Sunday, September 22, 2024
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Dear Anurag Kashyap, you made Gangs of Wasseypur, you should know that real problem India faces is this

Dear Anurag Kashyap,

I recently came across a tweet of yours on social media where you were quote tweeting someone when they asked you a question about being selective in your outrage and you replied by saying “तभी तो कह रहे हैं क़ानून बना दो लिंचिंग के ख़िलाफ़। नाकोईमरेगा, नाकोईमारेगा।“ (That is why I am saying make a new anti-lynching law, no one will die and no one call kill).

So essentially what you are trying to say is that the reason people get lynched in India is that we do not have a specific anti-lynching law which specifically deals with this crime and the moment a law like this gets drafted we will solve the problem? So as per the current state of affairs are you claiming that people in India can basically lynch each other? So every other act of violence and murder is bad but hey if a bunch of people get together and go and kill someone via lynching him/her that is cool?

Sorry to break it you, Anurag, but lynching is not legal in India. And no the solution to random acts of violence committed by a group of violent thugs no matter what denomination they belong to will not be solved by another law. India does have a problem, I agree with you on that limited point. But what I disagree with you on is about the degree, nature, causes and solutions to the aforementioned problem.

India does not have a lynching issue. India has a law and order issue. So the first thing we need to start with is phrasing the problem in the right manner. Once we do that we get a far better and a more holistic view of India’s problems. India is one of the most under policed nations in the world. To quote directly from a recent article in the livemint “The sanctioned strength of the police across states was around 2.8 million in 2017 (the year with the latest available data) but only 1.9 million police officers were employed (a 30% vacancy rate). As a result, according to Mint’s calculations, there are only 144 police officers for every 100,000 citizens (the commonly used measure of police strength), making India’s police force one of the weakest in the world. India’s police-to-population ratio lags behind most countries and the United Nations-recommended ratio of 222.”

A cursory glance at the random spread of violence across India gives us a clear cut indication that the Northern states (Cow belt) have a disproportionately high level of incidences (West Bengal and Andhra Pradesh being in the same category). The immediate question that one should ask if they saw such a trend would be what is the police to population ratio in these states. And guess what Anurag, these states have some of the poorest numbers for the entire country. Once again as per this article “Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh and West Bengal’s police forces are all extremely understaffed with less than 100 police staff for 100,000 population.”

To add to the chaos as if this story is not depressing enough the overall spending by state governments on police in India has actually gone down from 4.4 % of the total budgeted expenditure (Between fiscal 2011 and 2015) to 4% over the last four years, according to PRS Legislative Research. But yes, we need a new lynching law and automatically all these crimes will stop isn’t it?

India has had a long and detailed history of different committees being formed under different governments that have recommended police reforms. Between 1977-1981 the National Police Commission presented 8 reports on police reforms, this was followed up by the Ribeiro Committee recommendations in 1998 and then we had the Padmanabhaiah Committee in 2000. Each committee dealt with a wide range of issues which included subjects like budgets to be allocated by states, modernisation of the police forces, and interference by the political class in the working of the police forces in general. Last year the Supreme Court instructed all the state governments to execute the directives issued by the court in 2006. But guess what, not even a single state government has done anything about it.

I went through your open letter which you had co-signed with 48 other ’eminent personalities’ in detail. In the entire letter, all I found to my disappointment was political posturing and basically a wrong diagnosis to a recurring problem in India. India did not become violent in 2014 Anurag, India has been a country with huge swaths of land where we have no sense of law and order since 1947. I thought as a creator of the movie Gangs of Wasseypur you of all the people would have actually recognised that.

I do not want to cast any aspersions on you. In fact, I appreciate the fact that you are concerned about the lives of innocent people. But, if you really want to solve this problem of law and order in India what you and the 48 other co-signatories of that letter should have demanded was the immediate implementation of police and judicial reforms in India. By the way, I also want to add that I was equally disappointed by the reply to your letter by the 62 celebrities. It seems as if they also are more interested in countering your arguments with emotions rather than substance.

