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Wahhabi lobby in the United States set up meeting between Imran Khan and Donald Trump, report suggests

Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan’s recent trip to the United States of America had made headlines for various reasons. From a humiliating welcome meted out to Imran Khan to a gaffe made by US President Donald Trump on Kashmir, the US-Pakistan bilateral meet had kept most of the enthusiasts entertained last week.

However, an interesting revelation has been made by the Sunday Guardian report on how Wahhabi lobby in the US played laid the trap to Donald Trump by fixing a meeting with Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan in White House on July 23.

According to the report, US President Donald Trump decided to meet Imran Khan despite contrary advice from few realists and analysts within the Trump administration such as the National Security Council (NSC), the State Department and analysts in the US Government (USG). The reports suggested that the meeting took place as a consequence of an intense lobbying effort by the well-funded Wahhabi network in Washington. The Wahhabi network reportedly roped in Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina to persuade President Trump to agree to such a meeting even though there was no substantive assistance by Pakistan in reining in the Taliban.

The meeting came into fruition despite Pakistan’s active support to Islamic terror groups such as Taliban, which once sheltered Osama bin Laden and presently hosts several fighters of ISIS and Al Qaeda. The influence of these terror groups has risen since the Trump administration began to have a close relationship with GHQ Rawalpindi in mid-2018 to seek assistance from the Pakistan army for ensuring a safe withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan.

The money-power behind the Lobby

The Wahhabi lobby in Washington, which remains among the most influential in the city is funded by Wahhabists in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar. The report says Senator Graham has been close to the Wahhabi lobby in Washington for decades now. He had even condemned Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman of Saudi Arabia for seeking to roll back Wahhabism rather than encourage it. Because of its money power, the Wahhabi lobby has been cordial in terms with many others close to President Trump, such as Thomas J. Barack, who has several contacts in the Middle East.

Initially, President Trump had declined to meet Imran Khan. However, the Wahhabi network in the United States was successful in bypassing usual bureaucratic channels within the government to ensure a meeting between President Trump and Prime Minister Khan that has had the effect of angering two US allies, Afghanistan and India. The Islamist network had expected that the Prime Minister of Pakistan will be able to establish a close personal relationship with Trump that could then be leveraged to get financial and other advantages for the Pakistan military.

Despite Pakistani establishing failing to honour its commitments to contain terror groups within its soil, the Wahhabi lobby broke through into the White House protocol to try and get Trump’s endorsement for an old formula of making India give concessions to Pakistan in exchange for Pakistan making concessions to the US. The Wahhabi lobby in Washington has comprehensive information about Trump officials and makes sure that there is an active link maintained between the officials and the lobby.

The Wahhabi International network builds up relationships with the youthful and unwary agency staffers who are newly recruited into foreign diplomatic missions. Then they ensure that such staffers are made familiar with and hopefully appreciative of the thinking of the Wahhabi lobby. Over the past nine months, because President Trump has revealed several times his impatience to “get out of Afghanistan”, such staffers have been turning to the four-decade-long GHQ strategy of trying to make the US put pressure on India to make concessions to Pakistan on Kashmir. The report states that such Wahhabi-influenced advice may have been behind President Trump’s sudden show of eagerness to get involved personally in the Kashmir issue, a move that is diplomatic trap in the context of the current US desire for a close security and defence partnership with India. As regards to Afghanistan, assisting the Taliban to take power will have consequences that destroy the little chances that exist now for stable Afghanistan to emerge from the wreckage caused by the actions of Pakistan and the flawed US responses to them.

Efforts to link Afghanistan with Kashmir

The recent gaffe made by Donald Trump ensured that his visit to India in 2019 is unlikely. It will take months to repair the damage before being forgotten by the Indian public. The report suggests that the senior officials in Washington are privately unhappy that President Trump offered himself publicly as a mediator between India and Pakistan on Kashmir after acting on the influence of the Wahhabi lobby and its backers such as Senator Graham. While refusing to go on record, and speaking only on “deep background”, key policymakers warn that a small cabal still exists of pro-Pakistan elements within the US Government (USG) which includes US Ambassador to Afghanistan, Zalmay Khalilzad, who has been suggesting to the White House that ‘the key to Pakistan’s sincere cooperation with the US in Afghanistan is through India being made to make concessions on Kashmir”.

