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Thanks, but no thanks: Trump offers to mediate in Kashmir again, India says its a bilateral issue between India and Pakistan

The US President Donald Trump again offered to intervene on the Kashmir issue between India and Pakistan.

Trump’s offer comes days after he met Pakistan PM Imran Khan and claimed that India had asked him to intervene on the Kashmir issue between the two countries.

Last month, during Pakistan PM Imran Khan’s maiden visit to the US as head of state, US President Trump had stirred up a storm when he claimed that PM Modi had requested him to mediate on the Kashmir issue. However, India had clarified that no such request was made.

Today, External Affairs Minister Dr S Jaishankar again conveyed to his American counterpart Mike Pompeo that any talks on the Kashmir issue between India and Pakistan will only be bilateral.

“Have conveyed to American counterpart US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo this morning in clear terms that any discussion on Kashmir, if at all warranted, will only be with Pakistan and only bilaterally,” he tweeted.

All it will take is one pro-Modi comment for the ‘liberals’ to hunt you down to bully, mock and ridicule you for not agreeing with them

Ideally a liberal is someone who is open to the idea of another person having an opinion contrary to his own. Not in the world of Khan Market ‘liberal’ gang, though. Unless you accept that intolerance is rising in Modi’s India, you are not a true blue liberal.

You need not even say anything pro-Modi at times. Sometimes, just saying how things haven’t changed in 70 years is enough for you to trigger the ‘liberals’ who will wake up from their wine-induced slumber to bully you.

Filmmaker Shekhar Kapur recently took to Twitter to say how the ‘intellectuals’ still make him feel like a refugee. Kapur, a refugee of the partition, had not even named anyone who makes him feel so. However, lyricist turned Twitter troll Javed Akhtar took it as a personal offence. On behalf of all intellectuals of the nation, Akhtar asked Kapur to see a psychiatrist. Guess those who cry hoarse on rising intolerance aren’t much tolerant of opposing views after all.

However, that tweet set things in motion for him.

Yesterday, he reminisced about his 1983 classic movie Masoom.

All he had to do was say how despite the feedback which suggested him to change the script, he stuck to it.

The ‘liberals’ got triggered and came down upon him to remind him how his movie was not even an original idea.

The facts first. Shekhar Kapur has already mentioned on record that his film Masoom was inspired from Man, Woman and Child.

Now that we have facts out of our way, let us get into ‘inspirations’. Kapur is accused of being ‘inspired’ from Man, Woman and Child without giving ‘credit’. You know which other cult classic film is also ‘inspired’ from various classic Hollywood movies? Sholay. Who wrote the script? Javed Akhtar and Salim Khan. How did Javed Akhtar react when a Twitter user pointed it out to him that Sholay was ‘inspired’ scene by scene from Hollywood movies? He asked lost his cool and had an epic meltdown on Twitter.

The ‘liberals’ never pointed it out to him that Sholay was ‘inspired’ even though there are thousands of online forums and videos. Here are a few:

Some more.

But because Javed Akhtar has appointed himself as the spokesperson for the ‘intellectuals’ and also believes that intolerance is rising in Modi’s India, he is forgiven.

Kapur is the latest one to be on the hit list of ‘liberals’. Recently, film actor Kangana Ranaut has been on the receiving end of all the flak because she is does not think ‘intolerance’ is rising in India. Rather, she called out the ‘achievers’ for their selective outrage on hate crimes in India.

How dare a self-made woman in the film industry compete with Aparna Sen who had a famous man as father and another famous man as mentor? You see, the elite club of Bollywood mixed with media who identify themselves as ‘intellectuals’ and ‘achievers’ (like, seriously, who does that?) will come hounding after you, baying for your blood if you do not echo their views.

You are, in all probability one pro-Modi comment away from being ridiculed, bullied and even made an outcast just because you do not conform to their views.

And these are our ‘liberals’.

Congress workers create ruckus during a meeting in Kota after PCC secretary alleged that party workers took bribe from BJP during election

Congress party workers created ruckus during a meeting cum membership drive held at district headquarters in Kota on Thursday. During the District Congress Committee meeting, some members accused the District President of being ‘sidelined’ and ‘not being heard.’

