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How HDFC Bank may discretely charge you for new ‘services’ and how you can avoid it


You are at a traffic signal in Mumbai, sitting in your car. Your car is not particularly dirty, but not spick and span either. But you don’t care because the windscreen is clear enough for you to drive safely. You are just biding your time at the signal, till the green light turns on.

Suddenly a service provider turns up: a boy with a cloth comes and starts cleaning your windshield. With a few quick strokes he clears off some of the dust (which didn’t really bother you). But, he has provided you services (which you didn’t ask for), so he comes to your window and asks for his charges.

Usually this is small change, and looking at the condition of the boy, you may be tempted to pay him for his “services”. But some people may altogether refuse to pay him, since there was no legal obligation to do so and since you never wanted the services. Now, imagine there was a legal obligation.

That is sort of what HDFC Bank is trying on its customers. Calling it a “scam” may be a bit harsh but it certainly isn’t the most ethical way of earning money. Many on social media have realised that a “scheme” has been activated by HDFC bank which goes like this:

1. You get an email titled: “Welcome to HDFC Bank Preferred Banking Programme!”

2. You are assigned a “Virtual Relationship Manager” for “all your banking and investment needs”, and some charges for some facilities.

3. BUT, right at the bottom you have this small foot-note (You can see what the full email looks like, here):

You are doing your regular no-frills banking, suddenly the bank offers you some services which you never asked for, and asks you to pay a “nominal fee” for it. Just like the traffic signal routine. Except, this is a legally binding, recurring obligation, UNLESS you opt out. Users have noted that this upgrade was initially offered on a one year trial period, post which, these emails have come up. HDFC Bank’s scheme actually might have been operating for over a year, as this post on Reddit from a year ago suggests.

As this blog noted, this modus operandi is reminiscent of the VAS Fraud by Telcos, where a Telco would activate some Value Added Service (VAS) for a user, for example caller tune etc. The service would be free for one month, after which if the user did not deactivate it (which mostly never happened), the user would get billed for it.

So, you may say, whats the big deal, a customer can always opt out of the scheme right? Technically yes, but then for this, the customer has to see the email, read it in full, read the tiny portion where the charges are mentioned, opt-out and finally the opt-out mechanism should work! And at least some users are reporting that even the opt-out doesn’t work!

So what can you do if you’re a HDFC bank customer?

1. Check your email for any such email

2. Scroll down to the opt-out menu and follow the steps to opt-out

3. If that doesn’t work, you may consider firing off an email just to be sure you have informed the bank.

4. If you want to get all Krantikaari, then you may consider sending an email to RBI. A user has drafted a letter for public use.

5. Alert everyone you know about this.

The bank on its part has responded saying that they have been fully fair and transparent in their dealings since they have alerted the customer of the charges and also allowed him to move out of the scheme. You can read the full reply here.

Actress opens up about a casting couch encounter


Varalaksmi Sarathkumar is a Southern Actress who has appeared in various Tamil, Kannada and Malayalam films. She marked her debut in 2012 with a Tamil film Podaa Podi where she portrayed a London based dancer. For this role she won a Vijay Award and Edison Award for the best debut actress. Since then she has appeared in three more films and is currently filming four.

Going by this description one may infer that she seems to have grabbed a foothold in Indian Cinema and is fairly establishing herself in show-business. But she too claims to have an embarrassing ‘Casting couch’ encounter in an emotional letter posted on her Twitter page.

For those of you not aware, Casting couch is a term used to denote trading of sexual favours at a workplace in return of an entry into the workplace or an advancement in the same. There have been many instances of such a practice being rumoured to be true especially in show-business. Bollywood too has had an history with the same with both men and women getting affected by the same. But the women seem to have been a much bigger victim of the same due to the society still objectifying them.

When faced with the harrowing experience Varalakshmi decided to speak up in the hope that more awareness is spread and the society starts treating women in a better way. This is what she tweeted out yesterday:

Attempt by left-liberals to use Orwell to run down ‘Right’ is hilariously tragic


Sardonicism just constrained itself to post-mortal non-existence.

