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Hindustan Times journo insults and abuses PM Modi on Twitter, calls him ‘Jaahil’


Off late, an attempt is being made to target ordinary citizens, who voice their opinion on social media. They are called “trolls”, labelled as being crass, low-class, abusive, when many of them are not even remotely abusive. It doesn’t take much for the left liberals to equate these “trolls” to jihadi terrorists as well. If by chance any such person is followed by the Prime Minister or any other BJP functionary, then quickly the argument is made that these people are trained, promoted and encouraged by the PM himself.

Here are some tweets by another private citizen:

Going by the language and tenor used, one can confidently brand this as account as that of  a “troll”, using crass and insulting language. Ideally such people can be ignored. But things take an interesting turn when we see that this account in fact belongs to a journalist. Madam Ifrah Mufti has been a journalist with The Indian Express and is currently working with the Hindustan Times:

Coming back to the above tweets, this media person refers to PM Modi as a “Jaahil”. A “Jaahil”? Really, this is the language that a Hindustan Times journo uses for India’s Prime Minister? Further, this Hindustan Times journo goes further to make a direct attack on the humble origins of Prime Minister Modi. Can you imagine a single person on the media going into the dubious pre-marriage past of Sonia Gandhi?

Wow, simply wow! A journalist for a major national media house calls Modi a “Jaahil” simply because he started life as a humble tea seller. The class hatred in this tweet is too disgusting for me to separately put in words.

In fact, this “journalist” appears to be participating actively in the political trend #JaahilPMModi by retweeting several posts on this hashtag. Much neutrality:


For a while now, celebrity journalists, terrified of losing the narrative to social media, have been trying to run down right wingers on Twitter and Facebook by accusing them of being “abusive”. But clearly, Ms. Ifrah Mufti’s obsessive hatred of the BJP and willingness to abuse has not hindered her career within the Mainstream Media.

In fact, she has reported for the Hindustan Times on highly sensitive subjects, such as reactions to the Kanhaiya Kumar episode at JNU.


Ms. Ifrah Mufti has also been reporting on issues that are of critical national security interest.


This article above discusses the early life of Zakir Rashid Bhat, the man who was touted in a video by the Hizbul Mujahiddeen as a “successor” to Burhan Wani! (see here). The article by Ms. Ifrah Mufti presents several kind testimonials of Zakir Rashid Bhat as “tech-savvy”, “talkative”, “keen student”, “eager to mingle” , “fun loving”, “outgoing” and “very friendly”. Not too far away from the now infamous “Son of a headmaster” line.

Let’s summarize: Our attitudes towards active Hizbul Mujahiddeen terrorists are being moulded by writings of journalists such as Ms. Ifrah Mufti in national newspapers like the Hindustan Times.

Further, Mufti is also followed by the official account of The Hindustan Times:

Going by the logic propounded by our left liberal analysts, does this mean the Ms. Mufti is being coached and encouraged by The Hindustan Times to spew such bile from her profile? If PM Modi is often asked to unfollow such accounts, will The Hindustan Times be urged by our left liberals, to at least unfollow such a journalist, leave alone sack her from her job?

What ails JNU? Well, some of its students inhabit the island of Calypso


Many of us are familiar with Homer’s epic Odyssey, the sequel to the blind bard’s martial yarn Iliad. Odyssey is the story of how Odysseus, one of the many heroes who fought in the ten-year long Trojan war, finds his way back to Ithaca, the city-state he ruled, after the defeat and fall of Troy. Odysseus’s journey home lasts as long as the war itself, because on the way he is kidnapped by the nymph Calypso. The beauteous Calypso is so besotted with the hero that she absolutely must have him as her husband. Odysseus, however, is already married to Penelope. He is not interested in wedding the nymph. The upset Calypso, thus, imprisons Odysseus on her island Ogygia hoping that one day she will manage to persuade the brave Ithacan to change his mind. It was awfully hard to escape from Calypso’s island. Odysseus, being the hero he was, did, in the end, manage to escape, but not before languishing on it for seven long years.

