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‘Muslims must stay away from Garba’: A viral tweet and a conversation I must have with my readers

On the 29th of September, an innocuous tweet about Garba made me the subject of an ocean of support, but also of sub-human vitriol, abuse and slander. As they say, if one can’t handle the heat, one should get out of the kitchen. Frankly, social media vitriol by Islamists and their ideological backbones only act as fuel. I thrive on it. I know I should be crying copious amounts of tears, much like the Left, because the non-Left always tells me that we need to play that game “smartly”. But I can’t. I don’t feel victimised. I feel vindicated. I believe for the larger Hindu cause, it is only desirable that the poison rises to the surface – the poison against Hindus, against Hindutva, against this great civilisational land for which our ancestors bled and died.

The tweet that went viral, was a rather mainstream opinion – mainstream if one actually gets out of the South Delhi, South Mumbai circuit and bothers to interact with the rest of the country – Muslims should stay away from Hindu festivals, Garba in this case, because it is a deeply religious celebration of the Navdurga – those who believe idolatry is a sin and that polytheists should be slayed wherever they are found, have no business attending Hindu festivals.

With over 2 million impressions and thousands of mentions (good and bad), I feel it is important I talk about my position to my readers because this position, I believe, is important for the longer civilisational battle that Hindus seem to have been sucked into, willingly or unwillingly – I stand by every single word in those tweets.

This article is not meant to be an explanation for the Islamists and Leftists who seem to have lost their sleep over this rather average opinion. It is meant to be a conversation between my readers and me through the only medium I can truly express myself – because Twitter, I believe, is a tawdry medium made for punchlines, not elaborate discussions.

I have been running OpIndia for over 5 years now, and year after year, on every single major Hindu festival, we document how devotees come under attack by Islamists, Leftists and sometimes, the state. In 2020, right before the anti-CAA violence broke out, there was a spate of attacks against Hindus. It started with the Hauz Qazi temple vandalisation in the heart of Delhi and was followed by several attacks against Durga Puja processions. In 2021, we saw the Delhi anti-Hindu riots, large-scale attacks against Hindus in Bangladesh and the Bengal post-poll violence specifically directed against Hindus and this is just a timeline off the top of my head. In between all of this, we also witnessed a global cabal trying to vilify Hindus by using euphemisms like Hindutva – from “Dismantling Global Hindutva” to Leicester – Hindus are being vilified, targeted, beaten, attacked and shunned. The propaganda crescendo, dare I say, is almost Nazi-esque in nature – stereotype and vilify an innocent, indigenous population to an extent that even their genocide seems justifiable.

The attacks against Hindus by Islamists, the world over, are not something that should surprise us. We don’t even need to go into Islamic theology to understand that their hate for Polytheists comes from their deep faith in their scripture. Frankly, I never understood why we need to start quoting scriptures to make our point. We don’t need to talk about Surah 2 (Al-Baqarah) Verse 191, Surah 3 (Ali ‘Imran) Verse 151, Surah 4 (An-Nisa) Verse 56, 89, 101, Surah 5 (Al-Ma’idah) Verse 14, 51, 57, Surah 8 (Al-Anfal) Verse 65, 69, Surah 9 (At-Tawbah) Verse 5, 14, 23, 28, 29, 37, 58, 111, 123, Surah 21 (Al-Anbya) Verse 98 so on and so forth. We just need to look at documented evidence about their collective conduct towards Hindus.

Even as this Garba controversy was brewing, OpIndia documented how Muslim men in Indore and Ahmedabad pretended to be Hindus to access Garba events just so they could film Hindu girls and how a minor was gang raped by Muslim men who said they will get Jannat because they raped a Hindu woman and that everything was “fair” in Islam. Even as the controversy brewed, Muslim youth forcibly entered a Garba event in Jaipur. Even as this controversy brewed, we reported NIA revelations about PFI planning to bomb several Hindu religious places during Dussera and Diwali. I am not even talking about centuries of persecution. I am not talking about Aurangzeb, Babar and their likes (or even the support they find among Indian Muslims today). I am not going back decades to talk about Hindus being burnt alive in Godhra or the Malabar Genocide of Hindus, the Khilafat movement and the partition. I am merely talking about the news that emerged in a span of 48 hours – 30th September and 1st October.

With thousands of temples desecrated to build mosques, the ongoing persecution of the Hindu faith does not need a theological debate to find legitimacy. One only needs to open their eyes and look around.

With news emerging on a daily basis, what is it then, that forces people to convince themselves that sectarian hate against Polytheists is a figment of the Hindu imagination? I believe the aim is guilt-tripping Hindus. To place the responsibility of syncretic culture only on the shoulders of Hindus so the community is forced to accept every aggression against themselves without any semblance of retaliation or self-defence. With all of this evidence, Hindus are expected to uphold the mythical syncretic culture where Muslims of all hues must be embraced and invited to participate in Hindu festivals, festivals that celebrate the divine feminine – deities that Islam considers demonic.

The evidence that the insistence on attending Garba is not rooted in religious respect or reverence but to ensure that the Hindu community’s spirit of self-defence is broken down completely, is aplenty. Arfa Khanum Sherwani, The Wire journalist who claims to fight for Muslim rights took to Twitter to talk about how the Hindu insistence that Muslims should stay away from Garba is breaking down the last shred of the composite culture that remains in India. She termed Hindus “Hindutva Fascists” for asking Muslims to stay away, given that certain sections of the Muslim community mock, desecrate and abuse Hindu deities.

