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Is there a concerted attempt to sow doubts against PM Modi among his most loyal base?

By now, everyone of us who is out there on social media is aware of this strange new phenomenon. The toughest, most loyal BJP supporters are suddenly reeling as if struck by a Category 5 Hurricane. The feel good atmosphere of May 23 has all but evaporated and a sense of gloom and doom prevails among the online support base of PM Modi.

A new theory in town. That PM Modi has suddenly decided to go ‘secular.’ Or in other words, he has embraced the pseudo-secular trappings and hypocrisies of the old Indian political establishment.

I have to take this theory head on. Not necessarily to oppose. But because I want to discuss.

First of all, is there merit in the claim that the BJP has not done enough to break down the pseudo-secular old establishment? Absolutely there is. For example:

Why can’t we bring in a law to build a Ram Temple at Ayodhya? The courts began looking at the Ayodhya dispute since 1855-56! After what is possibly the longest legal case in history, it appears that the Supreme Court has thrown up its hands and asked for mediation! At least now it is time for the Govt to address the matter directly and build the Ram Temple, honoring the will of the people.

Why do we even have a ministry for minorities? Isn’t that where all the recent discontent about “minority scholarships” began? As Rahul Roushan wrote in an OpIndia article, why not just go for “deminoritization” and shut down this ministry? For those who care, the “Ministry of Minorities” isn’t even a time honored tradition. It was dreamed up by the UPA specifically as a vehicle for appeasement and vote bank politics. Why not abolish it?

Now that said, I have to ask if there is genuine cause for the sudden surge of negativity that has come to dominate social media in the last few months. Did something change suddenly? And more importantly, are there elements who are now actively playing on this negativity, trying to actually break Modi’s strongest support base by playing up half truths?

Let us start with the matter of minority scholarships. It’s the spot where this theory of ‘minority appeaser BJP’ originated and the anger has been simmering since. In a pronouncement that I suppose nobody on social media has forgotten, Minority Affairs Minister Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi declared that minorities would receive “5 crore scholarships” over 5 years of Modi 2.0.

That sounds like a big number, which made the outrage take off. Social media was flooded with all sorts of numbers. But was it really? I mean, the BJP government claims to have 22 crore beneficiaries in its first term. Since minorities make up more than 20% of the population, one can confidently claim that at least 4.4 crore minority beneficiaries in Modi’s first term. From 4.4 crore to 5 crore does not seem like that much.

What about scholarships specifically? Here is the expenditure by year:

Post matric Scholarship expenditure
Pre matric scholarship expenditure

As you can see from the data, there has been hardly any increase in either number or total amount spent on minority scholarships. The number of scholarships appears to have gone down significantly in fact compared to the last year of UPA and the first year of Modi’s term (during which smaller expenditures like these would mostly have been carried forward on auto pilot from previous government). And never forget that budget staying “constant” is really a cut in terms of inflation.

But people argue that the numbers are beside the point because it is a question of principle. And I agree. But then it must also be acknowledged that there has been no sudden change in BJP policy which would warrant the sudden outrage.

But what I really wonder is whether other players are trying to capitalize on the bout of outrage and trying to sow fear and dissension in BJP’s core base.

News articles appeared with headlines like “80% of government scholarships go to Muslims.” They appeared to draw from the Government’s National Scholarship Portal. As it happened, it seems the graphic on that portal did not include data for SC/ST scholarships, the vast majority of which go to Hindus. This is the kind of routine communication gap between govt agencies that any citizen would be familiar with. But the articles and the headlines started an outpouring on social media that raged for weeks.

Eventually, there was the moment of truth when the Budget arrived. Not surprisingly, the Budget for both Pre-Matric and Post-Matric scholarships for minorities was actually *cut*. Which means the budgets were basically cut by 3-4% when you consider inflation.

Mysteriously however, headlines appeared after the budget focusing on the fact that the budget for subsidized coaching for minority candidates had been increased. By how much? It used to be Rs 8 crore. It’s now Rs 20 crore. I don’t know how much can get done in India of 2019 with an extra Rs 12 crores. But it seemed like the headlines wanted to tell a story.

Only today, a prominent news anchor shared on Twitter a video of a top BJP minister making an Islamic affirmation, without really mentioning that it is from Jan 2016. You can see the date in the video if you look carefully, but we know how social media works. Most people wont see the date.

