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As Amit Shah thundered away in Lok Sabha yesterday, here are three significant takeaways from his speech

Amit Shah, in his reply to the Lok Sabha yesterday on the Jammu & Kashmir Reorganization bill, emphasized on the necessity of passing the said Bill. He clarified on various matters raised by the members of the Parliament and reiterated the concerns which demanded the stripping of Articles 370.

Amit Shah’s bold statement declaring that when he mentions Jammu and Kashmir, he means it in its geographical entirety, including PoK and Aksai Chin, as a reply to Congress’s Adhir Chowdhury’s remark, created quite a stir on mainstream and social media. But apart from that, Shah’s speech also highlighted some very important aspects explaining the government’s decisions regarding Article 370 and the bifurcation.

1. On people who support Article 370

Shah labelled Article 370 as an instrument for discriminatory practices. He said, “What equality does Article 370 stand for? When Kashmiri Pandits were thrown out of Kashmir because Article 370 was in place, where was the idea of equality? Those who support Article 370 are anti-Dalit, anti-tribal, anti-women and anti-education.”

2. Infringement of rights

Shah also remarked that as a consequence of Article 370, children in Kashmir were being deprived of basic rights. He said, “All children of the age group of 6 to 14 years have the right to read but the children of Jammu and Kashmir do not. What has this section 370 done? Have you ever gone deep?” He added that child marriage is still rampant in Kashmir.

The Union Minister also asserted that the Article denied the minority communities in the region of their rights. He stated, “It was said that removal of Article 370 was a communal agenda. Do not Hindus, Christians, Buddhists, Sikhs live in Jammu and Kashmir? Not forming minority commission there due to Article 370 is an injustice to minorities.”

3. Enough discussion, it was time for action

Shah asserted that debate had been raging about the Article for decades. Therefore, it was time to act. He said, “Debates have been happening for three generations. How long do we discuss it? Should we ask the people who take inspiration from Pakistan? We are not against debate but there should be a solution as well.”  He further made it clear that the government is open to restoring the statehood status to J&K once circumstances normalized. He said, “Once the state of affairs normalizes in J&K then the status can be changed from Union Territory to state.”

Remembering Sushma Swaraj, the mother to Indians stranded abroad

I write this with a heavy heart. I never thought the demise of any politician will move me to tears. The unfortunate demise of former External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj has come as a shock. We all know death is inevitable, for all of us. But no matter how much we are prepared, when it finally knocks on the door, it still takes us by surprise.

Sushma Swaraj’s death has left a strange void. She had not contested the recently concluded elections on health grounds. She had undergone kidney transplant a few years back. She had been keeping unwell. All these are facts. However, it still is tough to come to terms with her passing.

A lawyer by profession, Sushma Swaraj started practice as a Supreme Court lawyer in 1973 at 21. She rose to prominence among political ranks when she organised protests against Indira Gandhi’s government. She was also part of George Fernandes’ legal defence team in 1975 during Indira Gandhi imposed Emergency.

I do not have words to speak on her political achievements and how she shattered the glass ceiling way too many times in her career spanning over four decades. I would like to bring a compilation of tweets which show how she was just as human as each one of us. Oh and the inimitable sense of humour.

Someone on Twitter joked about Indian embassy on Mars after a successful Mangalyaan mission. She was ready with an answer.

During the run-up to general elections, Swaraj had added ‘Chowkidar’ as part of the BJP #MainBhiChowkidar campaign. Someone quipped how can she call herself a chowkidar, after all, she was the ‘only sensible’ person in BJP. She responded to how she was doing the chowkidari of Indians abroad.

Another one of my absolute favourite tweets from her was when she very nicely, politely told someone who reached out to her to get his fridge repaired that she couldn’t really help him because she is busy helping Indians in distress.

Oh, and you didn’t really need to have a huge follower count to get former minister’s attention. As displayed in the following set of tweets.

One Gavy reached out to Swaraj who was in Malaysia and needed help. Swaraj immediately asked the High Commission in Malaysia to help him out. Gavy’s message had grammatical errors and someone pointed it out to him how he could have written it in Hindi or Punjabi instead since English does not seem to be his strongest point. The ever amazing Swaraj responded that after becoming the foreign minister, she has learnt to understand English in all accents and grammar.

