from its sources determined that this was because of 2 reasons: 1. Pressure from the government to allocate land for Sachin Tendulkar’s cricket academy 2. Subramanian Swamy’s salary dues. While the 2nd reason is still under debate, Sachin came out strongly against the first point:


This forced Times of India to retract, since such a harsh censuring from India’s greatest sportsperson was clearly something they couldn’t handle. Once again, its clear from Sachin’s post, that Times of India did not bother to confirm the facts with Sachin, before sullying his name. This seems like an epidemic now.

7. Reuters India: India slashes health budget, already one of the world’s lowest

In this story, Reuters India claimed, and I quote, “The government has ordered a cut of nearly 20 percent in its 2014/15 healthcare budget due to fiscal strains, putting at risk key disease control initiatives in a country whose public spending on health is already among the lowest in the world”. The truth again, would be apparent with anyone even mildly familiar with how Budgets work

Every December, Governments have to “Revise Budgetary Estimates” in line with the money they were able to spend till date. In the current scenario, since the Government realised that the they would not be able to spend all the allocated money, it cut its estimates by 20%. The estimate before this adjustment, was in fact 5% more than what the previous Government had allocated in FY 2013-14. This makes its clear that it is not the intent that is lacking, but rather the Government is not in a position to spend this money, due to multiple reasons. But Reuters chose to spin this as if the Government isn’t bothered about Healthcare

8. The Hindu: Ramdev claims cure for Ebola

This piece claimed Baba Ramdev has found a cure for Ebola. It said “Yoga guru Baba Ramdev has put out an advertisement offering a health pack for preventing Ebola virus“. Till then (now for that matter) Baba Ramdev had never claimed to have any such product. Then why was Hindu doing such free publicity for him?

It was based on the ads placed on a site called, which by its own admission has nothing to do with Baba Ramdev. In fact this disclaimer on the front page makes it clear. Wonder if the concerned journalist did not read this or just wanted a story.


9. The Indian Express: Ghar wapsi: Damage control? Amitabh Bachchan ‘secular’ ad

Right at the end of the year, to be precise, on 31st December 2014, The Indian Express told us this: Amitabh Bachchan has been roped in by BJP to feature in a “Secular Ad” which is the “Brainchild of Modi”, to act as a damage control against misadventures like Ghar Waapsi. The Ad, the story claims, to be released before Republic Day, would feature “Bachchan flying a kite and talking about India’s diversity and culture ”

As of now, Big B has intervened on Twitter and out out this tweet, saying no such offer has been made to him.

We wonder who are the sources of The Indian Express, who were privy to such intricate details as to what Amitabh Bachchan would have been doing in the Ad, while Big B himself claims he hasnt been approached!

10. Times of India: RBI to blame for slowdown in manufacturing: Arun Jaitley

You just cant keep Times of India out of the picture. To end the year on a “high”, Times of India claimed that Arun Jaitley said that “RBI’s insistence on keeping high interest rates as the singular factor responsible for the slowdown in the manufacturing sector“. But, if Times of India publishes something, then there almost always has to be a rebuttal

By 12.30pm next day, Arun Jaitley took to Facebook to set the record straight. He clarified that there was not a single sentence reference (not even a word) in his entire speech on either the Reserve Bank or its Governor. He also shared the video of his speech to let readers decide. Another instance of Imaginative Journalism. Sigh!

Editors Note: Some of our readers brought it to our notice that the erstwhile Sr no. 9 in the above post, (  Modi in Rambo Act, saves 15000) actually refers to a news report from the year 2013. Since we are chronicling reports by MSM during the calendar year 2014, this post was out of place. We have now replaced this with a new entry. The inadvertent error is regretted, however, the earlier entry was also a “lie”. This earlier entry is reproduced below:

9. Times of India: Modi in Rambo Act, saves 15000

This figment of imagination story, would put even the most hardcore bhakt to shame. Times of India claimed Modi “managed to bring home some 15,000 stranded Gujarati pilgrims” from Uttarakhand. Of course, anybody with the slightest common sense would realise this is an impossible feat, considering all the logistics, the terrain and the floods in Uttarakhand.

Obviously there was outrage and ridicule on Social Media, which forced Times of India to apologise. As it emerged, what could have actually happened is that Modi Government’s efforts could have helped an estimated 15000 people, in the form of “food, shelter, medicines and transport to reach their homes”. So much for “rescuing 15000 people”.

