Friday, September 20, 2024

News Reports

Anti-Modi cop Sanjiv Bhatt caught spreading Anti-India propaganda on Twitter

Sanjiv Bhatt made absolutely false claim about an image, which is now being used for anti-India and anti-Army propaganda.

Media indulges in malicious reporting of Parrikar’s speech on Aamir Khan

Something which was never said has been imagined by a certain media house

Is Kejriwal sparking “no-mobile” controversy because he was ignored in the Inter-State council meet?

4 days after being completely sidelined in the event, Arvind Kejriwal has ignited a fresh controversy.

Cobrapost uses a 5 year old video to demonize Indian Army in Kashmir

A shameless attempt to communalise the atmosphere and incite violence

Ads of Delhi Government all over India, are they legal?

How long before AAP is pulled up yet again for violating Government Advertisement norms?

Media and “Intellectuals” sympathise with Terrorist Wani, Social media rebukes

Some apologists of terror still present in mainstream India

Cabinet reshuffle: How the media got it completely wrong

Parrots or even Tarots maybe better predictors than Indian MSM

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