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‘India has a right to amend its sovereign laws’: After UAE and Sri Lanka, Maldives supports India’s move to abrogate Article 370

The Modi government took a bold step recently. Led by Home Minister Amit Shah in the parliament, the Modi government introduced a bill to do away with the provisions of Article 370 that gave Jammu and Kashmir its special status. The Modi government also bifurcated Jammu and Kashmir and turned J&K and Ladakh into two separate Union Territories.

The move has been met with support from several countries around the world. Most countries have asserted that this is India’s internal matter and it should do as it deems fit.

The Maldives has now issued a statement regarding the step by the Modi Government.

Statement by the Maldives

Statement by the Maldives says:

“The Maldives considers the decision taken by the Government of India regarding Article 370 of the Indian Constitution as an internal matter. We believe that it is the right of every sovereign nation to amend their laws as required”.

Recently, the UAE and Sri Lanka have also issued similar statements in support of India. China raised ‘concerns’ and was told off by the Indian Government. The Indian Government said that this is India’s internal matter and just as India does not interfere in the internal matters of other countries, she expects other countries to not interfere in India’s internal matters.

Manish Tewari misleads the parliament by saying Article 370 was permanent. Here are the facts

Yesterday the Article 370 of the Indian Constitution was abolished when the Lok Sabha approved a presidential resolution abolishing the Article invoking the provision of clause 3 of Article 370. The resolution got more vote than the strength of NDA, which means several opposition parties voted for it.

Congress party had opposed the move, and in doing so, they had even resorted to misinterpretation that the Article 370 is permanent and it can’t be revoked. Participating in the debate on the resolution, senior Congress leader Manish Tewari argued that clause 3 of the Article 370 implies that it was meant to be permanent. He had read out the clause 3, which reads:

Notwithstanding anything in the foregoing provisions of this article, the President may, by public notification, declare that this article shall cease to be operative or shall be operative only with such exceptions and modifications and from such date as he may specify:

Provided that the recommendation of the Constituent Assembly of the State referred to in clause (2) shall be necessary before the President issues such a notification.

This clause means that the president may revoke the Article 370, but a recommendation of the Constituent Assembly is required to do so.


He argued that this provision was kept to give the Article 370 a permanency, as the Constituent Assembly does not exist anymore, which was dissolved in 1957. His argument is that since the Constituent Assembly does not exist to approve the abolition of Article 370, this Article is permanent.

Manish Tewari made only selective reading to mislead the house and country to claim that Article 370 is permanent, which is not correct.

First, the Article 370 itself is included in the part of Part XXI of the constitution, which is titled Temporary and Transitional provisions. This means, every article included in Part XXI, are supposed to be temporary and transitional, they are never meant to be permanent like the Congress leader was claiming. Even the first prime minister of India and Congress leader Jawaharlal Nehru had said that Article 370 is temporary.

Article 370 is part of Temporary and transitional provisions of constitution

Article 370 was temporary, because it was created to apply provisions of Indian constitution selectively in the state till the time the state constitution was ready, and it was supposed to be abolished after preparation of the Jammu and Kashmir constitution. But the Constituent Assembly dissolved itself in 1957 without recommending removal of Article 370, and it remained in the constitution.

Every article of the constitution is India can be amended using due process, even its preamble was amended during the emergency by Indira Gandhi government, so it is completely wrong to say that Article 370 is permanent. The fact that requirement of approval of a non-existing Constituent Assembly was there to abrogate it was an anomaly, which should have been corrected long ago.

Just like everything in the constitution, including the preamble, can be amended, the requirement of abolishing an Article also can be amended, which was done using the constitutional provisions itself by the government.

Advocate Murad Ali files sedition case against Omar Abdullah, Mehbooba Mufti and others for opposing abrogation of Article 370

An advocate in Bihar has filed a sedition case in a court in Bettiah, West Champaran against Omar Abdullah, Mehbooba Mufti and several others who opposed the abolition of Article 370. Taking cognisance of the case filed by the lawyer, the court has set the next hearing on the case on September 24, 2019.

A lawyer in Betia court, Murad Ali filed a petition under charges of sedition and criminal conspiracy for opposing the scrapping of Article 370. “I have registered a case against former chief ministers of Jammu and Kashmir Mehbooba Mufti, Omar Abdullah and other political leaders who have opposed the abrogation of Article 370,” Ali told ANI.

