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UAE ambassador to India and Sri Lankan PM support Indian govt’s decision to bifurcate Jammu and Kashmir, say ‘internal matter’

The UAE ambassador to India, Dr Ahmad Al Banna has backed the Indian government’s move to effectively abolish Article 370 and move a bill to bifurcate the state of Jammu and Kashmir into two Union Territories-Jammu and Kashmir with legislature and Ladakh without legislature.

Banna said that UAE has taken note of the Indian government’s decision of non-operationalisation of some sections of Article 370 of the Indian Constitution.

Defending Indian government’s measures, Banna said that reorganisation of states is a regular feature in the history of independent India & that it was primarily targeted at reducing regional disparity & improving efficiency. Banna further added that it is India’s internal matter as specified by the Indian Constitution.

The Prime Minister of Sri Lanka, Ranil Wickremesinghe too has extended his support for the Indian government’s decision to convert Ladakh into a Union Territory. Stating that the reorganisation of Indian states is India’s internal matter, Ranil hailed Ladakh Union Territory as a first Indian state with Buddhist majority.

The government maintains that scrapping of archaic Article 370 will bring in peace, prosperity and hope to the region. Home Minister Amit Shah stated that Article 370 has withheld Jammu and Kashmir from enjoying the developments that a modern, inclusive and advanced India has achieved. He also claimed that the long age of violence and bloodshed in the valley will come to an end after the abrogation of Article 370.

Anti-India posters disguised as pro-India come up on streets of Islamabad, removed by police

A day after Article 35A was abolished and Article 370 was made ineffective by presidential order, posters sprang up in Pakistan capital Islamabad which appeared to hail the move of Modi government. In videos that have been spreading on circulating on social media, such posters are seen hanging on the median of a road in the city.

The poster says “Maha-Bharat” in large fonts, below which it reads “A step forward”. Below this heading, a tweet from ANI has been printed on the poster, which contains a quote by Shiv Sena MP Sanajy Raut. The quote says, “Aaj Jammu & Kashmir liya hai. Kal Balochistan, PoK lenge. Mujhe vishwaas hai desh ke PM akhand Hindustan ka sapna poora karenge”. (Today we have taken Jammu and Kashmir, tomorrow we will take Balochistan, PoK. I believe the PM of the country will fulfil the dream of undivided India.)

The Pakistani citizen named Sajid, who shot the video, said, ‘I don’t understand, as a nation where are we heading. Indians are putting their posters in our country, in our city, in front of our eyes, and we are sleeping. I can see the posters as far as I can see. You can see that the posters have put up on the streets of Islamabad’.

Another video shows a large number of same posters being unloaded from truck by a security guard. It seems that posters have been removed from the streets and were carried away in the vehicle.

Many Pakistani citizens questioned their authorities how the posters came up in the capital of the country, posting videos and photos of the posters.

Maria Memon, a journalist with Ary News asked who is responsible for the posters, and demanded that heads must role for this.

But if we see the posters closely, it is found that they are actually anti-India, not anti-Pakistan. If we see the map printed on the top of the map, a figure with RSS uniform can be seen superimposed on a map of greater India which includes entire South Asia. But the real give-way is the text below it, which says “Akhand Bharat Real Terror”.

The text below the map says “Akhand Bharat Real Terror”

Therefore, it is unlikely that Indians created and distributed the posters, it must be the work of some Pakistani citizen only. The poster has been created to imply that the act of fully integrating Jammu and Kashmir into India is a terror act by India.

It is not known who printed the posters and put it up on main roads of Islamabad.

This is our internal matter, don’t interfere: India reacts sharply to China’s ‘concerns’ over Modi govt’s decision to dilute Article 370

After the Modi government effectively abrogated Article 370 and accorded Union Territory status to J&K and Ladakh, Pakistan and China reacted sharply to India’s bold move.

China has said, “China is seriously concerned about the current situation in Kashmir,” Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said in a written response to media queries about the militaries of India and Pakistan exchanging fire along the Line of Control and the Indian government’s move to revoke Article 370 which gave special status to Jammu and Kashmir.

