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Threatened and boycotted, Muslim family that converted to Hinduism goes back to Islam

AGRA: The Muslim family that had embraced Hinduism during the much publicized “Ghar Wapasi” program last year has now gone back to being Muslims after they received threats and were boycotted by the local Muslim society.

A family of 17 members in Davli village headed by 70-year-old Rahmat had embraced Hinduism on December 25 last year, but they were reported to have stopped following Hindu rituals after they received threats from anti-social elements.

It has now come to light that the family was also boycotted by their caste members, most of whom are Muslims. The family belongs to “nat” caste, which is identified as a dalit caste.

Re-conversion to Islam in Agra
The family accepting Islam again (BBC photo)

On Friday, Rahmat’s family was reportedly denied admission into a wedding ceremony of someone from the same caste. Local people told them that unless they accept Islam again, they will not be accepted by the society and no one will allow them to join public functions.

Disowned by their community, the family claims that they didn’t receive any benefits, such as a piece of land, or social support from people who converted them to Hinduism during the Gharwapasi event.

Coupled with such social boycott, apart from threats that they received earlier, the family thought it was better if they accepted Islam again to lead a normal life.

As a result, on Friday itself the family became Muslims again. Their “reconversion” was solemnized by a local Mufti and an official of Tanzeem Ulema, as reported by Dainik Jagran newspaper.

Apart from reading qalma to become Muslims again, the married members of the family were asked to marry again as their earlier marriage was deemed null and void due to their conversion to Hinduism.

The family will be formally announced assimilated into the society in a panchayat that has been called on 14th May by the nat community.

The incident has once again highlighted the politics behind conversions and reconversions, where religious conversions among the poor appears to be happening mostly due to financial reasons. Earlier some dalits in Rampur had claimed to embrace Islam to save their houses. This family too has been changing their religion to have such support.

It also shows how Hindu groups have been mostly ham-handed in organizing events like “ghar wapasi”. Without any social support, such programs are just made-for-media-and-made-for-outrage events.

Strategic Petroleum Reserve – Big Move by Modi Sarkaar


The Modi government has been going through turbulent times with respect to its PR, mainly due to its mismanagement in communication of the Land Acquisition Bill. However, there are other critical decisions that are getting drowned in this mayhem. Topic such as strategic petroleum reserve (SPR) is not sexy for a discussion on prime-time news show. However, critical steps have been taken by the government that shows that the long term is indeed being taken care of.

India imports nearly two-thirds of its oil requirements and this is expected to increase to approx. 80% by 2020. It has been one of the biggest reasons for increase in India’s deficit. With the falling crude prices since last year, the onus was on the government to make maximum use of the opportunity.  The government allocated Rs 4,948 crore to upgrade India’s strategic petroleum reserves (SPR) to cover itself from any crises.

Every country plans for contingencies and India too initiated the strategic crude oil reserve in 2003. Three facilities are being developed, in the first phase. These three facilities would be enough to store less than two weeks (11 – 13 days) of India’s oil requirements:

Mangalore, Karnataka – 1.5 million metric tonnes

Padur (near Mangalore), Karnataka – 2.5 million metric tonnes

Vishakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh – 1.33 million metric tonnes

Only the Vishakhapatnam facility is operational, as of date and the other two are expected to be ready by October 2015.

In addition, the government also initiated the second phase of capacity expansion in Padur, Bikaner (Rajasthan), Rajkot (Gujarat) and Chandikhol (Odisha). Together, all the reserves is targeted to store 90 days of oil requirements or 12.5 million metric tonnes of crude oil. The second phase is expected to be complete by 2020. Creating additional infrastructure for these four capacities, including storage, transport, pipeline is expected to cost Rs 20,000 crore. The government is currently exploring additional avenues to generate finance these capacities.

Officially, India placed its first order for the strategic reserve in March 2015. Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) bought 2 million barrel from Iraq, as the first order. In addition, IOC and Hindustan Petroleum (HPCL) will buy three million barrels each for storage in Vizag. Thus, the total arrival is estimated to be eight million barrels.

This eight million barrel is approximately 10% of the daily global market demand. Though not huge by global standards, it is expected that this purchase by India can offset drop in the purchase by China and Asian refinery maintenance stoppage.

India is a relatively new player in the SPR game, with USA and Japan leading with 95 million metric tonnes and 44 million metric tonnes of oil respectively. China and Germany are the other big economies ramping up their capacities. For India, its a step that hasn’t come a day too late.

Top Lies spread by the Indian Media in April 2015

1. 3rd April 2015: PTI and IANS and subsequently all other media: Neemuch Riots

We had written a separate post on this. PTI and IANS chose to deliberately obfuscate the truth, in an attempt to post an unclear picture, when the facts were very clear. A Hanuman Jayanti procession was attacked by stone-pelting by some members from the Muslim Community. But PTI, IANS and subsequently all media, did not name the community. Instead they chose to use words such as “some miscreants” and “people from a specific group”. This although it was clear which community was involved. Eventually this stone-pelting resulted in violence, arson and 3 days curfew.

