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Historian Ram Guha included in panel to manage the BCCI, reactions pour in

The Supreme Court today appointed its own panel of 4 administrators that would run the BCCI and also carry out the reforms laid out by the Lodha Panel.

The panel will be led by Ex-CAG Vinod Rai and other members include MD of IDFC Vikram Limaye, former Indian women’s team captain Diana Edulji and pop-historian cum Nehru fan Ramachandra Guha (that’s right).

Apart from Diana Edulji, none of the panelists appear to have a professional background in cricket and Ram Guha is a self proclaimed ‘Failed cricketer’ (as per his Twitter bio). And as expected, people reacted to this development with surprise and wit.

Here are some of the reactions (and predictions):

Plus there would be no toss, opponents would be given first right to choose:

And India’s tour to England would be called as Discovery of England:

Any critics of the team would immediately be blocked from watching cricket:

A state of emergency would be imposed in those cities which would have low stadium attendances:

This very important piece of history would no longer be overlooked

With immediate effect!

Then centuries later this history can be twisted by liberal filmmakers under the garb of artistic freedom:

Maybe Boxing federation would be more apt:

Some also talked about Vinod Rai’s appointment to the panel:

Finally an explanation on why the SC made such appointments:


Sushant Singh Rajput drops his surname to protest assault on Bhansali, Twitter reacts

Two days after a group called Karni Sena physically manhandled Bollywood Director Sanjay Leela Bhansali over alleged distortion of history of Rajput queen Padmawati, actor Sushant Singh Rajput decided to protest this act in a unique way.

He decided to drop his surname “Rajput” (and “Singh” too) from his name for a day. He did it by editing the display name of Twitter, which is back to his old name (with “Singh Rajput” included) this morning. He claimed that he did it so to send a message that group like Karni Sena don’t represent all Rajputs.

While some, especially in the mainstream media and the actor’s fans, thought it was an awesome move, others questioned the logic behind the act. The act of dropping a surname is closer to disowning one’s identity than protecting that identity from being hijacked, as Sushant (Singh Rajput) had claimed.

And it attracted a wide range of comments on Twitter:

Bollywood should make up its mind. Does a name matter (when it’s Rajput) or it doesn’t matter (when it’s Taimur)?

Bollywood’s peculiar kind of virtue signaling?

Perhaps such a statement is better fit if one claims that a fringe doesn’t represent the community?

One guy was so upset, he recorded a video message for Sushant (Singh Rajput):

And when it comes to Twitter, how can some fun and sarcasm be behind?

And in a novel way of protesting to match Sushant Singh Rajput’s style, some decided to add “Rajput” to their names:

Sushant Singh Rajput called everyone criticising his move as “paid troll” after such responses went viral.

Bhansali’s Padmavati fiasco – what it is and how it started

History is always a contentious issue. Some want it depicted their way and others just want to know the truth. While limited to scholarly and historic texts, history may well be preserved objectively, but when history crosses into the realm of drama and popular culture, the legacy emanating out of them sometimes threatens to overshadow the reality.

On Friday, Sanjay Leela Bhansali was roughed up outside Jaigarh fort in Jaipur by members of Karni Sena sena, who claimed that Bhansali had distorted the history of Rajashtan by allegedly depicting romance between Islamic ruler Alauddin Khilji and Rajput Queen Padmini. Bhansali was roughed up while he was shooting for his upcoming film Padmavati at that fort.

To very loosely describe history, in the year 1303 Alauddin Kihlji decided to attack Chittor of which Padmini was the Queen. Historians claim that his intention behind the attack was his infatuation for the queen. Khilji won the battle and rather than getting captured by him and his forces queen Padmini chose to commit Jauhar that is self-immolate herself in order to protect her honor.

Even if one considers the claim that Padmini was a fictional character who first appeared in Malik Mohd Jaisi’s poem Padmavati in 1540 – 200 years after the actual events – she has over time become a symbol of women committing Jauhar in order to spare themselves the tyranny of Sultanate rulers. Furthermore, the claim of Padmini/Padmavati being a fictitious character itself is disputed, however, we are agreeing to that for the sake of argument.