Why was it so difficult to escape from Ogygia– the island of Calypso? It was, because Ogygia did not exist in time and space, it lay in the world and yet did not quite lie in it. This might be rather hard to fathom for the readers, but one must understand that this is an instance of the richness of ancient poetic imagination. Ogygia, it suffices to assume, was a ghostly, phantom place. Its ghostliness detached it from the world and, of course, one cannot escape a place which is in no manner connected to another place. Plainly put, no means of communication existed between Ogygia and the rest of the world.

My beloved alma mater, JNU, is an academic and political island in the heart of South Delhi. It too, in its turn, harbors an island within its own bounds – a mental Ogygia inhabited by hundreds of Odysseuses. However, they differ from the Ithacan warrior on one crucial count. Odysseus was deeply unhappy dwelling on the island of Calypso. These hundreds of Odysseuses, on the other hand, are gloriously glad inhabiting their own Ogygia.

They are glad because they have had their hearts taken by certain enchanting spectral nymphs that haunt their phantom island – ‘radicalism’ and ‘revolution’. They adore them with their speech all their waking hours and always imagine themselves doing their bidding. Apparently, when they bully mild, decent folks such as Professor Makarand Paranjape, it is only because they are bidden to do so by these nymphs. The ladyloves of these Odysseuses are exacting. They demanded that they bar the way of a mild-mannered academic in order to effectively protest the latest UGC guidelines on MPhil and PhD admissions. That is at least the explanation our Odysseuses provided.

Jokes apart, what exactly do ‘radicalism’ and ‘revolution’ entail and are our doughty heroes actually serving their ends? I looked up the online Merriam-Webster and found that it explains ‘radical’ thus – it is an individual ‘very different from the usual or traditional’ and ‘favoring extreme changes in existing views, habits, conditions, or institutions’. On the basis of this definition, we suppose, ‘radicalism’ must mean being firmly, and consistently ‘non-traditional’ and furthering ‘extreme changes’ in the existing state of affairs. Let us now turn to ‘revolution’. The Merriam-Webster assigns to ‘revolution’ a closely allied meaning. It is ‘a sudden, radical, or complete change’. To what extent are our heroes inhabiting the genuine ‘radical’ state and furthering the ‘revolutionary’ end?

Let us first look at the ‘existing state of affairs’ on the campus they inhabit and how our heroes stand in relation to those. A significant component of the state of affairs in JNU are the security guards and the hostel cooks. The former maintain order on the campus and the latter feed the revolutionaries inhabiting it. They also happen to be some of the most overworked and underpaid people you might meet anywhere. It is rather common for the JNU security guards to do twelve or thirteen hour shifts. It is also rather common for them to work seven days a week. It is common too for them to not receive the salary that is entered against their names on the payroll. They could be paid an amount ten to twenty percent less. Recently, they went on strike for a couple of days to protest against their work conditions and demanding the bonus that had been promised to them but not paid. Many cooks fare no better. A lot of them are not directly hired by the university. They are, instead, supplied by private contractors. They are paid a pittance and, like the guards, work extremely long hours for days on end. There are another lot on the campus who have to bear with somewhat rough circumstances – the construction workers. For many years now, new disciplinary schools and centers are being constructed in JNU and that has made construction workers a permanent presence on its campus. These construction workers too frequently do not receive the minimum wage from the contractors who hire them. They also live in rather atrocious conditions- in polythene and cardboard shacks- right before the eyes of our revolutionaries. Their children do not go to school, they are also malnourished. The students who barred the way of Professor Paranjape were passionate about ‘social justice’, but, curiously, the above lots of people do not seem to figure on their mental radar at all. Whatever their idea of social justice is, it does not seem to have room for the JNU guards, cooks and construction workers. So, they are not, after all, furthering an ‘extreme change’ in the prevalent state of affairs. Not on the campus at least.