According to a report, party workers are believed to have said that though there is a change in guard, party workers have failed to realize the same. Pradesh Congress Committee (PCC) member Dr. Jaffer Mohammad lauded the party workers for their commendable performance in the assembly elections. He added their hard work ensured Shanti Kumar Dhariwal (MLA Kota North) and others registered wins during the 2018 state elections.

Later, PCC Secretary Naimuddin Guddu passed a contradictory statement suggesting that party workers did no work and the party did not win, albeit BJP lost the elections. In turn, he accused some party workers of accepting bribes from BJP to work against their own party. Claiming to have a recording of the same, he alleged, “One of the workers sitting here accepted Rs 50,000 bribe to work for the BJP during Lok Sabha elections. The truth revealed when I arranged a fake call to unravel his lies.”

Guddu further alleged that despite the Congress government in the state, they are not able to get a single soldier transferred. He claimed the representatives from Kota are also not meeting the public.

He alleged the Urban Development Minister is unable to pay attention to the party workers adding that Sangod MLA Bharat Singh and Pipalda MLA Ramnarayan Meena are failing to meet the workers of their respective areas. His statement created an uproar amongst the worker that continued unabated for a long time.

District President Ravindra Tyagi, however, managed to pacify the angry workers. He advised the workers and office-bearers to refrain from passing statements with potential to fuel more anger. Tyagi told the gathering that if they had grievances they should sort them in a personal capacity.

State General Secretary Pankaj Mehta, Former Mayor Ratna Jain, City Vice President Rakhi Gautam, and Aruna Bhargav amongst others attended the meet.

Tyagi however, came out to clarify there was no uproar in the meeting and what is being termed as ‘ruckus’ was indeed the ‘enthusiasm’ of the party workers. He pointed out that at times overenthusiastic office-bearers tend to have a slip of tongue and that meeting was very fruitful.

TMC leader Siddiqullah Chowdhury refuses to accept the Triple Talaq Act, says it is attack on Islam

Two days after getting a clear passage in the Rajya Sabha, the contentious Triple Talaq Bill today got the Presidential nod and has finally become law now.

Despite this historic decision, which would free Muslim women from the barbaric Islamic practise of triple talaq or talaq-e-biddat, the minister in the Trinamool Congress-ruled West Bengal government, Siddiqullah Chowdhury, showing complete disrespect towards the Parliament and the President, refused to accept the Bill today saying “we cannot follow the law”.

Openly undermining and mocking the Parliament and President’s decision, the Minister of Mass Education in Mamata’s government and the president of the Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind’s West Bengal unit, Siddiqullah Chowdhury said that they cannot accept the new law as it will, in turn, deprive Muslim women of their rights.

“It is impossible for us to accept this at any cost. In fact, we dislike the move. This will also not, in any way, secure the safety and rights of women,” Chowdhury told reporters at a press conference today.

He further said that “it is a matter of grief and an attack on Islam”. “We will not accept it. We will decide on the further course of action when a central committee meeting takes place,” he added.

It is pertinent to note here that when the Triple Talaq Bill was put out to vote in Rajya Sabha one of TMC’s MP wasn’t even present when the voting took place. The TMC has suggested that the party would take action against the absent MP as the party had issued a whip.

The Bill was passed in the Rajya Sabha with 99 Ayes and 84 Noes and after President Ram Nath Kovind’s nod today, the Bill has now become an act.

Earlier too, Siddiqullah Chowdhury had evoked similar controversy when the BJP government brought in the ordinance criminalizing triple talaq, by saying that the Constitution is subservient to the Quran. In September last year, he had pronounced that the Quran will prevail over the Constitution if any constitutional provision or law contradicts the Quran. “For us, our holy scripture, the Quran Sharif, is supreme and if any constitutional provision or any law contradicts the Quran, then our scripture will prevail and not the law or Constitution,” Chowdhury was quoted as saying then.

He had then gone on to blame the BJP government for playing the ‘religion card’ and the ‘constitution’ and reiterated that the ordinance will have no effect on the Muslims.

In 2017, the TMC minister had shockingly, refused to accept the path-breaking Supreme Court verdict striking down the 1,400-year-old practice of instant ‘triple talaq’.

Showing complete disrespect towards the highest judicial court in India, then too, the Minister of Mass Education in Mamata’s government had said, “The Supreme Court and the government can ponder on the triple talaq judgement. We Muslims believe in Islam and it permits triple talaq and it will remain that way,” Chowdhury had said, adding, “We will not tolerate any interference in it.”

