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Why Rahul Gandhi will continue to copy Arvind Kejriwal’s antics


Back in December 2013, when AAP made an impressive debut in electoral politics and went on to form a 49 days long government in Delhi with the outside support of Congress, Rahul Gandhi had said that he will learn from the success of AAP.

And it appears that he was dead serious, even though people take his statements in jest. In the last couple of years, Rahul Gandhi has been doing everything AAP has done, or rather Kejriwal has done.

It made sense. AAP had taken away Congress’ vote bank and Arvind Kejriwal had become the poster boy of the same ecosystem that Congress had fed and nurtured all these years. The ecosystem had found a new messiah and saviour, leaving the poor Rahul Gandhi high and dry.

Rahul Gandhi must have thought ‘usme aisa kya hai jo mujh mein nahi hai’ a la that character in Shah Rukh Khans’ movie Chak De India. Then he would have recalled another SRK movie – Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi – where the hero transforms himself to do what his bae loves.

If one studies Rahul Gandhi’s moves and statements in the last couple of years, it’s Kejriwal written all over it. Haule haule, but he is perfecting his Kejriwalifaction.

If Kejriwal claims that “Modi is not allowing me to work”, Rahul claims “Modi is not allowing me to speak”. If Kejriwal says Modi is working for Ambani-Adani, Rahul says Modi working only for rich industrialists. Kejriwal attacks Paytm, Rahul says “Paytm means Pay to Modi”. Kejriwal says Modi took bribes, Rahul says Modi took bribes.

If Kejriwal spreads rumours and doesn’t even explain when caught, Rahul Gandhi has been busy spreading rumour that 5-6% of cash will “magically disappear” and go to rich people every time you do a cashless transaction, and he doesn’t bother to explain how that magic would happen.

Today, after coming back from his new year holiday destination that no one knows about, Rahul Gandhi took this process of Kejriwalification further when at a Congress event he made Kejriwalesque claims that can’t be backed with data (he claimed that automobile sales had dropped by 60%, while real figure is 18%) and when he claimed that the media was under constraints and thus not critical enough of Narendra Modi government.

Speaking at ‘Jan Vedna Sammelan’ of the Congress in Delhi today, Rahul Gandhi further said that ‘for the first time the Prime Minister of India is being ridiculed the world over’. This is exactly what Arvind Kejriwal had said a couple of weeks back when Rahul Gandhi was holidaying abroad.

The only thing that has stopped Rahul Gandhi from becoming a perfect clone of Arvind Kejriwal is that he is yet to abuse Narendra Modi by calling him a ‘coward and psychopath’ or to drag Narendra Modi’s mother and wife in his jibes. These two jobs are currently being done by his trolls.

But will Rahul Gandhi benefit from this Kejriwalification? And where will he stop at?

I think he will benefit, but not because he has become a clone of Kejriwal but because Kejriwal has become a farce in comparison – a clowny clone of his own self that we saw during and before the Anna Hazare’s anti-corruption movement.

However, let me add the obvious disclaimer that currently it’s my personal opinion (that Kejriwal has become a farce). But if AAP fails to win Goa and Punjab, especially Punjab, it will be more widely accepted that Kejriwal’s charisma is on the wane.

Punjab elections have already been turned into a virtual referendum on Kejriwal’s popularity when Manish Sisodia appealed to the voters to vote as if Arvind Kejriwal was to become the Chief Minister of Punjab. Punjab is yet another Delhi like battle and winning it will be crucial for AAP.

Punjab election results will decide if that part of the ecosystem (fed and nurtured by Congress), which had fallen in love with Kejriwal, will come back to Congress or not. If AAP fails to win (it was slated to sweep the elections as per opinion polls of last year), the ecosystem will realise that perhaps they should go back to the tried and tested Congress. That’s where Rahul Gandhi could benefit.

Punjab election results will also decide if Kejriwalification of Rahul Gandhi will continue or not. If Congress wins, Rahul will have all the reasons to believe that Kejriwalification helped him, and thus the process will continue. If AAP wins, Rahul Gandhi will yet again resolve to learn even more from AAP and that might actually accelerate his Kejriwalification.

But what is unpredictable is the direction in which Rahul Gandhi will move if BJP-SAD combine retains Punjab. Most probably even that will not stop the Kejriwalification of Rahul Gandhi, because for that to happen, someone in the Congress needs to tell Rahul Gandhi the truth.

But we know that whether Rahul Gandhi is in Swades or Pardes, he will only hear Yes Boss and no one will ask him to stop being a Duplicate.

Two headlines that expose the editorial bias of Indian Express


After midnight of Tuesday, Indian Express on Twitter sent out two tweets within a span of 11 minutes. Here are those two in order they appeared on users’ timeline:

The articles can also be seen on the “elections” page of The Indian Express, published in quick succession:

Bias of Indian Express
How Indian Express treats BJP and Congress for the same activity

For the uninitiated, the Supreme Court of India on 2nd January 2017 had barred political parties from canvassing votes on the basis of caste or religion. Consequently, the Election Commission had said that they will implement the orders of the apex court.

