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Ramon Magsaysay Award: Established by two CIA linked American organisations in memory of a CIA groomed Philippines president

NDTV journalist Ravish Kumar has been awarded the Ramon Magsaysay Award for the year 2019. Five persons have been selected for the prize this year, which is known as Asia’s Nobel Prize. The Ramon Magsaysay Award Foundation describes Ravish Kumar as one of India’s most influential TV journalists. While this award has been celebrated by the left-liberal chatterati, they are ignoring a very important aspect of this award, which is established by two American organisations with deep links with CIA, and it was established in the name of a former Philippines president who was actively supported by CIA in winning the election.

While most people know about the background of the Nobel prize, the background of the Ramon Magsaysay Award is not very well known. The award is named after Ramon Magsaysay, who was the president of Philippines from 1953 to his death in 1957. Ramon Magsaysay was described as an “America’s boy” by CIA, a person who was groomed by the CIA to protect the interests of the United States of America in Asia.

Manila has been the headquarters of CIA for Southeast Asia, and it has been influencing the politics in the Philippines for a long time. The USA has several military bases in the country, and it was a vital base for the USA during the cold year.

In the 1940s and 1950s, Philippines was witnessing the Hukbalahap, a communist guerrilla movement of peasant farmers against rich landowners. The movement was gaining popularity, which was suspected to have links with communists, and the USA feared that if the movement becomes successful, the country will go to the hands of Communists, which will result in the closure of American operations in the country. Therefore, suppressing the movement of Huks was very important to maintain American presence and interest in the Philippines, and the CIA had used Magsaysay to achieve that.

In 1950, then President Elpidio Quirino had appointed Ramon Magsaysay as the Secretary of National Defense, at the urging of the head of the Joint US Military Assistance Group (JUSMAG) and the US Ambassador. Days later, CIA officer Edward Lansdale, had set up his office in Magsaysay’s office. Landsdale was officially an advisor of JUSMAG, but actually, he headed the CIA’s Office of Policy Coordination in the Philippines. Lansdale was a pioneer in clandestine operations and psychological warfare, and he had developed and used many such techniques in the Philippines. He worked as an advisor of Magsaysay, teaching him how to combat the Huk movement using psychological warfare.

Magsaysay was important for the CIA in its long-term plans in the country, and it had set up and funded the National Movement for Free Elections (Namfrel) for this purpose. CIA’s plan was to make him president of the Philippines, as it was felt that Quirino was not successful in controlling growing communist influence in the country.

Landsdale has said in his memoir that his order from the US government was to stop the Communist-led Huks in gaining power in the Philippines and forming the government. His job was to groom Ramon to achieve this.

CIA’s plan was very detailed and robust, which included even losing an election to build up a clean image of Magsaysay. They persuaded him to ensure that the Senate election in 1951 was clean and fair, which had resulted in Magsaysay’s party losing all nine seats. But it was a huge PR move for him, as he was now seen as the cleanest leader in a country known for electoral malpractices by ruling parties. He was hailed as the man of the year, a national hero by media, and declared the next President by Time magazine which carried him on its cover, all thanks to American efforts.

American funded media campaign in support of Ramon Magsaysay continued until the elections, creating a very popular image for him. CIA had also persuaded him to bring reforms in the military, and take a tough position against corruption. Of course, these were good moves for the country, but the CIA wanted these steps to effectively defeat the Huks, and create a good image for him to ensure victory in the election.

Foreigners were banned from contributing to election funding in the Philippines, but American companies had donated considerable amounts of money to Magsaysay’s party Nacionalista which was facing fund shortages at that time. CIA also worked towards ensuring that Magsaysay becomes the next president, not incumbent Quirino from the same party. And this included many ‘dirty tricks’ of CIA, not just otherwise good moves like free election and combating corruption. According to CIA Manila station chief General Ralph B. Lovett, once President Quirino was drugged before a speech by the agency “so that he would appear incoherent”. CIA had also managed to tarnish his image over a trivial corruption issue.