Naturally, this video was promptly incorporated into the confirmation bias and seen as further evidence of a new minority appeasing face of Modi 2.0.

Yes, you can ask why the date matters so much. Because nobody really cares what one individual BJP minister does at home during his puja. People want to know what the top BJP leadership thinks. If they knew this video was from 2016, they would treat it as a random fact about one politician. If people think it’s recent, they will lump it together with other misinformation and fall for a narrative. No surprise that I saw recently a photo of PM Modi holding a chaddar to be sent as a gift at a certain famous dargah. The caption did not mention that the photo was from 2015. In any case, lots of Hindus offer chaddars at that famous dargah.

The dates matter. That’s precisely why some people appear to be leaving the dates out. Because if people think that all these things happened in the last couple of weeks, it will look like a coordinated PR campaign by BJP for appeasement of minorities.

Now who would want that? And are Hindu right wingers walking into a trap?

I will finish with a request to Hindu right wing online. It is absolutely right to accuse the BJP of not doing enough to roll back decades of minority appeasement. But do you think that Modi 2.0 would deliberately opt for minority appeasement? Can you think of any possible motive for this? Do you think that anybody, that too a politician, would do something without a motive? What gain do you think the BJP would hope to make from minority appeasement?

You and I know that BJP will not gain a single vote from minority appeasement.  So please. Please don’t tell me that the two sharpest political minds in India cannot see that much.

Meanwhile, I would suggest looking around and seeing how much the dominant narrative has changed in the last five years. Remember that many of us took to social media precisely because we thought the English language media was not listening to us. How does that look now?

I don’t know how many remember the Vajpayee government passing the POTA Act. The opposition was so resolute in blocking it that a joint session of parliament had to be called to pass the bill. There were MPs on both sides who came from their hospital beds to shore up the numbers for their side.

Last week, the NIA Amendment Bill passed the Lok Sabha with 278 voting in favor and just 6 against. Surely, something has changed.

We’ll get there, eventually. By the way did you know what is happening in states?

Gujarat government does not allocate budget for minorities
Yogi Adityanath government slashes minority welfare department outlay in UP

We Hindus have been treated so badly in history that we have a hard time keeping the faith. This time will be different. Let’s not be misled so easily.

Congress credits Jawaharlal Nehru for the successful launch of Chandrayaan2, gets ridiculed on social media

Even before Chandrayaan-2 entered its orbit around the Earth, the Congress party hailed Jawaharlal Nehru for the glorious achievement of the Indian scientists. While its customary salute to Nehru was only to be expected, the party also threw its salutations to Manmohan Singh for sanctioning the space mission in 2008.

In reality, however, the Chandrayaan-2 mission was delayed by the Congress party, according to the former chief of ISRO himself. G Madhavan Nair had asserted that the Chandrayaan-2 mission could have been carried out long ago but the “political decision” of the then UPA government to push the “Mangalyaan” venture with an eye on the 2014 Lok Sabha election caused the delay. The credit for INCOSPAR, too, largely goes to Vikram Sarabhai, the father of the Indian Space Program.

As expected, the Congress party is being subject to abject mockery due to obsessive desire to credit Nehru for literally every Indian achievement.

People also pointed out the fact that Vikram Sarabhai deserves much more credit than any politician for the success of the Indian Space Program.

It is customary for the Congress party to claim credit for every achievement that the citizens of this country strive hard to achieve. Even when India had announced its anti-satellite missile, the Congress party had claimed credit for it despite the fact that it was their own government which hadn’t given clearance for the project. A former DRDO chief, in fact, credited the Modi government for giving them the go-ahead to build the missile.

[Pictures] Chandrayaan2 launched successfully from Sriharikota

After the initial setback at the launch of Chandrayaan-2 on July 15, 2019, which led to its postponement, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has today successfully launched the GSLV-MkIII-M1 carrying Chandrayaan-2 from Satish Dhawan Space Center in Sriharikota.

Chandrayaan2’s launch on July 15, 2019 was halted after just an hour before its launch a critical technical snag was detected by ISRO.

Chandrayaan2 about to be launched(Source: Doordarshan)

The Chandrayaan-2 comprises of three integrated parts namely: the Orbiter, the Lander (Vikram) and the Rover (Pragyan). The Rover would be used to conduct experiments on the Moon’s surface. The mission is to land at the south pole of the moon. This would be the world’s first expedition to the south pole region of the Moon.

