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Manmohan Singh spoke, and Twitter can’t stop talking about it


Former Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh, who was renowned to keep mum and speak only when the Congress high command allowed him to, spoke for quite some time (by his standards) in the Parliament today. And this rare incidence made Twitter take note and come up with some running commentary.

Dr. Singh was speaking on demonetisation, and he termed it an organised loot and legalised plunder. Well, terms like “loot” and “plunder” did make people recall his UPA government:

Though there was some confusion about what exactly was this “loot”:

He further said that the implementation of demonetisation was monumental management failure. While some criticism of implementation is entirely valid, it did leave people wondering what would have Manmohan Singh done:

Dr. Singh, an Economist and former RBI governor too, predicted that GDP could go down by 2% due to demonetisation. This led to many journalist go gaga over how erudite and capable our former Prime Minister was. Unfortunately, we saw some other kind of Economics when he was in the office:

He also repeated Keynes’ quote of “In the long run, we are all dead.”, well is that the secret of UPA governance:

Some journalists were so moved and impressed that the leftist blog Scroll declared that now historians will treat Manmohan Singh kindly – a wish he had expressed while in the last days of his office. And obviously that wish will be fulfilled:

However, some “trolls” were still not impressed with Manmohan Singh’s economics:

All in all, while some journalists were all starry-eyed and wished for return of Congress, almost everyone was surprised at this turnaround in Manmohan Singh’s character. He had found a voice:

This magical turnaround of Dr. Singh’s personality was listed as successful outcomes of demonetisation:

While wondering about this turnaround, some wished he had brought this change in his character earlier:

And well, who knows this might have happened. Old habits die hard:

Or maybe this might have happened. Old habits again:

There were many more tweets, but well, we should stop now, because:

Nonetheless, well done Dr. Manmohan Singh!

Kejriwal’s lies and the complicit silence of Indian ‘left-liberals’


Its been a couple of weeks since Donald Trump won the US Presidential elections in a total upset. The media in the US, the leftists, the liberals and all the people in that intersection had declared Hillary the winner a long time back. Even back in India, this same set of nearly homogeneous people had their money riding on Hillary Clinton. Of course Trump won and we saw how even Indian left-liberals went into a meltdown mode.

And Indian leftist’s troubles with Trump are not over yet. A few days back, this Tweetstorm was shared by many Indian left liberals, which voiced concerns over how media should behave when your own President elect uses fake news. The issue was simply this: Trump put out a tweet in which he claimed credit for stopping a Ford manufacturing plant from moving to Mexico and thereby saying he managed to protect American jobs. Most media houses reported this verbatim, with the usual “Trump claims….”.

But later it was apparently revealed that what Trump had tweeted wasn’t really true. So this tweetstorm made the point that media should stop reporting unverified claims from a few tweets, even if they were from the President elect.

To rewind: Indian citizens, had an issue with US media running a piece of pure reportage, based on the fake claims made by the US President elect.

We at OpIndia.com have always advocated that media should be more vigilant and although this may seem to be media going beyond their real role of just “reporting”, it is a valid concern since if someone is misusing the media to deliver fake propaganda, he must be stopped.

Cut to India, and for the past two weeks India has been engulfed in its own storm of demonetisation. And just like they have Trump in the US, we have a certain Arvind Kejriwal in India. Sure he is nowhere close to leading the country (small mercies) but he’s playing Trump’s game here.

First, Arvind Kejriwal held a press conference where he claimed that there was a surge in bank deposits in September, and this was proof that details of the demonetisation scheme had been leaked and the culprits had already deposited their money in banks. We had thoroughly debunked this cooky theory here.

Next, Kejriwal’s Aam Aadmi Party was caught on Facebook using news items of November 2015 regarding an RBI strike, trying to create confusion in November 2016.

Next, Kejriwal was seen getting worked up and aggressive just because a journalist challenged his figures relating to deaths due to demonetisation, a claim which was debunked here.

Next, Kejriwal was caught sharing picture of a dead robber, claiming that the man was actually a victim of demonetisation. The original tweet has been deleted, the original rumour monger deactivated his account for a while, but Kejriwal’s tweet furthering this lie is still present.

Next, Kejriwal was caught sharing a news article by an unknown website which had claimed that a 2014 news report of SBI planning to advance a loan to Adani had happened now. The site subsequently retracted, but again, Kejriwal’s propaganda tweet continued as it is.

Indian left-liberals, the “intellectuals”, the media personalities, the comedians, the social media heroes, the columnists, the chat-show staples, who were so pained to see Trump misusing social media and mainstream media, were conspicuous by their absence when all these lies by Kejriwal were being exposed.

Their hearts weep when Trump lies, but when Kejriwal lies they look the other way. Not a single of Kejriwal’s false claims was exposed by them. Why?

