Friday, September 20, 2024

News Reports

Has Twitter given away entire Jammu & Kashmir to China and Pakistan?

The website was not giving the option of India at all when users searched for Jammu or Kashmir.

Headley names Ishrat Jahan, but will India’s “secular” brigade accept?

The truth about Ishrat Jahan is out, but some still dont want to see it

In ‘intolerant’ India, open support to terrorists from educated Indians

Anti-National activities on the rise in India - JNU and Kashmir

World Culture Festival to be organised by Sri Sri’s Art of Living

A grand international event on world peace

Top Lies spread by Indian Media in January 2016

Big Lies: 1. Multiple media houses: Arunachal Governor cites 'Cowslaughter' as the reason of President's rule Reports such as the above have been circulating in many media...

Rajdeep Sardesai should do “better research” says HRD Minister Smriti Irani

Smriti Irani catches Rajdeep Sardesai's spin

Why the “right to pray” debate is stupid and lacks nuanced understanding of the issue

An obtuse argument has been floated in the name of Right to Pray.

Hitjob on Gen V K Singh: He did not touch Amit Shah’s feet

Not just media, even social media can be a fertile place for hitjobs.

Man arrested for writing facebook post on Tipu Sultan. Freedom of Expression not discussed

Man arrested for a facebook post against Tipu Sultan; Media doesn't care about him

Why you must watch Airlift

A story which every Indian must know

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