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Molestation accused ‘journalist’ Vinod Dua lies again, this time on Trump’s statement on Kashmir after abrogation of Article 370

Molestation accused purveyor of fake news ‘journalist’ Vinod Dua was caught spreading lies yet again. In a video uploaded last night on media house ‘HW News Network’, Dua asks a pointed question whether Jammu and Kashmir is indeed an internal matter of India.

At around 2 minutes into the video, Dua says that it is still not clear whether the Kashmir issue is an internal matter (something that India has always maintained) or whether it is a bilateral matter or whether it is an international matter. India has always maintained that PoK is a part of India and is under illegal occupation of Pakistan

He adds how Trump had also offered to mediate in the matter, “Donald Trump ne bhi shaamil hone ki peshkash ki hai. Ki Bharatiya Pradhan Mantri ne mujhse kaha tha ki main madhyasta karu (Donald Trump had also offered to get involved. That Indian Prime Minister [Narendra Modi] had told me that I should intervene).” Dua then plays the clip of Trump’s meeting with Pakistan PM Imran Khan held last month where he made that statement.

However, soon after India had made its stand very clear that the Kashmir issue continues to be a bilateral matter between India and Pakistan and India shall not accept third party intervention.

Not too surprisingly, Dua does not mention that the Ministry of External Affairs has already clarified India’s stand on Trump’s offer. He also plays Congress’ goof-up clip from the Lok Sabha where Congress’ leader of opposition Adhir Ranjan Choudhary also confused the state of Jammu and Kashmir for the region of Kashmir which is illegally occupied by Pakistan. He also adds how SP MP Akhilesh Yadav also brought up the matter and asked whether J&K is indeed an internal matter. He conveniently forgets to add that Akhilesh Yadav had also displayed his ignorance since through the decades and despite the change in governments, India has always maintained that PoK is a part of India.

He brings up a 2016 article by Karan Singh, son of Maharaja Hari Singh, erstwhile King of Jammu & Kashmir who signed the Instrument of Accession. Congress leader Karan Singh, too, had then said that stating that Jammu and Kashmir is not an international matter will dilute India’s position on it. Amusingly, in a statement released today, Karan Singh has actually welcomed the step.

In a very snide remark, he then takes on Home Minister Amit Shah and questions how does he plan to take back PoK and Aksai Chin (which is disputed region with China). “Hum jaan de denge, jaan de denge, lekin kaise lenge aur jaan kaise denge yeh mamla abhi baki hai,” he said. Interestingly, these are the very people who would go all guns blazing at any military solution to the illegal occupation of POK by Pakistan.

Dua reads out Pakistan’s and China’s criticism regarding the abrogation of Article 370. However, Vinod Dua doesn’t bother informing his viewers of the strong stand India has taken against the ‘concern’ shown by China. India, in categorical terms, told China that this is India’s internal matter and just as India doesn’t interfere in the internal matters of other countries, other countries should do the same. While taking China as a yardstick in his show, Dua, who seems to be ever so concerned about the Muslim population of the world, doesn’t once talk about the treatment met out of Uighur Muslims in China. Any journalist worth his salt would question China as to what right it has to pontificate to India when a rebellion brews in its backyard and Muslims are shoved in concentration camps across the country.

Further, he mentions how in the Pakistan Assembly Imran Khan mentioned dilution of Article 370 will lead to ethnic cleansing. “Imran Khan ne apni parliament mein kaha hai ki woh UN security council ko approach kar sakte hai. Unhe yeh darr hai ki India is initiating ethnic cleansing in Kashmir to wipe out the local population,” Dua reads out. He says that what Khan says does not surprise him but he wants clarity from our own government on this issue. The valley has been quiet with no reports of violence being reported against Kashmiri Muslims. In fact, reports have now emerged that migrant workers are being threatened by Kashmiri Muslims to leave the valley. While Dua’s heart bleeds for the Kashmiri Muslim population, not once does he stop to consider how this movie affects the Kashmiri Hindus who were raped, killed and driven out of the valley in the 1990s by Jihadis in the valley. What this decision means to the Hindu population in exile is that they will finally be able to go back home without the shadow of discriminatory laws hanging over their heads. In fact, Dua completely forgets what this move does for Ladakh as well. It is almost as if for this molestation accused journalist, Jammu and Kashmir do not exist beyond South Kashmir.