Now here are two political parties – Congress and the BJP – holding special rallies for Dalits in Uttar Pradesh to canvass votes in the upcoming assembly elections that will be held in February and March.

Both the parties are trying to woo voters on caste lines, targeting the same caste group, for the same assembly elections. If this is in contravention of the Supreme Court order, both the parties are guilty.

However, The Indian Express thought it necessary to mention about the SC order only while reporting about the BJP rallies. The Congress rally was reported as a matter of fact, with no editorial comments in the headline. In fact, with a helpful mention of Rohith Vemula.

What should the reader conclude? That when Congress targets a specific caste group, it’s deemed ethical and legal by the Indian Express but when BJP does the same, they feel the saffron party is violating orders of the highest court of India?

Does it not betray the editorial bias of The Indian Express?

It is a shameful fall for a newspaper that had once stood in the forefront when fighting Emergency imposed by the Congress. Late Ramnath Goenka will not be amused by these double standards adopted by the newspaper he founded.

In the recent years, Indian Express has often been accused of being biased towards the Congress party. While Anna’s movement was at peak, the newspaper, then under the editorial leadership of Shekhar Gupta, had published a series of articles attacking members of Team Anna. As a result, Arvind Kejriwal recently attacked Shekhar Gupta as ‘dalaal’ of Congress.

This double standard in reporting was first spotted by Twitter user Neha Srivastava. Although the tweets still exist and so do the articles listed in the archive page (as in the image above), when one clicks on the report about Congress, one is redirected to an altogether different article.

Did they just realise that their bias was way too brazen and removed the article on Congress?

ABP News spins Sisodia’s statement to declare Kejriwal as Punjab CM candidate


ABP News, one of the leading 24-hours Hindi news channels of India, created a sensation earlier today when they claimed that the Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal will be the Chief Ministerial candidate of the Aam Aadmi Party in the upcoming Punjab assembly elections.

ABP News claimed that this announcement was made by senior AAP leader and Deputy Chief Minister of Delhi, Manish Sisodia:

The alleged announcement was in direct conflict with the declaration of Arvind Kejriwal, who had vowed to serve Delhi for full five years if he won Delhi assembly elections in 2015, which was swept by AAP in an unprecedented manner.

Paanch saal Kejriwal” i.e. ‘Kejriwal for full term of five years’ was the popular slogan AAP had used during Delhi elections, so this announcement was totally opposite to what the party had promised.

Not only that, only last week Kejriwal had announced that AAP will not project anyone as the CM candidate in Punjab.

So was it another U-turn by Kejriwal or was it a case of media twisting statements?

If one listens to what Manish Sisodia says, it appears a case of media twisting his statement.

First listen yourself what he exactly said (in Hindi) while addressing a public rally in Mohali earlier today:

Basically Sisodia is asking the voters to vote “as if” Arvind Kejriwal will be the Chief Minister of Punjab. The statement is nowhere near to declaring Arvind Kejriwal as the official candidate for the post of Chief Minister of Punjab.

“Vote as if you are going to make Arvind Kejriwal the Chief Minister of state” is what Manish Sisodia said, which is very different from “Arvind Kejriwal will be the CM candidate in Punjab” that was reported by the ABP News.

This is similar to Narendra Modi explaining that the amount of black money abroad was so huge that if distributed among the poor people of India, everyone will get 15 lakhs rupees as their share. He explained “as if” the black money was being distributed (see the video of that speech by clicking here).

However, the leaders of AAP have always twisted this statement of Narendra Modi to claim that Modi had promised to pay every Indian citizen 15 lakh rupees in their bank accounts. Now it appears that the karma is catching up with AAP with ABP News twisting Manish Sisodia’s statement.

However, one crucial difference is that while BJP has always maintained that PM Modi’s statement was only to explain the magnitude of black money, Manish Sisodia didn’t categorically deny Arvind Kejriwal being the Chief Minister of Punjab when ABP News asked for a clarification.

Sisodia said that the CM will be decided by the MLAs later, which has allowed the news channel to continue to claim that there was a possibility that Arvind Kejriwal could become the Chief Minister of Punjab if AAP wins the elections.

However, that doesn’t mean that Arvind Kejriwal has been declared as the CM candidate by AAP, which ABP News claimed.

The leftists labelled me ‘Sanghi’ and why I’m fine with it


There was a time in our childhood where words carried a meaning. Words conveyed some beliefs, some feelings, some identity. If you labelled someone, that person would be bothered by that label; they would try to explain why they are not that person.

But then things started “progressing”(sarcasm alert). The left kept getting stronger and vocal, and they began dropping labels until the point it became farce.