Close to the elections, a Magsaysay-for-president campaign was founded by the agency, running a massive domestic and international publicity campaign bosting Magsaysay’s image. Landsdale himself has revealed that the CIA chief has offered him $5 million to arrange the election, but he said that $1 million was enough, which was delivered to him in a suitcase.

All these efforts of the CIA were successful when Roman Magsaysay won the elections in 1953 and became the president. He was one of the most popular presidents of the country, due to his clean image, his anti-corruption efforts, and the reforms he brought to the governance. He had also successfully eliminated the Hukbalahap, with the active help of American forces. He retained a close relationship with the CIA and USA during his term.

President Magsaysay died in a plane crash in 1957, and the Ramon Magsaysay Award was established in his memory. It may be noted that the award was constituted by New York-based Rockefeller Brothers Fund. In 2000, Ramon Magsaysay Emergent Leadership Award was established by Ford Foundation, another American organisation. Both these organisations are known for working for American interests in foreign countries, and have a history of closely working with the CIA. In fact, the Ford Foundation is alleged to be a philanthropic facade of the Central Intelligence Agency.

Rockefeller Brothers Fund played a crucial role in CIA’s cultural cold war, working on promoting modern art, helping CIA’s efforts to popularise modern abstract art across the world. It is now a known fact that the CIA had used modern art as a ‘weapon’ in its ‘cultural war’ against communism, and American non-government organisations were crucial players in this war. Rockefeller Brothers Fund’s trustee Nelson Rockefeller was the president of the Museum of Modern Art in New York, which had helped in moving around and exhibiting abstract art. The museum was established by Rockefeller’s mother. Several top-ranked CIA officials were in the board of the museum, confirming the close link between the agency and the organisation.

Therefore, the Magsaysay award, which is celebrated by left-liberals, has a direct link with the CIA and the United States America, the two entities that the left-liberals hate the most.

Bulandshahr Police arrests News Nation journalist Nadeem Khan over allegations of extortion

Bulandshahr Police has arrested Nadeem Khan, a journalist associated with News Nation on allegations of extortion.

In a news byte shared by the Bulandshahr Police, the police has informed that Azad International School’s owner Washik Azad and the contractor Vivek Mittal have alleged that the journalist Nadeem Khan associated with News Nation was blackmailing them and extorting money. He was demanding Rs 5 lakh each as per the police. The police says the the two have also submitted audio and video evidences on basis of which Nadeem was arrested.

A case has been registered under section 386 (Extortion by putting a person in fear of death or grievous hurt), 500 (Punishment for defamation), 504 (Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace) of the Indian Penal Code.

American M-24 sniper, Pakistan made mine recovered from Amarnath Yatra route: No one will be allowed to disrupt peace, says Army

Chinar Corps Commander Lt General K.J.S. Dhillon held a press conference on Friday elaborating on the situation in Jammu & Kashmir with other officers of the Indian Army. He asserted that the IEDs and terrorists expert in them point towards a definitive Pakistan hand in terrorism in Kashmir.

In addition, a Pakistani landmine has also been recovered from terrorists. The Army considers it to be definitive evidence of Pakistani involvement in terrorism in the valley and has asserted that it will not be tolerated.

The mine was displayed by the Army at the press conference. It bears the marks of the Pakistan Ordnance Factory.

Furthermore, an American M-24 sniper rifle with a telescope was recovered from the Amarnath Yatra route. It points towards the threat of terrorism the devotees of Amarnath face.

The Army also spoke clearly on the menace of home-grown terrorism. The country was informed that 83% of terrorists in Kashmir begin as stone pelters. 64% of them die within a year, 7% die within the first 10 days. The Army told the mothers in the valley that if they were willing to allow their sons to pelt stone at security forces for 500 rupees, then he will become terrorist in the future. The unsaid implication was that their sons will be dead within a year.