Reportedly, A pro-Pakistan military lobbying network has been active within Washington since the 1970s promoting the interests of the Pakistan military. Even in the times of Barack Obama in 2009, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had hand-picked Richard Holbrooke as an envoy, who had an extensive relationship with Pakistan military and meddled in matters relating to the state through his many high-level contacts in the Lutyens Zone.

The effort to link Kashmir with the situation in Afghanistan has continued to the present, especially within the National Security Council and the State Department both of which still contain voices echoing the GHQ argument in favour of a robust US role in ensuring that India make concessions on Kashmir that would put at risk our country’s interests and security.

Senior officials at the US government believe that Donald Trump was made to fall into the trap laid for him by the Wahhabi lobby. However, senior officials say that the US President has “a very shrewd mind”, and hence that he “rapidly reversed course once it was made clear that the Wahhabi lobby was promoting policies that would damage the long-term US interest in a close and collaborative relationship with India”.

In the recent past, pro-GHQ elements within the Trump administration have been lobbying officials in Delhi to bring the All Parties Hurriyat Conference back into the core of Indian policymaking in Kashmir. Reports suggest that the US officials say that it is the pro-Pakistan cabal within US government that had been lobbying President Trump to insert himself in the Kashmir issue on the side of Pakistan, “so that the Pakistan army will begin assisting and stop sabotaging US efforts at dis-engaging from Afghanistan”, a formula tried several times in the past by previous US Presidents without any success in stopping the sabotage of US objectives and boosting of terrorism by the Pakistan military.

‘U-Turn by Donald Trump ’

The Sunday Guardian reports that some officials were surprised to see Trump following the likes of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton in wanting to force India to make concessions in Kashmir to Pakistan in exchange for the unrealistic hope of GHQ giving genuine concessions to the US side against the very terror networks it protects.

The reports say that Trump has now “fully understood” that he walked into the trap set up by the pro-GHQ cabal in the US government. Following his realisation, Trump has kept silent even via tweets on the Kashmir issue ever since the meeting with Prime Minister Imran Khan. As the United States is looking forward for an India-US security alliance, pressure on India to make concessions to GHQ on Kashmir would kill the prospect of any such security alliance, something that the pro-GHQ cabal in USG is aware off.

The Wahhabi lobby including strategic experts in China and Russia are also expecting such an alliance would collapse following India’s response to Trump’s gaffe. Those eager for such an outcome are disappointed that Prime Minister Narendra Modi did not fall into the trap laid for him by Opposition politicians in Parliament. They demanded that Modi condemn Trump’s remarks directly, something that would have damaged the existing warm relationship between President Trump and PM Modi to the detriment of US and Indian interests.

The report suggests that the statesmanship showed by Prime Minister Modi was followed by President Trump reciprocating with quietly dropping any talk of mediation between India and Pakistan.

However, it is just the beginning as the cash-rich Wahhabi lobby in Washington will continue in its mission of promoting the aims of the Pakistan military, the only armed forces in the world that has “jihad” as its official motto, which will be a detriment to moderate and democratic forces of the world.

Contestant on Bigg Boss Tamil admits molesting women on bus to a cheering audience, Kamal Haasan normalizes rape culture by remaining silent

During the third season of the Tamil Bigg Boss TV show that was aired on Saturday night, a contestant casually admitted to molesting women on the bus. The revelation was met with a cheer from the audience. Actor-turned-politician Kamal Haasan, who hosts the show, normalized rape culture as he failed to condemn the brazen admission.

Singer Chinmayi Sripaada retweeted a video clip showing this. The video soon went viral as Twitter users expressed their outrage.

Kamal Haasan was trying to resolve a fight between two contestants Cheran and Meera. Meera had earlier accused him of manhandling and using violence during a task.