Take my story as an example. A few months ago, I was one of the many people who had filed a complaint against Vishal Dadlani for insulting the Jain Guru Tarun Sagar Ji Maharaj. Post that, I got calls from various media houses. Every time a media house would call me I would begin my conversation by stating the following points:

  1. I am Nireshvarvaadi (for folks who find this word too complicated you can call me an atheist. Although I don’t call myself an atheist).
  2. I would then state the reason I filed a complaint against Vishal Dadlani, even though I believed in free speech (this tweet of mine sums up my reason).

But there was something very disturbing in those conversations I had with these media outlets. Every time I was called, the media outlet on the phone expected a particular type of response from my side. In fact, in one case a fellow told me “but aap to BJP supporter ho naah”.

I was shocked at the response. It was as if the person had convinced himself even before conversing with me that if I support XYZ political outfit, I have to be of a particular personality type.  But then as the conversation went on, that person must have found my thoughts to be deeply distressing.

Guess why? I was far too liberal for him. I was a “Sanghi” who is ok with homosexuality. I was a “Sanghi” who wants absolute freedom of speech. I was a “Sanghi” who believed in individual liberty that a left-leaning journalist couldn’t digest in their entire life.

The left has tried this tactic for ages now. If you cannot debate a person on facts and logic, you simply label the living daylights out of them. Take my case as an example. I have never attended an RSS Shakha. Heck, I am not even a member of the RSS. But because I disagree with the left and vote for the BJP I am called a “Sanghi”.

But, if being a Sanghi means that you support same-sex marriage, you are for absolute freedom of speech, you want a small government that doesn’t interfere in your day to day life than I am a proud Sanghi. If supporting anything that is backed by evidence makes one a Sanghi than I am a proud Sanghi.

Now words don’t carry any meaning. The left is responsible for the dilution of terms to the extent that no one takes these labels seriously anymore. Not that the label Sanghi is bad or good, but this has been a standard approach of the left. If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, you baffle them with bullshit.

And then you associate the label with something horrifying, and you try to sully the image of the opposing side. But what the left is saying via all of this is that anyone who disagrees with them is a Racist, Sexist, Xenophobe, Islamophobe, Homophobe, Fascist, etc. If you poke and prod them and try to get a justification for such an accusation, all they will say is “they just are”. Anyone who is not a leftist is one or all of these fantastic labels by default.

And the tragedy of all of this is that the leftists just don’t get it. They have entirely convinced themselves about their moral superiority. They have taken the mantle of being the moral judges of this world without anyone handing it out to them. And this is the reason why they are losing the world over. Whether it was Brexit or it is the victory of Donald Trump. The left just doesn’t get it. If you keep labelling people to avoid debates all you do is piss them off to the point that they vote for the other side and start accepting those labels as badges of honour.

This backlash is inevitable and has begun happening all over the world. If you are going to call someone names for merely supporting a political leader, you make that person even more determined to support that leader. If the left wants to win again, consider shutting up for a while.

Not everyone who disagrees with you is “Hitler”. But the leftists will go on calling Narendra Modi that name. The more you call Narendra Modi Hitler, the easier it gets for him to convince the people that he is not Hitler. Because always remember, people are not stupid. They see things for themselves. But the left wants to babysit the entire nation. Comparing Narendra Modi to Hitler won’t affect him at all, if anything, it’s helping him tremendously.

Silencing varying opinions is the way things are done in Pakistan, China and North Korea. Do we want to become like that? Or do we want to become a vibrant democracy where people have healthy debates with each other? The left intends to become the final judge of what is defined as knowledge. To them discovering the truth is not a journey which one has to take and then eventually they find it. The left has become power hungry. In this quest for power, they are trying to control all forms of knowledge dissemination and trying to redefine our entire cultural fabric.

There is a new type of liberalism in town. It is in the shape of leftist illiberalism. I am purposely calling this illiberalism because I don’t want to destroy the word liberalism like the left has destroyed many words.

Always remember, when the left says it believes in tolerance, it is promoting intolerance (by sleeping with Islamists). When they say people should be open-minded, they are promoting closed-mindedness (by labelling others and shutting out debate). When they say we have to compassionate, they mean let us become hate-filled bigots (progressiveness becomes hate for everything traditional and native).

They still enjoy this power and hold on narrative, but their labels don’t bother me anymore.

Justice still eludes Pune teen who was burnt to death for ‘being a Hindu’


In January last year, a gruesome murder case of a 16-year-old Pune boy being burnt alive had come to light. Sawan Rathore, a teenager hailing from Dalit community and working as a ragpicker, was set on fire on January 13, 2016 by three men reportedly who accused Sawan of stealing vehicle batteries.

Sawan died in hospital two days later, and that triggered anger and a demand for punishing the accused. Sawan’s father claimed that his son was burnt alive after the three accused – Ibrahim Mehboob Shaikh, Zuber Tamboli, and Imran Tamboli – asked if he was a Hindu.

However, the police dismissed the ‘communal angle’ and refused to treat this gruesome murder as a hate crime. They maintained that Sawan was murdered because the accused suspected him of committing theft.