“China’s position on the Kashmir issue is clear and consistent. This issue is a legacy of history between India and Pakistan, which is also the consensus of the international community,” Hua said, without directly referring to revocation of Article 370 by India.

“The parties concerned should exercise restraint and act with caution, especially to avoid actions that unilaterally change the status quo and exacerbate the tension,” she said.

“We call on the two sides to peacefully resolve relevant disputes through dialogue and consultation and safeguard regional peace and stability”, she said.

Now, India has shot back and asked China not to interfere in the internal matters of India.

Indian MEA official spokesperson Raveesh Kumar said today:

“The Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation Bill 2019 introduced by the Government in Parliament on 5th August, which proposes the formation of a new ‘Union Territory of Ladakh’ is an internal matter concerning the territory of India. India does not comment on the internal affairs of other countries and similarly expects other countries to do likewise. So far as the India-China Boundary Question is concerned, the two sides have agreed to a fair, reasonable and mutually acceptable settlement of the boundary question on the basis of the Political Parameters and Guiding Principles for the Settlement of India-China Boundary Question. Pending such a settlement, both sides have agreed to maintain peace and tranquillity in the border areas on the basis of relevant agreements”.

Pakistani media uses Congress MPs and other opposition leaders’ speech in Parliament to further their agenda on Kashmir

Since yesterday when Prime Minister Modi-led BJP government secured a Presidential order abolishing Article 370 and brought a bill to bifurcate Jammu and Kashmir, rattled Pakistanis have been endlessly ranting about India’s internal matter, claiming that India’s move to create two Union Territories is in contravention to the UN conventions agreed upon by Jawaharlal Nehru in 1948.

India’s position over the Kashmir issue has always been the same. India has always maintained that Jammu and Kashmir is an integral part of India and any discussions with Pakistan will only be bilateral. Regardless of the party ruling the centre, the national position has always been the same. India had even conveyed the same to US President Donald Trump recently when he had declared in media that he is willing to mediate.

However, in the blind race of political ambition and to vilify the ruling party, some Indian politicians have been displaying time and again that they are willing to put the interest of the nation in the backburner and try to vilify the ruling party at any cost. This tendency provides fodder to India’s enemies to further their agenda.

Regardless of the truth, Pakistanis anchors are using Indian politicians’ opposition to Jammu and Kashmir’s special status ensured by Article 370 and the bifurcation for governance efficiency in their shows to afford credibility to their bluster.

Twitter user Ankur Singh has shared a video clip of a news show aired by Pakistan’s Geo tv where Pakistani anchor Hamid Mir can be seen showing Indian politicians’ statements against the abrogation of Article 370 to drive home his point that Indian government’s move is illegal and repressive as the opposition leaders in their parliament have themselves pointed out.

Pakistani news channel Geo TV showed objections held by the Congress politicians and other opposition leaders repudiating the central government’s stand vis-a-vis Jammu and Kashmir. The Pakistani news channel showed Congress senior leader Ghulam Nabi Azad’s proclamations that BJP had murdered the constitution of India. P Chidambaram stating that it is the Black day in the country’s constitutional history was also broadcasted while slamming India. It also showed RJD leader Manoj Kumar Jha’s apprehensions that Kashmir will turn into Palestine within 5 years.

These statements made by Indian opposition leaders offer enough ammunition to the Pakistani media outlets who instantly lap up their remarks to advance their nefarious propaganda against India. The comments made by Congress politicians and other opposition leaders are co-opted by Pakistanis to project India as an occupying force, engaged in subjugating and repressing Kashmiris through illegal abolition of Article 370 and unwarranted bifurcation of the state.

The Indian government’s intent behind bifurcating Jammu and Kashmir have been directed towards increasing investment, annihilating terrorism and eliminating discrimination in the state. However, the opposition leaders’ unsubstantiated claims cast aspersions on the government’s aim and undermine their credibility which is then exploited by enemies of the state to further their propaganda.