2. 4th April 2015: NDTV and Times of India: Open Letter to Arvind Kejriwal from Prashant Bhushan 

In the latest war of words in AAP, Bhushan wrote another letter to Kejriwal. NDTV reproduced the letter on its site in above post, but conveniently edited out a particular paragraph which had allegations against Kejriwal of being Communal. Times of India too had a story which claimed they had published the “FULL TEXT” of the letter, but they too omitted this paragraph.  We had written a full post on this here. Amusingly, NDTV added a footnote saying “This piece has been edited for brevity and in keeping with our legal guidelines.” It is intriguing how the same paragraph was edited out by both NDTV and Times of India for “brevity”. As for “legal guidelines”, NDTV isn’t one to show much concern for the law on most occasions, involving BBC documentary broadcast or its own tax issues.

3. 5th April 2015: Firstpost: The great Varanasi hoax: 10 months later, Modi’s constituency remains a big, smelly mess

The above post actually appeared on March 18 2015, but the truth has only come out now. This post claimed Varanasi, ” is as dirty, messy and chaotic as it was” when Modi got elected. It said, barring a few small works, “Modi has done nothing so far to honour his commitment“. It even “quoted” some locals, to prove its point. The truth came out 17 days later when Two separate news stories broke about Varanasi’s progress in the field of cleanliness. Times of India called its piece: “Swachh Bharat: Modi’s promise of cleaning Varanasi doesn’t appear to be an empty one” while Mid-day had a feature called “Cleaning up the spirit of Varanasi“. Both these reports acclaimed the work done in Varanasi to clean up the temple town. And more importantly, unlike Firstpost, it did not rely on “quotes” but put actual photos of various locations of Varanasi, including some before and after pics. Either the Firstpost article is full of untruths or all this was done within the 17 days between these 2 news items. For more such pics, please go here


4. 7th April 2015: All Media – General V K Singh issue

This is an extremely curious case, on which we had reported separately. Gen V K Singh received lot of attention for his visit to the Pakistan Embassy. Just one week after this, he spearheaded a daunting rescue mission in war-torn Yemen which was applauded by the entire world, but he felt, and rightly so, Indian MSM hadn’t given due credit to their efforts. In response, he made a sarcastic remark saying that “His rescue mission is probably isnt as exciting as his visit to Pakistan Embassy“. Now starts the theatre of the absurd. Times Now spun this statement as if the General was demeaning the rescue ops and trended “#VKDisaster”. NewsX had a debate on this issue. IBN editor Zaka Jacob declared that V K Singh was “insensitive” to the plight of people in Yemen. All this, even though Gen V K Singh was personally overseeing the rescue ops from Yemen itself. Is Indian MSM that dumb? Or were they acting too smart and purposely misrepresenting Gen V K Singh’s views, to shield themselves from the criticism?

5. 9th April 2015: India Today – PM Modi’s Facebook likes slip a bit over Delhi polls, Land Bill

We had covered this issue in a separate post here. Facebook had deleted many inactive accounts, and thus deleted their “likes” too, which resulted in a sudden, massive drop in “Likes” to almost all Facebook pages. They had clearly stated this a circular. Yet, Aaj Tak chose to use this data, i.e. a sudden fall in the Likes on PM Modi’s page, and claimed this drop was a result of waning popularity of Modi, due to the Land Acquisition Bill. This was a blatant lie, to fit a data point, into a narrative. In fact head of BJP IT team, clarified to India Today the reason for the same, yet they decided to publish outright lies.

6. 12th April 2015: Pune Mirror – Narendra Modi wearing a Louis Vuitton shawl. 
Among other things in the above report, Pune Mirror stated that Modi “emerged at Orly, France, in a flashy shawl, which twitteratti said is a signature Louis Vuitton“. As admitted by them, this information about the brand of the shawl was based only on “Twitterati”. We traced the rumour here, and how Louis Vuitton’s official handle denied having ever made such a shawl. The issue was small, the brand of a shawl, but the games played were bigger, as to how costly it is and how a “chaiwala, a humble” PM could afford such luxuries. The narrative was going right in the direction of the “Rs 10 lac suit“, which again started of as a Twitter rumour and ended in Rahul Gandhi’s speeches. Luckily, this time the lies were nipped in the bud.
This is both hilarious and sad. Indian Express tried to pass of a post by a facebook page called “Unofficial Dr Subramaniam Swamyas a quote by the real Subramanian Swamy. The said page is run by some fans of Dr Swamy. We had written a separate post on this issue, explaining what the quote was. Later, once Dr Swamy threatened Indian Express with legal action, the story was hastily taken down.
This article was tweeted with this caption “In this Gujarat school, saffron uniform for Hindu kids, green for Muslim“. This tweet was later deleted. Fact is, the report talks about two different schools, which have two different uniforms, irrespective of the child’s religion. Indian Express lied on 2 counts that :
a) There is only one school where this is happening
b) Hindu kids are wearing Saffron and Muslim kids are wearing Green, when the truth is ALL students of one school wear saffron, while ALL students of the other school wear Green uniforms.
We had covered this story here. As is the case, this deliberately twisted story was later covered by other media like India Today group, who even claimed this is happening in “Modi’s Gujarat”, although he has left Gujarat for almost a year now. Also, Rajdeep Sardesai chose to tweet this story without even verifying the accuracy.
This story started with the following screenshot being circulated on twitter.
CCijm2yUAAA8JM0From the image, it seemed like a tweet by ANI news about a statement made by PM Modi in Germany. The statement itself was pretty idiotic. And the tweet was not available in ANI’s tweets. While there was speculation as to whether this tweet was later deleted, Smita Prakash, Editor at ANI News had this to say:

This was later confirmed from the official handle of ANI and ANI went to the extent of filing a police complaint with the Cyber Cell, against this fake tweet. This version seems to be reliable since the tweet in question, misspells the word “Shepher” which shows it was probably the act of some lowly troll, rather than a News handle.  Inspite of all these clarifications, Firstpost ran a story which said that ANI first tweeted this tweet, then deleted it, and then later claimed it was a fake.

10. 15th April 2015: Times Now – Vivek Oberoi to be conferred Dada Saheb Phalke Award. 

Times now via a tweet (which was deleted within 30 minutes) claimed Vivek Oberoi had been awarded the Dadasaheb Phalke Award by the Government of India. Facts however were different. 2015’s Phalke award was already declared to Shashi Kapoor in March 2015. The award which Vivek had received was a similarly named award from a private body. Times Now had even managed to get a byte from Vivek on this story. Later that tweet too was deleted. We explored the possible ramifications of this fake news here.

11. 16th April 2015: Times of India – Canadian PM Stephen Harper announces visa on arrival for Indians in Canada

Indian Media has some serious issues in understanding English. Via above tweet, and via this deleted article, Times of India declared that Canadian PM had announced Visa on Arrival for Indians. The Times of India tweet seems to be the earliest instance of this news. But, this video of PM Harper’s speech, by India TV, shows he only referred to India’s Visa on Arrival program and did not even hint at a similar Canadian program. Ironically, even the India TV news bulletin in that video, claims that Visa on Arrival has indeed been announced for Indians.

12. 16th April 2015: Economic Times – HRD Ministry won’t interfere in IIT Delhi-Subramanian Swamy dispute

It takes special skill to get something diametrically wrong. Above report says HRD Ministry has “backed off” and “refused to interfere” in Swamy’s 40 year old dispute of settling his dues. This is comically the exact opposite interpreatation of what has happened. The report itself mentions towards the end, that the HRD Ministry has now said that “service rules (of Central Government) are not applicable to IITs” and hence the decision on Swamy’s dues is left to IIT Board. Economic Times interprets this as “backing off” from Swamy’s case, where as HRD has only made it easier for Swamy to get his legally available dues. The “service rules” were hindering Swamy’s case and now the HRD has said they are not applicable, thus making Swamy’s case smoother. But Economic Times reported the complete opposite portraying it as a blow to Swamy. Swamy himself clarified this issue in his tweet.

13. 17th April 2015: IndiaSamvad (And 01 December 2014: Outlook) – Smriti Irani has hired Rakesh Jhunjhunwala’s daughter Noopur Jhunjhunwala as Addl Private Secretary

This lie was first mentioned in passing in an Outlook post from last year, and has now resurfaced as a full fledged post in IndiaSamvad. This new post alleges that Millionaire Rakesh Jhunjhunwala’s daughter Noopur has been hired by Smriti Irani in GoI. It also says that Irani has taken loan of Rs 1.75 cr from Jhunjhunwalas and hence has appointed their daughter. While the loan part is true, the part about hiring Jhunjhunwala’s daughter is fully false. This Forbes interview of Jhunjhunwala from 2014 informs us that his daughter is only 10 years old. This interview of 2010 tells us that his daughter’s name is Nishta and she was born on 30 June 2004. This information is corroborated by numerous interviews. From this it is clear that Outlook and IndiaSamwad have both been doing a hitjob on Smriti Irani.

14. 19th April 2015: The Hindu – Saffron Bullies Cautioned, says Arun Jaitley

The Hindu ran an interview of Arun Jaitley, using the exact above headline. It gave an impression that Arun Jaitley has used the term “Saffron Bullying” in describing some elements. The introduction to the full transcript of the interview says that Jaitley spoke about the “vexatious saffron bullying by some of the Central Ministers”. But when we actually see the transcript, it is clear that Jaitley never used the above phrase. In fact this term “Saffron Bullying” was used by the interviewer herself in her 3rd question. Attributing this term to Jaitley is incorrect. There was outrage on Social media, after which The Hindu printed a correction clarifying this issue.

15. 21st April 2015: – Modi plans to rename Delhi (based on a Firstport report dated 6th April 2015)

We had written a separate post on this. In 2013, an NGO submitted a plan to the Delhi Government to divide Delhi into 2 “Imperial Cities”. This was done in order to help in getting a UNESCO Heritage City Tag, which would boost Tourism. This proposal was forwarded by the Delhi Government to the Central Government, which approved it. The Delhi Development Authority then planned to rename these 2 parts of the city, in order to help the proposal get clearance from UNESCO. As is obvious, this was the plan of an NGO, approved by Delhi State Government and late by Central Government. But Firstpost and deliberately chose to lie and claim this is Modi’s idea. They used this chance to take various illogical pot-shots on Modi. Eventually also changed their title, but forgot to edit the piece.