Two weeks back, when Mange Ram Garg, former Delhi BJP President passed away, Swaraj had posted her condolence message on Twitter. Former Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit had also just recently passed away. In response to her condolence message, a troll, Irfan Khan had wished death upon the former Union Minister. He tweeted to Sushma Swaraj that someday she too would be remembered in the same manner.

Sushma Swaraj had shut him down by thanking him for his kind thought.

And at last, as if almost she had a premonition, last evening, just hours before she suffered a massive cardiac arrest, she tweeted her thanks to the Prime Minister for dilution of Article 370, which made Jammu and Kashmir an integral part of India without any conditions and riders attached.

She tweeted that she was waiting to see this day in her lifetime. It is almost as if she knew.

Sushma Swaraj was one of the most prominent ministers in the Modi government in the first term. She will sorely be missed.

BJP stalwart Sushma Swaraj passes away at the age of 67, nation mourns

BJP stalwart and former External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj passed away at the age of 67 on the night of August 6 after suffering a cardiac arrest.

The senior BJP leader was brought to AIIMS at 10:15 PM and was straight away taken to the emergency ward. However, Sushma Swaraj was very critical at the time she was brought to the hospital. Unfortunately, Swaraj did not respond to the CPR done by the AIIMS doctor and passed away in the hospital.

Sushma Swaraj’s body was then taken to her home, Dhawan Deep Building in Connaught Place, New Delhi. On Wednesday at 12 PM, her body will be kept for three hours at the BJP headquarters today for party workers and leaders to pay tributes, Later her last rites will be performed at the Lodhi Road crematorium at 3 PM.

Sushma Swaraj and her husband had vacated the government bungalow allocated to her just days after the second term of the Modi government began. She had announced earlier that she would not be a part of the new government. She had had a kidney transplant earlier.

Sushma Swaraj started her political life with the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad, the RSS’ student wing and later joined the BJP. She had also played a key role in strengthening the BJP across the country in the early 1990s. At 25, she had become the youngest cabinet minister in the then Haryana government. She eventually went on to become the Information and Broadcasting Minister in the 13-day Atal Bihari Vajpayee government in 1996 and got the Cabinet portfolio again after he led the BJP to power in 1998.

Swaraj then contested against the then Congress president Sonia Gandhi in Bellary in the 1999 Lok Sabha polls. Sushma lost the elections but rose to be one of the tallest leaders of the country. Sushma Swaraj, a protégé of veteran BJP leader LK Advani, was also the Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha between 2009-14. Sushma Swaraj was a seven-time MP and three-time MLA.

India grieves the demise of a remarkable leader, Prime Minister Narendra Modi tweeted after the death of former union minister and BJP veteran Sushma Swaraj at Delhi’s AIIMS hospital.

PM Modi remembering the former Foreign Affairs minister, tweeted that “a glorious chapter in Indian politics comes to an end.”

“India grieves the demise of a remarkable leader who devoted her life to public service and bettering lives of the poor. Sushma Swaraj Ji was one of her kind, who was a source of inspiration for crores of people,” the PM tweeted.

“An excellent administrator, Sushma Ji set high standards in every Ministry she handled. She played a key role in bettering India’s ties with various nations. As a Minister we also saw her compassionate side, helping fellow Indians who were in distress in any part of the world,” PM Modi tweeted. PM Modi termed the demise of Sushma Swaraj as a personal loss.

Political leaders across the political spectrum have expressed their sadness and offered condolences to Swaraj’s family.

Swaraj had redefined the relationship between the people and the government. Using social media to its fullest extent, she had reached out and helped countless Indians stranded in other countries. Often, a mere tweet calling for help was enough for her to reach out and provide help in the most difficult of scenarios.

No united stand on 370, pandering to Pakistan, dissing Sardar Patel and singing ‘Nehru-Indira-chalisa’: The Congress suicide note

The grand old party of India- Indian National Congress seems to be still stuck in the past fermenting the hysteria about the alleged contribution of Nehru-Gandhi parivar into nation’s development, despite the fact that the people of the country has moved away from these legacies.

