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How the Government swung the GST Act around


It has taken 15-odd long years for the GST Bill to finally winding its way into the Parliament. In 2000, Vajpayee, the then PM, had initiated the discussion on GST by setting up an empowered committee. Then during the UPA-1, Chidambaram announced that GST would roll out from 1st April 2010. But we all know that it didn’t make that deadline. GST needed all the States and the Centre to be on one common understanding since it is a tax reform which moots uniform Indirect Taxation all over India. Of course, UPA  failed to get develop any sort of consensus, even after being in power for 10 years. Then how did a BJP government manage to achieve this within 10 months?

Some “Journalists” would like you to believe this: When UPA was ruling, BJP states played politics and opposed the GST Bill, and now that a BJP Government has been installed at the centre, all BJP states have agreed to the Centre and have compromised.


Well, a little bit of fact-finding will make it clear that nothing of this sort happened. Till the last discussion of GST under UPA, the states had some major demands:

1. Keeping Petroleum out of GST ambit
2. Keeping Alcohol out of GST ambit
3. Keeping Entry Tax out of GST ambit
4. Some sort of guarantee from Centre for potential revenue loss

Some of these demands were made by BJP states too, including the Gujarat Government then ruled by Modi and the Madhya Pradesh Government. So if we believe these journos, did the states take back these demands? No. They continued with the same demands. Then how did the Centre arrive at a consensus?

The BJP Government was desperate to get GST out as soon as possible. They understood that this single reform could kick-start the Indian economy. Already 120+ countries have adopted GST, so India is already far too late. And the BJP Government didn’t want to delay it further. So, it decided to accept some of the demands of the state, and give them some comfort, so that they can agree with the centre at other places. Out of the above 4 demands, 3 were accepted, and a bonus benefit was passed on to the state:

1. Petroleum was kept out of GST
2. Alcohol was kept out of GST
3. A proposal was sent to the law ministry to work out a “Constitutional Guarantee” to compensate states
4. And the Bonus: The power to states of levying an additional 1% tax levy, for maximum 2 years, to help augment state revenues

In exchange for this, the Centre convinced the states to allow Entry Tax to be subsumed into the GST ambit.
From this, it should be clear that GST was achieved not because BJP states bowed to a BJP centre, but because the Centre was genuinely focused on allaying the fears of States.

Nehru admirer expresses disgust at Madan Mohan Malviya awarded Bharat Ratna

Ramchandra Guha, one of the leading intellectuals in a system established by Congress governments and one of the biggest admirers of Jawaharlal Nehru, today expressed disappointment and disgust at the decision to award Bharat Ratna to Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya.

The NDA government had earlier in the day announced giving Bharat Ratna, the highest civilian award of India, to former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Madan Mohan Malviya, an educationist who founded BHU (Benaras Hindu University).

While the decision was welcomed across the board, a few like Ramchandra Guha used the opportunity to display their disgust because they thought it smacked of parochialism.

For those who don’t know, Mr Guha is one of the well-known admirers of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. In fact, he is often called the first apologist of Independent India.

Mr Guha is deemed an apologist for Pandit Nehru because he, as a historian, whitewashed all the negative and weak characters of the first Prime Minister of India.

Madan Mohan Malviya
Ironically, the same Mr. Guha didn’t object when Congress government led by Dr. Manmohan Singh felicitated Madan Mohan Malviya in the year 2011.

Books, often termed as history books, written by Mr Guha never talk about Nehru’s controversial aspects like him believing in astrology, him being opposed to his daughter’s marriage on grounds of religion, and him being a confused administrator.

Due to such whitewashing of Pandit Nehru’s persona, Mr Guha is widely regarded as a Nehru apologist rather than a Nehru admirer.

However, his disgust at another Pandit – Madan Mohan Malviya – took everyone by surprise.

One would have expected a Congress endorsed intellectual to give some respect o Pandit Malviya, who was once the President of the Congress party, but Mr Guha tried everything to diminish the statue of Pandit Malviya through a series of tweets.

