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Ujjwal Nikam countered propaganda with propaganda. Wrong, but fair.


Over the weekend, Indian media and chatterati have been busy lamenting how the public prosecutor Ujjwal Nikam misled the public about Pakistani terrorist Ajmal Kasab asking for Mutton Biryani while in custody.

There have been ridiculous arguments such as one put by Naxal apologist Kavita Krishnan, where she argued that the Biryani lie transformed the image of Kasab into that of a monster. As if killing hordes of innocent people in cold blood was not monstrous enough!

There have been even more ridiculous arguments such as one put by Indian Army coup expert Shekhar Gupta, who thought that Nikam had “communalized” Biryani. In fact, by arguing so, Mr. Gupta has unwittingly linked Kasab with a particular community.

One can only pity these arguments, unless one is an “Adarsh Liberal”. If you are not an Adarsh Liberal, please continue to read this article.

26/11 attacker of Mumbai terror attacks
Kasab – a monster or a poor brainwashed kid? Which one is the propaganda?

Let’s be very clear. A public prosecutor lied. And he admits that he lied. This is wrong.

But what is “wrong” is not necessarily “illegal” (matter of law) or “unfair” (matter of logic).

It is not illegal, because Nikam didn’t lie under oath. A lawyer in not under oath anyway, and we have no proof to show that Nikam lied in the court or he planted fake witnesses who claimed that Kasab demanded Biryani.

That also brings us to the question; if Nikam made it up all by himself, why did jail authorities not contradict him?

If he peddled this Biryani lie all made up by himself while arguing in the court, demands that the bar council should take disciplinary action against him. In fact, the council should anyway consider reprimanding Nikam for lying.

Nonetheless, as per information available till now, Nikam didn’t lie in the court, but outside the court. He lied to the media. And lying to or through the media is not “illegal”, else half of our politicians and half of our journalists would be behind bars.

Yes, a lie to or through the media becomes “illegal” if it leads to defamation or any other crime. And you have to be crazy like Kavita Krishnan to believe that the image of someone like Kasab was “defamed” due to this lie.

And this leads us to the second aspect. If not “illegal”, was Nikam’s lie “unfair”?

Now this is subjective view. If you are one of those who believe Kasab was “defamed” due to this lie, you’d obviously think the lie was unfair and ruined the image of Kasab leading to a poor man getting the rarest of the rare punishment, which he otherwise would have escaped.

To believe that Kasab was defamed, to a very very marginal extent, you’ve to believe that Kasab was innocent, to a very very marginal extent.

And this is exactly what Nikam argues. That a media propaganda was on way to make people believe that Kasab was innocent, even if very very marginally, by pushing news stories that showed that he was a brainwashed poor kid (he was adult by the way). And to counter this propaganda, he made up the Biryani story.

If you go through the news reports of those times, Nikam is vindicated. There were indeed many reports that painted Kasab as a poor brainwashed kid.

Why are we rejecting that this whole “image building” of Kasab was not a similar lie?

We have seen how well off young men from western countries are joining Jihad. Osama Bin Laden himself was a well educated billionaire. Yet, this lie of terrorism being engendered by poverty is always pushed by the media.

Why are we so sure that it was Kasab’s poverty, and not his ideology, which turned him into a monster? Could that not be a lie? It could well be a lie because defense lawyers always tutor terror suspects to blame their crimes on anything but themselves.

The chances of “Kasab is a brainwashed kid” being a carefully crafted lie to influence public opinion is as good as “Kasab showed no remorse and asked for a Biryani”. Only that in the case of the latter being a lie, the lawyer has admitted it.

So what Ujjwal Nikam effectively did is that he tried to counter a propaganda through a counter propaganda. And he used a lie for this. This is unethical and immoral for sure, but it can’t be called either illegal or unfair.

And Indian media has no rights to point fingers at someone who uses unethical or immoral means to support a bigger cause (Nikam believed that the bigger cause was to expedite the judicial process by creating public pressure).

