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Javed Akhtar comes from nowhere appealing Michelle Obama to get into White House, let’s try to make sense of his latest ghazal

Internet is a wonderful place. The democracy here is so high that any and everyone can say whatever comes to their minds and most of the time get away with it without any accountability. And not everything here has to make sense either. That is the beauty of Internet.

Look at Javed Akhtar. Film scriptwriter and lyricist who decided to very randomly let Michelle Obama, wife of former US President Barack Obama, know that he is rooting for her to become the US President and that she should totally not shrug off the responsibility.

Here is what happened. At around 12 PM, sometime between breakfast and lunch, Javed Akhtar reached out to former FLOTUS Michelle Obama. Responding to a tweet on her book tour, Akhtar introduced himself as a 77 year old writer/poet from India.

Akhtar clarifies upfront that he is not some ‘young crazy fan’. He says that he is hopeful ‘any Indian’ would know his name. Akhtar then appealed to Mrs Obama to take his words seriously and asserted that not only the United States but the world needs her in White House. “You shouldn’t shrug off this responsibility,” he told her.

There are a lot of elements to this tweet. The US is not going to elections till 2024, that is, two years from now. So there is no way Michelle Obama could become POTUS now. Secondly, what about Joe Biden? Wasn’t he the ray of hope for all ‘liberals’ in India and abroad who believed he would make the world a better place? In fact, what even about Kamala Harris? Have people lost all their hopes on the woman of Indian origin who is currently the Vice President of US? She has also been a favourite with the ‘liberals’ and believe she would be the first ever woman President of US. One even wonders if this tweet is 6 years late and he mistakenly sent it to Michelle Obama instead of Hillary Clinton who was running for President against Donald Trump in 2016.

Akhtar’s tweet, obviously, triggered a lot of reactions from Indian twitterati.

Popular Twitter user CoolFunnyTshirt, asked why not make Michelle Obama President of India instead. Mr Keh Ke Pehno’s tweet triggered further reaction on how Akhtar should dedicate a song ‘ek ladki ko dekha to aisa laga’ penned by himself to Mrs Obama.

Twitter user Facts gave a befitting reply and suggested how Joe Biden is very unlikely to be able to handle two wives. Since Akhtar had not specified how he would like to see former FLOTUS in the White House, his statement was quite open to interpretation.

And then there were memes.

The second hand embarrassment some Indians had was quite amusing, to put it mildly.

Some even wondered if Akhtar was the alt-account of one Desbandhu.

The 2012 Twitter would remember Desbandhu as a popular Twitter user who would create the tackiest Photoshopped images and gifs and express his adulation for Priyanka Chopra and Michelle Obama on a regular basis. He would express his undying love for Chopra and refer to Mrs Obama as ‘bhabhi’ (sister in law).

He now goes by the user name SP Chaubey on social media and continues to remain Mrs Obama’s fan.

Here’s a sample of his other tweets.

Meanwhile, some also thought it is perhaps the frustration that since they can’t do anything about the Indian PM, the frustration is spilling over to US politics.

Javed Akhtar has not really hidden his dislike for the current dispensation in India. In fact, so much deeprooted is his hatred for PM Modi that over the years he has lent his support to ‘activists’ like Teesta Setalvad, who is accused of false testimony in Gujarat riots cases to specifically destroy Narendra Modi’s political career. During 2020 at the beginning of Covid-19 pandemic, Akhtar had indulged in fearmongering about the trains for migrant labourers. Prior to that, he had tried to whitewash crimes of AAP leader Tahir Hussain, an accused in rioting during February 2020 Delhi riots, and claimed that he was being targeted as he was a Muslim. However, the police investigation has revealed his role in the planning and execution of riots.

In fact, Javed Akhtar’s Twitter presence has over time reduced him to a troll. His anti-Gujarati bigotry just because of his dislike for PM Modi, who is a Gujarati, has been out for all to see. Soon after the Pulwama terror attack, displayed his hate for the entire Gujarati community by implying that Gujaratis are hardly there in defence forces. “We have had so many regiments in the Army like the Sikhs, Marathas, Rajputs. But have we ever had a Gujarat regiment? Since our Prime Minister has great love and pride in the Indian Army of late, I would urge him to raise a Gujarat regiment so the swayamsevaks from the region can join the Army,” Akhtar reportedly said. He had said this way, the people from Ahmedabad and Surat should join such regiment.

The irony is that while terrorism and terrorists have no region or religion, the armed forces do. It is rather shameful to try and divide the army and their sacrifices including the martyrdom of soldiers on regional lines. 

And just because there is not a ‘Gujarat Regiment’ does not mean that Gujaratis, which have traditionally been a trader and business community, do not join the forces. According to reports, as of March 31 2017, Gujarat had 26,656 ex-servicemen, of which 6,233 are from Ahmedabad. There are 3,517 widows of servicemen and 39 soldiers have been awarded bravery awards for their service to the nation. A village named Kodiyavada in Sabarkantha has a population of 6,500 people. About 80% of the families in this village has at least one member in the armed forces.

Akhtar, now, is rooting for Michelle Obama as US President for 2024, in a country where he has no voting right or locus standi.

Awakening a sleeping giant: How opposition and global propaganda against Hindus may end up helping the community

Hindus are a peaceful lot. Hinduism and all Hindus generally believe in the live and let live idea of life- but they are great warriors too. Unprovoked they are great but if provoked beyond a point they will fight and definitely defeat the aggressor-history has umpteen examples of such acts.

Since 2014 when BJP came into power, the entire National stance has changed. India is no more apologetic, no more defensive, diplomatically or even militarily. Not only that, the Indian Diaspora across the world is feeling very patriotic like never before. PM Modi has captured the imagination of all Indians in the country as well as abroad. Some call it ‘Naya Bharat’ a new India with a new pride which now every Indian wears on his/her sleeve!

When I was writing a book on our PM Narendra Modi, during my research, I was listening to all his speeches and debates! I noticed something which he had said in a TV interview, which got stuck in my mind, maybe forever. When he was asked by the anchor as to what according to him was the biggest challenge in front of him as the PM of such a huge nation, his answer was so different and so profound, which at that time may be many would not have interpreted appropriately. He said ‘Ek sau tees crore logon ki soch badalana hee sabse bada challenge hai’ (To change the attitude of 130 crore people is the biggest challenge). Bang on Sir. Can you understand the depth of this statement? And over the last seven or eight years, he has been able to change that. He has addressed problems at the grass root level by opening bank accounts for the poorest who had never ever entered a bank! I am not listing everything that has been achieved during his captaincy but for sure the national attitude has changed. Whenever tectonic plates shift there is some rumbling, and in this case too lot many people found themselves to be on the wrong side of all-inclusive policies which were made in the ‘larger interest of the nation’.