Mr Guha, who also doubles up as cricket expert when not praising Nehru, had on earlier occasions disapproved comparing contemporary greats, calling it an exercise in futility. He opposed comparisons of historical figures like Nehru and Patel or cricketers like Tendulkar and Ganguly.

But he forgot his own rule today. Overwhelmed by the disgust he felt at Pandit Malviya, he ended up comparing Madan Mohan Malviya with all his contemporaries to cut down his size and stature.

This hypocrisy was well caught with a popular Twitter user:

While one can merely guess what caused Mr Guha to feel so disgusted, many believe that it was prevalent Hinduphobia among the Congress endorsed intellectuals that made him do so.

Madan Mohan Malviya always underscored his Hindu roots and expressed pride in the Hindu culture – a behaviour that always most certainly fills “secular” and “liberal” people with disgust and hatred.

As had pointed out earlier, this is how secular-liberal Hindus react when they see a religious-cultural Hindu.

Dear Hindus outraging at PK, look what babas are doing. They are converting Hindus to Christians! had earlier written why it was not worth the time and effort of Hindus to protest against the Bollywood movie PK, accusing it of “Anti-Hinduism”.

While some grouse against the movie is valid, the movie primarily targets babas and godmen, who are not really bringing any benefits to the Hindu society or religion.

In fact, on occasions, they prove to be very dangerous and end up eroding the strength – both in terms of population as well as in terms of spirituality – of Hindus.

Religious conversion by deceit
A fraud baba who converted to Christianity and then converted his followers (Read the story here).

And this fact is being used as a tool by evangelists.

It is no secret that Christian missionaries and evangelists have been targeting India for religious conversions. They have had exceptional success in North East India and now they are targeting the mainland India in the last couple of decades.

(You can follow the Twitter handle @ trackevangelism to know more about their activities) has found out that one of the strategies employed by such evangelists is to involve local babas for mass conversions of Hindus into Christianity.

Their modus operandi includes “convincing” the babas to accept Christianity, who in turn preach the gospel and message of Jesus Christ to their unsuspecting Hindu followers who have been blindly believing them.

Although evangelists claim that such babas accept Jesus Christ as their saviour of their own, in most of the cases it is allurement and fraud that makes these babas jump on the conversion bandwagon.

One such example can be found here. Please watch this YouTube video, especially the confession of the “baba” and the testimony of the evangelist working in India, whose identity has been kept secret in the video, from 7:37 minutes onwards:

If this religious conversion of baba was “genuine”, there was no need to conceal the identity of the evangelist who made it possible. He is shown as reporting the activities of the baba to his bosses abroad on how the baba had been spreading the message of Jesus Christ among Hindus after joining the missionaries.

Please note that the evangelist claims that the baba is spreading Christianity by “performing miracles”. Will any rational person ever believe this?

It is clear that the baba is fooling his unsuspecting Hindu followers and claiming those miracles as being born out of his newly found faith in Jesus Christ.

These miracles could be simple tricks that any magician does, or he could be “healing” people by mixing medicines in “prasad” of Jesus Christ, as is often done by Christian missionaries in remote and rural parts of India.

Since those Hindus were already following the baba and believing his words, it becomes easier for the evangelists to reach out to the Hindus and get them converted through such babas.

They just need to buy one baba, and they get his followers free!

In such a scenario, should we really take it to our heart if a Bollywood movie attacks babas? Yes, they should attack these evangelists too who have been fooling the people as much as these fake babas. But we would be committing a mistake by allowing such babas to spread their network.

Keep in mind that Sant Rampal of Haryana, now in jail, had convinced his followers not to worship Hindu gods and had declared himself a reincarnation of Sant Kabirdas. Next step could have been to declare himself a disciple of Jesus Christ and ask his followers to become Christians.

We need to save Hinduism from such babas more than from a Bollywood movie.

Cartoon: How secular-liberal Hindus see religious-cultural Hindus


[test_ure] Following is a cartoon from Disney, which shows Minnie mouse, a fictional character, getting shocked at the sight of a common mouse, a real character:

Mouse vs Mouse
The Hinduphobia that is ingrained and innate among Indian pseudo-seculars believes that this cartoon captures the essence of the attitude so-called secular-liberal Hindus have towards the religious-cultural Hindu.