Have we forgotten the means that Tehelka (and many other media organizations) used to “expose” the bigger cause of anti-corruption? Among other things, Tehelka used prostitutes to trap officials. Then, most of the same bleeding heart liberals thought that the end justified the means.

Similar attitude of bleeding heart liberals was observed when it was known that the story of a pregnant woman’s womb being ripped apart during Gujarat riots was a lie. This is still repeated by many activists as they believe that the end (getting culprits punished) justified the means (propagating a lie).

No, we are not saying that two wrongs make it a right. We have unequivocally said that Ujjawal Nikam is wrong. But to pillory him as a villain only betrays hypocrisy and a misplaced zeal of the “Adarsh Liberal”.

Why are Modi haters turning into India haters?


Ever since Narendra Modi was declared the Prime Ministerial candidate of the BJP and opinion polls started hinting that he had an edge over others, his so-called critics turned into compulsive haters that they always were (but masqueraded as neutral commentators).

These haters fall into various groups and they could have different reasons to hate Modi – the common factor being an intense loathing for Hindutva – but now they have started hating India itself after Modi became the Prime Minister of the country.

That they would start hating India itself was indicated when many started issuing statements about them leaving India if Modi became the Prime Minister. The implicit message was “I will hate a country that is represented by Modi.

India Today cover page from 2002
Modi has survived all the hatred since 2002, but can India survive Modi haters?

And now they have started hating the country. Recent events confirm this development.

Consider these three major events in the last three months that would still be fresh in your memory:

1. Openly distrusting and attacking the navy and the coastguard of India when a rogue Pakistani boat sank in the Indian Ocean. The Modi haters were more vocal and passionate in supporting Pakistan than the Pakistani establishment itself. Pakistan never claimed that India killed its innocent citizens, but Modi haters painted India as a nation that carries out extrajudicial murders without any provocation.

2. The widespread cheering of Indian culture as “rape culture”. While no one can deny that a lot needs to be done for improving the condition and status of women in our society, calling Indian culture as “rape culture” was as hateful as it can get. Statistics show that rapes cases are higher and conviction in those cases are lower in many Western and developed countries (even if we factor in for underreporting of cases), still Modi haters cheered and clapped when India was painted as the global den of rapists.

3. Stupid wish to see India fare poorly at the Cricket World Cup. As per Modi haters, a World Cup victory will fuel “extreme nationalism” that could spoil Indian harmony. This is as ridiculous as it can get. On the contrary, Cricket is the only thing that unites Indians of all ethnic backgrounds together. When India wins, and people hug each other to celebrate, they don’t care for the religion and caste of fellow supporters. Wishing for defeat of India only shows how a person has started hating the idea called India.

And there are many more examples, e.g. commentators wishing for Modi’s “Make In India” campaign to fail. They are trying to convince everyone that India’s manufacturing dreams will fall flat in wake of competition from China. They are virtually praying that India fails and China progresses.

These events clearly prove that Modi haters are now India haters.

So what explains this? Well, their hate itself explains this transformation. Such a thing happens when a person hates someone or something beyond redemption. It is like ISIS hating “infidels”. ISIS hates everything about the infidels, so they genuinely don’t believe they are doing anything wrong when they destroy monuments or burn people alive.

Modi haters have similar hatred for him. Their hatred is intense and absolute; and thus they have started hating everything about Modi. And now that Modi is the Prime Minister of India, they hate India.

And they think, like the ISIS guys, that there is nothing wrong in what they are doing.

The question now is – can India survive this extreme hatred?

Can the idea of India survive these people who ironically claim to represent the idea of India?

No rallies or outrage for Ramkrishna Mission Sadhvi raped in West Bengal


News broke out on 14th March about an unfortunate incident of a Nun being gang-raped in a robbery case. Protests were organized, rallies taken out, and desperate attempts to communalise this sensitive issue were made by media and other interested people. But no-one felt the need to pity the condition of another woman, who too was gang-raped just a day before the above incident, in West Bengal itself.