There was also a great terror threat to Amarnath Yatris. The Army said that IED attacks were planned against them. However, the route has been ‘sanitized’ by the Army.

Currently, the Amarnath Yatra is suspended due to bad weather conditions in the area. Mudslides and shooting stones were reported from the route. The Yatra is expected to resume after August 4.

The anti-terror UAPA Amendment Bill 2019 passed in Rajya Sabha as Home Minister Amit Shah leads the charge

In a rebuttal against the apprehensions raised by Congress on the amendments suggested by the BJP government in the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA), Home Minister Amit Shah took charge in Rajya Sabha asserting that the procedures enlisted in his government’s proposed amendments to UAPA Act are elaborate and they do not discriminate the individuals based on their identity.

After the motion to send the bill to Select Committee was turned down, the bill was passed in the upper house of the parliament. Upon receiving the President’s assent, the bill will become a law as it was already passed by the lower house of the parliament.

Earlier Congress leader P Chidambaram had opposed amendments to the UAPA act claiming that the reasons for the amendments tendered by the BJP are dubious. Former home minister Chidambaram asserted that though the reasons for amendments says ‘to empower NIA’ but in reality, it would empower the Centre to add or remove an individual’s name. Chidamabaram opposed the designation of individuals as terrorists and claimed that the banning of terror organisations was sufficient.

Another Congress leader Digvijaya Singh, known for being the earliest proponent of ‘Hindu terror’ bogey, appeared to cast aspersions on the intent of the government. Singh further alleged that BJP had compromised on terror, first in the Rubaiya Saeed case and then by releasing Masood Azhar during Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s time.

Rubaiya Saeed, former Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti’s sister was kidnapped by Kashmiri separatist Yasin Malik on 8th December, 1989. Her father Mufti Mohammad Saeed was former Home Minister. JKLF terorists were behind the kidnapping. They had demanded the release of five of their terrorists who were in prison. After 15 days of negotiations, media frenzy and drama, the five terrorists were released by the then Indian government in exchange of Rubaiya’s freedom. The five terrorists released by the then VP Singh government were Abdul hamid Shekh, a Pakistani terorist Sher Khan, Noor Mohammad Kalwal, Altaf Ahemed and Javed Ahemed Jargar.

Singh went a step further in asserting that the Home Minister Amit Shah is using state agencies to target rivals and he is not acting like an HM but as BJP President.

Responding to the allegations levelled by Congress leaders, Amit Shah recounted how the BJP had supported the UAPA act and all the three amendments to it which came in 2004, 2008 and 2013 under Congress regime. Answering to P Chidambaram, Shah said, “We propose to designate individuals as terrorists because when terror organisations are banned, these individuals who form the terror groups, form another organisation. Till when are we going to keep banning terror organisations?”

Shah then addressed Digvijaya Singh’s concerns stating that the Congress leader is angry because he lost the elections. Shah continued saying Congress misused the laws during the Emergency but they have the temerity to accuse others of vendetta. Taking a swipe at Singh, Shah said, “NIA didn’t punish anyone in the 3 cases because in earlier cases during Congress regime, concerted attempts were made to link a particular religion to terror.”

Following the heated discussion, the motion to send the UAPA bill to the Select Committee was turned down as Nos scored 104 and Ayes were just 85. The bill went for voting it finally got passed in the Rajya Sabha. The bill was already passed in the Lok Sabha.

Ram Janmabhoomi case: Mediation in Ayodhya has failed, final hearing in the case to begin from 6th August

The Chief Justice of India said that the mediation on the Ayodhya issue has failed. There will be daily hearing on the case from 6th August onward. “The mediation panel has not been able to achieve any final settlement,” CJI Ranjan Gogoi said.

On March 8, a Constitution Bench of the Supreme Court had referred the long-standing Ram Mandir-Babri Masjid dispute for mediation. The mediation panel was chaired by former Supreme Court judge Justice FMI Kalifulla, along with spiritual guru Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and senior Advocate Sriram Panchu. The panel had submitted their observations in a sealed envelop yesterday.

