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Dawood Ibrahim could have been killed, but his friends in Congress saved him?

Gangster and terrorist Dawood Ibrahim is often reported to have close friends in Congress and NCP (Nationalist Congress Party), even though both the parties deny any such relationship.

Only last year, Deccan Chronicle reported that senior Congress leader Rajeev Shukla had met Dawood Ibrahim in Pakistan in 2004 i.e. after the Mumbai serial blasts orchestrated by him.

Dawood Ibrahim
Who is helping him?

Earlier Sushil Kumar Shinde, another senior Congress leader and Home Minister in the Manmohan Singh government, was accused by former Home Secretary RP Singh of helping a businessman close to Dawood.

NCP chief Sharad Pawar too has been accused of having links with Dawood Ibrahim, which he denies.

But the latest revelations are most shocking.

News channel IBN7 claims that the Indian intelligence agency RAW (Research & Analysis Wing), in association with security agencies of Israel like Mossad, had finalized a plan to kill Dawood Ibrahim, but the plan was aborted.

As per IBN7, even the date to kill Dawood was finalized – September 13, 2013.

The operation was to take place in Karachi in Pakistan, where Dawood is reported to be staying. Dawood’s daily movements were noted and analyzed and the group, called “Super Boys”, had even finalized the spot where Dawood would be killed.

Apparently, at least nine commandos had taken positions and were ready to kill the Enemy no. 1 of India, but minutes before they were to strike, someone ordered them to abort the operation.

The IBN7 report doesn’t clarify who made this phone call, but it is clear that the phone call was either made or directed by someone having top-level contacts and authority in the government of that time.

And it was UPA government at that time. So was Dawood saved thanks to his old friendships? We hope not!

Indian Muslim operating pro-ISIS Twitter account all set to play victim card

As expected, the Bangalore based Muslim executive, who was running a popular and influential ISIS-supporting Twitter account @ShamiWitness, has started the process of becoming a “victim” in the eyes of the unsuspecting public. had earlier predicted this possible course of action that could be taken by Mehdi Masroor Biswas, the Bangalore based executive who was outed a by British news channel.

Latest reports confirm that Mehdi is working on this plan, and this could have been suggested to him by his lawyers and “well-wishers”.

The Twitter Terrorist
The dual life of Mehdi – as an ISIS-supporting Islamist on Twitter (above) and as a common Indian man on Facebook (below).

Although he was arrested by Bangalore police earlier today, he used the time given to him in the last two days to talk to the Indian and international media to project his innocence – an increasingly reliable tool by Islamists in India.

As proof of his innocence, Mehdi has claimed that he didn’t operate the pro-ISIS Twitter account, even though he admitted doing that to the British news channel. He claims that he falsely told Channel 4, the British news channel that outed him, that he was the person who operated the @ShamiWitness Twitter account.

Mehdi claims that his email address was used to create the Twitter account and he was unaware of this.

First of all it is indeed strange that a person can use someone else’s email address to create a Twitter account and the other person is unaware. Twitter sends a mail to the email address before confirming the account.

However, assuming that even the email was hacked, there was no reason why he should accept being @ShamiWitness to Channel 4. He could have expressed shock and approached Bangalore Police’s Cyber Crime cell to lodge a complaint about his email account being hacked.

It is clear that Mehdi is trying to obfuscate facts so that he is given benefit of doubt by courts and activists. It is a standard operating procedure by Islamists where they use Media and Human Rights activists to obfuscate facts and conceal the truth.

It has also come to light that Mehdi originally belongs to West Bengal, where Islamists have increasingly become emboldened – first ignored by the Left Front government and now encouraged by the TMC government led by Mamata Banerjee.

Mehdi’s father has already set the ball rolling and is hoping that his son and his family are seen as victims.

“You know being Muslim, we are easily identified as terrorists,” Mehdi’s father told The Indian Express, adding “The days are so hard now. But I can tell you that my son is innocent and has done nothing wrong. If he has landed in trouble it is because some enemy is after him.” will not be surprised if Mamata Banerjee takes note of this statement and development and asks Kolkata police to safely bring Mehdi Masroor Biswas by taking over his custody from Bangalore police.

Times of India makes a Shia-Sunni riot appear like a Hindu-Muslim riot

BHOPAL: India’s leading newspaper The Times of India, which is hardly known for promoting factual and objective journalism, sunk to a new low when it tried to project a Shia-Sunni riot in Madhya Pradesh as a Hindu-Muslim riot.

Indian media is known to spin reports of communal violence in a way that Hindus always appear aggressors and oppressors, but now they are aiming to reach new levels by making Hindus appear aggressors and oppressors even when they are not involved in the violence.