I guess that is how we deal with things in our society. We are more interested in virtue signalling and faux emotionalism. I wonder how many amongst the 111 celebrities have actually read the 2018 Lokniti report on the status of policing in India. And if anyone of you has read it then it saddens me that in spite of reading the report none of you bothered to mention the words “police reforms” even once in your letters to the Prime Minister. It says a lot about where our priorities lie.

The aim of this letter is not to put anyone down. The aim of this letter is to request all the ’eminent citizens’ of India to start fighting about the things that matter to the average citizen. Yes, Anurag, every Indian life matters. But what also matters is that we diagnose a problem properly. Because if our diagnosis is incorrect, we will never solve a problem. I hope you do read all the links that have been provided in the above letter and convince all your 48 like-minded and 62 not so like-minded friends to write one more letter to the Prime Minister together and many more such letters to the Chief Ministers of different Indian states.

India desperately needs police reforms. And if you really care about these problems (which I assume you do) do the right thing. Understand the problem and then work towards the correct solutions. Otherwise, I would say none of you are really interested in making Indian lives better. These letters were just one of those politically motivated campaigns that we have seen many times before in our past.

Kushal Mehra

An Average Indian who just wants to live peacefully.

Kolkata: Youth denied admission in two major government hospitals, faces the risk of losing a leg

The plight of medical apathy in Kolkata’s government hospitals came to the fore when a 20-year-old youth was denied admission by two major medical hospitals, even at the risk of losing a leg.

The boy, identified as Krishna Acharya, first visited Sagar Dutt Medical College Hospital and was rejected from there. The factory worker then visited RG Kar medical college, where the hospital kept postponing his date of admission. Every time he approached the hospital he was left with a note, which read, ‘Regret, No bed’.

Note of RG Kar hospital regretting unavailability of bed

The plastic surgery department in RG Kar medical college first gave Krishna Acharya July 17 as the date for admission, which was postponed to July 18, and the latest date promised is August 7.

The youth had been desperately running around to get himself a hospital admission since he met with an accident on July 14. He fell from his cycle and a car passed over his right leg leaving his right foot in a terrible condition.

Despite his deteriorating conditions, Krishna Acharya has not been able to find himself a hospital bed and now he fears amputation. But the chief doctor at RG Kar’s plastic surgery department, Rupnarayan Bhattacharya, claims that Krishna’s injury is not serious, and other critical patients needed to be attended urgently. He said the injury does not even require hospitalisation, saying it can be treated at home with proper dressing.

When asked why Krishna was informed that bed is not available and why he was asked to apply for a bed later if he does not need to be admitted, the doctor said that it was a mistake done by junior doctors. But the same Dr. has said that Bhattacharya Krishna needs surgery, and he even prescribed him some tests for the surgery.

However, this is not the first incident throwing light on the government hospital’s apathy towards its patients. In yet another shocking case, on July 4, a woman patient was forced to share a stretcher with an unknown male patient while being wheeled to the X-Ray room at the Maharaja Yeshwantrao Hospital in Indore, the largest state-run hospital in Madhya Pradesh.

In a similar case, the staff at the Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose (NSCB) Medical College in Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, was caught on camera dragging a patient to the X-Ray room on a bedsheet.

In another shocking case, on June 22, a 72-year-old man who was declared dead by a doctor at Bina District Hospital in Madhya Pradesh was found to be still breathing when his body was being sent for a postmortem after spending a whole night in the mortuary.

Moreover, reports on the outbreak of Acute Encephalitis Syndrome (AES) in Bihar’s Muzaffarpur had also revealed the unpreparedness, callousness and the apathy of the government and the hospitals falling under them.

TVF Qtiyapa uses the same language as Islamic terrorists, mocks PM Modi using Gau Mutra slurs

Yesterday, Social Media was taken by storm when British adventurer and survival expert Bear Grylls, known for his popular television show Man Vs Wild, announced through his Twitter account that he will host Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi on his show. “People across 180 countries will get to see the unknown side of PM Narendra Modi as he ventures into Indian wilderness to create awareness about animal conservation & environmental change,” tweeted Grylls. 

The announcement by Grylls and Discovery Channel had instantly become the top news in India as the social and mainstream media started discussing the PM’s appearance on the widely popular show. Numerous memes and jokes were also shared on social media over the PM’s appearance on the show with Bear Grylls.