In the cartoon, Minnie mouse feels she is superior to a common mouse and feels almost shocked and disgusted after seeing a common mouse.

Similarly, despite being born a Hindu and possessing the secular-liberal thanks to the culture they grew up in, such secular-liberal Hindus don’t feel like Hindus and feel superior to a common Hindu.

And their attitude is as funny and ironic as the attitude of Minnie mouse in the above cartoon.[/test_ure]

AAP resorting to lies and fabrication to win Delhi assembly elections?

Even though the Aam Aadmi Party accuses BJP of lying and using “photoshop” to create confusion and misinformation among voters, increasingly AAP is using the same strategy to win the upcoming assembly elections in Delhi.

Fake poster by AAP
The AAP poster trying to mislead voters about BJP’s CM candidate in Delhi. (Picture courtesy)

It all started with AAP projecting BJP leader Jagdish Mukhi as the BJP’s Chief Ministerial candidate for Delhi even though BJP had not made any such announcement.

AAP even put posters in Delhi projecting Mukhi as BJP’s Chief Ministerial candidate – a step that was called “childish” by Mukhi, who also mulled taking legal action against the party.

However, in absence of BJP taking any legal action, it appears that AAP has become emboldened and decided to extend this strategy in other fields, especially on social media.

This strategy was used when a picture of Arvind Kejriwal sitting in the business class of an aircraft was released a couple of weeks ago. At that time some AAP supporters themselves photoshopped a picture and falsely claimed that the photoshop was done by BJP to defame Kejriwal.

Following is one such tweet that shows AAP using “false flag operation” as a strategy:

Such false claims about BJP photoshopping picture was made even when AAP’s official website had put “Modi for PM, Kejriwal for CM” banner.

Later, both the business class photo of Kejriwal, as well as the official website showing pro-Modi banner, was accepted by AAP leadership as being genuine cases, but not before hordes of AAP supporters on social media claimed it to be a photoshop work by BJP. would like to make it clear that BJP is no saint in such cases and their supporters have also been caught using photoshopped images to make wrong claims, but such acts appear hypocritical when AAP, which claims to indulge in “clean politics”, does it in such blatant manner.

One of the popular incidents where a prominent BJP supporter was found circulating fake and photoshopped picture was when Priti Gandhi, a BJP worker from Mumbai, tweeted a poster that showed WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange endorsed Narendra Modi’s credentials as “incorruptible”.

WikiLeaks had officially issued a clarification earlier this year claiming that the poster was fake. BJP had to suffer embarrassment over the episode. Priti had accepted her mistake then.

But in the latest episode, Priti Gandhi herself appears to be a victim of fabricated and fudged poster created by AAP supporters.

Following tweet is being circulated on social media with help of AAP and Congress supporters. The poster claims to prove that Priti did a U-turn on the issue of insurance bill:

However, when decided to find the truth of it, we found that it was a case of misrepresentation of facts to make it appear that Priti had earlier tweeted against the insurance bill.

The context of the first tweet in the poster can be found by clicking here, and it is very apparent that Priti was referring to insurance policies for retired individuals and not about the bill about FDI in insurance.

One can say that karma has caught with Priti, but it doesn’t justify fabrication of facts by AAP supporters to prove a political point. It is no secret that both Congress and BJP are making U-turns on earlier issues and one doesn’t need to fudge data or misrepresent facts to prove it.

It is really unfortunate that every party is now using such tactics, making every one of them very unreliable. It is high time that top leadership of parties give clear instructions to their supporters and workers to practice “clean politics” in reality, not just in slogans.

Did news channels fabricate live data on election counting day to push up TRPs?


Viewers have often wondered why various news channels show different data for live election results on a counting day.

Earlier it was thought that this could be due to channels using different “sources” to gather data, but it seems that this could be a complete fraud.

ABP News vs Times Now
Are news channels resorting to committing scams just to get ahead and attract TRPs?

This issue was raided by Times Now’s Editor-in-Chief Arnab Goswami during the live coverage of counting results for Jharkhand and Jammu & Kashmir assembly elections.