Today, when Arfa is talking about the composite culture of India and calling Hindus ‘fascists’ for asking those who don’t believe in the feminine Hindu deity to stay away from Garba, it is important to remember that Arfa had earlier said that “Bharat Mata ki Jai” is communal because Muslims are being forced to submit to the concept of feminine deity when they follow the “One God” concept.

'Muslims must stay away from Garba': A viral tweet and a conversation I must have with my readers
2018 tweet by Arfa Khanum Sherwani

The proud Muslima is calling Hindus “fascists” because they essentially took her assertions at face value, as one of the representatives of the Muslim community, and said that since Muslims believe that submission to the feminine deity is “communal” and “fascistic”, maybe Muslims have no business attending Garba festival. And, to rub the communal Hindu’s nose in the mud, she attended a Garba festival and posted the video online as well. I will not be posting the video of her at Garba in this article because it appears that she was there with a minor, presumably her daughter according to several tweets, and no child should pay for the sins of her mother.

Now, does it make Hindus fascists if we simply take these assertions made by Muslim representatives at their face value and why should we not believe that Arfa attended the Garba festival simply because she wants to taunt the Hindu community?

Hindus, on the other hand, to counter this burden, try to push the burden onto the Muslims – they say if Hindus are supposed to accept Muslim participation in Hindu religious festivals like Navratri, non-Muslims should also be allowed to enter Mecca, offer prayers to their deities in a Mosque, so on and so forth. That is a facetious argument, used merely to point toward hypocrisy, not necessarily for implementation. Frankly, I have no problem if non-Muslims are not allowed in Mecca and Mosques don’t allow Hindus to worship their deities on their premises (the legitimate ones, not ones built over ruins of Hindu temples, of course). Religious activities are for those who believe in the Deity/God being worshipped – not for those who have no veneration for the religion or the divine power being prayed to. I don’t want to enter Mecca. As a Hindu, I have no faith in Islam and therefore, my presence there has no logical basis for it. But the fact that the very Muslims, who think violence is justified if Hindus so much as pass through “Muslim areas”, think that it is their constitutional right to enter Hindu religious festivals even though they have no faith in the Deity being celebrated, is an argument that gives rise to such facetious demands – a sign of desperation and anger.

Besides the burden of maintaining India’s mythical syncretic culture, one shabby and effective ploy used by the defenders of this shenanigan is to de-hyphenate religion from our festivals. Diwali becomes a “festival of lights”, Holi becomes a “festival of colours” and Garba becomes merely a folk dance. The deep religiosity attached to these festivals is discarded, even delegitimised, so our religious festivals can be “secularised” and used to display the disrobed mockery of Hindus by Islamists. In their ‘dismantling global Hindutva’ propaganda, where Hindutva is just a euphemism for Hinduism, this strategy fits perfectly – chip away everything Hinduism stands for to ensure that nothing is left to fight for in the end. Hindus must, in my opinion, vociferously assert the religiosity of their festivals because if they don’t, they might not have much to celebrate in the future.

Not all Muslims

I am deeply aware that my position on Hindu festivals could be unpalatable to some Hindus, who are fundamentally inclusive. Despite intimate knowledge of everything I have said and covered in this article, a nagging thought that would gnaw at them is that not all Muslims are the same. Their friend, their neighbour, their building contractor, their fruit seller and the average Muslim on the street trying to earn an honest living has nothing to do with hate for Hinduism, they would like to believe. This is partly true, of course. All Muslims are certainly not the same. In fact, in one of my articles about how Islamophobia is a Muslim brother ploy, I had said exactly this – it would make sense for the Muslim community to fight “Muslimophobia”, however, “Islamophobia” is a ploy to skirt criticism of the problematic religious tenets that dehumanise others.

Having said that, what I can’t seem to find an answer to is who are those thousands who take to the streets to chant Sar Tan Se Juda, as we saw during the Nupur Sharma fiasco? Who were those two Islamists who murdered Kanhaiya Lal? All Muslims are not the same, yes, but with thousands and lakhs of Muslims baying for Hindu blood, how do you differentiate? Are they not Muslims and do their wishes not adhere to true Islam? Why do so many factions of the Muslim community resort to unbridled violence against non-Muslims the world over?

I am no Maulana and these are questions that the Muslim community has to answer.

What makes these misgivings worse, is the fact that we hardly saw condemnation for Islamist violence against Hindus. When the Delhi anti-Hindu riots took place, despite ample evidence that it was a planned attack against the Hindu community, the entire global cabal of Leftists and Islamists employed all the resources at their disposal to prove that it was an anti-Muslim “pogrom”. When Nupur Sharma came under global threat and chants of Sar Tan Se Juda echoed on the streets, the Muslim community shunned away from condemning the bloodthirsty monsters. In fact, there were tweets even justifying the “anger” of the Muslim community by saying that Nupur Sharma crossed a line. Judges of the Supreme Court no less blamed Nupur Sharma for the beheading of Kanhaiya Lal by Islamists and the Liberals simply cheered them on. When the larger Muslim community remains mute against Islamist aggression, whitewashes cases of genocide, calls cases of rape and murder of Hindu girls fake and made up and justifies violence against Hindus for speech, Hindu misgivings are reasonable, at the very least.

If the Muslim community believes that this mistrust is misplaced and that they truly wish to participate in Hindu festivals not to insult, desecrate, mock and dismantle Hinduism, they need to give Hindus a reason to trust them and explain the parts of their faith that propagate violence. If they think the violence and mockery of the Hindu faith is a part of Islam, they need to evolve and summarily denounce the last stone pelter and hardliner on the streets. Failing this, and failing the blanket and genuine condemnation from the larger Muslim community of every act of violence perpetrated against the Hindu community, Hindus have a right to defend their faith against aggression, verbal or physical, just as any community under siege would.