In case you’re clumsily negotiating the web of jargon I deliberately weaved, it is just a more academically inclined way of saying that irony gagged itself to death.

Why? Because someone called Alok Rai, infusing all the seductive charm of Cultural Marxism in his piece titled “Orwell, again”, chose of all the things under the sun, George Orwell’s dystopian novel, ‘1984’, as the reference point to convey his disapproval of the state of affairs in the two most flourishing democracies of the world, USA and India, in the age of – hold your breath – post truth.

In other words, The Indian Express allowed nearly 1200 words of uninhibited leftist propaganda about nothing in particular to fill its centre page, and since the writer chose to be as compulsively oblique as human nature allows, I thought it wise to deconstruct the piece for the unwashed masses of social media, a space that most liberal intellectuals so viscerally abhor.

The article starts on a painfully predictable note of condescension towards the new president of the United States and goes on to unselfconsciously borrow Orwellian terminology to give vent to personal frustrations before taking cheap pot-shots at profound philosophical matters concerning India’s place in the world.

Like the monkey symbolizing human cleverness in Wu Cheng-en’s extraordinary Buddhist masterpiece, the Indian Express columnist, thanks to spectacular verbal acrobatics, self-assuredly traverses the world only to be politely informed that what he thought was the whole wide world was just the distance between the Buddha’s two fingers.

Rise of Trump and the age of post-truth

Suddenly, the term post-truth has gained unprecedented currency in the media. In simple words, post-truth denotes a political culture where public opinion is shaped just by appeals to emotion rather than by providing objective factual information or reasoned analysis and consequently, those who cry the hoarsest and scream the loudest call the shots. As the narrative of the piece implies, with Trump becoming the president of the United States, “we entered the present post-truth paradise.”

However, on careful assessment, we find that post-truth is just a clever coinage for a phenomenon that is as old as politics itself. The inconvenient truth is that appeals to reason and fact by intellectuals are more often ways of countering the cognitive dissonance that engulfs their minds as soon as they’re proved wrong, which is more often than not.

For instance, as far back as 1793, William Godwin, the first proponent of anarchism, ironically (again!) declared, “we must bring everything to the standard of reason”, thus betraying the underlying elitist exasperation with things that intellectuals like him disapprove of or simply don’t understand.

As Scott Adams lucidly notes,

You might recall that the Huffington Post made a big deal of refusing to cover Trump on their political pages when he first announced his candidacy. They only carried him on their entertainment pages because they were so smart they knew he could not win. Then he won. When reality violates your ego that rudely, you either have to rewrite the movie in your head to recast yourself as an idiot, or you rewrite the movie to make yourself the hero who could see what others missed.

The comic banner image of Donald Trump used in the Indian Express article is representative of how the left dominated media outlets even in India consistently caricatured him before elections. But now that he has won, it is hard for them to eat their own words. So, instead of humbly accepting the verdict of the American people, these intellectuals prefer to mock the average American voter, convinced that only their own ideological clones are somehow endowed with the faculty of segregating fact from fiction.

Therefore, we are told that we live in a post-truth world because voters don’t listen to the self-appointed vanguards of truth anymore.

Hijacking Orwell

Before we move on to the parallels drawn in the article between the imagined mayhem in the US and India, a slight digression is in order. A clever trick in the leftist propaganda arsenal is a convoluted form of what logicians call the ‘appeal to authority’.

It could be safely assumed that most readers of the Indian Express haven’t read Orwell and at best, are only distantly familiar with the plot of ‘1984’. By using three different concepts from the novel to build his case, what the writer has effectively done is to substitute the force of his own argument with borrowed terminology that is not self-explanatory and the writer takes no trouble of demystifying it for the reader.

Similarly, Barthes and Kundera are not exactly household names in India and the barely relevant references to them seem to be techniques to impress the uninformed rather than adding value to the argument being made. On empathetic reflection, it becomes clear that appealing to authority is the only recourse available in the complete absence of a realistic perspective on current affairs.