Chandrayaan2 successfully launched( Source: Twitter)

As per latest news, GSLVMkIII-M1 has successfully injected Chandrayaan 2 into Earth’s orbit.

GSLVMKIII-M1 successfully injected Chandrayaan2 into Earth’s orbit(Source: ISRO)

The average distance between Earth and Moon is 3,84,000 KM. The Vikram lander will land on the Moon on the 48th day of the mission, which begins today. If all goes well, it will land on the moon on 6th or 7th of September.

You can watch the entire launch here.

Pune Engineer wants to be Congress president, claims to have ‘blueprint to revive’ the party

Gajanand Hosale, a Pune based engineer, has put forward his candidacy for the top-post of the Congress party after Rahul Gandhi resigned as its president recently. The electronics engineer claims to have the “blueprint to revive” the Congress party. He is likely to submit his application to the city unit president of Congress, Ramesh Bagwe, on the 23rd of July.

“As Rahul Gandhi is firm on his decision to step down as the president of the Congress, the party is in a great confusion over whom to appoint the new chief and in such a scenario, I wish to file my nomination for the post,” Hosale told PTI. “As (Rahul) Gandhi said that the party needs young leadership, I feel that the party needs a president who is not only young by age, but also at heart and in terms of thinking as well,” he said.

Hosale said that the revival of the Congress party is the need of the hour and a young leadership is necessary for it. Interestingly, he is not even a Congress member yet. Therefore, he will apply for primary membership of the party first.

“Before applying for the president’s position on Tuesday, I will complete the procedure of primary membership of the party,” he said. He stated further, “As a party president, my thrust will be on transparency and given a chance, I am sure I will revive the party from the current crisis as I have a blueprint for it.”

Hosale is from a rural background and is currently working as a manager in a manufacturing facility. He has stated that he has no experience in politics.

Chandrayaan-2 launched: India to become the 4th country in the world to land on the moon

India has successfully launched its second mission to the moon, the Chandrayaan-2. The GSLV-MkIII, carrying the Chandrayaan-2, was launched at 2:43 PM from the second launch pad of Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC) in Sriharikota. This will make India the fourth country in the world to land on the moon.

On 18th July 2019, an hour before the historic Chandrayaan 2 launch, a technical snag was observed in the launch vehicle system. Following that, as a measure of ‘abundant precaution,’ the launch was called off. The launch date was then set to be 22nd July 2019. Earlier, the ISRO chief had confidently said that today’s launch would be successful.

The Chandrayaan-2 comprises of three parts namely: the Orbiter, the Lander (Vikram) and the Rover (Pragyan). The Rover is housed within the Lander. The Orbiter and the Lander are an integrated module weighing about 3.8 tonnes. This module was launched using a Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle Mark III (GSLV MK III) designed to launch satellites into geostationary orbit.

Once launched the integrated module would propel towards the moon after which the Lander will detach and land on the South Pole on 6th September as per schedule. The Rover would then conduct experiments on the lunar surface.

Indian Chandrayaan-2 is cheaper than several Hollywood movies like Avengers Infinity War and even the Bandra Worli Sea Link. The mission is touted to be accomplished within a budget of Rs 960 crores, which is approximately $143 million, significantly cheaper than the budget of several Hollywood movies.

The United States has so far invested about $100 billion (in current prices) in 15 Apollo missions to the Moon. China’s first expedition to Moon in 2007 cost about $180 million. In fact, the Chandrayaan-2 mission is cheaper than even the construction of Bandra Worli Sea link which took about $340 million.

The launch of Chandrayaan-2, however, was not untouched by controversies. Former ISRO chairman had startlingly revealed that the then UPA government had delayed Chandrayaan 2. Several people also made a brouhaha over the current ISRO chief ‘praying’ before the launch of the mission and called it ‘unscientific’.

Abusive actor Ajaz Khan who was arrested for inciting communal tension was ‘framed’, claims his wife, says he did nothing wrong

After abusive actor Ajaz Khan’s police custody was extended by 14 days, his wife Andrea has come out in his support. She has claimed that her husband did nothing wrong and was being deliberately framed in the matter. She also demanded justice for her husband.