Shia Sunni violence
A woman injured in the Shia-Sunni clashes in Bhopal. (Photo source: HT)

The Shia-Sunni violence took place in Bhopal yesterday when Sunni residents attacked Shia residents, who had recently moved in the area after buying land.

This report published in the Hindustan Times makes it clear that the fighting groups belonged to two sects of the same community, although it still doesn’t clarify which sect and which community. But the names of the victims give it away.

Now, look at this report published in The Times of India. It says “Sectarian violence erupted in the city with over 60 houses of a minority community torched by a mob on Thursday.”

The report then quotes people whose houses were torched and they obviously have Muslim names. But nowhere else in the report, it is made clear that the mob that torched the houses belonged to the same community.

In absence of such a clarification, the reader is forced to conclude that Muslims were attacked by Hindus. Many Congress supporters on Twitter were quick to share the Times of India report because it happened in a BJP ruled Madhya Pradesh.

Little did they realize that the Hindustan Times report blames a Congress leader for this violence.

In fact, when Congress supporters on Twitter were pointed out by people living in Bhopal that this was not a Hindu-Muslim violence, they rejected those claims as “propaganda” choosing to believe what Times of India misleadingly conveyed.

It was only after people shared the Hindustan Times report that the Congress supporters decided to drop the issue.

This clearly proves how media can twist facts and present a picture that is nowhere near reality. If Hindustan Times had also decided to follow this “politically correct” way of reporting, Hindus would have again been painted as aggressors and oppressors in an incident where they had no role to play.

Indian Man named ‘Mehdi Masroor’ found operating popular Twitter account supporting ISIS


BANGALORE: While the country was yet to come to terms with the fact that some Muslim youth from Maharashtra had gone to Syria to fight for the Islamic terrorist group ISIS, the latest reports confirm that yet another Indian Muslim youth was giving online support to the terrorist group.

Channel 4, a British news channel has revealed that @ShamiWitness – one of the most popular and followed ISIS-supporting account – was being run by an Indian Muslim youth living in Bangalore.

The youth – apparently named Mehdi Masroor Biswas – works as an executive in some Indian conglomerate and had been living a dual life.

On Facebook, where he would post as Mehdi, his real name, he will post updates about city life and pizzas he ate and other such daily life events, while on Twitter he would transform into a bloodthirsty Jehadi who wants the entire world to be ruled by the Caliph Abu Bakr Baghdadi, the head of ISIS.

This incident confirms the concerns raised by the Indian Home Minister Rajnath Singh earlier, where he had said that a part of young Indian Muslims were attracted towards extreme Jihadi ideologies.

While it’s not yet clear what the government of India will be doing to tackle the menace, many people fear that India is on its way to become another Britain, where extremist Islamic ideologies have found a home away from the Middle East and Pakistan.

This fear stems from the fact that left-liberal group in India remains sympathetic to the Islamists and are always looking to bail them out by blaming Hindu fundamentalist organizations. will not be surprised if Mehdi Masroor Biswas finds supporters among the left-liberal group in India if he claims that he was “pushed” towards ISIS because he was not happy with RSS and Narendra Modi. Maybe that’s what his lawyers are telling him to claim while Indian police looks out for him.

What kinds of people glorify someone like Nathuram Godse? Respected poets!

BJP MP Sakshi Maharaj had to apologize for calling Nathuram Godse a “nationalist”. He was merely mentioning the other aspect of Godse’s personality, not his act of murder of Gandhiji, yet he was painted as a villain.

While mainstream politicians should indeed keep away from issuing statements that can send confusing and dangerous signals, we need an objective debate around Godse after this incident.

Let it be clear that under no circumstances one can justify the act of Godse, where he fired bullets at Mahatma Gandhi and killed him.

You just can NOT kill someone unarmed and non-combative for his beliefs.

Nathuram Godse did that, and this act can’t be glorified.

However, if someone glorifies this act, should we assume that the person glorifying such act is a religious bigot with a violent streak?

Should a person glorifying Nathuram Godse be deemed as anti-social and the society should look down upon him?

If any liberal person in India is asked this question with respect to Godse, the answer would invariably be “Yes”.

But do we, the Indian society, especially the liberal Indian society, really look down upon people who glorify murderers killing non-combative people for their beliefs?

The following tweet caught our attention:

For those who didn’t get it, the tweet refers to Dr. Allama Iqbal, the famous Urdu poet who wrote “saare jahaan se achchha”.

Iqbal is well respected and celebrated among Indian liberal and secular circles.

And Iqbal glorified Ilm-ud-din, a Muslim fanatic who murdered a person called Rajpal in 1929.

Rajpal was a publisher who had published a book titled “Rangeela Rasool” which was deemed blasphemous by Muslims. Please note that Rajpal was not the writer, but the publisher; yet he was killed because Ilm-ud-din didn’t agree with the beliefs contained in the book.