As seen in the video clip, Kamal later went on to explain the trouble involved in boarding a busy public bus. He said, “To travel on a busy bus is a big hassle. While there are people who are rushing to reach office on time, there are those who get in just to touch women inappropriately.”

Listening to this one of the contestants, Saravanan, raised his hands up and admitted to doing the same. Haasan initially thought that Saravanan meant that he used to beat up such molesters. Saravanan quickly interrupted him and admitted that during his college days he used to board the public bus just inorder to molest women.

This was received by a round of applause from the audience. To which Kamal Haasan says in Tamil, “He (Saravanan) has gone beyond all that and is now become pure and holy”.

As reported by India Today, Saravanan justified his actions by saying “It was long back, when I was in college”. Kamal Haasan’s spokesperson has said that the actor was being sarcastic.

Kamal Haasan is also the chief of the political party Makkal Needhi Maiam. He was caught in a controversy earlier for saying that “Independent India’s first terrorist was a Hindu and it was Nathuram Godse”.

Pakistan’s armed forces spokesperson passes off doctored video Air Marshal Keelor speaking on ’65 war as Balakot airstrikes

It has been five months since the Balakot air strikes, but parody country Pakistan has still not been able to come to terms that Indian Air Force fighter jets destroyed the terror camps thriving on their soil. Pakistan Armed Forces’ official spokesperson Major General Asif Ghafoor from her personal account shared a doctored video of veteran Air Marshal Denzil Keelor, a hero of the 1965 India-Pakistan war.

In the video, Air Marshal Keelor is speaking about the 1965 war but that portion is omitted from the clip. Air Marshal Keelor is speaking about the losses during the war and says how some of the losses were not right. He mentions how some of the losses were due to tactical errors, inexperience. “You cannot go to war inexperienced. The price we paid for it was quite heavy,” he says. He added how Pakistan appeared better equipped than the Indian side.

The clip is then edited after which he says how certain information shouldn’t have been made public as it gives out details about failures, like tactical failures, strategic failures and military leadership failures. The video also had inset video which had clips from the Balakot air strikes where Wing Commander Abhinandan was captured by Pakistan, to be released later.

The video is originally a few years old where Air Marshal Keelor was recounting his 1965 India-Pakistan war.

In the video he is speaking about the 1962 India-China war as well which Air Marshal Keelor says was Jawaharlal Nehru’s failure. He said how Nehru relied on diplomacy and ignored the armed forces, because of which India lost.

Pakistan’s Major Ghafoor, however, made this admission of the 1962 war failure to be that of Balakot airstrikes which actually had destroyed terror camps on Pakistan soil.

After four hours and numerous people pointing it out to him that he got the dates mixed up by over five decades, he tweeted a clarification that he was not aware the clip is edited.

Parody country Pakistan’s spokesperson of armed forces continued to be brazen about it and said that he got confused because ‘admission and expression’ were ‘too identical’ to differentiate. “environment remained unchanged for IAF on both the occasions,” he added without realising that the ‘failure’ Air Marshal Keelor was speaking about was that against China, not even Pakistan!

The Wire journalist reduces Dr APJ Abdul Kalam to his religious identity of being a Muslim, compares him with her former boss ex-VP Hamid Ansari

Arfa Khanum Sherwani, the journalist at The Wire often known for her Islamist stance and fear mongering, had asked on social media yesterday why Dr APJ Abdul Kalam is eulogised and Hamid Ansari is ‘demonised’. She even trivialised her comment stating that what kind of Muslim will be ‘acceptable’ to the right wing.

Sherwani’s Tweet was an extension of a comment she had made a few minutes earlier. Replying to ThePrint journalist Shivam Vij’s question on why Dr APJ Abdul Kalam is respected by Indians, Sherwani had stated that Dr Kalam is eulogised because, according to her, he had embraced the Hindu way of life, and insinuated that Hamid Ansari is ‘demonised’ because he did not do that.