PM Modi is a Hindu by birth and wears his religion on his sleeve. No hypocrisy, just behaving as any Hindu should. Visiting temples, worshipping in a cave in Kedarnath, performing arti at Varanasi, and worshipping at the Kashi Vishwanath temple dedicated to Lord Shiva. While he displays his faith without shame, his policies benefit everyone regardless of caste, colour, creed or religion- ‘sabka saath sabka vishwas’.

World over, heads of state do that in more than one way. By convention, incoming presidents of the United States of America raise their right hand and place the left on a Bible while taking the oath of office. Even Israeli President Isaac Herzog was formally sworn in as the 11th president of Israel and took oath on the 107-year-old Bible.  

So what is the big deal when PM Modi displays his religion in public? 

The political opposition and their supporters in media, academia, industry and unemployed activists (They call activism a profession today by the way) are at loss as to how to find any real fault in Modi and BJP. They may have used sniffer dogs to find out a scam, (I can’t believe they didn’t) but could not find any. They kept on trying new stunts and engineered lots of accusations against the PM, and BJP and also in the same breath roped in RSS every time they protested. They tried every trick in the trick book but nothing worked- so they said OK let us try an indirect method- let us hit the soft underbelly, a soft target- Hindu believers. They feel, if you hit out at Hindus you are hitting out at BJP or PM Modi and largely damage the image of a rising India as a bonus. So they ask the so-called intellects sitting in Ivy League colleges or the lofty universities in Europe to hit out at India. The West has an axe to grind, they also do not want India to take a leading position which is now the fifth largest economy in the world beating UK hollow in the ranking. These guys too can’t digest it. 

Now I must give the western strategists some brownie points for reading and interpreting our history to their advantage. They know we have ‘Jaichands’ amongst us who have always been sleeping with the enemy and they are cheap to buy and sleep with. They will sell their souls, their motherland and if required their mothers too for a few dollars more. A business-class jaunt and five-star hospitality is all that takes for a Jaichand to cross over! So they hire lofty sold-out economists, professors, doctors, scientists, and activists (they also have these crafty guys) to create a narrative against their own country- My god what better than this? Have you heard any American sitting in India abusing America or a British abusing Britain so brazenly, so openly? Maybe not as they have no Jaichands of the Indian kind.

Let me not forget to mention that there is hardly a whimper against Hindus from Japan or Russia and maybe many nations in Africa (there are 54 countries there). You by now can discern why.

Target Hindus

Hindus are peaceful creatures and they will never retaliate, which is their central stratagem. They assume that they do not have it in them and they can keep pushing the envelope as much as they like. 

The basic idea is to show Hindus in a bad light and since they are the biggest majority around 100 crores in number in India, If they are believed to be bad then India is bad and then BJP, RSS and Modi are bad too – QED.

This sounds logical as an equation, but there is one basic flaw in this stratagem. By targeting a peaceful population they are pushing them to come together. Till now a seemingly ill-informed, simple, harmless, innocent guy looking after himself and his family and immediate neighbourhood, a person minding his own business, not a trouble creator (terrorism is something too farfetched for him) seems to be on their radar screen and they feel if they can get a few Jaichands as hired guns, the rest would be a cake walk. Nah.

If you push beyond a point, they will retaliate wisely and retaliate together in their own way. Yes, their own way. Reminds me of what Sun Tzu said: “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” 

And you are helping the Hindus

Let me give an Analogy to explain my point. When Adolf Hitler got Germany to conquer the world, he had entire Europe in mind including Russia. So he started gobbling up Europe, nation by nation from the beginning of the Second World War. America was not in the picture. Americans were not interested in getting into war and were busy building their own economy, Industry and a better quality of life for every American. Minding their own business like the majority of Indians are doing today.

Till Pearl Harbor happened and that was the tipping point.

The attack on Pearl Harbor was a surprise military strike by the Imperial Japanese Navy upon the United States against the naval base at Pearl Harbor in Honolulu, just before 8:00 a.m., on December 7, 1941. The United States was a neutral country at the time; the attack led to its formal entry into World War II the next day. Over the course of seven hours, there were coordinated Japanese attacks on the US-held Philippines, Guam, and Wake Island and on the British Empire in Malaya, Singapore, and Hong Kong.

The Japanese intended the attack as a preventive action to keep the United States Pacific Fleet from interfering with its planned military actions in Southeast Asia against overseas territories of the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and the United States. They also assumed that America will not retaliate. But it did and in a big way.

Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, who planned the attack on Pearl Harbor would reportedly write in his diary, “I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.”

It changed the course of the war. The tables were turned. Germany was completely destroyed Eventually America bombed two major cities of Japan- Hiroshima and Nagasaki with atom bombs delivering a fatal blow to Japan, killing millions of innocent Japanese.

By pushing Hindus to a wall you are doing a great service to India and the Hindu community. You are helping a seemingly disarrayed and divided community to unite! Hindus are watching carefully, every bit of your antics. It will eventually benefit India, BJP and PM Modi. You have very little choice.

“Don’t awaken a sleeping giant, don’t fill them with a terrible resolve”. This stratagem may cost you dearly- very dearly.

From Sona Mohapatra to Urfi Javed, several women lambast Bigg Boss makers for including #metoo accused Sajid Khan in the show


Several Bollywood actresses have expressed their displeasure towards the makers of Bigg Boss for inducting Sajid Khan as a contestant in Bigg Boss 16. The list of actresses includes Iranian actress and model Mandana Karimi who accused Sajid Khan of harassment during the MeToo movement.

In an interview with the Times of India, Mandana Karimi said that there is no respect for women in the film industry and that she does not intend to work in Bollywood anymore. Mandana Karimi was last seen in Ekta Kapoor’s serial Lockup. Mandana Karimi added, “For people, life has become like, ‘If it’s going to benefit me and I can make money, who cares?’ The industry is a place where someone is someone’s mum, boyfriend, girlfriend, or husband. It’s like, You scratch my back and I will scratch yours.”

Mandana Karimi had alleged in 2018 that when she had gone to meet Sajid Khan for the movie Humshakals, he had asked her to remove her clothes. He had allegedly told her, ‘if I like what I see, you might get the part’.

Urfi Javed has also criticized Sajid Khan for participating in Bigg Boss. Sona Mohapatra who had accused Sajid Khan during the MeToo movement has also criticized the producers of the show.