Coming to the film and the controversy around it, Deepika Padukone plays the role of Queen Padmini and Ranveer Singh plays the role of Khilji. Just back in around November 8th there were reports in the national media which claimed that there was to be no romance between the duo. The reports cited historical inaccuracies arising due to the same and that Bhansali was very sensitive towards people’s sentiments.

The episode could have been avoided but the regional media clearly didn’t get the message and ran reports of Deepika and Ranveer romancing and warring in Vaishali.  This report was carried on November 8th by widely circulated Dainik Jagran group which has higher penetration and influence among the masses and could have possibly led to many people believing that a Bollywood filmmaker was planning to twist history in such a manner where the Queen they so revered was being depicted having a romance with a man who was actually responsible for her death. It remains to be seen as to from where the Karni Sena got their information. Also, some Rajput groups had tried to get in touch with Bhansali to get clarification, but it is not clear if there was any communication back from the filmmaker.

However, one can not blame people for believing that history could be twisted, for it has become fashionable to gloss over the crime of tyrants and portray them as acceptable mainstream characters. this was evident after how Tipu Sultan’s birthday was celebrated by the Karnataka Government, the Taimur episode or how effort was put in to normalize even Aurangzeb.

Now, Deepika and other actors have claimed that there is no distortion of history. But it remains to be seen how the movie portrayed Khilji. Would he depict Khilji indulging in usual tyranny like collecting 50,000 slave boys, 20,000 women and children, ensuring that countless women committed Jauhar, imposing jizya (poll tax), kharaj (land tax), kari (house tax) and chari (pasture tax) on Hindus, etc.?

Modi the astute politician and a star campaigner

One of the key strengths of Prime Minister Modi is his astute political acumen and his ability to pack punches in his speeches delivered, tailor-made to the occasions and contexts, that establish direct connect with the people and make immense sense to them, and which makes him the star campaigner for his party for every election and a nightmare for the opposition when he campaigns. Normally he doesn’t directly boast of his strengths, but this is one strength that he himself openly flaunted once, when in one of his speeches in the Parliament, while talking of MNREGA he looked at the Congress party MPs and said “Don’t underestimate my political acumen”.

In the last two election rally speeches in Jalandhar and Goa, he eminently displayed this trait again, as we could see from some of the power packed statements that drove his message home to the people listening to him and his direct and veiled attacks on the opposition. For instance, look at his statement – “Punjab is more than a state, it is the land of brave-hearts, martyrs and saints. Some people for their political gains bad mouth, humiliate the state.” In one stroke he kindled the Punjabi pride and attacked both Congress and AAP for bad mouthing the state as drugs inflicted. This is a tactic he used successfully in Gujarat too, as whenever Congress attacked him, he used to convert that as an attack on 6 crore Gujaratis. Here too he was telling the Punjabis how their State is being maligned by the propaganda carried out by AAP and Congress, something that would definitely be driven home to every Punjabi heart. Besides his reference to Congress as a “sinking ship”, is also a tangential reference to the fact that even their best “Captain” (Amrinder Singh) cannot save this ship.

Similarly in his Goa address, he cleverly asked the audience “Why is that Congress is getting beaten black and blue in every corner of the country in all elections.” He then immediately referred to the Demonetisation and how from the Congress Minister’s house in Karnataka black money worth about Rs. 150 crores of new notes and gold, was unearthed and how the Karnataka Government has still not sent even a notice to him. He smartly presented himself once again as a warrior against black money and how Congress party even after the rout in many elections, is still immersed in corruption, through this latest incident.

He then also asked the people, why India is being hailed across the world today. When people answered it is due to Modi, he denied it and said it is because of the 125 crore people who decided to give an absolute majority to a party after about 30 years and that is the reason. If we had continued in the same coalition government mode, with political constraints, perhaps we wouldn’t be respected as much as we are being respected now. This was again a clever reminder to the people there in Goa as also in other states like the UP, that alliances and coalition are disaster for the political and economic reforms of the country, but only absolute mandate would embolden an honest politician like him to take daring moves like Demonetisation and Surgical strikes. This is a very clear attack on all alliances and ghatbandhans as to how that could weaken the country because of coalition compulsions.