Via Twitter

Sherwani not only pretended to ignore Dr Kalam’s contributions to the development of Indian space and defence technology, his inspirational books and his life journey from a poor Tamil Nadu village to becoming the president of India, but reduced him only to his religious identity of being a Muslim. On the other hand, she compared him to Hamid Ansari, who is more known for his terror apologist stand and as of recently, his alleged attempts to endanger the lives of Indian RAW agents in Iran.

Twitter users replied in abundance to clear the stark contrast between Dr Abdul Kalam and Hamid Ansari.

Many Twitter users pointed out the recent reports that had stated how Hamid Ansari had endangered the lives of RAW agents stationed in Iran. earlier this month, a former RAW official had claimed that Hamid Ansari had deliberately ignored to help RAW officials held in Iran and had also worked to expose the RAW operation there when he was the Indian ambassador stattioned in Tehran.

Twitter users also pointed it out that any Indian, regardless of his/her political leanings respects Dr Kalam because of his achievements and his contributions to the nation’s development while Ansari, despite being appointed at high positions of power and being the Vice President of India for 10 years, chose to claim victimhood and sympathised with terrorists.

Some users, however, did not bother to go into the explainations and nuances of the difference in ideologies between Hamid Ansari and Dr APJ Abdul Kalam. They pointed out the most simplistic reason why Sherwani might love Ansari and criticise Dr Kalam.

Via Twitter

It is notable here that Dr Kalam is often scorned by some self proclaimed ‘liberals’ who are usually the supporters or beneficiaries of teh Congress ecosystem. Dr Kalam was never known to play the religion card of play victim due to his birth religion. Despite his humble beginings, he had risen to be one of India’s greatest scientists, the pioneer of India’s missile program and was made the president of India by the Atal Bihari Vajpayee government.

Hamid Ansari is not the only person Arfa Khanum Sherwani had chosen to defend. Earlier, she had also attempted to defend the utterly misogynistic and derogatory comments made by SP leader Azam Khan against BJP candidate Jaya Prada. She had also shown indirect support to regressive Islamic practices like Nikah-Halala. She is also very vocal in peddling fake victimhood and fear mongering among Muslims.

Kerala nun rape case: Sister Anupama fears sabotage of evidence to save rape accused Bishop Franco

In yet another major setback to Kerala nun rape case, Sister Anupama, one of the five nuns who led the protests against Bishop Franco last year, has alleged that there are efforts being carried out to sabotage evidence to protect rape-accused Bishop Franco Mulakkal.

According to the reports, expressed her fear over sabotaging the case after a local court in Pala, Kerala found irregularities in the copies of the cyber forensic report submitted in a DVD by the police and laboratory.

Sister Anupama, who is seeking justice for the victim nun allegedly raped by Bishop Franco, alleged that rape accused Bishop Franco is behind the efforts to tamper with evidence in the case. Sister Anupama said she will file a complaint against the forensic lab if real evidence is not handed over to the police. “This is a bid to prolong the trial,” Sister Anupama added.

Reportedly, the Pala court has issued the order after the magistrate PA Sirajuddin found a mismatch in the contents of the DVD submitted directly by the forensic lab earlier and the one submitted by police. The DVD handed over to the court has three folders, whereas the one given to the police has only two. Sister Anupama alleged the move not to hand over the entire evidence was intended to sabotage the case.

Another controversy related to the case had erupted after there were allegations against the Communist Kerala government after it had transferred two police officers who were probing against the Bishop.

Kottayam Superintendent of Police Harishankar and Vaikom Deputy SP Subash, who were the investigating officers in the Bishop Franco’s rape case had been issued marching orders by the state government raising serious questions about possible attempts to sabotage the investigation.

The Kerala government seems to be trying very hard to sabotage the rape case against Bishop Franco. The Kerala government has also conveniently appointed a CPI(M) member CS Ajayan as the Defence Attorney for Franco Mulakkal, in addition to two other lawyers.

Franco Mulakkal, Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Jalandhar, was accused of raping a 44-year-old nun at a guest house in Kuravilangad in May 2014 and subsequent sexual exploitations afterwards. The nun had registered a complaint on June 2018 and has also claimed that despite her complaints, the church took no action on the bishop.