The top court had tasked the panel with the responsibility to explore the possibility of an amicable settlement of the decades-old issue. In May, the top court had given extra timeto the panel till August 15 to find a solution after the chairman of the mediation panel, Justice FM Khalifullah had sought more time for the mediation process.

The apex court had directed the mediation proceedings shall be kept confidential and that there should not any reporting of the said proceedings either in the print or in the electronic media during the process of mediation, which was decided to be held in-camera.

Ajmal Raes Khan became Ajay, married a Hindu girl, forced her to convert, gang-raped her on ‘munh dikhai’

A Hindu girl, an MBA student, residing in Navi Mumbai fell prey to an incident of ‘love jihad’, where she was lured into marriage by a Muslim boy who posed as a Hindu to woo her and was thereafter gang-raped.

As per the Hindi daily, Patrika, the Hindu girl fell into the trap laid by this Muslim boy named Ajmal who changed his name to Ajju alias Ajay to allure the girl. He pretended to fall in love with her. Luring her into marriage took her to Bandra court where he forcefully converted her and thereafter married her. She was subsequently gang-raped during the ‘munh dikhai’ ceremony, a post-marriage custom where the newly wed bride is introduced to rest of the family.

Following the complaint, the Vashi police have filed a case of gang-rape and arrested Ajmal Raes Khan, the Hindu girl’s husband, his two brothers, Afzar Raes Khan and Shanu Itkhar Khan and Ajmal’s friend, Makhsoor Rafik Ahmed.

As per the report, Ajmal alias Ajju met the Hindu girl one year back in a unisex parlour situated in a shopping mall in Vashi where Ajmal worked as a barber. The victim had first visited the parlour for a hair cut. In order to get her mobile number, Ajmal, who introduced himself as Ajju to the victim, informed her about the available services in the salon and gave her a form to fill up, which required her personal details including mobile number.

Ajmal thereafter started calling up the victim regularly in the pretext of her hair treatment in the salon. The huge amount of money the victim started spending on her hair treatments gave Ajmal an idea of the victim’s flush background.

Eventually, the girl eventually fell in love with Ajmal, who was, for all this while, hiding his real identity. The girl was so much in love with the boy that she started giving him lakhs of rupees to establish his own business. After some time, the victim started pressurising Ajmal to marry her.

As per the report, the victim was now aware of Ajmal’s religion and was ready to marry him on condition that she will not convert or change her religion. Assuring her that she need not convert, Ajmal called her to Bandra Court on July 15. She was, however, forcefully converted and married thereafter.

After the victim reached her inlaws house they reportedly started mistreating her. She was mentally and physically tortured at her inlaws house. Soon after marriage, Ajmal demanded Rs 15 lakh from the victim and started beating her up on trivial matters.

The atrocities did not stop here. During the ‘muh dikhai’ ceremony (this is a post-marriage ceremony, wherein the newly-wed bride’s face is shown to the family for the first time as an introduction to the family members) the victim was gang-raped by her husband, his two brothers and one friend.

The victim told the Vashi police that during the ceremony the accused spiked her drink, because of which she fell unconscious. The accused took advantage of this situation and raped her. The next day the victim realised that she was raped. Disturbed by all this the victim left her inlaws house and went back to her house.

The report further states that Ajmal’s brothers along with their friend, later went to her house to seek forgiveness, and again secretly spiked her drink and convinced her to have it. After the victim fell unconscious the three again raped her.

The victim, thereafter, approached the police and filed a complaint at Vashi police station, against her husband, his two brothers and his friend, alleging gang-rape.

Following the complaint, police apprehended the four accused and produced them in court which has sent the accused to judicial custody until August 2.

