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Honey trapping job? Pakistan’s ‘military owned’ media house looks for ‘females’ to ‘attract and communicate’ on Social Media

The Pakistan Army has long deployed less than admirable methods to bleed India with a thousand cuts. From funding and supporting terror activity in Kashmir, to engaging in spreading propaganda and misinformation on social media and in the mainstream media at large. It has often been seen that Pakistan has also indulged in ‘honey trapping’ officers of the Indian Army in attempts to extract information from the soldiers.

Now, a curious job opening seemed to be posted on the website of the Fatima Jinnah Women University. The requirements of the job were rather curious.

To quote from the website, the job posting said, “Military owned media house is looking for a Social Media Specialist (FEMALE) to attract and interact with targeted virtual communities and networks users”. 

When checked, the official website of Fatima Jinnah Women’s University indeed has this unique job opening posted on their official page.

There are two aspects of this job posting that are interesting.

  1. That Pakistani Army owns a media house
  2. They want a ‘female’ Social Media Specialist to ‘attract and interact’ with ‘targeted virtual communities’ and ‘network users’.

While the rest of the requirements are rather mundane, it is intriguing that a “media company” owned by the Pakistan Military in conducting this exercise.

Firstly, it is hilarious in itself that a media company would be owned by an Army. The Pakistan Army seems to indulge in all activities other than soldiering for their nation. The Army in Pakistan has massive commercial interests ranging in billions of dollars, from running media houses to manufacturing breakfast cereal.

Secondly, considering Pakistan’s history in indulging in ‘honey-trapping’, the job opening posted by the university for a military-run media house becomes even more significant. The keywords used in the job opening appear to fit the bill for the same.

Honey-trapping in an enemy exercise where the enemy nation tries to lure Army officers with catfish accounts or female accounts on social media, or otherwise, into a relationship. Thereafter, they subtly proceed to extract sensitive information that can then be used by the enemy nation against the target nation.

Recently, Army Jawan Ravinder Kumar Jadav was arrested by the police for leaking sensitive information to ISI. He was allegedly honey-trapped by a woman who posed as a captain in the nursing corps of Indian Army. The woman was suspected to be an agent of Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency and had reportedly honey-trapped at least two personnel and an army aspirant in the last 15 months.

The investigation had revealed that this woman had approached the men she trapped on Facebook through fake profiles. The suspected ISI agent used Indian numbers for WhatsApp through which she interacted with the three men.

Recently, the Indian Army had identified 100 men who they suspected had already been compromised and had passed on sensitive information to ISI after getting honey-trapped. These men were put under intense surveillance.

The Army believes there is a pro-active enemy conspiracy to use social media to profile, segregate and trap personnel in uniform and seek details which compromise national security.

Recently, Army Chief General Bipin Rawat had instructed Army personnel to exit WhatsApp groups. In view of the recent reports of a woman linked to Pakistan’s ISI agency luring and honey-trapping Army personnel, the Army has brought in measures to regulate the use of social media.

While ISI and the Pakistan Army indulges in regular propaganda, this job posting on the website of the Fatima Jinnah Women University, which is funded by the Punjab Government (Pakistan) might just be another attempt at recruiting women for honey-trapping Indian officers.

Indian Army offers Pakistan to accept dead bodies of infiltrators killed along the LOC, Pakistan yet to respond


On Saturday, the Indian Army had successfully foiled the attacks by the Pakistan army’s Border Action Team (BAT) on forwarding post in Keran sector of Jammu and Kashmir on Saturday, killing at least five to seven Pakistani intruders. After a successful operation, the Indian Army has now offered Pakistan Army to take over the dead bodies of their five to seven Pakistan BAT army soldiers and terrorists, who were killed by Indian Army after they had tried to infiltrate into the country.

The Indian Army has offered to approach the Pakistan Army with a white flag and offered them to take over the dead bodies for last rites of the dead terrorists and Pakistani soldiers. However, the Pakistani Army is yet to respond.

Border Action Teams (BATs) are small units made up of Pakistani special forces and militants who conduct raids across the Line of Control (LoC).

The Indian Army had launched a counter-attack against Pakistan Border Action Team (BAT) near Keran sector of Jammu and Kashmir. During the operation, at least four bodies belonging to Pakistan Army’s Special Service Group (SSG) commandos or terrorists were seen in close proximity of an Indian post in the sector.  The Indian Army had continued its search operations and attempts to recover these bodies.