The congregation had also stood by the rape accused and referred to him as an “innocent soul”. The Malankara Orthodox Church had been supporting the rape accused Bishop and attempts were also made to vilify the victim nun.

Despite the initial delay in the arrest of the Bishop, Kerala police acted subsequently upon the incriminating pieces of evidence present against Bishop Franco Mulakkal of the Archdiocese of Jalandhar, Punjab, for allegedly raping a nun from Kerala on multiple occasions. Rape accused Bishop Franco was granted conditional bail in the case on October 15 in the case.

After his release, Bishop Franco was given a grand welcome in Jalandhar where people had arrived in large numbers. Since his release, the Missionaries of Jesus has attempted to silence those four nuns for supporting the victim nun who had accused Bishop Franco of rape.

The four nuns who had supported the rape survivor nun were asked to leave the Kuravilangad convent, and go to convents, previously assigned to them. Shockingly, apart from threats and intimidation, Father Kuriakose who had testified against Bishop Franco was found dead under mysterious circumstances.

Six Maoists, wanted for murder and attack on security forces, surrender in Maharashtra’s Gadchiroli district

On Saturday, a total of six wanted Maoists surrendered before the police in Gadchiroli district of Maharashtra. They comprised of two men and four women cadres. Collectively they carried a total reward of Rs 32.50 Lakh on their head.

As per reports, they were wanted for several cases of murder, kidnapping and attack on security forces. Among the surrendered was on Gokul Madavi who was the Commander of Company 4 of CPI Maoists. He carried a bounty of  Rs 8.50 lakh on his head. Three cases of murder and two cases of kidnapping registered against him.

Another maoist, known as Ratan alias Munna Kunjami (22), was involved in two encounters in Bijapur Ghat in 2017 and in Aaypenta encounter in 2018. He had several cases pending against him in Chhattisgarh.

Women Naxals were identified as Sarita alias Mukti Kallo(20), Shaila alias Raje Hedo, Zareena alias Shanti Hoyami (29) and Meena Dhurva (22). They carried bounties ranging from Rs 4.50 lakh to Rs 5 lakh.

According to the police a total of 14 Naxals had surrendered in 2019 till now. The surrendered Naxals also revealed that tribal girls were forcibly recruited in the dalams (armed squads).

The central government has promised to rehabilitate Naxals and urged them to join the mainstream by surrendering. Last year in November, 62 Naxals with 51 country-made weapons surrendered in Chhattisgarh’s Bastar region

Shekhar Kapur says ‘intellectuals’ still make him feel like a refugee, Javed Akhtar takes it as a personal offence

Javed Akhtar has moved on from writing lyrics and poetry to abusing those who not agree with him ideologically on social media. To make a merry out of his blissful Sunday, ‘intellectual’ Javed Akhtar attempted to pick up a fight against legendary filmmaker Shekhar Kapur after the latter expressed an opinion on the so-called ‘intellectuals’ of the country.

Shekhar Kapur, one of the foremost filmmakers of the country, in a tweet shared his own life experiences with the so-called ‘intellectuals’ of the country. Recalling his past, Shekhar Kapur mentioned about his life as a refugee after partition and how his parents sacrificed everything to make a life for them.

While expressing his viewpoint, Shekhar Kapur made a reference to ‘intellectuals’ of the country, who often make noise to disrupt the prevailing peace in the society. Kapur cited his interactions with these intellectuals, who looked upon to him as an ‘insignificant’ and only embraced him once his works began to be celebrated. He added that he still fears about ‘intellectuals’ while opining that their embrace is like a bite of a snake. He added that he was still a refugee.

Through his tweets, Shekhar Kapur was indicating at the reality of some of these ‘intellectuals’ and ‘celebrities’ present among us. Perhaps, Kapur was also subtly expressing his thoughts on the recent letter fiasco involving some of the ‘intellectuals’ and ‘celebrities’.