Ali further elaborated the sections under which he has filed a case. “I have filed the case under Section 124 A (sedition), 153 A (promoting enmity between different groups of religion, race, place of birth, residence and language), 153 B, 504 (Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace) and 120B (criminal conspiracy) of the Indian Penal Code,” he said.

Ali also mentioned that the court heard his stance and transferred the case to the court of Judicial Magistrate KK Shahi for the next hearing which is on September 24. Ali has alleged that the opposing statements made by Omar Abdullah, Mehbooba Mufti and others have denigrated the government in print, electronic and social media. According to Ali, Omar and Mufti have tried to incite hatred among citizens of the country and attempted to hurt the national integrity and peace of the country.

Omar Abdullah and Mehbooba Mufti have vehemently expressed their disapproval over the government’s move to abrogate Article 370 and bifurcate the state into two Union Territories- Jammu and Kashmir with legislature and Ladakh without legislature. Mufti had tweeted that the resolution to bifurcate J and K has reduced India to an “occupying force” in the state.

I am a Kashmiri Pandit, and with the curtains finally falling on Article 370, I feel empowered and vindicated

Yesterday, as the curtains to the ongoing suspense prevailing in Jammu and Kashmir fell, the whole of India erupted in a unanimous wave of joy. Not just the displaced Kashmiri Pandits, but every Indian who feels the pain of our community, exhibited similar sentiments. Together, the Hindus living outside their homeland along with patriotic Indians witnessed the historic events unfold.

My family and I had been waiting with bated breath as the anxiety through the night. There was no way we could keep calm. After many years, the night felt long, very long. Fingers crossed, we hoped our destiny would take a fresh new turn in due course of time, and were thankfully proven right!

As a Kashmiri Pandit woman, mother, wife, and daughter, a golden moment in history was waiting to be scripted. Finally, when Home Minister (HM) Amit Shah let the cat out of the bag in Rajya Sabha by announcing the “Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation Bill,” my happiness knew no bounds. The declaration inundated my heart with a million emotions.

Subconsciously, my eyes were transfixed on the television screen. The joy of witnessing the historic occasion unravel in my lifetime appeared like a dream. I had to pinch myself hard to come back to make sense of it. Then, one after the other, HM demolished the lies, deceit, and propaganda of 70+ years that had been lurking over our rights to a dignified life. Thereafter, every word sounded like sweet music to my ears. Then, tears of joy rolled down, making way through the floodgates.

Suddenly, my 9-year-old son, who was watching TV with us, said, “Mumma, now that Kashmir is a UT when can we return home?” His words hit me like a bullet. After all, Kashmir is the land of our ancestors, where our roots belong and our souls yearn to return!

His heartwarming statement forced me to step out of my thoughts and feel the reality, up and close. A few seconds later, it all began to sink in. That is when we hugged and made merry. We sang and danced. We screamed hard and let the emotions flow uninterrupted.

Three decades of struggle and a million sacrifices later, finally the Government of India (GoI) had grabbed the bull by its horns to serve justice to the now ‘displaced aboriginal peace-loving community’ of the valley. Well begun is half done, and this move has indeed set the precedent for the next course of actions in line with serving complete justice to the Kashmiri Pandits, Sikhs, Ladakhis, Gujjars, Bakarwals, Dogras, and all other communities that have been at the receiving end of the step-motherly treatment by the Muslim leadership. Justice delayed is justice denied. But for our community justice has been elusive thus far!

If you come to think of it, all it took a strong political will, since independence, to correct the “historical wrongs.” A moment of pride embraced us with warmth when the strong-headed government, chose to ignore the threats by local politicians, to prove what robust grit and determination mean. The J&K Reorganisation bill tabled by HM Shah, mirrors his party’s stand, promises, and commitments towards the people of India. It certainly needed a Modi and Shah to meet the aspirations of the real stakeholders of the Kashmir issue.

This political Jodi is well known to beat the odd and swim against the tide. While the hopes were pinned on Modi-led GoI, these two made the impossible look this easy!

By bifurcating J&K into two Union Territories vis-a-vis Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh, the GoI, in one masterstroke, has undone the historic wrong. The local leaders did not expect a shock value this magnitude and have since been left in a tizzy. The dynastic politicians who are crying foul now, are the same who remained mute spectators, while an intellectual community was left to fend for itself. The horrors of 19 January 1990 and beyond still give us goosebumps! In one night, the KPs were forced into their 7th exodus in history. In a well-planned massacre, the entire community was forced to run for their lives.