As per a report in Patrika, a Sadhvi from the Ramkrishna Mission was brutally gang-raped on 13th March 2015. This unfortunate incident occurred in the evening, when the Sadhvi, a resident of the Mihir Das colony in English Bazaar district in West Bengal, was returning from a market in her neighbourhood. This is when 4 youths from the neighbourhood dragged the Sadhvi into a Mango grove and gang-raped her. The four accused have been identified as Bharat Halder, Pranay Halder, Sanjivan Vishwas and Aseem Pahaadi.


It is also reported that the Sadhvi repeatedly visited the Police Station to lodge her complaint against the rapists, but instead of registering her FIR, the cops were more interested in sitting with the accused and the victim to settle the matter. Only after immense pressure from members of the Ramkrishna Mission, did the police register a complain, that too on Thursday.

Prasoon Banerji, District Superintendent of Police, said that based on the complaint of the victim, 2 out of the 4 accused had been arrested. He also said that a report will be demanded from the police for their alleged refusal to file the complaint of the victim and appropriate action will be taken.

It is sad that national media hasn’t highlighted this gruesome incident which took place just 1 day before the gang-rape of the Nun.

Rajdeep asks “Who do we trust?” Not the Media Rajdeep, not the Media!


Senior Journalist Rajdeep Sardesai raised an important question on Twitter yesterday. He questioned the credibility of India’s Netas & Investigative agencies and left us with a question to which most had no answer. But Kiran Bedi asked him to look inwards and Rajdeep grudgingly accepted that he and the media are also not trustworthy any more.

But surprisingly, come morning, Rajdeep’s tune had changed. It is possible he was rebuked by someone from his fraternity, for letting down his profession. Hence now, Rajdeep had put on his aggressive face and decided to target someone by calling him “superman”:

Political jibes arising from pent up frustrations aside, we believe Rajdeep hit the nail on its head in his first reply, which was probably an honest admission. 3 events in the spate of 15 days, have completely demolished whatever little credibility media had, yet we don’t see many people talk about it Especially not Rajdeep. Why? Because how can you expect the media to comment on themselves? This incestuous group of media persons from different media houses can never spill the beans on one another. Atleast not the mainstream ones.

Lets start with the latest story, where an AAP member, recorded a conversation with a journalist, to expose Yogendra Yadav. While on the face of it this is an ordinary intra party fight, we highlighted here how there serious breaches of journalistic ethics. A journalist calmly revealed her source to an interested party. This same source whose confidentiality was important earlier, later this secrecy was made irrelevant. Worst of all, the journalist’s claims were questioned by another reporter who was privy to the same news. All this prompted 2 editors of major publications to openly accept on Twitter that this episode was a “serious breach” and a “dangerous precedent”. But of course no other main stream media picked this story up.

Just a few days before the above, we had the “Essar Leaks”which made claims of how journalists could be influenced and be used to plant stories. The impact of this report was substantial and caused resignations of Sandeep Bamzai, Editor of Mail Today, Anupama Airy, Energy Editor of Hindustan Times and Times Now’s Deputy News editor Meetu Jain. The allegations ranged from petty free car rides to free accommodation to sponsoring of media events. Soon more beans began to spill and Airy alleged that “a senior editor had no qualms in accepting expensive gifts from corporates”. Meetu Jain took to twitter to refute allegations and made some damning remarks on “investigative journalists” and “activists”.

And it all began with the “Corporate Espionage” crackdown, where Shantanu Saikia, a journalist, was caught as an accused for stealing documents from the Government and leaking them to corporate houses. “Accessing” documents from the Government, for news reports, was something which most knew about, but stealing sensitive information and selling it off to corporates was a new low. As expected, many of Saikia’s journalist friends descended to put forth various theories to exonerate him of any wrongdoing. Outlook magazine asked whether the entire crackdown was a fake expose orchestrated by Modi while went into technicalities as to who should be conducting such a crackdown. The core issue of journalistic impropriety was buried.