Indian Army foils infiltration bids by Pakistan, Bofors deployed at LOC to counter misadventures by the rogue state


The Indian Army has been put on a high alert to crush any Pakistani infiltrations along the Line of Control (LOC). The Indian Army has deployed Bofors howitzers to counter any misadventures by Pakistan army to push in infiltrators.

“Bofors guns have been used to hit at military targets inside the Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (PoK) where terror camps are being aided and abetted by the Pakistan Army,” sources in the Army said.

According to the reports, the Army officials have said calibre escalation does take place during such ceasefire violations where each side aims to ensure its moral ascendancy and domination over the LOC.

“However, the Indian Army ensures that targets are only military and terrorists who are supported by the Pakistan Army,” they said.

Indian Army has successfully foiled Pakistan Army’s BAT (Border Action Team) attempt on the night of July 31 and August 1, 2019, in the Keran sector, killing at least five to seven intruders.

“In the last 36 hours, there have been a number of attempts by Pakistan to disturb peace in the Valley and target Amarnath yatris. A Border Action Team (BAT) attempt was made on one of the forward posts in Keran sector,” said a statement issued by the Army.

Reportedly, four bodies possibly of Pakistan SSG commandoes or maybe some of the terrorists, have been seen on own side of Line of Control in close proximity of Indian posts. The Indian Army has continued search operations and attempts to recover bodies are being continuously interfered by Pakistan troops deployed in the area.

“These activities by Pak establishes Pak’s complicity to terror activities and disrupt peace in J&K. In the last 36 hours, Pakistan has desperately attempted to revive terrorism and push terrorists from JeM and other groups”, an official said.

KP genocide: Congress leader Ghulam Nabi Azad exonerates jihadis, peddles the “Governor Jagmohan did it” theory

Congress has often displayed its unmitigated disdain for the Kashmiri Pandit (KP) community living in exile in their own country for almost 3 decades now. Congress has, in the past, outrightly denied the KP exodus and held pusillanimity of the community responsible for their own eviction from the state of Jammu of Kashmir.

Today, amidst the chaos gripping the valley, Congress leader Ghulam Nabi Azad stirred a hornet’s nest by making a controversial remark demeaning the sacrifices made by the exiled KP community. Azad stated that the then Prime Minister of the country, VP Singh was coerced by the BJP to send Jagmohan as the Governor of the state to facilitate their exodus.

Azad appears to give a free pass to the jihadis who intimidated and killed scores of Kashmiri Pandits in the valley. These jihadis were primarily responsible for the migration of the KP community.

Kashmiri Pandits who lived tell the tale say that provocative slogans such as “We want Kashmir, without the men but with KP women” and others were raised by the instigators against the KPs to instill fear among them. This consequently forced them to flee the ancestral land where they had been living for centuries. Kashmiri Pandits were accosted by these jihadis, their homes ransacked and their women raped and men murdered.

The militant cadres of Pakistani based terror groups, JKLF, Hizbul and members of local militia actively participated in hunting down the Kashmiri Pandit residents in the Valley as large sections of local population extended their support to the Jihadis targeting the KPs. A systematic attempt to effect demographic change in the valley was in progress as Kashmiri Pandits were ruthlessly eliminated from the very land they belonged.

There are countless first-hand accounts of the organised genocide being meted out on Pandits available on the Internet. In one such account, genocide survivor Vikas Raina lays bare his horrendous gut-wrenching tale of how masked Jihadis pumped 12 bullets into his father’s chest just because they were Kashmiri Pandits.


Amidst such an agonising turmoil, it was the Governor of Jammu and Kashmir, Jagmohan Malhotra’s timely intervention that saved lives of lakhs of Kashmiri Pandits by rescuing them from the Valley besieged by zealots baying for their blood to the safer places in other parts of India. Jagmohan is hailed by many Kashmiri Pandits for evacuating them and their remaining family members from the Valley that was gradually descending into the clutches of Islamic militancy.

However, Ghulam Nabi Azad proceeded to undermine the tragedy befell upon the Kashmiri Pandits by holding their saviour in the dock. By saying that Jagmohan was responsible for the Kashmiri Pandit exodus, Azad not only exonerates the Jihadis of their horrifying crimes but also insults the tribulations endured and sacrifices made by the Kashmiri Pandits.

This is not the first time that Azad has expressed his contempt for the hardships suffered by Kashmiri Pandits. According to journalist Aditya Raj Kaul, in 2014 GN Azad prodded him to ask him about Jagmohan, just to slam the BJP.

