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Despite no complaint, MP Police to act against Zomato user for refusing a non-Hindu delivery boy and ‘hurting religious sentiments’


Recently, the Zomato incident has created a storm on Social Media after a Twitter user called Amit Shukla had announced that he did not want a ‘non-Hindu’ deliveryman since it was the month of Shravan and it went against his faith. After the barrage of abuse that was hurled on Amit Shukla, it seems his troubles are just beginning.

The Jabalpur police in Madhya Pradesh have decided to take suo motu action against Amit for posting a tweet that inflamed communal passions. Amit Shukla has been asked to sign a bond of Rs 1,00,000. The police will watch his activities over the next six months. If repeats the offence during this period, the bond money will be taken by police and he will be put in jail.

OpIndia spoke to the Superindentent of Police who confirmed to us that he has taken suo motu cognisance and is initiating preventive measure against Amit Shukla.

SP Amit Singh said that he will be initiating action against Shukla under 107 and 116 of CRPC. He said that the case will be filed in the Gorakhpur police station under preventive measures since according to him, Shukla’s tweet could inflame communal passions and hurt religious sentiments.

If the preventive measure if not adhered to by Amit Shukla, then he will be ‘jailed for breach of trust’. He said he took suo motu cognisance of the tweet because it was circulated widely on social media and because Jabalpur has been historically communally sensitive and has a large Muslim population. He also said that Shukla’s tweet was against the constitution of India because there was no concept of untouchability any more.

He also said that his tweet was breaching the fundamental right of the other person. He even said that once the preventive action is taken, even if Shukla tweets or retweets communally sensitive posts, the remaining period of the preventive bond will be invoked and he will be sent to jail.

When asked about the several other communally ‘sensitive’ posts that are shared and why only this post is being taken cognisance of, SP Amit Singh said that Jabalpur is a communally sensitive area with a large Muslim population. He also said that it was the festive season and communal tensions could be flared.

When asked which festival he is talking about, he said the Kanwar Yatra is still on, with several other festivals like Nag Panchami and Eid scheduled to be celebrated. He also said that other police stations should take action for the other posts which fall under their jurisdiction.

After the controversy erupted, Zomato, in an effort to grandstand had then tweeted that ‘food has no religion’. However, after it was pointed out that they themselves put religion on food by offering ‘Halal certified’ restaurant lists, they had issued a statement saying that will also be willing to provide Jathka meat if the demand arises.

The controversy was further fuelled when Uber Eats expressed support for Zomato. Interestingly, Uber itself had remained mum when ‘liberals’ had attacked the brand for one taxi sporting an ‘angry Hanuman’ sticker.

Pakistan grants consular access to Kulbhushan Jadhav on Friday as per ICJ order, India is evaluating the proposal


Almost 2 weeks after the International Court of Justice’s order, Pakistan has grudgingly agreed to grant India consular access to Kulbhushan Jadhav. Pakistan has said that Indian officials can meet Kulbhushan Jadhav on Friday.

Kulbhushan Jadhav was convicted of spying on Pakistan and a military court had sentenced to death in April 2017. The death sentence has been put on suspension as per the ICJ order and Pakistan will have to review the conviction and sentencing of Jadhav.

India has acknowledged the receipt of Pakistan’s invitation for consular access and said that the Indian government is evaluating the proposal in light of the ICJ order. The spokesperson of the Ministry of External Affairs said that they will maintain communication with Pakistan in this matter through diplomatic channels.

On July 17, 2019, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) had ruled in India’s favour in Kulbushan Jadhav’s case. The court unanimously found that it has jurisdiction in the case. The court rejected Pakistan’s objections to the admissibility of India’s application and found that the application filed by India was admissible.

The court also ruled that Pakistan had violated the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, by not informing Kulbhushan Jadhav about his rights under the convention, and also by not informing the Indian Consular officials in Pakistan about Jadhav’s arrest. The ICJ had ordered Pakistan to provide Kulbhushan Jadhav with an effective review and reconsideration of his conviction and sentence. After the ICJ’s verdict, Pakistan had assured that it will comply with it. A day after the ruling, Islamabad said Jadhav had been informed of his rights under Article 36, Paragraph 1(b) of the Vienna Convention.

