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Sexual assaults – it’s not the dress stupid, it’s your attitude


What happened in Bangalore on the new year’s eve happens every day in the streets of India, may be not at such a large scale, but sexual harassment of women, molestation and rape is an epidemic that has spread to every nook and corner of our country. We may not like to admit it, but trust me; it’s sexual assault against woman are nothing less than an epidemic.

The problem however, is not with the sexual assault alone, but with the silly excuses often by those who consider themselves to be the upholders of our liberalism and feminism that are used to justify such assaults, including this bizarre ‘science of sex’ argument and more often than not, our people indulge in widespread victim shaming, instead of questioning the perpetrators.

The moment a woman dares open her mouth against sexual assault, the very first question people tend to ask is ‘when did it happen?’ God forbid if the incident happened after sun down, majority of the people invariably end up questioning the woman – ‘why did she have to go out at night?’ ‘What was she doing out so late?’ ‘Oh! She was alone at 8 PM? It’s her fault… she should have known better’… and on and on people question the ‘character’ of the woman, instead of questioning the assaulter.

If she was assaulted during the day, the obvious question that is asked is, ‘what was she wearing?’ ‘Oh! she was wearing a skirt… who told her to show her body? she should have know better

If she was wearing ‘proper clothes – read kurta, saree, burka’ the very next question is, ‘was she drinking booze? Who told her to drink booze, she had it coming.’

If she is not guilty of any of the aforementioned ‘crime’, then the next question is ‘what was she doing there? She must have asked for it…’ We have seen how some morons even blamed food – chowmein, and mobile phones for the sexual assault, but not the men who perpetrated those heinous crimes.

It’s this relentless, never ending questioning of women, which promotes and provides room for such perverts to walk away free every time someone sexually assaults a woman.

Tragically almost 90% of such crimes go unreported. The victims, generally women, are afraid to speak out, for they are aware how our society will find a way to blame her for the assault.

The moment such a crime gets highlighted ‘Morality ke Thekedaar’ like Samajwadi Party leader Abu Azmi who will claim, “women roam around naked, a blot on Indian culture” implying the women deserve what was happened. We also get the likes of Karnataka Home Minister G Parameshwara who said “such incident do happen on New Year day and Christmas.” It is this institutionalization of sexual harassment, molestation and rape which is at the crux of the problem women in our country have to live with.

But it need not be so.

I come from Darjeeling, and even though we are politically a part of West Bengal, socially, culturally, geographically and linguistically we are very different than the rest of Bengal. We have more in common with the rest of North East India, than the mainland Indian culture which is prevalent in Bengal. Let me explain what I mean by ‘mainland Indian culture’ vs ‘rest of north east’.

Unlike the rest of India, the dowry system is almost unheard of in Darjeeling, Sikkim and rest of North East, which roughly translates to the fact that our daughters are not seen as a BURDEN. Rather, they are regarded as the most important members of our families. What this very basic, yet fundamental difference in perception of our daughters does is it provides a room for our daughters to grow up into becoming the person they want to become.

For every son who is a doctor we have daughters who are engineers, for every son who is a trekker we have daughters who have climbed Mt. Everest, for every son who are teachers we have daughters who are Professors, if our sons are musicians our daughters are rock stars. Not all of them, granted, but they have that freedom and choice to do and be what the desire and aspire to become. This is the basis of our NE society – women are treated as equals, and even though there will definitely be some families that may not treat their daughters as equal, but in general the daughters are often more cherished than the sons.

In Darjeeling, Sikkim and rest of north east this freedom of choice begins right from our childhood, when boys and girls go to the same school. They grow up together, mingle with each other and end up learning to respect the opposite sex as our equal. For every son we bring up as Krishna, we have a daughter who is brought up as Durga, so mutual respect comes naturally as it is imbibed fundamentally in our communities.

In my community – the Gorkhas the sons are never taught that they have to protect our daughters; rather we have a festival Bhai Tika where the daughters vow to protect their brothers. This sense of women empowerment is not imposed, rather it comes from our fundamental belief that daughters are equal to sons in each and every respect. Yes, there will be instances and families who may not necessarily treat their daughters equal, but in general the daughters are not seen as a burden on their families, and this basic fact changes everything.