This is not the first time that Congress ministers have echoed sentiments similar to that of Pakistanis. Following the Balakot airstrikes after the Pulwama terror attack, Pakistan’s FM used Congress’ rants to discredit the government of India and the Indian Army. Prior to that Pakistan had used Congress leader Digvijaya Singh’s tweets demanding proofs of airstrikes to target India.

Story on Tej Pratap Yadav’s wife claiming he was a drug addict withheld due to court injunction sought by Yadav

The story headlined “Ganja to Bhole Nath ka Prasad hota hai,” Tej Pratap Yadav is a drug addict, dresses up as Goddess Radha, claims estranged wife Aishwarya Rai has been withheld owing to a court injunction acquired by Mr Tej Pratap Yadav barring media from reporting the divorce proceedings.

At the time of the publication of the article, OpIndia was not aware of the injunction that had been sought by Tej Pratap Yadav and was made aware of the injunction via a letter that was delivered to OpIndia.

The injunction has been sought by Yadav citing that they come from socially and politically well renowned families and hence have been subjected to ‘obscene remarks’ from the press and private individuals.

Two families, who think Kashmir is their ‘baap ka jaagir’, will lose livelihood due to scrapping of Article 370: Ladakh MP Jamyang Tsering

BJP MP from Ladakh Jamyang Tsering Namgyal said today in Lok Sabha that only two families will lose the livelihood due to the abolition of Articles 35A and 370, while it will ensure a bright future of Kashmir.

Participating in the debate on the bill to bifurcate Jammu and Kashmir into two Union Territories, Tsering said mistakes done by prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru are being rectified now. He reminded the house about the comment of Nehru when he described Ladakh region as a piece of land when even a blade of grass does not grow. Nehru had said this while dismissing the loss of Aksai Chin to China in 1962, implying that India didn’t lose anything by the Chinese occupation of this barren land.

The Ladakh MP said that people of Ladakh have been struggling for Union Territory for the last 71 years, as they want to be an integral part of India. He said people of Ladakh had demanded that the region should be kept as Centrally administrative area, or included in NEFA (Arunachal Pradesh) or East Punjab, but it should not be included with Jammu and Kashmir. But the government of the time didn’t listen to this.

Jamyang Tsering said that under Kashmir, the development, political aspiration, identity, language of Ladakh have become extinct, and Article 370 and the Congress party are responsible for the same.

Referring to a question on what will be lost after Article 370 is scrapped which was asked by an MP from Kashmir, Tsering said, one thing will be definitely lost, two families will lose their livelihood, other than nothing will be lost. The livelihood of only two families will be lost, and Kashmir’s future is going to be bright, he reiterated to huge applause in the house.

The Ladakh MP said that during 2014 and 2019 Lok Sabha elections, UT status for Ladakh was promised by BJP in the party’s manifesto, and voters in Ladakh supported the move by voting for BJP in large numbers. He also said that people belonging to all communities in Ladakh have been demanding union territory status for the region. He said that District presidents of both National Conference and PDP in Leh had signed the memorandum seeking union territory status for Ladakh, but subsequently both the parties had expelled the leader from their parties by issuing press releases in Kashmir.

Responding to claims by an MP that Kargil has been shut down in protest against the decision, he said, ‘try to know the facts, I have been elected from Ladakh, not you, you sit down quietly’. He said that people who think only a street and a small market is Kargil are saying that the region is closed. He asserted that 70% of people in Kargil support the bill.

Jamyang Tsering also alleged that the state government of Jammu and Kashmir uses fund meant for Ladakh in Kashmir. He said that be it setting up institutions of higher education or creating new districts, Ladakh is always by the government. He said that Kashmiri Pandits were kicked out of the state by misusing Article 370. The MP also alleged that Article 370 was misused to eliminate Buddhists in the state.