Urfi Javed wrote on her Instagram story,  “Bigg Boss, why would you do that? When you support sexual predators, you’re actually telling them that it’s okay what they have done. These men need to know this behaviour is not okay and they cannot get away with it. Stop working with sexual predators!”

Urfi Javed further wrote, “It’s not controversial, it’s just disgraceful! Sajid Khan never apologised for what he did! Imagine what the girls he harassed must be feeling? So you don’t really have to worry because even if you harass multiple women you will still get to be on the biggest show in India!! Controversy ke liye aap har cheez thode support karenge! #Colors stop supporting sexual predators!!!”

Referring to sexual harassment, the fashion influencer with her unique fashion styles further wrote, “Sajid Khan is accused of showing his private parts to girls, asking girls who want to become actresses to send nudes to cast them in the film, using lewd and vulgar language from women, and watching porn content in front of female peers.” Urfi didn’t spare Kashmera Shah and Shehnaaz Gill either. On Shehnaaz’s support for Sajid Khan, Urfi wrote that how can one praise a sexual predator? She added, “You’re all making him a hero. He might have made some laugh through his scripts but who knows how many girls he has made cry in real life?”

It is notable that Urfi Javed was a participant in season 1 of Bigg Boss OTT streamed in 2021. She was first to be evicted from the show on the 8th day.

Author Mohua Chinappa shared a post on Instagram in which she wrote, “Big Boss hosted by Salman Khan has got the MeToo accused Sajid Khan to join the show as a contestant. It is shameful that even after the recent rape case of Ankita Bhandari and the innumerable deaths that go unregistered. We will have him on national television in a very popular show. This says a lot about the people who have chosen him and how the powerful often get away with accusations against them.”

She added, “It was physical and emotional trauma for the victims. This can’t be overlooked. According to the reports as many as nine women have accused Khan of harassment. There are reported incidents where he flashed his private parts, asked actors to give auditions in his bedroom and other inappropriate questions have come to light.”

Film critic Sucharita Tyagi tweeted, “In case we’ve forgotten, Sajid Khan took his d*ck out in front of women regularly, actors journalists he didn’t care. just a reminder before we start watching that damn show ‘just for entertainment yaar’. expect better demand better. he’s been brought on not because he’s a talented filmmaker but ONLY because of this response his presence will generate among women and make news stories. it’s sick and disgusting do not accept.”

Sona Mohapatra tweeted, “This is Sajid Khan, now on a reality TV show. Then there is Anu Malik judging a music reality show on TV, for children no less. Kailash Kher Celebrity Judge on TV. ALL called out by many many women in Me Too. Indian TV channels, and executives are indeed depraved & sad lot.”

Sona Mohapatra also called out Javed Akhtar and Farhan Akhtar for their silence on this issue. Tagging Javed Akhtar in his tweet, she wrote, “Dear Javed Akhtar, I know you to be a veteran, feminist & thought leader of the Indian film industry. That you choose to have remained silent all these years about these men you know very very well, personally, hurts me & breaks my heart. Charity begins at home.”

In another tweet, Sona Mohapatra tagged Farhan Akhtar and wrote, “Dear Farhan Akhtar, you front an organization called MARD. This man & the many others are known to you personally. Speak up, Stand Up only when it’s convenient, or pay to virtue signal for ‘our cause’ not now? Charity begins at home.”

It is notable that a video clip of the late Jiya Khan’s sister Karishma appeared that revealed Sajid Khan’s deeds. This clip is a part of a documentary by BBC. In this, Karishma says, “I remember going to Sajid Khan’s house with my sister (Jiya). I was probably only 16 at the time. We were near the kitchen table. I wore a thin strip top and leaned on the table. He was constantly looking at me and he suddenly said – Oh, she wants to have sex with me. My sister Jiya immediately came to my side and said, What are you saying? Sajid Khan said, Look at the way she is sitting. My sister replied, Oh no. She is innocent and younger. She doesn’t want all this.”

After this, Karishma told that she left with her sister. But she said in the video that she felt very astonished and disgusted. Jiya’s sister says that when Sajid Khan asked her sister to take off the top, she came home and cried a lot.

Karishma said, “It was rehearsal time. She was reading the script when Sajid Khan asked her to remove her top and bra. She didn’t know what to do. She had said that the film has not even started yet and all this is happening from now on. She came home and cried a lot. She said – Sajid Khan has contracts. If I leave, I will be sued. If I don’t leave, I will be sexually assaulted. Either way, I will be the loser.”

Dubious duo Pratik Sinha and Zubair of AltNews ‘favourites’ to win Nobel? A deceitful narrative by the media, rife with lies and misrepresentation

The Nobel Peace Prize is going to be announced at 11 AM, Local Time on Friday. On the 5th of October, that is on Wednesday, The Time came with the news, courtesy of Sanya Mansoor, (Originally published on the 4th of October, 2022, updated on the 5th of October, 2022), headlined- Here are the Favourites to Win the 2022 Nobel Peace Prize. 

How political the Prize in itself is and how much credibility it has left is defined by many facts associated with the Prize itself. It is named after Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite and other explosives, by virtue of which a French paper called him- Merchant of Death. That apart, the Committee had given the Nobel peace award in 1994 to Yasser Arafat, the chief of PLO, who at one time headed a terror organisation Fatah. Barack Obama who bombed more countries in a given time frame than most US presidents also got a Nobel Peace Prize in 2009, in anticipation of good actions towards world peace. Even the erstwhile Secretary of the Nobel Committee Geir Lundestad later admitted it was not based on the past track record of Obama but on future hope, and that in that sense Committee did not achieve what it had hoped for.   

Barack Obama bombed at least seven Muslim nations after getting Nobel Peace Prize and a Peace Prize coupled with friends in liberal media helped him escape the moniker of an Islamophobe, in spite of that. In any case, some bombings like that of Afghanistan where the Al Qaida Chief hid did deserve some tough action unlike today’s America which promotes and supports a self-proclaimed fanatic epicentre of the World, Pakistan. 

The fact is that the submission for Nobel Peace Prize is open. Hitler was nominated by a Swedish Legislator in a jest in 1939. Joseph Stalin was nominated twice in 1945 and 1948. So being nominated could be a prank as in the case of Hitler or a propaganda attempt to provide some kind of halo to otherwise shadowy names as in the case of Stalin. Reuters reports that there are 343 candidates running for this year’s prize. As per the will of Alfred Nobel, the prize should go to the person who has done the most or best to advance fellowship among nations, the abolition or reduction of standing armies, and the establishment and promotion of peace congresses. The Reuters article which Sanya Mansoor of Times refers to mentions Navalny, Thunberg and Attenborough as nominated. 