What about the great, wide world that sprawls outside the campus? To what extent are our ‘radicals’ and ‘revolutionaries’ connected with it and changing the state of affairs in it? Well, right outside the imposing walls of JNU is a warren of dark, damp lanes and by lanes– Munirka Village. Once again, we find that our Ogygia dwellers are wholly unconcerned with the state of affairs prevailing there when they really ought to be, because of one significant reason. Many nooks and crannies of Munirka Village are quite unsafe indeed for women. Many readers might remember the horrific rape of ‘Nirbhaya’ that occurred in December 2012. She was abducted by her assailants from the Munirka bus stop. A very visible proportion of the JNU ‘radicals’ and ‘revolutionaries’ are women scholars and each one them, to my knowledge, identify themselves as feminists. None of them have ever hit the streets demanding that Munirka Village be better policed and lit. Yes, they did bring out that token march when the Nirbhaya episode occurred. But that is about it. Generally, they restrict themselves to theoretically bemoaning patriarchy in JNU’s Center for Women’s Studies. Apparently, their feminism does not extend to their sisters who are incapable of ‘cultural deconstruction’ in a ‘post-modern’ language.

In pure Marxist terms, the JNU Ogygia dwellers are incapable of the ‘philosophy of praxis’. Leszek Kolakowski, the author of a monumental three volume history of Marxism, explains the philosophy of praxis as the idea that criticism should ‘cease to be mere thinking’ and become ‘part of human life’ so that it leads to worthwhile action. Beliefs and criticism must not be detached, ‘sovereign’, otherwise there will be a ‘rift between the individual mind and its surroundings, between thought and the world of men.’ Such a rift is not desirable, it breeds delusion. The revolution makers of JNU are delusional because they are unaware of vast swathes of social reality that surrounds them. Their critique is largely useless, because it is incapable of being a part of human life. Definitely not the lives of the overworked guards and cooks that protect and feed them.

It was not always so. Ten years ago, the students of JNU had shut the university down demanding that the construction workers employed on the campus be given the minimum wage. Since then the campus has changed its political complexion enormously. It has been taken over by fringe left groups like the Democratic Students’ Union and Democratic Students’ Federation (Umar Khalid belongs to the former). This left is obsessed with the politics of the spectacular and always seeks to create spectacles. The latest spectacle they created was making a gentle middle aged man genuflect at their feet. They are dwellers of a mental Ogygia disconnected from all that is real. They suffer from delusions which emerge from their incapacity for the ‘philosophy of praxis’. I hope against hope that their delusions do not take all JNU under their spell. If that happens all JNU will be an Ogygia, the island of Calypso.

5 things Sasikala can do to completely stop the MLAs from escaping


As the impasse between Panneerselvam and Sasikala continues, Sasikala has proceeded to literally take 130 AIADMK MLAs hostage so as to ensure they don’t trespass and end up supporting the Panneerselvam camp. She has them locked up inside Golden Bay Resorts in Chennai and has installed mobile jammers, cut off internet wires, switched off Wifi, denied them newspapers and has also added a perimeter security to ensure that the MLAs don’t scale the resort wall and escape. The hotel staff has been tasked with patrolling the corridors and keep tabs (snoop) on the MLAs. Though on the brighter side the food is good and yesterday the MLA’s were served fish and mutton curry, various rice and vegetables, thaalis and desserts.

We were so moved by these extensive efforts of Sasikala that we decided to provide her with 5 more such methods by which she can make it virtually impossible for the MLA’s to escape from the Zoo Resort.

1. Organize Jallikattu inside the Resort premises: She can hire a Jallikattu bull which is easily available nowadays as no one is interested in Jallikattu currently and can proceed to organize the event in Resort grounds where the MLAs would try to tame the bull. So after the event ends the MLAs would be so tired they would slump on their beds and not even dream about escaping.

2. Build a wall around the MLAs and make Panneerselvam pay for it: Like Donald Trump is planning to build a wall along the US Mexico border and intending to make Mexico pay for it, Sasikala too can make a great, huge and beautiful wall around each of her MLAs so that they don’t escape. And going by Trump’s logic she can somehow make Panneerselvam pay for it.

3. Dig up a moat containing deadly crocodiles around the resort: Even though humans have been brave enough to skydive from outer space, many are still afraid about the prospect of getting eaten alive by dangerous animals with sharp teeth. So taking a cue from a medieval castle, Sasikala can dig a deep moat around the Resort and fill it up with water and hungry crocodiles. So if any courageous MLA does manage to scale the resort wall, he is going directly into the awaiting crocodile’s stomach.