A similar propaganda got propped up today after senior Congress leader Digvijaya Singh credited Nehru-Gandhi dynasty for the integration of the country at a time when Congress has been reluctant to take a stand on the critical issue of revoking special status to Jammu and Kashmir by abrogating controversial Article 370 and bifurcating the state into two Union territories.

While Congress party fears to take a stand on the issue and panders to the sentiments of Pakistan, controversial Congress leader Digvijaya Singh in a tweet has sung the praise of the first family of the party as he claimed that it was former Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru was the one who gave us Goa and his daughter Indira Gandhi gave India the state of Sikkim.

Further, Singh claimed that it was the leadership of Indira Gandhi which “bifurcated” Pakistan to help create Bangladesh.

In a hurry to deflect from the issue of Article 370, Digvijaya Singh resorted to rhetorics when he claimed that Nehru was responsible for the independence of Goa, and Indira Gandhi was responsible for freeing up Sikkim. Neither of his claims regarding Goa or Sikkim is completely true.

The Goa liberation movement, a movement during the 1940s sought to end Portuguese colonial rule in Goa had begun much earlier than Jawaharlal Nehru became the Prime Minister of the country. With the effort of parties like United Front of Goans and Azad Gomantak Dal, India was able to annex the Goa from Portuguese, contrary to claims of Digvijaya Singh.

Further, Sikkim was an independent kingdom which had retained guarantees of independence from Britain when it became independent and such guarantees were transferred to the Indian government when it gained independence in 1947. On 14 April 1975, a referendum was held in which Sikkim voted to merge with India. Sikkim became the 22nd Indian State and on 16 May 1975, and Sikkim officially became an Indian state.

By bringing equivalence to the bifurcation of Jammu and Kashmir and the breaking up of Pakistan to form Bangladesh, Digvijaya Singh has yet again toed the line of Pakistan by hinting that Jammu and Kashmir belonged to Pakistan and India has no right to bifurcate its own state.

Earlier in the day, Adhir Ranjan Chowdhry, the Congress party’s leader in Lok Sabha kicked up a storm in the Assembly today after he parroted the lines of Pakistan by questioning the government whether Article 370 and the state of Jammu and Kashmir was an internal matter. He questioned how can matters related to Jammu and Kashmir be ‘internal matter’ if it is being monitored by the UN since 1948.

Adhir Ranjan Chowdhry also questioned the legality of the union government to make laws on the region of Pakistan-occupied Kashmir. Adhir Ranjan Chowdhry further demanded an explanation from the government on whether Kashmir is a bilateral issue or not.

An infuriated Amit Shah had to respond in the Lok Sabha to make it clear that PoK is an integral part of India and should never be considered separate from Jammu and Kashmir. He asserted that we will lay down our lives for it.

After remaining silent for a whole day, Congress president Rahul Gandhi finally arrived on Twitter to oppose the recent decisions of the Modi government on Jammu and Kashmir. Rahul Gandhi opined that the government’s decision violates the constitution and that the nation is made up of people, not plots of land. However, he did not clarify whether he or his party supported or rejected abrogation of Article 370 and bifurcation of Jammu and Kashmir.

The Congress leadership time and again resorts to hysteria whenever they are unable to take a reasonable stand on any issue. In fact, even in 2019, Congress party has to fall back to the ‘glory’ of its erstwhile leaders like Nehru and Indira Gandhi to claim some kind of moral victory.

Pakistan PM Imran Khan warns India of another Pulwama like attack due to effective abrogation of Article 370

Reacting to India’s internal matter regarding effective abrogation of Article 370 and bifurcation of Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan today threatened India saying that “incidents like Pulwama are bound to happen again”, after Indian government decided to revoke Article 370 and strip Jammu and Kashmir of the special status. Foretelling a terror attack, Khan said, “I can already foretell this will happen. They will attempt to pin the blame on us again. They may strike us again, and we will strike back.”

Khan was addressing a joint session of the National Assembly on Tuesday to deliberate about the country’s response to India’s decision of scrapping Article 370 from its constitution and thereby revoking the special status granted to the state of Jammu and Kashmir. Khan declaimed that when he came to power, his government’s priority was to improve relations with the neighbouring country including India.

