Friday, September 20, 2024

News Reports

Hitjob on Gen V K Singh: He did not touch Amit Shah’s feet

Not just media, even social media can be a fertile place for hitjobs.

Man arrested for writing facebook post on Tipu Sultan. Freedom of Expression not discussed

Man arrested for a facebook post against Tipu Sultan; Media doesn't care about him

Why you must watch Airlift

A story which every Indian must know

Shramdaan Team magnifies Swachh Bharat campaign to more than 100 cities this time

Shramdaan India team goes across different corners of India; makes the Clean India mission larger than previous time

Is Nehru’s ‘Bose is a War Criminal” letter fake? – what the Declassified documents say

Even though it's part of declassified files, Congress claims the letter is fake.

Rohith’s father blows the lid over his caste, says his son was “murdered”, attacks vulture politics

Massive twist to Rohit Vemula "Dalit" "Suicide" case as the father speaks up on various issues

All you need to know about StartUp India: Opportunities and Concerns

StartUp India, an ambitious move in the right direction

Rahul Gandhi’s comeback: Fail speech and inconvenience to Mumbaikars

Rahul Gandhi inconveniences Mumbaikars on his comeback

Our apologists made a romantic hero out of a cold-blooded terrorist, yet again

Masood Azhar finds sympathizers and apologists in India.

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