Our daughters are allowed to choose their life partners, much like our sons. Arranged marriages are a rarity in Darjeeling, Sikkim and rest of north east India, and actually often frowned upon. The general feeling is that ‘if one cannot choose his/her wife or husband then what will you do when it comes to making other important decisions in your life?’ Inter-caste, inter-religion, inter-community marriages which are so rare in rest of India are a common phenomenon in North East. This not only helps in making our community more diverse, it also helps in promoting religious, social and cultural harmony too.

This respect towards female is not just confined to our own, but is extended to every women who happen to come in our society. Darjeeling is a hill town and one of the most popular tourist destinations in India, we take pride in the fact that Darjeeling is one of the SAFEST cities for single female travelers in the WORLD.

Don’t take my word for it, rather take this testament from Jon Snow of Channel 4 News UK, when his daughters were stranded at 2 AM by a highway, this is how a truck driver and his helper from Darjeeling reacted. He writes:

“At 2.00 am in the morning on a remote stretch of winding road one of the tyres gives way. The driver changes it in the middle of the road. Fifteen minutes later a second tyre gives up the ghost. No more spares.

To my horror, these two blondes stand, at 2.30am, on the dark roadside and start hitching. A five ton truck laden with sand hails into view. It stops, they scramble in. The driver and his mate prove to be the sweetest most caring individuals.

By 4.00 am they have stopped at a tea stall and are buying the girls, tea and delicious pastries.

At 5.00 am the sand truck draws up at the very doors of the hostel in which the travellers are to stay.”

This is perhaps the fundamental difference between the North East and rest of India, or we don’t see a single woman as an opportunity, rather we see her as a collective responsibility.

I am no Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore, but if I was him, I would probably pen:

“Where the women are without fear
and their heads held high,
where society doesn’t impose their norms on them
instead allows them to become who they want to be,
where the dresses they wear, the time of the day they hang out
and food and drink they enjoy is not judged,
much like the North East India
Into that heaven of freedom, my Mother, let my country awake.

[Upendra M Pradhan writes the column Voice of Darjeeling for and is editor at large at The Darjeeling Chronicle.]

Goan Padre asks devotees at Christmas mass to vote for specific candidates, will SC ruling apply?


Last week, Archbishop Filipe Neri Ferrao had said that the Roman Catholic Church will guide its followers to vote for genuine candidates in Goa, for the upcoming state elections:

We do issue guidelines to our faithful on how to exercise their franchise and thus fulfil one of their sacred civic duties. These guidelines are read out in our churches, but they never mention the name of any candidate or any political party. The people are sovereign, they decide.

While the Archbishop said that neither candidates nor parties would be named, it appears that his subordinates haven’t got the message. Local Goan media reported just a few days back that Father Conceicao from the Taleigao church urged devotees to vote for husband-wife duo Babush and Jennifer Monserrate, both sitting MLAs and also aspirants for the upcoming elections. He was caught on camera appealing to the people who had come for the annual Christmas mass:

In the video, Father Conceicao made no bones while stating that the duo have helped the church and Padre-folk at large, and hence the faithful must vote for them. He asked the people who had come for the Christmas mass, to vote for, whom he called “our people”, and give them a Christmas present in February, when the elections are expected to be held. He named them explicitly, in complete contrast to the Archbishop’s statement, and asked for a “thumping majority” for them. He later tried to retract, but the video is clear.

While the church may claim to guide voters in the “right” direction, it is important to note the antecedents of the candidates endorsed by the Padre. Babush Monseratte is a goon-turned-politician, known for real estate related corruption, with very grave offences registered against him such as causing hurt by dangerous weapons, rioting with deadly weapons, and most recently, being accused of rape by a minor girl. His son too had been earlier booked for statutory rape of a minor. His wife, while less notorious is a non-performing MLA. Babush was expelled by the Congress in 2015, while his wife is still with the Congress. When a priest openly endorses such candidates, it brings into question the morals and ethics of the priest himself.

The recent Supreme Court judgement on religion and elections makes matters worse for the Padre. The Supreme Court ruled that seeking votes in the name of religion, caste, race, community or language by a candidate, his agent or anyone with his consent would be a corrupt electoral practice which would render the person open to disqualification.

Further, it also stated that the above would apply even if an appeal is made by any religious leader to his community to vote for a candidate, if it is established that such an appeal was made with the consent of the candidate. The above case squarely falls under this clause. It could be difficult to prove that the appeal was made with the consent of the candidate, but given the circumstances, it doesn’t take a Sherlock Holmes to guess what must have really transpired.