Notwithstanding my possibly biased allegations about the ineffective use of rhetorical techniques by the author, it would be useful to find out how apt the references to Orwell’s masterpiece really are.

The first two references to ‘newspeak’ and ‘memory hole’ are interesting but so obviously misplaced and misunderstood. It beats me as to how the two methods of thought-control enforced by a totalitarian state in the novel are even comparable to the chaos and cacophony that characterizes the social media.

On the one hand, there is the rant against the “amplifying potential of social-media technology” and on the other, the hallucinatory assertion that millions of lowly social media users are evil right-wing agents who have spawned from certain “troll-factories”. Also, “thousands of people across the length and breadth of the country can be prompted to repeat the same lies” may be a necessary but is surely not a sufficient condition for totalitarian control.

There is a less sensational name for such a society – Democracy, and left-leaning intellectuals have a long history of being dangerously anti-democratic in practice while championing for democracy in theory.

Finally, the third reference to ‘1984’ ends with the claim that the term ‘Americanism’ – a belief in devotion, loyalty, or allegiance to the United States of America or to its flag, culture etc. – has lapsed from public memory, presumably under the diktats issued by the new president.

Can someone please remind these guys that the main slogan of Trump’s election campaign – Make America Great Again – was but an aggressive reaffirmation of this supposedly forgotten and downplayed conspiracy? All said and done, it is an achievement of the leftist propaganda machinery that they have the gall to quote from a book that is biting commentary on their own ideological perversions.

Babri Masjid

After making some inane comments about pushpak-vimana and other inconsequential matters that only unknown Marxist intellectuals worry about, the writer takes up a pet peeve to make a point that he has been struggling to make so far.

He calls the Ramjanmabhoomi movement “the inaugural moment of the tragedy that engulfs us today” and laments the loss of “a precious and irreplaceable archaeological site — the Babri Masjid”. He also states that “the entire mobilisation was founded on the belief that a certain mythical character was born at a particular spot”.

Unfortunately, every word written about the Babri episode cries out loud for correction. I mean the average liberal’s grasp of the issue is so spongy that even a snowflake would refuse to get crushed under it.

First of all, while the historicity of Ram is hardly a point of contention among Indians, it is irrelevant to the legal dispute between the parties involved. Secondly, it has been proved beyond the shadow of a doubt that the “precious” mosque was built over a pre-existing temple and the archaeological evidence for the same has not been fabricated by any political party or cultural organization.

Most importantly, the same people, who lied blatantly in newspapers, concealed the records of archaeological evidence regarding the temple structure under the mosque and desperately tried to steer public opinion in the direction of ideology rather than facts turn out to be aligned with the views expressed in the article.

Of course, this does not automatically translate to a deliberate misrepresentation of the facts in the column but it raises serious questions about the competence and aptitude of the intellectuals who are given space to write in a hugely popular national daily.

In the end, the writer turns out to be right (in a non-ideological sense) for once in that Trump has much to learn from India about how beliefs challenged by facts can be transformed into hurt sentiments. You see, progressive academicians can speak with great authority on the subject, given how ill-founded and fragile their own beliefs are.

As is often the case in matters of thought, there are two moral choices before our eminently unknown columnist. After realizing that his beliefs (as represented by his secularist friends) were shown the door in a court of law, he can either educate himself on the matter by reading a well-researched book or he can write another substandard column for The Indian Express scoffing at the impersonal majesty of Indian law. Guess which path he is likely to take!

Kabristan vs Smashans: The truth of religious discrimination under Akhilesh government


PM Modi’s rally in Fatehpur (UP) on Sunday created enough talking points for the media to be kept busy for sometime. Emphasising his Govt’s commitment to ‘Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas’, Modi claimed that there was discrimination along religious lines being carried out by the UP govt when it came to issues of development, such as  providing electricity connections, and spending on areas of last rites.

First the Media took his comment out of context, to give it a communal spin. While Modi stressed on both Hindus and Muslims getting a fair deal, media projected it as if Modi had spoken only about discrimination faced by Hindus. We had exposed this spin here.