Essentially, this entire guilt-tripping of Hindus during their festivals is an effective way to make the Hindu community accustomed to their own persecution. To quote Sita Ram Goel, “The point that all of you are trying to make is that Hindus should not stand up and speak in defence of their own religion and culture, that Hindus should not try to analyse and understand the factors and forces in the field around them, in short, that Hindus should remain at the receiving end for all time to come. We are sorry we have to reject your advice”.

A year on, Kawardha violence still haunts the Hindus, accuse Congress govt of Muslim appeasement: Ground report from Chhattisgarh

Kawardha is a city and municipality in the district of Kabirdham, Chhattisgarh, India. At first glance, the city appears to be like any other small town in India. Such cities move at their own pace. There is no hustle and bustle like in major metropolitan areas. This city’s Dharma Dhwaja Chowk is home to the 108-foot-high saffron Mahaviri flag, which was unfurled last year after a Muslim mob allegedly uprooted and tore apart a saffron flag installed here. This location is also connected with Dr Raman Singh, the 22-year-old state’s Chief Minister for 15 consecutive years.

In October 2021, the city catapulted into the national spotlight. The reason was that a Muslim mob had uprooted and torn a saffron flag installed on the Karma Mata temple in the city. Durgesh Devangan, a Hindu youth who opposed it, was brutally beaten. This incident occurred on October 3, 2021. Following this, a 15-day curfew was imposed in Kawardha and the internet was snapped.

Essentially, the state’s Congress government led by Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel did everything it could to keep the media and general public from learning about the situation in Kawardha following the communal violence that was ignited after a Muslim mob allegedly uprooted the Saffron flag and tore it apart.

The administration was also accused of taking unilateral action against Hindus. Following this catastrophe, Hindu saints and sadhus organized a massive religious procession and unfurled a 108 feet high saffron flag at the same place on Friday, 10 December, 2021.

Even after a year, Hindus in Kawardha are terrified

A year after the October 3 event, the administration of Kawardha is still under scrutiny. According to Kailash Sharma, working president of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad’s Kabirdham district, “Hindus are still terrified as a result of that tragedy. Inside the city, there is a sense of terror. The police are refusing to cooperate. We are dissatisfied with the course of action pursued in this case. In a year, the cops had done nothing to placate the Hindus.” They blame the state’s Congress government and Kawardha MLA Mohammad Akbar for the crisis. Mohammad Akbar is also a Baghel government minister.

Role of Congress minister Md Akbar in the Kawardha violence called into question

Speaking to OpIndia, Durgesh’s father, Santosh Devangan, blamed Mohammad Akbar for the incident. “It was entirely the fault of the MLA,” he explained. MLA Md Akar’s son was also present among the assaulters who ruthlessly thrashed my child,” he exclaimed.

Santosh Devangan was also displeased with the police response in this case thus far. He alleged that the accused are pressuring him to step down and reach a settlement.

Regarding Mohammad Akbar’s role in this incident, BJP state general secretary and local district panchayat chairman Vijay Sharma also raised serious doubts. He told OpIndia, “On October 3, at around 2 pm, Durgesh was beaten up in full public view at the Dharma Dhwaja Chowk. Despite this, the police did not register an FIR against the perpetrators. We went to the police station at 11 pm to urge the officials present there to register the FIR. At that time several, senior police and government officials were also present at the PS. Despite this, there was a delay in registering the FIR. Meanwhile, the police, instead of cracking down on the perpetrators of violence, chose to thrash the Hindus present at the scene. All of this was taking place at the behest of Mohammad Akbar,” the BJP leader alleged.

From Left to right- BJP State General Secretary Vijay Sharma, VHP District Working President Kailash Sharma and Baghel Government Minister Mohammad Akbar

Was the Kawardha violence a pre-planned ploy to target Hindus?

Kailash Sharma, the working president of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad’s Kabirdham district told OpIndia that the incident of violence that took place in Chhattisgarh’s Kawardha city on October 3, last year, appeared to be a premeditated ploy to target the Hindus residing there. “The desecration of the saffron flag was pre-planned. Previously too, such instances have occurred in Kawardha, as a result of which the Hindus, who constitute the majority in the locality, have always felt threatened,” said Kailash Sharma.

He went on to say that the saffron flag put on the Karma Mata shrine was yanked off in front of the police and local authorities. “The saffron flag was trampled. Attempts were made openly to assassinate Durgesh Devengan when he denounced the desecration of the saffron flag. Following this, angry Islamists went on the rampage, brandishing 300-400 swords in a show of strength. They also hurled stones at the police station. The Hindus were forced to flee after being pelted with stones,” Sharma informed.

According to Vijay Sharma, Durgesh was beaten up at the Chowk in the presence of the then-Kawardha PS incharge and his subordinates. Speaking further about the horrific attack on Durgesh, Sharma claimed that some cops had only saved Durgesh’s life by pulling him in and closing the shutter of a nearby shop.

Durgesh’s father Santosh Devangan, who regretted of not being present when his son was assaulted, recalled that the accused had some previous disagreements with his son because of his affiliation with Hindutva organisations.

Durgesh Devangan’s family members are devout Hindus

The Devangan family’s adherence to Hinduism is evident in their shop. This family owns a small grocery store. The name of the Hindu god Ram is written on the shop’s signboard, while the picture of the Hindu god Hanuman is painted on their’s shop’s shutter. Durgesh’s mother greeted us with ‘Jai Shri Ram’ when we arrived at their store. Durgesh was incidentally, not in town on the day we visited his shop.

