Tuesday, October 29, 2024
55939 Articles by

OpIndia Staff

Staff reporter at OpIndia

Anti-Modi group refuses to apologize for distorting “Om” into Nazi symbol

Instead of offering apology or expressing regret, the group says that “the image was chosen carefully and deliberately”.

Introducing discussion forums for OpIndia.com readers

OpIndia.com launches discussion forums for its readers. Just register with an email and start the debate.

India “shining” as per multiple ratings issued by International agencies

India improves in multiple International Ratings

Long list of authors, artists and scientists who have slammed Award Wapsee

A list of all the eminent people who have slammed award wapsee

Scientists slam Award Wapsee, call it a mere “show”

Award Wapsee is drawing criticism from Scientists

Ashok Chakradhar hits out at award returnees, asks them to see through TRP game and politics

Chakradhar has questioned the wisdom of those who are taking this route to protest against the claimed issues of tolerance and free speech.

Meet your Sahitya Akademi Award Returnees

A deeper look into the backgrounds of some writers who returned their Sahitya Akademi awards

Modi’s clothing subjected to another hit-job by Indian media

Indian media: reporting on banalities and that too without accuracy

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