While talking to Patrika, the victim said that in her written complaint she has specifically mentioned that Ajmal wooed her by hiding his identity. He had introduced himself as Ajju alias Ajay. He took her to the court where she was forcefully converted and married thereafter, divulged the victim. She asserted that though she categorically mentioned all of this in her statement, the police tried to cover up the ‘love jihad’ angle.

She said that she had written about this to the CM Devendra Fadnavis and the DGP and awaits a reply.

Throwing light on the police’s apathy, she furthered that when the accused were produced in the court, the inquiry officers were not present, which made her case weak. She added that the accused instead of being sent to police custody were sent to judicial custody. Standing resolute to fight against the atrocities meted out at her, the victim said that if the accused apply for bail she would oppose it and would complain about the police apathy to the court.

Data reveals Cafe Coffee Day owner VG Siddhartha may have been under debt of up to Rs 11,000 crore: Report

Data collected from stock exchanges and Ministry Of Corporate Affairs’ filings have unfolded that VG Siddhartha’s debt pile up may have been up to Rs 11,000 crore, a report in Business Today said. However, it is a mystery still as to where such large funds were deployed and how.

As per the Business Today report, though the Coffee Day Enterprises, reported a debt of Rs 6,547 crore as on 31 March 2019, fresh data from Siddhartha and the promoter group’s four private holding companies reveals that they had outstanding guarantees worth Rs 3,522 crore as on fiscal years 2018-19.

Via Business Today

According to the CDEL’s annual report 2017-18, Siddhartha, along with two other Coffee day Enterprise limited (CDEL) directors had given personal guarantees towards loans worth Rs 1,028 crore raised by Coffee Day Enterprises. CDEL is a listed firm and had four promoters.

Moreover, data collected from companies’ declarations revealed that the company had mortgaged shares worth over Rs 3,522 crore to various lenders since 2014 to raise loans. However, it is still not clear as to how much of private holding companies’ pledges were towards loans raised by CDEL, or, whether most of it was towards loans in a personal capacity.

Listed firm CDEL’s stocks had fallen by 48 per cent from its peak of Rs 374.60 on 22 January 2018, to Rs 192.55 at closing on 29 July 2019, the day when Siddhartha’s committed suicide, resulting in an erosion of Rs 3,541 crore in market capitalization.

Siddhartha and his group entities held 53.93 per cent stake in Coffee Day Enterprises, of which 75.70 per cent was pledged as of 30 June.

It is now being speculated that the falling share prices, which requires promoters to make up the gap through more assets else, lenders rush to invoke the pledged shares and an enormous debt of Rs 11,096 crore must have forced the coffee giant to take such extreme steps.

Siddhartha’s last letter before alleged suicide mentions debt burden:

The above revelations validate Siddhartha’s purported confession in his last letter regarding the debt burden and lenders’ pressure he could not cope with. In his letter dated 29 July, Siddhartha mentioned his inability to cope with the company’s debt and his face-off with the income tax authorities as reason for “failing as an entrepreneur”.

However, in his letter, he had listed all his assets worth nearly Rs 18,000 crore as enough to pay off all the liabilities. “I have enclosed a list of our assets and tentative value of each asset… our assets outweigh our liabilities and can help repay everybody,” he had said in his last letter.

Latest data from four promoter companies, Devadarshini Info Technologies, Coffee Day Consolidations, Gonibedu Coffee Estates, and Sivan Securities, reveals they raised funds by mortgaging shares held in the listed company Coffee Day Enterprises between 2014 and 2019.

Via Business Today

These four companies had combined shareholding of 17.13 per cent in CDEL. Coffee Day Consolidations Private raised the maximum Rs 1,533.57 crore followed by Devadarshini Info Technologies’ raising Rs 1,171 crore. Gonibedu Coffee Estates raised Rs 775 crore while Sivan Securities raised Rs 42 crore.