And these are all major lapses from the Media, not the “small scale” media lies which we at keep reporting month after month. Can we continue to trust the media blindly? Can we rely on it to objectively analyse and report flaws in its own fraternity? Can we expect the same zeal and vigour journalists show when they report on wrong-doings of politicians? Can we expect Rajdeep Sardesai, to stand-up to such elements in the Media? Media needs to be held accountable for all these lapses. But as of now, there is no force big enough to take on the Media.

Is a community under attack? Or a Prime Minister?


We all know the usual suspects in mainstream media have always been Anti-Modi. The hatred has continued from last 12 years and hasn’t stop even after Narendra Modi become PM. But if you follow incidents from last seven – eight months their it seems they have devised a new plan to unseat their sworn enemy.

To push their “Idea of India” these people needed a minority which can be shown as being victimized constantly.

For the last 12-13 years, this minority was Muslims. But of late, this minority has fallen out of favour of “Adarsh Liberals”. It’s not that they have stopped caring about this particular minority. It’s just that it’s not serving their purpose any more.

One of the reasons for this can be attributed to rise of ISIS; a victim Muslim doesn’t garner same sympathy as earlier from the western world. So there’s no point in chest beating that a Hindu nationalist Government is threatening existence of Muslims in India.

So they needed another minority which could be shown as victim to the world to humiliate the Modi Government in front of world.

They didn’t have to look that far. And it began with highlighting Gharwapsi programs by some assorted Hindu groups.

Now this conversion, re-conversion programs have been going on since long. It is an open secret that Christian evangelists are trying to spread Christianity in every corner of India and RSS, VHP has been opposing it for a long time. But now it is being portrayed as if these Right-Wing objections have started happening only after Modi Government came to power.

The Op-ed machinery was back in action talking about how the “Idea of India” is under danger and so on. But when BJP talked about bringing in the Anti-conversion bill they back tracked. Anti-conversion bill was just a bait to call the farce of secular parties about Ghar-wapsi, which kind of worked because the news about Ghar-wapsi stopped appearing frequently after that. I think BJP would never bring Anti-conversion bill, not at least in this tenure.

Although Ghar-wapsi controversy failed, media found their new victim community in Christians. Victimization of Christians gained more eye balls and sympathy from the International media. That’s why suddenly we started hearing Petty theft cases  as attacks on Christians and minorities. The usual news traders and secular actors appeared in this propaganda. International media  as expected participated in this.  New York times went ahead and published many articles including editorials to highlight how Christian minorities are being targeted everyday in India everyday under the Hindu Nationalist BJP Government. Obama also didn’t miss giving his two cents  on this issue which was twisted, tilted by secular media as per their convenience .

If you look close enough, the same Gujarat Riots “Industry” is at play again writing similar kinds of articles and organizing similar kind of debates. Just that “Muslims” are now replaced by “Christians”.

Such an environment has been created that now even if you hear the word Christian in the news you would subconsciously think for a second “Ohh! another attack on poor minorities”.

I haven’t seen Modi giving an inch to this brigade in the last 14 odd years irrespective of how much venom they spewed on him. But probably under pressure not to carry the Manmohan Singh legacy of keeping mum on every issue, he finally spoke on this issue. This kind of validated all the church attack stories. It acted like a stimulus for “Adarsh Liberals”. The “Ghar-wapsi” failed, but this was success.

So you will continue to see the “Idea of India” along with Christian community under constant threat until Adarsh Liberals find a new way of humiliating Modi, and indirectly India.