Next, the debate shifted to whether the PM’s claims were even true, whether the SP Government did in fact practice religious discrimination in above fields. Yesterday we reported how PM Modi’s claim about discrimination along religious lines when it comes to electric supply in UP were indeed true.

Today let us look at his other statement which hasn’t received much scrutiny yet:

If you create Kabristaan (graveyard) in a village, then a Shamshaan (cremation ground) should be created.

This led many people to wonder as to whether discrimination was taking place in UP even when it came to the areas used to see someone off after their death. As it turns out, yes, under Akhilesh’s Government one can see a huge difference in the way religious places for last rites were treated. In their news bulletin, Aaj Tak put out figures of budgetary allocations made by the SP Government to Kabristans and Smashans in the last 5 years:

As reported by Aaj Tak, since 2012 the UP government has allocated Rs 1300 crores for Kabristans. As compared to that, they spent 627 crores on revamping the Smashans. The year-wise data is summarised as below:

As seen from the table, a total of Rs 500 crores was spent on Kabristans in 2012-13 and 2013-14 and no amount was spent on Smashans as there was no scheme yet for the same. In 2014-15 and 2015-16 the same amount (Rs 200 crore) was spent on both but in the year 2016-17 the amount earmarked for Kabristans rose to Rs 400 crores as compared to Rs 227 crores for Smashans. And yes we decided to cross verify all the figures from the UP budget transcripts [1][2][3][4][5].

The Akhilesh Government spending double on Kabristans as compared to Smashans too doesn’t give us the full picture as the number of Hindus and Muslims in the state are not the same. We went through the 2011 census data and found there were approx 3.83 crore Muslims and 16.11 crore Hindus in the state. And taking a per-capita view of the matter that is the amount spent per person, we found that Rs 339 were earmarked for every Muslim as compared to Rs 39 for a Hindu when it came to granting amount for their respective places of last rites.

Also interestingly the amount granted for Kabristans rose by 100% as compared to 13.5% for Smashans in 2016-17 that is during the election year hence many might wonder if the UP government was just adding to its long history of minority appeasement.

The numbers clearly stack up against the SP Government and back PM Modi’s claims. On both counts, be it electricity or last rite places, Akhilesh Yadav has a lot to answer, provided someone asks him the question, because in the last few weeks we have either seen softball interviews of Akhilesh, or Akhilesh abusing journalists.

An abusive Akhilesh reveals a nervous Akhilesh


Arvind Kejriwal recently taunted PM Narendra Modi on twitter, claiming that the PM was looking nervous in an election rally in Uttar Pradesh. Kejriwal’s hatred for Modi is well known, but if he would have just looked at his fellow chief minister Akhilesh Yadav now, he would have realised who really was nervous.

Social media and various “mood” of Uttar Pradesh surveys are agog with speculation that BJP is gaining huge ground in the Uttar Pradesh elections. Agencies like 5Forty3 have published study after study indicating a BJP sweep in Uttar Pradesh. Even hard-core anti-BJP journalists like Shekhar Gupta have openly admitted that at least Modi’s popularity is unblemished in the past 3 odd years and BJP could perform even better than what it did in 2014, if Lok Sabha polls were held now.

On the other hand, Akhilesh Yadav maybe sweating it out. The SP camp has in fact tried everything: The so-called “war” in the family has been quelled to a large extent, an alliance with Congress has been forged, Congress even recently brought out Priyanka Gandhi (albeit only to be ridiculed) to attack BJP. With all these and many more stratagem, one would have expected Akhilesh to be calm, but his recent outbursts have shredded the veneer of tranquillity.

The first signs of Akhilesh Yadav’s nervousness were clear when he made the following statement:

Have you seen the ad of a donkey on TV? We will tell the mahanayak, don’t campaign for donkeys. Have you ever heard of campaigning for donkeys? Gujarat’s people are doing campaigns for donkeys

Was he referring to PM Modi as a “donkey”, or was he referring to this 2 year old ad for wild asses of Gujarat? Explicitly, it might have been targeted at the ad, but even a novice in politics will agree that CM candidate of India’s most important state (electorally), will not go after an ad. The target was Gujarat, and by association, the PM, who hails form Gujarat.