“On my first communication with India, they had raised concerns about militant outfits operating from Pakistan. I assured Modi that after the tragic incident of Army School massacre, all the political parties in Pakistan pledged to not let their land be used for terror activities. However, I felt that the Indian side was interested in talks. My doubts were confirmed on my trip to Bikshek, where the Indian side showed no willingness to talk about the strained relations between the two countries,” Khan said.

Khan further said that the Indian regime believes in Hindu supremacy and their aim to bifurcate Jammu and Kashmir and scrap Article 370 is a manifestation of their entrenched ideology that puts Hindus above other religions and aims to subjugate minorities by the use of sheer brute and force. “What happened in Kashmir reconciles with their ideology. They are racists,” Khan said.

In what appeared as another desperate attempt to draw the world’s attention towards Kashmir after failing innumerable times, Khan said, “India will intensify their clampdown on Kashmiris now. This will result in incidents like Pulwama attack. They will place the blame on us and attack us. We will respond and both the countries will go to war which will have grave consequences for the rest of the world. This is not nuclear blackmail. We want world leaders to take note of this matter. I will inform the Western world about the systematic repression of Muslims done by the Indian government.”

With this threat, all the pretence of Pakistan being serious and committed against clamping down the terror organisations operating from its land stands exposed as PM Khan hails and attempts to glorify terror attacks such as Pulwama attack that killed 40 Indian soldiers.

Pulwama attack was schemed by Pakistan based Jaish-e-Muhammad terror organisation. In a dastardly attack, a Kashmiri youth indoctrinated by religious bigotry was brainwashed to attack a convoy of CRPF convoy, killing 40 soldiers. After the attack, JeM released a video in which the attacker was seen spewing hatred for Hindus. After Pulwama attack, Indian Air Force avenged the deaths of the Indian Bravehearts by conducting airstrikes deep inside Pakistan, in Balakot, killing about 200-300 JeM terrorists.

Ayodhya hearing day 1: “keep the dignity of the court” CJI tells advocate of Muslim party as hearing witnesses heated exchanges

The day to day hearing in the Ram Mandir-Babri Masjid land dispute case commenced in the Supreme Court today. The case was heard by a Constitution Bench of Chief Justice of India Ranjan Gogoi and Justices SA Bobde, DY Chandrachud, Ashok Bhushan and Abdul Nazeer.

The Ayodhya case has been taken up for a day to day hearing after the efforts to arrive at an amicable settlement through mediation failed.

Today was the first day of the hearing in the case and CJI Gogoi has turned down the plea for live-streaming, audio-video recording of the hearing.

Allahabad high court in its September 30, 2010 verdict had divided the 2.77 acres of main disputed Ayodhya land into three equal parts. It had allotted one part each to Ram Lalla (idol), Nirmohi Akhara and Sunni Wakf Board. All three parties had appealed the High Court judgement in the Supreme Court.

Senior Advocate Sushil Kumar Jain began making submissions on behalf of Nirmohi Akhara, which is claiming ownership of the entire disputed plot.

  • He began by saying, “We have been fighting for this for so long because it is an issue of emotions for us.”
  • Senior advocate Sushil Kumar Jain, appearing for the Nirmohi Akhara, said that the “Ram Janmasthan” belonged to, had been the possession of, and was managed by the organisation. “I am a registered body. My suit is basically for belongings, possession and management rights”, said Jain.
  • “Outer courtyard has always been in possession of Nirmohi Akhara, therefore suit of Nirmohi Akhara is limited to the inner courtyard, including Sita Rasoi, bhandar grih.” Attachment order of 1951 is confined to the inner portion, Jain argued in front of the bench.
  • Staking a claim over the disputed 2.77 acres of land, Jain argued, “The place known as Ram Janmasthan or the ‘Janam Asthan’ was also in possession of Nirmohi Akhara and Hindu’s were allowed to worship there”.
  • “The plaintiffs have been wrongfully deprived of the charge and management of the temple”, Sushil Kumar Jain.
  • “I am making a prayer for the removal of the Receiver and giving the custody and management to the plaintiff”, Jain furthered on behalf of Nirmohi Akhara.