16. 22nd April 2015: International Business Times / IndiaTVNews: Sachin Tendulkar’s Daughter Sara to Enter Bollywood?

Another media story which originated out of nowhere apparently. Media claimed Sachin’s daughter will opt for Bollywood in a soon to be launched film. They even decided that 18 year old Sara will be cast opposite Shahid Kapoor in her debut film. Finally reacting to such rumours, Sachin Tendulkar responded on twitter, denying all such report:

17. 25th April 2015: NDTV and Times Now: Pictures from an earthquake in Philippines passed off as Nepal Earthquake pics.

This is not a serious lie, it doesn’t affect anyone. But it does show the incompetence in Indian media. NDTv and Times Now, 2 of India’s leading News channels used this easily available pic of an earthquake in Phillipines, claiming it was a pic from Nepal. The devastation in Nepal is similar, although not as much as is shown in the pic. (pics via  & @Rajsan2012)



18. 29th April 2015: Indian Express: Dalit village wonders, if Modi govt’s help will ever reach us

There are so many half truths and whole lies in this news report, we had to write a separate post for this. Indian Express got the name, location and photo of the “village” they were reporting wrong. They got the caste of the person they interviewed wrong. They used illogical information to arrive at a conclusion that Modi is not supplying aid to a “Dalit Village”. For details, read the full post.


For MSM lies of previous months, please check the following links:

January 2015: 7 Lies

February 2015: 8 Lies

March 2015: 9 Lies


Discourse on Newslaundry hits a new low with a Hilarious piece on “Soul Vultures”


In his latest post on, Arunabh Saikia decided to bash a post of, largely consisting of curated tweets and protect some evangelistic preachers from the Western world, leeching on the misery in Nepal. We had earlier collated a few tweets of such Evangelistic folks in this post, which went viral all over the world, and which also managed to get Saikia’s attention. Although I usually talk about serious, influential Media, not the kind of sites which just happen to be running by coincidence, I must break this covenant to respond to some utterly hilarious allegations on

Firstly, Saikia’s piece is titled “RIGHT WING ON TWITTER HITS A NEW LOW WITH #SOULVULTURES”. For the uninitiated, #SoulVultures was a hash-tag which trended on Twitter by people across the spectrum who were outraged when they saw Christian evangelists trying to link Christianity and the disaster in Nepal. If at all anyone hit a “New Low” it was the Evangelical folks, not the people who exposed them. But that is logic, and we cant have logic and Saikia in the same sentence.

Saikia explains this hash tag as “…in response to Christian missionaries reportedly (on social media) carrying out a mass proselytisation drive in the wake of the disaster “. Yes, “reportedly” on social media, because Saikia couldn’t see all the tweets for himself.

Further, Saikia says “there are no ground reports or first-hand accounts to suggest that something like that (proselytisation) is indeed taking place. Possible, but we are getting there. Even as we speak,Samaritan’s Purse, an evangelical Christian organization” with the Trademark of HELPING IN JESUS’ NAME and with over a lakh followers on Twitter, has “teams on the ground bringing relief” to Nepalis. At this point, they very well maybe helping with relief material, but they are self-declared evangelists, who have already reached the spot.

Next, Saikia gives a clean chit to all these “Soul Vulture” tweeters, by calling them “bunch of loons in some godforsaken town in Midwest America“. This sounded eerily similar to clean chits issued by Extreme Right Wingers to motor-mouth Hindu extremists calling them the “loony fringe from UP, Bihar” (read all your Sadhvis etc), but it is well within Saikia’s rights to be blindly hypocritical. Saikia later again defends these soul vultures by spouting these comical lines:

The Twitter users that OpIndia quotes in its story hardly have any significant following – and come across more as fringe elements desperate for any kind of attention than part of any organised proselytisation group.

Firstly Mr Saikia, “twitter followers” is not the equivalent of having influence in real life. Many of these twitter accounts may have low follower counts, but they are Pastors, Accounts of Missions, and self declared Missionaries. Secondly, they very much are part of proselytisation groups, if only you had bothered to actually check some of the accounts:

1. Bevin Centre: “The Bevin Center for Missions Mobilization exists to connect The Souther Baptish Theological Seminary (SBTS) (which has a separate Evangelical Department) to the global mission field in faithful obedience to the Great Commission.

2. Michael Catt: Senior Pastor and Author of Evangelical Prayers and other publications. Catt later deleted his tweet, but we have an embedded version on our site.

3. Reverend Rob Armstrong: pastor at New Union Baptist, the site which, states that they “labor to advance the gospel throughout the nations” and their mission as  “To see our neighbors and the nations glorify God in Christ”

4. Clay Smith: Senior Pastor at First Baptist Matthews, which has an active policy of Evangelism and calls it “Disciple-Making”

5. Sandra Johnson: who describes herself as a “Mission Service Corps Missionary”

6. Tony Miano: “An outspoken conservative, self-styled preacher, who has previously been accused of homophobia” who suggested Nepali’s should convert. He was covered by UK based media house “The Independent”

These are some of the Twitter Accounts featured in our earlier post. And these are the tweeters, a young journalist like Arunabh Saikia is defending vehemently. For what? We do not know. Most of them have low follower counts, and that, for our lazy journalist friend, that is coclusive proof of having ” hardly have any significant following”.  I would be laughing Mr Saikia, but the sorry state of affairs at Newslaundry is rather sad.

