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Farah Khan and her kids attacked by Islamists for performing a puja

Film director Farah Khan must not have expected the backlash she got for just trying to spread positivity. Yesterday, Khan, who is married to filmmaker Shirish Kunder, posted a picture of her triplets, Diva, Anya and Czar performing a puja on the new year day. The photo was captioned “Never underestimate the power of Prayer! Happy New Year♥️#puja #gratitude #godhearsandanswersprayers”

Farah Khan posted an image of her kids performing puja

However, that did not go down well with religious fundamentalists who were quick to point out how she is a ‘bad Muslim’ for letting her kids perform a puja. People could not stop asking Farah whether she is a Muslim to be letting her children perform a puja.

Comment on Farah Khan’s Instagram account

And some even had inputs on what she as a mother, and more importantly as a Muslim mother, should be teaching her children.

Comment on Farah Khan’s Instagram account

And others were pained that despite carrying a ‘Muslim name’, she was following ‘kufar idol worship’ and asked her to mend her ways.

Comment on Farah Khan’s Instagram account

One Owais Kiamkhani was particularly upset.

Comment on Farah Khan’s Instagram account

This is not the first time a celebrity has been trolled online by Islamist fundamentalists for celebrating Hindu festivals and traditions. Actor Aamir Khan for playing with his daughter and posting food pictures during Ramzan. Similarly, actor Heena Khan was asked to ‘dress appropriately’ for Ramzan. Popular Bengali actress Nusrat Jahan was insulted on Facebook for celebrating Durga Puja.

Cricketer Mohammad Kaif was attacked on social media by fundamentalists for performing Surya Namaskar and celebrating Christmas with his family. Cricketer Mohammad Shami was also shamed for the ‘un-Islamic’ act of celebrating his daughter’s birthday. Cricketer Irfan Pathan, too, was told by Islamist fundamentalists that Raksha Bandhan is against Islam.

Pro-Khalistani plot to incite Sikhs and foil the Indian flag hoisting on Republic day exposed

Days after Republic TV uncovered the pro-Khalistani front’s ‘Break India’ agenda and made few shocking revelations regarding its close nexus with Pakistan, China and the Maoists, CNN-News18 has now exposed how the pro-Khalistani outfit Sikhs for Justice (SFJ) is planning to target the Republic day celebrations.

The pro-Khalistani outfit SFJ, in an open exhortation, has claimed that they would honour any Sikh who would foil the hoisting of the Indian Flag during the Republic Day celebrations on January 26, 2019. This is a call to Sikhs all over the world to try and disrupt the Indian flag hoisting during Republic day celebrations.

by conducting a poll on Twitter ahead of India’s 70th Republic day, the organisation established that most of the Sikhs do not adhere to the Indian constitution and prefer Sikhism over the same.

With an intention to incite the Sikhs, Gurpatwant Singh Pannun of SFJ, through his statement issued from the New York headquarters through its legal advisor, reiterated that he will honour any Sikh who comes forward and foils the Indian flag hoisting during Republic day celebration.

The Sikhs for Justice, led by Gurpatwant Singh Pannu, had organised a gathering of Khalistani separatists at Trafalgar Square in London earlier this year, calling it the ‘Referendum 2020’, an anti-India campaign which the organisation tried to peddle across the globe.

In fact, several times in the past, the proximity of this radical outfit with our neighbour has been distinctly stripped. It was reported that the US-based pro-Khalistani organisation, Sikhs for Justice (SFJ), allegedly funded and aided by Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), had written to Pakistan PM Imran Khan asking him to “politically support Referendum 2020 movement to liberate Punjab” so that Islamabad can avenge “1971 fall of Dhaka”.

The evil nexus between the two was further exposed when during the groundbreaking ceremony of the Kartarpur corridor, Pakistan’s Prime Minister was seen with Khalistani terrorist Gopal Chawla. In fact, the Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh had then alleged that the Kartarpur event was nothing but a conspiracy between Pakistan and Khalistan to peddle their anti-India agenda.

Recently SFJ further rooted its fixation with Pakistan after it reportedly honoured Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan and their Army Chief General Bajwa for opening the Kartarpur Corridor.