Any journalist worth his experience would be at this point questioning Pakistan about the atrocities it heaps in Balochistan on its own people. One has to wonder why Vinod Dua, while parroting Imran Khan’s lies on ‘ethnic cleansing’ of ‘Kashmiri Muslims’, wouldn’t raise the question about what right does Pakistan have to question any other country when the Pakistan Army and ISI have raped, killed, abducted and cleansed Balochistan of the Balochi people. In fact, the atrocities are such that Pakistan has even used F16s against their own population in Balochistan. But, of course, real, pertinent questions would only rain on Vinod Dua’s propaganda parade.

Then in the most bizarre manner, he turns his attention on memes which followed after the Article 370 was diluted. This was almost like fact-checking an Internet meme. Except, Dua, whose own daughter is a ‘comedian’ and often takes liberties with her ‘jokes’ under the cloak of ‘artistic freedom’ couldn’t even take a joke, however distasteful it might be.

Essentially, Dua lies and misleads his viewers by questioning whether Jammu and Kashmir is an internal matter or an international one despite multiple clarifications from the government and the ministry that it continues to be an internal matter, except for PoK which remains a bilateral matter.

The fact that Jammu and Kashmir is now a part of India without any riders and conditions has taken the ones who never wanted to bring a solution to the Kashmir issue by surprise. The same can be evident from propaganda spread by propagandists like Dua who chooses to mention only selective information which could have dangerous repercussions on national security.

Meanwhile, to answer your question, for the nth time, Jammu and Kashmir will always remain an internal matter for India. The portion illegally occupied by Pakistan is also part of Indian union territory of Jammu & Kashmir. Hope that clears the air for him.

Rajasthan: Imran, Khalid, Anwar shoot a man, Bajrang Dal claims they said ‘this is not Kashmir, 370 will be celebrated with bullets’

In a deplorable incident, a young Bajrang Dal activist, Rishiraj Jindal was shot dead by few Muslim men in Pirawa Tehsil of Jhalawar district, Rajasthan on Monday night. The accused have been identified as Imran, Khalid and Anwar.

As per reports Rishiraj and his friends were celebrating a friend’s birthday near the green valley resort in Pirawa town when the three accused entered the party and shot at Rishiraj and his friends. While the others had a thin escape, Rishiraj was shot dead. The accused fled thereafter.

The Bajrang Dal activists have claimed that the three Muslim youths interrupted the party and asked Rishiraj and his friends to stop the celebrations. Irked by the noise of the firecrackers and loud music, Imran, Khalid and Anwar started shouting at the boys.

Implicating that the party was organised to celebrate the abolition of Article 370, Imran said: “This is Pirawa, not Kashmir, you cannot celebrate the abolition of Article 370 here”. Meanwhile, he allegedly took out a gun and started shooting randomly. The other two miscreants also started shooting at the group of boys. One bullet hit Rishiraj Jindal who immediately died on spot.


Rajasthan police have, however, ruled out the Article 370 angle and said that the incident transpired as the two groups got into an altercation over the noise of crackers and loudspeakers which were being used during the birthday party.

The situation in the area where the incident transpired is said to be grim. Protestors have taken to the street and the town has been completely shut down. Police personnel have been deployed to maintain peace in the area.

The Bajrang Dal activists have gathered outside the police station demanding a probe into the incident. The activists have said that they will continue to protest and not claim the body of the deceased until the culprits are caught and booked within 24 hours.

India responds to Pakistan downgrading diplomatic ties with India, says decision on Article 370 entirely internal matter of India

A day after Pakistan downgraded diplomatic relations with India along with suspending trade relations, External Affairs Ministry of India has released a statement saying the government of India regrets the unilateral steps taken by Pakistan.

India says that the intention behind the steps taken by Pakistan is to present an alarming picture of India-Pakistan ties to the world, but the reasons cited by Pakistan are not supported by facts. The statement says the recent decisions of the Indian government and parliament are aimed at extending development opportunities to Jammu and Kashmir, which were earlier denied due to a temporary provision in the Indian Constitution. Removal of those provisions will also result in the elimination of gender and socio-economic discrimination in the state.

India has reiterated that the decisions regarding Article 370 are entirely internal matters of India, and the constitution of India is a sovereign matter of the nation. Seeking to interfere in that jurisdiction by invoking an alarmist vision of the region will never succeed, the statement says.

The MEA has said that government of India regrets the decisions of Pakistan, and urges the country to review them so normal diplomatic ties are maintained.