This might be the first instance of a star leader using such abusive and disrespectful language towards an opponent in this election season. Smaller leaders may keep erring on this aspect but when the main leader of the party attacks in such a crass manner, it speaks volumes. Not only is Modi the Prime Minister of the country, he is a senior politician and way older than Akhilesh. Nervous is the word.

This “donkey” jibe might well prove to be the equivalent of Modi questioning Nitish Kumar’s DNA in the last Bihar elections. At the very least, such a remark will definitely not add to Akhilesh’s popularity, if not reduce it. One the one hand Modi highlighted the politics of religious discrimination in Uttar Pradesh, and on the other hand, his opponent is busy name-calling.

Another incident came to light this week where again Akhilesh was referred to as being abusive. Rajdeep Sardesai may have painstakingly crafted a family-man image for Akhilesh via his softball interview, but on Rajdeep’s own channel Aaj Tak, this facade was also broken.

In a TV shown on Aaj Tak, journalists discussed how Akhilesh had recently abused a journalist:

The journalists revealed that Akhilesh had used the choicest abuses for one of their colleagues, abuses which could not even repeated on national television. The panel discussed how Akhilesh might be frustrated and agitated, possibly due to ground reports that SP is under-performing in the elections. Anti-Modi journalist Javed Ansari tried to cover up for Akhilesh Yadav saying that Akhilesh is usually much more calm and composed and he was under pressure, but that is precisely the message people are getting: Akhilesh is nervous and under pressure.

The reason for Akhilesh’s sudden outbursts could be that he has now realised that things are going really down south for his party. Modi’s charisma seems to be intact and BJP for the first time in many years is in the reckoning.

And inspite of his best efforts, he has problems in his own backyard as well. Although the alliance with Congress brings about some consolidation of votes, it also brings into play another factor: 100+ SP aspirants had to be sacrificed to accommodate Congress. This has caused discontent among the rejected aspirants and many of them are either contesting as rebels or have switched over to other parties like BSP, BJP and RLD.

Further, even though the patriarch Mulayam Singh Yadav’s fury seems to have been contained, Akhilesh’s uncle Shivpal continues to be a thorn in his neck. In fact, in Etawah, where Shivpal is contesting on the SP ticket, Akhilesh ended up campaigning against Shivpal Yadav and thereby against SP itself. Akhilesh is reported to have said:

Those who have created a rift between me and Netaji (Mulayam), people of Etawah teach them a lesson. People, whom I trusted, they made me and Netaji fight. They wanted to take the cycle, but they have lost their own cycle.

Given all of this, it is understandable that Akhilesh Yadav is under tremendous pressure in the first election where he is leading the party virtually in the absence of his father Mulayam Singh Yadav. But the patch of abusive diarrhoea which Akhilesh seems to be going through may be symptoms of the the degree and extent of pressure he is under, and succumbing to. Perhaps its time for another fluff piece in the Economic Times to re-polish the Mr Clean image of Akhilesh.

Now attempts being made to hack Right Wing accounts on Twitter?


Recently many Right Wing or right-leaning users on Twitter were worried about their accounts getting suspended by Twitter India after prominent Twitter user Sonam Mahajan’s account and backup account both got suspended. Now it looks like they have to deal with another headache which is a hacking attempt of their accounts. Even before this, we had seen cases of right-leaning accounts getting suspended.

Yesterday, many Twitter users posted pictures claiming that some people were attempting to hack their accounts.. Some even blamed AAP supporters for it as there are long been talks about accounts posting anti-AAP content getting suspended on Twitter.

One user had also experienced a similar attempt on his Facebook account some days back

The common threads in all the above cases were that all the accounts are known to mock and ridicule AAP and Congress, and many, though not all, are generally pro-BJP and pro-Modi. Furthermore, many of the above accounts reported hacking attempts in the wee hours of the morning between 5-6 am. All such accounts getting targetted at around the same time can’t be coincidence, and it shows that this could have been a ideologically motivated targetted attack on all of them.