As far as Kejriwal is concerned, his lies have not stopped in spite of being exposed on a daily basis. Does Kejriwal not know what he speaks is utter crap? Sure he knows it. Then why isn’t he stopping?

Both these questions are related. The left-liberals are happy to turn a blind eye to Kejriwal’s lies and Kejriwal gets further encouraged to continue lying when he sees his support base or even those who don’t overtly support him but are in a position to counter him, stay silent. This is why, Indian left-liberals are complicit in Kejriwal’s lies.

Firstly they do not realise that in the process of furthering their political agenda via Kejriwal, they are doing irreparable damage to the nation and national interest. Yes, the word “national” and its derivatives have become a cuss-word for some of these leftists, but it is a fact that when a leader like Kejriwal, who is an IIT-ian, an ex-IRS officer, is allowed to lie brazenly, he is damaging the country’s prospects. This is not to say that valid, factual criticism is not welcome, but the Kejriwal brand of lies is certainly not desirable.

They may think that by giving a serial liar like Kejriwal a free-run, they are furthering the anti-Modi, anti-BJP, anti-Right Wing cause, thereby giving a fillip to the left-liberal resurgence, but they are mistaken. Today, the only leaders vying to be Modi’s rivals at the national stage are Rahul Gandhi and Arvind Kejriwal. Rahul Gandhi is thoroughly disgraced for his repeated shows of ineptitude. That leaves the entire left-liberal hopes pinned on Kejriwal. And Kejriwal’s habitual lying, which may get him traction with the uninformed, is doing a great harm to his credibility and the entire left-liberal cabal.

Social media has penetrated large sections of Indian discourse and Kejriwal’s lies keep getting exposed repeatedly. This, reduces Kejriwal’s worth in the eyes of the public and thus, if and when Kejriwal raises a genuine concern, that too will be dismissed by most as a tin-foil-hat theory or just outright lies. This, damages the prospects of the only hope the Left Liberals have. And they have only themselves to blame for it.

It is time, these silent protectors of Kejriwal woken up from their self-induced slumber. Social media must start egging them to take off their blinkers and smell the rancid coffee which Kejriwal has brewed. If not for the country (since it appears they care more for the US than India), they need to speak up at least to save the idea of a credible political opposition in India.

Kejriwal will not stop if those from the Right Wing expose him, but if the people closer to home show the courage to speak up, there might still be some hope. Else no one will believe anyone who talks about “new politics” again, and worse, “truth” will not be seen as a liberal value anymore.

The Greek demagogue, and how the modern Right could be the New Left


There is a 1995 edition Oxford Concise English Dictionary lying upon my bookshelf. I rarely refer to it these days. It is handier to seek the help of the internet to learn the meaning of an unfamiliar word than pick up a sixteen hundred page tome. Nevertheless, yesterday I felt like finding out how the Oxford Concise explains the word ‘demagogue’. This was chiefly to be able to be politically and historically contextualize the demagogue with acuity.

I wanted to be cognizant of the meaning(s) of the word with as much precision as possible. I was keen on this exercise because I find demagogues an interesting phenomenon – their verbosity and flamboyance makes them so. Only a few days ago the most powerful country in the world has made known its preference, to the consternation of a lot of sophisticated folks, for the rough-hewn manners of an alleged demagogue.

I discovered that the Oxford Concise ascribes two meanings to ‘demagogue’:

  1. a political agitator appealing to the basest instincts of a mob
  2. a leader of the people, esp. in ancient times.

Both the meanings have their own distinct significance as they are repositories of specific historical experiences. The first meaning represents the political experience of the modern world, especially of the first half of the twentieth century. The “basest instincts of a mob” do seem to be the context and validation of a demagogue when we hark our minds back to the developments in Germany and Italy between the two World Wars.

However, the second of the two meanings is the historically original one. It is also more sensible from a purely etymological (science of the origin of words) point of view. The word demagogue is derived from Greek ‘demagogos.’ It is a compound of two words – demos, meaning the people, and agogos, meaning to lead. To the ancient Greeks demagogues were simply popular leaders, they were individuals who lent voice to the aspirations of the people and fought political battles on their behalf. In other words, in ancient Greece, particularly Athens, the city-state where democracy originated, the word demagogue carried absolutely no negative charge. It was not a pejorative.

Might I say, on my part, that the Greek demagogues were the ancient equivalents of the modern day ‘leftists’? After all, to be on the ‘left’ means, in modern political language, to be in some way on the side of the ‘people.’