2014, the year ‘liberals’ lost their marbles


The fundamental trick used by insurance companies to advertise their products is to sell lots of fear by wrapping it in random scary predictions of future. Fear and victimization are very strong tools. It is very easy to convince anyone that other people are conspiring to pull them down. It works like narcotics. When the influenced victim wants to consume more and more conspiracy theories, the agents start increasing the dosages.

After 2014 election results, the self-assumed secular-liberal journalists of India had not much to celebrate. People discarded their old banal inclusive concerns and voted for development.

2014 was a bad year for journalists who baked their stories on the flames of secularism. 2014 was a bad year for media faces who made their fortune by glamorizing the victimhood of a few poor non-Hindu individuals during elections. 2014 was a bad year for social figures who manipulated selective bigot stories to generalize a bigger community.

The sensation created by Modi before 2014 results was expected to fade with time for two reasons – a) people had enough politics on their plate, so they were expected to detox it in later part of the year. b) The promises made during elections don’t often match the reality. Some overhyped delusions were expected to break and disappoint people.

However, more than waiting for the Modi wave to make impact, people were also waiting to track the behavioral pattern of those secular-liberal journalists, who faced a severe moral and ideological defeat in May, 2014.

And as expected, these people didn’t fail to disappoint. The miserable lot hibernated for a few days, but then returned with a much more malicious venom to circulate that in focused target groups.

Like insurance agents, these people have desperately started convincing minorities about their unsafe future. This ridiculous post in generalizes a few random events and derives absurd premise of social development.

The post, like many other similar attempts, appears like just another extremely desperate effort to grab attention and terrorize the “minority”. The posts reads:

Churches have been mysteriously burnt, adivasis have been beaten up and others made to participate in Hindu “reconversion” ceremonies, Muslim men have been falsely accused and put in jail for “love jihad”, anti-Muslim riots have taken place in Gujarat: the list is endless. Modi did not so much as condemn any of these.

If you do a very basic google search, you will find that all these issues (conversions, riots, attacks) were prevalent in the previous government regimes too. Then these liberal-secular journalists chose to neglect such incidences as public mishap instead of demonizing it to such extents.

When I read the headline of this post (see the image below), I see scars of many divisive losers who are trying hard hide the wounds they received in 2014.

Screenshot of
A headline from one of the websites that has become the new Tehelka

Hope they get well soon, so that next year, on this day, I write an article titled: 2015, the year liberals became truly liberal.

AAP could win Delhi elections. 2015 not bringing Achchhe Din for BJP?

The organizational focus on Delhi assembly elections was evident when the Aam Aadmi Party declared its candidates even before the Election Commission of India declared the polling dates. They were looking for first mover advantage. And it seems they have secured that.

Many families residing in various parts of Delhi have confirmed that they have been approached by AAP workers at least twice or thrice in the last few weeks, while the BJP was yet to communicate to them. has found out that the enthusiasm and dedication among AAP workers and supporters for the Delhi elections is currently far more stronger and intense than among the BJP cadres or Congress supporters.

This was indirectly accepted by BJP President Amit Shah too when he asked BJP workers to overcome laziness and indulge in door-to-door campaign for the Delhi assembly elections.

Kejriwal and Modi
Although this banner was soon removed from the official website of the Aam Aadmi Party, the message is being bought by the Delhi residents.

Amit Shah was forced to concede this reality as AAP has launched a high level and high decibel campaign with pro-Kejriwal and pro-AAP posters put in various corners of the cities, apart from door-to-door campaign.

“This huge difference in communication is almost comparable to what we saw during the general elections,” Santosh Kumar, a resident of Mayur Vihar said, “We could see Modi everywhere and Congress was to be seen nowhere during Lok Sabha elections. Similarly now we see Kejriwal everywhere, and BJP nowhere when assembly elections are approaching.”

AAP is also racing ahead in its communication on new media with its supporters very active on social media websites, apart from the party using tools like automated phone calls.

While BJP supporters agree that AAP is more active and more visible at this stage, they claim that once Prime Minister Narendra Modi starts campaigning, the equations will change.

However, political analysts believe that AAP has already worked on a message to checkmate the “Modi wave”. The party is not directly attacking Modi, but they are attacking the local BJP leaders during their campaign.