To support the claim of Sawan’s father, local activists and advocate Ramesh Rathore produced a video that was no less than a dying declaration by Sawan. The video (embedded below; viewer’s discretion advised) was recorded when Sawan was battling his fatal injuries in the hospital:

In the video, Sawan is seen confirming that the three men had inquired about his religion. They also forced him to drink some oil before pouring petrol on him and setting him on fire.

The video was recorded by advocate Rathore who has been leading the fight for justice in this case. Allegedly the Pune police refused to treat the video as dying declaration, most probably since no policeman was present at the time when the video was being recorded. Advocate Rathore claims that he called a PSI to be present, but he refused to come saying an FIR had already been registered in the case.

The anger over the incident grew after this video was shared on social media. Local right-wing groups like Samast Hindu Aghadi, Dalit group like Banjara Kranti Dal, and political parties like Shiv Sena demanded that the accused be arrested and the incident be treated as a hate crime and communal incident.

Other activists suggested that the police should not rule out even terrorism angle as this cruel and inhuman act resembled Islamic State’s modus operandi. They demanded ATS investigation in this matter to check if the accused were under influence of Islamic State’s videos that urge Muslims to kill Kafirs.

While the three accused were arrested and murder charges were slapped on them, advocate Ramesh Rathore claims that till date the crime has not been treated as a communal incident by the police.

This reporter met advocate Rathore who shared the details of the case:

Advocate Ramesh Rathore
Advocate Ramesh Rathore

On July 30 last year, the Sessions Court and High Court rejected bail pleas filed by two of the three accused – Ibrahim Mehmood Shaikh and Imran Tamboli. Third accused, Zuber Tamboli did not file any bail application. He was arrested earlier too as an accused in another murder case.

Rathore stressed on the point that the courts focused on all the evidence as well as the boy’s dying declaration video (as per Supreme Court guidelines, anyone can record a dying declaration and presence of police is not necessary). All the three accused were arrested under sections 201 and 302 of the IPC.

“It’s unfortunate that police did not apply section 295A, 120B, and other relevant IPC sections that were applicable due to the use of petrol and oil in the case and because the accused asked about religion of the victim,” he said.

He also expressed his displeasure with local as well as state administration for not giving any compensation to the victim’s family even after around a year has passed since the incident.

“The collector had promised to issue financial aid to Sawan’s family. But, nothing has been done yet. If the victim would have been from the Muslim community, the administration would have issued the cheque within one month. News channels would have competed furiously to give maximum footage to the case, but this case remains ignored,” said the senior advocate.

What is adding insult to the injury is the police filing cases against those who organised a protest rally on January 27 last year to demand justice in this case.

“Rally was organised to demand justice and compensation from the administration. Instead of assuring justice, they have filed unlawful assembly and other cases against the organisers. Cases were filed against Punjab Police SP Jagirsing Bartiya (he participated in the protest), Samastha Hindu Agadhi Chief Milind Ekbote, and Banjara Kranti Dal members. This is very unfortunate, they must remember that the constitution has given everyone the right to protest peacefully,” said Rathore.

He further said that activists are closely following this case till the boy’s soul gets justice and will soon write to the CMO and to the PMO to get compensation for the victim’s family. He has urged the state Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis to look into this case.

Imam who issued fatwa against Modi now threatens Tarek Fatah of beheading


Recently, the Shahi Imam of Kolkata’s Tipu Sultan Mosque, Maulana Noorur Rahman Barkati was in the news for issuing a fatwa against Narendra Modi. The Imam had declared an award of Rupees 25 lakhs for shaving the head and beard of the Prime Minister. He was speaking at a joint conference by the All India Majlis-e-Sura and All India Minority Forum, in a promotional campaign for Mamata Banerjee.

Now it appears the Imam has gone quite a few steps ahead. The Imam was invited to a panel discussion on Zee News, to debate his controversial fatwa. Among the panelists, was Canadian columnist and staunch critic of radical Islam, Tarek Fatah.

In a shocking incident of gross “intolerance”, out of nowhere, the Imam declared during the debate that Fatah “would be beheaded”.

Fatah later posted the video on his Facebook page:

Here is the Kolkatta Mullah telling me on live TV, “your throat is going to be slit.”

Despite committing a criminal act by issuing a death threat, trust this man to walk free under the protection of Kolkata Police.

Remember, this criminal Jihadi is the same mullah who honoured Osama BinLaden with a funeral prayer. Earlier on, the same mullah put a ₹50,000/- bounty on the head of Taslima Nasreen

In the video, Barkati says: “tumhari gardan kategi bewakoof” (Your head will be severed you idiot) to Fatah. The other claims made by Fatah in his Facebook post above are also true.

In 2011, the same Shahi Imam Maulana Nurur Rehman Barkati, held a special Friday prayer for the ‘peace of the soul’ of al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden.

As for the bounty on Taslima Nasreen’s head, Barkati issued his first fatwa against her in 2004, setting the price on her head at Rs 20,000. In the second fatwa issued in 2006, the price went up to Rs 50,000. In the third fatwa in 2007, Imam Barkati said the money would be unlimited. Knowing that the Imam has in the past issued bounties on critics of Islam, the latest “threat” to Fatah cannot be taken lightly.