A curious phenomenon is afoot in the major democracies of the world. They are witnessing political assertion by the hoi polloi – the great mass of commoners – on a massive scale. Most of Mr. Trump’s votes, for example, came from the white working class of interior America. The blue-collar white Anglo-Saxon voters of the American hinterland have made their disapproval of the genteel ‘liberal’ upper class of the two coasts. They have done this by electing someone who was being dismissed as a crude rabble-rouser only a few days ago. Taking into account the demographic that chose Mr. Trump, I am tempted to term him a ‘demagogue’ in the classical Greek sense and the not the condemnatory twentieth century one. Yes, for me Mr. Trump is a ‘demagogue’ because the broad American masses, especially the blue-collar working class, voted for him and saw in him probably a leader who spoke for them.

It is also a very leftist thing, mind you, to be endorsed by the working class. True, Mr. Trump has resorted to a kind of language at times which was better avoided, but I won’t identify that as the reason why the blue-collar small town American voter chose him. That will be an extremely patronizing reading of the motivations of this voter demographic.

Turning to Britain, I will identify the Brexit campaigners as ‘demagogues’ too in the historically original sense. To my eyes, they seem to resemble the demagogues of classical Greece. This is because they ran a successful campaign and their program was endorsed largely by the British working class who, probably, saw these campaigners as folks who were speaking on their behalf. Nigel Farage might be the typical left-liberal nightmare, but can one deny that his autarchic economic ideas have resonated with the majority of the British voters? Had they not, we would not have a Britain today that wants to break away from the European Union.

Also, economic autarchism is a leftist thing isn’t it? The Indian left, after all, is against globalization and its ‘detrimental’ impact on the poor and the working class. The Indian left also sighs for the closed economy days of Nehruvian socialism. The closed, autarchic Britain that Farage and company are seeking curiously looks like an Indian leftist utopia.

Returning home, the Indian voters too chose someone in 2014 who had been derided as a demagogue (in the negative sense) by the left-liberal media and political commentators. But I would call Mr. Modi a classical Greek demagogue – a leader trusted (and, it seems to me, even loved to an extent) by the common Indian masses. They identified with him because, perhaps, they saw in him someone who would help them realize their economic and social aspirations – of earning and living better and of making it in life without the advantage of inherited privilege.

In other words, they look to Mr. Modi to help them realize their aspirations to social and economic mobility. After all, Mr. Modi too did not have the advantage of inherited privilege. It is difficult to be more self-made than the current Indian Prime Minister. As a result, I would suggest, Mr. Modi appealed to a large section of Indian voters as a ‘sociological type.’ Post 1991, the economy has thrown up a large number of self-made, successful Indians. Alongside, there is an immense number seeking to emulate this success. They do not want a paternalistic ‘socialism’ that fetters and stymies enterprise. They only want someone who can create for them the right conditions wherein they can realize their aspirations. Perhaps, they think that a self-made man who has emerged from modest circumstances is most likely to do that.

By the way, the people aspiring to social and economic mobility and dismantle structures (social and economic) that favor inherited privilege – is not this a very leftist script? Nevertheless, it is a script that the Indian left has failed to endorse. So, the Indian people gave their mandate to someone who they thought will endorse it.

It appears as though the word ‘demagogue’ has retrieved its original meaning, it has once again come to mean a popular leader who stands for the people. And no, he does not necessarily do this by appealing to their ‘baser instincts.’ This retrieval has, however, happened on the right side of the political spectrum. It has been done by what one might identify as the political right, not the left – the Republicans, the BJP, the Brexit advocates.

There was a time, in the 1960s and 70s, when gender rights activists, critiques of consumerism, votaries of alternative cultures and peaceniks in the west used to be identified as the ‘new left.’ This was to distinguish them from the ‘textual’ left – the Communists who derived their faith from the world view of Karl Marx presented in the Das Capital.

However, I think that there is a fresher, ‘newer’ left now emergent and that is the ‘right’. The right is the ‘new left’ for the people identify with its political language and it resonates with their hopes and aspirations. Sorry, left-liberals!

(Saumya Dey is an Assistant Professor of History at O.P. Jindal Global University.)

Senior AAP leader from Goa goes against Kejriwal, hails demonetisation drive


AAP supremo Arvind Kejriwal has been making all sorts of allegations against the Central Government’s demonetisation scheme: He has alleged that some people were already in the know, has outright lied on many issues, and has termed it a big scam.

He had even given a 3-day deadline to the PM to roll it back, after which he had warned that he would be ready for a “kurbaani” (sacrifice) for the country as well:

But even as the AAP supremo is going all-out against the scheme, some leaders have now started taking a different line. Probably AAP’s tallest leader in Goa, and even tipped to be the CM candidate at one time, Dr. Oscar Rebello has come out in support of the demonetisation scheme.

Rebello first shot to fame in 2006-2007 as the (former) convener of Goa Bachao Abhiyan opposing the state government’s new Regional Plan (RP). He has ever since been involved in many social causes as an activist.