Durgesh Devagan’s grocery shop and his family members

According to Durgesh’s father, “We had no idea where or in what condition our son was after the October 3rd assault. A curfew has been imposed in this area. A police force was stationed outside our house. When we inquired about our son, the cops merely answered, “He will return.” We found out only later that the Chhattisgarh police had arrested our son Durgesh Devangan and Prahlad Sahu in the Kawardha violence case in Mana, Raipur district.

The father recalled how the police had severely battered Durgesh. Notably, the same was reported at the time of his detention. Santosh Pandey, a BJP MP from Rajnandgaon at the time, told OpIndia, “I learnt that Durgesh Devangan was assaulted by cops in the police station.” On the evening of October 19th, I went to the police station to see Durgesh, but I was not allowed to meet with Durgesh him.

One year on residents of Karwadha still displeased with police and administration

Even after a year, the disappointment and anger with the police response in handling the Karwadha violence case were palpable among the residents. Vijay Sharma, who was also among the Hindus who were detained by the Chhattisgarh police at the time of the violence, claimed, “We don’t trust the administration. How will his subordinate pursue the case if the SP, himself, was assaulting innocents with batons and rods? We were requesting a judicial probe at the time, and we are still doing so now.” We want to know, why the FIR was not registered then? Who gave the order for the lathi charge? On whose behest the Hindus were arrested? How come those innocent Hindus who were not even in Kawardha on the day of the incident, were made accused in the case? Whose idea was it to impose fake sections on Hindus? questioned Sharma, expressing his vexation against the Congress administration in the state.

Recalling the horrific October 3rd attack on Hindus in Kawardha and the Congress administration’s subsequent cover-up, Sharma alleged that the curfew was imposed solely to mislead the public that Hindutva parties such as the BJP and VHP are stirring up trouble and disrupting the environment.

“The situation in the entire Kabirdham district is becoming volatile due to administrative apathy,” Kailash Sharma stated. As a result, the VHP has declared that apostates and those who eat beaf shall be denied access to all temples in Kabirdham.

“In light of this. we are visiting temples and hoisting flags. We want to see an awakening in Hindu society, and for them to be prepared to fight extremists.”

Durgesh Devangan, who was assaulted by the rabid Islamists, is also involved in the VHP’s drive to install banners at temples. Bajrang Dal workers, led by him, hung these banners on September 25, 2022, at the local Maa Danteshwari Temple, Maa Chandi Mandir, Maa Parmeshwari Mandir, Maa Singh Vahini Temple, Khedapati Dada Hanuman Mandir, and Maa Kali Mandir, he informed.

Durgesh Devangan reached Maa Singh Vahini temple with Bajrang Dal workers to put up banners

Who was going about Karwadha brandishing swords?

The government repression of Hindus, which began in Kawardha on 3 October 2021, appears to have continued even after a year. Vijay Sharma links this to the Congress’ Muslim appeasement agenda.

He maintained that “Islamic fundamentalism rose throughout the state since the Congress assumed power.” This situation deteriorated in Kawardha only after Mohammad Akbar was elected, Sharma further said. If this is not the case, why has no action been taken against individuals who were wandering the streets wielding swords, even after the video of the October 3rd violence against Hindus went viral? Who were these people? This is a question that not only Kawardha residents, but every Hindu, wants an answer to, asserted Sharma.

Note: The above report was originally published in Hindi. You can read it here.

Canada: Signboard of Bhagwat Gita Park vandalised in Brampton, police refutes claims after Indian High Commission expressed concern

On October 2, India condemned the hate crime against the Hindu community at a park in Canada that has been named after the Hindu holy book Shrimad Bhagavad Gita. High Commission of India in Ottawa said in a tweet, “We condemn the hate crime at the Shri Bhagavad Gita Park in Brampton. We urge Canadian authorities and Peel Police to investigate and take prompt action on the perpetrators.”

Mayor Patrick Brown confirmed the incident and condemned it, saying that the city has zero tolerance for such acts. He further added that the incident was flagged to the Peel Regional police for investigation. In a tweet, he said, “We are aware that the recently unveiled Shri Bhagavad Gita Park sign has been vandalized. We have zero tolerance for this. We have flagged Peel Regional Police for further investigation. Our Parks department is working to resolve and correct the sign as soon as possible.” However, the tweet was later deleted after police refuted the claims.

Now-deleted tweet by Mayor Brown. Source: Twitter/Google Cache.

Chandra Arya, an Indian-origin Member of the Parliament of Canada, issued a statement condemning the incident. He said, “The recent vandalism of the park sign in Brampton named after the Hindu holy book Bhagavad Gita is a hate crime that should be condemned by all.

“This is the continuation of the hate crimes on Hindu temples in the GTA and is a consequence of increasingly vocal and organized anti-India and anti-Hindu groups in Canada”, he added next.

“Yesterday I attended a Hindu festival Durga Puja in Ottawa, organized by Hindu Bangladeshi-Canadians with active participation from their Muslim and Buddhist brothers and sisters – this is Canada, and this is what the anti-India and anti-Hindu hate groups are trying to destroy.

I urge all levels of government to note this and take remedial actions now. Let us all work hard to make sure that people of all religious faiths continue to peacefully coexist in Canada”, the Canadian MP stated.

Mayor and police refuted claims of vandalism

Later, in a statement, Mayor Brown said in a statement that the sign was damaged during the installation, and a blank sign was placed until a new sign could be installed.