What makes this move more desperate is the fact that many of these Twitter users are comedians first and political commentators later, and for the most part lampoon AAP and left-liberals if it ensures a good laugh. Plus as almost all affected accounts are right-leaning, the support from Twitter India might be precariously low.

Watch: Mayawati translates PM’s name as ‘Negative Dalit Man’


PM Narendra Modi after plunging himself into national politics has really made English acronyms a thing in most of his speeches. Starting from 2014 he has coined some pretty intelligent ones like:

  • RSVP: Rahul, Sonia, Vadra, Priyanka
  • ABCD: Adarsh, Bofors, Coal scam and Daamad
  • FDI: First Develop India
  • 3 AKs– “Admired in Pakistan”: AK-47, AK Antony, and AK-49 (Arvind Kejriwal)

And recently ones like:

SCAM: Samajwadi Party, Congress, Akhilesh and Mayawati

This concept also prompted Rahul Gandhi to create his own SCAM acronym, which didn’t quite turn out well for him.

Though this acronym business has come with its pitfalls, most notably witnessed via Minister Venkaiah Naidu’s attempt to turn it into a sycophancy exercise.

All this seems to have affected Mayawati who too seems to have brought in English in her speech:

So she has managed to translate Narendra as Negative, Damodardas as Dalit and Modi as Man. And taking a step further stated, ‘He is negative Dalit man’ i.e woh ‘Dalit virodhi aadmi hain’ thereby fulfilling her Modi bashing agenda.

And if you are wondering, Narendra means Lord of men, Damodardas generally means Lord Krishna and Modi means Grocer. So his name translates to Lord of men Lord Krishna Grocer and not Negative Dalit man.

This interpretation by Mayawati seems to have arrived after Modi called her BSP Behenji Sampatti Party.

And obviously people reacted:

Our advise to Mayawati: Keep going and you may end up toppling Rahul Gandhi as India’s premier stand up politician.

State vs Hindus – how Indian politics has destroyed the notion of ‘secularism’


A wise man once said “When you are used to privilege, equality seems like oppression.”

Was reminded of this brilliant quote yesterday when a speech by Prime Minister Narendra Modi evoked hysterical outrage by the so-called left-liberals. The outrage was caused by a statement where he demanded equitable rights for Hindus and Muslims: 1) for electricity during Ramzan and Diwali, and 2) Fair distribution of land for cremation and burial grounds.

This comes on the backdrop of blatant appeasements schemes that have been directed at the minority community by Samajwadi Party, including of electricity distribution (read this report). To any sane mind, what could possibly be objectionable about demanding equal rights?

However, sanity and logic has been the first casualty of new age Indian politics, especially in the post-Modi era. The speech resulted in him being portrayed as communal and divisive and he was accused of stoking religious fires. Many ironically went on to imply that this demand was at loggerheads with Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas, while it was not, as is evident from this report. The irony would be comical if the implications had not been so tragic.

This brings us to the question of how did we get to a situation where asking for equal rights for Hindus leads to a person being branded communal? More frighteningly, HOW did we get to a situation where we even NEED to ask for equal rights? Wasn’t that a guarantee when the word SECULAR was added to the constitution? How did it come to pass that minority pandering is blatantly encouraged while liberals scream bloody murder when equal rights are demanded by Hindus?

Have we been ignoring small, innocuous sounding appeasement signals for far too long? Or is it because our left-leaning media has been economical with portraying the truth all this while? Or is it because of political correctness of a large Hindu population?

There have been innumerable instances in the past when desperate minority appeasing statements have been made by the politicians and our secular-liberals have turned a blind eye. UP election reminds one of Mulayam Singh Yadav who was the Chief Minister in 1990, during the Ram Janmbhoomi movement.