Goan media reported that in a press conference, Rebello stated clearly that certain things which happened as a result of demonetisation which are good for the country:

  1. Big blow to counterfeit currency
  2. Almost entirely choked off terror-funding, which will be hugely beneficial for the country
  3. Politicians, builders who hoarded huge amounts of cash, they are completely flummoxed as to what to do with their money

He went on to add that even though the above benefits are seen, the implementation of the scheme has been disastrous and that the market lacks liquidity.

This is a marked departure from all out attack on demonetisation by Kejriwal, who has called the entire scheme a sham and a scam with ulterior motives that is not for the good of the country. AAP has usually shown doors to people, including senior leaders like Prashant Bhushan and Yogendra Yadav, when they have differed from Kejriwal’s views, so it remains to be seen whether any action will be taken against Rebello by the central leadership.

However, any action would be difficult since Rebello is the most popular and most credible face of AAP in Goa, and with the assembly elections coming up, any action against him would seem suicidal. For now, Kejriwal may just have to brazen out this embarrassing development.

Reddy’s lavish wedding earns him IT notice, now Congress leader hosts similar wedding


G Janardhan Reddy is a man who has always hogged the limelight for the wrong reasons, be it by being indicted and jailed for the Karnataka mining scam to the recent controversy of him throwing a 500 crore wedding for his daughter around the time when demonetization was announced.

The wedding of his daughter was lavish to say the least, with the wedding cards having LCD screens, and him creating replicas of their ancestral Bellary home at the wedding venue for the effect of seeing his daughter off from his own home.

Such a lavish display of wealth plus his connections with the BJP looked like being an ideal punching bag for the eminent politicians and media persons:

Reddy, on his part clarified that he didn’t spend entire money in cash on a single day, for an event of such a grand scale requires months of preparation. However, that was not going to impress the Income Tax department.

The IT department has now served a notice containing 15 questions notice to Reddy to seek the details of the expenses incurred. His mining company in Bellary also been raided. Not just that, the event management firms which planned and executed his wedding also found taxmen at their doors.

This despite the fact that Reddy was supposed to have declared his wealth under the Income Declaration Scheme (IDS) earlier, as reported here. As pointed out in the report, it is entirely plausible that with such an infamous reputation of having illicit funds, Reddy probably wouldn’t have risked such an ostentatious display of wealth if he didn’t have his flanks covered. Nonetheless, the IT department acted and some celebrity journalists outraged.

Now a similar high scale wedding of the son of the Small-scale Industry Minister of Karnataka, Ramesh Jharkholi has taken place. It has been largely ignored by celebrity journalists and politicians who outraged on Reddy, even though the event took place on early this week.

The wedding had a whopping 1.5 lakh guests in an air-conditioned mandap. A helipad was built for VVIP guests. The day of the wedding clashed with that of a debate in the assembly on an important debate about the drought situation in Karnataka, but the former got the higher priority with many Congress MLA’s skipping assembly for the wedding.

The Congress leader has been fortunate that neither the celebrity journalists have outraged nor the Income Tax department has sent any notice so far. If and when the department does it, would be interesting to see if the notice is welcomed or is spun as a case of political vendetta against one’s opponents.

Mamata’s new found ‘mamata’ for the ‘Poor’ is hypocrisy at best, and criminal at worst


Among the politicians who are vociferously opposed to the demonetization initiative undertaken by the Central government, two stand out – Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee and Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal. More than anyone else, it has been Mamata who opposed demonetization from day one, labeling it ‘draconian.’

Soon she was joined by Mr. Kejriwal who, let me remind you, came to limelight on the issue of ‘eradicating corruption’, and the other usual suspects Rahul Gandhi, Mayawati, Mulayam Singh Yadav, Sitaram Yechuri, Laloo Prasad Yadav and others of their ilk.

Only in India, it is possible that a politician like Mr. Kejriwal, who got elected on the platform of ‘cleaning up politics and the system’ and ‘eradicating all forms of corruption and black money,’ today stands shoulder to shoulder with Mr. Laloo Prasad Yadav – who is a convicted for siphoning off millions of rupees, that too from animal fodder of all things – protesting against one of the most important initiatives launched in our memory to eradicate corruption.

But the level of hypocrisy exhibited by TMC Chief Ms. Mamata Banerjee is of a whole different level. It is unmatched, and unparalleled.

Reacting to the demonetization issue, Ms. Banerjee had recently said, ‘There are millions of real stories across cities, towns, villages about demonetisation affecting the marginalized. Here is only one example. Tea garden owners have expressed difficulty to pay wages on time. This could lead to frustration among poor workers, most of whom are tribals.’

Perhaps you find it a normal statement from her, but for me it’s nothing less than Hitler claiming that ‘the Jews stand to be persecuted if demonetization is not rolled back.’