That night, the tranquil air of Kashmir suddenly became sombre when loudspeakers blared threats to leave our homes or be prepared to face the wrath. In the blink of an eye, all you could hear is the hate speeches and sloganeering against Pandits, who suddenly became kafirs. The cacophonous slogans such as Agar Kashmir Main Rehna Hoga, Allah-u-Akbar Kehna Hoga (If you want to live in Kashmir, you have to say Allah-u-Akbar), Battav Ya Raliv, Chaliv nate’ Galiv” (Pandits- either join us/convert, leave or die) and Aes gacche’ Kasheer, Batav ros’ te’ batnev saan (We want Kashmir – without the Pandit men but with Pandit women) amongst a score of other spine chilling war cries made us shiver in fear, anger, and disgust.

As a six-year-old, that night, I remember my panicky mother ordering my maternal family to pack our bags and be ready to leave Srinagar in the dead of the night. We were perplexed and shocked, without a clue. My grandparents were not ready to absorb the news and threw a fit. They bombarded my mother with a volley of questions, which unfortunately she had no answers. Later that night, as the rain Gods grieved along, we were bundled into a truck that quietly steered out of Kashmir, pushing our future into a pit of uncertainties, miseries, and struggles.

The nightmare of that dark night continues to linger on, generation after generation.

Our elders, who were forced by circumstances to unwillingly migrate, had a hard time making adjustments for the longest period. I witnessed my mother’s grandmother, who had fine eyesight even at age 90+, succumb to heatstroke. Till her death, she clung on to her culture and tradition, refusing to compromise her food and lifestyle habits despite living in a comparatively warmer geographical locale.

Like her, every household has a heartbreaking story buried deep within that subconscious corner. We believe, our elders still await justice for the atrocities they endured and today they would be smiling.

Therefore, the historic decision is in a way, gratification for the tyranny that many like my mother’s grandmother have endured for no fault!

Ever since my phone is abuzz with calls, and messages on social media with congratulatory messages about the GoI’s tough stances on Article 370. The participation of Indians in this glorious moment speaks volumes about the ills that had created a divide between us and them.

As temporary, draconian, and discriminatory, Article 370 started to crumble into pieces, one bit at a time, our hearts skipped a million beats. It gives us immense pleasure to thank the GoI for their decisive stand on this biased provision, responsible for a million problems that Kashmir is facing today.

For the uninitiated, scrapping of Article 370 (and Article 35A) from Jammu and Kashmir will usher in a new dawn of opportunities and make J&K “accessible” to Indians. As I write this, the bill has made it through the Lok Sabha too with a massive mandate of 367 (Yeses) vs 67 (noes). One word to sum up these events and my feelings right now is – WOW!

At the moment, the entire Kashmiri Pandit community could not have asked for more. The new bill is certainly the gateway to hope, peace, development, and prosperity in Jammu and Kashmir. We are taking it as writing on the wall that this bold move will end the step-motherly treatment given to Jammu and Ladakh regions comprising the erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir. In fact, Kashmir province has a lesser geographical composition compared to Jammu and Ladakh while 1% of the population living there thrived on 10% of funds (taxpayers money) that too with zero accountability. The bifurcation of J&K into two UTs is a significant move in terms of Centre’s penetration (within J&K) that was missing until now.

Today is a day when the historic wrongs have been rectified. We want to live this moment, undiluted. Today, our souls feel liberated from the shackles of the punitive laws. We feel empowered and vindicated. This bold move emboldens the struggle of our community and manifests our unflinching desire to reclaim our glorious past! Today, we feel India is on the verge of taking a giant leap, across the bridges, inching closer towards our lost paradise – Kashmir!

Waking up to a new dawn post Article 370, ushering and embracing new opportunities seems like a dream come true.

It matters not how fast light may travel, darkness shall always be there awaiting its arrival- Mark W Boyer. I rest my case!

Afghanistan: Suicide car bomb in Kabul injures 95, Taliban claims responsibility


In yet another barbaric act by Islamic terrorists, at least 95 people have been wounded after a car bomb exploded on Wednesday outside a police station in the Afghan capital Kabul. The Taliban have claimed responsibility for the deadly terror attack.