However, while Kapur hadn’t named anyone in his tweet, Akhtar who often considers himself to be an ‘intellectual’ despite there are serious doubts regarding his integrity and intellect, took it upon himself to respond on behalf of the ‘intellectuals’.

The triggered Javed Akhtar somehow wanted to make a point to counter Shekhar Kapur. “Who are these intellectuals who embraced you and you found that embrace like a snake’s bite?” a visibly upset Akhtar questioned Shekhar Kapur. Akhtar even cited few names of intellectuals like Shyam Benegal, Adoor Gopal Krishna, Ram Chandra Guha to cross-check whether Kapur was directing his tweets to anyone of his comrades.

Then began the quintessential Javed Akhtar abuse, as he declared that Shekhar Kapur was not well and he needed help. Javed Akhtar also mocked Kapur by saying that there was no shame in meeting a good psychiatrist insinuating that Shekhar Kapur had mental health issues. The ‘intellectuals’ are usually at the forefront of advocating mental health and are against trivialising mental health issues.

However, it did not stop there. As Shekhar Kapur ignored Akhtar’s blabbering, the latter seems to have experienced a high adrenaline rush resulting in sweating, heightened senses and rapid breathing. Continuing his abusive behaviour, Akhtar questioned Kapur’s choice of words and went on to refer to him as ‘poor rich but lonely guy’.

As Shekhar Kapur continued to ignore Javed Akhtar, the latter dropped in a barrage of tweets to nullify Shekhar Kapur’s views on intellectuals.

Javed Akhtar, one of the active members of the “liberal-secular” intellectual industry, often feels a sense of entitlement and control over the intellectual thought of this country. If a common man or anybody other than the cabal ever dare to question the existing intellectual feudalism, they are either mocked or abused to discredit their position.

Bihar man unleashes his dog on cow, journalist invents Hindu-Muslim angle

On Friday evening, a man in Patna, Bihar, was angry that a cow was tied to the gate of his house. He got angry and unleashed his pet dog on the cow which bit the cow. The residents got angry at the dog owner’s actions and things got a little tense. However, Police reached on the spot and controlled the situation.

However, journalist Narendra Nath, gave it a communal angle and spread fake information that the matters escalated over rumours that the dog owner was a Muslim.

However, it is untrue.

As per this report of the same incident, the house owner, who is a jeweller, was angry that people used to tie their cow outside his gate to milk them. When he took his dog out in the evening for a walk, he got angry on seeing the dirt. Following which, he unleashed his dog on the cow.

According to the eye witness, the owner had threatened to get the owner bitten by his dog if the cows are tied to his gate. He even said that the dog owner threw stones on the cows tied below.

Twitter user Mihir Jha, pointed out to Nath that none of the reports, web portals of local news mention the ‘rumour’ Nath is talking about.

He added that after Nath’s tweets, some portals picked up the ‘Muslim dog owner’ bit and wrote reports, which later were removed from the portals.

Nath’s tweet with fake information has already been retweeted over 2000 times. Nath, however, continues to stand by his falsehood.

Ahmedabad man registers Pak PM Imran Khan, rape convicts Ram Rahim and Asaram Bapu as ‘BJP members’, arrested

On Saturday, the cyber cell of the Ahmedabad crime branch booked 40-year-old man named Ghulam Fareed Shaikh of Shahpur area of Ahmedabad for forgery after he claimed to have made Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan a member of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

According to the reports, Ghulam Fareed Shaikh misused the membership drive launched by the BJP to register not only Pakistan PM Imran Khan but also the likes of rape convicts Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh, and Asaram Bapu through forgery. The accused not only forged membership forms of the BJP with these names but also reportedly circulated the e-membership cards on social media.

Ahmedabad city general secretary of BJP Kamlesh Patel said that the accused circulated the forged e-membership cards of Imran Khan, Asaram Bapu and Gurmeet Ram Rahim to tarnish the reputation of the saffron party.