It is because the Delhi media has not told you in detail about these tribals and tea garden workers, towards whom Mamata Banerjee is suddenly so compassionate. What Ms. Banerjee has conveniently forgotten is that the tribals and tea garden workers are already STARVING TO DEATH.

Since 2011, when the Trinmool party came to power, over 500 people have starved to death in the tea gardens of Darjeeling, Terai and Dooars. In Red Bank alone, close to 175 people have starved to death till date. Yet, speaking at a TMC rally prior to the recent assembly elections on April 2014, Ms. Banerjee claimed, “there have been no starvation deaths and no one has died of starvation in the tea belts of North Bengal.”

Starving husband and the helpless wife
Starving husband and the helpless wife. For more pictures and a report, click here.

Ignorance is one thing, but willful ignorance and outright denial of facts, especially when one is occupying the chair of a Chief Minister, is criminal and nothing less.

None in the media reported this, but only five days ago, three tea garden workers died due to starvation related malnutrition in the shut tea gardens owned by Duncans. A day before that, a 19 year old girl had died in the shut down Manabari tea garden, as her family could not afford to take her to the doctor.

A helpless mother cries, as her 19 year old daughter is no more. She couldn't afford her treatment.
A helpless mother cries, as her 19 year old daughter is no more. She couldn’t afford her treatment.

Even as I write this, there are, thousands of children who have gone off to sleep on an empty stomach, hundreds of mothers who are dying of starvation, and hundreds of fathers who are suffering from acute malnutrition in the tea gardens of Darjeeling, Terai and Dooars.

Why was Ms. Banerjee silent about their plight till now? And now she’s planning to blame it all on demonetisation?

Ms. Banerjee says, she is concerned about the ‘poor,’ well let me ask her this – what have you done till date, to help eradicate miseries of these people?

Three major tea garden in Darjeeling hills – Dhootrey, Kallej Valley and Peshok are owned by Trinmool Congress Rajya Sabha MP KD Singh. Since mid-2015 his company, the Alchemist Group haven’t paid the workers proper wages, bonuses or ration. Numerous representations have been sent to Ms. Banerjee, including a very high profile visit by GNLF leaders prior to the Bengal assembly elections.

After GNLF announced their support to TMC, Ms. Banerjee had said the issue would be resolved within 15 days. It’s been close to 7 months, and TMC hasn’t done anything to resolve the issue. People in these gardens have continued to suffer, they didn’t get their Dushera or Diwali bonus, neither have they received proper wages. If Ms. Banerjee actually cared, wouldn’t she have taken the Member of Parliament, whom she nominated, to task a year ago itself and made him pay the workers dues?

If she does care for the poor, what’s stopping her from helping the hundreds of thousands of ‘poor’ tea garden workers, who are suffering due to the indifference by her own government?

Moreover, TMC’s close links to numerous ‘chit fund’ companies, which has drained lives savings from millions of poor people is very well known. In our region too, companies like Sharada, Rose Valley, Basil etc. operated freely under the guise of Govt of WB Sanctioned Entity. They literally looted millions of people, and yet the self-nominated ‘champions of poor’ Mamata has not shown any mamata towards them. Why so?

Hundreds of thousands of people had their lives savings wiped out due to Chit-fund. Yet no Mamata concern for them.
Hundreds of thousands of people had their lives savings wiped out due to Chit-fund. Yet no Mamata and concern for them.

In our hills, these victims of ‘chit fund’ companies have organized themselves under the banner of ‘Chit Fund Pidit Janta’ and have continued to send multiple reminders to her office, requesting her to help return their lives savings, yet she has conveniently chosen to ignore them.

So when Mamata uses the shoulders of these very people to train her guns at the center, she stands exposed.

Politics in the name of religion and the ‘poor’ has left millions of our countrymen suffering for decades, and in brazenly asking for the central government to roll back demonetization initiative – citing inconvenience to the poor, Mamata reeks of hypocrisy at best, and criminal at worst.

(Upendra M Pradhan writes the column Voice of Darjeeling for www.darjeelingtimes.com and is editor at large at The Darjeeling Chronicle. Pics courtesy: Pallawib Singcok and Vikki Thapa/ The Darjeeling Chronicle)

How sensationalist media obfuscated the truth about terrorists having Rs. 2000 notes


The mainstream media has mastered the Art of Obfuscation – especially when it comes to headlines. TRPs trump the truth, almost always (I’m using the term TRPs figuratively; it includes, viewership, circulation, clicks, shares, etc.).

In the current era of information overload and short attention spans, few read beyond the headlines or the tweets. And more often than not, the news is so predictable – that most readers can even adequately guess the pattern of news contents.

Knowing well that most people don’t read beyond headlines, the headlines are worded such, that they deliberately obfuscate the way media wants to. Take an example from yesterday.