The incident demonstrates the blithe insensitivity Azad attaches to the matter of Kashmiri Pandits’ exodus. A profoundly traumatising experience of a community that was deliberately targeted and evicted was reduced to a petty political issue by Azad. For Azad, the significance of the entire KP exodus incident lies in slamming the BJP for insisting Jagmohan’s appointment as the Governor of Jammu and Kashmir while turning a blind eye to the atrocities committed by Jihadis in connivance with a substantial section of the local population.

By holding Jagmohan accountable for the Kashmiri Pandit exodus, Azad attempts to cast the hero of the incident as a villain while exculpating the real culprits who perpetrated unimaginable enormities on Kashmiri Pandits and dragooned them to fled their dwellings. Azad considers the sanguinary genocide a myth as he continues to deny its occurrence.  Azad had previously uttered that Kashmir is a paragon of communal harmony, effectively whitewashing the Kashmiri Pandit genocide and encouraging the Islamic militancy in the Valley that endeavours to see Jammu and Kashmir as Islamic entity seceded from India.

The abduction of Rubaiya Saeed: This is the image that eventually paved the way for Kashmir to descend into chaos

The Kashmiri Pandit genocide occurred in 1990 but the seed for it was sown the previous year. A shameful incident in history when the Indian State capitulated to Islamic terrorists, it set the tone for what was to come. It began on the fateful day of the 8th of December, 1989 when Rubaiya Saeed, the daughter of Mufti Mohammad Saeed and the sister of Mehbooba Mufti, was kidnapped by terrorists.

The incident occurred only five days after Saeed was appointed the Union Home Minister. Rubaiya was on her way home from Lal Ded Memorial Women’s Hospital where was working as a medical intern when she was kidnapped by terrorists associated with Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front. She was 23 years old at the time.

The terrorists demanded that five of their imprisoned comrades be freed by the Indian government. They claimed that unless their demands were met, Saeed will not see her daughter ever again. Thus, negotiations began between the Central government and the terrorists.

Farooq Abdullah, the then Chief Minister of the state, was totally against the idea. He believed that the terrorists will not dare harm Rubaiya as they will otherwise risk alienating public support. The Central Government, quite clearly, had other plans. After the entire saga was over, Abdullah had even claimed that he was threatened that his government would be sacked if the terrorists were not freed.

Negotiations were carried out over the next few days. On the 13th of December, two Union Cabinet Ministers, IK Gujral, and Arif Mohammad Khan landed in Srinagar with the Prime Minister’s orders to release Abdul Hamid Sheikh, Sher Khan (a Pakistani), Noor Mohammad Kalwal, Altaf Ahmed and Javed Ahmed Jargar. They were released the same day. A couple of hours later, Rubaiya was back home with her family.

Jargar later went on to carry out the hijacking of IC-184 plane in December 1999 which eventually saw the release of Masood Azhar. Masood Azhar heads the terror organisation Jaish-e-Mohammed.

The valley was in a celebratory mood, not because Rubaiya returned home safely unharmed but because of the release of the terrorists. Farooq Abdullah had warned that releasing these terrorists would open floodgates. It seems weird but looking back, it appears Abdullah was the only one in his senses.

Years later, JKLF Vice-Chairman Javed Mir admitted that he had carried out the kidnapping. Yasin Malik and Ashfaq Wani were also involved in the operation, he said. The abduction had followed months of careful planning.

As was predicted, militancy increased exponentially following the release of the dreaded terrorists. Soon after, the genocide of Kashmiri Hindus came to pass. There were several troubling details about the whole affair that have given rise to numerous theories to explain what actually transpired.

It appears bewildering that the daughter of a Union Home Minister was kidnapped by terrorists so easily. The timing of the incident was also extremely suspicious. It occurred only five days after the appointment of Saeed as Home Minister in the Central Cabinet. Saeed himself had an extremely chequered past. He was believed to have engineered communal riots in Anantnag for his political objectives.

Interestingly, in the now infamous state elections of 1987 which is widely considered by many to have further exacerbated the Kashmir problem, Saeed had allegedly campaigned for the Muslim United Front (MUF) which was contesting against the alliance of Congress and Abdullah’s National Conference despite being a senior Congress member himself.

Yasin Malik had been the election manager of MUF leader Muhammad Yusuf Shah who went to call himself Syed Salahuddin and head the terror outfit Hizbul Mujahideen. Thus, the fact that two years later, Yasin Malik was involved in the abduction of Saeed’s daughter does raise some eyebrows. Furthermore, Saeed had never once objected to the release of terrorists if reports are to be believed.