The Imam is also a huge supporter of West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Bannerjee.

Image result for shahi imam kolkata mamata

As seen above, the fatwa issued against Modi was in fact issued at a press conference taken in support of Mamata Bannerjee itself. Further, in 2015, Barkati had virtually campaigned for Bannerjee saying:

“India is a secular country and Mamata Banerjee is the most secular leader of the country. It thus becomes pertinent that all should vote for her in the 2016 assembly elections.”

Is this statement on live TV enough for a few Bengali artists to return their awards to Mamata Bannerjee? Will a rally be taken out by eminent personalities against such veiled death threats?

When Modi told Congress how to take on BJP, and got an offer to join Congress


An old video clip has gone viral on social media that shows Congress leader Jairam Ramesh making an offer to Narendra Modi to join the Congress party, because he appeared impressed with the political analysis offered by Modi.

The clip is from the 1998-2001 period, part of the era when India had seen a string of coalition governments and political instability. The issue being debated appears to be – if the Congress party, then in opposition, would try to topple the BJP led government and form an alternative government with the ‘third front’.

Narendra Modi, then a general secretary of the BJP, surprises the panelists by saying that Congress was being honest and truthful when it says that it will not try to topple the BJP led government.

When a surprised anchor asks him why he felt so, listen to what Narendra Modi says (in Hindi):

Narendra Modi says, that in his opinion, the immediate goal and strategy of Congress was to first eliminate the ‘third front’ and get back those votes in their own kitty, before they decide to take on the BJP directly.

This analysis is immediately followed by Jairam Ramesh making an offer to Narendra Modi to join the party. “If you want to leave the BJP, there is a vacancy for you in Congress,” he says.

Narendra Modi laughs off the offer saying he is from Sangh Parivar and Jairam Ramesh will have to answer (to Congress high command) for making such offers.

While it may appear to be a light-hearted interaction, this clip actually proves why Congress has been failing to take on the BJP of late.

In fact, Narendra Modi’s analysis – or should we say prognosis – about Congress’ strategy to take on BJP is far more relevant today. The fact that Jairam Ramesh quickly follows that up with an offer for Modi, even though in jest, betrays that even he understood that Modi was on the money.

Congress has become weakened not just because BJP has been growing, but because all the socio-economic classes it considers to be its traditional voters, are no longer with the grand old party. An overwhelming majority of those voters are with what was then called the ‘third front’.

Even now Rahul Gandhi keeps talking about Dalits, backwards, minorities, farmers, etc. but do these groups really consider Congress as their own party? Parties like Samajwadi Party, RJD, BSP, and other regional parties have a better hold on them. In Delhi, Congress lost their vote bank to the rookie Aam Aadmi Party.

Can and should Congress really take on BJP – now under the same Narendra Modi who told them at least 15 years back what their problem was – without getting back these votes?

Congress at best can take on BJP using ‘mahagathbandhan’ like strategy in Bihar, but the party that ruled the country like fiefdom for decades was relegated to playing a minor supporting role. That can’t be the strategy to revive the party.

Maybe Jairam Ramesh knows this truth even today, but that will mean telling Rahul Gandhi – whenever he returns from his holiday in Europe – that the party needs to focus on some vital issues before thinking of taking on the BJP directly.

However, telling the truth to Rahul Gandhi will require more chutzpa than offering Narendra Modi to join Congress.

Kejriwal makes one more U-turn as political predictions show AAP downslide


When the going gets tough, the tough gets going. But Kejriwal does a U-turn.

Kejriwal’s AAP has been trying its level best to gain a foothold in at least two more states beyond Delhi: Punjab and Goa. For some time, it seemed the party had gained good traction in both states, with surveys showing AAP as a massive gainer in Punjab, and also enjoying decent support in Goa.

But of late, the tables seem to have turned, at least if surveys are to be believed. An India-Today Axis poll conducted recently showed that Congress had the lead in Punjab, while a poll by Lokniti-CSDS-ABP showed BJP ahead. The common thread in both the polls was AAP, which was once touted by some polls to win almost 100 seats out of 117, was now nowhere near the finish line.

Even in Goa, a mid-year poll by a little known survey agency gave AAP 35% vote share and 14 seats out of 40. AAP Goa had proceeded to put up lakhs of posters advertising this survey. But recent polls by India-Today Axis and other local Goan media houses peg AAP’s influence to earn them a maximum of 4 seats, which could even go down to one seat.