His statement was based on the Peel Regional Police’s statement, where they refuted the claims of vandalism. The police said, “Permanent sign is still waiting for the lettering to be applied. There was no evidence of vandalism to the permanent sign or any park structure. It was a temporary park sign used in the park naming ceremony.”

Mayor Brown said, “We learned that the sign was damaged during the original install & a city staff member brought it back for unplanned maintenance & to reprint. The blank sign was left up during repairs. This is not a usual process as we never remove a sign unless damaged or its name changes.”

Earlier, Mayor Brown said that following the reports of vandalism, the authorities took swift action. He said, “Following yesterday’s reports of vandalism of the recently unveiled Shri Bhagavad Gita Park, we took swift action to investigate further. We learned that the reported blank sign was installed by the builder as a placeholder until the permanent Shri Bhagavad Gita Park sign can be replaced tomorrow. We are pleased to learn of this outcome. We thank the community for bringing this to our attention and ensuring Brampton is a safe and inclusive place to call home.”

BAPS Temple vandalized

Earlier, unknown miscreants had vandalized and painted anti-India slogans on the walls of the Bochasanwasi Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan (BAPS) temple in Canada. The incident was condemned by the Indian High Commission in Canada, and they raised the issue with the Canadian authorities as well. Reportedly, a video of the incident had gone viral on social media where Khalistani slogans were written on the walls of the temple.

Following the incident, Mayor Brown had said, “Very disappointed to hear of the vandalism that occurred at the BAPS Swaminarayan Mandir in Toronto. This type of hate has no place in the GTA or Canada. Let’s hope those criminals responsible are brought to justice quickly.”

The park sign was unveiled on September 28. Earlier, the park was called Troyers Park. In a statement, Mayor Brown had said, “Today, the @CityBrampton unveiled the renaming of Brampton’s Troyers Park to Shri Bhagavad Gita Park. Brampton is a Mosaic, and this renaming commemorates the Hindu community and all they contribute to our City. We celebrate all cultures and all faiths in our City.” The park spreads over 3.75 acres. Sculptures of Bhagwan Krishna and Arjuna on a chariot (the famous scene from the Mahabharata war where Bhagwan Krishna gave ‘Gita Gyan’ to Arjuna) and some Hindu deities will be installed in the park.

MEA’s advisory over hate crimes in Canada

On September 23, the Ministry of External Affairs issued an advisory for the Indians in Canada to remain vigilant in view of rising anti-India activities and hate crimes by Khalistani terrorists. The advisory issued by MEA on September 23 said, “There has been a sharp increase in incidents of hate crimes, sectarian violence and anti-India activities in Canada. The Ministry of External Affairs and our High Commission/Consulates General in Canada have taken up these incidents with the Canadian authorities and requested them to investigate the said crimes and take appropriate action. The perpetrators of these crimes have not been brought to justice so far in Canada.”

As the Canadian government has not taken action against anti-Indian activities, the MEA has advised Indian nationals in the country to remain vigilant. The ministry said, “In view of the increasing incidences of crimes as described above, Indian nationals and students from India in Canada and those proceeding to Canada for travel/education are advised to exercise due caution and remain vigilant.”

The MEA further informed that “Indian nationals and students from India in Canada may also register with the High Commission of India in Ottawa or Consulates General of India in Toronto and Vancouver through their respective websites, or the MADAD portal Registration would enable the High Commission and the Consulates General to better connect with Indian citizens in Canada in the event of any requirement or emergency.”

‘No such proposal under consideration’: Centre on media reports that said it is mulling over scrapping the Ministry of Minority Affairs


The Central Government has refuted media reports that said it may scrap the Ministry of Minority Affairs that was established by the UPA government in 2006. The Centre said there is no proposal under consideration to scrap the Ministry of Minority Affairs.

The Minority Affairs Ministry, currently headed by Union Minister Smriti Irani, was carved out of the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment.

As per a report published in Deccan Herald, a department under the ministry will be formed again, similar to what it was prior to the formation of the Minority Affairs Ministry in 2006. Before Irani, the ministry was under former Union Minister Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi, who resigned from the post following the expiry of his Rajya Sabha term.

Notably, there will be no changes in the implementation of the schemes by the Minority Affairs Ministry, the report suggested. Deccan Herald quoted an unnamed source saying, “The BJP-led NDA government is of the view that there is no need for an independent ministry for minority affairs. It believes the ministry was created as part of UPA’s appeasement policy. Now, the Modi government wants to bring it back under the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment as the ‘Department of Minority Affairs’.”

Congress leaders opposed the proposed move

Congress Rajya Sabha member Syed Naseer Hussain while calling it another attempt to polarise society, said, “The purpose of setting up a separate ministry was to bring minorities to the mainstream with focused programmes for their uplift. However, the BJP government is using every opportunity against minorities for political gains.”

Syed Tanveer Ahmed, secretary, Jamaat-e-Islami Hind, also expressed his dismay. He said, “Abolishing the ministry is against the spirit of the Constitution. It will harm the human development index of the country. Instead, the government should focus on sanctioning more money and strengthening the ministry for the welfare of minorities.”

No official word from the government

So far, there has been no official word from the Central Government over the matter. OpIndia tried to reach out to officials and will update the report accordingly.

Congress presidential elections: When party chief Sitaram Kesri was locked in a room to make way for Sonia Gandhi

The day was March 14, 1998. Stooges of the Congress party were all set to execute a bloodless coup in favour of their leader, Sonia Gandhi. They had earlier met at the residence of Pranab Mukherjee to chalk out plans to oust the then President of the All India Congress Committee (AICC), Sitaram Kesri.