It remains to be seen how the law will be enforced, if at all someone takes the Padre to task, since the sermon came before the Supreme Court’s judgement. It is an open secret in Goa that the Church backs and advocates voting for candidates of their choice, but this might be the first time when a priest was caught on camera, explicitly issuing an appeal. As the days to the election in Goa near, one can expect more such incidents to spring up.

Kalburgi’s murder investigation will have a quieter death


As we step into 2017, it seems eons ago that the Modi government was inundated with the “intolerance” campaign by the mainstream media and the left intellectual brigade. Deaths of Dabholkar, Pansare and Kalburgi were all painted with a political hue and PM Modi was blamed, irrespective of the fact that State governments have the responsibility of law and order.

In August 2015, Prof. M.M.Kalburgi was killed by assailants when he answered his door. Not once did the intellectual brigade take Karnataka CM Siddaramaiah to task. This even when you consider that there has been spate of suicides in police department before and after Kalburgi’s death.

Notwithstanding the hypocrisy, it has now been reported in the vernacular media that the professor was killed due to a property dispute. Here is the chronology of developments in this matter:

After Kalburgi’s death, opposition parties asked for the matter to be handed over to CBI. However, due to the pressure from the left intellectuals, the matter was referred to CID (as it is under the control of the state government). Police has, during its investigation, arrested two people from Vijayapura (old Bijapur) – from where Kalburgi hailed. However, another media house reported that no arrests have been made. Upon interrogation, these two have said “We are not aware of Kalburgi’s ideas, books or writings. However, we had issues related to properties.” (translated from Kannada). This claim has not been refuted by the police. Popular Kannada daily Udayawani also reported that police has not yet given the report to the state government.

The mainstream media, which made such noise at the peak of its “intolerance” campaign is unsurprisingly quiet on the recent revelations. If the findings were different, then we could have expected uproar as that would fit very well prior to the UP elections. Now, all we can expect is to see the story die a less tragic death than Professor Kalburgi.

Bangalore – the happy new year that wasn’t


Everyone loves new beginnings. For they come with the promise of something new, something better. Something to look forward to. A new year holds a promise for most folks. Where one mentally wraps up the unpleasant past and tucks it away in one corner. New possibilities, new endeavours, new boundaries to be scaled. Basically it is an annual acknowledgement of hope.

Ironically it was the new year that brought to fore the sheer hopelessness for half our population. It showed us a mirror to how far back in time we are stuck. Probably even worse, because we seem to be actually regressing as far as safety for women is concerned.

This New Year heralded anything but hope for thousands of women. Instead it stared them in the face and reminded them of their gradually shrinking space.

A group of women were mass molested while they were out celebrating New Year’s Eve on MG Road in Bangalore. When questioned about the incident, the Karnataka Home Minister responded in a predictable fashion by saying that these are regular incidents and also implying that the women should not have been out there in the first place.

The discussion then moved to Social Media and what followed was a horrific mix of absolving the enforcement agencies of any obligation, and basically blaming the women for bringing it on themselves.

Arguments ranged from the very practical “MG Road is notorious for hooliganism, what were women doing there?” to the bizarre “These women should have been praying at home to bring in the New Year rather than drinking on the roads.” Some people also went on to blame the “Western culture of celebrating New Year’s Eve”! Some likened it to an open door which would obviously lead to goods being stolen. (Speechless!)

Saner arguments like “You are responsible for your own safety” and “Parents are duty bound to advise their children” were also made. Which on paper make a lot of sense but pretty much absolve everyone other than women of any obligation.

Which brings us to two key points:

  1. What is the duty of the State towards the safety of its citizens?
  2. How far will we go in reducing the safe boundaries for women?

If indeed it was a well-known fact and MG road has been witnessing these incidents for the last 15-20 years, what have law enforcement agencies been doing all along? After all, our taxes are being spent on maintaining them and common sense and self-preservation instincts in women cannot be an alternative to visible law and order.

The worst part is that there were reportedly 1500 policemen in Bangalore on the roads that night. Which brings us to the perception that common people hold about our law enforcing agencies. Is it a good sign that our police force is considered impotent and inept?

It has wider implications than just women’s safety. It reflects sadly on our internal security apparatus and its readiness to deal with any kind of hostile situations. That a group of drunk rowdy men can reduce our armed police force to mere bystanders is scary to say the least.