Abdullah had also claimed that Saeed ensured the release of the terrorists which “hastened my resignation from the office of Chief Ministership.” Thus, it appears Saeed’s daughter was abducted by people he had worked closely with two years prior. That too only five days after he became the Union Home Minister. Furthermore, his ambition to become the Chief Minister of the state was widely known and Abdullah was an obstacle in his path.

The animosity between Abdullah and Saeed, too, is well recorded. Moreover, while Abdullah strongly objected to the release of the terrorists, Saeed did not on any occasion register his hesitation. Understandably, the life of his daughter was on the line, however, circumstances were mysterious enough to raise valid suspicions.

Even after knowledge of Yasin Malik’s involvement in the abduction of Rubaiya became evident, it doesn’t appear to have affected the relationship between him and the Saeed family. For instance, in February this year, Mehbooba Mufti had vocally objected to the arrest of Yasin Malik among other separatist leaders.

Mufti had even demanded that Yasin Malik be released immediately claiming that he was unwell. Normally, people don’t speak out in favour of someone who had been involved in their sister’s kidnapping in the past. But when it comes to politicians in Kashmir, it often becomes difficult to tell when family love merges with separatist sentiments and when separatist narratives gradually transform into radical Islamist ideology that calls for a Ghazwa-e-Hind.

Ordinary people generally find it difficult to be friends with someone who abducted and threatened to murder their sister but then, politicians appear to be made of a different moral fiber. It’s quite evident from how BSP supremo Mayawati allied with Mulayam Singh’s party even after being physically assaulted and allegedly molested by Samajwadi party members years ago.

We can only speculate about what happened and make educated guesses about the motivations of the key players involved. The political rivalry between Abdullah and Saeed cannot be ignored. The failure of state and central leadership in providing protection to Hindus while directly or indirectly helping secessionists and Islamists has been a major reason for the mess that Jammu and Kashmir is in today. Another aspect of Kashmir that has become evident is the fact that the political fraternity is too intricately connected with terrorists for the central leadership in Delhi to ever be comfortable.

Indian Army denies using cluster bomb on Pakistan

The Indian Army has denied using cluster bombs on Pakistan as claimed by Pakistan Armed Forces spokesperson Major General Asif Ghafoor.

The Indian Army has said that Pakistan regularly tries to push terrorists across the border and India has maintained that it has the right to respond to such action by Pakistan. Indian Army clarified that such action, however, are only against military targets and infiltrating terrorists who are aided by the Pakistan Army. Calling out Pakistan’s bluff and propaganda, the Army said that the allegations of firing cluster bombs by India is yet another Pakistan’s lie, deceit and deception.

Situation in the valley has heated up after the Indian Army mobilised additional troops in Kashmir and the Amarnath Yatra was cancelled based on specific terror inputs.

Recently, the Indian army had recovered Pakistan made IED and American M-24 sniper from the Amarnath Yatra route. On Friday afternoon, Chinar Corps Commander Lt General K.J.S. Dhillon held a press conference to apprise the prevailing situation in Jammu & Kashmir. He was accompanied by some other officers of the Indian Army.

While the land mine bearing marks of the Pakistan Ordnance Factory was displayed at the press conference, it certainly points out a definitive role of Pakistan in fueling terrorism in the valley.

Pakistan propagates ‘cluster bomb’ bogey a day after Pakistan made mine and American M-24 sniper were found in Kashmir

Days after Indian armed forces sent additional troops to the valley, Pakistani Armed Forces spokesperson Major General Asif Ghafoor has propagated that Indian Army has violated international conventions and used cluster bombs against Pakistan.

Ghafoor, the Director-General of Pak spy agency Inter-Services (ISI), accused India of violating international convention by using ‘cluster bombs’ to target its civilians. However, the timing of his accusation sits well with the agenda that he and his ilk try to propagate.

Ghafoor was, however, shown the reality by a Baloch freedom activist who in turn reminded how Pakistan uses the ‘cluster bombs’ in Balochistan.

Recently, the Indian army had recovered Pakistan made IED and American M-24 sniper from the Amarnath Yatra route. On Friday afternoon, Chinar Corps Commander Lt General K.J.S. Dhillon held a press conference to apprise the prevailing situation in Jammu & Kashmir. He was accompanied by some other officers of the Indian Army.