While the five-judge bench asked questions to understand the “structure and locations” of the disputed site, the Nirmohi Akhara council argued that its temples had been “demolished by some miscreants with no caste, or creed, or religion” on 6 December 1992.

Explaining the legal status and functions of Nirmohi Akhara, Jain added that Nirmohi Akhara manages several temples.

Asserting that the Jhansi ki Rani was also “protected” by the Akhara after the battle of Jhansi when she “took refuge” at the temple in Ayodhya, Jain on behalf of the Nirmohi Akhara claimed that no Muslims were allowed to enter the structure since 1934 and it has been in exclusive possession of Nirmohi Akhara.

Jain cited Allahabad High Court judgements to back his claims that ‘no Muslims were allowed to enter the structure since 1934″:

  • “A place cannot be considered a mosque if no prayers or namaz are offered there,” the senior advocate said.
  •  The absence of provision for ‘wuzu‘, by which Muslims wash hands and feet before namaz, at the disputed site, was interpreted by the Allahabad high court, to arrive at the conclusion that prayers were not being offered there since 1885 hence it ceased to be a mosque long back, argued Jain.

However, in response to his argument the Supreme Court cited the Allahabad’s high court’s order saying that before 1934, Muslims were offering regular prayers at the site.

Meanwhile, the ongoing argument witnessed a heated exchange of words between the CJI and senior advocate Rajeev Dhavan, who is appearing for the Muslim party.

While the bench was asking the counsell for the Nirmohi Akhara to confine his arguments to the civil dispute and skip reading some written statements, Dhavan interfered and said perhaps there should not be any curtailment of arguments.

The CJI said the hearing of the arguments would not be curtailed in any manner and there should be no doubt in anybody’s mind about it. In response, Dhavan got up and clarified that he meant when CJI stopped him and told him to speak when it is his turn.”Mr Dhavan please maintain the dignity of the court”, said CJI Gogoi to which Dhavan replied, “Your Lordships asked a question, I answered”. However, CJI Gogoi reprimanded the advocate by saying, “there is a way to answer it, you are an officer of the Court”.

Justice Chandrachud, one of the members of the Constitution Bench, questioned Jain whether the basis of the claim of the Nirmohi Akhara to the Ram Janmabhoomi-Babri Masjid land was possession or ownership, to which the counsel said, “Ownership because of possession.”

The Supreme Court, in its reply, said, “In any case, you have been given one-third of the disputed area in a preliminary decree by the Allahabad High Court.”

CJI Gogoi, reading from the Allahabad High Court judgment just before the bench took a break for lunch, quoted the statement and said, “There is no evidence to show that there existed any temple and that there were idols in it”. Jain responded to this by saying, “My lords, the structure was demolished in 1992.”

Gogoi countered the claim by demanding evidence from the advocate, citing the Allahabad judge’s statement about there being “no evidence”.

After this, the bench rose for lunch at 2 pm. Post lunch, Jain assured the judges that he will show “only the findings”. Continuing with his argument, Jain emphasised on the “importance of worshipping the deity” at the “Ram Janmabhoomi site”.

Reading relevant portions from the Allahabad High Court’s judgment in 2010, Jain said that the Nirmohi Akhara’s suit in the dispute was filed in 1959, “four years after the attachment orders were issued in relation to properties in their possession.”

The Counsel and Bench continued to read various parts of Allahabad High Court judgment, with which Day 1 of the hearing in the Ayodhya case came to an end, which will resume tomorrow (Wednesday).

The daily hearings were prescribed by the Constitutional bench on August 2 after taking note of the failed mediation by a three-member panel led by former Supreme Court judge FMI Kalifulla, also comprising of spiritual guru Sri Sri Ravishankar and senior advocate and renowned mediator Sriram Panchu.

The panel had said in its report that the Hindu and the Muslim parties had not been able to find a solution to the vexatious dispute.

A star is born: Meet the 33-year-old Ladakh MP Jamyang Tsering Namgyal who floored the Parliament today with his speech

A star has been born today in the form of Jamyang Tsering Namgyal, Member of Parliament from Ladakh, popularly known to people as JTN as he gave a rousing speech in the favour of the state’s bifurcation for which the NDA government has moved the Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) Reorganisation Bill, 2019 in the Parliament.