Ajaz’s wife Andrea said, “I want justice for my husband because people are going against him when my husband is the only one raising his voice not only for Muslims, for Hindus, for Christians, for all the criminal activities happening in India. My husband is lone in his fight. I just want justice for my husband, what you guys are doing is injustice. You guys are not considering that he has a family also. I have told him so many times to avoid raising his concerns publicly, but he always goes against my advice for the people of India. So my brothers and sisters in India, please I want justice for my husband. He is being framed.”

Khan was arrested by the Cyber Crime Unit of the Mumbai Police on Wednesday for posting incendiary videos on the social media app TikTok. In the first one, he urged members of a religious community to take ‘revenge’ over Tabrez Ansari’s death in Jharkhand. In the second video, he featured alongside a group of  TikTok ‘stars’, whose account was suspended after Mumbai Police lodged a case against them. They mocked Mumbai Police in the video.

Before this, the hardcore Islamist Ajaz Khan, known for making hatemongering controversial statements menacingly threatened actor Payal Rohatgi in a video asserting that one day, the entire world will become Muslim. In a misogynist attack against Payal, Ajaz Khan had referred Payal Rohatgi as a C grade actor. Payal Rohatgi, who was recently in news for getting blocked by the Mumbai Police on Twitter lodged a complaint against Ajaz Khan for blatantly inciting communal passions and his misogynist attack on Payal.

Jammu and Kashmir governor Satya Pal Malik says Omar Abdullah is being juvenile, his statements were made in a ‘fit of anger’

Today, J&K Governor Satya Pal Malik issued a clarification over the statements he had made during a speech. On Sunday he had said the terrorists should kill the ‘corrupt politicians’ instead of killing the security forces. However, Malik has now clarified that he made those statements in a fit of anger. He said that he was frustrated with the rampant corruption in Jammu and Kashmir.

He also said, “As Governor, I should have not made such a comment, but my personal feeling is the same as I said. Many political leaders & big bureaucrats are steeped in corruption in Jammu and Kashmir”.

The Governer had sparked a row yesterday after he had stated that terrorists should kill corrupt politicians and bureaucrats who have robbed their state instead of killing Policemen and SPOs. The Governor had said this while addressing the locals at Kargil.

He had said, “These youth with guns, they are killing PSOs and SPOs, why are you killing them? You should kill those who have looted Kashmir, have you killed anyone from them? They lose their lives for nothing. In India, nobody can bend the government with guns.”

Responding to his statements, National Conference leader Omar Abdullah said that if any politician or bureaucrat is killed in the state, then it must be considered as the execution of Governor’s order.

Satya Palik Malik while responding to Abdullah called him a “political juvenile”.

Just a few days ago, a Personal Security Officer (PSO) of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) leader Sajad Mufti was shot dead in Bijbehara area of South Kashmir in Anantnag district. About a week ago 3 CRPF jawans were martyred and several others were injured when a patrol team of the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) came under terrorist attack in Anantnag in Jammu and Kashmir.

Watch: Videos from moments before the horrific Sonbhadra massacre

Four days after the horrific Sonbhadra massacre which claimed lives of 10 people, videos from the incident have emerged.

The videos seem to have been taken by a local villager who perhaps had no inkling that he/she was about to record brutal killings of ten people.

In the above video, tractors can be seen making a move towards the site of violence.

The second video, which appears to have been taken by someone on the move shows some men beating up other people with lathis. One can hear terrified voices of people as the scenes unfolded before them. One can also hear two gunshots.

On July 17, 10 people were shot dead and many more were injured when henchmen of a village head opened fire on local tribal people who were protesting against the occupation of what they claim is their land.

According to reports, around 200 people in 32 tractor-trailers were brought to occupy a piece of land in Ubhha village that was bought by Gram Pradhan Yagya Dutt two years ago. After arriving at the site to take over the land on Wednesday, they had surrounded the plot and started ploughing it. As the locals claim that the land was sold illegally, they arrived at the site and protested against this. This led to an altercation, which quickly turned violent when the goons of the Dutt, who had come prepared with guns, rifles, spears and lathis, started attacking them with lathis. But unable to chase them with that, they took out their firearms and opened fire on the villagers. According to survivors, the firing went for half an hour. 10 people were killed in the attack, and 29 were injured. 7 persons died on the spot, 2 died while taking to hospital, while 1 died in hospital. The injured are being treated at the BHU hospital in Varanasi.