India had made several requests to Pakistan for securing consular access to Jadhav but Pakistan had repeatedly thumbed its nose at India’s numerous appeals. It was after several failed attempts that India approached the ICJ in May 2017 to lodge a case against the injustice meted out by Pakistan on Kulbhushan Jadhav and their insistent refusal to grant India consular access to him.

India is yet to respond to Pakistan on the matter and the External Affairs Ministry is expected to brief the media about the development shortly.

Murder of Gopal, the Gaurakshak, is a tragedy, a gruesome crime, unfortunately, one that ‘elites’ couldn’t care less about

On Monday evening, Gopal from Haryana was shot dead by cattle smugglers. He was murdered near Palwal village. According to reports, he was a member of a cattle protection group and was involved in several cases where smuggling of stolen cattle was prevented by locals.

Gopal’s murder was the latest in a long series of violent crimes committed by cattle smugglers. Unfortunately, the consciousness of the country’s intellectual elite isn’t rattled when Gaurakshaks are slaughtered mercilessly by criminals. It doesn’t appear to register on their mind that Gaurakshaks have families too. They are someone’s father, someone’s husband, someone’s son. Murder does not merely destroy one life, it leaves a million wounds in its wake that time cannot heal.

Yet, our country’s ruling elite has found a convenient way of deflecting attention from the series of crimes committed by cattle smugglers. It isn’t merely enough to ignore the spate of crimes against Gaurakshaks, they turn around and say, “It’s the Gaurakshaks who are to blame!” It’s a travesty of common human decency, of ethics and a recipe for chaos.

The mainstream media of our country has infinitely more time to debate irrelevant issues than actual ones. They spent more time debating Zomato’s PR exercise than the great menace of cattle smuggling that rural India is suffering from. They didn’t find much time to focus on the string of hate crimes against Hindus while they did have enough on their hands to invent fake hate crimes.

There’s a good reason for this. The elites suffer from a debilitating messiah complex. Therefore, it’s imperative for them to invent victims where none exist. Because people cannot be a messiah unless there are actual victims who require. However, speaking up for Gaurakshaks carried the risk of being branded communal or fascists, therefore, significant efforts are made to distance themselves from them.

Zomato’s PR exercise gets more coverage than the dangers Gaurakshaks and cattle owners face every day for a reason as well. It’s because the editorial board of mainstream media outlets belongs to the same class as the people who run Zomato. They can identify much more with them at a personal level. They are probably well acquainted with them, frequently order food from them and have a lot in common them. Having things in common with someone makes it much more likely that we will be concerned about them.

Consider the state of Gaurakshaks on the other hand. They are not very fashionable, they certainly do not belong to the same class as media professionals. They are rustic, live in completely different circumstances and face starkly contrasting hurdles. The ‘tyranny of distance’ that Rajdeep Sardesai once spoke of is very real. However, it doesn’t refer to physical distance alone, it also represents the vast distance between the lifestyles, worldview, the choices they make and financial status.

The reason why the intellectual elite is quick to believe fake stories of hate crimes invented by people from the Muslim community is because there’s a pervasive belief among them that Hindus from the poorer sections of societies are inherently bigoted and hateful. It’s extremely sad the extremely low opinion they have of them. It’s quite obvious that they do because nothing else explains their deplorable conduct. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to claim that the monsters are under the bed they warn their kids about are Gaurakshaks.

The plight of Gaurakshaks is ignored for the same reason. Why should the elites care if people they don’t know, don’t particularly like and certainly whose company they wouldn’t enjoy are getting murdered for their beliefs? They would much rather spend their time complementing Zomato for a tweet that isn’t even particularly brave and reeks of PR. It’s natural because the elite can identify themselves more with them.

Being Gaurakshak isn’t easy. The state perceives them as inherently guilty, the intellectual elite whose job it is to keep a check on the excesses of the government considers them filthy and monstrous and at the same time, they run the risk of being murdered by cattle smugglers. And yet, they carry on with their duty regardless of all the odds stacked against them.