  • Devadarshini Info Technologies holds 5.87 per cent shares in CDEL and pledged shares on various loans and mortgages amounting to 83.08 per cent of its holding.
  • Coffee Day Consolidations has 5.81 per cent shares in CDEL and pledged shares amount to 95.94 per cent.
  • Gonibedu Coffee Estates holds 5.24 per cent shares in CDEL and pledged share amount to 78.94 per cent.
  • Sivan Securities holds 0.21 per cent share in CDEL and pledged shares amounts to 99.9 per cent.

What were these companies up to:

These four private holding companies had mortgaged shares to different private investors. The investors included companies like, IDBI Trusteeship Services Limited (likely on behalf of a consortium of banks), Standard Chartered Bank, Shapoorji Pallonji Finance Private Limited, Axis Finance Limited, the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, Clix Finance India Private Limited, AK Capital Finance Private Limited, Kotak Mahindra Prime Limited, STCI Finance Limited, IFCI limited, and ECL Finance Limited.

While Sivan Securities raised Rs 15 crore on April 11, 2019, against the pledge to state-owned IDBI Trusteeship, Coffee Day Consolidations raised Rs 200 crore on March 22, 2019, and Rs 310 crore on March 28 by mortgaging shares to Kotak Mahindra Investments and IDBI Trusteeship Services, respectively.

Year-wise funds raised by these firms:

  • 3 times in 2019
  • 17 times in 2018
  • 4 times in 2017
  • once in 2016
  • 4 times in 2014

In most cases, these group companies had pledged shares held in the listed company Coffee Day Enterprises.

Moreover, according to CDEL’s annual report, the loans for which VG Siddhartha stood guarantor were worth Rs 4,124.18 crore. The top five lenders include Tata Capital Financial Services- Rs 1,804.05 crore, Axis Bank- Rs 360 crore, ICICI Prudential Asset Management Company- Rs 347.2 crore, Aditya Birla Finance- Rs 277.9 crore, and DEG- Rs 141.6 crore.

However, to cut down his debts, Siddhartha not only sold IT firm Mindtree for over Rs 3,269 crore, raking in a profit of Rs 2,858 crore, but Coffee Day Enterprises even paid off Rs 2,100 crore worth of loans to pare debt to around Rs 4,400 crore. His company was profitable too. CDEL collected revenue of Rs 4,264 crore in fiscal 2018-19 with a PAT of Rs 128 crore, which was the third successive year of profitable operation.

After 36-hours of intense search to rescue Cafe Coffee Day owner VG Siddhartha, his body was finally found in the backwaters of the Nethravati river at Hoige Bazaar, Mangaluru on July 31. VG Siddhartha had gone missing near the Netravathi bridge here on July 29. The identity of the body has been confirmed by his relatives based on the ring on his finger, phone, watch and shoes.

In the letter to the directors of Coffee Day Enterprises, the entrepreneur had apologised for ‘letting down’ people and cited pressure from private equity investors and harassment by tax authorities.

Another Love Jihad case in UP: Khalid posed as Hindu to trap minor girl, then raped and blackmailed her

In Bareli, Uttar Pradesh, another case of Love Jihad has been reported where a minor girl has been allegedly cheated, raped and blackmailed by a Muslim man pretending to be Hindu.

As per reports, in Bareli’s Baradari area, a 15-year-old girl has alleged yesterday that she was befriended by a man claiming to be a Hindu named Aman. The victim reportedly works in a local beauty parlour in Bareli. The victim, a 15-year-old Dalit girl, used to travel on an auto from her residence in Sundarnagar area.

The girl was befriended by a man claiming to be a Hindu named Aman. The man even went to temples with her to win her trust and used to tie a ‘Kalawa’ on his wrist. He eventually raped her and got the incident video recorded. Later, the girl came to know that ‘Aman’ is actually Khalid.

As per reports, when the victim tried to confront Khalid, he showed her the video recording and started blackmailing her. He has also been threatening to make the video clippings viral on social media. The victim eventually came to know that Khalid is planning to marry someone on August 4. Upon hearing this, the girl approached the police with her mother and has appealed for Khalid’s arrest so he doesn’t get to harass another girl.