The full statement issued by MEA is given below:

On Pakistan’s Unilateral Decision in respect of Bilateral Relations with India

August 08, 2019

1. We have seen reports that Pakistan has decided to take certain unilateral actions in respect to its bilateral relations with India. This includes the downgrading of our diplomatic relations. The intention behind these measures is obviously to present an alarming picture to the world of our bilateral ties. The reasons cited by Pakistan are not supported by facts on the ground.
2. Recent decisions by the Government and Parliament of India are driven by a commitment to extend to Jammu and Kashmir opportunities for development that were earlier denied by a temporary provision in the Constitution. Its impact would also result in the removal of gender and socio-economic discrimination. It is also expected to result in an upswing of economic activity and improvement in the livelihood prospects of all people of Jammu and Kashmir.
3. It is not surprising that such developmental initiatives that could address any disaffection in Jammu and Kashmir should be negatively perceived in Pakistan, which has utilized such sentiments to justify its cross-border terrorism.
4. The recent developments pertaining to Article 370 are entirely the internal affair of India. The Constitution of India was, is and will always be a sovereign matter. Seeking to interfere in that jurisdiction by invoking an alarmist vision of the region will never succeed.
5. The Government of India regrets the steps announced by Pakistan yesterday and would urge that country to review them so that normal channels for diplomatic communications are preserved.

New Delhi
August 08, 2019



On August 7, Pakistan had announced several reactionary steps after Article 370 was abrogated by India. After a meeting of National Security Council Headed by prime minister Imran Khan, Pakistan had decided to downgrade diplomatic relations, suspension of bilateral trade, review of bilateral arrangements, taking the matter to UN including the security council. They have also decided to observe 14th August in solidarity with Kashmiris, and 15th August as black day.

Thousands of migrant workers flee Kashmir following hate crimes and threats by local Muslims: Report


Migrant workers from Bihar, many of whom are Muslims themselves, were forced to flee from Kashmir after being threatened by locals following the abolition of Article 370, Rahul Pandita reported in the Open Magazine. The migrants are desperate to leave Kashmir and they are fleeing in thousands, the report said.

“They were hurling abuses at me and asked me to leave; they said they will kill me otherwise,” said 56-year-old Surinder Mahato. 25-year old Aslam claimed that he was beaten by a few locals in Srinagar. He said, “They took away my bag and said: Bhaago Bihari idhar se (Run away from here, Bihari).”

“One Kashmiri came to me the previous night and said if I see you tomorrow, I will beat you up and burn you with kerosene oil,” said another migrant worker. Most of the workers who travel to Kashmir to earn their wages do so because of the cool summer-time weather. They are also able to save more, claimed the report.

The plight of migrant workers in Kashmir reveals the dark underbelly of Kashmiri separatism which is a toxic blend of racial and religious supremacy. It is also a slap on the face of liberals who explicitly support Kashmiri nationalism despite the fact that it is akin to the White Supremacist ideology of the Ku Klux Klan.

SC refuses to grant an urgent hearing on a petition filed by infamous ML Sharma challenging the scrapping of Article 370

On Thursday, the Supreme Court of India refused to grant an urgent hearing on a petition filed by advocate ML Sharma challenging the scrapping of Article 370, reports Live Law.

According to the reports, a Supreme Court bench consisting of Justice NV Ramana declined to pass any order for urgent listing of the matter before the court.

Advocate ML Sharma, known for his frivolous PILs, had moved Supreme Court under Article 32 of the Constitution challenging the Constitution (Application to Jammu & Kashmir) Order.

In his petition, Sharma had stated that the said Presidential Order, which has the effect of scrapping the special status of the state of J&K is unconstitutional as it was passed without taking consent from the state assembly. The petition also stated that Article 370 cannot be nullified by exercising powers under Article 370 itself and hence the Order is ultra vires. 

During the hearing, Advocate ML Sharma said the reason for the urgency for filing a petition was that Pakistan may take the matter to the United Nations and we will lose Kashmir forever. “Can UN stay Indian Constitution’s amendment”, asked Justice Ramana.

The Centre had on Monday revoked Article 370 which gave special status to Jammu and Kashmir and proposed that the state be bifurcated into two union territories – Ladakh and Jammu and Kashmir.

Manohar Lal Sharma is a notoriously known filling frivolous Public Interest Litigations (PIL) and earning court’s wrath. The Supreme Court has time and again refused to entertain PILs filed by ML Sharma.

In July this year, he had gone to the Supreme Court questioning the use of EVMs in elections and had sought the cancellation of recently concluded Lok Sabha election. However, the Supreme Court rejected his petition.

In December last year, advocate Manohar Lal Sharma had earned court’s wrath and was asked to pay fines several times in the past. He was fined ₹50,000 and ₹25,000 by the court on two occasions in 2014 for wasting the court’s time with frivolous petitions.

Chief Justice of India Ranjan Gogoi had said that the day has come to ban him from filing PILs. The court made such remark due to the history of Sharma’s petitions.