Very recently, in the run up to the elections, Mulayam admitted that ordering the firing which killed 16 Karsevaks was very painful for him but it was necessary to “maintain the faith of Muslims”. He went on to state that he would have ordered the killing of even a larger number of Karsevaks to allay the fears of Muslims at that point of time.

Let it sink in that a former Chief Minister, who is currently in active politics, could get away unquestioned by admitting that he ordered the killings of Hindus solely for the purpose of allaying the fears of Muslims. Contrast this with the outrage created when Narendra Modi spoke about a hypothetical puppy coming under a car wheels. That the “Idea of India” gives precedence to an imaginary puppy over actual flesh and blood Hindus killed in firing by the State is a sign of the times we live in.

Who can forget Manmohan Singh’s statement from the ramparts of the Red Fort about minorities, especially Muslims, having the first rights on the India’s resources? Was he termed communal and divisive for that hugely provocative, not to mention unconstitutional, statement?

Innumerable other policies like RTE (which allows the freedom to ‘minority run schools’ not to admit poor students, who would often be underprivileged Hindus) and control of temple administrations have a patently anti-Hindu agenda, which the allegedly Hindu government at the Centre has been unable to touch. And add to that recent announcements like that of Telangana government to provide financial assistance only to drivers belonging to the minority communities, as if Hindu cab drivers are all affluent.

Politicians across the spectrum, including Mamata Banerjee and Arvind Kejriwal have also often made openly minority appeasing statements. One could afford to ignore these statements as vote gathering tactics, had these statements been restricted to politicians. Situation is worse.

It is unfortunate and dangerous that even our judicial and law enforcement systems have been bitten by the appeasement bug. Or even more frightening is the scenario that these politicians have managed to create a situation where these agencies, which are supposed to be the backbone of a just and harmonious society, have been emasculated to this extent.

Recently an RTI application was made to find out what action had been taken on the court order regarding the use of loudspeakers in places of worship. The RTI revealed that Mumbai Police is avoiding taking action against mosques as they fear a “potential law and order situation”. Again, one sees no hue and cry that our law enforcement agencies have been rendered impotent by fear of a particular religious group.

Similarly, in a recent ruling, Mumbai High Court passed an order allowing the slaughter of goats in housing societies. So if you are a Hindu or for that matter anyone who is put off by the spectacle of an animal being dismembered in your building premises, there is precious little you can do about it.

By far special government schemes offered by the State to minorities were accepted by most Hindus all along, our “Secular” State notwithstanding. There have been mild questioning voices every now and then but by and large the Hindu community has been in consonance.

This longstanding equanimity has however led to a situation where a large chunk of Hindus find themselves pushed against a wall. The impact of appeasement has now begun to hit closer home and the threat has become more existential as vote bank political pitches reach higher crescendos.

When demanding equality in a “secular” country has begun to be deemed as “communal”, what hope does this largely peaceful community have, in the face of blatant appeasement driven politics? Is this going to prove to be the point of inflection for Hindus at large? Or will we continue to bear the cross of “secularism” at our own cost?

Dr Swamy’s explosive press conference: Targets Chidambarams and Finance Ministry


Today, Dr Subramanian Swamy, released to the press many documents which continued his sustained attack on Congress leader and former Finance Minister P Chidambaram, and his son Karthi Chidambaram.

In his press release he expressed his shock that in spite of providing details of 21 undeclared foreign bank accounts in the name of Karthi Chidambaram and companies he controls, the CBI and the Enforcement Directorate had not acted on the same. In his press conference, he alleged that Karthi Chidambaram might have amassed Rs 6 lakh crores in foreign accounts.

Further, in a serious allegation, he claimed that while the Chidambarams should have been prosecuted under Section 13(1)(d)(iii) of the Prevention of Corruption Act (PCA), the BJP had tried to push an amendment to the Act to delete this very clause from the PCA, “so that Mr Chidambaram and his son can go scot-free”.

He further claimed that he had to write to the Prime Minister to intervene in the matter since he was being “thwarted in his fight against corruption”. He further claimed that the “excellent” measure of demonetisation was not producing full desired results due to the lack of “back-up support of the Ministry of Finance”.