While on the subject of law and order, why were no FIRs filed by any of the victims? Is it because of the sheer hopelessness they feel with regards to law enforcement in our country? No one with a semblance of common sense would see it worthwhile to go through the rigours of an official complaint and come out empty handed at best and hounded and victimised in the worst case scenario. So in effect we are tacitly admitting that we live in a country where the law is an ass and it is for the common people to fend for themselves, basis their common sense, parental advice and societal advisories.

Coming to the second point. How far do we go in reducing the safe boundaries for women?

This was not a case of a woman or two molested on a deserted highway in the middle of nowhere. This was hordes of women being groped and assaulted in the midst of hundreds of others in the presence of policemen.

Women are regularly thrown into this situation in local trains, on the roads, in queues, in hospitals, in theatres. Do they stop stepping out due to potentially ‘molestable’ situations? Or is the advice valid only for situations where they seem to be having a “good time”?

Or worse still, do we move to a world where we progressively keep women away from being seen in public for their personal safety? Because, longer is the rope that we provide to law enforcers, shorter is going to be the safety radius we provide our women.

In an increasingly violence ridden world, fraught with lack of role models and empathy, it is the women who will pay a heavy price for this short sightedness.

Himachal temple defaced with ‘ISIS coming soon’ written on its wall


A couple of weeks after a man wanting to join ISIS was arrested in Himachal Pradesh, another incident has sent the Himalayan state in shock. A temple in the Solan district of the state has been defaced with “ISIS coming soon” written over its walls.

The incident happened in the Dharampur village where local children and devotees spotted something written in English and Arabic over the entrance of the temple. They apprised the local panchayat chief of the matter, who reported the same to the police.

When police arrived, they found that “ISIS coming soon” was written on the walls of the temple. They took help of local people who could read Arabic or Urdu to decipher the rest. It was found that the part written in Arabic script was “la ilaha illallah” i.e. “there is no God but Allah” which is first part of the Islamic Shahada.

The police is investigating the case and nothing is known about the culprits yet. Some reports suggest that such scribbling was also left on a house opposite the temple as well.

The concerned temple is situated at Kalka-Shimla national highway and is known as Manasa Devi temple.

ISIS slogans on temple wall
The slogans written on the walls. (source of pics)

Looking at the pictures, it appears that stencils were used to print these slogans, perhaps to hide the handwriting of the culprit, which could have been a clue in the case.

The incident has left the locals worried as the state has largely been peaceful and such incidents were not reported earlier. However, it comes on the heels of arrest of a person named Abid Khan, who was a resident of Bengaluru but was hiding in Himanchal Pradesh with a fake identity.

Abid was reported to be in touch with ISIS operatives and he himself wanted to join the terrorist organisation. He was living in Himachal for last five months under a fake Christian identity and was arrested from a Church.

Although there is no proof currently available to directly link the two incidents, this surely has sent the alarm bells ringing both among the residents as well as among the security agencies.

This Mumbai doctor’s new year’s resolution it to consult elderly patients for free


New year’s resolutions are notorious to be casual statements that are broken too easily by us, but this is one resolution that comes from conviction and compassion. A doctor from Mumbai has announced that he will treat every patient, who is above 70 years of age, absolutely free!

Dr. Dheeraj Mulchandani
Dr. Dheeraj Mulchandani

Dr. Dheeraj V. Mulchandani, a general surgeon practising in Colaba, has decided to treat all senior citizens above 70 years free of cost at his clinic. He says that this is his way of giving back to the society.

“I hope that my kids learn the importance of respecting their elders and offering them their dignity,” Dr. Mulchandani wrote in his blog while making the announcement.

The 36 years old doctor who is father of two children, said that this decision was triggered by some incidents he witnessed at his clinic, especially related to an elderly woman who was abandoned by her family and was living alone. She had been avoiding treating her illness for months as she worried that she might run out of the little money that she had.

There was another elderly patient who just wanted someone to listen to her problems. “She broke down crying when I offered just a few kind words of support. All she needed was some love and kindness and a patient hearing,” Dr. Mulchandani recalled.

Dr. Dheeraj V. Mulchandani’s cinic at Colaba, Mumbai

Moved by these incidents, and also because of the fact that his own mother had been suffering from a chronic back pain where she needed attention and time of her family, Dr. Mulchandani vowed to give this time, attention and care to all elderly citizens.