OpIndia has got in touch with Baradari police station when an official has confirmed that an FIR has been registered against Khalid. He is yet to be arrested. The victim is a minor so charges under POCSO act have also been filed. Khalid has been reportedly charged under sections 376,363, and 323, relevant sections of the POCSO and SC/ST (PoA) Acts.

There have been numerous cases of such ‘Love Jihad’ where Hindu girls, often from a vulnerable age group, have been trapped into relationships by Muslims faking a Hindu identity, only to be raped or blackmailed later.

ASEAN summit: Serial blasts in Bangkok injure three, explosions took place right before US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s keynote speech

Multiple explosions in Thailand capital Bangkok injure three people. As per reports, several small blasts were heard on Friday where the ASEAN summit is taking place. Two street cleaners have been injured in the blasts.

The blasts took off just before a keynote speech by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. The Thai government has urged media not to speculate the motives behind the blasts.

A blast was heard near government building in Bangkok and other two in central Bangkok. A regional security meeting of foreign ministers from the Association of South Asian Nations (ASEAN) is currently underway in Bangkok.

As per reports, on Thursday, the Thai Police found two fake bombs near the venue of the regional security meeting. While the suspicious packages raised an alarm, the security risk was soon cleared off. Two men were reportedly also arrested for the fake bombs.

Reports suggest that ‘ping pong bombs’, small explosives the size of a tennis ball, exploded at multiple locations in the city. They are believed to be ‘symbolic blasts’ to embarrass the government. The bombs were believed to not cause mass casualties.

Foreign ministers from India, the UK, the US, China, Russia are attending the ASEAN summit. The security has been tightened.

25,000 additional troops reportedly diverted to Kashmir, forces on high alert

Within a week of deploying over 10,000 troops in the state of Jammu and Kashmir, the central government has now moved 25,000 additional troops in the sensitive state. As per reports that surfaced last night, the government of India has mobilised over 25,000 additional security personnel to be deployed there.

As per reports, most of these troops are from the CRPF and most of them are being deployed around in the Kashmir valley. Approximately 280 companies of CRPF were reportedly ordered to be moved to Jammu and Kashmir late last evening. No official reason was given for this deployment.

In addition to this, all major entry and exit points to the Kashmir Valley has been sealed and have been taken under control of Central Armed Paramilitary Forces (CAPF).

Earlier, the centre had ordered the deployment of 10,000 additional troops in the valley, stating that they are being deployed to strengthen the counter-insurgency operations there.

Locals in the area are reported to be stockpiling rations and essentials in anticipation of law and order situations in the sensitive region.

In addition to this, the central government has reportedly pressed for heavy-lift planes like the C-17s for rapid mobilisation of troops. The army and the air force have reportedly been put on high alert.

However, the MHA has refused to divulge any information over the increased deployment of troops. ANI has quoted MHA sources to have stated that the need for paramilitary troops to be rotated for rest and recuperation, induction and de-induction of central forces is a continuous and dynamic process. It has added that the 100 companies of paramilitary forces that were ordered to be deployed are still in the process of reaching their destinations and this has led to speculations in the media.

MHA has also added that the particulars of deployment and forces rotation cannot be discussed over the public domain for security reasons.

The deployment of additional troops in Kashmir has given rise to a lot of speculations of the central government’s next move. Media and many politicians have been hinting that a possible abrogation of the Article 35A and Article 370 might be the reason. Though the BJP and the central government have made it clear several times that the removal of the articles is a part of their agenda, the government has not clarified a time frame for it.

In the meanwhile, the government has been cracking down hard on separatist leaders and networks of funding that have long fuelled the unrest in the valley.

The Amarnath Yatra that was in progress since last month has also been put on hold since Sunday due to bad weather and mudslide on the Ramban-Banihal stretch. Government has stated that the yatra will remain suspended till August 4 due to IMD’s forecast of unfavourable weather.