Such lacklustre performance in surveys prompted Kejriwal to slam media houses and such agencies. In a sparsely attended election meeting in Goa, Kejriwal asked AAP voters in Goa not to trust pre-poll surveys on TV news channels:

Yesterday, I was watching a TV channel which said, in Goa, we will win two seats, which means how many seats will we really get? 28. Tell your friends and neighbours not to trust TV channels. They show lies and ‘bakwas’ (nonsense)

Kejriwal might have forgotten, but this is a massive U-turn from the AAP supremo. Kejriwal has been a big fan of such “lies and bakwas” by media houses. When the surveys were in favour of AAP, Kejriwal had enthusiastically shared and quoted the same on social media:

Kejriwal’s blow-hot-blow-cold relationship with media is well-known. Even before this, Kejriwal has slammed opinion polls when they have not been in his favour. While AAP and Kejriwal have benefited largely from media’s disproportionate coverage of AAP, Kejriwal has been ready to slam mediapersons whenever they speak against him.

His latest U-turn on the issue of opinion polls and surveys shows that Kejriwal can take practically any position, irrespective of his past choices in order to save his face. In remains to be seen if Kejriwal makes yet another U-turn if some new survey comes which shows AAP ahead in Punjab or Goa.

There is crisis in media, and both the Left and the Right should worry about it


The mail announcing the closing down of seven editions and bureaus of the Hindustan Times landed suddenly on January 5th afternoon. The editions will print their last copies today. Not even the editors of these editions had the faintest clue on January 4 that by January 10, less than a week later, they would be jobless.

A lot of people from India to USA have lost faith in big media and journalists, calling us “presstitutes” and “paid media”. Yet it was only a very small percent of journalists who sold out. Most continued to do their jobs as honestly as they could, for modest or meagre salaries, with zero job security.

It was the managements that sold out. It was owners, who exploited their workers to maximise their profits, who sold out.

It was the powerful network of big money and political power that turned journalism into “paid media” and forced journalists into “presstitution”. To do this, they increased the power of Human Resource and Marketing departments, and killed the institution of Editor.

Over a period of time, strong, independent-minded journalists largely disappeared from the journalistic scene. They were replaced by agents of corporate or political entities. These forces often called the owners of newspapers to place their chosen people in positions of authority. Alternatively, yes-men or women handpicked by newspaper managements to protect their own private interests got key positions.

These ‘dalals’ sold their souls at high prices. Their salaries ran into crores of rupees per annum. They lived the lifestyles of the rich and famous. To justify their salaries, they had to kill stories inconvenient to the owners or their friends, push stories beneficial to the owners or their friends, and – regardless of the political party in power – implement a strictly neoliberal agenda in journalism.

People see Left and Right in every situation. Since conspiracy theories are the flavour of the times, let me suggest that this division of honest folks into Left and Right on every issue is the greatest conspiracy of our times. It prevents people from seeing basic realities that surround them every day in their own lives.

Take any issue in the news… say rape, assault and molestation of women, for instance. People across the political spectrum broadly agree that these are crimes that must be ended, though they may differ on how. The most extreme opposing voices are carefully curated and the entire debate is focused around these voices to generate a spectacle for TRPs, and prevent any real, thoughtful discussion.

What no one mentions is that every day in every major city in India there are many instances of rapes, molestations and assaults that do not find any mention in print or on television. They do not become news.

When is rape not news? When it happens to poor people. In such cases, it becomes news only if it can be turned into a political issue, with caste or communal angles. The exception is the visual story. Dramatic footage that can be played on loop, will be played on loop, because it gets eyeballs.

Why are rapes of poor people not reported? The logic for this is that poor people are not our readers or viewers, so we do not cover them.

The obvious question then is, who are our readers and viewers?

Well, they are people who can afford to buy the products advertised in our newspapers and on our TV channels.

The reason the newspaper or TV channel exists, from the perspective of the owners, is to make money for them. In order for it to do that, it has to make money from ad revenues. Advertisers want to reach people who can buy their products. They look at society in terms of purchasing power – more the better.

So, coverage is designed to appeal to the people with the most purchasing power.

When I first came to Delhi from North-East India, I used to be furious at the neglect of the North-East in the supposedly national media. Then I gradually realised that forget North East, even North Delhi was relatively neglected compared to South Delhi. Slums and villages around Delhi simply did not exist in the imagination of the Delhi English media.

The map of India according to the Indian English language media is mainly South and Central Delhi and Mayur Vihar in East Delhi (many journalists live there), South Mumbai and the suburbs up to Andheri, Bangalore Cantonment and the new areas where the I.T. folks stay, and a few pockets from here and there. Other places appear sporadically when truly horrible things happen there.

This map happens to coincide with the map of areas where concentrations of ‘good consumers’ live and work. It is the map of places where maximum products may profitably be sold.

All my Leftist friends, with pain in their hearts for the poor and oppressed, seem not to notice the structural skew built into this neoliberal media of which so many of them are a part. It is a media that denies equal humanity to people who, for want of money, are unable to consume more.

All my Right-wing friends, with pain in their hearts for the nation, seem not to notice that around 90 percent of the nation is missing from the national news. I wonder what could be more anti-national than that. Erasing 90 percent of the nation from the national imagination is not very different from wiping off 90 percent of the country from the map.

Profit and power may be the sole objectives of the ‘seths’ who own and run these businesses. They are not the sole reasons that the media exists.