The piece of land that led to this violence has been the centre of dispute for a long time. The local people belonging to Gonda tribe has been farming on the land, but its ownership has remained disputed for more than 60 years.

Yagya Dutt and several members of his family had purchased 145 bighas of from the wife and daughter of a retired IAS officer from Bihar cadre in 2017. Since then, they were trying to take possession of the property from Gond farmers, who were resisting the move. The Gond people had complained against the sale with revenue authorities and later filed a case in civil court earlier this year.

On the other hand, Dutt and his family have lodged three FIRs against members of the Gond community at the Ghorawal police station. People who are pursuing the case against the Gram Pradhan and his family as named in the FIRs. The FIRs alleged that several people from the Gond community had come with seven tractors and ploughed the land that they had purchased. FIRs were filed under sections 506 (criminal intimidation), 504 (intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of peace), 447 (criminal trespass), 149 (every member of unlawful assembly guilty of offence committed in prosecution of common object), 144 (joining unlawful assembly armed with deadly weapon), 352 (assault or criminal force otherwise than on grave provocation ), and 427 (mischief causing damage to the amount of fifty rupees) against the Gond community.

The dispute over the land dates back more than five decades, which started in 1950s. Local tribal people were cultivating the land for decades before the independence of India. After the implementation of UP Zamindari Abolition and Land Reforms Act, 1950, around 600 bighas of land owned by a local estate was recorded as infertile in the revenue records, and it was registered in the name of Gram Sabha. The local residents, mostly belonging to Gond tribe, continued tilling the land for cultivating after that.

But in 1955, 463 bighas of land was transferred in the name of Adarsh Cooperative Society. UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath says that it was done illegally by the Tehsildar, which planted the seed of the dispute. In 1989 when the president of the society passed away, 145 bighas from the plot were transferred in the names of a Patna based IAS officer’s wife and daughter, the daughter is also married to an IAS officer. The UP CM has pointed out that Congress was in power in the state when both this transfer of land had happened.

The Mishra family from Patna who had purchased that land had started collecting Lagaan (rent) from the farmers who were cultivating on the land. It is reported that every year one person used to come from Patna to collect Lagaan. The Tribals continued to do farming on the land by making the payment.

But in 2017 when it became to be known that the land has been sold to Dutt, the farmers stopped paying the Lagaan. Advocate Nityanand Dwivedi, who is representing the Gond farmers, said that the land was bought for Rs 2 crores. Since then Dutt’s family has been trying to take control of the land, which the villagers are opposing. The dispute intensified when Dutt filed cases against the community members, and it resulted in the tragedy on 17th July.

More details about the murky dealings that led to this incident will be known after the investigation ordered by the UP government is completed.

Dhaka court dismisses sedition cases against activist who informed Donald Trump about persecution of Hindus in Bangladesh

During a meeting with Donald Trump, Bangladeshi minority rights activist Priya Saha had informed the US President that minorities faced extreme persecution in her country. She said that over the years 37 million minorities have disappeared from Bangladesh. Priya Saha is the organising secretary of the Bangladesh Hindu Buddhist Christian Unity Council (HBCUC)

Her comments attracted the wrath of many of her countrymen including those in the government. Road Transport Minister and ruling Awami League general secretary Obaidul Quader told reporters on Saturday that Saha had made “false, purposeful and treasonous remarks” and a sedition case will be filed against her. However, it appears that Bangladeshi PM Sheikh Hasina disapproved of any legal action against the activist and let her opinions known on the matter.

Dhaka Metropolitan Magistrates have dismissed two separate cases of sedition filed against Saha in the matter. They asserted that legal action for sedition could only be pursued with permission from the government, a criterion that the cases did not fulfil.

Saha has now issued a clarification over the remarks she made during her meeting with Donald Trump. In a YouTube video shared through the channel of her rights organization Sharee on Sunday, she has defended her comments in light of available facts.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIBeeyRlWQ0]

Saha asserted that over 600 people ‘go missing’ in Bangladesh every day. She based her claim on a study by Dhaka University professor Abul Barkat. She further stated the she had worked with the professor on the study and that’s how she was familiar with the details.

“All I meant is that the number of minority people has gradually declined. I didn’t mean to comment on the government. I just mentioned what happened in my village in Pirojpur,” she explained. “There were 40 families in my village in 2004. That number is now 13.” She emphasized that it was for the state to look into the matter.