The Ladakh informed the house that Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council had already passed a resolution in 2011 rejecting the separate flag of Jammu and Kashmir. He said that Ladakh is already using the National Emblem and the National Flags, not the separate symbols adopted by J&K.

He said that the two families, who keep talking about the Kashmir issue, they don’t want a solution to the problem, but they are the part of the problem. ‘They are intoxicated, they still think Kashmir is their forefather’s property, but it is not, it is no longer’, Tsering said.

Farooq Abdullah goes on a rant telling one lie after another, threatens violence and unrest after being caught absconding parliament of his own will

NCP MP Supriya Sule perhaps intended to gain some sympathy for NC chief Farooq Abdullah when she tried to point at his empty chair and stated that while such an important issue (Article 370 and bifurcation) regarding Jammu and Kashmir is being discussed in the parliament, his profound absence will mean the debate will always be incomplete.

Sule’s attempt was brutally shut down by Home Minister Amit Shah who informed the house that Abdullah is neither arrested nor detained but had absconded Lok Sabha out of his own free will.

Soon after the Home Minster’s statement, Abdullah was up and about giving media bytes. Speaking to media persons at his house, Abdullah stated that why he would stay inside his house when ‘his state is being burned’ and his ‘people are being executed in jails’, completely missing the irony in his statement.

Looking hale and hearty and standing comfortably on his porch, Abdullah further claimed that the Home Minister is lying that he is at home out of his own free will. He further claimed that what is being done is totally undemocratic and unconstitutional. He stated, “As soon as the gates open, we will go and fight”.

Abdullah, who had earlier on several occasions threatened the central government over the Kashmir issue, claimed that he is neither a grenade thrower nor a stone pelter. He added that he will go to court. He also asked the government to fire on his chest if they want to kill him, not on his back.

However, Abdullah did not care to explain why he had not attended the parliament when he is visibly healthy and has media access, meaning he is not detained.

Back in the parliament, Congress’ Shashi Tharoor tried to pick up where Supriya Sule had left. Tharoor claimed that whereabouts of Farooq Abdullah is ‘unclear’. Upon this, Home Minister Amit Shah replied that he has already made it clear thrice that Abdullah is neither arrested nor detained, but has chosen to stay at home out of his own free will.

Amit Shah further added that Tharoor can speak to Abdullah if he wants to confirm. He stated further that if Abdullah does not want to come to the parliament, the government cannot force him at gunpoint to come.

It is notable here that many Kashmiri separatists and politicians have been peddling Pakistan’s propaganda over the entire subject. Earlier there were also claims that separatist leader Yasin Malik has died inside the jail, which proved to be false.

Farooq Abdullah had maintained silence over the issue so far. But looking at today’s proceedings in the Lok Sabha, it is becoming apparent that the opposition’s attempt’s to paint him as a victim in order to further their own agenda of peddling ‘government atrocities’ narrative has backfired miserably.

Former Jammu and Kashmir CMS Mehbooba Mufti and Omar Abdullah are currently being detained at a government guest house to prevent law and order situations in Srinagar.

If Indians care more about the land than the current residents of Kashmir, blame Jihad for it, not Indians

In the wake of the abolition of Articles 370 and 35A and the bifurcation of Jammu and Kashmir which is now no longer a state, a twisted argument is being made by people from expected quarters. As is the norm, liberals are accusing nationalists of the sin Kashmiri Muslims are guilty of.

We are being told Indians don’t care at all about Kashmiris, we are being told Indians are evil for caring more about the land than its people. The reality, of course, is exactly the opposite. It’s the Kashmiri Muslims who care more about the land than maintaining a cordial relationship with Indians from other regions of the country. Let alone fellow Indians, they care more about their land than their children. Mothers encourage their sons to die a painful death for the land. Therefore, to accuse Indians of being evil for not caring enough about them seems a bit too conceited.

Unlike liberals, we are not in the business of denying self-evident truth. It is entirely true that large sections of the Indian population, perhaps even an overwhelming majority, care more about the land than Kashmir’s current residents. But we do not believe they are guilty of any mortal sin. There are good reasons why people feel the way that they do and it would do us all some good if we are start paying attention to the details.