The event, where the Khalistani organisation had gone on to praise the Pakistan Government and honour them, exposes the endearment Pakistan has for the Khalistani terrorists and vice versa.

Sanjay Gandhi had him imprisoned because he refused to help Adil Shahryar, claimed planning commission member in 1977

In an earlier report, we had elaborated on Adil Shahryar’s links to former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi. Many believe that Rajiv Gandhi, the father of the current Congress President Rahul Gandhi, helped Warren Anderson, the then CEO of Union Carbide Corporation (UCC), escape after the Bhopal Gas Tragedy in a quid pro quo deal with the Americans for the release of his convicted childhood friend, Adil Shahryar.

Apart from the above-mentioned occasion, there was another instance where another scion of the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty, Sanjay Gandhi, indulged in apparent misconduct at Shahryar’s behest. It’s related to the arrest of a member of the Planning Commission and his subsequent release by the Delhi High Court. Raj Prakash Varshney was arrested in February 1977, towards the end of the Emergency.

Varshney was a member of the Planning Commission as Director (Metals) when he was arrested in February 1977 under the Official Secrets Act.  The first order of his detention was passed by the Additional District Magistrate, New Delhi on the 11th of February, 1977. On the 21st of March, a fresh order of detention was issued as the Act under which he was held in detention earlier had lapsed due to the revocation of the Emergency. A month later, on the 21st of April, another order of detention was issued as the provisions under which he was held in detention by the earlier order had also lapsed.

On the 25th of April, he filed a petition to the Delhi High Court, where he made some startling claims. Varshney claimed that during his time at the Planning Commission, he was tasked with ascertaining the technical feasibility of a proposal to set up a sponge iron plant by the Andhra Pradesh Industrial Corporation aided by the United Nations Development Programme. The proposal was based on technology provided by the Allis Chalmers Corporation (ACC) of the United States of America.

Varshney, who had considerable experience in the field, asserted in Court that he rejected the proposal as he did not find it worth accepting. He claims that he was pressurized to approve the proposal as Adil Shahryar was the representative of ACC in India. Varshney claimed that Shahryar got Sanjay Gandhi involved who insisted upon him to give a clean chit to the proposal. And when he still refused, they had a case registered against him under the Official Secrets Act and arrested him and humiliated him.

Respondents 4 and 5 in the above picture are Adil Shahray and Sanjay Gandhi respectively.

Varshney claimed that threats were issued against his wife and children to force him into confessing that he was supplying sensitive information and documents to an agent of a foreign country. He also accused the Additional District Magistrate of New Delhi, the Central Government and the Delhi Administration of being complicit with Shahryar and Sanjay Gandhi.

The Additional District Magistrate, New Delhi, who is Respondent No. 1 in the petition filed by Varshney, passed the order of detention under the Maintenance of Internal Security Act (MISA). The MISA was an extremely controversial law passed by the Indian Parliament in 1971 which gave the administration of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and the law enforcement agencies unlimited power to quash dissent. It gave the administration the authority to hold citizens in indefinite preventive detention, search and seize property without warrants and wiretapping.

The MISA Act gave the government of India unprecedented power to curtail the constitutional rights of Indian citizens. It was amended on several occasions during the Emergency and was ultimately repealed when the Janata Party came to power in 1977. Hundreds and thousands of people were arrested under the Act as Indira Gandhi cracked down on her political opponents.

The Bench of the Delhi High Court, while hearing Varshney’s petition, made some scathing observations in its judgment on the conduct of the detaining authority, the Additional District Magistrate, New Delhi. The Court declared that although it could not be proven that the ADM acted “to oblige” Adil Shahryar and Sanjay Gandhi, her order was definitely in “bad faith”. The Court also observed that the continued detention of Varshney was mala fide.

It stated, “The first respondent (ADM, New Delhi) may have acted innocently but in the circumstances of the case must be held to have acted in bad faith. It is true that we are concerned with bad faith of the detaining authority and no one else in this case but we are of the view that the impugned order is vitiated because of malice in law. Although the petitioner’s allegations that the first respondent issued the impugned orders to oblige respondents 4 and 5 have not been proved, yet the order must be held to be vitiated on account of the vice of bad faith.”