And this strategy appears to be working. Many residents, whom talked to, believe that an AAP government in Delhi will be able to extract more concessions from the centre than a BJP government led by some local BJP leader.

“A BJP government in Delhi will follow directions from the center, while an AAP government in the state will fight for the benefits of local people,” Vivek a resident of Preet Vihar told this reporter. Vivek claims that he voted for BJP in the general elections.

So it appears that the slogan of “Modi for PM, Kejriwal for CM”, which was dropped by AAP after social media embarrassment, is working on ground.

It looks like 2015 may not bring “achchhe din” for the BJP.

Who is reducing Muslims to mere skullcaps? Communals or Seculars?


When Narendra Modi refused to wear a skullcap in September 2011, it raised many eyebrows and invited many deductive theories. Most of the outraging individuals and organizations were those who don’t miss to waive the flag of secularism in such situations.

Surprisingly, these people were also the same people who stand for freedom of choice and find it utterly suppressive when girls/women are prescribed dress codes. However, they didn’t wait a minute to suggest a dress code for Modi.

What these people ended up doing is reducing Muslims to a skullcap. They totally ignored the fact that Modi did accept a green shawl that had Islamic texts written on it. For them, skullcap signified Muslims.

It didn’t stop here. Their skull-cap deductive theory moved to another level when Modi was seen wearing donning headgears, turbans, or tribal Dumluks. Modi, in an interview, said that he can’t wear skullcap to appease people. Even though some of the Muslim clerics defended Modi’s choice, the secular brigade kept criticizing Modi and kept reducing Muslims to mere skullcaps.

Again, they totally ignored the fact that Modi, in almost all of his election rallies, kept on telling people that Hindu or Muslims were not enemies of each other, but the common enemy of both Hindus and Muslims was poverty and corruption.

This secular-liberal obsession with religious attire was reflected even in Media, which is controlled by left-liberal narrative. Media started counting skullcaps and burqa in political rallies. Conspiracy theories and politics were drawn from these data. They didn’t realize that by doing so, they were stereotyping Muslims as skullcap wearing and burqa wearing.

Anti-terror mock drill
The mock drill at Surat in Gujarat that kept the secular-liberal brigade busy today

This obsession with attire and linking it to Modi has again come to fore today when secular-liberal crowd is making an issue of Gujarat police organizing an anti-terror drill, where a person wearing skullcap was playing the role of a terrorists. While this is something the government could have avoided, once again by outraging against this incident, people are reducing the Muslim community to a skullcap.

Please note that a mock drill is a fictional representation. It is almost like a movie. And thus such protests is akin to what fundamentalists Muslims had objected to when the Tamil movie Vishwaroopam was released.

Yes, we can’t equate a film producer with police force (although the police claims that they use all kinds of attire, and media chose to highlight only when it was turn of skullcap). While police force could avoid taking steps that may stereotype a community, liberals are doing everything to strengthen that skullcap stereotype.

It is to be noted that in 2012, under the governance of UPA, anti-hijacking mock drill a similar mock drill was conducted at the Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar International Airport, where persons playing the role of terrorists were wearing skullcaps. A small section of religious leaders among Muslims had chose to protest it, but the secular-liberal crowd didn’t protest. Perhaps they understood that this will reduce Muslims to mere skullcaps.

But what happens to them when Modi could even remotely be linked to such an incident? They may think that by outraging on such issues they are making sure that Modi is reduced to anti-Muslim bigot, but in reality they are reducing Muslims to skullcaps and themselves to hypocrites.

Government blocks 32 sites using Sec 69A of the IT Act: What did we learn

Today, the Government of India blocked 32 sites, mainly used for content sharing, on the pretext of protecting “sovereignty and integrity of India”, “defense of India”, “friendly relations with foreign states”, “public order” or “for preventing incitement”. We have already expressed our utter dismay at this churlish behaviour. But what did we learn after this episode?