Saha also accused the Bangladesh Nationalist Party of attacking the minority community. And asserted that Sheikh Hasina has battled against fundamentalism and fought for the welfare of the minority community and secularism.

Hindus in Bangladesh have been facing great persecution in recent years. Mob violence against Hindus is a regular feature and they have to live under the constant fear of Islamic intolerance.

We are the Hindus of Bharat, our faith is not restricted to imaginary fiefdoms of regionalism

The holy month of Shravan is here. Kanwariyas from all over the country will be flocking together, carrying holy water on their shoulders, to make long journeys and offer it to Mahadev in various famous Shivalayas in India. As it happens with any Hindu festival and religious practice, there is a certain section of so-called ‘intellectuals’ who rush demonise the Kanwar Yatras.

For them, the Kanwar Yatras spread plastic pollution, create a nuisance and promote hooliganism. It happens every year. The Kanwar Yatris are termed as jobless, hooligans, Hindutva terrorists and whatnot. The self-proclaimed intelligentsia pretends that the Kanwar Yatris are the sole reason behind all their traffic woes and are responsible for all the pollution and law and order situations in their cities.

Business Standard article vilifying Kanwar Yatras last year

Last year, there were even several attempts by the media to portray the Kanwariyas as the perpetrators of violence when they had in fact been the victims.

This year, there are some news ideas floating on social media. Apparently, some self-proclaimed intellectuals in Odisha have arrived at the conclusion that the Kanwar Yatras are an alien phenomenon that has been introduced by ‘Northern tradesmen’ and have nothing to do with Odisha’s Hindu culture.

Tweet by former BJD MP

Former Lok Sabha MP from BJD Tathagatha Satpathy has shared a tweet stating that the onset of Shravan is the “Start of another season of filth, dirt and road fights”. He claims further that the Kanwar Yatras have never been a part of ‘his state’s’ Hindoo culture and have picked up only in the last 15-18 years when ‘Northen tradesmen’ started selling plastic Kamandals and sticks.

Satpathy is not alone to have this argument either. There are many who share his views. Thankfully, an overwhelming number of Odias neither endorse this view nor consider that certain people have the monopoly over what can be called as ‘Odia culture’.

Via Twitter

I am a native of Odisha too. And I believe that in calling the Shravan festivities and Kanwar Yatra as alien to ‘Odia culture’, Satpathy and others like him seem to forget that Odisha is a state with 30 districts and maybe a million flavours of Hinduism, just like the rest of India.

First of all, half of the argument against Kanwar Yatra seems to be on the lines of the anti-Diwali, anti-Holi liberal view. The claims of plastic pollution, traffic woes and law and order situations are administrative and law and order issues that are present all throughout the year. These issues require stronger state machinery to enforce laws and organise smooth traffic movements. It has nothing to do with faith.

Uttar Pradesh organised a Kumbh Mela where over 22 crore people took dips in the Ganga over a period of 49 days. The state machinery ensured that there are smooth traffic movements, effective cleanliness measures and no violence or law and order issue.

The western part of Odisha speaks a different language, celebrates some festivals that are unique to the western region and that does not make them any less Odia than Sathpathy and others who think like him.

I belong to this part of Odisha that worships hill-gods, forest-gods and tree-gods. We worship the first grains of the harvest on Nuakhai, and we organise the wedding of Lord Mahadev and Maa Parvati as per Vedic rituals every year on Shital Shasthi. We dance on Lord Mahadev’s Baraat and we weep when Maa Parvati is sent on her ‘Bidai’ with all the jewellery, silk sarees and adornments meant for a Hindu bride. Nuakhai is a festival of western Odisha. A large part of Odisha does not celebrate Shital Shasthi either. Does that mean that these festivals are not a part of this so-called ‘Odia culture’?

People from western Odisha have been following the strict abstinence of the Shravan month and taking on long, arduous journies to Baba Baidyanath Dham in Jharkhand for generations. Many of us who do not go on a Kanwar Yatra still follow the Shravan rituals anyway. Every Monday throughout the month of Shravan, every single Shivalaya is thronged by thousands of shiv bhakts who keep a day’s fast and walk to the temple to offer water to their lord.