4. Make the hotel staff speak only Hindi which might start a brawl: Some people in Tamil Nadu are a bit touchy about Hindi. So if Sasikala makes all the staff snooping on the MLAs speak only in Hindi they might get aggravated and start a bitter quarrel thereby forgetting about escaping and joining up with Panneerselvam.

5. Send Engineering students to live with the MLAs: Engineering students are a peculiar species and if Sasikala throws in a couple of engineering students in each MLA’s room she can ensure MLAs would never escape. As almost immediately the engineers can induce the MLAs to start living their lifestyle like sleeping for 16 hours a day, going to classes (work in MLA’s case) once every 6 months, binge watching Game of Thrones among others which would make the MLAs so lazy and occupied that they would completely forget there’s a political war out there.

Popular Right Wing Twitter account suspended allegedly for questioning Kejriwal and Anti-Nationals


Since long there have been reports about how Twitter accounts were getting suspended for attacking a particular ideology and a political party whose leader routinely attacks the PM by using words like Coward and Psychopath and journalists by calling them ‘dalaal’ (pimp).

As reported, many prominent Twitter handles soon got suspended after questioning or mocking AAP and one of the latest additions to the suspended list, Sonam Mahajan (@AsYouNotWish) too claims to have fallen prey to the same design.

@AsYouNotWish a prominent Twitter handle with over 60,000 followers was suspended yesterday

Sonam Mahajan, who also has a Facebook page, claimed that she knew such a fate was inevitable after she had been routinely asking uncomfortable questions to Kejriwal and that the suspension was at the personal behest of Kejriwal, who was assisted in this regard by Raheel Khursheed a top executive at Twitter India.

She also claimed that the suspension closely followed her tweet about Dangal actress Zaria Wasim’s mother who had posted a “Keep calm and defeat India” poster with a Pakistani flag on Facebook.

As a result of such a blatant stifling of someone’s freedom of expression, many came in support of Sonam Mahajan.

Some celebrities too came out in her support

Many pointed out how the real abusers who should be the ones suspended were running free

Soon the hashtag #BringBackSonamMahajan was the number one trend in India:

While Sonam Mahajan thanked all the commoners for standing up for her during this time, she lamented the fact that not even a single politician among those who she had defended countless times was coming to her aid during her time of need.

While it remains to be seen if and when her Twitter account gets restored, the fact remains that many who claim to be the champions of free speech are now silent, some being even an accessory to stifling of voices that go against the established norm.

Manmohan Singh’s magical raincoat is now available for sale

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in his Rajya Sabha speech, had mentioned that only Manmohan Singh – former Prime Minister who presided over arguably the most corrupt regime in independent India – knew the art of bathing while wearing a raincoat.

It was a metaphor for Manmohan Singh still being considered an honest person despite numerous scams under his watch, which was akin to someone not getting wet by water despite taking a bath.

The jibe hit the Congress party where it hurts the most (charges of corruption), and the party is now making it an issue of “insult” to the former Prime Minister. While their protests are aiming at whitewashing the scams in the real world, the ‘raincoat’ comment has now inspired various acts in the virtual world.

Someone found a video that had literal interpretation of the metaphor used by the PM:

While others reminded how Manmohan Singh was insulted in reality:

Now the fun has been taken to the next level with activist Tajinder Pal Singh Bagga offering to sell this fictional raincoat. It is now branded with the name of the former Prime Minister.

Bagga, who earlier had bought a kurta for Rahul Gandhi online, has now put Manmohan Singh Raincoat on sale online:

Manmohan Singh's raincoat
Yellow yellow, honest fellow.

Priced at a whopping 1 lakh rupees, the yellow raincoat is stated to be in “heavily used” condition.

Given such a high price, perhaps only those who benefited a lot due to the scams under Manmohan Singh can afford to buy this raincoat. And just in case you are tempted to buy it, please understand that, obviously, it’s a prank.

18 sabotage attempts including 7 blast attempts in the last 40 days: Suresh Prabhu

Rail Minister Suresh Prabhu yesterday during the question hour in the Lok Sabha informed that there were as many as 18 sabotage attempts against railways in the last 40 days.