Reportedly, the blast occurred in the west of the city in the morning rush hour, which sent a huge cloud of grey smoke billowing into the sky. The Taliban has claimed that a “recruitment centre” had been attacked by one of their suicide bombers.

“A large number of soldiers and police were killed or wounded,” the Taliban said in a statement.

The bomb exploded when a vehicle was stopped at a checkpoint outside the police station, said interior ministry spokesman Nasrat Rahimi. A health ministry spokesman said 95 wounded people had been taken to hospitals. Most of the injured were civilians, including women and children, he said.

The security forces had earlier conducted raids in several parts of Kabul overnight and destroyed a major militant hideout.

This attack by the Taliban comes at a time when the United States and Afghanistan are closer to achieve a historic pact to enable the US to withdraw their troops in exchange for a Taliban promise that they would not use the country as a base from which to plot terror attacks.

The violence has been surging across Afghanistan and in Kabul as the US and the Taliban negotiate a peace deal ahead of elections planned for September 28. Just few days back the Taliban had warned of terror strikes in Afghanistan after denouncing the upcoming elections.

They had urged people to stay way from rallies warning of attacks. President Ashraf Ghani is expected to win the elections and be reelected as Afghanistan’s president for a second term. The Taliban have called for boycott of the elections and have said the ‘fighters’ would do anything to block the vote.

EC set to review ‘National Party’ status, TMC, CPI plead to put review on hold till 2024, NCP till Maharashtra elections

After the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, the ‘National Party’ status of some of the parties is being reviewed by the Election Commission of India.

Political parties like Trinamool Congress (TMC), Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) and Communist Party of India (CPI) have urged the Election Commission to put the review on hold till the after the Lok Sabha elections in 2024.

According to the reports, the Election Commission of India had served show-cause notices to TMC, CPI and NCP on July 18 seeking explanation on why their national party status should not be withdrawn after their disastrous performance in the 2019 Lok Sabha elections. The parties were given time till August 5 to respond for the EC notice.

Responding to EC’s notice, the TMC has claimed that it was awarded the national party tag only in 2016 and urged the EC to allow them to retain the status till Lok Sabha elections in 2024.

After the 2014 parliamentary polls, the BSP, CPI and NCP stood to lose their national party status, but the EC at that time had agreed to take a lenient view and decided to review their status after two poll cycles. The TMC has pushed the criteria of two election cycles to seek an extension to their national party status.

According to the Election Symbols (Reservation and Allotment) Order, 1968, political parties need to secure at least six per cent of votes in four or more states in Lok Sabha or assembly elections. A political party can also be declared as a national party if it wins 2% of the seats in the Lok Sabha and it wins seats from at least 3 states. Furthermore, it can be awarded the tag if it’s a declared state party in four states. The above-mentioned parties no longer fulfil these criteria.

The CPI has also requested the EC to review its status till after 2024 while citing the party’s history to defend its national character. “We are one of the oldest political parties of this country and have even participated in the freedom struggle. We also continue to have a national presence. We have submitted this reply to EC and they will now consider it,” said CPI general secretary D Raja.

On the other hand, the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) has requested the Election Commission of India to wait till the Maharashtra Assembly elections results before taking a decision on the national status of the party.

If these three parties are derecognised, only five political parties – the BJP, Congress, National People’s Party, CPM and BSP will continue to be national political parties.

National Parties enjoy certain advantages over state and other registered political parties. Firstly, under the Symbols Order 1968, a party with national status have the right to fight elections using a common symbol across the country. In other words, if a party loses national status, it does not have the right to fight elections using a common symbol across the country.

For example, the analogue clock symbol will not be reserved for all NCP candidates across the country. It can use it only in states where it is recognised as a state party.

Secondly, the National parties receive land or building from the government to establish their party office. Third, national parties can have up to 40-star campaigners while non-national parties can have only up to 20-star campaigners. The expenditure incurred on the travelling and other expenses of star campaigners is not included in the election expenditure of the party candidate.

Finally, the national parties get the time slot on the national and state television and radio to address the people and convey their message to the nation.

After deciding the national price for roti and naan, Pakistan focuses on ‘Kashmiri struggle’, Asif Ghafoor says ‘will go to any extent’


India’s decision to abrogate the provisions of Article 370 thereby nullifying the special status accorded to Jammu and Kashmir has got Pakistan in a tizzy. Asif Ghafoor, the spokesperson of Pakistan Army posted an incoherent, seemingly drunken tweet last night proclaiming that Pakistan is going to “take Kashmir back”.

