Sunday, September 8, 2024


Don’t ban “India’s Daughter” for its content, but do question it

The documentary doesn't deserve to be banned for its content, but the content deserves serious questioning.

Avijit Roy hacked to death by Islamic Fundamentalists – Je Suis Hypocrite

A revealing view on how India "Liberals" have been hypocritical in their criticism of the murder of Avijit Roy

When a technical glitch on PMO website was sensationalized as ‘Blow to Transparency’

Even after knowing that it was a technical glitch causing the webpage to become inaccessible, Times of India decided to report it differently.

Why #CorporateEspionage leaks the real agendas of some

Different reactions, the #CorporateEspionage case has evoked

Sagarika Ghose & Amartya Sen: The Interview That Wasn’t

Sagarika Ghose has recently interviewed Amartya Sen. The questions are the same, but answers are replaced to make some sense out of the interview

The Rohtak “Bravehearts” and the truth Media ignored

The Rohtak Bravehearts Case and how media and society handle it

BuzzFeed India editor will continue to provoke the “ugly” and play victim, this is why

It is the favorite game of "liberals" to provoke and play victim, because there is an army of "intellectuals" to defend them.

How media calculated the figure of Rs 10 lakh for Modi suit without caring for facts

Modi's suit: From London to Ahmedabad, from Rs 10 lakhs to a paltry Rs 80,000. But Media chose to believe only one figure.

Delhi Secretariat Media Ban – Is Rajdeep Sardesai just an AAP enthusiast?

Is Rajdeep Sardesai more than just an AAP sympathiser?

Open Reply to @BhupendraChaube’s reply

A reply to Mr Bhupendra Chaubey's reply

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