Also, on a lighter note, the assertion that these Pastors , Missions and Missionaries are “bunch of loons” from “Midwest America” is quite incorrect. First of all, I strongly urge “Midwest Americans” to oppose this lazy regional stereotyping by Saikia. Especially because this is purely baseless  slander, which is reflected in the following map, showing locations of the tweeters.



Next, Saikia uses a straw-man tactic, of creating a false argument to show he won. He mentions “Columnist Sandeep Balakrishna” in the very next paragraph after talking about our site. And with malicious intent, doesn’t at any stage clarify that Sandeep is not in any way related to our site. He has his own site, which again has no connections with us. But facts don’t matter for Saikia, who then uses one of Sandeep’s tweet to say: LOOK ALL OF RIGHT WING IS STUPID . Fact is, Sandeep has already been called out for his “superstitious” tweet. While some Sandeep sympathisers would say he is just a single “loon” from “South India”, so lets ignore him, Saikia reserves such courtesies only to Evangelical Missionaries of USA, for reasons best known to him


Saikia ends with the most absurdly hilarious nonsensical statement saying the Indian Right Wing is “Milking a tragedy for personal gains”, which ironical applies exactly to Saikia’s “loony” friends, rather than right wingers who just decided to expose them.

Coming to more important things than some journalist on some site, Why is Nepal such an important place for Missionaries? Simple: Nepal was the only constitutionally declared Hindu nation till 2008 odd. It is among the three countries, where Hindu’s are in majority and consequently, Christians are just 1.4 % of the population. This makes it a great target for evangelical groups, to help in “disciple-making” and “church-planting”

A parting note on While it has objective intellectuals like A Rangarajan (although in limited capacity as Consulting Editor), the site has a whole has failed to live up to its name. A site which was started to actually track lazy journalism and hang it on a clothesline, has now fallen low enough to indulge in exactly the same kind of journalism, as we have shown above. It’s hate for a site like is understandable, because our constant focus on shoddy journalism, was exactly what Newslaundry attempted, but failed. We get plaudits from editors of the very sites we trash when they post idiotic pieces:

We are also way more popular than a full-time site like, in a much shorter span of time, with our limited stories, and without asking a single rupee from anybody “to keep news free”.Try harder next time, Saikia and Newslaundry. I used to like your site many moons ago…

Oops IE did it again! Indian Express spins story on Nepal tragedy too!


After giving us such chart-busting hit-jobs such as Communalizing Nun Rape, Newton out Aryabhatta in, and a double on an unofficial Subramanian Swamy account and Saffron uniforms in schools, The Britney Spears equivalent of the Indian MSM (mainstream media), Indian Express has done it once again, successfully converting Nepal’s tragedy into a caste battle, that too involving Modi and Dalits of Nepal! Yes, Modi hates Nepali dalits too!

This article with this headline “Dalit village wonders, if Modi Govt’s help will ever reach us” would probably make you believe that Modi is discriminating against a Dalit village in Nepal while providing relief material. It is entirely possible that Modi spends a good part of his day with Nepal’s caste-wise population register, altering Air Force plane routes so that they avoid Dalit villages, but to be honest, it’s not probable.

A closer look at Indian Express’s own article though exposes all their claims. First of all, the village in question is said to be “Sarki village atop hills under Bhaktpura”. As Contributing Editor at Newslaundry @ARangarajan1972 shows, the only village named “Sarki” is a good 112 kms away from Bhaktpura and not “under” it.

He also shows us another ground report by The Guardian, where the village it claims to be reporting from, falls exactly in the zone it says it is in:

So, the very location of this village is in doubt. He further points out that while the article’s byline says “Bhaktipura”, the actual article says “Bhaktpura” whereas the actual name is “Bhaktapur”. Typos? or imaginary journalism where one area can have 3 different spellings.

Next, does this village need help that badly? Yes many towns and villages in Nepal have seen devastation, but obviously some places might have faced worse damage than others. It is natural for any government or organization to reach out to the ones who need help the most. Here too, Indian Express report fails.

The report itself says “only one person died in this village” and that “most stone and brick structures here have developed cracks beyond repair”. This is considerable damage, but not as much when we know there are more than 10000 dead all over Nepal. So exaggerated claims that Sarki is being ignored for being a “dalit village” are foolhardy.

Next, a villager from Sarki, Hari Bahadur Roka, himself trashes this “dalit” theory. He is quoted by the report to have said:

People on the foothills are most benefited by any government compensation. They are busy saving people in towns. They have not ventured into the valleys to take a stock of actual damage”

So, the discrimination if any, is because of their geographical position, and not their caste. This also can be explained, because it is easier to reach foothills than villages on hilltops. And again, it is likely that more people stay in foothills than on mountains. Having said that, any government, Nepal or India, must provide relief material here too, but again, giving it a “Dalit” spin is cheap.

The last paragraph of this article, ones again kills the propaganda it attempts.