Asif Ghafoor tweeted that ‘it is not over’ in Kashmir. While the grammar of the rest of the tweet makes it slightly difficult to understand, he seems to be saying that “it won’t be over” till the “struggle of Kashmiris succeed”. ‘IA’, by the way, stands for InshaAllah not Indian Airlines (which is now Air India, but Pakistan is stuck in 90s) or any such thing which could be *cough* hijacked *cough*. It may appear like it is a typo, but Ghafoor just abbreviated InshaAllah.

Further, Asif Ghafoor says that Pakistan will go to “any extent” to let Kashmir have its right of self determination.

This grandstanding by Asif Ghafoor comes right after Pakistan and its Prime Minister have found sometime after deciding on issues of national importance such as the national price of Roti and Naan.

Interestingly, while Asif Ghafoor grandstands, Pakistan is comtemplating shutting their airspace for Indian carriers yet again fearing another Balakot like aerial offensive by India. Asif Ghafoor, right after Balakot had claimed that India had only managed to burn down a few trees.

Pakistani commentator and security analyst F. Jeffery had recently tweeted that Pakistan was planning a massive excercise in sub-conventional warfare and was planning to adopt the policy of ‘bleed India with a million cuts’. In simpler words, Pakistan is planning to raise the level of terror it exports to India.

Jeffery may as well be bang on target considereing the Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan himself has threatened India with another Pulwama like attack recently.

What Pakistan is perhaps miscalculating is that fact that India is not the same anymore. Recently, the political ruling class has ensured that the answer for one cut that bleeds India is that of giving Pakistan a bloody. India’s stand on Kashmir and the abrogation of special status to Jammy and Kashmir has been welcomed by most countries across the globe. Even the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has asserted that this is an internal matter for India. While China, who tried to express ‘concerns’ was told off by India in the strongest words possible.

With the global isolation faced by Pakistan, any retaliatory measure by India is unlikely to get any blowback from the world community.

Ignoring dissenting voices in party, CWC passes resolution against govt’s Kashmir move, holds meeting chaired by ‘resigned’ Rahul Gandhi

As the BJP government’s bold move to strip Article 370 and bifurcate Jammu and Kashmir garnered wide support across the political spectrum, there has been a visible confusion within the Congress regarding their stand on this issue.

While many Congress members, including their ex-president, Rahul Gandhi opposed the decision several leaders including Jyotiraditya Scindia, Deepender Hooda, Aditi Singh and Milind Deora, stood in favour of the Centre’s decision.

Moreover, Congress’ Chief Whip, Bhubaneshwar Kalita had resigned from the Rajya Sabha stating that Congress’ move to oppose the Government’ decision was a “political suicide”

To clear the confusion and to come across as an integrated party, the Congress Working Committee (CWC), in a meeting held late Tuesday passed a resolution condemning the government’s actions.

The resolution read, “The CWC deplores the unilateral, brazen and totally undemocratic manner in which provisions of Article 370 of the Constitution was abrogated and the state of Jammu and Kashmir was dismembered by misinterpreting the provisions of the Constitution”.

The Congress accused the BJP of violating constitutional law, the states’ rights, parliamentary procedure and democratic governance.

The meeting of the CWC was held soon after the Parliament approved the government’s action of revoking the special status of Jammu and Kashmir and bifurcated the border state into two Union Territories.

It was chaired by Rahul Gandhi, who has already resigned from the post of the Congress president weeks ago and was attended by top party leaders Sonia Gandhi, Manmohan Singh, A K Antony, Ahmed Patel, Ghulam Nabi Azad, P Chidambaram and Priyanka Gandhi. Congress leader in Lok Sabha Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury, who yesterday stoked controversy by calling Jammu and Kashmir a bilateral issue between India and Pakistan, also attended the meeting.

It is notable here that despite ‘resigning’ from the party president post weeks ago and declaring several times that he does not wish to be party president anymore, Rahul Gandhi is still effectively the Congress President because he has not accepted his own resignation yet.

The resolution said that Article 370 was conceived and crafted by former PM Jawaharlal Nehru, Sardar Vallabhai Patel and BR Ambedkar, assisted by N Gopalaswamy Iyengar and VP Menon.