1. Change in ruling party doesn’t change Governance!
Granted BJP has the one of the strongest majority ever. Granted PM Modi is stronger than his predecessor. But he is till working with largely the same people UPA worked with. All the bureaucrats are the same. Over 10 years of UPA government, they have been conditioned to function in a particular manner. Maybe some are just incompetent. What does Modi do? Sack all of them? Not an option. His best chance is to change their outlook and model it to match his and his parties. But that will take time

2. Until bureaucracy doesn’t come out of its slumber, Ministers will have to work overtime.
No we aren’t trying to shift blame from the Government to the bureaucrats. The Minister concerned, Mr Ravi Shankar Prasad is equally responsible. He and his colleagues will have to be extra cautious whenever any Babu brings any suggestions to them. Even the Ministers’ own suggestions should ideally be vetted by a domain expert for practicality. For egs if the Ministry had asked views from anyone familiar with how the Internet works, prior to blocking these sites, he might have been spared the embarrassment from outrage, especially from own supporters

3. Right Wing supporters will not spare anyone, even one of their own.
The first people to vent their anger, during GOI Blocks were the so-called “Right Wingers”. Today also the same right-wingers were not left behind. Sure, some hardcore supporters tried to justify this act saying “blocking was necessary for national security”. (Update: the user has deleted the tweet; it appears he too realized that what the government did was not worth supporting)

But an overwhelming majority of them spoke vociferously against the Government:

And some even chose to dig out PM Modi’s own tweet criticising UPA’s similar actions in 2012:

It was heartening to see those, who are often maligned as bhakts, criticize the party they openly support. Hope the other political groups, often indulging in sycophantic behavior, take note of this development and help in improving the levels of political discourse in the country.

Dear BJP, take Kapil Sibal in your government if you love his policies so much

We got a new government under Narendra Modi, who is known to be IT savvy and youth oriented, but it seems the IT department is still full of people who have no idea what new media is. In fact, it appears that Kapil Sibal, the poet who almost killed your internet connection, is still our IT minister.

Because nothing else explains the silly decision of the NDA government, which blocked tens of content sharing websites such as DailyMotion, GitHub, PasteBin, etc. because some users were sharing “objectionable” content on these sites.

This is exactly what the UPA government had done in August 2012, when they blocked many websites on similar grounds.

One thing that separates those blocks from the current blocks is that the UPA government had also targeted Twitter accounts of people who were anti-government – no such ideological witch hunt is seen here – but the decision is as dumb and draconian as earlier.

The government has claimed that it is being done to control pro-ISIS propaganda on the net. According to Arvind Gupta, National head of BJP IT Cell, this was done at the behest of the Anti-Terrorism squad and sites which are deleting the materials are being unblocked:

Apparently individuals with links to ISIS were using these site to spread material, hence these sites were blocked until they removed the material. The problem with this is, due to the actions of a few, the entire site is taken down. Why not go after the specific posts? Why not go after those authors/contributors? What logic says that if a content sharing site has some illegal material, whole site goes down.

This approach is not only iron-handed but ham-handed too. You are blowing up the entire house and claiming to do pest control. This is not how it works.

However, it is working this way because India’s IT Act is designed in such a way that even ISPs can be held liable. So these ISPs prefer to block entire websites as soon as the government asks them. This is the monster Kapil Sibal had created, whom the BJP appears to be feeding now.

We all know about Section 66A of the IT Act, under which if anybody sends “any information that is grossly offensive or has menacing character” can be jailed for upto 3 years. We also know how under previous Governments, this section had been misused. I also spoke about some other equally devilish sections on my blog. These are Sec 67 and Sec 67A, which basically say that If you send stuff “containing Sexual Acts” then you may be jailed for upto 5 years. That’s like on Engineers being jailed.

The latest blocks shows another head of the monster. And that head is Sec 69A. This clause was invoked to block the websites following advisory by the Anti Terrorism Squad (ATS).

But what is this new Section 69A? A bare reading of it is (emphasis added):

“69 A Power to issue directions for blocking for public access of any information through any computer resource

(1) Where the Central Government or any of its officer specially authorized by it in this behalf is satisfied that it is necessary or expedient so to do in the interest of sovereignty and integrity of India, defense of India, security of the State, friendly relations with foreign states or public order or for preventing incitement to the commission of any cognizable offence relating to above, it may subject to the provisions of sub-sections (2) for reasons to be recorded in writing, by order direct any agency of the Government or intermediary to block access by the public or cause to be blocked for access by public any information generated, transmitted, received, stored or hosted in any computer resource.

(2) The procedure and safeguards subject to which such blocking for access by the public may be carried out shall be such as may be prescribed.

(3) The intermediary who fails to comply with the direction issued under sub-section (1) shall be punished with an imprisonment for a term which may extend to seven years and also be liable to fine.”