The same article however mentions that the list of nominees will not be made public for another fifty years. Hoping that the secrecy presumed in the regulation requiring the nominations to be kept locked for another Fifty years is true and not mythical, the names mentioned as nominated must be guesses made by interested parties. The only way, however, for the people to know about the nominations is for the nominators to themselves declare their nominations. Norwegian politicians have off-late started disclosing their nominees and often those nominees have turned out to be winners, which also indicates the political nature of these awards. These politicians this year have nominated David Attenborough, The WHO which miserably failed in predicting Covid and is yet to come clean on China’s angle to the Pandemic which killed millions, Belarussian Dissident Sviatlana Taikhanouskaya, Greta Thunberg who is not heard much these days after Energy crisis precipitated by Ukraine War, Pope Francis (possibly for meeting Putin before the war), Myanmar National Unity Government (which is a government in Exile) and Tuvalu’s Minister Simon Kofe who speech on climate change went viral some time back. Tuvalu is a small island nation and is sinking due to rising sea levels. 

There is another list, on the basis of which often rumours get floated that is the director’s Shortlist. This director’s shortlist is based on the Director’s own assessment of worthy candidates and does not reflect the possibility of any of the shortlisted candidates winning the award. The PRIO website mentions that the shortlist neither confirms nor formally endorses any candidate and is not in any way based on privileged access to the decision-making of the Norwegian Nobel Committee. The list released by Henrik Urdal (Current Director of PRIO) for 2022 mentions:

  • Sviatlana Taikhanouskaya (Belarussian dissident) and Navalny (Russian Dissident)
  • International Court of Justice
  • Harsh Mander and Karwan-e-Mohabbat (this was behind Anti-Hindu Delhi Riots as a climax of Anti-CAA Protests organised to oppose laws giving priority citizenship to pre-partition Indians who are now minority citizens from fanatical, theocratic states escaping due to persecution).
  • Ilham Tohti, Agnes Chow & Nathan Law. 

Below this main list, the PRIO page mentions that Mander and his violent organisation are worthy because under Narendra Modi’s Hindu Nationalist administration, the situation for Muslims in India has become increasingly difficult and the country has seen numerous incidents of religiously motivated violence. Having mentioned the names in Director’s list, it also adds, that in the same category combating religious extremism and intolerance in India are Mohammed Zubair and Pratik Sinha. 

Obviously, when PRIO speaks of religiously motivated violence in India, it does not refer to Hindus beheaded in the last few months on account of a doctored video released by Mohammed Zubair which has forced a woman in her youth to stay in hiding. Further, contrary to the express will of Alfred Nobel, Zubair created a situation of conflict by provoking a campaign with the same doctored video, many days after the TV debate, out of Muslim Brotherhood nations like Qatar, who in recent past have been beneficiaries of Indian government’s support in COVID pandemic and later during the foodgrain crises precipitated by the white-people’s war in the West. In a recent international event, a head of state called for Narendra Modi to be in a three-member panel along with Pope Francis to find a peace solution in the Ukraine war. Narendra Modi is the elected PM of the same Government that PRIO calls a Hindu nationalist Government. I would wish someone had sent mail to Ms Julie Marie Hansen, Advisor to the PRIO director the list of Hindus killed in India in the last few years due to Islamic terror and fanaticism. 

However, in 2021, no one from the Director’s list got the award. In 2020, no one from the list got the award. In 2019, Abiy Ahmed, the Prime Minister of Ethiopia got the award. In 2018, Nadia Murad and Denis Mukwege got the award. Nadia Murad has been working with Yezidi women victims of ISIS terror. Mohammad Zubair inflamed passions in the same nations which created the horror of the Islamic State. In 2017 too, this list hit a blank. 

In such circumstances, it is safe to assume that in the rare event of this director’s list hitting the target, the only possibility of someone winning it from India is Harsh Mander and his dubious organisation backed by Christian Missionaries. In Norway, any citizen born to one or both Norwegian parents is marked as a Protestant Christian. In that sense, Norway is more of a Christian nation than India can ever be a Hindu nation. Muhammad Zubair’s name is mentioned in passing and is not even on the list. He is not on the disclosed list of nominees.  

What is most interesting is that AAP propagandists tweeted congratulating Prateek and Mohammad Zubair. Within hours, Indian media has lapped up the news and leading channels like NDTV, in terms of notoriety if not viewership have given this a tinge of validation. Now the news is that these two men with shady backgrounds, who are not even on the nomination list or Director’s list are strong contenders for Nobel Peace Prize. This serves two purposes, for the detractors of the government, it embarrasses the Government, and for the people concerned, it lends them an aura of fake respectability.

Either way, this is media-generated hype about something on the basis of a Kashmiri Journalist’s half-baked report, which does no good to the consumer of this news. I hope some media channels would think about it before jumping on the bandwagon. It shows inherent disrespect towards the readers and viewers if not clear dishonesty. India Today headlines- Pratik Sinha, Muhammad Zubair among favourites (quotes The Time Magazine) quoting PTI sources, NDTV also cites TIME report, Hindustan Times puts in a report written by Shamita Kar with headline identical as India Today, although she at least mentions that the list of favourites is compiled by Time Magazine. Business Standard also joined the bandwagon without any due diligence and even erroneously added in the sub-headline -The Nobel peace prize is awarded to people “who have conferred the greatest benefit to humankind. Although the contention of BS is inherently incorrect if one is to look at Alfred Nobel’s will, even to make the greatest contribution to humankind, a digital-only medium needs to have that kind of reach. As per similarweb.comAlt-News is ranked 100,633 in the global ranking as against the say, an which is ranked 7736 in the global ranking. It has 726k visits as against 12 Million on Opindia. In fact, while conferring the greatest benefit to humankind, its viewership tanked by 38% in the last month. 

The fact remains the dubious duo who started shining bright on the skies of Indian journalism since 2014, with unknown or shadowy precedents, are not on any official list of recommended list. Their name is not even in the Director’s list of favourites, and just finds mention in the body of the article on the PRIO webpage mentioned above. As explained, the process of nomination is quite wide and open and anyone from Hitler to Stalin could get nominated. Whether these dubious characters who created animosity within India and across nations right after a global pandemic are on the list of 343 nominations too will be only known 50 years from now as is the Nobel conventions. In any case, Sartre with whose quote this article starts declined this award and from India. Mahatma Gandhi, in spite of multiple nominations, never got Nobel Peace Prize. Mahatma Gandhi was nominated in 1937, was declined, some say on account of his inconsistent political policies. In 1947 he was again nominated but was declined, with the advisor to the Committee, Jen Arup Siep wrote on Gandhi with reference to his role on Partition of India and his role in World War II and also because there was a war brewing between India and Pakistan. 

