Sunday, September 22, 2024
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News and current affairs website launched


“Oh no, not another!” could be your first reaction, but believe us it’s worth it.

New media, especially the digital media, is breaking the old myths and hold of the traditional media and it’s natural that many players will move in, since the entry barrier is low.

However, it’s not only the cost of running a website that will determine who will stay in the long run. It is also about who is going to fill that vacuum created by the old media.

And that vacuum is a vacuum of ideas, and a vacuum created by lack of representation of alternate voices.

As ironical as it may sound, the old and traditional media in India, which prides itself to be liberal, has monopolized the discourse and imposed its own ideas of political correctness (mostly leftist worldview) on everyone and denied space to others.

The relics of the old media still romanticize the good old days and want the new media to toe the same line. But is out to end that romanticism.

This website will give importance to alternate discourse and right-liberal ideas – voices that the old mainstream media always treated as anathema and actively suppressed. This website will not seek recognition and acceptance from the old lot. We are here to break the monopoly.

By the way, “opindia” was a term used by a group of Anonymous hackers to mean “Operation India” where they claimed to attack the establishment. This website is in no way related to that group or their objectives.

We use “OpIndia” as a shortened form of “Opinions (from) India” and our main mission is to attack the establishment of the old media, not necessarily the government of the day.

We at hope to get support from you in this endeavour. We know we will be loved and we will be hated. And that’s what we want. Love us, hate us, but don’t ignore us!