It said that it should have been “honoured until it was amended, after consultation with all section of the people, and strictly in accordance with the Constitution of India”.

The Congress said that it ‘pledges to stand with the people of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh and to fight BJP’s divisive and diabolical agenda’.

The CWC said what the BJP government accomplished yesterday in the Rajya Sabha and today in the Lok Sabha has “grave implications” going well beyond J&K and calls into question the very idea of India being a Union of States.

“Jammu and Kashmir acceded to India as one State and no government has the power to change its status or divide it or reduce any part of it to a Union Territory,” the party said.

This resolution adopted by Congress seems more like an afterthought to save the party’s reputation which was being put at stake by few party veterans, who either remained ununited on Article 370, pandering to Pakistan, dissing Sardar Patel and singing ‘Nehru-Indira-Chalisa.

Hate mongers celebrate her death as the nation mourns stateswoman Sushma Swaraj

As the entire nation grieves the death of stateswoman, BJP stalwart and former external minister Sushma Swaraj, a section of the society has been hate mongering and expressing their happiness over her demise.

The hatemongering and celebrations over the death of Sushma Swaraj began as soon as the news of her death was announced. Some of the social media users reacted to the death news with a joy smiley indicating that they welcomed the death of Former external minister who is revered across the political parties.

A journalist with social media account ‘Wooky galactic’, who is associated with Firstpost and  HuffingtonPost, asked others why they were mourning over Swaraj’s death claiming that Sushma Swaraj was the same woman who advocated ‘Hindutva fascism’ of her peers.

Ashok Swain, a serial abuser and purveyor of fake news, resorted to hatemongering as he tweeted whether people expected him to condole the death of Sushma Swaraj while saying people to ‘forget’ about it. He later deleted the post claiming his tweet was being ‘misinterpreted’.

A Congress troll named Ali Sohrab also celebrated the death of Sushma Swaraj as he claimed that her death was a reaction to the abrogation of Article 370. Shockingly, he tagged former Finance Minister Arun Jaitley in the post, wishing death to him, who is also suffering serious health issues.

Interestingly, when some of the Indians expressed happiness over the death of Sushma Swaraj, in a rare incident, few Pakistanis expressed their condolence after Swaraj passed away.

Sushma Swaraj, who was known for bringing a humane touch to foreign affairs, had provided medical visas to several Pakistani citizens so that they availed better and emergency treatment in India. Some of the citizens of Pakistan remembered the large-heartedness of Sushma Swaraj and tweeted to condole her death.

Scared of a Balakot redux, Pakistan to shut its airspace for Indian flights yet again: Reports


Pakistan is all set to shut its airspace for Indian flights and carriers all over again after India effectively abrogated all provisions of Article 370 and stripped Jammu and Kashmir off its ‘special status’. The Modi government also turned J&K and Ladakh into Union Territories.

According to a report in Times of Islamabad, “Pakistan is anticipating February-like aerial aggression from the Indian side; thus, an airspace closure is deemed necessary”.

The report in Times of Islamabad further quoted the spokesperson of Pakistan International Airlines, Mashood Tajwar, saying that opening the airspace for India didn’t help the airline. He says that operating flights for India is not economically suited due to a low influx of passengers.

Speculations of Pakistan raising its alert status are also rife.

After the Balakot airstrikes where India had gone deep into Pakistan territory and flattened terror camps in Balakot with airstrikes, Pakistan had shut its airspace completely for weeks. Pakistan had in June asserted that it will open its Eastern airspace for flights to and from New Delhi only if India promises not to repeat a Balakot like operation inside Pakistan’s territory. Interestingly, while Pakistan wants India to promise that a Balakot like operation won’t be repeated, when the operation, codenamed ‘Operation Bandar’ had happened, Pakistan had lied that India had managed to burn just a few trees. It was only in July that Pakistan had re-opened its airspace for civilian flights again.

After the Modi government effectively abrogated Article 370 and bifurcated Jammu and Kashmir, UAE, Sri Lanka and several other countries have spoken in support of the move. Most countries have categorically maintained that this is an internal matter of India, ignoring the noise Pakistanis seem to be making.

China had raised ‘concerns’ over India’s steps in Kashmir. India had issued a strong statement to China saying that this is an internal matter of the country and just as India doesn’t interfere in the internal matters of other countries, it expects other countries to do the same.