Congress-friendly journalists again fawn over Rahul Gandhi’s new photo-op in his Bharat Jodo container Yatra

Congress-friendly journalists are seen fawning over Rahul Gandhi’s new photo-op in his container-led Bharat Jodo Yatra. As these journalists are lauding Rahul Gandhi for his viral photograph in which he is seen tying the shoelaces of his mother Sonia Gandhi, they are getting trolled for their old jibes on Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s photographs with his mother.

Rohini Singh posted this photograph of Rahul Gandhi from her Twitter handle and wrote in its caption, “From mothers tying the shoelaces of their sons to sons tying the mother’s laces – life comes full circle. Our children outgrow our laps but never our hearts.”

Similarly, Swati Chaturvedi shared the same picture of Rahul Gandhi and wrote in the caption, “What a lovely picture as Rahul Gandhi ties his mother’s shoelaces!”

Many other journalists shared this photograph of Rahul Gandhi and the one in which he was seen standing in rain with various captions symbolizing their sycophancy towards the grand old party. Prashant Kumar shared the recent shoelace-tying photo and wrote, “Lovely sequence this! Mother and son!”

Rohini Singh posted Rahul Gandhi’s photograph in rain and wrote in the caption, “If visuals are to go by then this picture of Rahul Gandhi trumps all the breathless ambulance PR…”

Vinod Kapri tweeted Rahul Gandhi’s video in which he is delivering a speech in rain. Vinod Kapri wrote in the caption, “This video of Rahul in rain is going viral. People are writing that there is a story in this video that Rahul Gandhi kept addressing in the rain, but the bigger story is that thousands of people continued to listen to Rahul in the rain.”

This container-led Bharat Jodo Yatra by Rahul Gandhi is attracting the attention of these journalists at a time when the Congress party is going through turmoil like never before. It is in power in only two states Rajasthan and Chhattisgarh. Out of these two states, the Rajasthan unit of the Congress party is in the middle of a power tussle between Ashok Gehlot and Sachin Pilot.

Congress is continuously losing elections at all levels starting from Panchayat elections to state assembly elections and general elections. The party has had no full-time working president for the last few years and the election for the presidential post is about to take place. Amidst all this, Congress and the journalists in its ecosystem are busy promoting an MP from Wayanad who has already given up on the post of the party president.

From “wow, he can stand in the rain!” to “wow, he can tie shoelaces”, the ecosystem media’s expectations from a 52-year-old MP seem to be quite low.

The hypocrisy of ‘moderate Muslim intellectuals’: Navratri, Garba, rampant violence by the Islamists and the feminine divine

Almost every year, while Hindus across the world celebrate the feminine divine during Durga Puja/Navratri, Moderate Muslim Intellectuals come out of the woodwork to use the festival to prove just how tolerant, embracing and respectful they are towards Hindus. In 2022, controversy raged on as the Madhya Pradesh government gave explicit instructions that non-Hindus would not be allowed inside Garba events. Bajrang Dal too found its voice again, thank god, and started patrolling Navratri events for Muslims, who often pretend to be Hindus to gain access to these religious events.

Even as this Garba controversy was brewing, OpIndia documented how Muslim men in Indore and Ahmedabad pretended to be Hindus to access Garba events just so they could film Hindu girls and how a minor was gang raped by Muslim men who said they will get Jannat because they raped a Hindu woman and that everything was “fair” in Islam. Even as the controversy brewed, Muslim youth forcibly entered a Garba event in Jaipur. Even as this controversy brewed, we reported NIA revelations about PFI planning to bomb several Hindu religious places during Dussera and Diwali. We also documented incidents of stone pelting and violence. In one of these incidents, Muslim students beat up Hindu students with iron belts and stones because the Hindus students had taken objection to the Muslim students insisting Islamic songs be played during Garba celebrations on the college campus. There were also multiple reports of stone pelting on Garba pandals by Muslim men. In one of these incidents from Bikaner, Rajasthan, a Hindu youth Madhusudan Modi was stabbed in the eye and is currently in critical condition after he opposed the harassment of Hindu women at the Garba event by Muslim men Shahrukh, Sameer, Zubair and others.

One would be pressed to find condemnation in any way, shape, manner or form from the Muslim intellectuals condemning this extremist behaviour of their co-religionists. These are “intellectuals” from India who are seen largely as those on the frontline of fighting the stereotypes against Muslims, Islamophobia and assorted victim cards that are usually handed down to the “minority” community. Therefore, as much as Hindus try to dismiss them as hateful, biased, motivated and agenda-driven, their voice in the Muslim community matters. In fact, people like Rana Ayyub are now seen as the face of “Islamophobic attacks” by the “Hindu nationalists”. Arfa is widely watched within the Muslim community and Leftist circles who also have the power to influence fence-sitters. It is therefore important to analyse what these Muslim intellectuals, seen as the representatives of Moderate, persecuted Muslims are saying about the spate of Jihadi violence.

Rana Ayyub spent the past 3 days talking about how Garba was a joyous cultural celebration for everyone, regardless of religion, and that Hindutvavadis should stop being communal, she whined about Modi, Trump and the state of democracy in India. There was one tweet where she shared the image of Rahul Gandhi standing in the rain and hailing him for being strong and resolute. And then, there were tens of tweets and retweets about a Muslim man being beaten up with a policeman’s lathi in Gujarat. There were cries of Islamophobia, persecution of Muslims in Modi’s India, Hindutvavadis being fascist and the usual tropes one hears from such elements.

She asked for the world to turn attention to the regular anti-Muslim violence in India as she shared the video of a Muslim man being tied to a pole and being beaten up by the police.

Arfa Khanum Sherwani, the Muslim journalist and resident communal harmony expert of the Liberals and Islamists working at The Wire also tweeted the video calling it an example of what happens to Muslims in “Modi’s India” pointing out specifically that in the background, some Hindus could be heard chanting Bharat Mata ki hai. These are only two examples of the leading lights of the Muslim community talking about this video. This video went viral on social media, causing a furore among Muslims, Liberals and foreign commentators who used it as an example of atrocities being committed against Muslims in an India that has taken a turn toward Hindu majoritarianism.

Most of these commentators made it seem like this was unilateral violence against Muslims with no provocation whatsoever and that the violence is only a result of the demonisation of Muslims by Hindus. Almost all of them, especially the Muslim intellectuals, failed to mention that the flogging seems to have taken place after a Muslim mob had pelted stones at a Garba pandal. A mob that was led by two Muslim men had entered the Garba Pandal at Kheda, Gujarat and started causing a ruckus.