It was further stated that the ADM was satisfied with the report from the Superintendent of Police without making any inquiry into the matter. The Court thus stated, “Preventive detention is a serious matter and not to be indulged in as a matter of routine and merely because a higher authority or some other authority requests a detaining authority to invoke the power vested in it.”

The Court also observed, “The grounds of detention communicated to the petitioner do not set out, indeed it was not even known to the detaining authority, as to what was the nature of the documents which were allegedly communicated to the agent of a foreign power, how many documents were given, what information was passed on and to whom. The grounds communicated thus suffer from a serious defect, viz., lack of particulars or vagueness.” Thus, the Court directed the concerned authorities to release Varshney.

It’s true that the Court judged that Varshney’s claims that he was arrested and humiliated at the behest of Shahryar and Sanjay Gandhi could not be proven. However, given the Court’s evaluation of the ADM’s conduct, it appears there were certain higher powers at work. The reputation of the Gandhi Parivar and their history is such that it appears extremely plausible that Varshney’s version of events was correct.

As we have mentioned in our earlier report, Shahryar was convicted of extremely serious crimes in the United States. Shahryar was found guilty on five counts, including felony and fraud, by a Florida District Court. He was held guilty of attempting to firebomb a ship and was charged with defrauding shipping authorities and the American Express International Banking Corporation.

Shahryar’s father was Muhammad Yunus, an Indian civil servant and former ambassador to Turkey, Indonesia, Iraq and Spain. Yunus was a close associate of Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi. Shahryar was serving a 35-year old sentence in the USA when President Ronald Raegan issued a Presidential pardon, merely months after Anderson’s escape.

Who uses a library? Trump mocks India’s investments in Afghanistan, faces flak

US President Donald Trump has mocked India’s contribution at a press conference after a cabinet meeting yesterday. As per reports, the US President was discussing the decision of his government to spend resources overseas.

During the presser, Trump said that he gets along with PM Modi, but he keeps reminding him that India has funded a library in Afghanistan. Trump said, ” you know what that is, that is like five hours of what we spent. And we are supposed to say, oh thank you, I don’t know who is using it.”

As per reports, in the press conference, Trump was ‘rambling’ about the dollars and efforts the USA has spent in other countries. He alleged that other nations are not doing enough in Afghanistan and are taking advantage of the USA. However, his comments on India’s efforts in Afghanistan have met with disapproving reactions from all quarters.

BJP National Secretary Ram Madhav also responded to the statement saying that India has contributed significantly to Afghanistan for infrastructure development and stated that India is ‘building lives’ in the war trodden country.

As per reports, Indian officials have rejected the comment and stated that apart from a range of infrastructure projects, India is also carrying out community development programmes in Afghanistan and attempting to make Afghan citizens empowered and economically viable.

It is notable here that India has committed an investment of over 3 billion USD in Afghanistan over the years. This includes roads and dams, school buildings, scholarships and many socio-cultural initiatives. PM Modi had inaugurated Afghanistan’s new parliament building in 2015 financed by India.

Trump also went ahead to state that Russia used to be the Soviet Union, Afghanistan made it Russia because they went bankrupt fighting in Afghanistan. As per reports, Trump, in a broader sense, was hinting at India’s military presence in Afghanistan. he stated, “Why isn’t Russia there? Why isn’t India there? Why isn’t Pakistan there?” Trump added, “Why are we there and we’re 6,000 miles away?”

As per reports, Indian officials have responded on the issues stating that India does not send armed troops abroad except for UN-mandated peacekeeping missions.

It is notable here that it is not the first time the United States or Trump had tried to mock or coerce India into doing their bidding. USA had pressurised India against buying the S-400 missile system from Russia which India ignored and went ahead to seal the deal. Before that Trump had also mocked PM Modi over India’s stringent tariff norms for American Harley Davidson motorcycles.

Congress alienated the people of Jammu and Kashmir by subverting democracy to stay in power: Arun Jaitley

After slamming Congress party for misleading the nation on the issue of Rafale deal, Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley took on Ghulam Nabi Azad in the Rajya Sabha today on the issue of instability in Jammu and Kashmir.