Here is why UK MP Liam Byrne ‘condemned’ India’s decision to abrogate Article 370, and it has nothing to do with India

Liam Byrne, Member of Parliament in the House of Commons, United Kingdoms from the Labour Party, came out against India on Twitter and said that the decision of the Indian government to integrate Jammu and Kashmir completely with the Indian Union was ‘unacceptable’.

While Byrne’s statement appears terribly misinformed and quite malicious, a quick check at his background provides an explanation for his conduct. He has been an elected representative from the Hodge Hill constituency since 2004. The demography of his constituency gives away the reason for his statement.

Hodge-Hill has an over 40% Muslim population, 41.5% to be precise, and at least 12.10% of the constituency’s population was born in Pakistan. Of course, the percentage of the population having a Pakistani heritage is much higher. While Indian born population is merely 0.60%.

His constituency, while it was has a 41.50% Muslim population, has only a 0.40% Hindu population, 0.60% Sikh population and 0.20% Buddhist population.

Demography stats of Hodge Hill based on people’s country of birth
Source: QPZM LocalStats UK
Hodge Hill’s religious demography
Source: QPZM LocalStats UK

Moreover, nearly 20% of the constituency’s population don’t even speak English. While the Urdu speaking crowd consists of 6.20% and 3.30% speak Pakistani Pahari.

Languages spoken in Hodge Hill
Source: QPZM LocalStats UK


A politician’s primary concern is always securing reelection. Thus, it isn’t any surprise that Liam Byrne has come out all guns blazing on an issue that is strictly India’s internal matter. While one would have expected Byrne to be more concerned with the chaos his own country is on the verge of due to Brexit, he has to take a stand on the issue to appease sections of his own constituency.

Byrne would also be better advised to protect the little girls in his own country from the Pakistani Muslim grooming gangs rather than lecture India regarding its internal matters.

Congress exposes its mindset, Ghulam Nabi Azad says Kashmiris interacted with Ajit Doval because they were paid for it

After parroting the lines of Pakistan by questioning the Indian government whether Article 370 and the state of Jammu and Kashmir, the Congress leadership has now made a shocking statement against NSA Ajit Doval on his recent trip to Shopian people.

Speaking to the ANI, senior Congress leader Ghulam Nabi Azad when asked about the recent trip of NSA Ajit Doval to Shopian, he said, “You (Ajit Doval) can take anyone with you by paying money and take them.”

The shocking statements made by Ghulam Nabi Azad only reflects the elitist mindset of the Congress, which considers that the average Kashmiri can be easily bought by anyone who is willing to pay money. Further, the party has also humiliated a decorated former police officer Ajit Doval, who has devoted his entire life in various capacities to protect the integrity of the country.

As normalcy is prevailing in the Jammu and Kashmir, some of the political parties, media and intelligentsia seem to be unhappy as they expected some blowback by Kashmiris in response to the abrogation of Article 370 and bifurcation of the state. However, the expectations of these pro-Pakistan sympathisers failed to realise as the average Kashmiri perceives it as a golden opportunity to progress themselves and the society and are welcoming the Narendra Modi government’s decision.

The Congress party and its ecosystem are hell-bent on inciting the people of Jammu and Kashmir by deliberately toeing the Pakistani line on Jammu and Kashmir.

Earlier, Adhir Ranjan Chowdhry, the Congress party’s leader in Lok Sabha had kicked up a storm in the Assembly today after he parroted the lines of Pakistan by questioning the government whether Article 370 and the state of Jammu and Kashmir was an internal matter. He questioned how can matters related to Jammu and Kashmir be ‘internal matter’ if it is being monitored by the UN since 1948.

Adhir Ranjan Chowdhry also questioned the legality of the union government to make laws on the region of Pakistan-occupied Kashmir. Adhir Ranjan Chowdhry further demanded an explanation from the government on whether Kashmir is a bilateral issue or not.

The Congress party also fears to take a stand on the issue and panders to the sentiments of Pakistan. Digvijaya Singh had also toed the line of Pakistan by bringing equivalence to the bifurcation of Jammu and Kashmir and the breaking up of Pakistan to form Bangladesh.

The grand old party of India- Indian National Congress seems to have not learnt its lessons despite its humiliating loss in the 2019 Lok Sabha elections. With such irresponsible statements against the country and its decorated officers, the Congress party will go down as a political party which stood against its own country.

US on Kashmir: Pakistan ‘must’ act on terror and desist from aggression, ‘hope’ India will abide by democratic principles

The US House Foreign Affairs Committee and Senate Foreign Relations Committee have issued a joint statement on Wednesday on the decision of the Indian government to abolish Article 370 and integrate Jammu & Kashmir completely with the Indian Union.