It’s not unreasonable for someone to not care about people who hate them from the core of their being. Significant sections of the Kashmiri Muslim community do not want their fellow Indians to become permanent residents in the state, they do not want them to be their colleagues, they resolutely try to maintain a separate identity, many of them don’t even consider themselves Indians. It does appear rather harsh to blame the average Indian for feeling completely apathetic toward the concerns of Kashmiri Muslims.

These are not the only reasons for the apathy. Kashmiri Muslims are overwhelmingly predisposed to embracing Jihad, pelting stones at the Indian Army appears to be their cultural sport and the glorification of terrorists is the norm. Not merely that, sweeping sections of the community identify themselves more as Pakistanis than Indians despite holding Indian voting cards and passports and using every facility that the Indian state provides them with. The average Indian, quite naturally, isn’t too likely to appreciate that since the basis for the existence of Pakistan is a genocidal hatred toward Hindus.

Under such circumstances, is it correct to blame the average Indian? Indians have already given up claims to large swathes of land to Muslims who did not wish to live with them. Pakistan and Bangladesh were created as a consequence. Unlike the genocidal hatred that a dominant portion of the Kashmiri Muslim community bears toward Hindus, the average Indian does not hate them with such intensity. They merely believe if they do not wish to live in India, they should consider moving to one of the two neighbouring Islamic countries.

The evidence of the genocidal hatred that Kashmiri Muslims reserve for Hindus is the genocide they perpetrated against Kashmiri Hindus. Thus, while the Kashmiri Muslim community hates the average Indian with a genocidal intensity, the intensity of the latter’s apathy manifests itself in slogans along the lines of “Go to Pakistan!” Our liberals, who claim to have a monopoly over rationality and logic and science, consider the latter to be a problem while whitewashing the crimes of the former and work as mouthpieces for the most toxic elements of the Kashmiri Muslim community.

Needless to say, it’s not proper that the average Indian should be apathetic toward the concerns of fellow Indians. But then again, it is merely a consequence of the actual hatred Kashmiri Muslims reserve for the average Indian. If we are to fix this problem, then we must approach it with honesty and integrity. Only then will we able to come up with solutions.

As one would expect, any solution must focus primarily on the Kashmiri Muslim community as their genocidal hatred is the reason for the latter’s apathy. One solution may be the introduction of compulsory diversity training beginning from kindergarten itself and continuing through every step of the ladder until they finish their education. For those who have missed the bus, institutions such as Art of Living, ISKCON, and the Ramakrishna Mission may be recruited for diversity training of older people.

Community participation in festivals and traditions of the average Indian may also be encouraged to reduce the differences between the two sections of the Indian population. The genocidal hatred against Hindus is driven primarily by a lack of knowledge about Hindu philosophy and culture and false information that is fed to them by toxic elements in their community. Therefore, compulsory education on the tenets of the Hindu faith could go a long way in curbing the genocidal hatred against Hindus.

The resettlement of Kashmiri Pandits in the Valley and Hindus from other regions will certainly help foster better relations as well. Moreover, reparations could be paid to Kashmiri Pandits for the unimaginable horror they had to endure in the form of reservations in government jobs and other measures. A 20% reservation for Kashmiri Pandits in government jobs and another 10% for other Hindus who settle in the now Union Territory is a constructive step in the direction of repairing the damage that was done to intercommunity relations.

There are other measures, of course, that could be pursued for building trust between the two communities. The reparation of damaged Temples and the construction of new ones using funds collected from the Kashmiri Muslim community is one such measure that comes to mind. However, it’s much too early for such measures. The introduction of such measures would depend on the success of the proposed compulsory diversity training.