While debating the discussion on the proclamation of President rule under Article 356 in Jammu and Kashmir, leader of Opposition Ghulam Nabi Azad went on to accuse the present government of creating instability in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. He also praised Atal Bihari Vajpayee for his attempts to resolve the Kashmir conflict. He added that Vajpayee understood the pain of the Kashmiri people but because of internal strife within the party that he could not deliver a solution to the Kashmir conflict.

Azad went on to claim that BJP had abused Kashmir in the past, which has led to the alienation of the people of the state. He further accused BJP of rising militancy, infiltration in the border state and claimed that economic activity and tourism is at the lowest after BJP came to power in Jammu and Kashmir.

“You cannot abuse them for 20 years and then rule them. I had warned that the BJP will prove to be a drag in the state if it comes to power and I was not wrong. The security situation in Kashmir is at its lowest. The recruitment to militancy has increased and the employment is at an all-time low,” Azad said in Rajya Sabha.



Responding to Azad, Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley accused Ghulam Nabi Azad of attempting to erase and re-write history to change facts regarding Congress party’s misadventures in the state. “The problem did not start in 2014. BJP had no role in Kashmir’s old chapters. If you read the entire history of Kashmir, if the sovereignty of this country was ever challenged, then Jammu & Kashmir loses a point”.

Referring to Sheik Abdullah, Jaitley went on to blame Congress for putting too much faith in one man and accused the Congress party of betraying Abdullah whenever he did not support the Congress party. Arun Jaitley held Congress responsible for the current situation of Jammu and Kashmir without naming Jawaharlal Nehru for taking the issue of Jammu and Kashmir into the United Nations and accepting a ‘plebiscite’ in Kashmir.

Congress created barriers between the people of Jammu and Kashmir and great leaders like Shyama Prasad Mukherjee even laid his life to prevent it, said Jaitley with reference to provisions like Article 370.

Arun Jaitley further accused Congress party of using undemocratic ways to win power in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. It was Congress party which started the alienation of the people by subverting democracy in the state of Jammu and Kashmir, he said.

“The elections at that time were a matter of joke in Kashmir. Everybody knows how elections were conducted. Congress ruled Jammu & Kashmir using undemocratic means and the party had manipulated the election processes in the state to stay in power. Congress’ mistakes are hurting Kashmir, not the current rule of the BJP,” Jaitley added.

Meanwhile, Home Minister Rajnath Singh said, “Our party is not responsible for the sense of alienation in Jammu and Kashmir. The sense of alienation began before Independence”. “President’s Rule is not taking place in Jammu and Kashmir for the first time. At one point in time, President’s Rule was a necessity in J&K for six years. But now, an allegation is being made that it is because of our faults that President’s Rule was imposed in the state,” said Home Minister Singh.

The Narendra Modi government: A government that delivers

The year 2018 was by far a very eventful year that witnessed significant policy push as India started benefiting from the reforms it initiated between 2014-18. The focus of the year was however on equitable growth to ensure that the benefits of India’s growth are uniformly distributed.

It is no secret that the government has renewed the focus towards financial inclusion, and it has had some impressive results as India currently has universal financial inclusion at the household level. The year 2018 saw the government take this process a step further as it focused on deepening of financial services that are used by Indian households. With over 400 schemes already under the DBT framework, nearly all households are using basic banking services, but the government realizes the need to move towards financial integration rather than mere financial inclusion.

As a consequence, the government launched the Indian Postal Bank, which converted the post offices as banks and the nearest postman as the banker to every Indian. By careful segregation of the new age banks by classification as “payment” banks and “mobile-wallets”, the government has set in motion a policy framework that is acting as a catalyst for Banking 4.0.

The government has also leveraged technology further to provide for a credential-based credit facility through the 59-minute loans. It has been argued time and again that the critical bottleneck towards the growth of MSME sector has been inadequate access to credit. By democratizing credit and providing a credential-based credit, the government ensures that there’s transparency in lending practices so all eligible can take small loans up to Rs. 1 Crore.