News agency PTI had reported that a mob of 150 people threw stones at a Garba event on the premises of a temple and subsequently, 43 were named in the case. According to the FIR, members of the Muslim community in the village objected to Garba being organised near a mosque, which is situated across the temple. “Police detained 13 persons after the FIR was registered at Matar police station,” Deputy Superintendent of Police VR Bajpai had told PTI. Police were deployed in large numbers at the village following the incident.

Now, let us break this down. The Muslim community had a problem because a Hindu festival was being held on the premises of a Hindu temple because the Temple was situated across the street from a Mosque. Essentially, the Muslims could not tolerate a Hindu festival being celebrated inside Temple premises simply because it was somewhere close to a Mosque. When Hindus went ahead with their festivities anyway, the Muslim community took matters into their own hands and started pelting stones at the pandal which was inside the Temple premises. They even forcefully entered the venue and created a ruckus. All of these details were conveniently left out by these Muslim intellectuals who seem to want to raise awareness about how Muslims are the ones being persecuted. If one critically analyses this incident, it is evident that the Muslim community were so intolerant, that they wanted to harm Hindus merely celebrating their festival in their own Temple because once a Mosque is built by them, the entire area seems to be under their ownership. It becomes a “Muslim area” where Hindus simply don’t have the same rights, where they must live according to Islamic rules of they are liable to be beaten, murdered, harmed and persecuted.

If these Muslim intellectuals had spoken about the facts of the case that led to the flogging of the one Muslim accused before he was taken into custody, most individuals would have grudgingly admitted that the police beating them up and making them apologise is certainly wrong, but the violence was initiated by the Muslim thugs and for unleashing violence against the Hindu community, the police were merely trying to “discipline” the offender. If they had spoken about it, their entire trope of Garba being a non-religious cultural celebration where Muslims had the right to participate would come crashing down and their agenda to paint the Muslim community as the perpetual victims would have been shattered.

Essentially, these individuals maintain studious silence when Hindus are being attacked by their co-religionists and scream “Islamophobia” the moment there is a semblance of self-defence and/or retaliation for the violence initiated and unleashed by them. While maintaining silence on the violence, they talk about the syncretic culture of India, the fact that our festivals have nothing to do with religion and that Hindus are the actual “fascists” for not being comfortable with Muslim presence at their festivals. 

While shielding their community, painting the aggressors as victims and the victims as “fascists”, they attend the very festivals that have come under attack by the Islamists. They, of course, don’t attend Hindu festivals because they have any veneration towards the feminine deity, but because they wish to prove themselves as “tolerant” and the Hindus as “fascists”, and also because they want to ensure that the Hindu spirit for fighting back is broken down completely and summarily. 

Let’s analyse this example. Arfa Khanum Sherwani, The Wire journalist who claims to fight for Muslim rights took to Twitter to talk about how the Hindu insistence that Muslims should stay away from Garba is breaking down the last shred of the composite culture that remains in India. She termed Hindus “Hindutva Fascists” for asking Muslims to stay away, given that certain sections of the Muslim community mock, desecrate and abuse Hindu deities.

Today, when Arfa is talking about the composite culture of India and calling Hindus ‘fascists’ for asking those who don’t believe in the feminine Hindu deity to stay away from Garba, it is important to remember that Arfa had earlier said that “Bharat Mata ki Jai” is communal because Muslims are being forced to submit to the concept of feminine deity when they follow the “One God” concept. 

2018 tweet by Arfa Khanum Sherwani

Essentially, this is the chronology that the Muslim intellectuals seem to be following: 

  1. They will cry Islamophobia when Hindus ask them why they are not assimilating into the innate Hindu cultural character of the nation. Case in point, Arfa’s tweet where she says chanting Bharat Mata ki Jai is communal because Muslims cannot be forced to worship the feminine divine as Monotheists who believe in one true God. 
  2. After making it very clear that they have no faith in Hindu deities and the Hindu cultural character of the nation, they will cry Islamophobia when you take them at face value and ask them to stay away from religious festivals because they have no faith in the Hindu deity. They will paint Hindus as fascists for taking them at face value. 
  3. They will then de-hyphenate the religiosity of the festival and call Hindus “fascists” for even suggesting that their festival is deeply religious. 
  4. The very people who have no faith in Hinduism, Hindu deities and often call the Hindu faith in their religion and/or the civilisational values of the nation “fascist” and “communal”, will then attend religious festivals to prove that they are better than “communal Hindus”. 
  5. After they win brownie points and create a global narrative against Hindus, they will again scream Islamophobia and persecution when Hindus call their hypocrisy out. 
  6. When their co-religionists attack these Hindu festivals, they will maintain studious silence and let the violence brew. 
  7. When Hindus start talking about the violence, defend themselves or retaliate, they will cry Islamophobia and persecution yet again. 

The pattern is repeated not just by such journalists, but other individuals who are touted as the beacons of moderate Islam. In fact, those who make a remotely critical comment on the conduct of the Muslim community are often forced to retract and then made to prove their anti-Hindu credentials, because their previous comments against the Hindu community do not absolve them of the sin of criticising Islamists.

In September 2021, Naseeruddin Shah said, “Even as the Taliban’s return to power in Afghanistan is a cause for concern for the whole world, there are celebrations among some sections of Indian Muslims. This celebration of the barbarians is no less dangerous.” Naseeruddin Shah urged all Indian Muslims to question themselves if they want to “reform Islam, support modernity, or live with the barbaric traditions and values”.

There was a substantial backlash against Shah, even though he has in the past made several comments against the Hindu community and defended the actions of Islamists. He was forced to retract and issue an apology. He later said, he didn’t mean to vilify the entire Muslim community. He further said, “At this time, Muslims are already being demonised enough when in several instances their livelihoods are being threatened, their lives are sometimes in danger, they are being attacked and openly vilified (There are) several right-wing Hindu preachers – who have said absolutely offensive statements propagating violence against the Muslims This was perhaps an inopportune time to say this, but what other time could I have said this? I didn’t intend to add to the demonisation of the Muslim community. Am I an idiot that I will demonise my own community and include myself in it?” the actor said.

The backlash against Shah making a fairly obvious and logical statement (for a change) was so massive, that Shah had to quickly blame Hindus for demonising Muslims and assert that his criticism of the Muslim community for supporting the takeover of Afghanistan by the Taliban came at an “inopportune time”.