In one such attempt, the popular online content creator ‘The Viral Fever,’ whose founder is mired in sexual molestation cases, attempted to mock PM Modi by posting a video edited out of the teaser released by Bear Grylls with ‘Gau Mutra’ jibes.

The caption of the video read Bear Grylls asking PM Modi if ‘Gau Mutra’ is better than his urine. This was a sly attempt by the portal to deride Hinduism where the cow is revered.

It is notable here that several Ayurvedic practices consider the cow urine to have healing properties and this aspect is often used by Hinduphobics to deride the believers of Hinduism and the sacredness of cow.

Soon after posting the video, a large number of TVF followers started objecting to the crass meme uploaded by TVF. Sensing a potential blowback, similar to that faced by AIB for its distasteful anti-Hindu memes, TVF quietly pulled down the obnoxious post. Earlier, the All India Bakchod(AIB), which was known for sharing anti-Hindu stuff on its social media pages, was disbanded following allegations of sexual harassment against their founders.

It is also noteworthy to mention that the Pulwama terrorist who blew himself up killing 40 CRPF personnel earlier this year, had used similar Gau Mutra jibes while justifying his hatred for Hindus in the video released after the dastardly attack. In the video uploaded by Jaish-e-Muhammad, terrorist Adil Ahmed Dar was seen vowing to kill Gau Mutra drinkers. Islamic zealots and terrorists have often used the Gau Mutra jibes as an insult towards Hindus, to justify their acts of violence.

So, when social media entities with a considerable follower base such as TVF echo the same sentiments as terrorists do, they offer credence and legitimacy to the narrative of militants that Hindus are worthless beings who deserve to be mocked and attacked. Thus further emboldening them to continue spreading hate and violence. The attempts to use Gau Mutra as an insult is nothing less than blatant Hinduphobia.

Intelligence agencies fear terrorists in jail radicalising common inmates, Home Ministry to create separate jails for the terrorists

The intelligence agencies fear that the terrorists lodged in various jails across the country are a threat to their common inmates. The agencies feel that terrorists in the jails are converting the common prisoners into ‘jihadis’.

The intelligence agencies also mentioned that it was seen that some of the common prisoners living in close proximity with the terrorists in these jails also became terrorists after coming out of the jail.

In order to keep the common prisoners away from these hardcore terrorists, the Home Ministry is planning to create a high-security prison in every state where these terrorists will be placed.

According to the reports, there have been many such cases in the recent past, where these terrorists have terrorized common prisoners and turned many of them into jihadis. It has been often seen that the common prisoners lodged in the jail for minor offences become friendly to these hardcore criminals lodged in the same jail and these terrorists, in turn, introduce these small criminals to their masterminds or handlers. As soon as they come out of jail, these common prisoners become dangerous terrorists.

According to intelligence agencies, the risk of the highest radicalization is from the prisons located in Srinagar and Jammu.

Last year, when the National Investigation Agency (NIA) raided the Central Jail in Srinagar and conducted a large-scale search operation, the prison officials discovered the Pakistani flag, 25 cellphones, posters of Lashkar and Hizbul and jihadi literature from the jail.

All high-risk terrorists lodged in Srinagar Central Jail had then been shifted to prisons outside the Kashmir Valley.

The Union Home Ministry, for these reasons, has been since 2015, planning to construct such secluded jails exclusively for terrorists. It had asked all states to set up new security prisons outside cities for exclusively housing terrorists and said till that is not feasible, movement of high-risk prisoners should be restricted inside jails to stop them from indoctrinating other prisoners.

In a letter dated April 28, 2015, Kumar Alok, who was then the Joint Secretary in the Ministry of Home Affairs, had written to the Principal Secretaries of all states saying such measures need “serious consideration for being implemented on priority” based on the current security challenges faced by the jail administrations of various states. The segregation of terrorists in separate jails to be constructed outside city limits could be a first for the country.

The Home Ministry had also suggested that there should be arrangements made of the court’s hearing through video conferencing in case of high-risk prisoners.