For every year of the Modi Government, there’s a flagship scheme that can be identified and it is these flagship schemes that are most impactful in terms of improvement of the quality of life on Indian citizens. 2018 is definitely the year of Ayushman Bharat- the world’s largest healthcare insurance scheme. It is no secret that more than 50 per cent of Indians prefer private sources of healthcare than public according to the NFHS-4 and this is because of inadequate provisioning of healthcare in public hospitals. To augment the service and ensure quality in public hospitals would have taken a couple of years as the government upgrades the Primary Healthcare Centres and creates new Health and Wellness Centres but in the meanwhile, to ensure that the burden of healthcare expenses on the poor does not force them in debt trap, Ayushman Bharat ensures free treatment cover of up to Rs. 5 lakh rupees per family. With over 2 lakh beneficiaries availed the treatment under Ayushman Bharat, this scheme has become the most significant healthcare sector reform in India since independence.

The year witnessed a significant focus of the government on the farm sector as it accepted the Swaminathan Committee recommendations and increased the MSP to be 50 per cent above the cost of production. It also has stated that it will put in place a price deficiency system whereby farmers would be compensated should they trade at a rate below the MSP. Both these measures are bound to significantly strengthen the rights of rural poor and farmers.

The year 2018 for the government was about starting new initiatives that further consolidated upon the earlier announced initiatives, but the government also worked towards addressing some critical challenges that it faced since it inherited the economy in 2014. The NPA crisis has led to a systematic decline in banks’ ability to provide credit, however, the Government enacted the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code in 2016. Through provisions of the code, the government was able to resolve a major share of the NPAs in 2018 while by the end of 2019, the NPA issue would be largely resolved. It is important to also note that the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code does not only resolve the issue for now, but it will ensure that there’s no build-up of such bad loans in the system going forward due to a speedy resolution of such loans.

The year, however, ended with the GST finally shaping up as the most consumer-friendly taxation regime that India has ever experienced. With rates on most commodities coming down, it is safe to say that the current form of GST is very close to what it is going to look like going forward. There may be some tweaks within the GST going forward, however, the current form is extremely close to the best possible situation for India.

As 2018 came to an end, it must be stated that the year witnessed Modi Government’s commitment towards resolving long-standing issues. The year will go down as the year that witnessed the roll-out of the world’s biggest health insurance scheme, but Ayushman Bharat is just one of the many big things that the government achieved in 2018.

The year 2019 has started with Prime Minister Modi setting the record straight; this government is a government that delivers- and it delivered a lot over the last 4 years and it is going to continue to deliver on its promises throughout 2019, and even beyond that. While our critics rejoice over their recent electoral victory, I must caution them for politics of lies can yield results only in the short run and they’ve already milked whatever they could have from their lies- now it’s our time to debunk their falsehood with the truth!

Pakistan prepping Terrorists to wage seaborne Jihad against India: Home Ministry


As India prepares itself for the upcoming general election in 2019, neighbour Pakistan is also stepping up its efforts to execute its cross-border terror organisations. The Ministry of Home Affairs informed the Parliament on Wednesday that Pakistan-based handlers were training their terror modules for underwater strike capabilities and urging them for ‘Samundari Jihad’ (Seaborne Jihad) so that they can infiltrate into India by sea or waterways to carry out attacks.

While replying to a question in Rajya Sabha, Union Minister Hansraj Ahir said that the Intelligence agencies have reported that though there is no specific input about any particular terror group carrying out a 26/11 type attack, intelligence reports trickling in suggest that these groups are augmenting their sea-borne capabilities.

The information from the MHA is given serious consideration by the government. The coastal boundaries have been kept on high-alert. The notification came on the heels of the intelligence input claiming that Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Mohammad were providing specialised undersea training to their cadres.

The Intelligence agencies have also asserted that to avenge the deaths of top Jaish terrorists Telha and Usman- alleged to be nephews of the outfit’s chief Maulana Masood Azahar, the terror outfit based out of Pakistan has reportedly dispatched an Afghan old warhorse to supervise a ‘spectacular’ attack in Kashmir.

In addition, the Intelligence agencies have cautioned the government with specific inputs about one Jaish commander infiltrated into Kashmir in early December and was in Pulwama area of South Kashmir by the month-end.