These attempts were made by placing boulders, concrete slab, stone slab or rail pieces on tracks to derail trains, but were foiled due to the vigilance of railway officials. He also mentioned that there were also as many as seven blast attempts carried out to sabotage the rail operations

Just on the night of 6th February, a major accident was averted between the Diva and Panvel stretch near Mumbai after the loco pilot of the Pune-Santragachi express pressed the emergency break in time when the train encountered a 5 foot piece of rail placed horizontally over the tracks.

We had reported earlier as to how an ISI hand has been long suspected in the sabotage attempts, some of which were carried close to dates and venues of Narendra Modi’s rallies, and whether these were an attempt to hit back at the India for ruining its (ISI’s) counterfeit note business post demonetisation.

Though the elaborate conspiracy does seem to be slowly unraveling as one of the prime suspects in the Kanpur train derailment Shamshul Hoda was arrested a couple of days back by Nepal police.

Hoda, an ISI agent, was reportedly in direct contact with Shafi Shaikh, a Pakistani national and the alleged mastermind behind the sabotage operations. Shaikh is also believed to be the Kingpin of the Fake Indian Currency Note (FICN) operations carried out from Pakistan.

Outrage over ‘raincoat’ comment – how Congress is trying to re-write history


During 2009-2014, Manmohan Singh presided over a regime that saw scams of all hues and proportions. As a Prime Minister, he didn’t act promptly to stop these scams, and in fact is accused of helping in some cases. What we saw under his tenure is described best by a term he himself coined – organised loot and plunder.

While the loot largely happened during the second term, Manmohan Singh undermined the dignity and constitutionality of the office of the Prime Minister for full ten years where the PMO was reduced to executing orders of NAC under Sonia Gandhi – something that is corroborated by the PMO files.

In his first term (2004-2009), his image was largely blemish free. While there were charges of ‘dual centres of power’ over Sonia Gandhi calling the shots, note that it was cleverly called “dual centres”, as if Manmohan Singh had some power too.

Nevertheless, it can be well argued that UPA came back to power to power in 2009 largely due to personal goodwill of Manmohan Singh. He was seen as a bechara (poor helpless guy) who was not allowed to work by the Left parties and who was unfairly targeted as a ‘weak Prime Minister’ by LK Advani.

But by 2014, except for people living in la la land, Manmohan Singh was no longer a bechara but a besharam (shameless person). The erudition and grace were replaced by avarice and shamelessness.

Manmohan Singh had become a person who brazenly clung on to power, god knows why, despite corruption around him and insults heaped on him, such as Rahul Gandhi tearing the ordinance

Manmohan Singh also knew it. He knew he had become butt of ‘robot’ and ‘puppet’ jokes. All his goodwill was gone. And only he was to be blamed for reducing himself to this. If he didn’t respect himself, others won’t.

His only hope was people who write history. He wished that ‘history will be kinder to him’.

When he placed faith in ‘history’, he actually meant ‘historians’. And journalism is often called ‘the first draft of history’.

Those ‘historians’ had become besotted with Arvind Kejriwal, who looked like a Jawaharlal Nehru of Rahul Gandhi’s age to them, during UPA-2. Many are still besotted, and hope Kejriwal and his party will be the Congress that Sonia and Rahul couldn’t give. Punjab election results will decide which way this love will grow.

But whichever way this love blooms, Manmohan Singh hoped to get sympathy for himself from these ‘historians’. From besharam, he wanted to be bechara again. He wanted history to be re-written.

And this re-writing was attempted in 2015 itself, barely a year after the people of the nation handed over the worst ever defeat to Congress. spotted this re-writing of history pretty early.

Now there is another attempt to show Manmohan Singh as bechara. Prime Minister Modi likened his tenure as someone who took bath while wearing a raincoat – a metaphor for Manmohan Singh having no corruption charges slapped on him despite being in the middle of a deeply corrupt regime.

The Congress is trying to claim that this is deeply insulting to Manmohan Singh. They are trying to paint him a bechara, poor helpless guy insulted by the powerful.

No, they don’t care for the wish of a non-Gandhi Prime Minister. They hope that in the process, the scams will also be forgotten (because they are not yet sure that the historians will be that helpful to re-write scam as ‘service courage ability modesty’).