What is Halal meat? Only Muslims allowed from slaughter to labelling, must chant Bismillah Allahu Akbar or meat becomes ‘non-Halal’

Many people have claimed on social media that Halal meat is just a dietary preference along the lines of non-vegetarian and vegetarian food. The Halal controversy erupted after Zomato attempted a PR stunt on Twitter. However, people have failed to appreciate the details of the process of Halal that makes it an explicit religiously discriminatory practice much like untouchability.

Halal can only be performed by a Muslim man. Thus, non-Muslims are automatically denied employment at a Halal firm. There are certain other conditions that must be fulfilled that makes it quite clear that it is intrinsically an Islamic practice. Guidelines are available at the official website of a certification authority of Halal in India which makes it clear that non-Muslim employees cannot be employed in any part of the slaughtering process.

Throughout the document that lists the guidelines to Islamic slaughtering, care is taken to mention the religion of the employees involved. It makes it abundantly clear that only Muslim employees are allowed to participate in the entire process at every stage. Even the labelling of the meat can be done by Muslims only.

Guidelines to Islamic Slaughtering as per Halal India website

The Department of Halal Certification of the European Union makes it even more clear that employment opportunities at a Halal firm will be exclusively available to Muslims. It says, “Slaughtering must be done by a sane adult Muslim. Animals slaughtered by a Non-Muslim will not be Halal.” It states further, “The name of Allah must be invoked (mentioned) at the time of slaughtering by saying: Bismillah Allahu Akbar. (In the Name of Allah; Allah is the Greatest.) If at the time of slaughtering the name of anyone else other than Allah is invoked (i.e. animal sacrificed for him/her), then the meat becomes Haram “unlawful.””

Department of Halal Certification EU

Thus, it’s quite apparent that when a person demands that he be served only Halal meat, he isn’t merely exercising a diet preference but he is also playing a part in deciding who is involved in the process of slaughtering the animal and labelling it. Furthermore, Muslims are barred by their scriptures from consuming non-halal food. Thus, when a Muslim specifically demands Halal meat, it’s an explicit instance of them demanding service that can only be performed by Muslims. The obvious implication is that a Muslim denies service from a non-Muslim due to his religious identity.

The Halal certification department also specifies the exact Islamic method of slaughtering. It says that the slaughtering of the animal must be done in just one stroke without lifting the knife, using a sharp knife. It says that the windpipe (throat), food-tract (oesophagus) and the two jugular veins must be cut in a single stroke. Care must be taken that the head is not severed and the spinal cord is not cut. The rules also say that meat slaughtered by a machine can’t be halal, it must be slaughtered by a Muslim person.

It’s a whole industry where employment opportunities in certain sectors are completely unavailable to non-Muslims. It’s discriminatory towards people of not only the Hindu faith but also Christianity, Buddhism, Sikhism, and others.

Many people want to say that demanding Halal food is just a matter of choice, just like vegetarian of vegan food. But that is totally incorrect, while people become vegetarian by their choice, Muslim people have no choice in this context, the Islamic rules say that they are forbidden from consuming Haram or non-Halal food, they must consume Halal food only. The Halal rules originate from Quran along with Hadith and Sunnah, and Muslims have to follow these rules. Just like for most Hindus not eating beef is not just a matter of personal choice, a Muslim refusing to eat pork or any other meat slaughtered by a non-Muslim is also not a matter of choice, in both the cases the religion prevents them from consuming the same.

Panipat: Accused Saddam arrested for kidnapping and raping a minor girl on the pretext of marriage

A man named Saddam was arrested on Tuesday for allegedly kidnapping and raping a minor girl on the pretext of marriage from the town of Panipat. The 16-year-old girl was held in captivity for about 12 days where she was raped and forcibly fed meat by the accused’s sister. She was recovered by the police from Ambala Cantt on Tuesday morning.

A member of Women’s commission, Namrata Goud, reached the victim’s home and enquired about the incident with the victim and her family members. The victim, who is a class X student explained how Saddam used to frequent her house to meet her when her parents had gone to the factory for work. About 15 days ago, Saddam had gifted a mobile phone to the minor girl but it was eventually caught by her mother who smashed it by throwing it away. On July 19, Saddam lured her away to a hotel in Ambala on the pretext of marrying her. There he allegedly raped the minor girl.