After all barriers were cleared to make way for Sonia Gandhi, a clueless Kesri was invited to a meeting at 24, Akbar Road in New Delhi. When he reached the party headquarters, it felt different for the first time in his 2 years spell (1996-1998) as the Congress chief.

No party member except for Tariq Anwar bothered to stand up and greet Sitaram Kesri. To add salt to the wound, Pranab Mukherjee thanked him for his service and went on to move a resolution, asking Sonia Gandhi to take over as the new AICC President.

Sitaram Kesri, an OBC leader from Bihar who battled all odds to reach the highest position in the Congress party, realised that the end was near. In a fit of sudden rage, he walked out of the meeting. “It was his emotional way of holding onto something that was soon to become Sonia’s,” wrote Darpan Singh in India Today.

Screengrab of the news report in India Today

Kesri went to his room directly while some loyalists of Sonia Gandhi including Tariq Anwar and Manmohan Singh pretended to persuade him. But the defiant leader from Bihar refused to come back. It was at this point that the room of Sitaram Kesri was locked from outside, thus muzzling the last remaining voice of dissent within the party.

Some accounts suggest that Kesri was locked inside the toilet so as to negate his chances of being a spoilsport. It is hard to imagine what he would have gone behind those closed doors on the fateful day of March 14, 1998.

Sitaram Kesri steered the party through the turbulent period from 1996-1998, only to be locked out by his fellow Congressmen at the end of his career. Nonetheless, the stage was all set for Sonia Gandhi to take over as the new President of the All India Congress Committee.

Amidst jubilant cries and thunderous claps of Indian Youth Congress (IYC) workers, a towering Sonia Gandhi entered the premises of her new office. She was declared the new Congress President.

Sitaram Kesari was eventually released from his captivity. When he was about to board his car, the Congress workers tried to pull down his dhoti. It was too much for a 79-year-old to take. After Kesri left, the party did not waste a moment to tear down his nameplate and replace it with one that read, ‘Sonia Gandhi’.

Interestingly, even two months before his formal ouster, Sitaram Kesri was hailing Gandhi as the saviour of the Congress party. However, the writing on the wall was too evident. During the 12th Lok Sabha elections in February 1998, then party chief Kesri was not allowed to campaign.

Screengrab of the news report by India Today

Instead, Sonia Gandhi became the lead campaigner. She conducted over 130 public meetings and drew crowds in droves. However, the party failed to garner seats. The Congress party lost its bastion in Amethi (Uttar Pradesh) and was reduced to 142 seats.

Despite Gandhi being at the helm of elections, the Congress stooges found a way to blame the poor performance of the party during the 12th Lok Sabha elections on Sitaram Kesri.

“A faction within Congress crowned Kesri for the debacle, though Kesri had not addressed a single public gathering. Logic was: All advantage of Sonia Gandhi leading the charge was lost due to the weak leadership of Kesri,” wrote Siddhartha Rai in First Post.

This eventually led to the unceremonious ouster of Sitaram Kesri from the position of the Party President. Once his Rajya Sabha tenure expired in 2000, the party did not bother to renew it. Kesri died a few months later after being subject to glaring indifference by a party, to which he dedicated his entire life.

While addressing a public rally in Chattisgarh in 2018, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, “The nation knows. Sitaram Kesri, how someone from the Dalit, oppresed, marginalised community was removed as party president. How he was locked inside a bathroom.”

“How he was removed from the door, picked up and thrown on the footpath. And madam Soniaji was made to sit (as party president). This history India knows well. He became (party chief) out of compulsion, and they could not tolerate him for two years,” he further added.

In June 2019, OpIndia reported that Sitaram Kesri’s name was missing from the list of former presidents on the party website. It was only after our intervention that his name was added to the list of ex-party Presidents. Even after his death, the Congress party did not leave any opportunity to erase the legacy of Sitaram Kesri.

Designed to last six months, India’s Mars Orbiter Mission stops communicating with Earth after 8 long years

Launched in 2013, India’s maiden mars mission Mangalyaan, or the Mars Orbiter Mission, has finally come to end. The orbiter entered Mars orbit in September 2014 and was designed to last six months. Exceeding the expected lifespan by several times, the orbiter reportedly has run out of fuel and battery power, and ISRO is expected to make an official announcement of the end of the mission soon.

Ground control has lost communications with the spacecraft, fuelling speculations about the end of its life. While the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is still trying to figure out whether it has run out of power or it is a communication problem caused by the change of direction of the antenna, multiple sources have said it would not be possible to recover the orbiter and re-establish communication.

The orbiter went into a long eclipse, and after that, there was no communication from it. The satellite had gone into eclipse earlier also and performed automatic manoeuvres to come out of eclipse and re-establish communications. But if there is no fuel left, it would not be able to perform those automated movements. It is also possible that the antenna is pointing somewhere else while changing its direction to try to re-establish communication with earth after the eclipse as per pre-installed software.

According to reports, sources in the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) have said that there is no propellant left in the orbiter. Its batteries have also drained out as the solar panels could not charge them due to prolonged eclipses.

“Recently there were back-to-back eclipses including one that lasted seven-and-half hours. As the satellite battery is designed to handle an eclipse duration of only about one hour and 40 minutes, a longer eclipse would drain the battery beyond the safe limit,” according to the unnamed source.

Earlier the satellite came out of eclipse phases on its own as per autonomous processes without any intervention from the earth.