Army killed two terrorists in Bandipora in Kashmir. In the operation, some Indian currency, including the new Rs 2000 notes, were recovered from them. If your read the headlines or tweets from media houses, you will believe that terrorists, presumably from Pakistan, were having huge cache of new currency notes:

Google News search results for terrorists with new 2000 rupees notesANI's misleading tweet

After reading these, you will start wondering how did they get this cache of new currency notes? Is Pakistan already printing fake currency notes (a rumour many have spread)? Is our banking system compromised? And obviously, has demonetisation failed (because we just need a sensationalist headline, like death tolls, to conclude that)?

In fact, some articles didn’t leave that to your imagination and went on to suggest that the demonetisation goal of striking hard on the fake currency and terror funding networks had failed:

Misleading and probably agenda driven reporting by Rediff

Bingo! Mission Accomplished.

Whether done for agenda or for TRPs by the respective media houses, the sensationalist headlines were used for nothing else but agenda and misinformation by political Smart Alec’s and their sidekicks on the social media.

Look at these reactions:

Digvijay Singh spreading panic through misleading information

Congress member spreading misleading information

Chief Rumour Monger Arvind Kejriwal playing his part

If you haven’t drilled into the news report details by now – can you guess how much of this new currency was with those terrorists?

A grand total of “Two notes”. Yes, Rs 4000/-.

Is it a big deal for two new notes to find their way to terrorists through their handlers, supporters, well-wishers in the valley? In fact, reports confirm that security forces raided private houses after receiving information about the terrorists. So those private houses of local residents can’t provide two terrorists with one new note each? Internet is splashed with people clicking selfies with new 2000 rupees notes, but we are to believe that no one in India has seen those?

Unless of course the editors in each of our reputed media houses think that terrorists in Kashmir live in snow caves beyond Siachen where Pakistan supplies them everything, and that Article 370 debars RBI to release the new currency in Kashmir valley, or that new currency has been only home delivered only to BJP supporters alone so far.

To be fair, there was one media house that did report the news with accurate headline telling readers that only two new notes, along with cache of arms and old currency notes, were recovered from the terrorists. And guess what, the report has got just one share on Twitter and another on Facebook (till the time of filing this report):

Not so irresponsible headline
Not sensationalist, so not shared?

So truth is struggling to register its presence while lies have ubiquitously found its way everywhere.

Least we can expect is this article being widely shared, so that media knows that truth also sells, not just TRPs. Assuming that they care about the truth.

Kejriwal caught spreading false information again to hurt demonetisation drive


As the country progresses in the era of demonetisation, there has been no shortage of rumour mongering as was continuously reported by us [1] [2] [3]. One of those who appear to have emerged as the front runners in rumour mongering to spread panic among the masses is Arvind Kejriwal and his supporters.

We did a piece recently exposing how AAP on 13th November used news clips of 2015 in order to spread panic among the people. The news piece from 2015 reported how RBI planned a mass leave on 19th November 2015 to protest against Modi Government’s alleged intrusions. Posting such a news just before 19th November 2016 exposed AAP’s intent, i.e. to make people believe this is a recent news.

AAP’s supremo Arvind Kejriwal later went a step ahead and shared a picture of an alleged poor bank customer who had killed himself out of utter frustration of being unable to withdraw cash. The truth however was that the man was a bank robber and committed the act after he was trapped by locals. The tweet which Kejriwal shared was later deleted, the twitter account of Youtuber Abhishek Mishra who was the brain child behind the rumour was reported to the cops and the account was deactivated, yet Kejriwal’s false tweet exists and he has not apologised for his lies.

After getting repeatedly exposed and panned heavily, one might feel that Kejriwal would have learnt his lesson and would finally stop spreading false news. But today he tweeted this story from a little known site:

The allegations that the Government might be using the demonetised cash and bank deposits to fund crony capitalism were pretty severe. But Kejriwal’s tweet was fully exposed on social media:

This was a fraud of epic proportions. First of all, the news of SBI proposing to give a loan to Adani was from 2014 as noted from the Indian Express article. Presumably some miscreants made a clone site of India Today in which they passed off this old report as news from 4 days ago. It might be noted that ‘indialivetoday.com’ to the unobservant eye might easily have passed off as Indiatodaylive, thereby giving credence to Kejriwal’s tweet. Not just that, Kejriwal even retweeted a tweet by an AAP-leaning journalist which shared the same news.

When we last checked, the site had changed the date of the article to November 18, 2014, thereby completely back-tracking. The journalist too had deleted his tweet carrying the misleading news. Yet Kejriwal still believes and has already spread the rumour that this news is as recent as 4 days back.

Kejriwal’s tweet is intact. Just like the earlier case where Mishra, the original tweet and tweeter both have disappeared but Kejriwal’s tweet remains. Because his job is to spread rumour, not spread the reality?