Patel added that BJP had initiated membership drive since July 6 for which party had issued a cellphone number to register new members into the party. If a person uploads his personal details, photograph and cellphone number on a web link given through a text message after making a call to the party’s number, he would be given a membership card with party’s logo. This card is called e-card with a unique number being given to the member, stated the FIR according to Times Of India.

The BJP members came to know about the forgery on July 24 as Ghulam Fareed Shaikh shared these images showing e-cards of BJP primary membership of Imran Khan, Asaram Bapu and Ram Rahim Singh on social media.

A case has been registered in the cyber cell against Fareed Shaikh under IPC section 465 (forgery), IPC section 469 (forgery for purpose of harming reputation) and IPC section 471 (using as genuine a forged document or electronic record) and Section 66-C of the Information and Technology Act (punishment for identity theft).

CBI frames charges against Raqibul Hassan for hiding his religion and torturing shooter Tara Shahdeo

The Central Bureau of Investigation has framed charges against Raqibul Hassan alias Ranjit Kohli for giving false information about his religion while marrying national-level shooter Tara Shahdeo.

Reportedly, the court has also framed charges against four others for allegedly helping Hassan. On Friday, the special CBI judge Ajay Kumar Gudia read out the charges against the accused in their presence.

The other accused against whom charges were framed are Raqibul’s mother Kaushal Rani, former judge Pankaj Srivastav, The CBI has also framed charges against Rajesh Prasad, the then judicial magistrate of Gaya.

The court has fixed August 23 to begin the process of recording statements of witnesses. The CBI has framed charges under IPC 120 B (criminal conspiracy) and 212 (harbouring an offender).

The Case

The incident had come to light in August 2014, when Tara left the house of her in-laws and made these shocking charges. In 2014, Tara Sahadeo had claimed that she was pressurised and tortured by her in-laws to accept Islam after she married a person, who she thought was a Hindu. She was barely married for a month before she had to walk out of it to save her dignity and choice of following her religion.

Tara had married another shooting professional named Ranjeet Kumar Kohli on 7 July 2014 in Ranchi. Ranjeet reportedly had been doing well professionally and was well connected with high profile people. Tara had met Ranjeet the same year-earlier during shooting practice. He started courting her and later proposed to her, to which she agreed.

Both were married as per Hindu rituals but Tara says that just a day after the wedding, she came to know that Ranjeet was not a Hindu. His real name was Raqibul Hasan Khan and he was a Muslim. Due to this reason, this incident was reported as a possible case of ‘Love Jihad’ back in 2014.

Reportedly, both Raqibul and his mother used to mentally and physically torture Tara, asking her to accept Islam if she wanted her married life to be normal. She was strictly warned not to apply ‘sindoor’, failing which her hands will be broken. There were dowry demands too from the in-laws, Tara had alleged.

A group of Maulvis were also called a couple of days after their wedding where Tara was asked to convert. Tara had alleged that she was brutally beaten up after she had refused to convert. She was allegedly further threatened that not only her, her family members will also be killed if she opened her mouth.

Tara had decided to break free finally when she used a mobile phone of domestic help to call her brother and asked him to come to her in-laws’ house along with the police. The incident came to public knowledge thereafter.

Later, accused Raqibul Hasan Khan had accepted that he had physically assaulted Tara but denied putting pressure for religion conversion. He was subsequently sent to judicial custody on 27 August and he is lodged in a Ranchi jail ever since. His mother was granted bail later.

CBI charge sheet against Raqibul

In 2017, the CBI had filed a charge sheet against Ranjeet alias Raqibul, his mother Kaushal Rani, and Mushtaq Ahmed, the then Registrar (vigilance) of the Jharkhand High Court, more detail on the case are emerging.

The High Court had asked the CBI to investigate the case and the case was transferred to the central agency in May 2015. CBI now has filed the charge sheet under sections of criminal conspiracy, sexual assault, domestic violence and for fraudulently organising marriage ceremony without lawful marriage.

On June 27, 2018, a Ranchi court had granted Tara Shahdeo divorce from her husband on the ground of false information and the subsequent domestic and physical violence.