So what it says is, if the Government feels, that in order to protect “sovereignty and integrity of India”, “defense of India”, “friendly relations with foreign states”, “public order” or to “for preventing incitement”, it is necessary to block a site, then it can do so.

Clearly these clauses fall within the ambit of ATS, but the solution is not to ban entire domains even if the law empower the authorities to. As said earlier, it is blowing up the entire house to undertake pest control.

If we have to continue with this silliness set by Sibal, why not make him the IT minister again.

This incident should make us demand a complete overhaul of the IT act. It is one of the most retrograde laws in India, and maybe in the world. It advocates shooting the messenger essentially. Banning DailyMotion for a video, is akin to Pakistan banning YouTube. Last heard, Prime Minister Modi wanted us to compete with giants like China, not failed states like Pakistan.

If we are not willing to change this IT act, let’s have Kapil Sibal back as the minister.

Oh, the secular rush to prove that Hindus are behind every crime!


While police was investigating the Bangalore blast on Sunday that killed a woman, some tweets were sent out by a Twitter account @LatestAbdul threatening of more blasts if pro-ISIS Indian Mehdi Biswas was not released.

Now it has come to light that the tweets were sent by a “Hindu” boy who assumed the Muslim username. Apparently the boy is a minor, and most probably mentally deranged, which is why the police has not disclosed his identity.

However, it appears that the police revealed to the media that the boy was a “Hindu”.

Couldn’t the police just have said that the tweets were not sent by a Muslim man and it was a case of impersonation? Why was the need to disclose the religion of the boy, who could as well be deranged, as per the police themselves?

And even if it was revealed by the police, Couldn’t the media have avoided naming religion of the boy. Just tell that the tweets were not sent by a Muslim man and it was a case of impersonation.

It was done so, because it was a “secular” thing to do so.

Because it helps in conspiracy theories that Muslims can never do anything wrong. It is always Hindus who carry out such false-flag operations and blame the Muslims.

Remember, people like Congress leader Digvijay Singh and Bollywood filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt had released a book that claimed that Mumbai terror attacks were carried out by RSS. Such conspiracy theories are hugely popular among domestic Muslim circles.

An extension of such theories is used in Pakistan, where everything is blamed on India. The latest being the claim that Peshawar school attack was a false-flag operation by India i.e. Hindu groups dressed as Talibani terrorists killed Pakistani children!

While the Indian media is not yet “secular” enough to endorse the Pakistani conspiracy theories, they are always obliging to help in spreading domestic conspiracy theories, such as 26/11 being a RSS conspiracy.

To give credence to crazy conspiracy theories that Digvijay Singh and Mahesh Bhatt endorse, one needs “proof”, and thus it was important to highlight that a Hindu boy carried out a false-flag operation on Twitter.

And that is why this information was “leaked” by the police and the media put it prominently in their reports. would like to make it clear that we are not suspecting what the Bangalore police is saying. It could indeed be a false-flag operation by a Hindu boy, whether mentally deranged or sound. But it doesn’t prove anything bigger, as some on Twitter would like everyone to believe.

However, the secular army on Twitter is all out to prove that after this incident, there is no doubt that every crime attributed to Muslim groups is committed by some Hindu.

This is a regular phenomenon now. We saw it earlier this year when a Muslim youth was killed in a hate attack in Pune. A Hindu boy was wrongly blamed for another incident then. Please read this report from those days to understand the case.

To sum it up: A Hindu youth was attacked by Muslim groups in Pune. His injured photo was then circulated on WhatsApp, and it was claimed that he was a Muslim guy who had put offensive pictures of Shivaji on Facebook. The boy clarified that he was Hindu and not a Muslim, and he never put up any pictures on Facebook.

But look what the secular army on Twitter did. They spun this incident of WhatsApp hoax to mean that the Hindu boy, who was himself a victim, had undertook a Muslim name and put morphed pictures of Shivaji to create communal tensions. A victim was made criminal by these people because it suited their political and ideological agenda.

Among those who peddled such lies was a blogger called Farzana Versey, one of the vocal apologists for Islamic fundamentalism. See how she blames the poor Hindu boy of committing the false-flag operation, without conclusive proof. And when pointed out in the article that she might be defaming the boy, she refused to correct herself or update her blog.

It appears that these conspiracy theorists are fan of false-flag operations. Maybe because they themselves indulge in false-flag operations to defame their opponents.