It had further pressed for installation of CCTV cameras, mobile jammers with state of the art prison surveillance system and enforcement of a regular security classification protocol for screening and risk assessment of prisoners so that level of security within a prison is categorized in terms of risk to prisoners.

Congress accuses Modi govt of wanting to divide and bankrupt Muslims by making them pay for divorce proceedings with Triple Talaq Bill

Congress has been opposing the Triple Talaq Bill introduced by the Modi government tooth and nail. Today in Rajya Sabha, during the discussion on the bill, Ghulam Nabi Azad, senior Congress leader made a bizarre statement that exposes the Congress mindset. Azad said that the Modi government wants Triple Talaq to be abolished because they want to ‘Muslims to keep fighting among themselves’ and go bankrupt while fighting divorce proceedings.

Congress leader Azad said that the Triple Talaq Bill is politically motivated so the “minorities are occupied in fighting amongst themselves”.

He said that the husband and wife will have to hire lawyers to fight for divorce, sell their land in the process to pay for the lawyers. He then said that by the time the jail term of the husband is over, both the husband and wife would have gone bankrupt.

He continued his bizarre tirade by saying wheen the Muslim man comes out of jail, he will either commit suicide or become dacoits and thieves.

Saying all of this, the Congress leader said that this is the true intention of the bill.

Essentially, Congress seems to believe that instant Talaq, by which the Muslim husband can merely utter the word ‘Talaq’ three times and abandon his wife is a practice that is worth retaining so that Muslims feel ‘united’ and don’t end up spending much money on court proceedings.

The Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Bill, 2019, seeks to criminalize the act of instant divorce among Muslims with a three-year jail sentence for men who practice triple talaq, which has been made illegal by the Supreme Court.

Interestingly, it was the Congress government during the Prime Ministership of Rajiv Gandhi that had overturned the famous Shah Bano verdict of the Supreme Court and deprived a Muslim woman of the maintenance she had won the right to in the court of law.

Congress, in its bid to retain its feeble minority votebank, seems to be batting for the Sharia law and its evils without much caring about the plight of Muslim women.

As the opposition parties continue to oppose the Tripple talaq bill, another incident of triple talaq and nikah halala has emerged. A woman from Bhilai in Chhattisgarh received a triple talaq from her husband over the phone. The husband went on to marry another woman after that. After that, her father-in-law had asked her to undergo nikah halala in order to get back with her husband.

Recently, a Surat man had given triple talaq to his wife after her parents could not give dowry to buy an auto-rickshaw. In another shocking incident, a man issued Triple Talaq and then pressurized her to undergo halala with his younger brother and uncle.

In Uttar Pradesh, Muslim clerics objected to Lucknow University’s decision of including Triple Talaq in the curriculum and demanded it to be dropped.

Once a prime accused in Syed Modi murder case, till-yesterday Congress leader Sanjay Singh joins the BJP

Former Congress leader and Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh has today joined the Bharatiya Janata Party with his second wife Ameeta Singh. Singh, once a prime accused in the Syed Modi murder case, had resigned from Congress and his Rajya Sabha seat yesterday. He has long been considered a Gandhi family loyalist.

Singh and his wife Ameeta joined BJP today in presence of JP Nadda at the party’s national headquarters in Delhi.

Reportedly, Sanjay Singh said the reason to leave the Congress party was because of zero leadership in the party. Singh who is considered as a tall leader in the Amethi region was earlier with the BJP and was elected to Lok Sabha in 1998. He later joined back Congress in 2003.

“I have resigned from the Congress, as well as Rajya Sabha. Will join the BJP tomorrow. I am supporting Modi because of his sabka sath sabka vikas,” said Sanjay Singh.

His second wife Ameeta Singh has also quit the Congress. She was chairperson of All India Professional Congress in the state of Uttar Pradesh.

“I have been with the Congress since 1984. My decision of leaving won’t impact Congress in any way. Whatever has happened in Congress in 15 years hasn’t happened before. I took this decision after thinking a lot about it,” said Singh.

Sanjay Singh who was a close friend and classmate of Rajiv Gandhi was named a prime suspect in the high profile Syed Modi murder case. Syed Modi was one of the most promising players of India hailing from Uttar Pradesh, was brutally murdered in 1988. Sanjay Singh, Syed Modi’s wife Ameeta Singh and another Congress leader outlaw-turned-politician, former MLA from Rae Bareli Akhilesh Singh were charged for criminal conspiracy and murder.