After staying in the hotel for 3 days, she was taken by Saddam to his sister’s house. Saddam sister’s forced her to consume meat and threatened her that if she framed Saddam in any case, she wouldn’t spare the minor girl’s family members. The girl revealed that they were supposed to marry on Tuesday in Chandigarh but as Saddam had broken her trust and raped her, she no longer wished to go with him.

According to Advocate Manoj Sharma, Saddam owns a saloon in Azad Nagar. The girl was kidnapped by him on July 19. The relatives of the girl filed a complaint at Aath Marla police station. However, police registered a complaint of a missing person instead of kidnapping. Besides, Sharma accuses that the police turned the 16 years old minor girl into a 19 years old teenager. Following this, the Advocate forwarded his complaint to DGP, Chairperson of Women Commission, IG and SP. Namrata Gaur, a member of the Women’s Commission, reached the police station and accused the police of gross negligence. Gaur asserted that if police had acted from the day 1 itself, the minor would have been saved from getting raped by Saddam.

The police in their response have arrested Saddam’s nephew Farman and Rahil Khan as well in this case. The police further advised the parents to care of their daughters. According to the police, the minor girl’s parents were already aware of the relation between Saddam and the girl. They could have been more forthcoming in revealing about the details, said police. The police had even stated that the victim’s father had earlier mentioned in his complaint that his daughter is 19 years old and it was only on July 28 that he revealed that she was a minor. A case has been registered under section 120-B and kidnapping and POSCO act has been added in the case.

Former Maldives Vice President apprehended in Tamil Nadu’s Tuticorin port for alleged illegal entry


Media reports state that the former Maldivian Vice President Ahmed Adeeb Abdul Ghafoor has been arrested by Indian authorities upon his illegal entry at Tuticorin. He was reportedly apprehended by Intelligence Bureau (IB) officials on Thursday from Tuticorin (Thoothukudi) port in Tamil Nadu, for allegedly trying to enter India illegally.

However, MEA spokesperson Raveesh Kumar in his official statement said they were trying to ascertain the veracity of the reports and would contact the Maldives government for further information.

According to reports, Adeeb is being questioned by central government agencies for allegedly trying to enter India illegally. Adeeb is believed to have travelled to India in a Virgo 9 tug boat, which was returning after unloading gravel in Indonesia. He was posing as a crew member.

Officials said that Adeeb was travelling to the country without any valid papers and a probe was on to find out why the Maldivian politician had tried to enter India in an unauthorized manner.

The ship started its return journey to Tuticorin on July 27 with 10 people on board. “The Indian crew told the ship’s owner about the new man on it,” a senior police officer said. On being alerted by the shipowner, officials from the customs, Coast Guard and the intelligence agencies went to the ship and questioned the former vice president of Maldives.

Meanwhile, officials are yet to grant permission to the cargo ship, which carried Adeeb to dock at the Tuticorin Old Port in Tamil Nadu.

An eyewitness shared a video of the alleged arrest with the Maldives Independent.

According to the Maldivian daily, Adeeb had been freed two weeks ago from a house arrest. He had been serving a 15 days contempt of court sentence and was freed two weeks ago. Adeeb had, for the last three years, been in prison on charges of corruption and trying to assassinate the then Maldives President Abdulla Yameen, by blowing his speedboat in September 2015. In November last year, he was transferred to house arrest following Yameen’s defeat in the elections. Adeeb had been treated in Pune for an eye problem last month.

His 15 years sentence was squashed by the appeal court in 2019. The Supreme Court had, however, imposed a travel ban on Adeeb in late June. His passport was withheld after the Prosecutor General’s office filed appeals challenging the High Court ruling that set aside his convictions.

Crocodiles roam on Vadodara roads after the city receives 20 inches rainfall in 6 hours, Vishwamitri river overflows


Vadodara in Gujarat has received unprecedented rainfall of 20 inches in 6-7 hours. Vishwamitri river has overflown and the crocodiles from the river have entered the residential areas.

As per reports, over 300 crocodiles live in the Vishwamitri river. Hence whenever the water levels in the river increase, the crocodiles come to the residential areas of the city. Such situation had happened back in 2014 as well where crocodiles were found roaming on the streets of Vadodara.