In fact the next attack will be on Modi’s development politics. The 7.5 % growth will be for only “Hindu Male”. Paul Coelho said “When you want something, all the universe conspires to help you achieve it”. For India this saying changes into “When all the Adarsh Liberals want you to be communal, they conspire to make you one.”

written by @Vyomnaut


(Views expressed in the article are the author’s own)

No Acche Din for Research and Educational Institutions


While Modi Government has taken commendable steps in the fields of Coal Auctions, Black Money bill, FDI etc, Research & Education in India has become a neglected child. There have been setbacks in these fields some of which have directly emanated from the Prime Minister’s Office.

The National Budget for 2015 allocated a meagre Rs 150 crores for Science Research & Development. There was considerable hue and cry at this step-motherly treatment. This even after there were repeated pleas from researchers to hike their stipends. A 55 percent hike was supposed to come into effect in October 2014 – already a year later than the usual three-yearly revisions in fellowship amount – but departmental apathy mean that it never got through. Students find it very tough to get through their courses on fellowships that range between Rs. 16,000 and Rs. 20,000 under the present rules.

Its not only about the money. Even appointments to many of India’s top research institutions are stalled for many months. The state is such, that Bharat Ratna recipient and renowned scientist Dr C N R Rao has sought PM Narendra Modi’s intervention in this regard. “For several months, there has been no head of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CISR). The appointment of heads of my own institution, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR), as well as of TIFR, is held up. I don’t know who it is in the PMO or the Cabinet who is insisting on a new procedure that is holding up appointments on technical grounds”  Dr Rao says.

The PMO also rejected the appointment of theoretical physicist Sandip Trivedi as the director of TIFR. Dr Rao claims that this rejection was done only on “technical grounds”. Dr Rao considers Trivedi to be a “very brilliant man” and “the best theoretical physicist in the country”. Even the students at TIFR are seen to be very much in favour of appointment of Trivedi as the Director of TIFR.

In another instance, one of India’s senior Nuclear scientists, Pashupati Rao landed in trouble due to an inadvertent “slip” from the PMO. Rao, who works at Nuclear Fuel Complex (NFC), run by the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) sent his suggestions to PM’s official portal , on streamlining the setting up of a new nuclear facility at Kota. The PMO then sent Rao’s suggestions to DAE, marking them as a “grievance, and also with the name and designation of the scientist, thus making his full identity known to his superiors. Now DAE has begun relentlessly asking for explanations from Rao and the latter desperately seeking to explain himself.

And in a recent development, Anil Kakodkar, IIT-Bombay Board of Governors chairman and nuclear scientist resigned from his post after a reported ‘disagreement’ with the Ministry of Human Resource Development. It is reported that Kakodkar resigned over a disagreement over the choice for a director for IIT Ropar, but he has not attributed any such reason to his resignation. Kakodkar says his term was due to finish in May, and hence he decided to resign a few months in advance.

The HRD ministry’s decision to trash the earlier selection process and recall all 37 candidates for interviews is considered by many in the search-cum-selection committee as interference and an attempt to get the ministry’s favourites short-listed. Oddly, HRD ministry now claims that Kakodkar has withdrawn his resignation.

Modi needs to urgently set the record straight in these institutions and allow them to work without any political interference.

No exams on Friday, Islamic symbol on question papers in Kerala


While the rules of most exams strictly prohibit students from drawing any religious or political symbols on their answer sheet, Kerala Government has gone one step ahead and done the needful themselves.

Kerala is ruled by the Congress led coalition of United Democratic Front, which also includes a Islamic party called Indian Union Muslim League (IUML). As reported by the TheNewsMinute, recently Kerala School Teachers Association (KSTA) accused the IUML of trying to influence the education system in Kerala. IUML’s PK Abdu Rabb is the Education minister of Kerala.

This allegation is based on the fact that the IUML’s electoral symbol was spotted on the Social Science paper of the State Board exams The four page question paper for the English medium students had the Muslim symbol of crescent moon and a star four times on the front and last page.