We have no reason to doubt that Gopal was a good honourable man. He is survived by three daughters who were robbed of their childhood by criminals. Presumably, he had a wife who has suffered an irreparable loss. It wasn’t merely a Gaurakshak who died on Monday. He was a father, a husband, a son and a brother to many. And yet, no one apart from his family and band of brothers will mourn the loss of his life. There will be no debates on channels screaming that the conscience of the country has been violated. No politician will offer him any compensation or visit his family. Why? Because Gopal was a Gaurakshak. And the hearts of our elites don’t bleed for them.

Gaurakshaks belong to a different world entirely, a world which the ruling class doesn’t entirely understand or make any efforts to comprehend. Frankly, I don’t either but I have much more in common with them because we worship the same Gods. That is why I can at least make an effort to understand their concerns. They don’t do what they do because they expect a pat on the back, they do it because they perceive it to be their duty because they don’t have any other choice.

Some of them certainly go over the edge and commit crimes they shouldn’t. However, most of them certainly appear to be rather blameless in the whole scenario. It’s the duty of the Indian state to ensure that crimes aren’t committed and the law is implemented equally against everyone regardless of their financial status. However, the secular state of India has failed spectacularly at preventing cattle smuggling. Worse, the intellectual elite has turned a blind eye to them because it’s not fashionable in their circles to highlight the crimes committed by cattle smugglers.

The greatest tragedy of the whole matter is that Gopal’s death will not change anything. Numerous Gopals have been murdered as well but it hasn’t stirred the Indian state into action. The murders haven’t troubled the conscience of our ruling class. And so it will happen that before long, another Gopal will be murdered by smugglers. And more children will have their childhood destroyed, more families will suffer irreparable losses. Why? Because people from our ruling class don’t find their plight a worthy cause to espouse, because no from our intellectual elite finds it worthy to stand up for them, because our ruling class doesn’t consider their lives to be a priority and our intellectual elite lets them get away with their incompetence because they couldn’t care less.

Azam Khan’s son and SP MLA from Suar Abdullah Azam detained again for clashing with police amidst Section 144

In a continuing crackdown against controversial SP leader Azam Khan, police have detained his son Abdullah Azam Khan and his supporters again today. He was also detained yesterday for obstructing Uttar Pradesh police’s raids on Mohammad Ali Jauhar University.

Abdullah is the Chief Executive Officer of the University and is an elected representative from the Suar Assembly Constituency in the state. Today, Samajwadi Party organised a huge rally in Rampur as a show of strength to protest against the raids against Azam Khan and his son Abdullah Azam Khan. Abdullah was found violating Section 144, imposed by the police on the account of the ‘Save Azam’ rally staged by Samajwadi Party in Rampur today.

As per reports, UP Police had blocked all roads leading to the Mohammad Ali Jauhar University and imposed section 144 in the area. Despite this, Abdullah and his supporters tried to storm the university, leading to clashes with the police.

In an unrelated matter, Abdullah is also under investigation for allegedly submitting false details in his passport. According to reports, Abdullah Azam Khan has been booked under Sections 420, 467, 468, 471 of the Indian Penal Code and Section 12 of the Passport Act.

Earlier, the police had carried out raids at the university and recovered many valuable old books stolen from a centuries-old Madarsa in Rampur. Abdullah Khan later held a candlelight vigil to protest the raids outside the University. Azam Khan, the father of the SP MLA from Suar is the founder and chancellor of the university. The police conducted search operations at ‘Mumtaz Central Library’ of Mohammad Ali Jauhar University following a complaint by the principal of Madrasa Aliya, wherein he stated that 9000 books and rare manuscripts from the Madrasa have been stolen. The madrasa was established in 1774.

SP leader Azam Khan is facing dozens of FIRs over land grabbing cases.

In addition this, an FIR has been filed against the Samajwadi stalwart for allegedly stealing two lion statues which were installed at the Rampur club.

Unnao rape case: SC orders CBI to conclude the accident probe within 7 days, trial court to hear the case daily

The Supreme Court bench headed by Chief Justice of India Ranjan Gogoi has delivered an order to transfer of five cases from Unnao rape case and accident to a competent court in Delhi.