Gujarat government is on alert after the heavy rainfall. 5 NDRF teams have been dispatched to Vadodara from Pune. Right now, 4 NDRF and SDRF teams each are present along with 2 teams of Army, 2 SRP companies, police and fire teams from Surat. Rescue and relief operations are currently underway.

The rains have stopped and the water levels are receding.

Vishwamitri is a seasonal river which originates from Pavagadh hills. It passes through Vadodara before flowing into the Gulf of Khambhat. Last year, an 11-foot crocodile was amongst the four crocodiles rescued from the streets of Vadodara following a heavy rainfall. In another incident, a baby crocodile had entered a swimming pool in a farmhouse. Prior to that, in 2016, a two-feet long crocodile was found inside a bathroom of a house. The crocodile was later released into the river.

ISIS terrorist from Kerala killed in US drone strike in Afghanistan, was ‘missing’ since 2017

A Kerala man who was long suspected to have joined the Islamic State in Afghanistan is reportedly killed in a recent US drone attack. His family has been communicated about his death through Whatsapp from an unknown number based out of Afghanistan.

Identified as Muhammed Muhasin, the resident of Edappal in Malappuram district was an engineering student who had gone missing since October 2017. According to the sources, Muhasin died along with Huzaifa al-Bakistani, a vital commander of ISIS in Khorasan province of Afghanistan. Bakistani was a highly trained terrorist who is accused of radicalising many Indian youths.

Police sources claim Muhasin’s family got a message on WhatsApp on Tuesday, communicating them about his death. The message which was sent in Malayalam said, “Your brother has been seeking martyrdom and Allah has granted his wish. He has become a martyr 10 days back,’’ referring to the US drone attack on July 18.

The Whatsapp message further read, “Please don’t inform police about this development or they will start coming to your home and continue to pester you. Your brother wouldn’t want this.”

Gradually, the state of Kerala has become a fertile hotbed for recruiting youths for Islamic terrorist organisations. A raft of people from the Southern state of Kerala has joined the ISIS ranks. According to the sources, both men and women are fighting for the terrorist organisation in Afghanistan, Iraq and other countries where it operates. Kannur tops the list of cities and towns from where a majority of people in the state have fled to join the terrorist organisation.

As per data from the last few years, approximately 98 people have joined the Islamic State from Kerala. Out of these 98, 38 are believed to have been killed while 60 are still alive fighting for the organisation. As of June 15, 40 including 8 women from Kannur are part of the ISIS. Apart from Kannur, radicalised youths from Kasaragod, Kozhikode, Malappuram, Ernakulam, Thrissur have shunned their towns and fled to the middle-east to wage their jihad under the flag of ISIS. According to the intel, pro-ISIS Malayali groups operate from the gulf countries and they specifically target Muslims of Kerala.

The NIA has been investigating several cases of radicalisation and ISIS recruitment undergoing in Kerala. Last year, a female ISIS recruiter named Yasmeen was sentenced to 7-years jail by an NIA court. Yasmeen and her friend Abdul Rashid had been operating in Kerala’s Kasargod district to radicalised people and send them to fight for ISIS.

Zomato promises to send ‘Hindu delivery boy’ after PR stunt backfired, claims customer


Zomato has found itself in the centre of a huge controversy after its PR stunt on Wednesday backfired miserably. Despite their claims of ‘Food has no religion’, it became evident that there is a stark contrast in the manner in which it deals with the grievances of different religious communities.

Now, a person on Facebook has claimed that Zomato customer care promised to send a Hindu delivery boy whenever an order is made to the said address. A screenshot has been posted to back his claim. In the screenshot, Zomato’s customer care can be seen apologizing profusely to the customer.

Screenshot of chit with Zomato customer care


The person has also posted a video of the screen of the phone showing the conversation as further evidence of his claims.

The above-mentioned chain of events follows from the sequence of developments that occurred yesterday. After much outrage, Zomato had issued a statement saying that they were willing to add a ‘Jhatka’ tag to their service if consumers demand. It was quite a climb down from their earlier proclamation that ‘Food has no religion’. It was perceived by many to be an attempt at damage control.

We tried to contact Zomato office multiple times to confirm the authenticity of the screenshots, but we didn’t get any response.