The Mangalyaan was launched in a Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) on 5 November 2013 and reached Marsh on 24 September 2014. It was ISRO’s first interplanetary mission. At a budget of Rs 450 crore ($74 million), it is one of the most cost-effective space missions. Elaborating on how low-cost the mission was, PM Modi in June 2014 said that the cost of India’s Mars mission was less than Hollywood movie Gravity based on a space mission. The movie had come out in 2013 and its budget was around $100 million.

The Mars mission was designed to last just six months, and the probe has sent a huge volume of data from the red planet in these eight years. The spacecraft carries five scientific instruments, Mars Color Camera (MCC), Thermal Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (TIS), Methane Sensor for Mars (MSM), Mars Exospheric Neutral Composition Analyser (MENCA) and Lyman Alpha Photometer (LAP).

The mission objectives included exploration of the planet, study of Martian atmosphere especially to find the presence of methane and CO₂, and studying the dynamics of the atmosphere. The orbiter has sent photos of Mars and its satellites among other data.

ISRO is planning a Mars Orbiter Mission 2 or Mangalyaan-2 mission, but it is still on the drawing board, and it will be taken up after the Chandrayaan-3 mission.

Hyderabad: Police foil ISI terror attack plan, 3 including Abdul Zahed arrested with grenades, Zahed was earlier released for lack of evidence

The Hyderabad police have thwarted a significant plot to carry out terrorist attacks in the city under the direction of Pakistan’s intelligence agency ISI. On Sunday 2nd October 2022, police arrested three accused in this case in Hyderabad. The police also seized four hand grenades, Rs 5,14,800 in cash and a motorcycle from the arrested accused.

The arrested accused are identified as Abdul Zahed (age 39, a resident of Malakpet), Mohammed Sameeuddin alias Abdul Sami (age 39, a resident of Akberbagh Sayeedabad) and Maaz Hasan Farooq alias Maaz (age 29, a resident of Humayunagar in Mehdipatnam). Abdul Zahed recruited the other two in this terrorist activity. All three persons were produced before the court and are being sent to judicial remand. It is notable that Abdul Zahed was earlier arrested for alleged involvement in a suicide bomb case in 2005, but he was released in 2017 for lack of evidence after spending 12 years in jail. The leftist ecosystem and liberal media had branded him as the victim of a false investigation. This time he is arrested with all the evidence including dangerous weapons like grenades.

According to police, Abdul Zahed revived his contacts with his Pakistan ISI conduits after his release from jail and conspired to plot terror attacks in Hyderabad. His plan included blasts and lone wolf attacks to terrorize the common public.

Hyderabad Commissioner of Police, C V Anand said, “Zahed received a consignment of four hand grenades and was going to carry out sensational terror attacks in Hyderabad. On specific information, the raids were conducted and three persons were arrested at Malakpet. He was previously involved in several terror-related cases in the city and was regularly in touch with Pakistani ISI-LeT (Inter-Services Intelligence and Lashkar-e-Taiba) handlers.”

He further said, “Three absconding persons Farhatullah Ghouri alias FG, Siddique Bin Osman alias Rafique alias Abu Hamzala and Abdul Majeed alias Chotu all natives of Hyderabad and wanted in several cases are now settled in Pakistan and working under the aegis of ISI. In past, they recruited local youth and radicalized them, and got executed terror attacks such as a blast near Sai Baba Temple, Dilsukhnagar in 2002, a bus blast at Ghatkopar in Mumbai, and a Task Force office blast at Begumpet in 2005. They also attempted to cause blasts near Ganesh Temple Secunderabad in 2004.”

He added, “Zahed in his confession revealed that Farhatullah Ghori, Abu Hamzala, and Majeed revived their contacts with him and they motivated and financed to carry out the attacks. At the behest of Pakistan-based handlers, Zahed recruited Samuddin and Maaz Hasan. During search operations, four grenades were recovered from the trio. He was planning to hurl a grenade targeting public gatherings through his group members.”

Arvind Kejriwal cites ‘IB report’ to claim that AAP is winning Gujarat elections after his MLA shared 2017 report to claim BJP losing Gujarat

On October 2, Delhi Chief Minister and national convenor of Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Arvind Kejriwal claimed in a press conference that AAP would form government in Gujarat. He cited an ‘Intelligence Bureau’ report to make the claim. He further claimed that his party would win the elections by a small margin if the elections were held ‘today’. He urged the people of Gujarat to give a ‘big push’ so that AAP gets a ‘comfortable majority in the upcoming Gujarat Assembly elections.

The Delhi CM also claimed that BJP is strengthening Congress to split anti-BJP votes, and the job of the Congress party is to cut AAP votes in the state. Kejriwal didn’t say where he found this so-called ‘IB report’ on Gujarat elections.

It is noteworthy that the claim came just a day after AAP’s MLA Naresh Balyan shared a news report from 2017 that Bharatiya Janata Party would lose the election in Gujarat. Furthermore, AAP has a habit of making such claims during elections. They made tall claims in Uttarakhand, UP, Goa and several other states and Lok Sabha elections but failed to mark any notable presence in most of the elections.

During the press conference, Arvind Kejriwal said, “According to sources, an IB report has come. It is written in the report that if elections are held today, then the Aam Aadmi Party will form the government in Gujarat.” He further added, “Although it is written in the report that right now it is with a thin margin. (We) are ahead with very few seats. The people of Gujarat will have to give a big push so that the (AAP) government is formed with a comfortable majority.”

Kejriwal also claimed that BJP and Congress had joined hands in secret since the IB report came. He said, “BJP, especially, is freaking out over the report. Congress has been given the responsibility to garner as many votes for AAP as possible. I want to tell the people of Gujarat – be cautious.”