Mr Swamy also released a copy of his letter addressed to the PM last week, which had details of the 21  undeclared foreign bank accounts:

In the letter he wrote how the list of account was unearthed during a probe by the DG (Investigation) of Income Tax in Chennai a few months ago. He claimed that a whistleblower officer then shared the list with him. He further said that Karthi had floated a company Advantage Strategic Consulting Pvt Ltd which had 4 accounts in Singapore, and was involved in receiving kickbacks in the Aircel Maxis scam.

The list of accounts as released by Dr Swamy:

In his press conference, Dr Swamy stated that Karthi had already been raided by the ED, and has evaded 3 summons under the PMLA Act, inspite of which ED has not been able to get “political sanction” to arrest Karthi. He reiterated that the PM has always acted whenever he has written to him, but the Finance Ministry is too soft.  He claimed that there are 3 bureaucrats in the Ministry, who were appointees of Chidambaram, and hence they are blocking the files.

He further said that the PM cannot be blamed for any failure to bring foreign stashed black money back to India, because in their 60-65 years rule, Congress had placed many of their people in the bureaucracy to block moves of anti-corruption.

He argued that since just about 2 years are remaining for the term of this Government to finish, and the various corruption cases needed a sense of urgency, which is why he decided to hold a press conference. Without naming anyone, he claimed that some powerful forces were protecting the Chidambarams.

He said that he will send all the material to the Prime Minister, who should get the truth out from his officers, and act on his promise of finishing black money. He said that he will appear in the related case in the Supreme Court in March, and after that he would release a second tranche of list of bank accounts.

PM Modi was right: Uttar Pradesh did see religious discrimination in electricity supply

In a rally in Fatehpur (UP) on Sunday, PM Modi created quite a flutter after claiming that there was a form of religious discrimination going on in UP when it came to supplying electricity. He was largely quoted as saying:

Ramzan mein bijli aati hai to Diwali mein bhi aani chaahiye; Bhed bhaav nahi hona chaahiye (If there is electricity during Ramadan then it should be available during Diwali too)

He was drilling home the point about no bhed-bhaav (discrimination) against anybody and had stated, “If electricity is available at Holi, it must be available on Eid as well” after his Ramzan and Diwali statement. Only then he had said, “bhed bhaav nahi hona chahiye”. In spite of this, his words were taken out of context and spun as a communal statement.

Be that as it may, the fact remained that he had attempted to make the populace aware about the discrimination carried out by the UP government. After his speech the Media was more interested in bringing out a communal spin rather than highlighting the PM’s claims.

Founding Editor of the leftist site, The Wire, went on to declare that there was no evidence of such discrimination:

But if he had decided to dig a bit deeper, he would have go the answer. A few days back, Union power minister Piyush Goyal,  had stated the same thing, that the Akhilesh Yadav Govt had given a preference to Muslims over Hindus in this regard. He referred to a complain lodged by a BJP MP Sarvesh Kumar with Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) about discrimination in distribution of power connections on the basis of religion in Moradabad and after an inquiry was carried out, these charges were found to be true.

The details of the same are now available in the following letter of Rural Electrification Corporation Limited (RECL), in which it is revealed that a committee had investigated the matter and found that there had been discrimination on religious grounds  while implementing  the Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana (DDUGJY) scheme which was designed to provide continuous power supply to rural India.

This was also pointed out by Tajendar Bagga, who shared the following news clip:

This article points out how the UP government disregarded Hindu areas to supply electricity to Muslim areas. The MP quoted by Mr Goyal had sent that particular letter to the PMO in March 2016 and in that had claimed that the Manager of the electrification scheme was from a particular community and hence only worked for his own people. In another letter written in May 2016 he clearly stated that electrification work was only being done in villages with Muslim majority and also stated that even a graveyard in those areas had been provided electricity.

It has long been known that some specific constituencies chiefly belonging to the ruling Yadav family used to get or still get 24×7 electricity but a divide existing on religious lines was not known.