However, Sanjay Singh, a close friend of Rajiv Gandhi allegedly got his name as well as Ameeta’s name dropped from CBI charge sheet. Sanjay Singh went on to marry Ameeta in 1990 while still being legally married to Garima Singh, a relative of VP Singh.

Interestingly, in the 2017 Uttar Pradesh legislative assembly elections, Ameeta Singh had contested the Amethi constituency as an INC candidate and had Garima Singh as one of her opponents, who stood from the BJP. Both women named Sanjay Singh as their spouse in their election affidavits, and it was Garima who won the contest by 5065 votes.

It is also interesting that Sanjay Singh is now joining the BJP from which his estranged wife Garima Singh is already an MLA.

Kuldeep Sengar was suspended and will stay suspended till CBI inquiry is underway: UP BJP Chief on Unnao rape accused

The Uttar Pradesh BJP chief Swatantra Dev Singh has said that Unnao rape accused Kuldeep Singh Sengar has been suspended from the party. He would continue to be suspended and CBI enquiry is underway.

Former BJP MLA Kuldeep Singh Sengar is the primary accused in the high profile rape case. The case pertains to how the victim was lured and raped by a host of people, including the BJP MLA and how co-ordinated and meticulous schemes were hatched to silent the victim and intimidate her relatives by framing them in police cases based on flippant charges.

Two days ago, the victim of the Unnao rape case was travelling to Rae Bareli with her two aunts, and her lawyer Mahendra Singh when their vehicle was hit by a truck, rendering them critically injured. The vehicle collided with a truck going in the opposite direction towards Lalganj in UP. The victim is now battling for her life.

It has now been revealed that the truck which was involved in the accident on Sunday evening belongs to a Samajwadi Party leader, Nandkishor Pal aka Nandu Pal.

Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra in a bid to score political brownie points on the rape victim’s accident, shared the copy of the FIR on her Twitter account making the name of the rape victim public. Priyanka Gandhi, later on, deleted the tweet.

Karnataka: Yeddyurappa led BJP govt overturns previous govt order, cancels Tipu Jayanti celebrations

Citing public anger, the Yeddyurappa led newly formed BJP government in Karnataka has overturned previous JDS-Congress alliance government’s decision and ordered Kannada Culture Department not to celebrate Tipu Jayanti. The Congress government had started celebrating Tipu Jayanti from 2014. Hindus, especially from the Kodagu region have been protesting against it.

Last year too, despite protests the Kumaraswamy government had celebrated Tipu Jayanti, the birth anniversary of the 18th-century king Tipu Sultan. However, last year, the then CM HD Kumaraswamy’s name was missing from the list because the Gowdas believe that honouring the Sultan of Mysore would bring them bad luck. It is believed that whoever honours the tyrant, pays for it.

Last week, after high octane drama that lasted over two weeks, the JDS-Congress government in Karnataka collapsed after being in power for about 14 months after it could not pass the trust vote. BJP then staked claim to form the government and BS Yeddyurappa swore in as the chief minister. Yesterday Yeddyurappa was able to prove his majority on the floor of the assembly.

Bareilly: Muslim cleric Munir Ahmad molests eight-year-old girl in a mosque, arrested by police

A Muslim cleric has been arrested in Bareilly on the allegation of molesting a minor girl. According to reports, an Imam named Munir Ahmad was arrested by police from Rampur.

The Imam had molested an eight-year-old girl in a mosque in Nawabganj area in Bareilly when she was there to attend a religious program. The girl used to go to the mosque located at the Dayalpur in Nawabganj to learn Arabic. On Friday evening she had gone there to offer her prayers. But when she arrived there, nobody else was present in the mosque. The imam of the mosque, Munir Ahmad took advantage of the situation and took under his control and sexually molested the minor girl. After that, he sent her home asking her to keep quiet.