The 2nd level of this fraud by Kejriwal and the site is the fact that way back in April 2015 itself, it was reported that this proposed loan from SBI to Adani had not materialised.

So try to gauge the extent of Kejriwal’s lies: He blindly trusts an unknown site which posted a 2 year old news item as a recent one. He uses this to link the news to demonetisation to incite the public. The site back-tracks but Kejriwal is firm. The underlying news event which was supposed to have happened, never happened. And Kejriwal’s blind followers have lapped it up and are posting this news as fact on every social media forum.

Can this be a coincidence? AAP shares a 2015 news report. Kejriwal shares a hoax death tweet. Kejriwal again shares a 2014 news item which never happened. In all three cases neither AAP nor Kejriwal retract or offer any apology.

Are these honest mistakes? Or is this a plan? Is this the next progression from Kejriwal’s “Is it true” campaign? If so Indian politics may have just descended into very dark days.

Rahul Gandhi has no sense at all, forget any sense of humour: Subramanian Swamy


NEW DELHI: Rajya Sabha MP and lone warrior Dr. Subramanian Swamy was outspoken and politically incorrect as always when he expressed his views about humour and the Indian sociopolitical scenario at a book launch event here.

The event, held at India Islamic Cultural Centre on Monday evening, was to launch the book Unreal Aliens written by Karthik Laxman, founder of the news-satire website The UnReal Times. The event was also attended by NITI Ayog member Bibek Debroy, and was moderated by Rahul Roushan, founder of Faking News and currently with Swarajya group, of which OpIndia.com is now a part

Book launch of Unreal Aliens at India Islamic Center
Rahul Roushan, Subramanian Swamy, Bibek Debroy and Karthik Laxman at the book launch event.

Both Prof. Debroy and Dr. Swamy lamented that the space for humour was shrinking gradually from public lives, and especially so in the Indian parliament, where proceedings are becoming more and more acerbic and acrimonious with each session.

While Prof. Debroy outlined how the first amendment to the Indian constitution itself was a factor in causing this decline not only in the parliament but in the society too, Dr. Swamy was more direct in his criticism.

Dr. Swamy blamed Indira Gandhi for introducing this “intolerance” against humour in the parliament. He said that Mrs. Gandhi, unlike her father, would weigh every statement on a scale that didn’t have the aspect of humour or satire at all. There was snooping on people for their statements, and even innocuous statements said in jest would be twisted for political purposes under the Indira Gandhi regime, the BJP leader said.

“These days media is doing the same,” he said about deliberately twisting statements of people that are said in jest or satirically.

When asked if he can name a few politicians from today’s era who have sense of humour, Swamy said he would need to think for 24 hours before replying.

But he showered compliments on some parliamentarians from the old era for having a sense of humour.

“(Atal Bihari) Vajpayee had a very good sense of humour. I didn’t like him but I’ve to admit that he had it,” Swamy said in his inimitable style.

“Even Rajiv Gandhi had a good sense of humour,” he added. When asked if Rahul Gandhi had inherited some of that (sense of humour) in his view, Swamy said, “He (Rahul Gandhi) has no sense at all.”

Apart from Rahul Gandhi, Swamy trained his guns at Finance Minister Arun Jaitley too, whom he blamed for bad implementation of the demonetisation drive, which he otherwise hailed as a good step.

In fact, Swamy said, in jest of course, that aliens should take away Arun Jaitley. The context was the book Unreal Aliens where aliens invade the earth, especially India, and how the Modi government tackles the issue. Even Dr. Swamy features in the book, apart from Arvind Kejriwal and Arnab Goswami and many other public figures from politics, Bollywood, and media.

Prof. Bibek Debroy was all praise for the book and recommended it for having a wholesome laugh. He also shared a funny anecdote on how he once thought that a name plate with “Vivek Oberoi” printed on it was a mistake around his name, and he got it changed, only to notice later that the Bollywood actor was also present at the event.

Karthik Laxman, author of Unreal Aliens, was asked why did he choose aliens as challenge for Modi government over something like thousands of clones of Arvind Kejriwal.

“I wanted to write humour, not horror,” he said, “Also, you can find a purpose behind any steps by aliens, the same can’t be said about Mr. Kejriwal.”

Unreal Aliens has been published by Penguin India and can be bought online from Amazon

How Indian media tried to link every issue in the world to Demonetisation


Demonetisation may hit fee reimbursement” screamed this front page headline of The Hindu on Nov. 21st . They were alluding to the fee the Telangana state government has to reimburse for all engineering colleges in the state. To save you the pain of reading through the whole report, here is the summary:

  • State government owes more than Rs 2000 crores to engineering colleges from the last 2 years.
  • It has recently released ~Rs 250 crores only.
  • It has promised to release ~Rs 600 crores “soon”.
  • In a totally unrelated topic, the report states that the state government is claiming losses to the tune of ~Rs 2000 crores due to demonetisation.
  • The Hindu is therefore running a story that demonetisation will impact further payments!