Even in the villages on the foothills, the better-off farmers, who too have suffered heavy damages, are complaining about no help from the government

Are these villages too “Dalit” villages? Are these “better off farmers” too dalits, who Modi has discriminated against? Or is this a case of inadequate disaster management techniques? Or is it because they are hilly areas, which might be difficult to reach? Or maybe because these areas have suffered lesser damage than most other areas?

Finally, is Mr Hari Bahadur Roka, from the “dalit village” actually a dalit? If this Nepali Twitter user is to be believed, “Roka’s” are not Dalits, and “Sarki” is not a village but actually a caste:

If this Wikipedia post is to be believed, the surname ‘Roka’ is a common surname of the “Magar” caste. This is corroborated in this post. Further, “Magar” caste is called a “non-enslavable caste” here and the same post supports the Nepali twitter user’s claim that “Sarki” is a caste. It says “Sarki” is an untouchable caste, and the community is involved in “leather profession” i.e. they are cobblers. And Presto, the 2nd line of Indian Express says it is a “Dalit basti of cobblers”!

So Indian Express has:

1. Named a village called Sarki, when most probably it is a caste.

2. Possibly given the wrong location of this village since it is 112 kms away from where it claims it is.

3. Reported about a village with relatively less damage.

4. Itself said that the reason for not getting aid could be because it is on hilltops, not because it is full of Dalits.

5. Itself said that even “better off farmers” in other villages are still waiting for aid.

6. Quoted a person with surname “Roka” as a person from the Dalit community, whereas he probably is from the “Magar” caste which is clearly not a Dalit caste.

7. And finally, using all this cooked up data, framed a Casteist headline with an idiotic reference to Modi.


8. And lastly, as @ARangarajan1972 points out again, Indian Express could not even get the photo of the village correct. They tried to pass off a photo of Kathmandu’s Durbar Square, as a photo of “Sarki” village. Maybe they didn’t have a pic because nobody went to this “dalit village”?

In how many trains must Rahul Gandhi travel, before he is called a man?


Earlier we had highlighted how Rahul Gandhi has been propped by Indian media every now and then, with the same, worn out, “coming of age” title. Well, the media can’t alone be faulted for repetition. Rahul Gandhi too is guilty of trying the same stunts over and over again.

While his visit to a Hindu temple was something new, his subsequent train travel to Punjab reeks of staleness. Not only have countless politicians done this stunt, Rahul Gandhi himself is a professional when it comes to tokenism via travelling in a train.

In 2009, Rahul Gandhi traveled to Ludhiana in the chair car of Shatabdi Express. This was to support the austerity measures of his Government back then. In fact, this train was stoned by people back then, and Rahul was lucky to escape unhurt.

Unperturbed by this attack on his train, Rahul embarked on another train journey in February 2010. Gandhi boarded a fast local at Andheri at 1 PM to Dadar, and walked across the foot-over-bridge to come to the central line to take another train to Ghatkopar.

In October 2010, Rahul Gandhi undertook an “unpublicized” train journey in the ordinary sleeper class from Gorakhpur to Mumbai, to once again meet people and know their problems.

In October 2011, Rahul again took a train journey, this time the Delhi Metro.

Rahul Gandhi rides the Delhi Metro, then takes radio taxi

After forgetting about trains for almost 3 and a half years, Rahul Gandhi has boarded a train to Punjab now.

The public did not fall for this choreographed stunt on four previous occasions. Will they fall for it this time? Especially when he prefers to travel business class when he goes on his secret foreign holidays?

Will Rahul Gandhi finally come of age?

With due apologies to Bob Dylan, we ask ‘how many trains must Rahul take up, before he is called a man?’

And maybe, ‘the answer my friend, is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind.’

The Coming of Age of Smriti Irani


She worked as a waitress. She is only 12th pass. Her graduation details are sketchy to say the least. She worked in low-iq TV soap operas, or to quote Sanjay Nirupam “TV pe thumke lagati thi”. She found a CCTV camera peeping at her while she was changing, or as Outlook says “got rattled by a pinhole CCTV eye” although she “has faced the biggest of television cameras of all sizes”. Saba Naqvi or rather her unnamed sources say, she is a “fading memory”. The blog which is usually on the wrong side of facts, says “her fortunes are drooping”. Clearly, one would expect such an incapable person, to resign to her fate and whither away. But that is if we start believing the serial liars who write slanderous pieces, because one look at this speech by Mrs Irani, and all these op-eds are blown to smithereens.

She starts on the front foot by taking on someone much more qualified than her. Shashi Tharoor, a PhD from a US college, at the age of 22 (when Smriti Irani was probably washing utensils at a McDonalds’), found himself torn apart by a 12th pass. Tharoor had questioned the poor utilization of funds by Smriti Irani’s department, to which Irani put up some numbers which exposed the hollow rhetoric: 92.9% of the funds were utilized in the year 2013-14, while during Smriti’s reign in 2014-15, 97.69% of the funds were used. Later in her speech, she once again chided Tharoor for his wrong figures, when he claimed that the number of children out of school have increased, where as they had actually come down from 1.36 crores to 60 lacs.