2017 report shared by AAP leader claiming BJP would lose

On October 1, AAP leader Naresh Balyan shared a Dainik Bhaskar report and claimed BJP has been trying different methods to break AAP voters in the state as the party now ‘sees their defeat in the election’. Interestingly, the report was published in 2017 before the Gujarat elections, where BJP comfortably won and formed government.

Source: Twitter

The tweet by retweeted by Deputy Chief Minister of Delhi Manish Sisodia.

Source: Twitter

Other AAP leaders including AAP Delhi Spokesperson Ghanendra Bhardwaj, AAP MLA Somnath Bharti, AAP Women Wing’s joint secretary Capt Shalini Singh and AAP National SM Team in charge Siddarth followed the suit.

Source: Twitter

Even though Balyan was corrected by several Twitter users, he decided to let the post remain as it was in sync with AAP’s propaganda.

Gujarat: Ancient Hindu temple in Tapi demolished to build a Church, Hindus prohibited from offering prayers

An ancient Hindu temple in a village in the Songarh taluka of the Tapi district in Gujarat was demolished and a Church named Mariam Mata’s Temple was built by local Christians at that place. On Saturday, 2nd October 2022, some Hindus reached the place and tried to offer prayers but they were prohibited by Christians who reached there at that time.

In the Nana Bandarpada village of the Songarh taluka in the Tapi district of Gujarat, there was a temple of Gidhmadi Aya Dungar Mata where local Hindus used to offer regular prayers. The temple was situated on the hilltop. But over time, due to the rapidly growing Christian population in the area, the movement of people on this hill gradually decreased and after that, the Christian missionaries demolished the temple and established their place of worship in this place and called it Mariam Mata’s Temple.

Church established at Tapi. Image Source: OpIndia

As the festival of Navaratri is going on, the Hindus reached their ancient holy place to worship. At that time, a crowd of Christians also reached there and created a ruckus and the Hindus were not allowed to go to the hill. A police convoy also reached the spot following this ruckus.

The Christian mob carried sticks and stones; the Hindu priest was also slapped

Speaking to OpIndia, local Hindu leader Dineshbhai Gamit said, “We had come to worship as the festival of Mataji was going on, but the local Christians did not allow us to go upstairs and quarrelled saying that you have no place above.” He also said that the Christians had prepared themselves with a large number of sticks, stones, etc.

He further said that during the clash, the Hindu priest who had come for worship was also slapped. Meanwhile, attempts were also made to damage the food plate prepared for offering to the deity. However, the police then reached the spot and controlled the situation.

The village is 98 percent Christian

According to the local Hindus, they had been worshipping at this place for hundreds of years. But due to the increasing conversions in the last few years, Hindus in most of the area around this place had become Christians, due to which the movement on this hill was reduced.

Speaking to OpIndia, a local said that around 98 percent of the people in the village have become Christians and Hindus have been reduced to a minority. Because of this, they could not raise their voice. He also said that for years, posts like sarpanch, etc. in the village have also been dominated by the Christian community.

The resolution was passed to renovate the Hindu temple, but a Church was built

In 2019, the Bandarpada gram panchayat of Songarh taluka in the Tapi district passed a unanimous resolution stating that the temple of ‘Gidhamadi Aya Dungar Mataji’ had been worshiped for many years and there was a need for a renovation around it due to high movement of devotees. There was no mention of a Christian church or any other place of worship.

The resolution was passed by the local gram panchayat. Image Source: OpIndia

Local Hindus have alleged that the panchayat passed a resolution in the name of the temple of Gidhamadi Mataji, received the grant, and used it to build a Christian place. The temple of the goddess was demolished and its broken remains were also found.

Image Source: OpIndia

Outraged Hindus demand the restoration of the temple

Hindu organizations have appealed for the restoration of their place and demanded that the deity be restored. Hindu leaders said they would continue the fight and submit an application to the collector in the coming days.

Samajwadi Party founder Mulayam Singh Yadav’s health critical, admitted to ICU at Gurugram hospital


Mulayam Singh Yadav, the founder of the Samajwadi Party (SP), has been sent to the ICU ward of Gurugram’s Medanta Hospital following a worsening in his health. The 82-year-old leader was previously hospitalised at Gurugram’s Medanta hospital for a chronic health problem, and his medical condition is stated to be grave at the moment.

According to sources, he was brought to the hospital following a significant health problem, and his medical condition is currently critical. Dr Sushila Kataria, a specialist in Internal Medicine, is now supervising his treatment. Mulayam Singh Yadav has made just a few public appearances in recent years due to his deteriorating health.

Akhilesh Yadav is reported to have left for the national capital following the news, while Shivpal Singh Yadav was also on his way to the hospital. Soon after the news broke, Uttar Pradesh deputy chief minister Keshav Prasad Maurya sent his best wishes for Yadav’s quick recovery.

Former Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mulayam Singh Yadav was also hospitalised at Medanta Hospital earlier. Mulayam Singh often complains of a stomachache. He has recently been hospitalised to the hospital on multiple occasions. Mulayam Singh was admitted to a Mumbai hospital in December of last year after complaining of stomach pain.

In 1967, Mulayam Singh Yadav won his first election to the Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly. Yadav was elected Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh for the first time in 1989.  In 1992, Yadav founded the Samajwadi Party. In order to win in the Uttar Pradesh assembly elections in November 1993, he teamed up with the Bahujan Samaj Party. The Samajwadi Party and Bahujan Samaj Party’s alliance prevented the Bharatiya Janata Party from seizing control of the state once more in 1993.