You know, it’s like when we remember the days when Sachin Tendulkar used to play, we mostly remember about the great innings he played, and not about how many matches we won in those years. Memories of Sachin hitting a boundary are forever, winning percentages are for boring debates.

Same way, Congress hopes that Manmohan Singh becomes a bechara forever, while the scams under him are rendered boring statistics. This is more than zero-loss theory. Nostalgia over numbers.

Which is why they are making this rather innocuous statement by Narendra Modi a big issue and are hoping that ‘historians’ will be with them.

Will it work? It will, if you allow history to be re-written. It will, if you don’t counter and let them have their way. They will shout, play victim, and they will label you a troll. But in this case, become a besharam, not a bechara.

This is the proof that Rajdeep Sardesai had asked tough questions to Akhilesh Yadav

This is disgusting to see Sanghis falsely accuse fiercely independent and impartial journalist like Rajdeep Sardesai of being soft on Akhilesh Yadav in a TV interview. This is another example of how Sanghis have become bigger threat to this nation than ISIS.

This is also an example of how Sanghis have low IQ and don’t understand high level questions that was asked by Rajdeep. It is sad that some people have fallen for this propaganda, and this is why it is important to put facts on the table.

Just look at the following questions that are similar to those asked by Rajdeep, which has been wrongly portrayed as soft questions by Sanghis.

Outwardly they may look soft, but the intention – hidden from low IQ Sanghis – is pretty tough. Look at these:

Question asked: Where do you go for a vacation?

Toughness inside: Since law and order situation in UP is pathetic, As the Chief Minister of the state, where do you go for a vacation to get away from all this?

Question asked: Do you like to watch television?

Toughness inside: Since power supply in the state is erratic and power cuts are routine, as the CM of the state, how do you manage to watch your favourite TV shows or sporting events?

Question asked: You are always working. Do you meditate to keep yourself calm?

Toughness inside: Since there have been several communal incidents in the state during the past 5 years, which have kept the administration busy. As the CM of the state, how often do you meditate to keep yourself calm?

Question asked: Do you miss out on long drives?

Toughness inside: Since the roads in the state are in a terrible situation, as the CM of the state, do you miss out on long drives?

Question asked: How much sugar will you take in the tea, sir?

Toughness inside: Since sugarcane farmers in the state are in great distress, as the CM of the state, how much sugar do you take in a cup of tea?


So you see people? The questions were soft from outside, but were very tough from inside. You can call it nutcoco* journalism.

*Nutcoco (soft from outside but tough from inside) is opposite of coconut, which is soft from inside but tough from outside.

A summary of what is going on in the AIADMK and Tamil Nadu politics

Things on political landscape in Tamil Nadu have changed too fast within a few hours starting last evening. The caretaker Chief Minister Panneerselvam and newly elected General Secretary of AIADMK Sasikala are at loggerheads over who controls the party and the post of Chief Minister.

For those who might have missed all the drama, here is a quick summary:

What was the political situation after Jayalalitha’s death?

Until her death, Jayalalithaa was the Tamil Nadu CM and the General Secretary of the AIADMK, the post she had held since 1989. On 5th December 2016, Panneerselvam was sworn in as the CM following Jaya’s death, and speculations raged over who would be made the next party GS. All this while, there were talks about how the real mover and shaker of the party was eventually going to be Sasikala.

What happened to the party General Secretary post?

After weeks of speculations and supposed urging by party cadre, Sasikala was unanimously elected as the party’s General Secretary on 29th December 2016.

What happened afterwards?

With Sasikala becoming General Secretary, it was speculated if she would want to control the party and the government from behind the scenes, or will play the role that Jayalalithaa had played i.e. lead from the front.

It appears that she decided to lead from the front. On Sunday, Panneerselvam resigned from his post citing personal reasons:

This was followed by Sasikala being unanimously elected the leader of the AIADMK legislature party, paving the way for her to become the new Tamil Nadu CM.

So what went wrong?

Panneerselvam shocked everyone last night after claiming that Sasikala had forced him to resign and his actions were not voluntary. He announced this after he had meditated at Jayalalitha’s burial site for about 40 min and claimed that he was told to speak up by the soul of Jayalalitha.