The state extends many benefits to media houses because they are supposed to constitute the fourth pillar of democracy. A lot of idealistic young people come into the journalism profession because they want to contribute to making a better world for all.

It is safe to say that at present, the profit and power of a few individuals is the raison d’etre of the bulk of Indian media companies. Media is no longer the fourth pillar of democracy; it is the central pillar of crony capitalism. It exists to sell products and influence to the highest bidder.

This is a crying shame.

(by Samrat.
The writer is a journalist and author.)

Men aren’t good enough, good aren’t men enough – the problem with women’s safety


Life in a sleepy industrial township is mellow. With a multicultural population comprising mostly of educated employees sourced from across India, one would expect a degree of maturity in the township’s culture; and so it was in Bokaro, at least as much as I can remember from my early childhood.

The politics of a life as a child is also simple, your siblings double up as your best friends and worst enemies. Parents play the role of super-national bodies dictating peace and threatening economic blockades and military action if ever there is a breach. Such was my life too. As the youngest of four, I was closest to my sister who is 6 years elder to me.

This little simple world, in the ideal town, changed for us as we grew up. In the same locality was a gang of boys who had grown in age and size but were fast depreciating in character. Cat-calling, eve teasing were increasingly becoming commonplace. I had seen bloody brawls with bare knuckles, sticks, stones by the time I was 8-9. Everyone was generally scared of these guys and they were getting emboldened day-by-day feasting on this fear.

I am writing this in the backdrop of the mass molestation in Bangalore on the first day of 2017. Enough intellectual jiggling has happened over what women should do to be safe and what society should do to keep women safe. Useful theories like “All men are potentially rapists” have been propounded, which effectively drives us towards leveraging technologies like in-vitro spermatogenesis and eventual eradication of human male species. Less radical and ideas like “Change all men’s mentality” have also been brought forward. However mentality change might take time on a generational scale and until that happens, and before facing eventual annihilation for being a man, I wish to explore why the bad men stand at the front of representing manhood and why the good men are not men enough (with due advance apologies to the feminists).

The next few incidents are real anecdotes from my life, with some men who were sexual predators, some “good” men, who were not men enough, and why.


I was 8-9 years old. My sister was 14-15. We are from a conservative North Indian family. It was the 90s, fashion as it is now, had not picked up. It was a township, far removed from metro culture. My sister would wear frocks, t-shirts and trousers at home but would always change into salwar-kameez if she had to step out.

My mother once told my sister to get sooji (semolina) to make halwa (porridge) as we were expecting some guests. She tagged me along. The shop was about 400 meters away. It was dusk, the night was claiming the skies fast. I was walking, holding her hand when a voice called from behind – “O madam, time kya ho raha hai?” (O madam, what is the time?).

My sister’s pace hastened. Holding her hand and walking along I looked up and saw her looking down, fixated on the road beneath, walking very fast to the point where I had to gallop a little to keep up.

I was a kid but I was not stupid. I knew what was going on. I asked, “Wapas ghar chalein?” (Should we go back home). But she was in a battle with herself. She was reacting to the cat-calling but did not want to be seen doing it. She said, “Jaldi chalo nahi toh mummy daantegi” (Let’s make it fast or mother will be angry).

We took a longer roundabout route back home to avoid them. She never told our parents about this incident, neither did I. I don’t know if she was trying to be brave and assure herself that she can deal with it, or if she was afraid that our parents would interrogate her first as to why she attracted such attention. Thereon she seldom left home for the extended neighborhood. She would always prod me to go to the shop. But I had my own fears…


Few days after this incident, we had come to know that another girl was being harassed by the same gang of guys. She had once replied back to them. In revenge for the “insult”, they got hold of her younger brother when he was playing in the ground. He was in my age group. They tore his clothes off and had him run back home almost naked. I, in turn, had given up going to the ground. So I believe, had others who had sisters.

But I had to follow orders and go to the shop. On one of such visits, I was called by one of the guys in the gang. He was called “Mantu”. “Aye babu… idhar aao…” (Hey kid.. come here). I was too scared to not obey. I was already imagining myself naked and looking around for bushes where I could hide until it became dark, also fearing if a snake would bite me at a place where I can’t tie a rope or make a cut. But that didn’t happen.

There was a long inconsequential talk for about 15-20 mins about things like “Kya naam hai… Bada badhiya naam hai… Shankar ji ka naam hai ee toh… Koun iskool me padhte ho… Bada badhiya iskool hai…” (What is your name… What a nice name… It is Lord Shankar’s name… In which school do you study… It’s a very good school…) This was repeated on more occasions when I went to the shop.

I had started to develop gradual fascination for the power those guys wielded, of how they could stop and talk to anyone, how shopkeepers, doodh-walas crossing by, would greet them, how they could have samosas and not pay and yet the samosa-wala would say, “Phir aaiyega bhaiya” (Please come again bhaiya).