Arnab claimed that other news channels were “fudging” data to show that they were ahead of Times Now and the fastest in bringing out news, and thus cheating the viewers.

He questioned how could other channels show trends for more seats than for which information was available from official sources e.g. the Election Commission website or reliable sources e.g. data analysis company like Nielsen.

This is the question common viewers have always asked and wondered, but this is the first time a mainstream popular journalist has posted it.

Arnab concluded that the news channels were projecting limited data on a wider number of seats to fool viewers into believing that they had “faster sources” and thus viewers should watch only Times Now. He called their data “manufactured”:

If the TV channels are really fabricating data and using statistical projections to show as if they have information on a larger number of assembly seats, it is very unethical. It can’t be justified by claiming some data analysis.

Live results are no opinion polls where a news channel can project data and based studio debates on those. It is playing with facts and real information. It is highly unscrupulous and amounts to misleading the common man.

TV news channels don’t fall under the purview of Press Council of India so most probably they will go unpunished. However, this fact needs to be highlighted and people should know how low media has fallen in their senseless and sensationalist chase of TRPs.

You know how bad it is when a sensationalist TRP seeking journalist like Arnab Goswami comes out to be the most principled one.

Calling PK anti-Hindu is stupid; Hindus don’t need to turn so touchy!

Many people, especially on social media, have been calling to boycott the Bollywood movie PK, calling it “Anti-Hindu”.

PK the movie
No glory in fighting meaningless battles

These people argue that the movie mocks only Hindu religion and supports “Love Jihad”, thus it deserves to be boycotted.

While it is a democratic right of an Indian citizen to express his views or call for a boycott of a movie – after all call for a boycott is far better than call for beheadings just because you don’t agree with a worldview – Hindus need to choose their battles carefully.

Protesting against a Bollywood movie is the last thing one may do when the Hindu community is up against so many challenges – biggest of which is media narrative monopolized by people who are allergic to Hinduism.

One could argue that movies are also part of media and thus this protest is also a tool to fight that monopoly. That is a fair argument, but it doesn’t cut ice with PK.

Let us look at some facts related to this issue:

1. PK is NOT an anti-Hindu movie, but it is an anti-religion movie. Yes, most of the movie deals with Hindu themes, but it ALSO touches upon conversions by Christian missionaries and terrorism. The scene being argued to insult Lord Shiva is not insulting Shiva but it’s a funny physical comedy involving a character who worked in a drama company and was wearing Shiva costume at that time.

2. Muslim fundamentalists threaten to kill people for the insult of religion. This threat causes many artists to not touch Islamic themes. But it doesn’t mean that Hindus too start becoming like Muslim fundamentalists! There is nothing to learn from them. The Muslim fundamentalists have only weakened Islam and caused people like Tasleema Nasreen to feel disgusted and leave religion. Do Hindus want to follow the same path and push people out of religion?

3. Just because Aamir Khan is a Muslim, it doesn’t become logical to impute a motive for what he is doing. It makes one appear like a religious bigot. Furthermore, a movie depends on a Director’s worldview. PK is a Raju Hirani movie, not an Aamir Khan movie.

4. More than Hindu themes, PK mocks godmen and babas. By protesting against PK, we end up owning the godmen and babas and their deeds. Do we want Hinduism to be known through godmen and babas or through the spiritualism and philosophical knowledge Hinduism possesses? Why should we feel bad if a godman is being mocked? The most recent baba in news – Rampal – used to preach against worshipping Hindu gods. All godmen are not pro-Hindu!

5. The Love Jihad angle is an exaggeration. Yes, PK is guilty of political correctness and shows that a Pakistani Muslim man can love an Indian Hindu girl without religion being an impediment – as rare an event as an alien visiting earth. But that doesn’t mean Love Jihad is being summarily denied. We need to highlight more Love Jihad cases so that it becomes part of the mainstream discourse. Instead of outraging, Hindus should be learning the art and telling their own stories through movies and other works of art.