The girl was very petrified and remained silent, and didn’t tell anyone about the incident. When on next day her family asked has to go to the mosque for her classes, she started crying. Her parents didn’t think much about this and scolded her for not going to the class. After two days, her parents questioned her what has happened, and finally, she told everything to them. Listening to this, angry family members rushed to the mosque, but the imam spotted them coming and escapes from the mosque.

After that, the parents lodged a complaint against the cleric at the Nawabganj police station. The locals also staged a protest in front of the police station, demanding that the accused should be arrested immediately. The police lodged an FIR on the basis of the complaint, and on Monday they arrested Munir Ahmad from Rampur. At present, he is being questioned by police custody.

Vox joins the bandwagon of fake news peddlers, uses dubious IndiaSpend data to allege ‘violent rise of cow-vigilantism’, blames Modi and Yogi

Far-Left propaganda outlet, Vox, published a video recently where it was argued that cow vigilantism is rampant in India. Titled ‘The violent rise of India’s cow vigilantes’, the video uses selective data and undue fearmongering to peddle a predecided false narrative.

Vox uses flawed data by IndiaSpend’s to further its agenda against Narendra Modi and Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath. We, at, have demonstrated repeatedly the flaws in their database and exposed it for the anti-Hindu drivel that it is. However, that doesn’t appear to have had any impact at all as the Left-Liberal ecosystem believes that it’s only in the defence of the worst among them that their most cherished ideals can be realized.

The video draws a direct correlation between Narendra Modi’s entry into national politics the rise in cow vigilantism. Vox also sees Narendra Modi’s condemnation of mob lynchings as further evidence of the authenticity of their biased narrative. It appears evident from the video that the narrative was predecided and after it was decided, facts were chosen as per the convenience of the producers and then force-fitted into the narrative.

The video makes no attempt to delve into the deeper questions as objective journalism demands. Instead, it merely regurgitates the narrative that is already being hammered by their comrades without any critical inquiry. There is absolutely nothing new in the video that Indian audiences could learn.

It was tailor-made for western audiences so that they could weep over a fake narrative. It presents them with only one side of the extremely complicated story. Quite clearly, the video was not designed to educate their viewers about facts on the ground. It was designed to cause moral outrage.

Amusingly enough, the video also claims that the Yogi Government’s crackdown on illegal slaughterhouses is further evidence of the BJP’s antagonism towards the Muslim community. It appears that Vox believes the Indian state should not subject Muslims to the same laws as Hindus and that Muslims are absolved of the consequences of their crimes merely because of their religious identity.

The video speaks of GauRakshaks but doesn’t even acknowledge the menace of cattle smuggling. Like their Desi Counterparts, Vox believes that the menace simply doesn’t exist. In reality, cattle smugglers are regularly involved in violent crimes and they are known to attack even the Police and the Border Security Force.

Vox also considers Police crackdown on cattle smugglers as an attack against the Muslim community. It is what happens when people deliberately close their eyes to obvious facts that are staring at them on their faces. Furthermore, Vox is of the opinion that the Yogi government cracking down on tanneries for causing pollution is further evidence of his anti-Muslim stand. Because, of course, curbing pollution is important. But not as important as allowing Muslims to get away with violating norms.

The Indian State does deserve criticism, of course, but Vox criticizes them for all the wrong reasons. When an objective journalist would criticize the government for failing to implement their own laws and cracking down on cattle smugglers to prevent the rise of cow vigilantism as a consequence, Vox confuses cow vigilantism which is a symptom of a greater malaise as the disease itself.

By any valid statistical measure, cattle smuggling is far bigger a threat to the law and order of the country than cow vigilantism. But in the Left-Liberal clown world, feelings take precedence over facts. Therefore, Vox refuses to even acknowledge that there exists the menace of cattle-smuggling.

It appears quite obvious that Vox entered the scene with an extreme set of biases. They decided to buy whatever Indian liberals were selling merely because they are part of the same in-group. Just because liberals in India are of a certain opinion, Vox came to the conclusion that the other side does not even deserve to be heard. After all, camaraderie is more important than being loyal to facts.

The video also makes it evident that mainstream media is the biggest purveyor of fake news. For all their supposed aversion to the phenomenon, their stance appears to be, “It’s a crime only when we do it!”