My mother was getting suspicious as to why I always get back late from the shop. She followed me once, saw me talking to them happily, called me back from afar, took me home and gave me a mighty thrashing for talking to the already infamous bunch! My mother’s fear prevailed and I always avoided them thereafter, taking the longer route, changing my path when I saw them.

In retrospect, the beating was God’s hand correcting my path and the fear of my mother’s beating was a divine shield protecting my character!


On another occasion, they rounded up another guy in the colony. He was a handicapped guy. He had a sister who too had dared to talk back at them for their advances. They were beating him up in the middle of the road. It was a weekend when all the “good men”, fathers, brothers, were at home. At once, many men came out from all around, in balconies, outside their buildings, on the street.

Ab bahut hua… Ab hadh ho gaya… Ab ee lanth log ko sabak sikhana hoga…” (It’s enough… They have crossed the limit… These goons must be taught a lesson…) It looked like the end of the reign of terror!! But the goon-in-chief, “Mantu” was calm. He stopped the beating and calmly went back up the street. In two minutes, he was back raging like a mad bull and with a pistol in his hand!! “Koun bola re… kisko himmat hua re… koun aayega… aao sala…” (Who was yelling at us… How has the guts… who will face us… come now..) he yelled, and fired two rounds in the air!

All the good men were silenced in the middle of valiant war-cries! I saw two things for the first time that day – a pistol in action and a mass-freezing event with all the good men frozen in their snarls!

Out came the aunties and pulled the men inside, many willingly went in. Some good men tried to resist to give credence to future claims of “Sala bandook nahi hota toh maar dete usko…” (I would have killed them if they were not carrying a gun), but they eventually agreed and went inside homes. The neighborhood was desolate again and the reign of terror was re-established after 15 mins of freedom.


This reign of terror, molestation, eve teasing, cat calling continued for a couple of years. For a couple of years, my sister, just as other girls, didn’t go out in the neighborhood. For a couple of years, boys with sisters didn’t go out to play in the playgrounds. For a couple of years, the good men told their families to be careful and not venture out when they left for work.

In those couple of years, I saw how papas are not powerful, how puny, insignificant and scared (for explicable reasons) the mighty men in the homes are. It stands to reason that this loss of awe and respect for the patriarch of the family and other families around and the feeling of powerlessness, would aggravate youngsters’ issues during their teenage rebel days, and drive them on a quest of immediate power, rather than morality, and give them  a sense of perceived impunity.


The terror ended when a new SP (IPS) came to town. I don’t quite remember if it was Mr. Dinesh Singh Bisht or Mr. Sunil Palta, but he was very strict and always had his way. The gang suddenly disappeared. Every few days one of them would be seen with bandages, limping, twisted, scarred, swollen. We stopped seeing them after a while. Youngsters who had begun to flock to them and were learning “skills” under their tutelage were also not to be seen at their marked spots. It was this simple. Peace had returned!

All higher ideals aside, I believe it was plain simple fear that worked for them, when they silenced the good men into submission and against them when the police reoriented their consciences with their batons. This, I guess, is the language that men who didn’t learn enough as boys, understand.


The higher ideals, family values, education, sensitization etc. work during the formative years, with boys who are yet to be cast into a mould. As with us, when our testosterones introduced themselves and ran amok, we started looking differently at the same girls, many of whom we had known since kindergarten. But we were driven to win hearts and we vaguely knew how to go about it and molesting was certainly not the way to do it.

These ideals, mostly bred in the family and at school, stop you from taking the wrong path and give you the good fear of dishonorable conduct and of law. Sensitization, co-education give you empathy with the girls who are victims of sexist crimes. More importantly, they give insights, suggest acceptable ways in which you can creatively address your attraction, so you are not driven to desperation.

The perplexing question however is, why are the good men who wouldn’t indulge in crimes themselves, not man up and stand against these crimes as men should. How could predators be emboldened enough to molest at such a large scale, with an air of impunity, in Bangalore? Where were all the good men? Where are the good men when a lone girl is molested in a crowd of hundreds by 4-5 predators?

Violence is the crude dynamics of power. Molestation is an act of accessing and abusing without consent, the body, which is a very private possession of the individual. Through molestation, the criminal says, “I am so brave and powerful, I can take what you have claims over, whether you like it or not”.

The good man, on the contrary, is one who is ready to relinquish all claims and buy a quiet way out.

Perhaps, our definition of “good” is flawed. We identify the good man as a passive being who does not fall into trouble, who is shrunk in himself and is benign to the world, who may not help but also does not harm others. In effect, we identify those men as good who honor every fear around and postpone every fight for later, when risks are minimized.

The “good man” is afraid of physical harm to himself, harm to his family. His family and he find dishonor in a policeman visiting his home. A good man is worried about tomorrow before attending to his today. And ironically, even the fear and awe of law seems to bother only the good man, not the criminal!

Our socio-legal systems and institutions, and our value systems are giving us a goodness that is not good enough, and good men, who are not men enough.

There is more to this which I wish to share, of what it took to stand up and resist, but that is perhaps for another time.