“I am a general surgeon but I will help in all general illnesses that a general physician would otherwise treat, as well as any surgical consultation if required would be free. Of course, I won’t be able to offer surgery free, but minor procedures, if feasible at the clinic itself, would be possible,” Dr. Mulchandani told

He further told us that he doesn’t expect any private hospital to do such charity at an institutional level as they have to make money to maintain the standards expected today, but as a private citizen, he will do his bit and hope that it inspires others.

He also said that of late, some malpractices by the medical community has come to light and thus it’s important this his generation of doctors can clean up the system and make the profession better and honourable again. Dr. Mulchandani completed his medical studies from the University of Pune in 2001.

Those interested can visit his clinic at A-7, Sangam Bhavan, Ground Floor, opp. Strand Cinema, Colaba, Mumbai 400005.

“The timings are 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm. My distinguished seniors can walk in anytime. There is no restricted time for them,” he said.

Islamic Banking idea by RBI is a step backwards towards Sharia law


A country that claims to be secular should not participate in a banking system that emerges strictly in the name of religion. India has its own normal and consistent banking system, so establishing an alternative of this magnitude is alarming. It is with great horror to those who love freedom and democratic values that the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has floated the idea of an “Islamic window” in banks to promote a “gradual introduction of Sharia-compliant or interest-free banking in the country”.

There is no shortage of examples that prove there only needs to be a small window of opportunity for Sharia law supporters to heavily influence and oppress regions. In this case, the window of opportunity is Islamic banking.

Islamic banking is not prevalent in Islamic-majority countries, even in Saudi Arabia. The establishment of this type of banking is not beneficial for the Indian economy and the inclusion of Muslims in India. Additionally, it does not invest in its community and help women have more opportunities to be financially stable.

Islamic banking may seem like a great option for the Muslim community, but its deceptive practices can be detrimental bankers. Islamic banking is built on the premise that Sharia law prohibits charging interest. Therefore, Islamic banking claims to offer interest-free banking and functions on the principles of the Qur’an, particularly Sharia law. Muslims and those not able to use conventional banking may flock to this idea on these principles alone.

However, a bank must make profits in order to have money to lend people and sustain its practice. In order for the Islamic banking system to work, they must upsell items. For example, if a person needs a loan to purchase something, the Islamic bank will purchase that item and sell it to the customer for more money through other means. This loophole exists to earn a profit from customers while technically not charging interest on a loan or payment. Muhammad Saleem, former CEO of Park Avenue Bank in New York, wrote a book entitled Islamic Banking—A $300 Billion Deception, in which he emphasizes the notion that Sharia and Islamic banking charge interest under the guise of “Islamic garb”. He calls this practice dishonest.

Another major flaw of the banking system is the fact that they could deny or fund businesses as they please and based on how they interpret the Qur’an. This style of banking can lead to predatory-like tactics, such as denying women accounts for any reason or funding extremist activities. Denying women access to ways to save, invest, and support themselves continues to prevent them from accomplishing their own goals and improving their quality of life.

Those who are not Muslim are subject to unfair business and banking tactics, such as higher costs of sale transactions. By controlling how people spend and manage their money, Islamic banks have an opportunity of spreading its radical worldviews amongst others. While the Banking Regulation Act prohibits the establishment of a competing banking system, radical Islamists are known for changing laws once they have a foothold in a region.

The practices of Islamic banking does not guarantee economic or personal wealth accumulation. There was little attention drawn to the bankruptcy of the Canadian Islamic bank situation, but this particular circumstance points to a flawed method of banking. Consumers should look at this example as a foreshadowing of what could happen if this type of banking system becomes the preferred banking system.

Even though the face of banking is changing as new technology develops and the global economy stabilizes, studies (pdf link) show the economy thrives when there is open and free markets, namely conventional banking.

The solution is clear. People should be on guard against Islamic banking as a means to infiltrate an already established banking system in India. People should be on guard against Sharia law as a whole and not allow Sharia law to creep into the daily facet of their lives.

Sharia law has proven to be merciless toward women and Islamic banking would not be any different. Islamic banking would not propel women and the Islamic community forward, but would keep them behind our national and international counterparts.

Did the Rail Minister hint at a conspiracy to target Narendra Modi’s rallies?


Recently there have been a few unfortunate accidents that have plagued the Indian Railways. While negligence of the railway authorities coupled with crumbling infrastructure cannot be ruled out, many on social media started speculating about a possible sabotage angle especially in and near Kanpur where two accidents took place within a month.