He also didn’t forget to invoke the role played by Manohar Parrikar in the Surgical strike and thanked Goa for giving one of the best defence ministers of the country. He then went on to say how “others” (including our own opposition) are still studying how it happened, when it happened and all, whereas it happened so quietly and efficiently. He said in an obvious reference to AAP without naming them, that the Opposition is already building up excuses for the defeat, like how “some” are blaming the Election Commission for keeping both Punjab and Goa elections on the same date and alleging it is because of the pressure by PMO. He mocked them by saying, how those who don’t respect the “Vyavastha” (Systems and Institutions), and would question the EC itself would respect Democracy and serve people. He further rebutted this point by saying, “If you don’t trust the umpire, why do you enter the arena to play?”.

It is this ability of the PM to communicate the message that he wants to, directly to the people that makes him the most feared politician by all Opposition parties and the most sought after orator by the public in general.

Alternative history of Alauddin Khilji that Hindu terrorists don’t want you to read


Democracy has once again died in Modi’s India. The absolute artistic freedom which the constitution of India awards to all citizens, except leaving out the critics of Abrahamic religions to protect minority rights, naturally a corollary of farsighted interventions by Pandit Nehru, is under threat again.

The famous director Sanjay Leela Bhansali, who had erred only once by glorifying a Brahmin character like Bajirao, was bashed up on the sets of his movie in Rajasthan by Hindus following Brahminical agenda. I forgive Bhansali for Bajirao today, and condemn those who attacked him.

Unsurprisingly, this reign of violence unleashed by Hindu terrorists and backed tacitly by the right wing militant government of the state of Rajasthan and the centre, attracted sharpest of criticism from the conscientious and socially responsible Bollywood fraternity. Time and again, Bollywood luminaries have stood up to issues that divide our society and constrict their limits of expression. These luminaries however are not blinded in their hatred like the Hindu fundamentalists – they are very careful about protecting minority sentiments and mitigating the impact of modernism on orthodox societies.

Hence while Anurag Kashyap clearly called out Hindu terrorism in Rajasthan, he was very careful in separating religion from terrorism 10 days ago during another Twitter argument. Of course this underlying sense of righteousness is exactly why Bollywood has never protested closure of theatres in Kashmir – right to self determination in a disputed territory is paramount.

It is unfortunate that Bhansali has been denied a right to educate Indians on a subject they have no knowledge of i.e. history. This is even more unfortunate, because while Mughals laid the foundation of the modern day nation-state of India and British created the institutional plumbing burying evil native influences, it was actually Alauddin Khilji who did all the hard work between 1296 and 1316 AD.

Khilji really was the architect of the modern day India in many ways. This aspect of history has not been adequately explored by eminent historians like Romila Thapar and Irfan Habib because of the pressure mounted on them by right wing fundamentalists through 1950s. But it is important that Khilji’s contributions find a place at the high civilization table they deserve.

Indic historians like Sita Ram Goel too agree with this. You have to read the book Heroic Hindu Resistance to Muslim Invaders – 636 AD to 1206 AD. Goel explains how despite the hard work of brave warrior classes of the Mid West, native subaltern, unorganized, tribal people of modern day Afghanistan and Pakistan didn’t understand them well and prevented them from civilizing the disjointed land mass nurtured later by Mughals and British as India. Khilji inherited this legacy. The brave emperor, who called himself The Second Alexander, did not fail where his Roman predecessor did.

In a vast, fractured landmass, Khilji was the great unifying power. His battles and conquests are well documented. However, less known is his work in patronizing arts, creating a strong modern economy, his pioneering contribution of local political empowerment, crusade for LGBT rights, and his relentless efforts to create a society where only those believing in equality and uniformity of rights would thrive. Each of these areas needs exploration.

Alauddin Khilji was a great patron of arts and artists. Today when we hear the various renditions of Chhap Tilak Sab Chheeni by artists from Pakistan and India alike, we don’t realize that Alauddin Khilji gave us this ganga-jamuni tehzeeb. He was the one who patronized Amir Khusro, the legendary sufi poet, and even took him along on war tourism in Rajasthan. Rajasthan derives its tourism stature today to the efforts of Khilji who encouraged his court historians to fearlessly travel in the region. They documented brave acts of conquest like crushing rebellious little kids under elephants, and saving Hindu women from ancient patriarchy moving them into comfortable and safe sanctuaries, unfairly called harems by later historians.