According to the reports, the Supreme Court has also directed the Central Bureau of Investigation to conclude the investigation relating to the accident in the next seven days. The trial court to hear the case on a day to day basis and complete the same within 45 days, said the CJI-led Supreme Court bench.

The Supreme Court bench also asked the victim’s counsel to take the opinion of the victim’s family with regard to shifting of the victim to a hospital in Delhi. The Amicus Curiae should also seek a similar opinion from family victim’s lawyer who was also injured and is in hospital in Uttar Pradesh.

The Supreme Court has also directed the CRPF to provide the security to the victim’s family and the lawyer of the victim.

The Supreme Court ordered the Uttar Pradesh government to provide an interim compensation of Rs. 25 lakh to the victim and her family.

Earlier in the day, Unnao rape accused MLA Kuldeep Singh Sengar was expelled from the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). The decision to sack the rape accused MLA comes after mounting pressure on the party after an accident killed kin of the Unnao rape victim and injured the victim and her lawyer.

The Supreme Court bench led by Chief Justice Ranjan Gogoi is hearing the Unnao rape case. On Thursday, the SC had directed to transfer all the 5 cases related to the Unnao rape case out of Uttar Pradesh. It had also sought the presence of all CBI officers involved in the cases today to get the status report.

Former BJP MLA Kuldeep Singh Sengar is the prime accused in the 2017 high profile rape case. The case pertains to an alleged rape committed by Sengar and his plot to silence the victim and intimidate her relatives by framing them in police cases based on flippant charges.

On Sunday, the victim of the Unnao rape case was travelling to Rae Bareli with her two aunts, and her lawyer Mahendra Singh when their vehicle was hit by a truck, rendering them critically injured. The vehicle collided with a truck going in the opposite direction towards Lalganj in UP. The victim is now battling for her life.

Two of her aunts were killed in the accident while her lawyer also sustained serious injuries.

Bijnor: Muslim youths break Goddess Bhavani idol after entering temple pretending to be Hindus

The UP police have arrested two Muslim youths for vandalising a Hanuman temple and breaking the Goddess Bhavani’s idol in Bijnor, Uttar Pradesh.


As per reports, on Wednesday, around 9.30 am the two Muslim youths entered the Panchmukhi Hanuman temple and asked the priest to put tilak on their foreheads. After roaming around for some time they pelted stones at the Bhavani Mata’s idol and vandalised it using sticks and stones.

City Kotwal RC Sharma revealed that one of the accused named Rashid son of Adil is a resident of Mohalla Mirdagan and the other accused is Yasin, son of Shadab, is a resident of Mohalla Kassabian in Bijnor district, Uttar Pradesh.

The committee officials and devotees accused Rashid and Yasin of breaking the idol and started beating them up. Several police officials, including SP Sanjeev Tyagi, SP City Laxmi Niwas Mishra, SDM Sadar Brajesh Kumar and CO City Arun Kumar, after getting the information rushed to the spot.

Assuring that strict action would be taken against the miscreants the officers pacified the mob and arrested the two accused. They were then taken to Haldaur police station where they were interrogated for four hours.

Many people belonging to different Hindu organisations reached the police station and demanded prompt action.

During interrogation, the youths revealed that they had changed their names to hide their identity. The police revealed that the two youths were accompanied by two girls who are believed to be school students. As per the reports, the temple committee has informed the police that the youths were regular visitors to the temple and put on the ‘tika’. The temple committee suspects that the men lured the school girls into a love affair by pretending to be Hindus.

Meanwhile, the temple committee head, Akhil Kumar Agarwal has submitted a written complaint against the two youths who vandalised the temple idols and the Bijnor police are investigating the case.

Temple vandalism has become rampant in recent times. The recent incident of the Durga temple desecration in Hauz Qazi in Delhi’ Chandi Chowk by a Muslim mob had raged the Hindu’s nationwide.

In another incident, a Muslim mob had attacked a Hindu temple on July 8, in Gauriya village in Lakhimpur Kheri, Uttar Pradesh. The mob of Muslims had attacked a Mahadev Mandir and damaged the structure.