Vande Mataram row: Kamal Nath’s reverse tune after BJP protest, tradition to be restored with police band

Congress veteran Kamal Nath who recently took Madhya Pradesh’s reigns in his hands and almost immediately created a huge political stir by proclaiming that a years-old tradition of reciting Vande Mataram at the state secretariat be abolished, has now, after facing strong protests by the BJP for the same, retracted the order.

The tradition of singing Vande Mataram was instituted by Shivraj Singh Chauhan’s government 13 years ago. Under this, all the employees of the state secretariat gathered together on the first day of the month and sung Vande Mataram along with the national anthem. The current move by Kamal Nath to abolish the rendition of Vande Mataram has created another political debate over Congress’ duplicity and appeasement politics.

His predecessor Shivraj Singh Chouhan, a three-term Chief Minister, expressed shock at the decision and had demanded that the practice is restored. He said that if the decision was not altered, he and all other BJP legislators would sing the national song at the Secretariat, and then take oath on January 7.

Soon after the political frenzy, following his controversial statement, gained momentum the Congress government promptly issued an order in this regard.

Soon after the controversy gained storm, Kamal Nath had stated that patriotism cannot be defined by singing the national song only and he is trying to give it a new form. The Madhya Pradesh government has now decided that the National song would be sung on the first day of every month at 10.45 am with a police band marching from Shaurya Smarak to Vallabh Bhavan where the secretariat staff and general public too will join in.

Since the time Kamal Nath has taken charge of Madhya Pradesh, Congress’ real side is looming steadily. Almost immediately after this controversial decision the Congress government in Madhya Pradesh created another political debate by stopping pensions of prisoners detained during the emergency.

This move had also been severely criticised as it exhibited the insensitivity of the Congress party and its flippancy towards the decisions taken by former administrators.

Google Trends data shows that Indians hardly have any interest in Rahul Gandhi

Okay, so you have all seen the headlines. They say that the nation has absolutely fallen in love with Rahul Gandhi. That he dominates the news, sets the agenda, decides the narrative … everything. All this coming from the same journalists who “interviewed” Rahul Gandhi, asking to meet his pet dog Pidi. Or those who chased his car asking to ask him about how he liked samosas and whether he had some kind of special liking for jalebis made from jaggery instead of sugar. I kid you not…this actually happened.

But what’s the data? Are Indians really doing what journalists think they are doing?

Let’s see what Google Trends data tells us about public interest in PM Modi vs Rahul Gandhi. Here is the data for the last 7 days:


Google Trends data shows complete and total domination by PM Modi over Rahul. Whether at its peaks or its troughs, the blue line for Modi always remains above Rahul. In every single state of India.

Those troughs in Modi’s blue line, when it gets closer to Rahul’s red line are easy to explain. All of them happen around 00:30 hrs each day, i.e., there is lesser interest in PM Modi because people are asleep.

Not surprisingly, Uttar Pradesh makes it to the list of top 3 states with a high interest in Modi. But what is amazing is just how big the gap with Rahul is. In Uttar Pradesh, out of total searches for PM Modi and Rahul Gandhi, Google Trends says:

Narendra Modi: 93%

Rahul Gandhi: 7%

Of course, we cannot draw a conclusion purely based on this. We have to look for other data, other possibilities that Indians may be looking for. So far we have established that according to Google, there is simply no comparison between interest in Modi vs Rahul in terms of “topic searches”.

We need to try some variations. How about keyword searches? People generally talk of “Modi” and “Rahul”. Let’s compare those.


Again, Modi is uniformly ahead of Rahul. Again, the only times the two lines get closer is between 00:30-02:00 at night, when everyone is asleep and nobody is searching for either Modi or Rahul. When the lines touch briefly in this graph, that happened at 2:00 AM last night.

Believe it or not, there is not that much interest, neither in Rahul nor in Pidi.

How about we compare the two parties then, BJP vs Congress?


The BJP maintains a very steady and very healthy lead over the Congress. Worse for Congress, its numbers are built mostly on a surge of interest in the 3 recently won states of Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. This cannot be more than a temporary phenomenon, as the new Chief Ministers in these states are still setting the terms for their governance.