The sufi culture has survived over 700 years thanks to Khusro (and his mystic inspiration Nizamuddin Auliya). It has been widely praised even by otherwise fascist Modi, which shows the greatness of Khilji.

Khilji’s troops got the Kohinoor diamond from Warangal, which is now protected by the benevolent British nurturers far away from fractious sub continental prying eyes. This ranks as a top effort of integrating disparate cultures of the north and the south. His armies also defeated the Parmar dynasty in Malwa, where “the earth was moistened with Hindu blood” as per Khusro. This was the first example of promoting organic farming techniques anywhere in the world.

Khilji always gave away the land he conquered to a local governor to rule. This practice was the precursor to the zameendari system later perfected in the Mughal era. This focus on local self rule is evident in how Ain-ul-Mulk Multani prospered in Malwa. His generosity is reflected in how Malik Kafur, his slave, was made an Army General and rose to become the most feared army leader in the subcontinent. Khilji clearly had a sharp eye for talent.

Khilji established a wonderful economic order, which is a great inspiration even today as modern India fights the same problems Khilji solved in his times. He enacted the first land reform by centralizing all land and creating a direct relationship between farmers and state. He cut middlemen and land owners, thus increasing the productivity of the economy and established a fair and redistributive taxation system run by professional and empowered tax collectors, who could dispense swift justice to defaulters by simply eliminating them.

Khilji created further local empowerment by taxing everything – house, land, standing crops, and of course by imposing jiziya. This redistributive approach created strong fiscal resources for the state, something Modi can learn from even today. He also created a fixed-price trading market in essential commodities in Delhi, where profiteering was not allowed. Everyone got everything for cheap pre-determined price, thus crushing immoral capitalists and traders, mostly Hindus.

Khilji was the first global champion of LGBT rights. His love affair with Malik Kafur is documented in Tarikh-e-Firozshahi. Khilji kept 50,000 slave boys in his harem. In Gujrat, he abducted 20,000 “beautiful” maidens and children to give them a life of dignity. He thus removed the barriers of gender, caste, class and age, and let true love prevail in his empire. Bollywood has used this as a dialogue in so many top movies without realizing that Khilji actually embodied this spirit.

Khilji created a just and an equal society. All his citizens were treated equally as long as they met a simple precondition of being Muslims. He promoted self help in society. Wassaf says in a 1310 book quoting Khilji’s officially appointed chief Kazi – “If a Muhammadan decides to spit, Hindu must open his mouth”.

It can be argued that Modi has drawn his inspiration of Swachh Bharat from this pioneering intervention of Khilji. Of course unlike Khilji, Modi is doomed to fail given his authoritarian and fascist impulse.

Using this great backbone of governance which Alauddin Khilji created, Tughlaqs and Mughals carved out a modern, tolerant, vibrant, and inclusive nation that we today know as India. If 38,000 women in Chittodgarh decided not to be part of this promising future, is this really Khilji’s fault?

It is truly unfortunate that Sanjay Leela Bhansali was prevented from making a movie on this great unifier of history. It will be too much to hope from Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje Scindia and Prime Minister Narendra Modi to take moral responsibility against the attack on Bhansali and resign. If they don’t resign, one hopes that Rajasthan will become Kannaur, where the cycle of violence started by Hindu nationalists is now coming a full circle. Full circles lead to closures and closure we must get on Bhansali.

(The author thanks @TrueIndology, @UnsubtleDesi, @Alok_Bhatt, and @c_aashish for having copied their tweets without permission and without context. Author also requests the editor to ignore the fact that Bhansali might not be planning to portray Khilji as depicted above, for this is not about Bhansali, this is about Khilji. Looking forward to see this published on Scroll.)

Anurag Kashyap finally finds his voice to stand up to ‘terrorists’

“Brave” bollywood Director Anurag Kashyap has been in the news recently for his social media gaffes. Recently, Kashyap had moaned on social media that Bollywood needed to draw inspiration from Meryl Streep to stand up with the people who spoke up against various anti-social elements.