He also said that he came to know that there was a meeting of the MLAs and that he didn’t have prior info. He also said he would take back his resignation if the people and members of his party wished so.

What is the current situation?

Due to this unexpected revolt by Panneerselvam, he has been removed as the party’s treasurer, a post he has held for a decade. Now he has made a sensational claim that he wasn’t allowed to meet Jayalalithaa even once while she was in the hospital. He further proceeded to announce his intention to order a probe commission that would investigate the doubts over Jaya’s health.

Currently most of the MLAs look like standing with Sasikala and the only prominent leaders who arrived at Panneerselvam’s house were former Rajya Sabha MP V Maitreyan and Solavandan MLA K Manickam. However, on ground, support for Panneerselvam appears growing.

Sasikala has responded to all these charges by Panneerselvam and has called them baseless. She has accused him of betraying the party and Jayalalithaa and working in cahoots with DMK.

Now what is the way forward?

Ball is in Governor’s court. Tamil Nadu Governor Vidyasagar Rao had accepted Panneerselvam’s resignation but asked him to continue as the caretaker CM. However, with Panneerselvam announcing his intention to withdraw his resignation, Governor’s role has become important. Vidyasagar Rao, though, doesn’t seem to be in a hurry to settle matters as he is not in the state currently.

Some of the options in front of the Governor include asking Panneerselvam to go for a floor test, date of which would be crucial as to how much time Panneerselvam has to get MLAs in his support. Or he can simply administer oath to Sasikala as the new CM. However, things could get further complicated if Sasikala takes oath as CM and ends up getting convicted in the disproportionate assets case, which will be heard next week.

Why does Sasikala want to come into the forefront and not enjoy power without responsibility?

It appears that Panneerselvam wasn’t turning out to be the docile yes-man everyone made him out to be. Just 20 days after assuming the post of CM, he was asserting his authority that included blocking appointment of an IAS officer favoured by Sasikala.

Panneerselvam was also gaining popularity due to his humble nature and cooperation with the opposition and the centre. He showed decisiveness when he visited the victims of the Vardah cyclone and got a state law to legalise Jallikattu with the Centre’s help. Most probably Sasikala saw these as signs of him growing as a leader.

After USA, Saudi Arabia too plans to scrutinise Pakistanis before letting them in


The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is worried over large number of Pakistanis living there involved in various crimes including terrorism. They have deported about 39,000 Pakistanis in the last four months for violating rules and criminal behaviour.

Various Pakistanis, including a woman, have been arrested recently for helping the terrorist organisation ISIS. Last year, one Pakistani, who has been living in Saudi Arabia for 12 years with his family, had blown himself up near the US consulate in Jeddah. In another incident, two Pakistanis were arrested while trying to blow up the Al-Jawhara stadium in Jeddah, where a football match between Saudi Arabia and UAE was going on with 60,000 spectators present in the stadium.

Apart from terrorism, hordes of Pakistanis are involved in theft, drug trafficking, forgery, theft, etc. As a result, the Islamic Kingdom is now worried about the kind of Pakistanis entering their country.

According to a report published in the Saudi Gazette, the security committee of the Shura Council – the advisory body that proposes laws to the King and the cabinet – has called for ‘thoroughly scrutinizing the Pakistanis before they are recruited for work in the Kingdom’.

Abdullah Al-Sadoun, chairman of the committee, is quoted as saying that Saudi authorities should coordinate with Pakistani counterparts in getting more information over the Pakistani nationals trying to enter the Kingdom.

This is similar to the arrangement US has worked with Pakistan under President Trump, where Pakistani authorities are required to share all intelligence and required data related to their citizens trying to enter US.

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer had recently said that if Pakistani authorities were found lacking in sharing required data or intelligence, Pakistan could also be added to the list of countries that face travel ban under Trump administration.

With Saudi Arabia planning a similar vetting of Pakistanis before allowing them inside the Kingdom, Pakistan has gained the distinction of being the country whose citizens have become security threats even to countries that are directly and indirectly held responsible for creating the monster of Islamic terrorism.