The sheer logic behind running this story boggles the mind. This problem has been pending for more than 2 years and amounts were not even released in hay days. In fact, there was the exact same problem back in 2012 too! It looks like the latest fad in town is to blame all teething problems to the demonetisation drive!

Telangana set to lose Rs 2000 crores per month” – screamed the front page headline on November 11, 2016. However, on November 16, 2016, the same newspaper, The Hindu had a front page report that told us that Telangana is losing ~ Rs 1000 -Rs 1250 crores per month.


So what changed from the 11th to the 16th? Upon reading the headline on 16th, one would assume that the change is because of the cut in expenditure. But a detailed reading of the report tells us that nothing changed from the 11th to 16th!  Both the times there is a reference to the CM talking to the governor once, with “supporting statistics”. It looks like a mere miracle that the losses came down by a whopping 50% in just 5 days, without doing anything! Perhaps we wait for a few more days, and this problem is gone then?

Demonetisation: Severe cash crunch compels citizens to seek psychiatric help”, screamed this headline of First Post. The first case study itself sent me into a tizzy. Let me summarise it for you (all emphasis mine):

  • A student went to a renowned psychiatrist
  • He felt “tormented” because his dad didn’t give him his weekly pocket money of Rs. 1200/-.
  • He claims he cannot drink tea or eat a snack. Neither can he borrow because he has already piled up on debt.

First of all, it beats me why anyone would want to carry high denomination notes to drink tea in canteen. Secondly, if a student who despite getting Rs.1200/- per week has piled up debt in college canteen, then he needs to go see a financial adviser and not a psychiatrist! Thirdly, it does not mention anywhere that the student approached the doctor only because of this *crisis*.

The article goes on to mention another case study, because of the impact of marriage planning. This sounds like a genuine problem, given how anxious we can get during marriage, even in good times! The article then stops giving any more examples and merely talks about “most cases”. To top it all, we also come to know that psychiatrists are thinking that the “fabric of trust” in this country is breaking because of demonetisation!

Modi’s demonetisation of old 1000 and 500 rupee notes, a blunder in every imaginable wayscreamed the headline (headline has been changed later) in Economic Times. I read through the article. It is based entirely on hearsay. Sample these points:

  • Over 90% of the transactions in India are cash transactions,
  • More than 90% of the cash in India is not black money .
  • As per a recent estimate, only 6% of black money is kept in the form of cash.

The “Recent estimate” of 6% was from another news report from Hindustan times, which was interpreting this data from IT raids in the past one year. The 90% has been pulled out of thin air, and random conclusions that link this with what Mao did to sparrows in China are being thrown at the readers!

What do you do when you run out of pictures? Use them again! Take a look at the image below.


The whatabouttery of the image is baffling too. I can walk into a jewellery shop at 10 am any day and can click a picture of an empty shop! Secondly, the headline on Nov 15 says that “Small traders hit hardest”. How come jewellers are now “small traders”? If buying gold was another way to get rid of black money, isn’t it a good thing that this is being moderated now? But no, the papers won’t tell you that!

Revenge No Development Strategy” – screamed this headline on Times of India. I was desperate to read some articles that talk about alternatives to the current move announced by Prime Minister Modi. This article was mentioned on an MP’s timeline, so I checked it out. After doing some comparisons with countries like Pakistan, Vietnam, North Korea, Zimbabwe etc, the author tells us that “Modi also chose an odd moment to attack corruption, which appeared to be in retreat.” Whoa, retreat? The source of this information is the “rebound” in our rankings from being the 95th most corrupt country to 76th! Nice job, let’s pat ourselves on the back and go back to citing these numbers to the people of the country!

Apart from the privatisation of banks (I still don’t know how this will help control black money, because the author just mentions it as the only good idea and doesn’t discuss further!), we get to read about another possible way.  “There is also a better way to downsize the black economy, which Modi’s government tried but with underwhelming results.” He tells us that Indonesia’s income declaration scheme imposed only a 4% tax on black money, so a lot more was recovered.  Now – the headline makes sense! Don’t think about revenge on those poor black money hoarders! Let’s perhaps molly coddle the black money hoarders into getting them to pay much much less tax than what the salaried class pays!

Apart from the shameful coverage of linking many unfortunate deaths to this demonetisation drive, the media is also trying to whip up passions across a section of the society by writing such contradictory, sometimes meaningless articles in their publications! Nothing better was anyway expected from the English media. As a parting shot, take a look at the image below, with the caption –“Vendors at Musheerabad Fish market in Hyderabad wait for customers”.


Is it just me, or do you also not see any “vendors” in the picture?