1 2

The tenth standard exams of Kerala have been so scheduled that Friday is always a holiday and no exam is conducted on that day. Is this a coincidence?

Mar 9MondayFirst language part I
Mar 10TuesdayFirst language part II
Mar 11WednesdaySecond language – English
Mar 12ThursdayThird Language/General knowledge
Mar 16MondaySocial Science
Mar 17TuesdayMathematics
Mar 18WednesdayPhysics
Mar 19ThursdayChemistry
Mar 21SaturdayBiology
Mar 23MondayInformation Technology (IT)

We also checked the official site of for some other exam time tables and found that even College exams had been scheduled such that no paper had to be answered on a Friday:


This demand of exams not interfering with Friday prayers was earlier raised by some Muslim groups in Kerala, and the state government has now joined them. Next target of these groups is to force CBSE to not have any exams on Friday.

It should be noted that fundamentalist voices and groups are increasingly getting active and powerful in Kerala; the most popular case being that of TJ Joseph, a professor of Malayalam whose hands were cut off at the wrist as punishment for alleged blasphemy.

Recently a lot of moral policing cases had been happening in the state, some of which are documented in this article. A couple received death threats from Muslim fundamentalists because the boy was Hindu who dared to marry a Muslim.

Amidst rising intolerance, if the state government bows to the demands of fundamentalists and appeases them in the name of secularism, it will only give rise to competitive communalism.

A Christian responds to a Christian who felt “he was a stranger in his own country”


Mr Julio Ribeiro was one of my few role models whom I held in high esteem. To see him cry the way he did in his letter in the Indian express, was a rude shock and surprise to me. As I began reading the article I thought there must be something that hurt this man very deeply, and I wanted to know the details, but as I continued reading I found no serious merit in his remark that “As a Christian, suddenly I am a stranger in my own country”

In his letter he said:

“there are those of the predominant Hindu faith who still remember my small contribution to the welfare of the country of our birth. During a recent trip to Rajgurunagar in the Khed taluka of Pune district to visit schools that my NGO, The Bombay Mothers and Children Welfare Society, had adopted, I stopped at Lonavla for idli and tea. A group of middle-aged Maharashtrians sitting on the next table recognised me and stopped to greet and talk. A Brahmin couple returning from Kuwait (as I later learnt) also came up to inquire if I was who I was and then took a photograph with me”

I was astounded after reading this. On the one hand he claims the average Indian, be it from the majority community, respects and adores a Christian like him, yet his conclusion from the entire article is that “he is a stranger in his own country”!

Further Mr Ribeiro said:

“The Indian army was headed by a Christian general, the navy more than once, and same with the air force. The country’s defence forces have countless men and women in uniform who are Christians”

This would lead to only one conclusion:  in spite of being such a small minority we could reach the top posts in the Indian Armed Forces! This only shows that merit alone matters and not religion! And this can’t be seen anywhere in the world including our “role models” like US and UK ! And still we curse our mother land and its inclusiveness!

He also said:

“Today, in my 86th year, I feel threatened, not wanted, reduced to a stranger in my own country.  The same category of citizens who had put their trust in me to rescue them from a force they could not comprehend have now come out of the woodwork to condemn me for practising a religion that is different from theirs. I am not an Indian anymore, at least in the eyes of the proponents of the Hindu Rashtra”

I tried hard to find evidence in his own article in support of this remark and conclusion,  but to no avail. I am surprised! what is going on? How can a man of his calibre conclude things with out first hand experience? How can he place reliance on (paid) media reports, of so called attacks? The same media which has lost all their credibility (at least after Radia tapes).  And the super cop of yesteryears is fully dependent on such storys to make so serious comments and draw conclusions as he did in his article!

Mr Ribeiro also remarks:

“ But the outburst of Mohan Bhagwat against Mother Teresa, an acknowledged saint — acknowledged by all communities and peoples — has put me back on the hit list. Even more so because BJP leaders, like Meenakshi Lekhi, chose to justify their chief’s remarks.”