While the land mine bearing marks of the Pakistan Ordnance Factory was displayed at the press conference, it certainly points out a definitive role of Pakistan in fueling terrorism in the valley.

Sensing a terror threat to the lives of the yatris, the Jammu and Kashmir government issued a notice urging them to cut short their pilgrimage and return immediately. Soon after, Machail Yatra to Goddess Durga shrine in Kistwar district was also suspended.

Presumably, to avoid answering uncomfortable questions and playing the victim card, Ghafoor found an easy way out by inventing the ‘cluster bomb’ theory against India. This is also one of the old tricks up Pakistan’s sleeves. Pakistan indulged in psychological warfare in the aftermath of Pulwama attacks as well. The Pakistani Army deployment, including radars and air defense system along the LoC, was strengthened immediately after the February 14 Pulwama attack as they expected Indian retaliation similar to that of the 2016 surgical strike.

Indian Air Force’s C-17s to be put in use to airlift Amarnath pilgrims on Jammu and Kashmir govt’s request


After the Jammu and Kashmir government had issued an advisory for the Amarnath pilgrims to stall their journey and return back to their homes, today the government had requested the Indian Air Force to enable them in airlifting the Amarnath pilgrims to the places such as Jammu, Pathankot and Delhi from where they can return to their home.

Responding to the Jammu and Kashmir government’s request, the Indian Air Force has agreed to lend its Boeing C-17 transport aircraft to evacuate the pilgrims from the Valley. “A request was placed by the state government to the Indian Air Force to lift the stranded pilgrims out of the valley. The first batch of C-17s are likely to fly out of the Kashmir Valley in a couple of hours,” ANI quoted government sources told.

The C-17 is a transport aircraft with the capacity of carrying 230 passengers in one go and is faster than Russian made Ilyushin-76 travel between different places. Right now, C-17s are also being used by the Armed Forces to transport their Armed personnel to various locations in the state of Jammu of Kashmir.

The government had earlier issued an advisory asking the pilgrims and tourists in the Valley to curtail their visit and return back to their homes as soon as possible. The advisory was issued against the backdrop of intel reports suggesting a heightened possibility of terror attacks on the pilgrims schemed by terrorists belonging to Lashkar-e-Toiba and Jaish-e-Muhammad terror outfits.

In a joint press conference convened yesterday, Chinar Corps Lt General KJS Dhillon disclosed recovery of an American made M-24 sniper rifle and Pakistani made IEDs retrieved from many places in the Valley. The recovery of these armaments once again prove the connivance of Pakistan’s Armed Forces in enabling the terrorists to infiltrate into Jammu and Kashmir to carry out their nefarious activities.

Jammu and Kashmir: Pro-Pak journalist Qazi Shibli arrested over leaking official order on deployment of additional forces in the valley

A pro-Pakistan journalist and news editor of propaganda website, The Kashmiriyat, Qazi Shibli, has been arrested by the Jammu and Kashmir police recently, reports Kashmir Walla.

Reportedly, Qazi Shibli, a resident of south Kashmir’s Anantnag district has been detained in connection with questioning over his few tweets which included the leaking of an official order regarding the deployment of additional paramilitary troopers across Jammu and Kashmir. He runs pro-Pakistani news website ‘The Kashmiriyat‘.

Qazi Shibli is a journalism graduate from Banglore University, has now been lodged at a local police station in Anantnag district. Following his arrest, the local Kashmiris are now apparently campaigning for the release of Pro-Pakistan sympathiser’s release by using the hashtag “FreeQaziShibli”.

A couple of months ago, the Facebook page of The Kashmiriyat was also brought down by the controlling authorities of the social networking site.

Watch: Sea dumps the garbage back on to the Marine Drive as high tide hits Mumbai

A double whammy of strong torrential rains and high tide have afflicted the city of Mumbai as the strong sea waves have started throwing the garbage sewage along the Marine Drive in Mumbai. The garbage dumped by the sea has turned the iconic Marine Drive into a necklace of trash.

Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation(BMC) workers were scrambled to the spot to clean the garbage strewn along the Marine Drive promenade as the high tide hit the city of Mumbai today. Besides, the severe down pouring of the rains today have adversely affected the normal life in Mumbai.

Various parts of the country are currently flooded due to heavy downpour of rain. Earlier this week, due to unprecedented 20 inches rain in 6-7 hours, the crocodiles from Vishwamitri river from Vadodara were found swimming on the flooded streets.