There was a significant difference in the tone and tenor of the statement while addressing India and Pakistan. While it asserted that the US ‘hopes’ India will adhere to the principles of transparency and liberty but emphasized that Pakistan ‘must’ act against terror. Thus, while the US gave India the freedom to take adequate measures necessary to crack down on terror activities in the Valley, it emphasized that Pakistan needs to concrete steps against the terrorists operating from its soil.

The statement said, “As the world’s largest democracy, India has an opportunity to demonstrate for all its citizens the importance of protecting and promoting equal rights, including freedom of assembly, access to information, and equal protection under the law.” “Transparency and political participation are the cornerstones of representative democracies and we hope the India government will abide by these principles in Jammu and Kasmir,” it added.

About India’s petulant neighbour, the statement said, “Pakistan must refrain from any retaliatory aggression–including support for infiltrations across the Line of Control–and take demonstrable action against the infrastructure on Pakistan’s soil.”

Pakistan hasn’t received any significant support from the international community in the wake of the recent developments in Kashmir. Even their ‘all-weather ally’ China was more concerned with Union Home Minister mentioning Aksai Chin as an integral part of India than anything else. Even the Muslim world appears to be tired of Pakistan’s shenanigans with the exception of Turkey.

Now, the US, too, has clearly indicated that cross border terrorism and ceasefire violations by the Pakistani Army along the LOC will not be entertained by the international community.

Shekhar Gupta led ThePrint publishes fake news again, USA denies reports of India informing USA before abrogating Article 370

After the historic event of abrogation of Article 370 and bifurcation of Jammu and Kashmir into Union Territories, there have been attempts by a certain section of the media to mislead the people and discredit Narendra Modi government.

Shekhar Gupta‘s The Print resorted to peddling false news after it claimed that the Modi government had briefed the US about its plans to scrap Article 370 twice.

In an article, the Print has claimed that their sources had confirmed them that the External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar had briefed his American counterpart, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, about the Modi government’s intentions to abrogate Article 370 and Article 35A for Jammu and Kashmir in August on the sidelines of ASEAN summit in Bangkok.

The Print article

The report says, the US was informed two times before the abrogation of Article 370. First time in February, two days after the Pulwama attack, National Security Advisor Ajit Doval had phoned his American counterpart John Bolton and told him about the Modi government’s plans to do away with the ‘special status’ for Jammu and Kashmir, reported ThePrint.

The second time, Jaishankar had informed Pompeo on the sidelines of the ninth East Asia Summit Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in Bangkok on 1 August.

However, the United States Department of State has rejected all these claims and said that the Indian government did not consult or inform the US Government before moving to revoke Jammu and Kashmir’s special constitutional status.

Shekhar Gupta’s ThePrint has a history of scaremongering and spreads fake news to target Narendra Modi government. Addition to that, Shekhar Gupta and his team have also attempted to script their own history by pushing fairytales as facts.

RSS worker in Rajasthan thrashed brutally by 5 Muslim men for celebrating the abrogation of Article 370

The Modi government took a bold step recently to abrogate Article 370 and integrate Jammu and Kashmir wholly and without any conditions with the rest of India. The Modi government also bifurcated Jammu and Kashmir and turned it into two Union Territories – J&K and Ladakh. With this step, the entire country broke into celebration. Now, it is being reported that an RSS worker in Rajasthan has been beaten up brutally for celebrating the historic move.

According to Times Now, a local RSS worker, Sandeep Gupta, was beaten up brutally by 5 Muslim youth. The report says that according to the father of Sandeep Gupta, he was beaten up by the Muslim youth for celebrating the abrogation of Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir. Sandeep has now been admitted to the Jhalawar hospital.

According to the father, Sandeep Gupta has been severely hurt on his stomach and head. He was informed by Sandeep’s friends that he was thrashed and brought to the hospital.

Himanshu, an RSS worker from Kota said that there 5-7 Muslim boys started beating Sandeep Gupta up after stopping him on the road. Then, when Sandeep saved his life and managed to run away from there, another group of Muslim boys caught hold of him and started beating him up brutally. This is when Sandeep got seriously hurt in his stomach and head. Himanshu said that Sandeep was unconscious for over 2 hours and is still not in the state to speak.

Himanshu further says that a day ago, they had all celebrated the abrogation of Article 370 by the Modi government, that integrated Jammu and Kashmir wholly with the rest of India, and hence, the Muslims took ‘notice’ of them. But eventually, they targeted only Sandeep Gupta. Times Now reports that the police is currently investigating the case.