What was the outburst of Mohan Bhagwat?  I learnt that he said “Mother Theresa intended to convert and service was the face of it”. Is this an “outburst”?  Even if there is,  the way to counter it, is to issue a counter statement and close the matter, because in democracy where freedom of expression is a fundamental right, if one disagrees with any statement it should be countered by another statement. There is no scope for hue and cry as if the heaven has fallen unless one has a hidden agenda. So Bhagwat’s statement need not have received the kind of reaction that it received unless there was a hidden agenda to polarise people by playing victim. More over in a democracy no one is above criticism, whether mother Theresa or Mahatma Gandhi.

Next, my “hero” chooses to wilfully mix diverse issues:

“Ghar wapsi”, the declaration of Christmas as “Good Governance Day”, the attack on Christian churches and schools in Delhi, all added to a sense of siege that now afflicts these peaceful people

‘Ghar wapsi’ is related to religious conversion and needs to be debated separately at length. A B Vajpayee’s birthday is celebrated as Good Governance Day, if it falls on Christmas day blame the creator, blaming the government is unfair. The next issue mentioned is “attack on Christian schools and churches in Delhi” – I have a serious objection here, after all what exactly is “attack on Christians”? How do you define “attack”?  Any case of robbery or theft becomes attack on community? Or is it a deliberate attempt to defame my mother land before the world community?

He then laments:

“What should I do? What can I do to restore my confidence? I was born in this country. So were my ancestors, some 5,000 or more years ago. If my DNA is tested, it will not differ markedly from Bhagwat’s. It will certainly be the same as the country’s defence minister’s as our ancestors arrived in Goa with the sage Parshuram at the same time. Perhaps we share a common ancestor somewhere down the line. It is an accident of history that my forefathers converted and his did not. I do not and never shall know the circumstances that made it so”

This is an important observation, he admits the same DNA but stops short of analysing why he is a Christian today and cleverly calls it “an accident”, because going into depth will expose him. It is true that not only his and defence minster’s but even my ancestors are same, though I have born in a place 350 km to the South of Goa. Here it was incumbent upon him to check what exactly made his ancestors embrace Christianity? ( And my ancestors to flee Goa) Is it love of God /Jesus Christ or the force or torture from criminal saint Francis Xavier and his cruel gang? An IPS officer can’t be so ignorant about his own history unless he deliberately chooses to do so! He ought to know the History of Inquisition and its horrifying impact on Indian society.

Then why did Mr Ribeiro conclude such dreary views of my mother land called  Bharat? Obviously to understand this one has to understand the depth and impact “religious teachings” have on young minds during their childhood, that even after serving the full term of eminent service in Indian bureaucracy, this “fear” of Christians being “unsafe” in this country remains unchanged deep in a corner of the sub conscious mind! Which lead to remarks of the kind we saw!

It is not for the first time that I am confronting a senior learned man from my own community, whom the entire society held in high respect. I have seen IPS officers who served with integrity during service but after retirement show these leanings to victimhood of Christians. One retired joint commissioner of Delhi police having roots in Mangalore outraging on a English channel during 2008 church attack made news. A retired high court judge, with whom I had to differ on his findings on the infamous so called Mangalore church attacks of 2008, was also an eminent jurist and known for integrity honesty and impartial judgements, but after retirement when it comes to analysing “church attacks” the prejudice of the indoctrinated minds was clearly visible! So how poisonous could have been the teachings at young age which have this life time impact on the minds!

It is not today I am seeing such utterances for the first time but observing since 1977, the year Congress lost power at the centre for the first time! We the Christians were never bothered when the whole country was fighting emergency,  but felt ‘very unsafe’ the moment Congress was thrown out of power! And we took to streets protesting and spreading panic! And it continued whenever Congress lost at centre, in 1989-90 during V P Singh rule at centre and Mulayam singh (today’s secular champions) at UP we took to street protesting ‘rape’ of nuns in UP  and shouted slogans condemning V P Singh and Mulayam! And so on & so forth to this day!

