Sunday, September 8, 2024


Top Lies spread by the Indian Media in April 2015

With 18 Lies, MSM has outdone itself for the month of April

How Scroll and Firstpost falsely blamed Modi for acts of an NGO

Blatant lies being used to manufacture stories against Narendra Modi.

Indian Express works overtime, produces 2 propaganda based articles in a single day

Indian Express does it again, that too twice on the same day!

India Today connects a Facebook cleansing activity to Modi’s “unpopularity”

Another Hit-Job by India Today exposed. They deliberately ignored Facebook's official communication to spin a lie.

Is BJP replacing Newton in textbooks, or is Indian Express replacing truth with agenda?

Is education being saffronized or is truth being obfuscated?

The whole truth on Gandhi Jayanti Holiday

Gandhi Jayanti has ben only partially rolled back as a Holiday.

When an “Aam Aadmi” exposed a journalist called Mihir Sharma

It took an aam aadmi to bring out the truth behind integration of services, which was being dismissed by the journalist.

The Rohtak “Bravehearts” and the truth Media ignored

The Rohtak Bravehearts Case and how media and society handle it

Open Reply to @BhupendraChaube’s reply

A reply to Mr Bhupendra Chaubey's reply

The Indian Express HSBC #SwissLeaks list, More sensationalism less substance?

What does the Indian Express list say and how many of the people named could actually be criminals?

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