Quickly, after his criticism of the Muslim community, Shah had to redeem himself by whitewashing crimes against Hindus and hailing Islamic barbarians. In December 2021, he gave an interview to The Wire where he whitewashed the atrocities committed by the Islamic invaders against Hindus by calling them “so-called atrocities” and asking people to call Mughals “refugees”. In 2022, while Nupur Sharma got threats of rape and beheading from across the globe, Shah went to NDTV and dismissed the threats. He said that the threats were being made by “empty vessels” and that nothing would anyway happen to her because she would be given security. It was soon after these comments that Kanhaiya Lal was beheaded for supporting Nupur Sharma. Naseeruddin Shah failed to condemn the murder.

Naseeruddin Shah had to overcompensate for his statement critical of the Muslim community by saving Islamist brutes, hailing Mughal barbarians, demonising Hindus and dismissing atrocities against them and belittling Sar Tan Se Juda threats. While Shah bent over backwards for Muslims who could not handle one critical comment, his wife, Ratna Pathak, went on to say that India was becoming a conservative society like Saudi Arabia because in this “day and age”, women were keeping Karva Chauth for the long lives of their husband.

Other “moderates” who claim to be atheists have maintained studious silence about Islamist atrocities as well. In fact, recently, Javed Akhtar was far more concerned about the fact that “Muslim men” was mentioned in the report rather than the fact that they had brutally gang-raped a Hindu woman.

On his Twitter timeline, the last condemnation for any sort of Islamic radical violence is the condemnation of Salman Rushdie being stabbed. Even in that tweet, he did not have the temerity to name the Radical Islamist who stabbed Rushdie and the religious motivations of the violence. Interstingly, it was Akhtar who had, years ago, dog whistled against Rushdie in 2021. After digwhistling against Satanic Verses, Akhtar claimed the high moral ground with a shabby condemnation of the violence, while keeping completely mum on other instances of violence by the Muslim community, crying Islamophobia at the drop of a hat, eulogising Mughals and whitewashing the atrocities against Hindus. All of this, while conveniently claiming that he has renounced religion itself.

While “moderate Muslim” intellectuals, either under the garb of their moderation, journalism or atheism, refuse to condemn (and even justify) violence against Hindus, festering the mistrust further, they call Hindus “fascists” for not wanting to entertain the community in their religious festivals.

The attacks against Hindus by Islamists, the world over, are not something that should surprise us. We don’t even need to go into Islamic theology to understand that their hate for Polytheists comes from their deep faith in their scripture. Frankly, I never understood why we need to start quoting scriptures to make our point. We don’t need to talk about Surah 2 (Al-Baqarah) Verse 191, Surah 3 (Ali ‘Imran) Verse 151, Surah 4 (An-Nisa) Verse 56, 89, 101, Surah 5 (Al-Ma’idah) Verse 14, 51, 57, Surah 8 (Al-Anfal) Verse 65, 69, Surah 9 (At-Tawbah) Verse 5, 14, 23, 28, 29, 37, 58, 111, 123, Surah 21 (Al-Anbya) Verse 98 so on and so forth. We just need to look at documented evidence about their collective conduct towards Hindus. 

Navratri, a Hindu festival, is one of the biggest and most grand celebrations of the feminine divine in the world where a Goddess slays the demons that the Gods could not. For those who have no concept of the feminine divine and have nothing but disdain for Hindus, there should be no place in our festivals which are, despite attempts to de-hyphenate, deeply religious affairs.

Ex J&K DGP ups his meme game after being attacked by ‘liberals’, Islamists for sharing a meme on Nobel Prize

On October 6, the former Jammu and Kashmir DGP Shesh Paul Vaid stepped up his meme game on Twitter after being targeted by ‘liberals’ and Islamists for uploading a meme on the Nobel Prize, a day after Time Magazine named propaganda website Alt News founder Mohammad Zubair and Pratik Sinha as “shortlisted candidates” for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Shesh Paul Vaid’s response came when self-proclaimed journalist Rohini Singh of leftist propaganda outlet The Wire, who was agitated by his Tweet despite the fact that it did not name anyone, attempted to give him a moral lesson class.

Memes and shocking reactions have flooded social media since a piece written by Sanya Mansoor for TIME Magazine on Wednesday, October 5, named Mohammed Zubair and Pratik Sinha, the founder of propaganda website Alt News, as shortlisted candidates for the Nobel Peace Prize.

On Thursday, without taking any names, the ex-J&K DGP posted a meme about the Noble Prize. He Tweeted a popular meme from the 2007 Bollywood film ‘Welcome,’ starring Akshay Kumar, Anil Kapoor and Nana Patekar, with a famous dialogue from the movie itself, “Ab Ghodo ke race mein Gadhe bhi Daudenge,” roughly translated to “now donkeys will also compete in horse races”.

He captioned his Tweet, “Nobel Peace Prize” followed by a grinning face with tightly closed eyes emoji.

This post by Vaid, which clearly mentioned no names, riled up The Wire’s ‘journalist’ Rohini Singh. She descended on his timeline to give him a lecture on morals and principles. “Unfortunate that such a senior IPS officer who has held responsible posts has been reduced to an IT cell troll. Why don’t you try gardening or pottery or basket weaving, sir, if you find it hard to pass time post-retirement. Those are dignified hobbies,” Tweeted the self-proclaimed journalist.

Predictably, not just Rohini Singh, Vaid’s banter meme raised the hackles of the so-called leftists, Islamists and Zubair’s online supporters who too descended on Vaid’s Twitter timeline to deride him with personal attacks.

Vaid, however, refused to get bullied. Instead, he boosted his meme game by posting another meme directed at Rohini Singh, who attempted to teach him a moral lesson post his Tweet on the Nobel prize. Ex-police officer posted another popular meme from the same Bollywood movie ‘Welcome’ with a famous dialogue from the movie, “Arre kaun bhawk raha hai badtameez,” in response to Rohini Singh’s rant.

Vaid thanked Rohini for her suggestions and added that he prefers meming.

Alt News founders being shortlisted for Nobel Peace Prize as per TIME magazine

OpIndia reported how in an article published on Wednesday, October 5, Sanya Mansoor for TIME magazine, listed some of some allegedly “shortlisted candidates” for the Nobel Peace Prize for 2022. Alleged fact-checkers from India and founders of propaganda website Alt News are also mentioned by TIME in their list as the “shortlisted candidates” for the peace prize.

Since the only notable accomplishments this year of Mohammed Zubair and Pratik Sinha, the founder of Alt News, are sending a lynch mob towards Nupur Sharma and anyone supporting her, to the extent of instigating murders across the country, their inclusion left everyone bewildered. Zubair was also arrested for hurting the religious sentiments of Hindus.