After all such an incident was caught red handed by blogger Akhilesh Mishra. Congress supporters, who happened to be Muslims, had made fake accounts in Hindu names and were abusing others. See the tweet below and click the link contained in the tweet:

Yes, the latest incident in Bangalore indeed appears to be a false-flag operation. At best, it is the case of pot calling the kettle black when it comes to false-flag operations.

And wait seculars, please don’t use this Twitter false-flag operation to prove that the Bangalore blast itself was a false-flag operation by some Hindu group. Or have you already done that? We will not be surprised!

Protests over PK is worrying, but we should have been worried over these too

When a group of hooligans start tearing posters and vandalizing private property, we need to worry. We need to worry not because it’s a law and order situation – tearing posters is still a misdemeanor, not a grave crime – but we need to worry because it shows the level of intolerance growing in the society.

However, the vanguards of freedom and tolerance in our society appear to worry only when a particular group protests, that too when a particular party is in power.

If we go by the commentary of those who identify themselves as left-liberal, we’d be to believe that such intolerance was never shown earlier. And the only time Bollywood was under attack was when BJP ruled last – from 1998 to 2004.

If we go by the discourse promoted by these commentators, there were protests against movies like Fire and Water, and then there was golden era under Manmohan Singh, and finally fascism has returned with Narendra Modi.

But even a person with average memory can say that this is pure propaganda.

Our great commentators are known to be selectively deaf and blind to follies of their own and of their fellow travelers. They are to be as much blamed for this rise in intolerance as those hooligans who are tearing posters of PK.

Kolkata protests by Muslim groups
When fringe Hindu groups see such protests attracting no criticism or action, they get into a competitive match.

Note that those hooligans are indulged in competitive intolerance. When they see that intolerance of other groups is ignored and similar deeds go unpunished, they try to match the groups’ intolerance.

Just in case you think we are making this stuff up, do consider the following incidents:

Barely weeks after Congress returned to power in 2004, a movie called Amu was to be released. The movie was based on anti-Sikh genocide of 1984 and it showed how some Congress leaders were involved in killing of Sikhs.

The movie was earlier cleared by Anupam Kher, who was appointed as the Censor Board chief by the Vajpayee government, but Kher was sacked after Congress came back to power and Amu producers were harassed. Censor Board asked for various cuts on pretexts like the movie could hurts sentiments, it can cause law and order problems, and more. After tones of cuts, the movie was given an “A” certification and allowed to release.

Did you hear any liberal criticize this? Now compare how much noise the liberals made when there were some protests against Parzania, a movie on 2002 riots.

So a movie critical of Congress was almost killed by the UPA government appointed Censor Board as soon as the party was back in power. There were no op-eds written by liberals protesting it.

And the Censor Board, since then, has always indulged in such irrational censoring while our liberals have looked the other way.

Remember that in 2006, few months after Amu was mauled by cuts, India banned the internationally acclaimed movie The Da Vinci Code. Apparently it would have hurt Christian sentiments and created a law and order problem.

The feelings of the Christian community, widely considered to be peaceful and tolerant, were again “protected” by the Censor Board when it acted “pro-actively” and decided to cut some scenes in a comedy movie Kamaal Dhamaal Malamaal.

Yes, a comedy movie was censored! If the same would have been done by a Hindu group, those groups would have been criticized, and rightfully so, for having no sense of humor and having sad lives. Did we hear the same about protesting Christian groups from any of these commentators?

This was not the only comedy movie that was censored. Only a few months back, Akshay Kumar starrer Entertainment was asked by Censor Board to change the name of a character as it would have hurt the sentiments of Muslims.

No kidding. A character’s name, not even his actions parodying any holy figure, but the name could have hurt sentiments, and the Censor Board asked the producers to change the name.

It was just a few months back, do you remember any tweets saying freedom of expression or artistic freedom was being assaulted by religious fundamentalists? And all these years, the UPA government appointed board was humoring such demands.

So much so that during Vishwaroopam protests, some Muslim groups demanded that Censor Board should be restructured demanding reservations for Muslim community leaders in the board!

Perhaps if BJP had not won, UPA-III would have been working on a bill promising reservations to Muslim clerics in Censor Board. Who knows, maybe next time when they return to power, they will do it! And believe us, our liberals will keep quiet if and when it happens.