Next she answered to the often repeated plea that the Government is interfering in the independence of Universities. MHRD had asked all Central Universities to go through MHRD before signing any International MoUs. Irani explained that this is line with the Constitution of India and the decisions of the Parliament, and hence must be implemented. She also asked the handful of Congress MPs as to why the IIT Act was not followed during their rule when Indian taxpayers money was allowed to be utilized for an IIT campus abroad, without the permission of the parliament.

Next she talked about the charge that she had again interfered by rolling back Delhi University’s controversial 4 year program, which was opposed by students as well as teachers. She said “This scheme was in blatant violation of the National Education Policy and 40 programmes under this scheme were not permitted by the President of India”. She further asked why the opposition is pained if the future of 4 lac students was saved.

To the allegation that the Government was re-writing history via reconstitution of the ICHR. She replied that ICHR had Purabi Roy, a renowned scholar and historian who also happened to be the wife of a CPI MP in the Rajya Sabha. She also pointed out that ICHR had a member named Sachidananda Sahai, who was a UPA appointee, but continued in ICHR. These are proofs that she has not been partisan in her approach, she said. She also mentioned that a Congress RS MP is a member of the probe committee in the Vishva Bharati case.

She referred to a letter from May 2014, to the President asking for an enquiry into filling of vacancies illegally by the earlier Government, after the model code of conduct was announced. She said they investigated the matter, and while allowing 4 such UPA appointees, but wherever there were irregularities, they took action, because one such appointee is today in CBI’s custody. 

She firmly rejected the charge of “saffronization” of education saying that education will be imparted only within the rules of the Constitution of India. She also told the opposition that to decide what should be India’s new Education Policy, the Government had identified 33 themes for which suggestions will be invited from over 275000 Village Education Councils. This was in stark contrast to earlier approaches where a few people would decide the education policy.

She also showcased her ministry’s commitment to improving all facets of education, by framing new guidelines for Mid-day meal scheme, by implementing the program called Study Webs of Active-Learning for Young Aspiring Minds (SWAYAM), an online portal for Massive Open On-line Courses (MOOCs) and GYAN, a program which will bring International experts to teach Indian students.

She also talked about various other initiatives like mapping all regions of India to see which region needs what tools to improve education, measures to integrate students from North East into reputed Institutions all over India, measures to help skilled but poorly educated students and apps to make NCERT textbooks available online for free.

She also said the implementation of the Prime Minister’s vision that every school should have a toilet. She said that they have already taken the information about dysfunctional or non-existence of toilets in schools all over India and that she is personally following up the issue, with all MPs, along with giving budgetary allocations to all states to implement the same.

In her entire speech, Irani was armed with facts and figures to counter every claim hurled at her by the opposition leaders. She also had data ready to present all the work that she had done as the HRD minister. But she did not have “sources” to nullify the slanderous slanging match started by MSM against her. And this showed in the tone and tenor of her fiery speech, which was a potent mix of aggression and reason. Aggression because of the constant unjustified hitjobs done on her. Reason, to check-mate all the claims made against her.

She may not get “coming of age” op-eds, although she is 5 years younger than Rahul Gandhi, she may lack in educational qualifications, in experience, in support from media, but Mrs Irani has shown she has passion for her job, which is what makes her a well-informed minister.

If Modi gave a Obama-esque speech at a 7 RCR Correspondents Dinner


US President Barrack Obama, delivered a sharp, witty speech at the annual White House Coresspondents dinner on Sunday. He took potshots at his rivals, the media and some jokes were reserved for his colleagues. Hillary Clinton too wasnt spared. What would happen if Narendra Modi gave a similar speech? Would it look something like this:

Good evening, everybody.

Welcome to the 7 RCR Correspondents’ dinner. A night when Lutyens Delhi celebrates itself. As opposed to all the other nights, umm when they celebrate themselves. And welcome to the 2nd year of my PMShip. It’s true — that’s Advani cheering. Still 4 years bro. Still 4 years.

The fact is I feel more loose and relaxed than ever. Those Harshvardhan shoulder massages — they’re like magic. You should try one. He will give it to you. Not like he is busy or something these days..

Anyway, being Prime Minister is never easy. I still have to fix a broken irrigation system, set up industries for everything, and negotiate with China and Pakistan. All while finding time to plot the attacks on minorities in India. Which is strenuous.

And it is no wonder that that people keep pointing out how the Prime Ministership has aged me. I look so old LK Advani ji called me uncle the other day.

Fact is though, at this point my legacy is finally beginning to take shape. The economy is getting better. Scams have disappeared. Foreign policy is on track. Rahul Gandhi has finally started working. You are welcome, Congress.

Look, it is true I have not managed to make everybody happy. An year into my Prime Ministership, some people still say I’m fascist, arrogant, narcissist. Some people are so dumb. Why do we even let them speak Amit Bhai. And that’s not all people say about me. Rahul Gandhi says he thinks I’m only interested in personal PR. Which is interesting because I think Rahul Gandhi is the biggest PR campaign of my lifetime. Quite a coincidence. I mean everybody’s got something to say these days.

You know, I just have to put this stuff aside. I have to stay focused on my job. Because for many Indians this is still a time of deep uncertainty.  For example, I have one friend just a few weeks ago, he was holidaying in Bangkok and is now having to climb on top of Mountains.