In the recent episode where 16-year-old Kashmiri Actress Zaira Wasim was forced into an apology by vile and abusive comments from Jihadi radical Islamists, Kashyap was asked point-blank by many to stand up and speak up against such fundamentalists. Kashyap though chose to target the people who asked him to speak up rather than the Islamic fundamentalists who shut up Zaira Wasim:

He steadfastly kept away from taking any names and instead spun the entire issue to PM Narendra Modi, and later to Modi’s online supporters. Kashyap could not muster up the courage to name and shame the Radical Islamic Fundamentalists who silenced Wasim, but was quick to needlessly drag in the Prime Minister of India, that too by tagging him on twitter.

Cut to Yesterday, where Sanjay Leela Bhansali was assaulted on the sets of his upcoming film “Padmawati” by an obscure group called the “Karni Sena”. The mob members alleged that Rajasthan’s and Rajput community’s history was distorted in Padmavati, the movie Bhansali was filming.

“The movie depicts love scenes between Rani Padmini of Chittor and Alauddin Khilji. This is an outrageous distortion of Rajasthan’s history as Rani-ji immolated herself along with the other women of the fort when they heard that Khilji was marching ahead to take over the fort,” Karni Sena state president Mahipal Makrana said, justifying their anger.

While any form of non-violent protest should be welcomed in a democracy, such display of brute force is highly condemnable. And for once, Anurag Kashyap seemed to be on the right side of the debate:

But soon, this one-off act of physical assault by an obscure group was likened to armed warfare by the likes of ISIS, by branding it as “Hindu Terrorism”

The same Anurag Kashyap who shivered in his boots to name Radical Islamic Fundamentalists during the Zaira Wasim episode, had suddenly found his voice and had named and shamed a “Hindu Terrorist” group on Twitter for their act of “Terror”. Suddenly, a one-off assault was labelled as “terrorism”, such “terrorism” had a religion (unlike other forms of terrorism which have no religion), and Kashyap had finally summoned the courage to name such “terrorists”.

This is the breed of “Meryl Streep” India can produce, unfortunately, shy of condemning a certain kind of “terrorism” but jumping the gun on attacking another kind of “terrorism”. Kashyap’s only argument on not naming Islamic Fundamentalists during the Wasim episode was that he had made the movie “Black Friday”, which had documented the Bomb blasts in Mumbai. This Indian “Meryl Streep” feels that a one time condemnation of some other radicals is enough to cover up for all further silences?

Getting threats from Kejriwal and his relative after exposing their corruption, NGO claims

An NGO has filed a complaint against Arvind Kejriwal and his brother in law after it claimed that it has been receiving threats from the two on the basis of a corruption complaint it had filed.

The NGO named Roads Anti-Corruption Organisation (RACO) had filed a complaint some days back against Kejriwal and his brother-in-law Surender Kumar Bansal. The NGO alleged irregularities in awarding of contracts for construction of roads and sewer lines. It claimed that Bansal ran dummy companies like Messrs Renu Construction in order to fraudulently obtain contracts via colluding with PWD officers.

Moreover it alleged that in 2015-16 Bansal failed to complete certain contracts but got the whole payment due to the pressure exerted by Kejriwal. On the basis of the complaint, the Police’s Economic Offences Wing registered a preliminary inquiry after whose completion it would be decided whether to dispose off the case or register an FIR. The NGO also wants cases of cheating, forgery and criminal conspiracy filed against them.

The NGO has now claimed that it was receiving threats and abusive calls from various anonymous number since it had filed the aforementioned case with the Economic Offences Wing. The formal complaint was supposed to be filed around noon. The police has assured the NGO that it would go through their call details in order to ascertain as to who has been making these calls.

If the allegations of threats are indeed real then either this may be a case of passionate supporters of Kejriwal taking matters into their own hands without Kejriwal’s knowledge or Kejriwal and his relative have become so rattled by the charges levied on them that they have proceeded to go to such extreme ends in order to stifle the matter.

Whatever may be the case, if indeed true then it would be extremely unfortunate that a party which had entered politics in order to provide a clean alternative to all the corruption, collusion, nepotism allegedly present in Indian politics, is now also going down the same path.