The 33-year-old Jamyang Tsering Namgyal, one of the youngest MPs in the Lok Sabha from India’s largest parliamentary seat, geographically – Ladakh, pleasantly surprised spectators with his exemplary speech in the Lok Sabha on Tuesday supporting the effective abrogation of Article 370 and proposal to bifurcate Jammu and Kashmir into two Union territories.

Jamyang Namgyal was born in Matho village to Buddist parents. He completed his graduation from the Jammu University. He was also known in the political circles after he became a successful student leader in the Jammu University. Before plunging into politics, he had served in All Ladakh Student Association, Jammu, while becoming its President from 2011-12.

After joining politics as a member of BJP in Leh, he served as Private Secretary to the previous Member of Parliament from Ladakh Thupstan Chhewang. Later in 2015, Namgyal contested and won the election of Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council, Leh in 2015 from Martselang Constituency.

He was elected as Councillor in Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council in Leh. Jamyang Tsering Namgyal was elected as the Chief Executive Councillor to the Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council after the resignation of Dorjay Motup from the post of Chief Executive Councillor.

As 2019 Lok Sabha elections were announced, BJP was in search of a young candidate from the Ladakh region. JTN was decided as the candidate from Ladakh Parliamentary Constituency. He was elected at 17th Lok Sabha, representing Ladakh constituency, replacing his mentor Thupstan Chhewang.

With his speech, Jamyang Tsering Namgyal received rousing applause not only within the Lok Sabha but also from various quarters, with even the Lok Sabha speaker Om Birla noting how well the young MP spoke.

Lok Sabha passes resolution to abolish the provisions of Article 370, and the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation Bill

The presidential resolution abolishing article 370 of the constitution has been passed by the Lok Sabha today. The bill was voted by 351 members of Lok Sabha, 72 voted against it, while one MP abstained from voting.

The resolution tabled by Home Minister Amit Shah, which was passed by Lok Sabha reads:

“In exercise of the powers conferred by Clause (3) of article 370 read with clause (1) of article 370 of the Constitution of India, the President, on the recommendation of the Parliament, is pleased to declare that, as from the date on which the President of India signs the Declaration and it is published in the Official Gazette, all clauses of the said article 370 shall cease to be operative except clause (1) thereof which shall read as under, namely:- ”All provisions of this Constitution, as amended from time to time, without any modifications or exceptions, shall apply to the State of Jammu and Kashmir notwithstanding anything contrary contained in article 152 or article 308 or any other article of this Constitution or any other provision of the Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir or any law, document, judgement, ordinance, order, byelaw, rule, regulation, notification, custom or usage having the force of law in the territory of India, or any other instrument, treaty or agreement as envisaged under article 363 or otherwise.”

This means all the existing clause of the Article 370 has been abolished, and it has been amended to contain only one clause, which says that the entire Constitution of India will be applicable on Jammu and Kashmir. This was done using the provision of clause 3 of Article 370.

With this, both the articles giving special status to Jammu and Kashmir has been abolished. The Article 35A, which was inserted by presidential order in 1954, was revoked yesterday when a new presidential order was issued superseding the 1954 order.

The Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation Bill also has been passed by the Lok Sabha today. After the bill gets presidential consent, Jammu and Kashmir state will be officially split into two separate Union Territories, Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh.

The bill was voted by 370 members of Lok Sabha, 70 voted against it. The bill was passed by 125-61 votes in Rajya Sabha yesterday, with several opposition parties voting with the government. The bill was passed by Rajya Sabha yesterday, with several opposition parties voting with the government.

With this, Jammu and Kashmir ceases to be a full state of India, and two new Union Territories have been created. Jammu and Kashmir has been made a Union Territory with a legislative assembly, on the line of Puducherry model, while the other UT will be Ladakh, without any assembly. The Union Territory of Ladakh will comprise Kargil and Leh districts, and the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir will comprise the remaining territories of the existing state of Jammu and Kashmir.