Economically affluent people all throughout small towns and villages open ‘annachhatras’ and ‘jalachhatras’ where they attempt to share some of the Punya of the Kanwariyas by offering them free food and shelter. I have seen family members, neighbours, friends, irrespective of caste, class and social status don the Bhagwa and carry the Kanwar of holy water from all over to Babadham in Jharkhand, chanting “Bhola baba paar karega, Bol Bam”. How can someone claim that these thousands of people who have been working, living and earning and spending in Odisha for generations are not a part of ‘Odia culture’?

India and the Sanatan dharma have evolved through a massive churning of diverse ideas and hundreds of paths, sects, and practices that represent our civilisational journey. Just because some people claim that a certain practice was not a part of their local ‘culture’ in a 100km or so radius does not make the faiths and beliefs of thousands suddenly alien to a state.

A considerable number of Odias follow the Mahima sect. They believe in a ‘Nirakaar Brahma’ and shun idol worship. Will these self-proclaimed custodians of ‘Odia culture’ declare that Santha Kabi Bhima Bhoi is not a part of their version of Odisha’s culture?

In the famous Dhanu Yatra festival in Bargarh, that is regarded as the world’s largest ‘open theatre’, an entire village becomes Nanda Raja’s Gopapura. The Jeera river becomes the Yamuna and Bargarh city becomes Maharaj Kansa’s Mathura. Throughout the time the festivities last, the local administrators and even the collector of the district come to pay homage to ‘Kansa Maharaj’.

After the festival is over, when the young Krishna finally ‘kills’ Kansa, the actor who plays Kansa goes to Puri, takes a dip in the Bay of Bengal and goes to the Jagannath temple to seek ‘forgiveness’ from god, because, while playing the role of Kansa he had to speak dialogues that insulted Lord Krisha and this, as per the simple, pure faith of the people of my state, amounts to ‘Adharma’.

The point behind giving these examples is, Hinduism has always been a celebration of simple, pure faithfulness regardless of narrow confines of regionalism. Thousands of Odias travel to Tirupati each year. Thousands go to Vaishno Devi, and thousands go to visit the 12 Jyotirlingas of India. So, how can some individuals with a tunnel vision are going to decide what is the Odia identity and what is not?

That being said, even if one argues that the wide popularisation of Kanwar Yatra all over Odisha has been a rather ‘recent’ phenomenon, who are we to dictate the time period threshold that makes a certain practice Odia and alienates certain others as ‘imported’ from other states?

The entire Odisha is full of ancient Buddhist sites. Odisha’s emperor Kharabela, who established the mighty Kalinga empire defeating the Satavhanas in the South and conquered Magadh in the north, was a follower of Jainism. Are these so-called custodians of ‘Odia culture’ lamenting the absence of Jainism as the mainstream faith of Odia people now? If not, what is the exact definition and acceptable time frame for a ritual or practice to be called as ‘Odia culture’ as per them?

Confining the vast, diverse and multifaceted hues of the Hindu dharma and Indic civilisation to narrow fiefdoms of imaginary zones is the greatest disrespect of our millennia-old civilisational identity. I have used the word ‘churning’ earlier, borrowed from Sanjeev Sanyal’s book The Ocean Of Churn. In the same book, Sanyal recollects an incident when he had met a person from a small Hindu community in Vietnam, which believes that when their people die, the great spirit of the Nandi bull comes and guides their souls to the land of river Ganga in India, their spiritual homeland.

The Hindus of south-eastern Asian nations trace their lineage back to the sea voyagers from the Bay of Bengal. So why should the natives of the spiritual homeland of Hindus think that their faith has to be confined inside petty walls of regionalism?

It is perhaps a sad irony that the myopic, politically inspired views of some individuals in India claim that Ram is alien to Bengal, Kanwar Yatra is alien to Odisha and Tamil Nadu does not recognise ‘Hindi gods’. Thousands of Hindus, from Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, and Maharashtra had marched to Pandharpur recently to celebrate the Ashadhi Ekadashi. Thousands of Hindus from all over the nation had taken the holy dip at Prayagraj during Kumbh. They have never let their faith of thousands of years to be limited by post-1947 administrative divisions called states.

Hindus have never been confined to narrow regional identities and they never will be. So Bengal will keep saying Jai Shriram and Odias will keep on going to Vaidyanath Dham during Shravan, whether some individuals with acute civilisational amnesia accept it or not. Bol Bam.