Liberals spend an inordinate amount of time waxing eloquence on the symptoms of a disease rather than focusing their attention on factors that are causing it. The apathy that the average Indian feels toward the plight of the Kashmiri Muslim community is merely the symptom of the disease, the genocidal hatred that Kashmiri Muslims feel towards them is the root cause. Hence, the latter needs to be fixed first. The former will be automatically resolved.

As I have said previously in an earlier article, the disease that Kashmir suffers from is toxic homogeneity. Diversity is our strength and yet, Kashmir has almost none of it. The solution to the apathy that the average Indian feels towards the current residents of Kashmir lies in the cultural enrichment of the Valley by the settlement of Hindus from all over the country. Until that happens, liberals should not try to guilt-trip Hindus about their apathy. It’s a cheap tactic to deflect attention from the crimes of people from the Kashmiri Muslim community.

After toeing the Pakistani line, Congress’ Adhir Ranjan tries to fire-fight, makes matters worse by displaying his ignorance on POK

The Modi government, in a bold step, nullified the special status accorded to Jammu and Kashmir by Article 370. It also turned Jammu and Kashmir, and Ladakh into a Union Territory. The Kashmir Reorganisation Bill 2019 was passed in Rajya Sabha and is now being discussed in the Lok Sabha. During the discussion, Congress’ Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury proceeded to shoot himself in the foot by toeing Pakistan’s line.

Congress Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury kicked up a storm in the Assembly today by questioning the government whether Article 370 and the state of Jammu and Kashmir is an internal matter. He questioned how can matters related to Jammu and Kashmir be ‘internal matter’ if it is being monitored by the UN since 1948.

After receiving severe criticism, Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury seems to be attempting to fire-fight but has ended up displaying his ignorance once again.

Adhir Ranjan has now said that the Parliament in 1994 adopted a resolution that Pakistan Occupied Kashmir has to be restored and brought back to the ambit of this country. Now, after the bifurcation of Jammu and Kashmir, he asked the government to clarify the ‘status of POK’.

Interestingly, in a tacit understanding, the same line of argument was also brought up by SP’s Akhilesh Yadav.

In the Parliament, Akhilesh Yadav too said asked the government to clarify the ‘status of Pakistan Occupied Kashmir’.

Interestingly, in their attempt to firefight the negative public perception, Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury and Akhilesh Yadav both ended up displaying their ignorance.

Pakistan Occupied Kashmir is an area that is an extension of Jammu and Kashmir and has been under the illegal occupation of Pakistan. India’s stand has always been that POK is an integral part of India and is under illegal occupation of Pakistan.

That stand has not changed despite the change in government over the decades. Every government, be it Congress or BJP has maintained that stand. To bring this up now, only reaks of the ignorance and desperation of the Congress party.

Interestingly, earlier today in the Lok Sabha, Amit Shah had roared and proclaimed that Pakistan Occupied Kashmir and Aksai Chin are an integral part of Kashmir and India and that, he and his party were willing to die for it.

NCP’s Supriya Sule tries grandstanding on Article 370, Home Minister Amit Shah shuts her up

Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) MP Surpiya Sule tried to play the emotional card in grandstanding on the Article 370 discussion in the Parliament today.

She said that she sits on seat no. 462 in the Assembly and National Conference MP Farooq Abdullah sits on seat no. 461. “He’s elected from Jammu and Kashmir, we can’t hear him today. This debate will be incomplete if you ask me,” she said.

Sule tried to imply that Abdullah is absent in the Assembly because his movements are restricted due to the security situation in Kashmir following stripping of Article 370 yesterday. Former Jammu and Kashmir Chief Ministers Mehbooba Mufti and Omar Abdullah were detained by Police last evening to prevent any law and order situation. Farooq Abdullah, however, wasn’t detained. Nor was he under house arrest.

However, Union Home Minister Amit Shah made it very clear that NC patriarch Farooq Abdullah is at his home out of his own free will. That he is neither arrested nor detained.

Sule then expressed how Farooq Abdullah is unwell. To that Home Minister Amit Shah replied how he is not a doctor and can’t really help Farooq Abdullah when he is unwell.