6. And finally, Hinduism doesn’t censor art or philosophy. We have Kamasutra as well as Brahamcharya. We have allowed atheistic and hedonistic philosophies to work under the parent Hindu fold. Just like OMG: Oh My God was also an anti-religion movie but was consistent with the Hindu philosophy, PK too can be interpreted to consistent with our faith and beliefs.

Therefore it’s a futile battle. The mind space and resources should be devoted to doing other constructive work. PK is no threat or insult to Hinduism.

By protesting against PK, Hindus are making themselves appear like those stupid Muslims who protest against everything.

Internet Hindus come together to help Pakistani Hindus

Popular TV newsreader Sagarika Ghose had coined the term “Internet Hindus” as a pejorative – a term to insult those people active on the internet, especially on social media, and who were proud of their religious identity as Hindus.

But last week these Internet Hindus did what Sagarika Ghose could never do – do something in the real world rather than pontificating in the virtual world (internet) or screaming in the electronic world (TV news).

A group of such Internet Hindus decided to help a group of Pakistani Hindus who have been battling cold weather and cold attitude of Indian authorities in the national capital.

These Hindus, who were persecuted in Pakistan by Islamists, had enough of it in Pakistan and decided to be in India for a new life. Many of them came long ago and had been struggling to make their ends meet.

Numbering hundreds, these Pakistani Hindus are currently staying in a makeshift camp in an area known as Majnu Ka Tila in Delhi.

This eerily reminds of the refugee camps in Delhi that were set for Kashmiri Pandits who were driven out of their homeland by Islamists.

And obviously, when our governments failed the Kashmiri Pandits, they would hardly take care of Pakistani Hindus. As a result, these Hindus have been living in abject conditions for months. A neighbouring Gurudwara was the only entity that came to help – once again proving how Sikhs have been protecting Hindus.

But the Gurudwara could only provide langars, while these families, which include around 250 children, needed much more. And there was no help from the authorities.

While it would have been easy for likes of Sagarika Ghose to preach why the government doesn’t do anything for them, many top journalists didn’t even pay this lip service to these Pakistani Hindus.

But the Internet Hindus went beyond lip service.

It started with many people sharing information on Twitter and Facebook about these Pakistani Hindus, and soon Internet Hindus decided to act.

Last week, these Pakistani Hindus received help in shape of blankets, notebooks, socks, clothes, etc. – all donated by Internet Hindus.

Those leading the activities were Tajindar Singh Bagga of Bhagat Singh Kranti Sena and Twitter users like @Keisar_ and @Damru_.

Pakistani Hindus
Pakistani Hindus sharing some memorable moments with those who came out to help them (Photo source)

These people, driven entirely by compassion for their fellow brothers and sisters, have been reporting developments about their help to Pakistani Hindus, and they have interesting and heart-warming stories to share.

One Pakistani Hindu lady offered these Good Samaritans to join for lunch, which they did. In fact, they asked for more rotis and the lady was only happy to oblige!

The idea was to not make them feel like beggars who were being given free materials but to make them feel as someone equal.

“Why I support #PakHindus is because they are honest and are seriously looking for a source of income. They hate doles. They feel shy.” tweeted @Keisar_ confirming the above outlook.

These Good Samaritans have confirmed that after helping with immediate requirements to fight chilly winters in Delhi, their next step is to help them get some jobs and become part of the Indian society. A group of lawyers have also gone to help them to help them with visa and citizenship requirements.

Surely a moment of pride for Internet Hindus, who have proved themselves to be better than TV Liberals.

This is why Times of India is pro-Congress, Jain brothers owe their wealth to Gandhis


It is not new for the Times of India to do hit jobs against people who are against Congress. From “Rambo Modi” story to the latest “No holiday on Christmas” one, Times Group has helped Congress more than Rahul Gandhi’s leadership has.

But ever wondered why the Times Group is pro-Congress?

No, it is not due to ideology. While the bulk of Indian media is left-leaning and thus anti-BJP, the reason behind Times Group being pro-Congress is because the family that owns the media conglomerate feels obliged and indebted towards the Nehru-Gandhi family.