Bhagalpur tense as Muslims offer Namaz at ‘disputed’ ground with Hanuman temple


Communal tensions in Bhagalpur, Bihar have grown after local Hindu and Muslim groups clashed with each other over installation of Hanuman idol at a piece of land that reportedly belongs to the government.

The incident happened yesterday in an area called Habibpur in Bhagalpur when local Hindus tried to install a new idol of Lord Hanuman at a place where an old dilapidated idol has been resting for around 50 years.

This move was resisted by local Muslims who claimed that this was an attempt to grab government land by making a new temple. Some complained about the same to the police after which forces arrived at the place and took away both the idols of Lord Hanuman.

The Hanuman idol at Ambe Pokhar in Habibpur (source)
The disputed piece of land where construction of Hanuman temple is being resisted

This is reported to have angered the local Hindu groups, who started shouting slogans and went on to block traffic on roads. Situation started deteriorating with some people resorting to stone pelting, which threatened to blow up into full-fledged violence between the two communities.

Additional police forces from nearby areas were summoned and around 200 policemen arrived at the place to control the clashes. The situation was being monitored by SDO Kumar Anuj and DSP Shaharyar Akhtar. It should be noted that Bihar had seen one of its worst communal riots in the Bhagalpur area only in 1989.

The situation was brought under control when the administration and police agreed not to confiscate the idols, which had been wrested back by local Hindu groups from police vans. The idols were put back at the ‘disputed’ place by the Hindus groups yesterday itself.

However, today it has been reported that Muslim groups have started offering Namaz at the same place. Hindu groups too have started worshipping the idol and the situation is reported to be tense. Administration is monitoring the situation by installing CCTV cameras.

Will tax on withdrawing cash fix tax evasion or black money?


It is no secret that the Modi government is undertaking various steps to move India towards a cashless or less-cash economy. The government believes that cashless transactions can help in curbing generation of black money as every such transaction will be documented. Government further believes that this will hurt fake currency mafia as well as push people towards better tax compliance.

While there is no doubt that cashless transactions will indeed help achieve those objectives, the move that pushes people towards cashless transactions need to be analysed for their effectiveness and feasibility. Demonetisation was one such step that was widely debated.

Now the next move – reportedly suggested by a panel to the government – is to introduce tax on cash withdrawals above 50000 rupees, so that people prefer cashless transactions. The panel is headed by Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu, who believes that the government could accept the suggestion and incorporate it into the Union Budget that will be presented on 1st February this year.

But will this withdrawal tax really help achieve the objectives of curbing black money and parallel economy? Let’s try to understand the issue:

The Cash Chain

Here is a representative cash chain. Cash is withdrawn from the system and from then it travels through various mediums till it reaches the bank again.

The cash chain
How typically cash withdrawals are used by a common man

Overall, the cash chain has 3 types of transactions:

  1. Type I – Where cash is withdrawn and used for an unaccounted transaction
  2. Type II – Cash to Cash unaccounted transactions
  3. Type III – Cash transactions which are disclosed

Of the 3, Type I and II can be termed as ‘Black’ transactions as they are not accounted for and among these two, only Type I will be taxed. Additionally, Type I is only the trigger which sets into motion the downstream transactions.

Type II which form bulk of the transactions in the cash chain will not be affected at all. Imagine this flow as a race track where you place a small speed breaker at the start of the track. Once you cross the initial hurdle you are free to step on the accelerator.

One argument here is that II and III are dependent on I and if Type I is reduced it will have a downstream impact on the other types as well. To test this argument, let’s dive a bit deeper and look at the Type I in detail.

The Buyer’s Burden

Since the proposed concept is to tax the buyer, it is the buyer who has to make the decision as to which mode of payment he prefers. So let us look at transactions from a buyer perspective:

  1. Low Hanging fruit: These are the transactions where the buyer can easily shift to other modes of payment. This is the low hanging fruit where alternatives are readily available and suit the buyer. So buyer will be tempted to go for non-cash means of purchase. For example, buying groceries from organized retail or merchants who accept cards, buy from e-commerce sites etc.
  2. Hard to Crack: These are the cases where even if the buyer wants to pay by card, seller offers no such alternative. Such transactions will not be affected by withdrawal tax. For example, Auto driver does not accept card, doctor does not accept card, a small-scale manufacturer wants to buy raw material but seller wants cash, contractor employs daily wage labour who does not have a bank account, BMC official asks for bribe to sign on papers etc.
  3. Where Cash withdrawal is cheaper than the alternative: It is highly unlikely that the withdrawal tax will be very high (say 10-20%). Most probably it will be in the sub 3% bracket. 3% is also a deterrent but not in cases where the alternative is even more expensive. For example, Paying bribe to the traffic cop rather than getting a challan, sellers passing on the transaction charges to the buyer if payment is by card, buyer wants to save taxes while registering property etc. Plus the tax slabs are higher than withdrawal tax and the seller can always offer a nominal discount if payment is by cash to save taxes. Transactions of such nature will also not be affected by withdrawal tax.
  4. Cash is King: The fourth type are the ones where buyer himself wants to hide the transaction. Here he has no alternative but to pay by cash. These will also not be affected by the proposed tax. For example, Buying drugs!

As we drill down deeper we can observe the gamut of transactions which the buyer will reconsider due to transaction tax are very low. Only Type I type of transactions will fall under this tax and even these will only be partially impacted. Cash will slowly seep through and build up reserves in the Type II transaction market.

Additionally, withdrawal tax is making cash dearer. And what do we do when something becomes dearer? We hold it close. Velocity of cash will reduce and people will also be reluctant to give cash back to the banks. As time passes and ample cash is available in the market, power of withdrawal tax will reduce severely.

In short – you cannot fix a long pipe having numerous leakages by placing a thin filter at the mouth of the pipe. Water will slowly seep in, build up and start leaking again.

Kejriwal shares unverified ‘IB report’ showing clean sweep for AAP in Punjab


Twitter has long been called Arvind Kejriwal’s second home/office as evident by how active he is on the micro-blogging site. And the Republic Day was no exception. After tweeting profusely against the Modi government, Kejriwal proceeded to attend the R-Day parade, and then he came back on Twitter to re-tweet this:

Going by the face value of the above picture, the tweet appears to be from Markandey Katju, the ex-CJI of India wherein he is sharing a supposed IB report about AAP sweeping the Punjab assembly elections by bagging more than 100 out of 117 seats.

A former Chief Justice sharing an “intelligence report” surely makes it believable, except that the devil lies in the details.

The first detail is that the Twitter account @katjuPCI is a ‘parody’ account; the real Markandey Katju goes by the @mkatju handle. As it happens on Twitter, most parodies indulge in their own propaganda rather than parodying the person they are supposed to imitate. This particular account is no different and indulges in pro-AAP propaganda.

Now coming to the supposed IB report, there have been earlier instances where the mainstream media has reported IB carrying out such pre-poll surveys. Most of these reports are “source based” and such reports are never officially released. As we had earlier argued, source based journalism should be taken with a pinch of salt.

And we are not saying it just because this supposed IB report predicts an AAP victory – which may as well happen when results come out in March – but because earlier such reports have proved to be wrong. For example, a supposed IB report in January 2015 gave AAP just 14 out of 70 seats in the Delhi assembly elections, while the party went on to win 67 seats.

Furthermore, there is no mention of any such IB report – citing “sources”, of course – in any major dailies or publications. It seems to be a product of WhatsApp News Network, which got shared on Twitter by various pro-AAP handles, and eventually by Arvind Kejriwal himself:

The picture further says “Confidential Report – Only for JEO use” that sounds a bit random and made up to appear like some secret IB lingo.

Another reason why this IB report could be fake is that if it indeed is real/leaked, Kejriwal need not have had to seek the services of a ‘parody’ Twitter account to spread the word as there are many journalists in the mainstream media who would gladly do the same to help him and the party.

So in all probabilities, Delhi Chief Minister and AAP supremo shared an unverified WhatsApp rumour from his verified and official Twitter account. This is not surprising given that Arvind Kejriwal had shared various misleading information and blatant lies through his Twitter account last year.

And this trend will continue because the so-called intelligentsia of the country never feels the need to question Kejriwal and his ways, and neither does the media of this country hold the ‘Desi Donald Trump‘ accountable for spreading ‘fake news’.