Rajpal was unarmed and in non-combative position, just like Mahatma Gandhi, when he was killed.

Ilm-ud-din was awarded capital punishment by the British rulers in those days, just like Nathuram Godse was awarded the same punishment in Independent India.

But Allama Iqbal, and some other Muslim intellectuals of those times opposed this punishment. They were not even asking for mercy, but they claimed that what Ilm-ud-din did, a cold-blooded murder, was not a crime at all!

In fact, Iqbal glorified this act of cold-blooded murder. He, along with many other Muslim leaders and intellectuals of those days, attended the funeral of Ilm-ud-din, declaring him a great warrior and a martyr.

Allama Iqbal
Yes, a person having a favourable view about Nathuram Godse is as good or bad as Allama Iqbal.

It is like someone calling Nathuram Godse a warrior and martyr. Shameful, isn’t it?

But how does the Indian history and Indian liberal society view Iqbal?

Do our history books paint Iqbal as a religious bigot?

Forget painting his entire personality as that of a religious bigot, which would be unfair, does our history condemn Iqbal for this particular act where he glorified murdering an unarmed non-combative person for his assumed beliefs?

Obviously not! Iqbal is a very tall figure and this act hardly tarnishes his image in the eyes of Indian liberals.

So if Iqbal can be forgiven and his entire personality is not tarnished by this act, why should shame be sent towards those who view Nathuram Godse favourably?

Please note that many of those, who ask for an objective debate on Godse, DO NOT justify him murdering Gandhiji, but only ask for an objective debate on issues he had raised in his speech given in the courtroom. In contrast, Iqbal justified and glorifies the murder.

And yet, for Indian liberal society, Iqbal can be given respect while those asking for an objective debate on Godse have to be painted as villains and bigots.

Perhaps these double standards are what define Indian liberals. believes that while Nathuram Godse’s act of murder can never be justified, there is no harm in discussing his beliefs, which is about ideal Hindu response to aggression by other faiths.

Just like the entire persona of Iqbal can’t be dishonoured for his views towards Ilm-ud-din, an entire persona of those asking for an objective debate on Godse can’t be sullied and shamed either.

A person can have controversial views on some aspects. You can’t dismiss his entire character based on that one. And the same rule applies to people holding controversial views about Nathuram Godse.

BJP supporters on social media getting disillusioned with the party?

With Narendra Modi government being in power for over six months now, it appears that the online supporters of the party are getting restless and disappointed.

Many regular and committed supporters feel that the party leaders are hardly showing any respect or deference to their wishes and views.

The tipping point in this relationship happened last week when Defense Minister Manohar Parrikar attended a literature event on a day army camp was attacked in Jammu & Kashmir, leaving many soldiers dead.

Some angry tweets by BJP’s online supporters on the day Manohar Parrikar launched Rajdeep Sardesai’s book

What angered the supporters even more, that instead of paying respect to the martyred soldiers, Parrikar chose to launch a book by celeb TV journalist Rajdeep Sardesai.

It should be noted that Sardesai is well known for his dislike of Narendra Modi, which is why he is the pet peeve of most of the Narendra Modi supporters online.

Supporters call Sardesai a “news trader” – a term coined by Narendra Modi to refer to journalists who push political agendas instead of doing any real analysis. Sardesai became the icon of hatred for the supporters when he assaulted and abused a Narendra Modi supporter at Madison Square event in the USA a few weeks back.

However, it’s not only the “return of news traders” that is hurting the online supporters. Many of them believe that BJP is neither pushing the development nor the pro-Hindu agenda for which they voted the party to power.

Analysts believe that this could be a temporary anger that might go away because most BJP supporters have no option. BJP is the only pro-Hindu party and they will have to come back to support it sooner or later.

But some others warn that this could mean the dampening of spirit among supporters and it could demoralize them, which will hurt them in urban areas.

“BJP can’t afford that their online supporters lose steam, especially before Delhi assembly elections. Delhi is an urban area and digital discourse impacts public perception. If the party doesn’t take it seriously and tries to placate the restless supporters, it could hurt BJP and help AAP,” Ankit, a Delhi based trader and supporter of BJP told

Manusmriti could be horrible, but these left-liberal liars are more horrible

First thing first; there is nothing like a “left liberal”. A person who wants to control public means of production as well as public thoughts is anything but liberal. However, since these deluded people love to call themselves that, we are using the same term here.

This incident goes back to early this month when a fundamentalist Muslim man slapped model Gauhar Khan for wearing skimpy clothes. The man insisted that a Muslim woman shouldn’t wear such clothes as it was against Islam.