We often worry about “perception”. We always worry about whether our circle of friends and acquaintances is truly representative of what the people of the country are really thinking.

Except we now have a weapon to actually measure this. And it is an absolute shame how underutilized Google Trends data is in understanding the impact of the media stories in real time.

Look here: let’s restrict ourselves to Delhi, a highly urbanized setting with extreme media penetration and let us compare Modi vs Rahul over the last 7 days:


See that giant blue spike on Jan 1 for Modi? That is when Modi’s interview was all over the news and everyone in Delhi wanted to know more!

In comparison, when Rahul addressed a press conference last night after a long day of coverage on the Rafale Deal, you can see that public interest did go up, but the increase was almost nothing compared to the PM Modi interview. In fact, Google Trends says that PM Modi was leading over Rahul at 8:30 PM, even though Modi wasn’t even seen in Parliament yesterday and the media blared Rahul’s lies incessantly all day.

And you want to know something hilarious about “Rahul”: Look into the Google Trends data more carefully!


At no. 3 among “related queries” for “Rahul” is “Deepa Rahul Easwar”, meaning that a significant chunk of the interest in “Rahul” is not driven by Rahul Gandhi, but by Rahul Easwar!

In fact, more people searching for Rahul were interested in Rahul Easwar and his wife Deepa rather than in Rahul Gandhi’s speech!

That was for Delhi, where we expect media to have the highest impact. If we zoom out to the whole of India what do we see?


While all the “Modi” searches clearly relate to the Prime Minister, a significant number of “Rahul” searches are actually being driven by cricketers K L Rahul and Marnus Labuschagne!

Yes, data is the new gold. Whenever we are wondering about the impact of a news item, we don’t have to go around asking our friends and neighbours. We don’t have to be like the liberals and ask taxi drivers. There is a much simpler way. Just ask the universal mind of the internet, which Google trends make available to us.

Rahul Gandhi’s name calling to ANI Editor Smita Prakash reeks of irony for his ‘freedom of press’ rhetorics

It has been just three days into the election year and despite a dip in the mercury levels, the political landscape in the national capital is heating up. It all started with Prime Minister Modi’s interview with news agency ANI. So-called journalists and so-called intellectuals fumed at the interview, calling it softball. Perhaps, ANI Editor Smita Prakash should have asked tough questions like her colleague Rajdeep Sardesai had put forth to UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi.

While most resorted to calling the interview scripted, some, including self-proclaimed feminists and liberals used choicest abuses towards Prakash.

Film actors turned politicians who are struggling to be relevant too tried to take a dig on Prime Minister Modi by firing the gun from Prakash’s shoulders.

As if that was not enough, Congress President Rahul Gandhi in his press conference yesterday after embarrassing himself in the Parliament on the Rafale deal, referred to Prakash as a ‘pliable journalist’ for her interview with PM Modi. Pliable means the one who can be bent easily, someone who’s flexible.

Which is amusing since Smita Prakash’s interview with PM Modi was not easy. She did not shower flowery praises and asked some tough questions. She asked about the recent BJP loss in five states, the upcoming elections and tough question on the demonetisation, poor implementation of GST and apparent lack of legal actions against those whom he accused of indulging in corruption. She even questioned him on how Congress President Rahul Gandhi takes a dig on him with respect to the GST and loan waiver. She even asked questions on the lynchings in name of cows.

Essentially, Prakash was singled out and ‘named and shamed’ not because the interview was bad but because she did not project hate for Prime Minister Modi. Labelling a journalist just because she didn’t toe the line, when you bat for freedom of the press is a little hypocritical, to say the least. And radio silence from the Editors’ Guild on the name calling.

On the other hand, when Rahul Gandhi addresses media, not one ‘journalist’ asked him about the perpetually changing figures in his allegations on Rafale deal. Not a single journalist called out his lies.

Drawing a leaf from his grandmother Indira Gandhi’s ‘Emergency for Dummies’, Rahul Gandhi today tried to intimidate and shut up an independent journalist. With elections round the corner, the game of thrones just got bloodier.