Robert Rosario , a social and political activist, Mangalore.

(The author had sent his letter to Indian Express, who had originally published Mr Ribeiro’s letter, but Indian Express refused to publish the response)

Is NDTV muzzling an honest officer who caught their Tax Fraud?


Corporate houses cheating on taxes is always a big ticket story for Indian Media. There was much brouhaha in the Media when a list of people holding Swiss Accounts was released. Although some of these accounts could have been legal, holding legal money, media went overboard with the coverage of this story, simply because Tax Frauds, Black Money etc help in getting TRPs. But Alas, NDTV’s own alleged tax fraud in connivance with Chidambaram has gone completely unreported. Is no media house aware of this? Is this some nuclear secret?

Luckily for us S Gurumurthy, a well-known Chartered Accountants and corporate advisor has laid bare NDTV’s crooked ways at blackmailing an Income Tax Officer who has detected the tax fraud. Here are his tweets:

The names of the 2 lady Income Tax officials are Sumana Sen and Ashima Neb. Sumana Sen’s husband Abhisar Sharma was employed with NDTV as a senior journalist, when Sen is alleged to have favoured NDTV in a Tax case, in exchange for a Rs 1 crore holiday.

In the tax assessment case of Abhisar Sharma, Rs 43 lacs was added to his Income in lieu of holiday expenses borne by NDTV, his employer. This, all-expenses-paid holiday is said to be the bribe given to Abhisar Sharma and his wife (Sumana Sen, who was the Income Tax Officer looking into NDTV case). The effect of this addition of Rs 43 lacs is that it proves Sumana Sen and Husband received undue benefits from NDTV. Now Sumana Sen has approached Supreme court with a PIL that Sanjay Srivastava (Income Tax Officer who nailed NDTV) is harassing her and hence The order of adding Rs 43 lacs to her and her husband’s Income should be quashed. If this addition is quashed, Sumana can claim she was never bribed.

If Gurumurthy’s comments are correct, this incident warrants an inquiry by the government.

We are sorry DK Ravi, honest people have to survive lots of issues in India


2009 batch IAS officer D K Ravi was found dead under mysterious circumstances at his Bengaluru residence on Monday evening. The 36 years old IAS officer was posted as a Deputy Commissioner in Kolar.  Ravi was well known in Kolar district for exposing land sand mafia, and he was hailed as a hero by people in Kolar for several stand-offs with local politicians.

It was reported that due to differences in Kolar, Ravi was transferred to Bangalore on 29 October 2014. In his tenure in the commercial taxes department, Ravi had collected more than Rs 100 crore in outstanding tax dues from the builders and had forced several top builders and jewelers in Bangalore to pay up dues.

Police Commissioner MN Reddi has told reporters that “Prima facie it appears to be a case of suicide.” However, it is also reported that no suicide note was found. Though Ravi had reportedly told his colleagues about threats from miscreants, he neither filed a police complaint nor sought protection.

It would be unfair to conclude whether it is a case of suicide or planned murder, but given the historical backgrounds and reputation of Ravi, we can’t deny a conspiracy here.

Sadly, this is not the first case in which an honest officer was first threatened and then he was found dead. It should not appall us if Ravi’s death, after political mudslinging, is forgotten in political corridors. In 2003, an IES officer Satyendra Dubey was shot in Bihar. The news ignited tremendous public outrage for some time, it was raised in Parliament, CBI was involved, but the big fishes managed to escape. In 2005, an IOCL officer Shanmugam Manjunath was murdered for sealing a corrupt petrol station in UP. The suspects in his murdered are convicted by the courts, but the condition in UP is not a secret to us.

The list of officers whose voices against corruption were crushed may never end, but we must try our best to show our disgust.