Even as Delhi govt’s subsidy payments to power companies rise every year, Arvind Kejriwal makes electricity free for residents

After having received a setback in the Lok Sabha 2019 elections, Arvind Kejriwal-led AAP government, which lost all 7 Lok Sabha seats to BJP in Delhi, is on a spree of announcing freebies to woo Delhi residents. Following the declaration of free Metro and bus rides for women,  Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal today announced that electricity in the national capital from today onwards will be free for consumption up to 200 units.

Kejriwal stated that the incentive of getting free electricity will encourage the people living in Delhi to conserve electricity and make prudent use of it. In addition to this, those consuming 201-400 units will have to pay half the price as the Delhi government will give approximately 50% subsidy. CM Kejriwal proudly claimed that Delhi provides the cheapest electricity in the country.

Reacting to the move, BJP leader Harish Khurana questioned the Aam Aadmi Party supremo over the subsidies paid by the Delhi government to the electricity companies. Khurana has shared an RTI response which included details of subsidies given to electricity companies in the last five years. The figures suggest that the subsidies given to the electricity companies have risen exponentially with the only exception of the year 2014-2015.

In the second image shared by BJP leader Harish Khurana, one can see how the electricity companies have been steadily increasing the fixed charges in almost all of the categories. It also shows how the Delhi government’s share of subsidies is increasing on a Year-on-Year basis. Khurana further asked the pertinent question of Kejriwal as to who is paying these subsidies if not the Delhi government. Khurana implied that Kejriwal’s claim that Delhi people have to pay less for the electricity is misleading as the Delhi government is paying the subsidies from its treasury, which is essentially public exchequer.

It is not sure why Kejriwal thinks that people will make more prudent use of electricity if they get it for free. People tend to use less when something is expensive, not when it free or cheap.

The Delhi CM has been a big crusader against utility bills. He had won a historic victory in assembly elections in 2015 on the promises of reduced power tariff and free water. After coming to power, he had slashed power by fifty per cent up to 400 units, and announced 20,000 litres free water per household. Before becoming chief minister, he had illegally personally restored electricity connections to several households in Delhi which were disconnected by power companies for non-payment of bills.

Prior to this, Kejriwal had burdened the public exchequer by announcing free travel in Delhi Metro for women. He had then stated that free travel for women in Delhi Metro will encourage more women to use Metro and subsequently enhance their safety. However, Kejriwal couldn’t convincingly explain how travelling free is connected with one’s safety. Even Metro Man E Sreedharan had slammed Kejriwal and Manish Sisodia for destroying Delhi Metro for electoral gains.

Kerala cop death: Family alleges conspiracy, claims seniors harassed him because he was an Adivasi, was regularly abused

The body of a 30-year-old cop, Kumar NK, was found on the railway tracks in Kerala on July 25. His family alleged that Kumar was subjected to mental torture by his seniors as he belonged to a scheduled tribe community.

A suicide note has been recovered, which Kumar’s wife, Sajini RS, confirmed to be genuine on the basis of the handwriting. It divulged similar details which Kumar’s wife had shared.

“I suspect foul play. In the letter, my husband has specifically accused some senior police officers of harassing him. They forcefully evicted him from his new housing quarters. He also told me on several occasions about how these people were mistreating him because of his background,” she said.

Sajini RS added that Kumar was being regularly insulted in the camp because he belonged to the Adivasi community. Kumar, according to Sajini, had told her that he was often forced to work overtime because of his caste background.

While the police had registered a case of unnatural death, after the body of the cop was found near a railway track at Lakkidi in Palakkad on July 25, Kumar’s wife alleged harassment on the basis of caste discrimination. She said she will meet the Palakkad police chief tomorrow to register a formal complaint.

The SC/ST commission has also approached the District Collector and SP of Palakkad district and asked to file an immediate report on the death of Kumar. The Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIG) (Thrissur range) has formed a special team led by the Palakkad Special Branch Superintendent of Police (SP) to probe the case.

Kumar, a Chemistry graduate, hailed from the tribal belt of Attappadi in Palakkad. He was deployed at the Kallekkadu Armed Reserve camp in the district for the last six years as a civil police officer (CPO).