Meanwhile, back here in our nation’s capital we’re always dealing with new challenges.

I want to thank our host for the evening, the incredibly talented Gappistan Radio. Sometimes Gappistan Radio writes fake news, which is surprising, because usually the only people writing fake news are the ones working for Times Of India.

NDTV is here, give them a big hand. Now why are you all looking at Arun Jaitley? I mean the actual employees of NDTV. Though its easy to get confused considering the amount of time Jaitley spends on NDTV.

As always, the reporters here had a lot to cover over the last year here in Delhi. The rising pollution levels in the capital. Air pollution is rocketing up. Noise pollution is terrible and that is when Arnab is in Mumbai.

But, of course, let’s face it, there is one issue on every reporter’s mind, and that is my Shawl. What is this man wearing?

It turns out Sagarika Ghose identified it as Louis Vuitton which you know took me 2 days to learn how to pronounce. Who said Indian media doesn’t force politicians to work.

In case anyone is wondering, I don’t have any ear piece today so you can carry on bitching about me in your pseudo-intellectual language, I won’t be able to understand. Plus, you won’t get bitch slapped on Twitter for saying I didn’t have an ear piece.

Lot of politicians here too. Lot of politicians.

We have MS Aiyar who is busy trying to find me on the tea counter. Hey Mani, I am up here!

We have Arvind Kejriwal so we didn’t keep any Raita on the menu tonight. Don’t want Arvind to take that as a personal insult and start a dharna tonight.

Janta Parivar is here. All of them and all of them are happy so I am assuming another one of Lalu’s children is getting married tonight.

And Prakash Karat is here. Still.

Anyway, it’s amazing how time flies. Soon, the Bihar elections will be upon us which will be the 1st big challenge for me since my last big challenge which was yesterday, an election for a Group Housing society President in Ahmedabad.

Anyway, as always, I want to close on a more serious note. You know, I often joke about tensions between me and the press, but honestly, what they say doesn’t bother me. I understand we’ve got an adversarial system. Whatever I say, they have to oppose and that is fine because whatever media says, public believe opposite so eventually, people end up supporting me. Not rocket science Sonia ji. Just get Indian media to hate you and you will get 282.

Now that I got that off my chest — you know, investigative journalism, explanatory journalism, journalism that exposes corruption and justice gives voice to the different and the marginalized, the voiceless — that’s power. Imaginative journalism, gets TRPs.

These imaginative journalists serve as a public good, an indispensable pillar of our society, people who take us out of our boring lives into the world of fantasy. Thank you Indian Express, Scroll, Tehelka for your powerful imaginations and the joys they bring. I raise a glass to them, Glass of Nimbu Paani by the way, and to all of you, Jai Hind. Vande.. VANDE.. VANDEYY.. Chalo jaane do yaar, tumse na ho paayegaa.


(Modi’s speech, as imagined by Gappistan Radio)

Twitter #HonestJournalism challenge to Sagarika & Rajdeep exceeds 9.5 lacs within a day

To anyone who has suffered our legacy media and its hubristic doyens for any length of time, it was a familiar scenario. Sagarika Ghose, once again did something she likes to do a lot, targeting Narendra Modi using dubious facts and less than stellar logic



Usually at times like this, when the unceasing lies and naked propaganda threatens to overwhelm self-control and inner peace, the only sensible option open to us is to ignore the deception and subterfuge and move on with our lives.

This time though, I decided to take a different and positive approach.

I am a great believer in the advice of American Economist Alex Tabarrok: “A Bet is a Tax on Bullshit

I decided to take up Dr Tabarrok’s advice and challenged Sagarika Ghose and her spouse Rajdeep Sardesai, to bring facts to the table and subject themselves to scrutiny, and ultimately journalism honest.


Not surprisingly, a lot of incensed netizens took up the challenge, and from a modest amount of 5 thousand rupees, it has swelled to almost Rs 9.5 lacs within a day.

Most of above has been summarized on the story for #HonestJournalismChallenge at

This reaction to my challenge tells two things

  1. A majority of netizens are fed up with the blatant bias of legacy media.
  2. They are willing to make an effort to bring accountability and honesty to media.

Hopefully, #HonestJournalismChallenge is just a beginning of the collective and coordinated effort of netizens to subject legacy media to scrutiny.

(by )

When Nepal was groaning in earthquake, Christian Missionaries were shamelessly selling Jesus


Pictures and news from Nepal after the massive earthquake shocked people across the globe, but amidst all these chaos, tragedies and cry,  Christian Missionaries were busy selling Jesus and Christianity. It was more shocking because many of these individuals and organizations are influential and they reach many people via social media and other channels. One of the most disturbing messages common in many tweets was stress on Christ and Christianity by pointing out the helplessness of other religions like Hinduism and Islam.

CDdebcHWgAAgyLH CDf-n-YWoAAJ6i4 These scavengers pose a far more serious threat than what we can anticipate. These tweets can’t be ignored with the assumption that these may spread hatred. If neglected, these people will not only demean the efforts of organizations and governments working for people, but they will opportunistically romanticize sufferings of people for their malicious gain.