This speculation looked like turning into a reality after Navabharat Times reported that at Mandhana station between Kanpur and Faridabad, track clips and fish plates were found removed. Additionally in Kanpur, there was an effort to cut the track itself:

Soon many started speculating about a possible terror aspect:

Some people then connected the dots between the accidents and Modi’s rallies. Incidentally the foiled sabotage attempt comes at a time when PM Modi is all set to address a massive rally in Lucknow today. Also, the accident on 20th November, which had left over 140 dead, had occurred on the day when Modi had addressed a rally in Agra.

This theory might have ended up as an elaborate conspiracy theory had Rail Minister Suresh Prabhu not ret-weeted the link between these sabotages with Modi’s campaigning in the state:

Suresh Prabhu has been using Twitter very effectively and we have all seen how he has helped many passengers in distress who tweeted to him. He is surely among the ministers who know how the platform works. So should one treat this re-tweet as an endorsement? Or even a subtle hint at what he suspects?

Does it mean that the Railway Minister is not ruling out the possibility that some unlawful elements targeting railways to target the Prime Minister? This warrants a serious inquiry to ascertain who is backing such elements.

Jaya Jaitly denies claims of trolls about George Fernandes being angry with Modi


Former President of Samta Party – party formed by the former Defence Minister George Fernandes that later merged with Nitish Kumar’s JD(U) – and a close aide of George Fernandes, Jaya Jaitly has rubbished the claims that George was angry with the then Chief Minister of Gujarat Narendra Modi after the 2002 riots broke out.

These claims were spread on Twitter by some political trolls, especially by an abusive journalist named Swati Chaturvedi, and was talked about at length recently. The abusive journalist-cum-troll claimed that an “angry and agitated” George Fernandes had told her (presumably in an interview) that he felt like sending tanks to Gujarat in 2002.

The claim suggested that George Fernandes believed that Narendra Modi was not taking enough steps to control the riots and that he felt helpless as a cabinet minister – an indictment of both the state government led by Narendra Modi as well as the central government led by Atal Bihari Vajpayee.

The claims made by the abusive journalist-cum-troll were questioned on Twitter recently with many people pointing out that transcript or archive of no such interview could be found on Hindustan Times website, where the abusive journalist was reportedly employed at that time.

This report published in our user generated chapter My Voice deals in details about the mysterious interview with George Fernandes, that is being alleged as made up by many people.

One benefit of doubt that the abusive journalist Swati Chaturvedi could be given in was, that her supposedly fake interview of George Fernandes took place in 2001, so there must be another interview of George – real or made up we don’t know – where the former Defence Minister talked about 2002 riots.

But now Jaya Jaitly has clarified that no way George could be angry or upset with Narendra Modi, and thus either another interview was made up again in 2002 or the abusive journalist-cum-troll is lying now about having talked to George.

Writing for The News Minute, Jaya Jaitly clarified that Narendra Modi was in constant touch with George Fernandes during the 2002 riots and the Army was deployed as soon as possible to control the riots. She called claims made by likes of Swati Chaturvedi as “distortion of facts”.

“There could be no reason, as has apparently been stated, for the Defence Minister to wish that the army had been sent to Gujarat when it was in fact asked for immediately, and sent under his very leadership.” Jaya Jaitly wrote.

She further mentioned that George was in the streets of Ahmedabad to oversee the Army taking control of the situation. And once things were in control, he organised a ‘citizens’ peace march’ of around 7000 people, which was addressed by Narendra Modi too.

Ms. Jaitly expressed anguish that some people had taken to spread such distortion and lies about George Fernandes at a time when George can’t clarify or defend himself. It should be noted that the former Defence Minister is suffering from Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases and not in a position to come up with any public statements.

After this clarification and putting the facts on records by Ms. Jaitley, the ball is now again in Hindustan Times’ court and the newspaper must clarify if such interview(s) ever took place. Did they employ a delusional journalist who kept on making up facts and interviews? Or did they withdraw the interview(s) and fire her for such unethical behaviour as some on Twitter claim?

Top lies spread by Arvind Kejriwal and AAP during 2016


Last year was bumper for Arvind Kejriwal and his supporters. They used the social media and their friends in the mainstream media to lie like no one was fact-checking.

But we were.