While there is no denying the fact that many groups with Hindu members, such as Khaps in Haryana, have similar regressive and conservative views about women, sky wouldn’t have fallen if these left-liberals had condemned the incident without drawing parallels with Hinduism.

But that is a liberal sin. They must criticize Hinduism even if the AC in their rooms stops working.

Joseph Goebbels
Liberals love to berate the Nazis, but Joseph Goebbels will be proud of the propaganda Indian liberals indulge in.

And this is what TRP seeking activist and pro-Naxal ideologue Kavita Krishnan did on Twitter here and here. In the process, she claimed that Hinduism was no better than Islam in treating women.

And as a “proof” of her claim, she shared link to a blog that apparently contained “gems of Manusmriti” where it advocated treating women as slaves and animals.

Not that I have great respect for Manusmriti (I never ever saw it anywhere), but I decided to check the blog and the claims made over there.

Fortunately, the blog gives a link to a webpage where Manusmriti shlokas with translations are uploaded. I say “fortunately”, because the accepted left-liberal tradition is to invent anything and just say “sources” without disclosing the source.

However, it didn’t turn out to be any different and better even though source was disclosed.

The blog claims that Manusmriti says: Killing of a woman, a Shudra or an atheist is not sinful. (Manu IX. 17 and V. 47, 147)”

Very bad. In fact, downright criminal! So I decided to check the link as the blog cited chapter number and verse number, and voila!

Chapter 9, Verse 17, according to the link given in the blog shared by Kavita Krishnan, says: “(When creating them) Manu allotted to women (a love of their) bed, (of their) seat and (of) ornament, impure desires, wrath, dishonesty, malice, and bad conduct.”

Chapter 5, Verse 47 says: “He who does not injure any (creature), attains without an fort what he thinks of, what he undertakes, and what he fixes his mind on.”

Chapter 5, Verse 147 says: “By a girl, by a young woman, or even by an aged one, nothing must be done independently, even in her own house.”

Well, well, well… where does it advocate killing women, shudras, and atheists? The blog proudly cites relevant verses, which doesn’t say even single thing about shudras or atheists, let alone about killing them!

Another verse cited in the blog claims “A wife, a son and a slave, they three are declared to have no property: the wealth which they earn is (acquired) for him to whom they belong. (Manu IX. 416)”

And this breaks all records. Why? Because Chapter 9 or Manusmriti has no Verse No. 416! It has only 336 verses.

Obviously, rest of those were invented by the left-liberals.

Not only these two incidents, almost the entire blog is similarly full of inaccuracies and fabrications, and our TRP seeking activist Kavita Krishnan thought it was gospel truth.

The point is not whether Manusmriti has some horrible shlokas. It might have. But the point is how these left-liberals lie through their teeth.

And not only they lie; they repeat the lie till it becomes the truth.

The blog itself says that the article was originally published elsewhere. So the lie was repeated, without checked for facts. Then the TRP seeking activist repeats it on Twitter and on TV. And the documentary making activist Anand Patwardhan repeats it in his articles and in his documentaries.


Patwardhan’s lies were also caught (see the above tweet) but since these are left-liberal lies, it didn’t make news.

The agenda is to repeat the lies, and be confident that your deceit will not be called out. This is textbook following of Joseph Goebbels, the Propaganda Minister of Hitler, where you distort and fabricate things, and then repeat it till people start believing it to be true.

Maybe, instead of liberals, they should be called Lieberals or Liberalazi.

News and current affairs website launched


“Oh no, not another!” could be your first reaction, but believe us it’s worth it.

New media, especially the digital media, is breaking the old myths and hold of the traditional media and it’s natural that many players will move in, since the entry barrier is low.

However, it’s not only the cost of running a website that will determine who will stay in the long run. It is also about who is going to fill that vacuum created by the old media.

And that vacuum is a vacuum of ideas, and a vacuum created by lack of representation of alternate voices.

As ironical as it may sound, the old and traditional media in India, which prides itself to be liberal, has monopolized the discourse and imposed its own ideas of political correctness (mostly leftist worldview) on everyone and denied space to others.

The relics of the old media still romanticize the good old days and want the new media to toe the same line. But is out to end that romanticism.

This website will give importance to alternate discourse and right-liberal ideas – voices that the old mainstream media always treated as anathema and actively suppressed. This website will not seek recognition and acceptance from the old lot. We are here to break the monopoly.

By the way, “opindia” was a term used by a group of Anonymous hackers to mean “Operation India” where they claimed to attack the establishment. This website is in no way related to that group or their objectives.

We use “OpIndia” as a shortened form of “Opinions (from) India” and our main mission is to attack the establishment of the old media, not necessarily the government of the day.

We at hope to get support from you in this endeavour. We know we will be loved and we will be hated. And that’s what we want. Love us, hate us, but don’t ignore us!