Jyotiraditya Scindia supports Modi govt’s move to dilute Article 370 and bifurcate JK even as Congress toes Pakistan’s line

While Modi Government’s bold move to effectively abolish Articles 370 and 35A and the bifurcation of Jammu and Kashmir are winning them accolades from neighbouring countries like Sri Lanka and UAE it has received mixed reactions from its political opponents.

While most members of the Congress including ex-president, Rahul Gandhi has been toeing the Pakistani line and speaking against the move there are few who have gone against their party’s stand to bat for this bold and pathbreaking decision taken by Modi led NDA government.

Amongst the most unexpected names, was that of Congress loyalist, Jyotiraditya Scindia who joined the list of those Congress leader’s who dared to go against their party’s regular habit of downplaying whatever BJP does and dared to voice their opinion in favour of the conscientious.

The former MP who was until now, being considered as the next face to represent the grand old party, took to Twitter to extend his support on the move of bifurcation of Jammu and Kashmir. Even though his support was also clubbed with a rider that it would have been better if the constitutional process had been followed, nevertheless, he extended his support saying that it was in the interest of the country.

Amongst other’s were, Senior Congress leader Deepender Hooda who extended his support to stripping down of Article 370 saying that Jammu and Kashmir is an integral part of India and such a move will be beneficial to Kashmiris. His support had also come with riders that such a move should have been made by taking other political parties into confidence.

Another senior Congress leader Janardan Dwivedi, a close aide of former Congress President and currently UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi, too went against the party’s stand and welcomed the move. Congress’ Rae Bareli MLA Aditi Singh, too, welcomed the move.

Moreover, Congress’ chief whip Bhubaneswar Kalita resigned from Rajya Sabha yesterday because he was upset over Congress’ stand to oppose Centre’s move to dilute Article 370. He stated that Congress’ stand on this issue was “against the people’s feelings” and that the party seemed “ hell-bent on political suicide.”

LGBT Rights Advocacy Group trolled by people from the LGBT community for celebrating the complete integration of JK

The entire country is in a celebratory mood after Articles 370 and 35A were effectively abolished by the Indian government. Apart from vested interests and bleeding-heart liberals, everyone is overjoyed with the great step towards national integration.

The LGBT community has a special reason to celebrate the abolition of the provisions. Until yesterday, homosexuality was still a criminal offence in Jammu & Kashmir since the state had a separate constitution. Thus, an advocacy and support group, the Queer Hindu Alliance (QHA), posted a tweet celebrating the historic event.

In a surprising turn of events, the outlet was subject to a vicious attack by an online mob which comprised primarily of people from the LGBT community. QHA was disowned by them and it was claimed that they do not represent the LGBT community.

Indeed, it is quite perplexing that people from the LGBT community are disowning and attacking one of their own for its support toward a government decision which means homosexuals cannot be prosecuted anymore in Jammu & Kashmir. It does appear that people from the LGBT community care more for the prosperity of Radical Islam than their own rights.

The continued support of toxic elements of the Muslim community by the representatives of the LGBT community is rather bewildering. It is well known that when Radical Islam thrives, homosexuals usually end up being thrown off rooftops or stoned to death. In most Islamic countries, homosexuality is illegal and in certain countries, Homosexuality carries capital punishment. In some Islamic countries, there is legal provision for stoning homosexuals to death. Therefore, the unconditional and unreciprocated support by representatives of the LGBT community toward toxic elements who absolutely hate them is inexplicable.

QHA, meanwhile, is a quintessential LGBT advocate. It describes itself on its Facebook page as “an advocacy and support group that will promote a more inclusive Hinduism through creating safe spaces for LGBTQI+ Hindus and allies to engage, share, and support each other without fear or discrimination.” These are explicitly far-left terminology not endorsed by conservative sections of the Hindu community.

The advocacy group, quite clearly, is not a blind supporter of the NDA government. Earlier today, it tweeted its opposition to the Transgender Rights bill proposed by the government.

Thus, the fact that representatives of the LGBT community believe homosexuals shouldn’t celebrate the fact that they can now celebrate their love in the beautiful Kashmir Valley without risking punishment perfectly captures everything that is wrong with LGBT activism. The rights of LGBT people do matter to activists, however, the right of Radical Islam to torture them comes first.