The Jains, who own the Times Group, are returning a big favour that was given to them by Indira Gandhi during the Emergency period, and before that, the extended Sahu-Jain family had received a favour by Jawaharlal Nehru after independence.

While Indira gave them the power and wealth they currently enjoy, without which they would have been ordinary businessmen, Nehru too tried to save them, though he was not so brazen as his daughter Indira.

The Times of India
Free in the real sense?

The story goes back to the days when the Times of India was owned by Ramkrishna Dalmia, who is also related to the Sahu-Jain family.

Dalmia had acquired Times Group from its British owners just after independence, but in the process, he had misused his position as Chairman of an insurance company. This irregularity was ignored by the then government led by Jawaharlal Nehru.

However, Nehru’s son-in-law and Indira Gandhi’s husband Feroze Gandhi, who was a man of his principles, raised the issue in the parliament and insisted on an inquiry.

It resulted in the case going to court where Ramkrishna Dalmia was found guilty of financial impropriety. He was sent to Tihar Jail for two years.

Despite the proof of this fraud, Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru didn’t impose any heavy penalty on the group and allowed the ownership of Times Group to be transferred from Ramkrishna Dalmia to Sahu Shanti Prasad Jain, who was the son-in-law of Dalmia family and grandfather of the current Jain brothers.

But the biggest help came more than a decade after.

Sahu Shanti Prasad Jain, the new owner of the Times Group, was found guilty of selling subsidized newsprint obtained from the government in the black market in the 1960s. This was illegal and a breach of trust. Not only this resulted in Jain going to jail, but the ownership was taken over by the government of India.

Suddenly, the powerful Jains were left without controlling power on their media business!

The newspaper remained with the government for almost a decade. Jains had lost all hopes of running the business like their private concern, which it was before Jain was found guilty of black marketing and violation of government trust.

But a miracle happened during Emergency imposed by Indira Gandhi in 1976.

Indira Gandhi, who is notorious for nationalizing banks and putting state control over businesses, suddenly found respect for private property and returned the ownership of Times Group to Sahu Shanti Prasad Jain’s son Ashok Jain.

Now put yourself in the shoes of the Jain family. Will you not be indebted?

And they were indebted. And they started paying back this debt with immediate effect.

During Emergency, The Times of India was termed as “The Times of Indira”, where editorials in praise of Sanjay Gandhi, who was ruthless during Emergency, were published.

Later Ashok Jain removed most of the senior journalists who were critical of Nehru-Gandhi family as well as those journalists who were nationalists.

And the tradition seems to be continuing to this day. The media group also enjoys palatial buildings in Lutyens Delhi that were allotted by Congress governments and is used virtually as private bungalow by the Jain family.

It’s human nature. You have to return the favour in some form, and the Times Group is doing that.

BJP to give tickets to party loyalists popular on social media


NEW DELHI: If reports are true, it seems that BJP central leadership is finally waking up to the mood on social media.

As was reported by earlier, many BJP supporters had started getting disillusioned and disappointed with the party as they felt that their opinions were not being heard.

BJP symbol
Many urban areas in Delhi could be influenced with opinions on social media

Now the party appears to have realized that they need to actively involve their supporters on social media.

According to a report published by Hindi newspaper Amar Ujala, central leadership of BJP has asked its state unit in Delhi to give tickets to those persons who are active and popular on social media.

Although it’s not yet clear if the party is planning to choose a totally new and fresh face amongst its social media support base or it’s just asking ticket hopefuls to be active on social media, it’s clear that the party is now keeping social media in its electoral equations.

It will be a game-changer if Delhi unit of BJP actually give ticket to someone who’s popular and influential on social media, apart from being active on ground too. This could placate angry and disappointed supporters, who would think that they have got one of their own to raise their issues.

Earlier, many supporters of BJP had trended #BaggaVsAK49 and demanded Tajinder Bagga of Bhagat Singh Kranti Sena to be given ticket to fight against Arvind Kejriwal. Bagga is one of the popular BJP supporting Twitter user who has also done ground work.

There are other contenders too, but before that BJP will have to officially confirm this news and invite its online supporters to apply for tickets in the upcoming assembly elections in Delhi.