Thursday, September 19, 2024

Editor's picks

Christian Evangelism and The Joshua Project: An existential threat to Hinduism

The Indian government needs to do something urgently to put an end to the menace of Christian evangelism and safeguard the nation from the perils of demographic instability.

More loyal than the King’s courtier: Pallavi Ghosh acts as Rahul Gandhi’s faithful emissary

Pallavi Ghosh has earlier quite a few times answered curious questions on behalf of Rahul Gandhi and Congress.

‘Liberals’ love to cajole the knife wielding thief, while mocking the ones who save their sorry tuchus

Today, Economic Times published an editorial cartoon strip by R Prasad that did just that. Defy decency and reason to pander to this well-entrenched cabal.

BBC makes it clear, controversial poster held by Twitter CEO was about Brahmins and about defaming Brahmins

(BBC) which recently released a shoddy research branding Nationalists as the driving force behind fake news only to later retract the generalisation slyly, has come up with a cartoon that incites further hate against Brahmins.

Viral video shows Congress leader saying Narendra Modi is from lower caste, can’t talk about Hinduism

C P Joshi said only Pandits and Brahmins know about Hinduism and others should not talk about it

Media spreads half truth on the Prajapati encounter case so that Rahul Gandhi can spread whole lies

Sandeep Tamgadge, the chief investigating officer in the 2006 Tulsiram Prajapati encounter case, has named BJP president Amit Shah as “principal conspirators”

Arvind Kejriwal defends Somnath Bharti after he asked journalist to become a prostitute

Instead of condemning Bharti's behaviour, Kejriwal decided to deflect the issue and brazen it out

For whom the bells troll are the unapologetic voice of a people who’ve fought hard to be heard

The discipline of copying the template is followed all the way from the top. Remember people, everyone has a boss. Even the Clown Prince.

This is how IndiaSpend’s faulty ‘hate tracker’ and Kamal Nath’s statements are related

The prime narrative the party adopts is creating a fear psychosis amongst the minority community

BBC’s choice of fact-checkers and its reliance on accreditation by IFCN reveals extensive bias in its Fake News research

The BBC must come out clean and admit that it's research on Fake News on does not adhere to academic standards and issue an unconditional apology.

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