Taking a cue from TIME, Indian leftist outlets like NDTV and The Wire regurgitated that Alt News founders are among the contenders for the Nobel Peace Prize this year. NDTV even went on to confirm that Zubair and Sinha are on the list of 343 candidates in contention for the award this year referencing TIME. The TIME piece itself says that data is taken from Reuters, however, there is no mention of Zubair and Sinha as nominees in Reuters.

Congress once again insults President Droupadi Murmu, senior leader Udit Raj makes objectionable remarks about India’s first tribal president

On Wednesday, October 5, Senior Congress leader Udit Raj made objectionable remarks about President Droupadi Murmu. Udit Raj’s controversial remarks came in the wake of President Murmu’s visit to Gujarat. Udit Raj said that no country should have a President like Droupadi Murmu and added that she is doing ‘chamchagiri’ beyond limits.

On Monday, President Droupadi Murmu said at an event in Gandhinagar that Gujarat produces 76 percent of the country’s salt. She said that the salt produced in Gujarat is consumed by all Indians. Udit Raj got upset about these facts about salt production in India and decided to attack President Murmu and her integrity.

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has expressed a strong objection to Udit Raj’s statement. BJP spokesperson Sambit Patra said, “The words used by Congress leader Udit Raj for President Murmu are worrisome and unfortunate. This is not the first time he has used such words. Congress should apologize for insulting tribal women.”

Sambit Patra added, “Congress leader Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury had also made objectionable statements against the President. These comments by Congress reflect their anti-tribal mindset.”

BJP leader Shehzad Poonawala tweeted, “After Ajoy Kumar called President Droupadi Murmu as evil & then Adhir Ranjan Chaudhary used the term ‘Rashtrapatni’, now Congress stoops to a new low! Udit Raj uses unacceptable language for the 1st woman Adivasi President! Does Congress endorse this insult to the tribal community?”

Shehzad Poonawala said in his other tweet, “Udit Raj is a serial offender – not just President Murmu but he has continually insulted the top constitutional position & President Kovind Ji. He called President Kovind “deaf and dumb” Now he calls Murmu Ji “chamcha” (sycophant) Congress never acted because they endorse his views.”

In July 2022, Congress leader Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury sparked a massive controversy by calling President Droupadi Murmu ‘Rashtrapatni’. Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury admitted that it was his ‘mistake’ to call President Droupadi Murmu ‘Rashtrapatni’. However, the Congress leader refused to apologize and said that the ruling party is trying to make mountain out of a molehill. Now Udit Raj has joined the ranks of Congress leaders who have delivered offensive remarks against President Murmu.

Madhya Pradesh: Youths from ‘samuday vishesh’ spray acid-like inflammable liquid on a girl in Durga Puja Pandal in Jabalpur, 10 arrested

On Wednesday the police said that a group of men allegedly sprayed an acid-like inflammable substance on a girl at a Durga Puja Pandal in Madhya Pradesh’s Jabalpur.

The incident took place in the Kotwali area of Jabalpur late Tuesday night. According to the police, 10 people have been arrested so far in the case. The victim, who is being treated in a local hospital, has suffered severe burns on her face.

Prabhat Shukla, City Superintendent of Police (DSP) briefing about the incident said that an inflammable substance was sprayed on a woman who went to the Durga Pooja pandal in the Kotwali area close to Sunarhai. As soon as the woman felt the sensation caused due to the spray, she cried for help. The people present on the spot caught hold of three of the accused and handed them over to the police.

After interrogation of the three arrested, 7 more accused were arrested as well.

“A case was registered under Indian Penal Code (IPC) sections 354 (assault on woman) and 324 (causing hurt) based on the woman’s complaint. We will add relevant sections of IPC against the accused after the laboratory tests determine if the substance used was acid,” DSP Shukla further informed.

According to a report by Amar Ujala, all the 10 accused in this incident belong to ‘samuday vishesh’. As soon as the Hindu organisations received the information about the incident, they reached the police station and staged a protest.

Goa State Counsel in Supreme Court, Prashant Patel shared a picture of the perpetrators and tweeted, “Terrorists who hurled acid on women in Sunarhai Navami Durga Utsav in Jabalpur.”

Notably, several cases of Muslim youths forcibly entering Garba venues and causing ruckus have come to the fore not only in Madhya Pradesh but in other states as well.

On October 4, the administration of Madhya Pradesh’s district of Mandasur demolished the illegally constructed houses of three of the 19 accused in the case where stones were thrown at a Garba venue after a dispute between the two parties. As per reports, on the night of October 2, a stone pelting incident took place at Surjani Village which comes under the Sitamau police station area in Mandasur district. Four people were reportedly injured in the incident.

Kerala Police officer CA Siyad suspended for having links with members of the banned Islamist outfit PFI

According to the Kerala police, an officer has been suspended for allegedly having links with members of the banned Islamist organization Popular Front of India (PFI).  As per a report by the Pothanikkad police station SHO, Ernakulam (rural) District Police Chief Vivek Kumar on October 4 issued an order suspending CA Siyad, the Civil Police Officer (CPO) is accused of having connections with PFI members.

According to the order, he was immediately suspended pending an investigation owing to his neglect of duty, indiscipline, and failure to carry out his duties, which not only tarnished the force’s reputation but also led the public to lose faith in the police. Additionally, it stated that a police officer assigned to the Kalady police station with the rank of Deputy Superintendent of Police will look into the claims made against the CPO and submit a report with recommendations within 14 days.

According to the report, the CPO, CA Siyad, attempted to meet PFI members who were detained at the Perumbavoor police station in connection with the September 23 hartal-related violence and unofficially intervene in the matter without the knowledge or consent of his superiors.

The report claimed that he called up various police officers to enquire about the specifics of the case, arrests, and the chances of bail for the accused who were charged with offences under the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and Prevention of Damage to Public Property Act for violent acts, including damaging buses, during the illegal flash hartal on September 23 which was called by PFI members against nationwide raids and arrests of PFI members in a terror funding case.

Additionally, it stated that Siyad had repeatedly contacted other PFI activists after looking through his phone and finding their contact information. The investigation further said that the CPO was careless in his interactions with PFI activists despite being aware of the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA) and murder charges against some of them.

Moreover, the report alleges that Siyad had received on his WhatsApp pictures of the murder of BJP OBC Morcha leader Ranjith Sreenivas in Alappuzha in December last year, allegedly by SDPI workers. The next day after Social Democratic Party of India (SDPI) state secretary K S Shan was brutally murdered while en route home.