Here are some of their lies spread in the year 2016:

1. PM Modi insulted Kejriwal and a few other CMs by making them keep their mobile phones out

Prime Minister Modi had chaired the 11th inter-state council meeting in July this year. There was a cold meeting between the two, but things appeared normal otherwise. However, about four days later, Kejriwal suddenly claimed that he and some of the other CMs weren’t allowed to bring in their mobile phones while there was no such restrictions for others. Truth is that no one is allowed to carry electronic gadgets inside the PMO since Indira Gandhi’s time.

2. AAP deliberately misreading data to prove Modi’s degree fake

Like Donald Trump had once made an issue of birth certificate of Barack Obama, Arvind Kejriwal made an issue of Narendra Modi’s educational certificates. Finance Minister Arun Jaitley and BJP President Amit Shah had to chair a joint press conference to bring out Modi’s mark-sheets and graduation certificates. But the party and its supporters continued to claim what they wanted to believe.

3. Kejriwal spreads news of a judge’s transfer as a case of Modi govt attacking judiciary

Chief Justice of Uttarakhand KM Joseph, who had foiled the central government’s move to establish President’s rule in Uttarakhand, was transferred to Hyderabad. Some people spun this transfer as politically motivated and Kejriwal helped spread this via his trademark ‘this is shocking’ remark. The issue was linked to judiciary’s independence. But former Supreme Court judge Markandey Katju made a few inquiries and found that the transfer was initiated by the judge himself as he suffered health aliments and Uttarakhand weather was making it worse.

4. Kejriwal shares fake video that showed JNU’s ABVP activists chanting “Pakistan Zindabad”

At the height of the JNU controversy when the loony leftist students of the JNU were accused to have shouted anti-India slogans and sympathised with terrorists, Kejriwal and his team shared a video that claimed that alleged ABVP activists were shouting ‘Pakistan Zindabad’ slogans. It was found that the slogan was more likely to be ‘Bartiya Court Zindabad’ than ‘Pakistan Zindabad’, and it can’t be claimed with certainty who was shouting those slogans. Even a DM level inquiry observed that the slogan can not be heard clearly.

5. Senior leaders of AAP share false news about a Dalit girl getting assaulted

Maybe in order to promote enmity between castes that can benefit them in Punjab elections, senior AAP leaders like Sanjay Singh and Alka Lamba shared a news story of a poor girl Dalit girl assaulted by an ex-Akali Dal sarpanch. It was later found that the photo attached with the news was actually taken from a YouTube video of a 16-year-old girl, who was beaten and then burned to death in Guatemala by a lynch mob.

6. AAP spreads news from 2015 to spread panic about demonetisation

Arvind Kejriwal made no secret of the fact that he didn’t like the demonetisation step. He vowed to prove that it was causing huge inconvenience to people and the government was isolated. His party shared a post on its official Facebook page that claimed that RBI was planning to go on a 1 day mass protest against Modi government’s interference on November 19th. Only that it was a news related to an incident around Nov 19th 2015. And even after being called out and heavily panned, AAP hasn’t deleted the post till date.

7. Kejriwal spreads picture of a dead robber claiming he was a common citizen who committed suicide

Kejriwal’s resolve to prove demonetisation as disaster was found more resolute than his earlier stated objective of fighting corruption. As seen in the above article, he and his party were willing to lie for the same, and that’s what he did when he spread a photo of a dead robber and claimed that an innocent citizen had committed suicide due to cash crunch. His lies were called out by us, but since the mainstream media doesn’t attack him for his lies, his tweet spreading this fake information is still there.

8. Modi Govt in nexus with Chinese firms for allowing Chinese Manja’s import

There have been incidents of people’s throats getting slit due to ‘Chinese’ Manja used for flying kites, and this is a problem that needs to be addressed. But if there is a problem, there is only one solution for AAP – blame Modi. Deputy Chief Minister and AAP leader Manish Sisodia in the state assembly claimed that Modi government was ‘hand in gloves’ with ‘Chinese Manja Mafia’ and was continuously importing it. This claim was re-tweeted by Kejriwal. The fact is that Chinese Manja actually doesn’t come from China and made in India only; it is named so as its cheaper as compared to other Manjas.

These are just a few lies. On other occasions, Kejriwal and AAP attacked companies like Ola and PayTM by linking them to Modi, while there have been numerous “is it true?” rumours spread by Arvind Kejriwal that we are not even listing here.