Police said that Kumar was earlier declared as a “deserter” on disciplinary grounds but eventually reinstated into the force.

There have been instances in the past where people have chosen to take up extreme steps alleging harassment by colleagues at workplaces on the basis of caste discrimination. On May 22, 26-year-old Payal Tadvi, a second-year MD in gynaecology at BYL Nair Hospital in Mumbai Central, hanged herself in the college hostel room alleging harassment by seniors. She had been allegedly driven to suicide by her seniors who reportedly used to humiliate her by making casteist remarks against her.

Haryana: Women harassed by Muslim youths during Kanwar yatra, protesting companions beaten up

Devotees participating in the Kanwar yatra in Gurgaon, Haryana were attacked by people from the Muslim community on Tuesday after they protested against the harassment of women by the Muslim men. Many of the women’s companions were injured in the process and they have been admitted to a hospital. A case has also been registered against the perpetrators.

The incident happened in Nuh town where girls were going to the Bhuteshwar temple to offer kanwar. Several Muslim youths present on the road started harassing the girls, which was protested by relatives and family members accompanying the girls. But the youths attacked them for this and many of them were seriously injured.

The Women Police registered a case against 8 people on the basis of a complaint filed by one Manoj Kumar. One of the accused, Israel, has already been arrested. The other accused, Asif, Hussain, Nauman, Zubair, Subbe, Naeem and Hashim are currently absconding and a search is on to arrest them. The arrested person has been produced before the court.

Manoj, Amit Singh, Sagar Mehra and Parvesh were injured during the attack. Communal tensions are prevailing in the area after the incident. The Police has assured that the rest of the accused will be arrested soon.

The Police said, “An incident has come to light where 7 or 8 people harassed women. We have registered an FIR in the matter. We have already arrested one accused and we will soon arrest the others and take strict action against them.”

Unnao Rape Case: Rape accused MLA Kuldeep Singh Sengar expelled from BJP

Unnao rape accused MLA Kuldeep Singh Sengar has been expelled from the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). The decision to sack the rape accused MLA comes after mounting pressure on the party after an accident killed kin of the Unnao rape victim and injured the victim and her lawyer.

On July 30, the Uttar Pradesh BJP chief Swatantra Dev Singh had said that Unnao rape accused Kuldeep Singh Sengar has been suspended from the party.

The Supreme Court bench led by Chief Justice Ranjan Gogoi is hearing the Unnao rape case. On Thursday, the SC had directed to transfer all the 5 cases related to the Unnao rape case out of Uttar Pradesh. It has also sought the presence of all CBI officers involved in the cases at 12 noon today to get the status report.

The Chief Justice of India has also directed the CBI to conclude the case within 7 days. The CJI also ruled that the CBI should file a charge sheet in the Delhi court.

The Chief Justice has also asked for the medical report of the victim. Reportedly, the victim is likely to be airlifted to AIIMS in New Delhi for further treatment.

Earlier Chief Justice of India, Ranjan Gogoi had pulled up the Uttar Pradesh government and sought full information on the investigations both in the rape case as well as on the accident, in which the survivor and her lawyer are critical, while two of her aunts were killed. “We want a full report,” the Supreme Court said.

The Supreme Court has sought the CBI reports by today noon. The CJI pulled up the CBI and Uttar Pradesh police and refuse to adjourn the hearing in the Unnao rape victim’s accident case.

Former BJP MLA Kuldeep Singh Sengar is the prime accused in the 2017 high profile rape case. The case pertains to an alleged rape committed by Sengar and his plot to silence the victim and intimidate her relatives by framing them in police cases based on flippant charges.

On Sunday, the victim of the Unnao rape case was travelling to Rae Bareli with her two aunts, and her lawyer Mahendra Singh when their vehicle was hit by a truck, rendering them critically injured. The vehicle collided with a truck going in the opposite direction towards Lalganj in UP. The victim is now battling for her life.

Two of her aunts were killed in the accident while her lawyer also sustained serious injuries. The woman’s family has filed a complaint alleging “conspiracy” behind the car crash.